- /* rio_linux.c -- Linux driver for the Specialix RIO series cards.
- *
- *
- * (C) 1999
- *
- * Specialix pays for the development and support of this driver.
- * Please DO contact if you require
- * support. But please read the documentation (rio.txt) first.
- *
- *
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
- * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
- * USA.
- *
- * Revision history:
- * $Log: rio.c,v $
- * Revision 1.1 1999/07/11 10:13:54 wolff
- * Initial revision
- *
- * */
- #define RCS_ID "$Id: rio.c,v 1.1 1999/07/11 10:13:54 wolff Exp wolff $"
- #define RCS_REV "$Revision: 1.1 $"
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/kdev_t.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/tty_flip.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/serial.h>
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/major.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/tqueue.h>
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/miscdevice.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/compatmac.h>
- #include <linux/generic_serial.h>
- #if BITS_PER_LONG != 32
- # error FIXME: this driver only works on 32-bit platforms
- #endif
- #include "linux_compat.h"
- #include "typdef.h"
- #include "pkt.h"
- #include "daemon.h"
- #include "rio.h"
- #include "riospace.h"
- #include "top.h"
- #include "cmdpkt.h"
- #include "map.h"
- #include "riotypes.h"
- #include "rup.h"
- #include "port.h"
- #include "riodrvr.h"
- #include "rioinfo.h"
- #include "func.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "pci.h"
- #include "parmmap.h"
- #include "unixrup.h"
- #include "board.h"
- #include "host.h"
- #include "error.h"
- #include "phb.h"
- #include "link.h"
- #include "cmdblk.h"
- #include "route.h"
- #include "control.h"
- #include "cirrus.h"
- #include "rioioctl.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "list.h"
- #include "sam.h"
- #include "protsts.h"
- #include "rioboard.h"
- #include "rio_linux.h"
- /* I don't think that this driver can handle more than 512 ports on
- one machine. Specialix specifies max 4 boards in one machine. I don't
- know why. If you want to try anyway you'll have to increase the number
- of boards in rio.h. You'll have to allocate more majors if you need
- more than 512 ports.... */
- /* Why the hell am I defining these here? */
- #define RIO_TYPE_NORMAL 1
- #define RIO_TYPE_CALLOUT 2
- /* This allows overriding on the compiler commandline, or in a "major.h"
- include or something like that */
- #define RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR0 154
- #define RIO_CALLOUT_MAJOR0 155
- #define RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR1 156
- #define RIO_CALLOUT_MAJOR1 157
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef RIO_WINDOW_LEN
- #define RIO_WINDOW_LEN 0x10000
- #endif
- /* Configurable options:
- (Don't be too sure that it'll work if you toggle them) */
- /* Am I paranoid or not ? ;-) */
- /* 20 -> 2000 per second. The card should rate-limit interrupts at 1000
- Hz, but it is user configurable. I don't recommend going above 1000
- Hz. The interrupt ratelimit might trigger if the interrupt is
- shared with a very active other device.
- undef this if you want to disable the check....
- */
- #define IRQ_RATE_LIMIT 200
- #if 0
- /* Not implemented */
- /*
- * The following defines are mostly for testing purposes. But if you need
- * some nice reporting in your syslog, you can define them also.
- */
- #endif
- /* These constants are derived from SCO Source */
- static struct Conf
- RIOConf =
- {
- /* locator */ "RIO Config here",
- /* startuptime */ HZ*2, /* how long to wait for card to run */
- /* slowcook */ 0, /* TRUE -> always use line disc. */
- /* intrpolltime */ 1, /* The frequency of OUR polls */
- /* breakinterval */ 25, /* x10 mS XXX: units seem to be 1ms not 10! -- REW*/
- /* timer */ 10, /* mS */
- /* RtaLoadBase */ 0x7000,
- /* HostLoadBase */ 0x7C00,
- /* XpHz */ 5, /* number of Xprint hits per second */
- /* XpCps */ 120, /* Xprint characters per second */
- /* XpOn */ "33d#", /* start Xprint for a wyse 60 */
- /* XpOff */ "24", /* end Xprint for a wyse 60 */
- /* MaxXpCps */ 2000, /* highest Xprint speed */
- /* MinXpCps */ 10, /* slowest Xprint speed */
- /* SpinCmds */ 1, /* non-zero for mega fast boots */
- /* First Addr */ 0x0A0000, /* First address to look at */
- /* Last Addr */ 0xFF0000, /* Last address looked at */
- /* BufferSize */ 1024, /* Bytes per port of buffering */
- /* LowWater */ 256, /* how much data left before wakeup */
- /* LineLength */ 80, /* how wide is the console? */
- /* CmdTimeout */ HZ, /* how long a close command may take */
- };
- /* Function prototypes */
- static void rio_disable_tx_interrupts (void * ptr);
- static void rio_enable_tx_interrupts (void * ptr);
- static void rio_disable_rx_interrupts (void * ptr);
- static void rio_enable_rx_interrupts (void * ptr);
- static int rio_get_CD (void * ptr);
- static void rio_shutdown_port (void * ptr);
- static int rio_set_real_termios (void *ptr);
- static void rio_hungup (void *ptr);
- static void rio_close (void *ptr);
- static int rio_chars_in_buffer (void * ptr);
- static int rio_fw_ioctl (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
- static int rio_init_drivers(void);
- void my_hd (void *addr, int len);
- static struct tty_driver rio_driver, rio_callout_driver;
- static struct tty_driver rio_driver2, rio_callout_driver2;
- static struct tty_struct * rio_table[RIO_NPORTS];
- static struct termios ** rio_termios;
- static struct termios ** rio_termios_locked;
- /* The name "p" is a bit non-descript. But that's what the rio-lynxos
- sources use all over the place. */
- struct rio_info *p;
- /* struct rio_board boards[RIO_HOSTS]; */
- struct rio_port *rio_ports;
- int rio_refcount;
- int rio_initialized;
- int rio_nports;
- int rio_debug;
- /* You can have the driver poll your card.
- - Set rio_poll to 1 to poll every timer tick (10ms on Intel).
- This is used when the card cannot use an interrupt for some reason.
- */
- int rio_poll = 1;
- /* These are the only open spaces in my computer. Yours may have more
- or less.... */
- int rio_probe_addrs[]= {0xc0000, 0xd0000, 0xe0000};
- #define NR_RIO_ADDRS (sizeof(rio_probe_addrs)/sizeof (int))
- /* Set the mask to all-ones. This alas, only supports 32 interrupts.
- Some architectures may need more. -- Changed to LONG to
- support up to 64 bits on 64bit architectures. -- REW 20/06/99 */
- long rio_irqmask = -1;
- #ifndef TWO_ZERO
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Rogier Wolff <>, Patrick van de Lageweg <>");
- MODULE_PARM(rio_poll, "i");
- MODULE_PARM(rio_debug, "i");
- MODULE_PARM(rio_irqmask, "i");
- #endif
- static struct real_driver rio_real_driver = {
- rio_disable_tx_interrupts,
- rio_enable_tx_interrupts,
- rio_disable_rx_interrupts,
- rio_enable_rx_interrupts,
- rio_get_CD,
- rio_shutdown_port,
- rio_set_real_termios,
- rio_chars_in_buffer,
- rio_close,
- rio_hungup,
- };
- /*
- * Firmware loader driver specific routines
- *
- */
- static struct file_operations rio_fw_fops = {
- owner: THIS_MODULE,
- ioctl: rio_fw_ioctl,
- };
- struct miscdevice rio_fw_device = {
- RIOCTL_MISC_MINOR, "rioctl", &rio_fw_fops
- };
- /* This doesn't work. Who's paranoid around here? Not me! */
- static inline int rio_paranoia_check(struct rio_port const * port,
- kdev_t device, const char *routine)
- {
- static const char *badmagic =
- KERN_ERR "rio: Warning: bad rio port magic number for device %s in %sn";
- static const char *badinfo =
- KERN_ERR "rio: Warning: null rio port for device %s in %sn";
- if (!port) {
- printk (badinfo, kdevname(device), routine);
- return 1;
- }
- if (port->magic != RIO_MAGIC) {
- printk (badmagic, kdevname(device), routine);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #else
- #define rio_paranoia_check(a,b,c) 0
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void my_hd (void *ad, int len)
- {
- int i, j, ch;
- unsigned char *addr = ad;
- for (i=0;i<len;i+=16) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PARAM, "%08x ", (int) addr+i);
- for (j=0;j<16;j++) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PARAM, "%02x %s", addr[j+i], (j==7)?" ":"");
- }
- for (j=0;j<16;j++) {
- ch = addr[j+i];
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PARAM, "%c", (ch < 0x20)?'.':((ch > 0x7f)?'.':ch));
- }
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PARAM, "n");
- }
- }
- #else
- #define my_hd(ad,len) do{/* nothing*/ } while (0)
- #endif
- /* Delay a number of jiffies, allowing a signal to interrupt */
- int RIODelay (struct Port *PortP, int njiffies)
- {
- func_enter ();
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_DELAY, "delaying %d jiffiesn", njiffies);
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule_timeout(njiffies);
- current->state = TASK_RUNNING;
- func_exit();
- if (signal_pending(current))
- return RIO_FAIL;
- else
- return !RIO_FAIL;
- }
- /* Delay a number of jiffies, disallowing a signal to interrupt */
- int RIODelay_ni (struct Port *PortP, int njiffies)
- {
- func_enter ();
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_DELAY, "delaying %d jiffies (ni)n", njiffies);
- current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule_timeout(njiffies);
- current->state = TASK_RUNNING;
- func_exit();
- return !RIO_FAIL;
- }
- int rio_minor (kdev_t device)
- {
- return MINOR (device) +
- 256 * ((MAJOR (device) == RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR1) ||
- (MAJOR (device) == RIO_CALLOUT_MAJOR1));
- }
- int rio_ismodem (kdev_t device)
- {
- return (MAJOR (device) == RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR0) ||
- (MAJOR (device) == RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR1);
- }
- void rio_udelay (int usecs)
- {
- udelay (usecs);
- }
- void rio_inc_mod_count (void)
- {
- #ifdef MODULE
- func_enter ();
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_MOD_COUNT, "rio_inc_mod_countn");
- func_exit ();
- #endif
- }
- void rio_dec_mod_count (void)
- {
- #ifdef MODULE
- func_enter ();
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_MOD_COUNT, "rio_dec_mod_countn");
- func_exit ();
- #endif
- }
- static int rio_set_real_termios (void *ptr)
- {
- int rv, modem;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- func_enter();
- tty = ((struct Port *)ptr)->gs.tty;
- modem = (MAJOR(tty->device) == RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR0) || (MAJOR(tty->device) == RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR1);
- rv = RIOParam( (struct Port *) ptr, CONFIG, modem, 1);
- func_exit ();
- return rv;
- }
- void rio_reset_interrupt (struct Host *HostP)
- {
- func_enter();
- switch( HostP->Type ) {
- case RIO_AT:
- case RIO_MCA:
- case RIO_PCI:
- WBYTE(HostP->ResetInt , 0xff);
- }
- func_exit();
- }
- static void rio_interrupt (int irq, void *ptr, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- struct Host *HostP;
- func_enter ();
- HostP = (struct Host*)ptr; /* &p->RIOHosts[(long)ptr]; */
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_IFLOW, "rio: enter rio_interrupt (%d/%d)n",
- irq, HostP->Ivec);
- /* AAargh! The order in which to do these things is essential and
- not trivial.
- - Rate limit goes before "recursive". Otherwise a series of
- recursive calls will hang the machine in the interrupt routine.
- - hardware twiddling goes before "recursive". Otherwise when we
- poll the card, and a recursive interrupt happens, we wont
- ack the card, so it might keep on interrupting us. (especially
- level sensitive interrupt systems like PCI).
- - Rate limit goes before hardware twiddling. Otherwise we won't
- catch a card that has gone bonkers.
- - The "initialized" test goes after the hardware twiddling. Otherwise
- the card will stick us in the interrupt routine again.
- - The initialized test goes before recursive.
- */
- /* Aaargh! I'm ashamed. This costs more lines-of-code than the
- actual interrupt routine!. (Well, used to when I wrote that comment) */
- {
- static int lastjif;
- static int nintr=0;
- if (lastjif == jiffies) {
- if (++nintr > IRQ_RATE_LIMIT) {
- free_irq (HostP->Ivec, ptr);
- printk (KERN_ERR "rio: Too many interrupts. Turning off interrupt %d.n",
- HostP->Ivec);
- }
- } else {
- lastjif = jiffies;
- nintr = 0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_IFLOW, "rio: We've have noticed the interruptn");
- if (HostP->Ivec == irq) {
- /* Tell the card we've noticed the interrupt. */
- rio_reset_interrupt (HostP);
- }
- if ((HostP->Flags & RUN_STATE) != RC_RUNNING) return;
- if (test_and_set_bit (RIO_BOARD_INTR_LOCK, &HostP->locks)) {
- printk (KERN_ERR "Recursive interrupt! (host %d/irq%d)n",
- (int) ptr, HostP->Ivec);
- return;
- }
- RIOServiceHost(p, HostP, irq);
- rio_dprintk ( RIO_DEBUG_IFLOW, "riointr() doing host %d type %dn",
- (int) ptr, HostP->Type);
- clear_bit (RIO_BOARD_INTR_LOCK, &HostP->locks);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_IFLOW, "rio: exit rio_interrupt (%d/%d)n",
- irq, HostP->Ivec);
- func_exit ();
- }
- static void rio_pollfunc (unsigned long data)
- {
- func_enter ();
- rio_interrupt (0, &p->RIOHosts[data], NULL);
- p->RIOHosts[data].timer.expires = jiffies + rio_poll;
- add_timer (&p->RIOHosts[data].timer);
- func_exit ();
- }
- /* ********************************************************************** *
- * Here are the routines that actually *
- * interface with the generic_serial driver *
- * ********************************************************************** */
- /* Ehhm. I don't know how to fiddle with interrupts on the Specialix
- cards. .... Hmm. Ok I figured it out. You don't. -- REW */
- static void rio_disable_tx_interrupts (void * ptr)
- {
- func_enter();
- /* port->gs.flags &= ~GS_TX_INTEN; */
- func_exit();
- }
- static void rio_enable_tx_interrupts (void * ptr)
- {
- struct Port *PortP = ptr;
- /* int hn; */
- func_enter();
- /* hn = PortP->HostP - p->RIOHosts;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_TTY, "Pushing host %dn", hn);
- rio_interrupt (-1,(void *) hn, NULL); */
- RIOTxEnable((char *) PortP);
- /*
- * In general we cannot count on "tx empty" interrupts, although
- * the interrupt routine seems to be able to tell the difference.
- */
- PortP->gs.flags &= ~GS_TX_INTEN;
- func_exit();
- }
- static void rio_disable_rx_interrupts (void * ptr)
- {
- func_enter();
- func_exit();
- }
- static void rio_enable_rx_interrupts (void * ptr)
- {
- /* struct rio_port *port = ptr; */
- func_enter();
- func_exit();
- }
- /* Jeez. Isn't this simple? */
- static int rio_get_CD (void * ptr)
- {
- struct Port *PortP = ptr;
- int rv;
- func_enter();
- rv = (PortP->ModemState & MSVR1_CD) != 0;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Getting CD status: %dn", rv);
- func_exit();
- return rv;
- }
- /* Jeez. Isn't this simple? Actually, we can sync with the actual port
- by just pushing stuff into the queue going to the port... */
- static int rio_chars_in_buffer (void * ptr)
- {
- func_enter();
- func_exit();
- return 0;
- }
- /* Nothing special here... */
- static void rio_shutdown_port (void * ptr)
- {
- struct Port *PortP;
- func_enter();
- PortP = (struct Port *)ptr;
- PortP->gs.tty = NULL;
- #if 0
- port->gs.flags &= ~ GS_ACTIVE;
- if (!port->gs.tty) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DBUG_TTY, "No tty.n");
- return;
- }
- if (!port->gs.tty->termios) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_TTY, "No termios.n");
- return;
- }
- if (port->gs.tty->termios->c_cflag & HUPCL) {
- rio_setsignals (port, 0, 0);
- }
- #endif
- func_exit();
- }
- /* I haven't the foggiest why the decrement use count has to happen
- here. The whole linux serial drivers stuff needs to be redesigned.
- My guess is that this is a hack to minimize the impact of a bug
- elsewhere. Thinking about it some more. (try it sometime) Try
- running minicom on a serial port that is driven by a modularized
- driver. Have the modem hangup. Then remove the driver module. Then
- exit minicom. I expect an "oops". -- REW */
- static void rio_hungup (void *ptr)
- {
- struct Port *PortP;
- func_enter();
- PortP = (struct Port *)ptr;
- PortP->gs.tty = NULL;
- rio_dec_mod_count ();
- func_exit ();
- }
- /* The standard serial_close would become shorter if you'd wrap it like
- this.
- rs_close (...){save_flags;cli;real_close();dec_use_count;restore_flags;}
- */
- static void rio_close (void *ptr)
- {
- struct Port *PortP;
- func_enter ();
- PortP = (struct Port *)ptr;
- riotclose (ptr);
- if(PortP->gs.count) {
- printk (KERN_ERR "WARNING port count:%dn", PortP->gs.count);
- PortP->gs.count = 0;
- }
- PortP->gs.tty = NULL;
- rio_dec_mod_count ();
- func_exit ();
- }
- static int rio_fw_ioctl (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- {
- int rc = 0;
- func_enter();
- /* The "dev" argument isn't used. */
- rc = -riocontrol (p, 0, cmd, (void *)arg, suser ());
- func_exit ();
- return rc;
- }
- extern int RIOShortCommand(struct rio_info *p, struct Port *PortP,
- int command, int len, int arg);
- static int rio_ioctl (struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- {
- int rc;
- struct Port *PortP;
- int ival;
- func_enter();
- PortP = (struct Port *)tty->driver_data;
- rc = 0;
- switch (cmd) {
- #if 0
- rc = Put_user(((tty->termios->c_cflag & CLOCAL) ? 1 : 0),
- (unsigned int *) arg);
- break;
- #endif
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(int))) == 0) {
- Get_user(ival, (unsigned int *) arg);
- tty->termios->c_cflag =
- (tty->termios->c_cflag & ~CLOCAL) |
- (ival ? CLOCAL : 0);
- }
- break;
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(struct serial_struct))) == 0)
- rc = gs_getserial(&PortP->gs, (struct serial_struct *) arg);
- break;
- case TCSBRK:
- if ( PortP->State & RIO_DELETED ) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_TTY, "BREAK on deleted RTAn");
- rc = -EIO;
- } else {
- if (RIOShortCommand(p, PortP, SBREAK, 2, 250) == RIO_FAIL) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INTR, "SBREAK RIOShortCommand failedn");
- rc = -EIO;
- }
- }
- break;
- case TCSBRKP:
- if ( PortP->State & RIO_DELETED ) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_TTY, "BREAK on deleted RTAn");
- rc = -EIO;
- } else {
- int l;
- l = arg?arg*100:250;
- if (l > 255) l = 255;
- if (RIOShortCommand(p, PortP, SBREAK, 2, arg?arg*100:250) == RIO_FAIL) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INTR, "SBREAK RIOShortCommand failedn");
- rc = -EIO;
- }
- }
- break;
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(struct serial_struct))) == 0)
- rc = gs_setserial(&PortP->gs, (struct serial_struct *) arg);
- break;
- #if 0
- case TIOCMGET:
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(unsigned int))) == 0) {
- ival = rio_getsignals(port);
- put_user(ival, (unsigned int *) arg);
- }
- break;
- case TIOCMBIS:
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(unsigned int))) == 0) {
- Get_user(ival, (unsigned int *) arg);
- rio_setsignals(port, ((ival & TIOCM_DTR) ? 1 : -1),
- ((ival & TIOCM_RTS) ? 1 : -1));
- }
- break;
- case TIOCMBIC:
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(unsigned int))) == 0) {
- Get_user(ival, (unsigned int *) arg);
- rio_setsignals(port, ((ival & TIOCM_DTR) ? 0 : -1),
- ((ival & TIOCM_RTS) ? 0 : -1));
- }
- break;
- case TIOCMSET:
- if ((rc = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(unsigned int))) == 0) {
- Get_user(ival, (unsigned int *) arg);
- rio_setsignals(port, ((ival & TIOCM_DTR) ? 1 : 0),
- ((ival & TIOCM_RTS) ? 1 : 0));
- }
- break;
- #endif
- default:
- break;
- }
- func_exit();
- return rc;
- }
- /* The throttle/unthrottle scheme for the Specialix card is different
- * from other drivers and deserves some explanation.
- * The Specialix hardware takes care of XON/XOFF
- * and CTS/RTS flow control itself. This means that all we have to
- * do when signalled by the upper tty layer to throttle/unthrottle is
- * to make a note of it here. When we come to read characters from the
- * rx buffers on the card (rio_receive_chars()) we look to see if the
- * upper layer can accept more (as noted here in rio_rx_throt[]).
- * If it can't we simply don't remove chars from the cards buffer.
- * When the tty layer can accept chars, we again note that here and when
- * rio_receive_chars() is called it will remove them from the cards buffer.
- * The card will notice that a ports buffer has drained below some low
- * water mark and will unflow control the line itself, using whatever
- * flow control scheme is in use for that port. -- Simon Allen
- */
- static void rio_throttle (struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct Port *port = (struct Port *)tty->driver_data;
- func_enter();
- /* If the port is using any type of input flow
- * control then throttle the port.
- */
- if((tty->termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) || (I_IXOFF(tty)) ) {
- port->State |= RIO_THROTTLE_RX;
- }
- func_exit();
- }
- static void rio_unthrottle (struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct Port *port = (struct Port *)tty->driver_data;
- func_enter();
- /* Always unthrottle even if flow control is not enabled on
- * this port in case we disabled flow control while the port
- * was throttled
- */
- port->State &= ~RIO_THROTTLE_RX;
- func_exit();
- return;
- }
- /* ********************************************************************** *
- * Here are the initialization routines. *
- * ********************************************************************** */
- struct vpd_prom *get_VPD_PROM (struct Host *hp)
- {
- static struct vpd_prom vpdp;
- char *p;
- int i;
- func_enter();
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Going to verify vpd prom at %p.n",
- hp->Caddr + RIO_VPD_ROM);
- p = (char *) &vpdp;
- for (i=0;i< sizeof (struct vpd_prom);i++)
- *p++ = readb (hp->Caddr+RIO_VPD_ROM + i*2);
- /* read_rio_byte (hp, RIO_VPD_ROM + i*2); */
- /* Terminate the identifier string.
- *** requires one extra byte in struct vpd_prom *** */
- *p++=0;
- if (rio_debug & RIO_DEBUG_PROBE)
- my_hd ((char *)&vpdp, 0x20);
- func_exit();
- return &vpdp;
- }
- static int rio_init_drivers(void)
- {
- int error;
- func_enter();
- memset(&rio_driver, 0, sizeof(rio_driver));
- rio_driver.magic = TTY_DRIVER_MAGIC;
- rio_driver.driver_name = "specialix_rio";
- = "ttySR";
- rio_driver.major = RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR0;
- rio_driver.num = 256;
- rio_driver.type = TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SERIAL;
- rio_driver.subtype = RIO_TYPE_NORMAL;
- rio_driver.init_termios = tty_std_termios;
- rio_driver.init_termios.c_cflag =
- B9600 | CS8 | CREAD | HUPCL | CLOCAL;
- rio_driver.flags = TTY_DRIVER_REAL_RAW;
- rio_driver.refcount = &rio_refcount;
- rio_driver.table = rio_table;
- rio_driver.termios = rio_termios;
- rio_driver.termios_locked = rio_termios_locked;
- = riotopen;
- rio_driver.close = gs_close;
- rio_driver.write = gs_write;
- rio_driver.put_char = gs_put_char;
- rio_driver.flush_chars = gs_flush_chars;
- rio_driver.write_room = gs_write_room;
- rio_driver.chars_in_buffer = gs_chars_in_buffer;
- rio_driver.flush_buffer = gs_flush_buffer;
- rio_driver.ioctl = rio_ioctl;
- rio_driver.throttle = rio_throttle;
- rio_driver.unthrottle = rio_unthrottle;
- rio_driver.set_termios = gs_set_termios;
- rio_driver.stop = gs_stop;
- rio_driver.start = gs_start;
- rio_driver.hangup = gs_hangup;
- rio_driver2 = rio_driver;
- rio_driver.major = RIO_NORMAL_MAJOR1;
- rio_callout_driver = rio_driver;
- = "cusr";
- rio_callout_driver.major = RIO_CALLOUT_MAJOR0;
- rio_callout_driver.subtype = RIO_TYPE_CALLOUT;
- rio_callout_driver2 = rio_callout_driver;
- rio_callout_driver2.major = RIO_CALLOUT_MAJOR1;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "set_termios = %pn", gs_set_termios);
- if ((error = tty_register_driver(&rio_driver))) goto bad1;
- if ((error = tty_register_driver(&rio_driver2))) goto bad2;
- if ((error = tty_register_driver(&rio_callout_driver))) goto bad3;
- if ((error = tty_register_driver(&rio_callout_driver2))) goto bad4;
- func_exit();
- return 0;
- /*
- bad5:tty_unregister_driver (&rio_callout_driver2); */
- bad4:tty_unregister_driver (&rio_callout_driver);
- bad3:tty_unregister_driver (&rio_driver2);
- bad2:tty_unregister_driver (&rio_driver);
- bad1:printk(KERN_ERR "rio: Couldn't register a rio driver, error = %dn",
- error);
- return 1;
- }
- static void * ckmalloc (int size)
- {
- void *p;
- p = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (p)
- memset(p, 0, size);
- return p;
- }
- static int rio_init_datastructures (void)
- {
- int i;
- struct Port *port;
- func_enter();
- /* Many drivers statically allocate the maximum number of ports
- There is no reason not to allocate them dynamically. Is there? -- REW */
- /* However, the RIO driver allows users to configure their first
- RTA as the ports numbered 504-511. We therefore need to allocate
- the whole range. :-( -- REW */
- #define RI_SZ sizeof(struct rio_info)
- #define HOST_SZ sizeof(struct Host)
- #define PORT_SZ sizeof(struct Port *)
- #define TMIO_SZ sizeof(struct termios *)
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "getting : %d %d %d %d %d bytesn",
- RI_SZ,
- if (!(p = ckmalloc ( RI_SZ))) goto free0;
- if (!(p->RIOHosts = ckmalloc (RIO_HOSTS * HOST_SZ))) goto free1;
- if (!(p->RIOPortp = ckmalloc (RIO_PORTS * PORT_SZ))) goto free2;
- if (!(rio_termios = ckmalloc (RIO_PORTS * TMIO_SZ))) goto free3;
- if (!(rio_termios_locked = ckmalloc (RIO_PORTS * TMIO_SZ))) goto free4;
- p->RIOConf = RIOConf;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Got : %p %p %p %p %pn",
- p, p->RIOHosts, p->RIOPortp, rio_termios, rio_termios);
- /* Adjust the values in the "driver" */
- rio_driver.termios = rio_termios;
- rio_driver.termios_locked = rio_termios_locked;
- #if 1
- for (i = 0; i < RIO_PORTS; i++) {
- port = p->RIOPortp[i] = ckmalloc (sizeof (struct Port));
- if (!port) {
- goto free6;
- }
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "initing port %d (%d)n", i, port->Mapped);
- port->PortNum = i;
- port->gs.callout_termios = tty_std_termios;
- port->gs.normal_termios = tty_std_termios;
- port->gs.magic = RIO_MAGIC;
- port->gs.close_delay = HZ/2;
- port->gs.closing_wait = 30 * HZ;
- port->gs.rd = &rio_real_driver;
- port->portSem = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- /*
- * Initializing wait queue
- */
- init_waitqueue_head(&port->gs.open_wait);
- init_waitqueue_head(&port->gs.close_wait);
- }
- #else
- /* We could postpone initializing them to when they are configured. */
- #endif
- if (rio_debug & RIO_DEBUG_INIT) {
- my_hd (&rio_real_driver, sizeof (rio_real_driver));
- }
- func_exit();
- return 0;
- free6:for (i--;i>=0;i--)
- kfree (p->RIOPortp[i]);
- /*free5: */
- kfree (rio_termios_locked);
- free4:kfree (rio_termios);
- free3:kfree (p->RIOPortp);
- free2:kfree (p->RIOHosts);
- free1:
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Not enough memory! %p %p %p %p %pn",
- p, p->RIOHosts, p->RIOPortp, rio_termios, rio_termios);
- kfree(p);
- free0:
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- static void __exit rio_release_drivers(void)
- {
- func_enter();
- tty_unregister_driver (&rio_callout_driver2);
- tty_unregister_driver (&rio_callout_driver);
- tty_unregister_driver (&rio_driver2);
- tty_unregister_driver (&rio_driver);
- func_exit();
- }
- #ifdef TWO_ZERO
- #define PDEV unsigned char pci_bus, unsigned pci_fun
- #define pdev pci_bus, pci_fun
- #else
- #define PDEV struct pci_dev *pdev
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
- /* This was written for SX, but applies to RIO too...
- (including bugs....)
- There is another bit besides Bit 17. Turning that bit off
- (on boards shipped with the fix in the eeprom) results in a
- hang on the next access to the card.
- */
- /********************************************************
- * Setting bit 17 in the CNTRL register of the PLX 9050 *
- * chip forces a retry on writes while a read is pending.*
- * This is to prevent the card locking up on Intel Xeon *
- * multiprocessor systems with the NX chipset. -- NV *
- ********************************************************/
- /* Newer cards are produced with this bit set from the configuration
- EEprom. As the bit is read/write for the CPU, we can fix it here,
- if we detect that it isn't set correctly. -- REW */
- void fix_rio_pci (PDEV)
- {
- unsigned int hwbase;
- unsigned long rebase;
- unsigned int t;
- #define CNTRL_REG_OFFSET 0x50
- #define CNTRL_REG_GOODVALUE 0x18260000
- pci_read_config_dword(pdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &hwbase);
- rebase = (ulong) ioremap(hwbase, 0x80);
- t = readl (rebase + CNTRL_REG_OFFSET);
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "rio: performing cntrl reg fix: %08x -> %08xn",
- }
- my_iounmap (hwbase, rebase);
- }
- #endif
- static int __init rio_init(void)
- {
- int found = 0;
- int i;
- struct Host *hp;
- int retval;
- struct vpd_prom *vpdp;
- int okboard;
- #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
- #ifndef TWO_ZERO
- struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
- #else
- unsigned char pci_bus, pci_fun;
- /* in 2.2.x pdev is a pointer defining a PCI device. In 2.0 its the bus/fn */
- #endif
- unsigned int tint;
- unsigned short tshort;
- #endif
- func_enter();
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Initing rio module... (rio_debug=%d)n",
- rio_debug);
- if (abs ((long) (&rio_debug) - rio_debug) < 0x10000) {
- printk (KERN_WARNING "rio: rio_debug is an address, instead of a value. "
- "Assuming -1. Was %x/%p.n", rio_debug, &rio_debug);
- rio_debug=-1;
- }
- retval = rio_init_datastructures ();
- if (retval < 0) return retval;
- #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
- if (pci_present ()) {
- /* First look for the JET devices: */
- #ifndef TWO_ZERO
- while ((pdev = pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SPECIALIX,
- pdev))) {
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) continue;
- #else
- for (i=0;i< RIO_NBOARDS;i++) {
- if (pcibios_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SPECIALIX,
- &pci_bus, &pci_fun)) break;
- #endif
- /* Specialix has a whole bunch of cards with
- 0x2000 as the device ID. They say its because
- the standard requires it. Stupid standard. */
- /* It seems that reading a word doesn't work reliably on 2.0.
- Also, reading a non-aligned dword doesn't work. So we read the
- whole dword at 0x2c and extract the word at 0x2e (SUBSYSTEM_ID)
- ourselves */
- /* I don't know why the define doesn't work, constant 0x2c does --REW */
- pci_read_config_dword (pdev, 0x2c, &tint);
- tshort = (tint >> 16) & 0xffff;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Got a specialix card: %x.n", tint);
- if (tshort != 0x0100) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "But it's not a RIO card (%d)...n",
- tshort);
- continue;
- }
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "cp1n");
- pci_read_config_dword(pdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_2, &tint);
- hp = &p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts];
- hp->PaddrP = tint & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK;
- hp->Ivec = get_irq (pdev);
- if (((1 << hp->Ivec) & rio_irqmask) == 0)
- hp->Ivec = 0;
- hp->CardP = (struct DpRam *)
- hp->Caddr = ioremap(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP, RIO_WINDOW_LEN);
- hp->Type = RIO_PCI;
- hp->Copy = rio_pcicopy;
- hp->HostLock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- rio_reset_interrupt (hp);
- rio_start_card_running (hp);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Going to test it (%p/%p).n",
- (void *)p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr);
- if (RIOBoardTest( p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr,
- RIO_PCI, 0 ) == RIO_SUCCESS) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Done RIOBoardTestn");
- WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].ResetInt, 0xff);
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum =
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[0]) &0xFF)<< 0)|
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[1]) &0xFF)<< 8)|
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[2]) &0xFF)<<16)|
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[3]) &0xFF)<<24);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Hmm Tested ok, uniqid = %x.n",
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum);
- fix_rio_pci (pdev);
- p->RIOLastPCISearch = RIO_SUCCESS;
- p->RIONumHosts++;
- found++;
- } else {
- my_iounmap (p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr);
- }
- #ifdef TWO_ZERO
- } /* We have two variants with the opening brace, so to prevent */
- #else
- } /* Emacs from getting confused we have two closing braces too. */
- #endif
- /* Then look for the older PCI card.... : */
- #ifndef TWO_ZERO
- /* These older PCI cards have problems (only byte-mode access is
- supported), which makes them a bit awkward to support.
- They also have problems sharing interrupts. Be careful.
- (The driver now refuses to share interrupts for these
- cards. This should be sufficient).
- */
- /* Then look for the older RIO/PCI devices: */
- while ((pdev = pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SPECIALIX,
- pdev))) {
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev)) continue;
- #else
- for (i=0;i< RIO_NBOARDS;i++) {
- if (pcibios_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SPECIALIX,
- &pci_bus, &pci_fun)) break;
- #endif
- pci_read_config_dword(pdev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &tint);
- hp = &p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts];
- hp->PaddrP = tint & PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK;
- hp->Ivec = get_irq (pdev);
- if (((1 << hp->Ivec) & rio_irqmask) == 0)
- hp->Ivec = 0;
- hp->Ivec |= 0x8000; /* Mark as non-sharable */
- hp->CardP = (struct DpRam *)
- hp->Caddr = ioremap(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP, RIO_WINDOW_LEN);
- hp->Type = RIO_PCI;
- hp->Copy = rio_pcicopy;
- hp->HostLock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Ivec: %xn", hp->Ivec);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Mode: %xn", hp->Mode);
- rio_reset_interrupt (hp);
- rio_start_card_running (hp);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Going to test it (%p/%p).n",
- (void *)p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr);
- if (RIOBoardTest( p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr,
- RIO_PCI, 0 ) == RIO_SUCCESS) {
- WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].ResetInt, 0xff);
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum =
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[0]) &0xFF)<< 0)|
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[1]) &0xFF)<< 8)|
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[2]) &0xFF)<<16)|
- ((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[3]) &0xFF)<<24);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Hmm Tested ok, uniqid = %x.n",
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum);
- p->RIOLastPCISearch = RIO_SUCCESS;
- p->RIONumHosts++;
- found++;
- } else {
- my_iounmap (p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr);
- }
- #else
- printk (KERN_ERR "Found an older RIO PCI card, but the driver is not "
- "compiled to support it.n");
- #endif
- #ifdef TWO_ZERO
- } /* We have two variants with the opening brace, so to prevent */
- #else
- } /* Emacs from getting confused we have two closing braces too. */
- #endif
- }
- #endif /* PCI */
- /* Now probe for ISA cards... */
- for (i=0;i<NR_RIO_ADDRS;i++) {
- hp = &p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts];
- hp->PaddrP = rio_probe_addrs[i];
- /* There was something about the IRQs of these cards. 'Forget what.--REW */
- hp->Ivec = 0;
- hp->CardP = (struct DpRam *)
- hp->Caddr = ioremap(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP, RIO_WINDOW_LEN);
- hp->Type = RIO_AT;
- hp->Copy = rio_pcicopy; /* AT card PCI???? - PVDL
- * -- YES! this is now a normal copy. Only the
- * old PCI card uses the special PCI copy.
- * Moreover, the ISA card will work with the
- * special PCI copy anyway. -- REW */
- hp->Mode = 0;
- hp->HostLock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- vpdp = get_VPD_PROM (hp);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Got VPD ROMn");
- okboard = 0;
- if ((strncmp (vpdp->identifier, RIO_ISA_IDENT, 16) == 0) ||
- (strncmp (vpdp->identifier, RIO_ISA2_IDENT, 16) == 0) ||
- (strncmp (vpdp->identifier, RIO_ISA3_IDENT, 16) == 0)) {
- /* Board is present... */
- if (RIOBoardTest (hp->PaddrP,
- hp->Caddr, RIO_AT, 0) == RIO_SUCCESS) {
- /* ... and feeling fine!!!! */
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Hmm Tested ok, uniqid = %x.n",
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum);
- if (RIOAssignAT(p, hp->PaddrP, hp->Caddr, 0)) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_PROBE, "Hmm Tested ok, host%d uniqid = %x.n",
- p->RIONumHosts,
- p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts-1].UniqueNum);
- okboard++;
- found++;
- }
- }
- if (!okboard)
- my_iounmap (hp->PaddrP, hp->Caddr);
- }
- }
- for (i=0;i<p->RIONumHosts;i++) {
- hp = &p->RIOHosts[i];
- if (hp->Ivec) {
- int mode = SA_SHIRQ;
- if (hp->Ivec & 0x8000) {mode = 0; hp->Ivec &= 0x7fff;}
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Requesting interrupt hp: %p rio_interrupt: %d Mode: %xn", hp,hp->Ivec, hp->Mode);
- retval = request_irq (hp->Ivec, rio_interrupt, mode, "rio", hp);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Return value from request_irq: %dn", retval);
- if (retval) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "rio: Cannot allocate irq %d.n", hp->Ivec);
- hp->Ivec = 0;
- }
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Got irq %d.n", hp->Ivec);
- if (hp->Ivec != 0){
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Enabling interrupts on rio card.n");
- hp->Mode |= RIO_PCI_INT_ENABLE;
- } else
- hp->Mode &= !RIO_PCI_INT_ENABLE;
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "New Mode: %xn", hp->Mode);
- rio_start_card_running (hp);
- }
- /* Init the timer "always" to make sure that it can safely be
- deleted when we unload... */
- init_timer (&hp->timer);
- if (!hp->Ivec) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Starting polling at %dj intervals.n",
- rio_poll);
- hp-> = i;
- hp->timer.function = rio_pollfunc;
- hp->timer.expires = jiffies + rio_poll;
- add_timer (&hp->timer);
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "rio: total of %d boards detected.n", found);
- if (misc_register(&rio_fw_device) < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "RIO: Unable to register firmware loader driver.n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- rio_init_drivers ();
- }
- func_exit();
- return found?0:-EIO;
- }
- static void __exit rio_exit (void)
- {
- int i;
- struct Host *hp;
- func_enter();
- for (i=0,hp=p->RIOHosts;i<p->RIONumHosts;i++, hp++) {
- RIOHostReset (hp->Type, hp->CardP, hp->Slot);
- if (hp->Ivec) {
- free_irq (hp->Ivec, hp);
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "freed irq %d.n", hp->Ivec);
- }
- /* It is safe/allowed to del_timer a non-active timer */
- del_timer (&hp->timer);
- }
- if (misc_deregister(&rio_fw_device) < 0) {
- printk (KERN_INFO "rio: couldn't deregister control-devicen");
- }
- rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_CLEANUP, "Cleaning up driversn");
- rio_release_drivers ();
- /* Release dynamically allocated memory */
- kfree (rio_termios_locked);
- kfree (rio_termios);
- kfree (p->RIOPortp);
- kfree (p->RIOHosts);
- kfree (p);
- func_exit();
- }
- module_init(rio_init);
- module_exit(rio_exit);
- /*
- * Anybody who knows why this doesn't work for me, please tell me -- REW.
- * Snatched from scsi.c (fixed one spelling error):
- * Overrides for Emacs so that we follow Linus' tabbing style.
- * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
- * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
- * of the file.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local Variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -4
- * c-argdecl-indent: 4
- * c-label-offset: -4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * tab-width: 8
- * End:
- */