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- /*
- *
- * Alchemy Semi Au1000 pcmcia driver
- *
- * Copyright 2001 MontaVista Software Inc.
- * Author: MontaVista Software, Inc.
- * ppopov@mvista.com or source@mvista.com
- *
- * ########################################################################
- *
- * This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 2) as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- * for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * ########################################################################
- *
- *
- */
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/tqueue.h>
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #include <pcmcia/version.h>
- #include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
- #include <pcmcia/cs.h>
- #include <pcmcia/ss.h>
- #include <pcmcia/bulkmem.h>
- #include <pcmcia/cistpl.h>
- #include <pcmcia/bus_ops.h>
- #include "cs_internal.h"
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/au1000.h>
- #include <asm/au1000_pcmcia.h>
- static int pc_debug;
- #endif
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Pete Popov, MontaVista Software <ppopov@mvista.com>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Linux PCMCIA Card Services: Au1x00 Socket Controller");
- #define MAP_SIZE 0x1000000
- /* This structure maintains housekeeping state for each socket, such
- * as the last known values of the card detect pins, or the Card Services
- * callback value associated with the socket:
- */
- static struct au1000_pcmcia_socket *pcmcia_socket;
- static int socket_count;
- /* Returned by the low-level PCMCIA interface: */
- static struct pcmcia_low_level *pcmcia_low_level;
- /* Event poll timer structure */
- static struct timer_list poll_timer;
- /* Prototypes for routines which are used internally: */
- static int au1000_pcmcia_driver_init(void);
- static void au1000_pcmcia_driver_shutdown(void);
- static void au1000_pcmcia_task_handler(void *data);
- static void au1000_pcmcia_poll_event(unsigned long data);
- static void au1000_pcmcia_interrupt(int irq, void *dev, struct pt_regs *regs);
- static struct tq_struct au1000_pcmcia_task;
- static int au1000_pcmcia_proc_status(char *buf, char **start,
- off_t pos, int count, int *eof, void *data);
- #endif
- /* Prototypes for operations which are exported to the
- * new-and-impr^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H in-kernel PCMCIA core:
- */
- static int au1000_pcmcia_init(u32 sock);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_suspend(u32 sock);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_register_callback(u32 sock,
- void (*handler)(void *, u32), void *info);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_inquire_socket(u32 sock, socket_cap_t *cap);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_get_status(u32 sock, u_int *value);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_get_socket(u32 sock, socket_state_t *state);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_set_socket(u32 sock, socket_state_t *state);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_get_io_map(u32 sock, struct pccard_io_map *io);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_set_io_map(u32 sock, struct pccard_io_map *io);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_get_mem_map(u32 sock, struct pccard_mem_map *mem);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_set_mem_map(u32 sock, struct pccard_mem_map *mem);
- static void au1000_pcmcia_proc_setup(u32 sock, struct proc_dir_entry *base);
- #endif
- static struct pccard_operations au1000_pcmcia_operations = {
- au1000_pcmcia_init,
- au1000_pcmcia_suspend,
- au1000_pcmcia_register_callback,
- au1000_pcmcia_inquire_socket,
- au1000_pcmcia_get_status,
- au1000_pcmcia_get_socket,
- au1000_pcmcia_set_socket,
- au1000_pcmcia_get_io_map,
- au1000_pcmcia_set_io_map,
- au1000_pcmcia_get_mem_map,
- au1000_pcmcia_set_mem_map,
- au1000_pcmcia_proc_setup
- #endif
- };
- static int __init au1000_pcmcia_driver_init(void)
- {
- servinfo_t info;
- struct pcmcia_init pcmcia_init;
- struct pcmcia_state state;
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned long timing3;
- printk("nAu1x00 PCMCIA (CS release %s)n", CS_RELEASE);
- printk(KERN_ERR "Au1x00 PCMCIA 36 bit IO support not enabledn");
- return -1;
- #endif
- CardServices(GetCardServicesInfo, &info);
- if(info.Revision!=CS_RELEASE_CODE){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Card Services release codes do not matchn");
- return -1;
- }
- #if defined(CONFIG_MIPS_PB1000) || defined(CONFIG_MIPS_PB1100) || defined(CONFIG_MIPS_PB1500)
- pcmcia_low_level=&pb1x00_pcmcia_ops;
- #else
- #error Unsupported AU1000 board.
- #endif
- pcmcia_init.handler=au1000_pcmcia_interrupt;
- if((socket_count=pcmcia_low_level->init(&pcmcia_init))<0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to initialize PCMCIA service.n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* NOTE: the chip select must already be setup */
- pcmcia_socket =
- kmalloc(sizeof(struct au1000_pcmcia_socket) * socket_count,
- if (!pcmcia_socket) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Card Services can't get memory n");
- return -1;
- }
- memset(pcmcia_socket, 0,
- sizeof(struct au1000_pcmcia_socket) * socket_count);
- /*
- * Assuming max of 2 sockets, which the Au1000 supports.
- * WARNING: the Pb1000 has two sockets, and both work, but you
- * can't use them both at the same time due to glue logic conflicts.
- */
- for(i=0; i < socket_count; i++) {
- if(pcmcia_low_level->socket_state(i, &state)<0){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to get PCMCIA statusn");
- return -EIO;
- }
- pcmcia_socket[i].k_state=state;
- pcmcia_socket[i].cs_state.csc_mask=SS_DETECT;
- if (i == 0) {
- pcmcia_socket[i].virt_io =
- (u32)ioremap((ioaddr_t)0xF00000000, 0x1000);
- pcmcia_socket[i].phys_attr = (memaddr_t)0xF40000000;
- pcmcia_socket[i].phys_mem = (memaddr_t)0xF80000000;
- }
- else {
- pcmcia_socket[i].virt_io =
- (u32)ioremap((ioaddr_t)0xF08000000, 0x1000);
- pcmcia_socket[i].phys_attr = (memaddr_t)0xF48000000;
- pcmcia_socket[i].phys_mem = (memaddr_t)0xF88000000;
- }
- }
- /* Only advertise as many sockets as we can detect: */
- if(register_ss_entry(socket_count, &au1000_pcmcia_operations)<0){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to register socket service routinen");
- return -ENXIO;
- }
- /* Start the event poll timer.
- * It will reschedule by itself afterwards.
- */
- au1000_pcmcia_poll_event(0);
- DEBUG(1, "au1000: initialization completen");
- return 0;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_driver_init() */
- module_init(au1000_pcmcia_driver_init);
- static void __exit au1000_pcmcia_driver_shutdown(void)
- {
- int i;
- del_timer_sync(&poll_timer);
- unregister_ss_entry(&au1000_pcmcia_operations);
- pcmcia_low_level->shutdown();
- flush_scheduled_tasks();
- for(i=0; i < socket_count; i++) {
- if (pcmcia_socket[i].virt_io)
- iounmap((void *)pcmcia_socket[i].virt_io);
- }
- DEBUG(1, "au1000: shutdown completen");
- }
- module_exit(au1000_pcmcia_driver_shutdown);
- static int au1000_pcmcia_init(unsigned int sock) { return 0; }
- static int au1000_pcmcia_suspend(unsigned int sock)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static inline unsigned
- au1000_pcmcia_events(struct pcmcia_state *state,
- struct pcmcia_state *prev_state,
- unsigned int mask, unsigned int flags)
- {
- unsigned int events=0;
- if(state->detect!=prev_state->detect){
- DEBUG(2, "%s(): card detect value %un",
- __FUNCTION__, state->detect);
- events |= mask&SS_DETECT;
- }
- if(state->ready!=prev_state->ready){
- DEBUG(2, "%s(): card ready value %un",
- __FUNCTION__, state->ready);
- events |= mask&((flags&SS_IOCARD)?0:SS_READY);
- }
- *prev_state=*state;
- return events;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_events() */
- /*
- * Au1000_pcmcia_task_handler()
- * Processes socket events.
- */
- static void au1000_pcmcia_task_handler(void *data)
- {
- struct pcmcia_state state;
- int i, events, irq_status;
- for(i=0; i<socket_count; i++) {
- if((irq_status = pcmcia_low_level->socket_state(i, &state))<0)
- printk(KERN_ERR "low-level PCMCIA errorn");
- events = au1000_pcmcia_events(&state,
- &pcmcia_socket[i].k_state,
- pcmcia_socket[i].cs_state.csc_mask,
- pcmcia_socket[i].cs_state.flags);
- if(pcmcia_socket[i].handler!=NULL) {
- pcmcia_socket[i].handler(pcmcia_socket[i].handler_info,
- events);
- }
- }
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_task_handler() */
- static struct tq_struct au1000_pcmcia_task = {
- routine: au1000_pcmcia_task_handler
- };
- static void au1000_pcmcia_poll_event(unsigned long dummy)
- {
- poll_timer.function = au1000_pcmcia_poll_event;
- poll_timer.expires = jiffies + AU1000_PCMCIA_POLL_PERIOD;
- add_timer(&poll_timer);
- schedule_task(&au1000_pcmcia_task);
- }
- /*
- * au1000_pcmcia_interrupt()
- * The actual interrupt work is performed by au1000_pcmcia_task(),
- * because the Card Services event handling code performs scheduling
- * operations which cannot be executed from within an interrupt context.
- */
- static void
- au1000_pcmcia_interrupt(int irq, void *dev, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- schedule_task(&au1000_pcmcia_task);
- }
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_register_callback(unsigned int sock,
- void (*handler)(void *, unsigned int), void *info)
- {
- if(handler==NULL){
- pcmcia_socket[sock].handler=NULL;
- } else {
- pcmcia_socket[sock].handler=handler;
- pcmcia_socket[sock].handler_info=info;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* au1000_pcmcia_inquire_socket()
- *
- * From the sa1100 socket driver :
- *
- * Implements the inquire_socket() operation for the in-kernel PCMCIA
- * service (formerly SS_InquireSocket in Card Services). We set
- * SS_CAP_STATIC_MAP, which disables the memory resource database check.
- * (Mapped memory is set up within the socket driver itself.)
- *
- * In conjunction with the STATIC_MAP capability is a new field,
- * `io_offset', recommended by David Hinds. Rather than go through
- * the SetIOMap interface (which is not quite suited for communicating
- * window locations up from the socket driver), we just pass up
- * an offset which is applied to client-requested base I/O addresses
- * in alloc_io_space().
- *
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 if no pin has been configured for `sock'
- */
- static int au1000_pcmcia_inquire_socket(unsigned int sock, socket_cap_t *cap)
- {
- struct pcmcia_irq_info irq_info;
- if(sock > socket_count){
- printk(KERN_ERR "au1000: socket %u not configuredn", sock);
- return -1;
- }
- /* from the sa1100_generic driver: */
- /* SS_CAP_PAGE_REGS: used by setup_cis_mem() in cistpl.c to set the
- * force_low argument to validate_mem() in rsrc_mgr.c -- since in
- * general, the mapped * addresses of the PCMCIA memory regions
- * will not be within 0xffff, setting force_low would be
- * undesirable.
- *
- * SS_CAP_STATIC_MAP: don't bother with the (user-configured) memory
- * resource database; we instead pass up physical address ranges
- * and allow other parts of Card Services to deal with remapping.
- *
- * SS_CAP_PCCARD: we can deal with 16-bit PCMCIA & CF cards, but
- * not 32-bit CardBus devices.
- */
- irq_info.sock=sock;
- irq_info.irq=-1;
- if(pcmcia_low_level->get_irq_info(&irq_info)<0){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Error obtaining IRQ info socket %un", sock);
- return -1;
- }
- cap->irq_mask=0;
- cap->map_size=MAP_SIZE;
- cap->pci_irq=irq_info.irq;
- cap->io_offset=pcmcia_socket[sock].virt_io;
- return 0;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_inquire_socket() */
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_get_status(unsigned int sock, unsigned int *status)
- {
- struct pcmcia_state state;
- if((pcmcia_low_level->socket_state(sock, &state))<0){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to get PCMCIA status from kernel.n");
- return -1;
- }
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state = state;
- *status = state.detect?SS_DETECT:0;
- *status |= state.ready?SS_READY:0;
- *status |= pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.Vcc?SS_POWERON:0;
- if(pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_IOCARD)
- *status |= state.bvd1?SS_STSCHG:0;
- else {
- if(state.bvd1==0)
- *status |= SS_BATDEAD;
- else if(state.bvd2 == 0)
- *status |= SS_BATWARN;
- }
- *status|=state.vs_3v?SS_3VCARD:0;
- *status|=state.vs_Xv?SS_XVCARD:0;
- DEBUG(2, "tstatus: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sn",
- (*status&SS_DETECT)?"DETECT ":"",
- (*status&SS_READY)?"READY ":"",
- (*status&SS_BATDEAD)?"BATDEAD ":"",
- (*status&SS_BATWARN)?"BATWARN ":"",
- (*status&SS_POWERON)?"POWERON ":"",
- (*status&SS_STSCHG)?"STSCHG ":"",
- (*status&SS_3VCARD)?"3VCARD ":"",
- (*status&SS_XVCARD)?"XVCARD ":"");
- return 0;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_get_status() */
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_get_socket(unsigned int sock, socket_state_t *state)
- {
- *state = pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_set_socket(unsigned int sock, socket_state_t *state)
- {
- struct pcmcia_configure configure;
- DEBUG(2, "tmask: %s%s%s%s%s%sntflags: %s%s%s%s%s%sn"
- "tVcc %d Vpp %d irq %dn",
- (state->csc_mask==0)?"<NONE>":"",
- (state->csc_mask&SS_DETECT)?"DETECT ":"",
- (state->csc_mask&SS_READY)?"READY ":"",
- (state->csc_mask&SS_BATDEAD)?"BATDEAD ":"",
- (state->csc_mask&SS_BATWARN)?"BATWARN ":"",
- (state->csc_mask&SS_STSCHG)?"STSCHG ":"",
- (state->flags==0)?"<NONE>":"",
- (state->flags&SS_PWR_AUTO)?"PWR_AUTO ":"",
- (state->flags&SS_IOCARD)?"IOCARD ":"",
- (state->flags&SS_RESET)?"RESET ":"",
- (state->flags&SS_SPKR_ENA)?"SPKR_ENA ":"",
- (state->flags&SS_OUTPUT_ENA)?"OUTPUT_ENA ":"",
- state->Vcc, state->Vpp, state->io_irq);
- configure.sock=sock;
- configure.vcc=state->Vcc;
- configure.vpp=state->Vpp;
- configure.output=(state->flags&SS_OUTPUT_ENA)?1:0;
- configure.speaker=(state->flags&SS_SPKR_ENA)?1:0;
- configure.reset=(state->flags&SS_RESET)?1:0;
- if(pcmcia_low_level->configure_socket(&configure)<0){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to configure socket %un", sock);
- return -1;
- }
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state = *state;
- return 0;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_set_socket() */
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_get_io_map(unsigned int sock, struct pccard_io_map *map)
- {
- DEBUG(1, "au1000_pcmcia_get_io_map: sock %dn", sock);
- if(map->map>=MAX_IO_WIN){
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): map (%d) out of rangen",
- __FUNCTION__, map->map);
- return -1;
- }
- *map=pcmcia_socket[sock].io_map[map->map];
- return 0;
- }
- int
- au1000_pcmcia_set_io_map(unsigned int sock, struct pccard_io_map *map)
- {
- unsigned int speed;
- unsigned long start;
- if(map->map>=MAX_IO_WIN){
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): map (%d) out of rangen",
- __FUNCTION__, map->map);
- return -1;
- }
- if(map->flags&MAP_ACTIVE){
- speed=(map->speed>0)?map->speed:AU1000_PCMCIA_IO_SPEED;
- pcmcia_socket[sock].speed_io=speed;
- }
- start=map->start;
- if(map->stop==1) {
- map->stop=PAGE_SIZE-1;
- }
- map->start=pcmcia_socket[sock].virt_io;
- map->stop=map->start+(map->stop-start);
- pcmcia_socket[sock].io_map[map->map]=*map;
- DEBUG(3, "set_io_map %d start %x stop %xn",
- map->map, map->start, map->stop);
- return 0;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_set_io_map() */
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_get_mem_map(unsigned int sock, struct pccard_mem_map *map)
- {
- if(map->map>=MAX_WIN) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): map (%d) out of rangen",
- __FUNCTION__, map->map);
- return -1;
- }
- *map=pcmcia_socket[sock].mem_map[map->map];
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_set_mem_map(unsigned int sock, struct pccard_mem_map *map)
- {
- unsigned int speed;
- unsigned long start;
- u_long flags;
- if(map->map>=MAX_WIN){
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): map (%d) out of rangen",
- __FUNCTION__, map->map);
- return -1;
- }
- if(map->flags&MAP_ACTIVE){
- speed=(map->speed>0)?map->speed:AU1000_PCMCIA_MEM_SPEED;
- /* TBD */
- if(map->flags&MAP_ATTRIB){
- pcmcia_socket[sock].speed_attr=speed;
- }
- else {
- pcmcia_socket[sock].speed_mem=speed;
- }
- }
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- start=map->sys_start;
- if(map->sys_stop==0)
- map->sys_stop=MAP_SIZE-1;
- if (map->flags & MAP_ATTRIB) {
- map->sys_start = pcmcia_socket[sock].phys_attr +
- map->card_start;
- }
- else {
- map->sys_start = pcmcia_socket[sock].phys_mem +
- map->card_start;
- }
- map->sys_stop=map->sys_start+(map->sys_stop-start);
- pcmcia_socket[sock].mem_map[map->map]=*map;
- restore_flags(flags);
- DEBUG(3, "set_mem_map %d start %x stop %x card_start %xn",
- map->map, map->sys_start, map->sys_stop,
- map->card_start);
- return 0;
- } /* au1000_pcmcia_set_mem_map() */
- #if defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
- static void
- au1000_pcmcia_proc_setup(unsigned int sock, struct proc_dir_entry *base)
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
- if((entry=create_proc_entry("status", 0, base))==NULL){
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to install "status" procfs entryn");
- return;
- }
- entry->read_proc=au1000_pcmcia_proc_status;
- entry->data=(void *)sock;
- }
- /* au1000_pcmcia_proc_status()
- * Implements the /proc/bus/pccard/??/status file.
- *
- * Returns: the number of characters added to the buffer
- */
- static int
- au1000_pcmcia_proc_status(char *buf, char **start, off_t pos,
- int count, int *eof, void *data)
- {
- char *p=buf;
- unsigned int sock=(unsigned int)data;
- p+=sprintf(p, "k_flags : %s%s%s%s%s%s%sn",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.detect?"detect ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.ready?"ready ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.bvd1?"bvd1 ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.bvd2?"bvd2 ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.wrprot?"wrprot ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.vs_3v?"vs_3v ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.vs_Xv?"vs_Xv ":"");
- p+=sprintf(p, "status : %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sn",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.detect?"SS_DETECT ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.ready?"SS_READY ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.Vcc?"SS_POWERON ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_IOCARD?
- "SS_IOCARD ":"",
- (pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_IOCARD &&
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.bvd1)?"SS_STSCHG ":"",
- ((pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_IOCARD)==0 &&
- (pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.bvd1==0))?"SS_BATDEAD ":"",
- ((pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_IOCARD)==0 &&
- (pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.bvd2==0))?"SS_BATWARN ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.vs_3v?"SS_3VCARD ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].k_state.vs_Xv?"SS_XVCARD ":"");
- p+=sprintf(p, "mask : %s%s%s%s%sn",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.csc_mask&SS_DETECT?
- "SS_DETECT ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.csc_mask&SS_READY?
- "SS_READY ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.csc_mask&SS_BATDEAD?
- "SS_BATDEAD ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.csc_mask&SS_BATWARN?
- "SS_BATWARN ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.csc_mask&SS_STSCHG?
- "SS_STSCHG ":"");
- p+=sprintf(p, "cs_flags : %s%s%s%s%sn",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_PWR_AUTO?
- "SS_PWR_AUTO ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_IOCARD?
- "SS_IOCARD ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_RESET?
- "SS_RESET ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_SPKR_ENA?
- "SS_SPKR_ENA ":"",
- pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.flags&SS_OUTPUT_ENA?
- "SS_OUTPUT_ENA ":"");
- p+=sprintf(p, "Vcc : %dn", pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.Vcc);
- p+=sprintf(p, "Vpp : %dn", pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.Vpp);
- p+=sprintf(p, "irq : %dn", pcmcia_socket[sock].cs_state.io_irq);
- p+=sprintf(p, "I/O : %un", pcmcia_socket[sock].speed_io);
- p+=sprintf(p, "attribute: %un", pcmcia_socket[sock].speed_attr);
- p+=sprintf(p, "common : %un", pcmcia_socket[sock].speed_mem);
- return p-buf;
- }
- #endif /* defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS) */