- /*
- * ATI Mach64 Hardware Acceleration
- */
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/fb.h>
- #include <video/fbcon.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb8.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb16.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb24.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-cfb32.h>
- #include "mach64.h"
- #include "atyfb.h"
- /*
- * Text console acceleration
- */
- static void fbcon_aty_bmove(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
- int height, int width);
- static void fbcon_aty_clear(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy,
- int sx, int height, int width);
- /*
- * Generic Mach64 routines
- */
- void aty_reset_engine(const struct fb_info_aty *info)
- {
- /* reset engine */
- aty_st_le32(GEN_TEST_CNTL,
- aty_ld_le32(GEN_TEST_CNTL, info) & ~GUI_ENGINE_ENABLE, info);
- /* enable engine */
- aty_st_le32(GEN_TEST_CNTL,
- aty_ld_le32(GEN_TEST_CNTL, info) | GUI_ENGINE_ENABLE, info);
- /* ensure engine is not locked up by clearing any FIFO or */
- /* HOST errors */
- aty_st_le32(BUS_CNTL, aty_ld_le32(BUS_CNTL, info) | BUS_HOST_ERR_ACK |
- BUS_FIFO_ERR_ACK, info);
- }
- static void reset_GTC_3D_engine(const struct fb_info_aty *info)
- {
- aty_st_le32(SCALE_3D_CNTL, 0xc0, info);
- mdelay(GTC_3D_RESET_DELAY);
- aty_st_le32(SETUP_CNTL, 0x00, info);
- mdelay(GTC_3D_RESET_DELAY);
- aty_st_le32(SCALE_3D_CNTL, 0x00, info);
- mdelay(GTC_3D_RESET_DELAY);
- }
- void aty_init_engine(const struct atyfb_par *par, struct fb_info_aty *info)
- {
- u32 pitch_value;
- /* determine modal information from global mode structure */
- pitch_value = par->crtc.vxres;
- if (par->crtc.bpp == 24) {
- /* In 24 bpp, the engine is in 8 bpp - this requires that all */
- /* horizontal coordinates and widths must be adjusted */
- pitch_value = pitch_value * 3;
- }
- /* On GTC (RagePro), we need to reset the 3D engine before */
- if (M64_HAS(RESET_3D))
- reset_GTC_3D_engine(info);
- /* Reset engine, enable, and clear any engine errors */
- aty_reset_engine(info);
- /* Ensure that vga page pointers are set to zero - the upper */
- /* page pointers are set to 1 to handle overflows in the */
- /* lower page */
- aty_st_le32(MEM_VGA_WP_SEL, 0x00010000, info);
- aty_st_le32(MEM_VGA_RP_SEL, 0x00010000, info);
- /* ---- Setup standard engine context ---- */
- /* All GUI registers here are FIFOed - therefore, wait for */
- /* the appropriate number of empty FIFO entries */
- wait_for_fifo(14, info);
- /* enable all registers to be loaded for context loads */
- aty_st_le32(CONTEXT_MASK, 0xFFFFFFFF, info);
- /* set destination pitch to modal pitch, set offset to zero */
- aty_st_le32(DST_OFF_PITCH, (pitch_value / 8) << 22, info);
- /* zero these registers (set them to a known state) */
- aty_st_le32(DST_Y_X, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_HEIGHT, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_BRES_ERR, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_BRES_INC, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_BRES_DEC, 0, info);
- /* set destination drawing attributes */
- /* set source pitch to modal pitch, set offset to zero */
- aty_st_le32(SRC_OFF_PITCH, (pitch_value / 8) << 22, info);
- /* set these registers to a known state */
- aty_st_le32(SRC_Y_X, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(SRC_HEIGHT1_WIDTH1, 1, info);
- aty_st_le32(SRC_Y_X_START, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(SRC_HEIGHT2_WIDTH2, 1, info);
- /* set source pixel retrieving attributes */
- aty_st_le32(SRC_CNTL, SRC_LINE_X_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, info);
- /* set host attributes */
- wait_for_fifo(13, info);
- aty_st_le32(HOST_CNTL, 0, info);
- /* set pattern attributes */
- aty_st_le32(PAT_REG0, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(PAT_REG1, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(PAT_CNTL, 0, info);
- /* set scissors to modal size */
- aty_st_le32(SC_LEFT, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(SC_TOP, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(SC_BOTTOM, par->crtc.vyres-1, info);
- aty_st_le32(SC_RIGHT, pitch_value-1, info);
- /* set background color to minimum value (usually BLACK) */
- aty_st_le32(DP_BKGD_CLR, 0, info);
- /* set foreground color to maximum value (usually WHITE) */
- aty_st_le32(DP_FRGD_CLR, 0xFFFFFFFF, info);
- /* set write mask to effect all pixel bits */
- aty_st_le32(DP_WRITE_MASK, 0xFFFFFFFF, info);
- /* set foreground mix to overpaint and background mix to */
- /* no-effect */
- aty_st_le32(DP_MIX, FRGD_MIX_S | BKGD_MIX_D, info);
- /* set primary source pixel channel to foreground color */
- /* register */
- aty_st_le32(DP_SRC, FRGD_SRC_FRGD_CLR, info);
- /* set compare functionality to false (no-effect on */
- /* destination) */
- wait_for_fifo(3, info);
- aty_st_le32(CLR_CMP_CLR, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(CLR_CMP_MASK, 0xFFFFFFFF, info);
- aty_st_le32(CLR_CMP_CNTL, 0, info);
- /* set pixel depth */
- wait_for_fifo(2, info);
- aty_st_le32(DP_PIX_WIDTH, par->crtc.dp_pix_width, info);
- aty_st_le32(DP_CHAIN_MASK, par->crtc.dp_chain_mask, info);
- wait_for_fifo(5, info);
- aty_st_le32(SCALE_3D_CNTL, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(Z_CNTL, 0, info);
- aty_st_le32(CRTC_INT_CNTL, aty_ld_le32(CRTC_INT_CNTL, info) & ~0x20, info);
- aty_st_le32(GUI_TRAJ_CNTL, 0x100023, info);
- /* insure engine is idle before leaving */
- wait_for_idle(info);
- }
- /*
- * Accelerated functions
- */
- static inline void draw_rect(s16 x, s16 y, u16 width, u16 height,
- struct fb_info_aty *info)
- {
- /* perform rectangle fill */
- wait_for_fifo(2, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_Y_X, (x << 16) | y, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_HEIGHT_WIDTH, (width << 16) | height, info);
- info->blitter_may_be_busy = 1;
- }
- static inline void aty_rectcopy(int srcx, int srcy, int dstx, int dsty,
- u_int width, u_int height,
- struct fb_info_aty *info)
- {
- u32 direction = DST_LAST_PEL;
- u32 pitch_value;
- if (!width || !height)
- return;
- pitch_value = info->current_par.crtc.vxres;
- if (info->current_par.crtc.bpp == 24) {
- /* In 24 bpp, the engine is in 8 bpp - this requires that all */
- /* horizontal coordinates and widths must be adjusted */
- pitch_value *= 3;
- srcx *= 3;
- dstx *= 3;
- width *= 3;
- }
- if (srcy < dsty) {
- dsty += height - 1;
- srcy += height - 1;
- } else
- direction |= DST_Y_TOP_TO_BOTTOM;
- if (srcx < dstx) {
- dstx += width - 1;
- srcx += width - 1;
- } else
- direction |= DST_X_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
- wait_for_fifo(4, info);
- aty_st_le32(DP_SRC, FRGD_SRC_BLIT, info);
- aty_st_le32(SRC_Y_X, (srcx << 16) | srcy, info);
- aty_st_le32(SRC_HEIGHT1_WIDTH1, (width << 16) | height, info);
- aty_st_le32(DST_CNTL, direction, info);
- draw_rect(dstx, dsty, width, height, info);
- }
- void aty_rectfill(int dstx, int dsty, u_int width, u_int height, u_int color,
- struct fb_info_aty *info)
- {
- if (!width || !height)
- return;
- if (info->current_par.crtc.bpp == 24) {
- /* In 24 bpp, the engine is in 8 bpp - this requires that all */
- /* horizontal coordinates and widths must be adjusted */
- dstx *= 3;
- width *= 3;
- }
- wait_for_fifo(3, info);
- aty_st_le32(DP_FRGD_CLR, color, info);
- info);
- draw_rect(dstx, dsty, width, height, info);
- }
- /*
- * Text console acceleration
- */
- static void fbcon_aty_bmove(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
- int height, int width)
- {
- #ifdef __sparc__
- struct fb_info_aty *fb = (struct fb_info_aty *)(p->fb_info);
- if (fb->mmaped && (!fb->fb_info.display_fg
- || fb->fb_info.display_fg->vc_num == fb->vtconsole))
- return;
- #endif
- sx *= fontwidth(p);
- sy *= fontheight(p);
- dx *= fontwidth(p);
- dy *= fontheight(p);
- width *= fontwidth(p);
- height *= fontheight(p);
- aty_rectcopy(sx, sy, dx, dy, width, height,
- (struct fb_info_aty *)p->fb_info);
- }
- static void fbcon_aty_clear(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy,
- int sx, int height, int width)
- {
- u32 bgx;
- #ifdef __sparc__
- struct fb_info_aty *fb = (struct fb_info_aty *)(p->fb_info);
- if (fb->mmaped && (!fb->fb_info.display_fg
- || fb->fb_info.display_fg->vc_num == fb->vtconsole))
- return;
- #endif
- bgx = attr_bgcol_ec(p, conp);
- bgx |= (bgx << 8);
- bgx |= (bgx << 16);
- sx *= fontwidth(p);
- sy *= fontheight(p);
- width *= fontwidth(p);
- height *= fontheight(p);
- aty_rectfill(sx, sy, width, height, bgx,
- (struct fb_info_aty *)p->fb_info);
- }
- #ifdef __sparc__
- #define check_access
- if (fb->mmaped && (!fb->fb_info.display_fg
- || fb->fb_info.display_fg->vc_num == fb->vtconsole))
- return;
- #else
- #define check_access do { } while (0)
- #endif
- #define DEF_FBCON_ATY_OP(name, call, args...)
- static void name(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, args)
- {
- struct fb_info_aty *fb = (struct fb_info_aty *)(p->fb_info);
- check_access;
- if (fb->blitter_may_be_busy)
- wait_for_idle((struct fb_info_aty *)p->fb_info);
- call;
- }
- #define DEF_FBCON_ATY(width)
- DEF_FBCON_ATY_OP(fbcon_aty##width##_putc,
- fbcon_cfb##width##_putc(conp, p, c, yy, xx),
- int c, int yy, int xx)
- DEF_FBCON_ATY_OP(fbcon_aty##width##_putcs,
- fbcon_cfb##width##_putcs(conp, p, s, count, yy, xx),
- const unsigned short *s, int count, int yy, int xx)
- DEF_FBCON_ATY_OP(fbcon_aty##width##_clear_margins,
- fbcon_cfb##width##_clear_margins(conp, p, bottom_only),
- int bottom_only)
- const struct display_switch fbcon_aty##width = {
- setup: fbcon_cfb##width##_setup,
- bmove: fbcon_aty_bmove,
- clear: fbcon_aty_clear,
- putc: fbcon_aty##width##_putc,
- putcs: fbcon_aty##width##_putcs,
- revc: fbcon_cfb##width##_revc,
- clear_margins: fbcon_aty##width##_clear_margins,
- };
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB8
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB16
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB24
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_HAS_CFB32
- #endif