- /* $Id: sunserial.c,v 2002/01/05 01:12:31 davem Exp $
- * serial.c: Serial port driver infrastructure for the Sparc.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997 Eddie C. Dost (
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/serial.h>
- #include <linux/serialP.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/kbd_diacr.h>
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/bootmem.h>
- #include <asm/oplib.h>
- #include "sunserial.h"
- int serial_console;
- int stop_a_enabled = 1;
- int __init con_is_present(void)
- {
- return serial_console ? 0 : 1;
- }
- static void __init nop_rs_kgdb_hook(int channel)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- }
- static void nop_rs_change_mouse_baud(int baud)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- }
- static int nop_rs_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count,
- int *eof, void *data)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- return 0;
- }
- struct sunserial_operations rs_ops = {
- 0,
- nop_rs_kgdb_hook,
- nop_rs_change_mouse_baud,
- nop_rs_read_proc
- };
- void rs_init(void)
- {
- static int invoked = 0;
- if (!invoked) {
- struct initfunc *init;
- invoked = 1;
- init = rs_ops.rs_init;
- while (init) {
- (void) init->init();
- init = init->next;
- }
- }
- }
- void __init rs_kgdb_hook(int channel)
- {
- rs_ops.rs_kgdb_hook(channel);
- }
- void __init serial_console_init(void)
- {
- return;
- }
- void rs_change_mouse_baud(int baud)
- {
- rs_ops.rs_change_mouse_baud(baud);
- }
- int rs_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count,
- int *eof, void *data)
- {
- return rs_ops.rs_read_proc(page, start, off, count, eof, data);
- }
- int register_serial(struct serial_struct *req)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- void unregister_serial(int line)
- {
- }
- static void nop_compute_shiftstate (void)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- }
- static void nop_setledstate (struct kbd_struct *kbd, unsigned int ledstate)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- }
- static unsigned char nop_getledstate (void)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- return 0;
- }
- static int nop_setkeycode (unsigned int scancode, unsigned int keycode)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- static int nop_getkeycode (unsigned int scancode)
- {
- printk("Oops: %s calledn", __FUNCTION__);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- struct sunkbd_operations kbd_ops = {
- 0,
- nop_compute_shiftstate,
- nop_setledstate,
- nop_getledstate,
- nop_setkeycode,
- nop_getkeycode
- };
- #if defined(CONFIG_USB) || defined(CONFIG_USB_MODULE)
- extern void pci_compute_shiftstate(void);
- extern int pci_setkeycode(unsigned int, unsigned int);
- extern int pci_getkeycode(unsigned int);
- extern void pci_setledstate(struct kbd_struct *, unsigned int);
- extern unsigned char pci_getledstate(void);
- extern int pcikbd_init(void);
- #endif
- int kbd_init(void)
- {
- struct initfunc *init;
- int err = -ENODEV;
- init = kbd_ops.kbd_init;
- while (init) {
- err = init->init();
- init = init->next;
- }
- #if defined(CONFIG_USB) || defined(CONFIG_USB_MODULE)
- if (!serial_console &&
- kbd_ops.compute_shiftstate == nop_compute_shiftstate) {
- printk("kbd_init: Assuming USB keyboard.n");
- kbd_ops.compute_shiftstate = pci_compute_shiftstate;
- kbd_ops.setledstate = pci_setledstate;
- kbd_ops.getledstate = pci_getledstate;
- kbd_ops.setkeycode = pci_setkeycode;
- kbd_ops.getkeycode = pci_getkeycode;
- pcikbd_init();
- }
- #endif
- return err;
- }
- void compute_shiftstate (void)
- {
- kbd_ops.compute_shiftstate();
- }
- void setledstate (struct kbd_struct *kbd, unsigned int ledstate)
- {
- kbd_ops.setledstate(kbd, ledstate);
- }
- unsigned char getledstate (void)
- {
- return kbd_ops.getledstate();
- }
- int setkeycode (unsigned int scancode, unsigned int keycode)
- {
- return kbd_ops.setkeycode(scancode, keycode);
- }
- int getkeycode (unsigned int scancode)
- {
- return kbd_ops.getkeycode(scancode);
- }
- void * __init sunserial_alloc_bootmem(unsigned long size)
- {
- void *ret;
- ret = __alloc_bootmem(size, SMP_CACHE_BYTES, 0UL);
- if (ret != NULL)
- memset(ret, 0, size);
- return ret;
- }
- void
- sunserial_setinitfunc(int (*init) (void))
- {
- struct initfunc *rs_init;
- rs_init = sunserial_alloc_bootmem(sizeof(struct initfunc));
- if (rs_init == NULL) {
- prom_printf("sunserial_setinitfunc: Cannot alloc initfunc.n");
- prom_halt();
- }
- rs_init->init = init;
- rs_init->next = rs_ops.rs_init;
- rs_ops.rs_init = rs_init;
- }
- void
- sunserial_console_termios(struct console *con)
- {
- char mode[16], buf[16], *s;
- char *mode_prop = "ttyX-mode";
- char *cd_prop = "ttyX-ignore-cd";
- char *dtr_prop = "ttyX-rts-dtr-off";
- int baud, bits, stop, cflag;
- char parity;
- int carrier = 0;
- int rtsdtr = 1;
- int topnd, nd;
- if (!serial_console)
- return;
- if (serial_console == 1) {
- mode_prop[3] = 'a';
- cd_prop[3] = 'a';
- dtr_prop[3] = 'a';
- } else {
- mode_prop[3] = 'b';
- cd_prop[3] = 'b';
- dtr_prop[3] = 'b';
- }
- topnd = prom_getchild(prom_root_node);
- nd = prom_searchsiblings(topnd, "options");
- if (!nd) {
- strcpy(mode, "9600,8,n,1,-");
- goto no_options;
- }
- if (!prom_node_has_property(nd, mode_prop)) {
- strcpy(mode, "9600,8,n,1,-");
- goto no_options;
- }
- memset(mode, 0, sizeof(mode));
- prom_getstring(nd, mode_prop, mode, sizeof(mode));
- if (prom_node_has_property(nd, cd_prop)) {
- memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
- prom_getstring(nd, cd_prop, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (!strcmp(buf, "false"))
- carrier = 1;
- /* XXX: this is unused below. */
- }
- if (prom_node_has_property(nd, cd_prop)) {
- memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
- prom_getstring(nd, cd_prop, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (!strcmp(buf, "false"))
- rtsdtr = 0;
- /* XXX: this is unused below. */
- }
- no_options:
- cflag = CREAD | HUPCL | CLOCAL;
- s = mode;
- baud = simple_strtoul(s, 0, 0);
- s = strchr(s, ',');
- bits = simple_strtoul(++s, 0, 0);
- s = strchr(s, ',');
- parity = *(++s);
- s = strchr(s, ',');
- stop = simple_strtoul(++s, 0, 0);
- s = strchr(s, ',');
- /* XXX handshake is not handled here. */
- switch (baud) {
- case 150: cflag |= B150; break;
- case 300: cflag |= B300; break;
- case 600: cflag |= B600; break;
- case 1200: cflag |= B1200; break;
- case 2400: cflag |= B2400; break;
- case 4800: cflag |= B4800; break;
- case 9600: cflag |= B9600; break;
- case 19200: cflag |= B19200; break;
- case 38400: cflag |= B38400; break;
- default: baud = 9600; cflag |= B9600; break;
- }
- switch (bits) {
- case 5: cflag |= CS5; break;
- case 6: cflag |= CS6; break;
- case 7: cflag |= CS7; break;
- case 8: cflag |= CS8; break;
- default: cflag |= CS8; break;
- }
- switch (parity) {
- case 'o': cflag |= (PARENB | PARODD); break;
- case 'e': cflag |= PARENB; break;
- case 'n': default: break;
- }
- switch (stop) {
- case 2: cflag |= CSTOPB; break;
- case 1: default: break;
- }
- con->cflag = cflag;
- }
- void
- sunkbd_setinitfunc(int (*init) (void))
- {
- struct initfunc *kbd_init;
- kbd_init = sunserial_alloc_bootmem(sizeof(struct initfunc));
- if (kbd_init == NULL) {
- prom_printf("sunkbd_setinitfunc: Cannot alloc initfunc.n");
- prom_halt();
- }
- kbd_init->init = init;
- kbd_init->next = kbd_ops.kbd_init;
- kbd_ops.kbd_init = kbd_init;
- }
- #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
- void
- sunkbd_install_keymaps(ushort **src_key_maps, unsigned int src_keymap_count,
- char *src_func_buf, char **src_func_table,
- int src_funcbufsize, int src_funcbufleft,
- struct kbdiacr *src_accent_table,
- unsigned int src_accent_table_size)
- {
- extern unsigned int keymap_count;
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_NR_KEYMAPS; i++) {
- if (src_key_maps[i]) {
- if (!key_maps[i]) {
- key_maps[i] = (ushort *)
- sunserial_alloc_bootmem(NR_KEYS * sizeof(ushort));
- if (key_maps[i] == NULL) {
- prom_printf("sunkbd_install_keymaps: "
- "Cannot alloc key_map(%d).n", i);
- prom_halt();
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < NR_KEYS; j++)
- key_maps[i][j] = src_key_maps[i][j];
- }
- key_maps[i] = src_key_maps[i];
- }
- keymap_count = src_keymap_count;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_NR_FUNC; i++)
- func_table[i] = src_func_table[i];
- funcbufptr = src_func_buf;
- funcbufsize = src_funcbufsize;
- funcbufleft = src_funcbufleft;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_DIACR; i++)
- accent_table[i] = src_accent_table[i];
- accent_table_size = src_accent_table_size;
- }
- #endif
- extern int su_probe(void);
- extern int zs_probe(void);
- #ifdef CONFIG_SAB82532
- extern int sab82532_probe(void);
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
- extern int ps2kbd_probe(void);
- #endif
- void __init sun_serial_setup(void)
- {
- int ret = 1;
- #if defined(CONFIG_PCI) && !defined(__sparc_v9__)
- /*
- * Probing sequence on sparc differs from sparc64.
- * Keyboard is probed ahead of su because we want su function
- * when keyboard is active. su is probed ahead of zs in order to
- * get console on MrCoffee with fine but disconnected zs.
- */
- if (!serial_console)
- ps2kbd_probe();
- if (su_probe() == 0)
- return;
- #endif
- if (zs_probe() == 0)
- return;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SAB82532
- ret = sab82532_probe();
- #endif
- #if defined(CONFIG_PCI) && defined(__sparc_v9__)
- /*
- * Keyboard serial devices.
- *
- * Well done, Sun, prom_devopen("/pci@1f,4000/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8")
- * hangs the machine if no keyboard is connected to the device...
- * All PCI PROMs seem to do this, I have seen this on the Ultra 450
- * with version 3.5 PROM, and on the Ultra/AX with 3.1.5 PROM.
- *
- * So be very careful not to probe for keyboards if we are on a
- * serial console.
- */
- if (!serial_console)
- ps2kbd_probe();
- if (su_probe() == 0)
- return;
- #endif
- if (!ret)
- return;
- #ifdef __sparc_v9__
- { extern int this_is_starfire;
- /* Hello, Starfire. Pleased to meet you :) */
- if(this_is_starfire != 0)
- return;
- }
- #endif
- prom_printf("No serial devices found, bailing out.n");
- prom_halt();
- }