- /*
- * linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_proc.c
- *
- * The functions in this file provide an interface between
- * the PROC file system and the SCSI device drivers
- * It is mainly used for debugging, statistics and to pass
- * information directly to the lowlevel driver.
- *
- * (c) 1995 Michael Neuffer
- * Version: 0.99.8 last change: 95/09/13
- *
- * generic command parser provided by:
- * Andreas Heilwagen <>
- *
- * generic_proc_info() support of xxxx_info() by:
- * Michael A. Griffith <>
- */
- #include <linux/config.h> /* for CONFIG_PROC_FS */
- #define __NO_VERSION__
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/stat.h>
- #include <linux/blk.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include "scsi.h"
- #include "hosts.h"
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif
- /* generic_proc_info
- * Used if the driver currently has no own support for /proc/scsi
- */
- int generic_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length,
- const char *(*info) (struct Scsi_Host *),
- struct Scsi_Host *sh)
- {
- int len, pos, begin;
- begin = 0;
- if (info && sh) {
- pos = len = sprintf(buffer, "%sn", info(sh));
- } else {
- pos = len = sprintf(buffer,
- "The driver does not yet support the proc-fsn");
- }
- if (pos < offset) {
- len = 0;
- begin = pos;
- }
- *start = buffer + (offset - begin); /* Start of wanted data */
- len -= (offset - begin);
- if (len > length)
- len = length;
- return (len);
- }
- /* dispatch_scsi_info is the central dispatcher
- * It is the interface between the proc-fs and the SCSI subsystem code
- */
- static int proc_scsi_read(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
- int length, int *eof, void *data)
- {
- struct Scsi_Host *hpnt = data;
- int n;
- if (hpnt->hostt->proc_info == NULL)
- n = generic_proc_info(buffer, start, offset, length,
- hpnt->hostt->info, hpnt);
- else
- n = (hpnt->hostt->proc_info(buffer, start, offset,
- length, hpnt->host_no, 0));
- *eof = (n<length);
- return n;
- }
- #define PROC_BLOCK_SIZE (3*1024) /* 4K page size, but our output routines
- * use some slack for overruns
- */
- static int proc_scsi_write(struct file * file, const char * buf,
- unsigned long count, void *data)
- {
- struct Scsi_Host *hpnt = data;
- ssize_t ret = 0;
- char * page;
- char *start;
- if (hpnt->hostt->proc_info == NULL)
- ret = -ENOSYS;
- if (count > PROC_BLOCK_SIZE)
- return -EOVERFLOW;
- if (!(page = (char *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)))
- return -ENOMEM;
- if(copy_from_user(page, buf, count))
- {
- free_page((ulong) page);
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- ret = hpnt->hostt->proc_info(page, &start, 0, count,
- hpnt->host_no, 1);
- free_page((ulong) page);
- return(ret);
- }
- void build_proc_dir_entries(Scsi_Host_Template * tpnt)
- {
- struct Scsi_Host *hpnt;
- char name[10]; /* see scsi_unregister_host() */
- tpnt->proc_dir = proc_mkdir(tpnt->proc_name, proc_scsi);
- if (!tpnt->proc_dir) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to proc_mkdir in scsi.c/build_proc_dir_entries");
- return;
- }
- tpnt->proc_dir->owner = tpnt->module;
- hpnt = scsi_hostlist;
- while (hpnt) {
- if (tpnt == hpnt->hostt) {
- struct proc_dir_entry *p;
- sprintf(name,"%d",hpnt->host_no);
- p = create_proc_read_entry(name,
- tpnt->proc_dir,
- proc_scsi_read,
- (void *)hpnt);
- if (!p)
- panic("Not enough memory to register SCSI HBA in /proc/scsi !n");
- p->write_proc=proc_scsi_write;
- p->owner = tpnt->module;
- }
- hpnt = hpnt->next;
- }
- }
- /*
- * parseHandle *parseInit(char *buf, char *cmdList, int cmdNum);
- * gets a pointer to a null terminated data buffer
- * and a list of commands with blanks as delimiter
- * in between.
- * The commands have to be alphanumerically sorted.
- * cmdNum has to contain the number of commands.
- * On success, a pointer to a handle structure
- * is returned, NULL on failure
- *
- * int parseOpt(parseHandle *handle, char **param);
- * processes the next parameter. On success, the
- * index of the appropriate command in the cmdList
- * is returned, starting with zero.
- * param points to the null terminated parameter string.
- * On failure, -1 is returned.
- *
- * The databuffer buf may only contain pairs of commands
- * options, separated by blanks:
- * <Command> <Parameter> [<Command> <Parameter>]*
- */
- typedef struct {
- char *buf, /* command buffer */
- *cmdList, /* command list */
- *bufPos, /* actual position */
- **cmdPos, /* cmdList index */
- cmdNum; /* cmd number */
- } parseHandle;
- inline int parseFree(parseHandle * handle)
- { /* free memory */
- kfree(handle->cmdPos);
- kfree(handle);
- return -1;
- }
- parseHandle *parseInit(char *buf, char *cmdList, int cmdNum)
- {
- char *ptr; /* temp pointer */
- parseHandle *handle; /* new handle */
- if (!buf || !cmdList) /* bad input ? */
- return NULL;
- handle = (parseHandle *) kmalloc(sizeof(parseHandle), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!handle)
- return NULL; /* out of memory */
- handle->cmdPos = (char **) kmalloc(sizeof(int) * cmdNum, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!handle->cmdPos) {
- kfree(handle);
- return NULL; /* out of memory */
- }
- handle->buf = handle->bufPos = buf; /* init handle */
- handle->cmdList = cmdList;
- handle->cmdNum = cmdNum;
- handle->cmdPos[cmdNum = 0] = cmdList;
- for (ptr = cmdList; *ptr; ptr++) { /* scan command string */
- if (*ptr == ' ') { /* and insert zeroes */
- *ptr++ = 0;
- handle->cmdPos[++cmdNum] = ptr++;
- }
- }
- return handle;
- }
- int parseOpt(parseHandle * handle, char **param)
- {
- int cmdIndex = 0, cmdLen = 0;
- char *startPos;
- if (!handle) /* invalid handle */
- return (parseFree(handle));
- /* skip spaces */
- for (; *(handle->bufPos) && *(handle->bufPos) == ' '; handle->bufPos++);
- if (!*(handle->bufPos))
- return (parseFree(handle)); /* end of data */
- startPos = handle->bufPos; /* store cmd start */
- for (; handle->cmdPos[cmdIndex][cmdLen] && *(handle->bufPos); handle->bufPos++) { /* no string end? */
- for (;;) {
- if (*(handle->bufPos) == handle->cmdPos[cmdIndex][cmdLen])
- break; /* char matches ? */
- else if (memcmp(startPos, (char *) (handle->cmdPos[++cmdIndex]), cmdLen))
- return (parseFree(handle)); /* unknown command */
- if (cmdIndex >= handle->cmdNum)
- return (parseFree(handle)); /* unknown command */
- }
- cmdLen++; /* next char */
- }
- /* Get param. First skip all blanks, then insert zero after param */
- for (; *(handle->bufPos) && *(handle->bufPos) == ' '; handle->bufPos++);
- *param = handle->bufPos;
- for (; *(handle->bufPos) && *(handle->bufPos) != ' '; handle->bufPos++);
- *(handle->bufPos++) = 0;
- return (cmdIndex);
- }
- void proc_print_scsidevice(Scsi_Device * scd, char *buffer, int *size, int len)
- {
- int x, y = *size;
- extern const char *const scsi_device_types[MAX_SCSI_DEVICE_CODE];
- y = sprintf(buffer + len,
- "Host: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02dn Vendor: ",
- scd->host->host_no, scd->channel, scd->id, scd->lun);
- for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
- if (scd->vendor[x] >= 0x20)
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "%c", scd->vendor[x]);
- else
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " ");
- }
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " Model: ");
- for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
- if (scd->model[x] >= 0x20)
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "%c", scd->model[x]);
- else
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " ");
- }
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " Rev: ");
- for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
- if (scd->rev[x] >= 0x20)
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "%c", scd->rev[x]);
- else
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " ");
- }
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "n");
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " Type: %s ",
- scd->type < MAX_SCSI_DEVICE_CODE ?
- scsi_device_types[(int) scd->type] : "Unknown ");
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " ANSI"
- " SCSI revision: %02x", (scd->scsi_level - 1) ? scd->scsi_level - 1 : 1);
- if (scd->scsi_level == 2)
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, " CCSn");
- else
- y += sprintf(buffer + len + y, "n");
- *size = y;
- return;
- }
- #else /* if !CONFIG_PROC_FS */
- void proc_print_scsidevice(Scsi_Device * scd, char *buffer, int *size, int len)
- {
- }
- #endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
- /*
- * Overrides for Emacs so that we get a uniform tabbing style.
- * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
- * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
- * of the file.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -4
- * c-argdecl-indent: 4
- * c-label-offset: -4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * tab-width: 8
- * End:
- */