- /*
- * rocket_int.h --- internal header file for rocket.c
- *
- * Written by Theodore Ts'o, Copyright 1997.
- *
- * Portions of this file are....
- *
- * Copyright 1994 Comtrol Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The following source code is subject to Comtrol Corporation's
- * Developer's License Agreement.
- *
- * This source code is protected by United States copyright law and
- * international copyright treaties.
- *
- * This source code may only be used to develop software products that
- * will operate with Comtrol brand hardware.
- *
- * You may not reproduce nor distribute this source code in its original
- * form but must produce a derivative work which includes portions of
- * this source code only.
- *
- * The portions of this source code which you use in your derivative
- * work must bear Comtrol's copyright notice:
- *
- * Copyright 1994 Comtrol Corporation.
- *
- */
- /*
- * Begin Comtrol-provided headers, et. al.
- */
- /*
- user definitions for Rocket Toolkit
- The following typedefs and defines must be established
- depending on the platform the toolkit is being used
- with.
- */
- /************************************************************
- The following sets up the world for use with Linux
- ************************************************************/
- #include <asm/io.h>
- typedef unsigned char Byte_t;
- typedef unsigned int ByteIO_t;
- typedef unsigned int Word_t;
- typedef unsigned int WordIO_t;
- typedef unsigned long DWord_t;
- typedef unsigned int DWordIO_t;
- #define sOutB(a, b) outb_p(b, a)
- #define sOutW(a, b) outw_p(b, a)
- #define sOutDW(a, b) outl_p(b, a)
- #define sInB(a) (inb_p(a))
- #define sInW(a) (inw_p(a))
- #define sOutStrW(port, addr, count) outsw(port, addr, count)
- #define sInStrW(port, addr, count) insw(port, addr, count)
- #define CTL_SIZE 4
- #define AIOP_CTL_SIZE 4
- #define CHAN_AIOP_SIZE 8
- #define MAX_PORTS_PER_AIOP 8
- #define MAX_PORTS_PER_BOARD 32
- /* Bus type ID */
- #define isISA 0
- #define isPCI 1
- #define isMC 2
- /* Controller ID numbers */
- #define CTLID_NULL -1 /* no controller exists */
- #define CTLID_0001 0x0001 /* controller release 1 */
- /* AIOP ID numbers, identifies AIOP type implementing channel */
- #define AIOPID_NULL -1 /* no AIOP or channel exists */
- #define AIOPID_0001 0x0001 /* AIOP release 1 */
- #define NULLDEV -1 /* identifies non-existant device */
- #define NULLCTL -1 /* identifies non-existant controller */
- #define NULLCTLPTR (CONTROLLER_T *)0 /* identifies non-existant controller */
- #define NULLAIOP -1 /* identifies non-existant AIOP */
- #define NULLCHAN -1 /* identifies non-existant channel */
- /************************************************************************
- Global Register Offsets - Direct Access - Fixed values
- ************************************************************************/
- #define _CMD_REG 0x38 /* Command Register 8 Write */
- #define _INT_CHAN 0x39 /* Interrupt Channel Register 8 Read */
- #define _INT_MASK 0x3A /* Interrupt Mask Register 8 Read / Write */
- #define _UNUSED 0x3B /* Unused 8 */
- #define _INDX_ADDR 0x3C /* Index Register Address 16 Write */
- #define _INDX_DATA 0x3E /* Index Register Data 8/16 Read / Write */
- /************************************************************************
- Channel Register Offsets for 1st channel in AIOP - Direct Access
- ************************************************************************/
- #define _TD0 0x00 /* Transmit Data 16 Write */
- #define _RD0 0x00 /* Receive Data 16 Read */
- #define _CHN_STAT0 0x20 /* Channel Status 8/16 Read / Write */
- #define _FIFO_CNT0 0x10 /* Transmit/Receive FIFO Count 16 Read */
- #define _INT_ID0 0x30 /* Interrupt Identification 8 Read */
- /************************************************************************
- Tx Control Register Offsets - Indexed - External - Fixed
- ************************************************************************/
- #define _TX_ENBLS 0x980 /* Tx Processor Enables Register 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXCMP1 0x988 /* Transmit Compare Value #1 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXCMP2 0x989 /* Transmit Compare Value #2 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXREP1B1 0x98A /* Tx Replace Value #1 - Byte 1 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXREP1B2 0x98B /* Tx Replace Value #1 - Byte 2 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXREP2 0x98C /* Transmit Replace Value #2 8 Read / Write */
- /************************************************************************
- Memory Controller Register Offsets - Indexed - External - Fixed
- ************************************************************************/
- #define _RX_FIFO 0x000 /* Rx FIFO */
- #define _TX_FIFO 0x800 /* Tx FIFO */
- #define _RXF_OUTP 0x990 /* Rx FIFO OUT pointer 16 Read / Write */
- #define _RXF_INP 0x992 /* Rx FIFO IN pointer 16 Read / Write */
- #define _TXF_OUTP 0x994 /* Tx FIFO OUT pointer 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXF_INP 0x995 /* Tx FIFO IN pointer 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXP_CNT 0x996 /* Tx Priority Count 8 Read / Write */
- #define _TXP_PNTR 0x997 /* Tx Priority Pointer 8 Read / Write */
- #define PRI_PEND 0x80 /* Priority data pending (bit7, Tx pri cnt) */
- #define TXFIFO_SIZE 255 /* size of Tx FIFO */
- #define RXFIFO_SIZE 1023 /* size of Rx FIFO */
- /************************************************************************
- Tx Priority Buffer - Indexed - External - Fixed
- ************************************************************************/
- #define _TXP_BUF 0x9C0 /* Tx Priority Buffer 32 Bytes Read / Write */
- #define TXP_SIZE 0x20 /* 32 bytes */
- /************************************************************************
- Channel Register Offsets - Indexed - Internal - Fixed
- ************************************************************************/
- #define _TX_CTRL 0xFF0 /* Transmit Control 16 Write */
- #define _RX_CTRL 0xFF2 /* Receive Control 8 Write */
- #define _BAUD 0xFF4 /* Baud Rate 16 Write */
- #define _CLK_PRE 0xFF6 /* Clock Prescaler 8 Write */
- #if 0
- #define CLOCK_PRESC 0x14 /* ?????? new mod 4 (divide by 5) prescale */
- #define BRD50 9215
- #define BRD75 6143
- #define BRD110 4188
- #define BRD134 3438
- #define BRD150 3071
- #define BRD200 2303
- #define BRD300 1535
- #define BRD600 767
- #define BRD1200 383
- #define BRD1800 255
- #define BRD2000 229
- #define BRD2400 191
- #define BRD3600 127
- #define BRD4800 95
- #define BRD7200 63
- #define BRD9600 47
- #define BRD14400 31
- #define BRD19200 23
- #define BRD38400 11
- #define BRD57600 7
- #define BRD76800 5
- #define BRD115200 3
- #define BRD230400 1
- #define BRD460800 0
- #endif
- #if 0
- /* Old clock prescale definition and baud rates associated with it */
- #define CLOCK_PRESC 0x19 /* mod 9 (divide by 10) prescale */
- #define BRD50 4607
- #define BRD75 3071
- #define BRD110 2094
- #define BRD134 1712
- #define BRD150 1535
- #define BRD200 1151
- #define BRD300 767
- #define BRD600 383
- #define BRD1200 191
- #define BRD1800 127
- #define BRD2000 114
- #define BRD2400 95
- #define BRD3600 64
- #define BRD4800 47
- #define BRD7200 31
- #define BRD9600 23
- #define BRD14400 15
- #define BRD19200 11
- #define BRD38400 5
- #define BRD57600 3
- #define BRD76800 2
- #define BRD115200 1
- #define BRD230400 0
- #endif
- #define STMBREAK 0x08 /* BREAK */
- #define STMFRAME 0x04 /* framing error */
- #define STMRCVROVR 0x02 /* receiver over run error */
- #define STMPARITY 0x01 /* parity error */
- #define STMBREAKH 0x800 /* BREAK */
- #define STMFRAMEH 0x400 /* framing error */
- #define STMRCVROVRH 0x200 /* receiver over run error */
- #define STMPARITYH 0x100 /* parity error */
- #define CTS_ACT 0x20 /* CTS input asserted */
- #define DSR_ACT 0x10 /* DSR input asserted */
- #define CD_ACT 0x08 /* CD input asserted */
- #define TXFIFOMT 0x04 /* Tx FIFO is empty */
- #define TXSHRMT 0x02 /* Tx shift register is empty */
- #define RDA 0x01 /* Rx data available */
- #define DRAINED (TXFIFOMT | TXSHRMT) /* indicates Tx is drained */
- #define STATMODE 0x8000 /* status mode enable bit */
- #define RXFOVERFL 0x2000 /* receive FIFO overflow */
- #define RX2MATCH 0x1000 /* receive compare byte 2 match */
- #define RX1MATCH 0x0800 /* receive compare byte 1 match */
- #define RXBREAK 0x0400 /* received BREAK */
- #define RXFRAME 0x0200 /* received framing error */
- #define RXPARITY 0x0100 /* received parity error */
- #define CTSFC_EN 0x80 /* CTS flow control enable bit */
- #define RTSTOG_EN 0x40 /* RTS toggle enable bit */
- #define TXINT_EN 0x10 /* transmit interrupt enable */
- #define STOP2 0x08 /* enable 2 stop bits (0 = 1 stop) */
- #define PARITY_EN 0x04 /* enable parity (0 = no parity) */
- #define EVEN_PAR 0x02 /* even parity (0 = odd parity) */
- #define DATA8BIT 0x01 /* 8 bit data (0 = 7 bit data) */
- #define SETBREAK 0x10 /* send break condition (must clear) */
- #define LOCALLOOP 0x08 /* local loopback set for test */
- #define SET_DTR 0x04 /* assert DTR */
- #define SET_RTS 0x02 /* assert RTS */
- #define TX_ENABLE 0x01 /* enable transmitter */
- #define RTSFC_EN 0x40 /* RTS flow control enable */
- #define RXPROC_EN 0x20 /* receive processor enable */
- #define TRIG_NO 0x00 /* Rx FIFO trigger level 0 (no trigger) */
- #define TRIG_1 0x08 /* trigger level 1 char */
- #define TRIG_1_2 0x10 /* trigger level 1/2 */
- #define TRIG_7_8 0x18 /* trigger level 7/8 */
- #define TRIG_MASK 0x18 /* trigger level mask */
- #define SRCINT_EN 0x04 /* special Rx condition interrupt enable */
- #define RXINT_EN 0x02 /* Rx interrupt enable */
- #define MCINT_EN 0x01 /* modem change interrupt enable */
- #define RXF_TRIG 0x20 /* Rx FIFO trigger level interrupt */
- #define TXFIFO_MT 0x10 /* Tx FIFO empty interrupt */
- #define SRC_INT 0x08 /* special receive condition interrupt */
- #define DELTA_CD 0x04 /* CD change interrupt */
- #define DELTA_CTS 0x02 /* CTS change interrupt */
- #define DELTA_DSR 0x01 /* DSR change interrupt */
- #define REP1W2_EN 0x10 /* replace byte 1 with 2 bytes enable */
- #define IGN2_EN 0x08 /* ignore byte 2 enable */
- #define IGN1_EN 0x04 /* ignore byte 1 enable */
- #define COMP2_EN 0x02 /* compare byte 2 enable */
- #define COMP1_EN 0x01 /* compare byte 1 enable */
- #define RESET_ALL 0x80 /* reset AIOP (all channels) */
- #define TXOVERIDE 0x40 /* Transmit software off override */
- #define RESETUART 0x20 /* reset channel's UART */
- #define RESTXFCNT 0x10 /* reset channel's Tx FIFO count register */
- #define RESRXFCNT 0x08 /* reset channel's Rx FIFO count register */
- #define INTSTAT0 0x01 /* AIOP 0 interrupt status */
- #define INTSTAT1 0x02 /* AIOP 1 interrupt status */
- #define INTSTAT2 0x04 /* AIOP 2 interrupt status */
- #define INTSTAT3 0x08 /* AIOP 3 interrupt status */
- #define INTR_EN 0x08 /* allow interrupts to host */
- #define INT_STROB 0x04 /* strobe and clear interrupt line (EOI) */
- /**************************************************************************
- MUDBAC remapped for PCI
- **************************************************************************/
- #define _CFG_INT_PCI 0x40
- #define _PCI_INT_FUNC 0x3A
- #define PCI_STROB 0x2000 /* bit 13 of int aiop register */
- #define INTR_EN_PCI 0x0010 /* allow interrupts to host */
- #define CHAN3_EN 0x08 /* enable AIOP 3 */
- #define CHAN2_EN 0x04 /* enable AIOP 2 */
- #define CHAN1_EN 0x02 /* enable AIOP 1 */
- #define CHAN0_EN 0x01 /* enable AIOP 0 */
- #define FREQ_DIS 0x00
- #define FREQ_274HZ 0x60
- #define FREQ_137HZ 0x50
- #define FREQ_69HZ 0x40
- #define FREQ_34HZ 0x30
- #define FREQ_17HZ 0x20
- #define FREQ_9HZ 0x10
- #define PERIODIC_ONLY 0x80 /* only PERIODIC interrupt */
- #define CHANINT_EN 0x0100 /* flags to enable/disable channel ints */
- #define RDATASIZE 72
- #define RREGDATASIZE 52
- /* Controller level information structure */
- typedef struct
- {
- int CtlID;
- int CtlNum;
- int BusType;
- WordIO_t PCIIO;
- ByteIO_t MBaseIO;
- ByteIO_t MReg1IO;
- ByteIO_t MReg2IO;
- ByteIO_t MReg3IO;
- Byte_t MReg2;
- Byte_t MReg3;
- int NumAiop;
- ByteIO_t AiopIntChanIO[AIOP_CTL_SIZE];
- int AiopID[AIOP_CTL_SIZE];
- int AiopNumChan[AIOP_CTL_SIZE];
- /* Channel level information structure */
- typedef struct
- {
- int AiopNum;
- int ChanID;
- int ChanNum;
- ByteIO_t Cmd;
- ByteIO_t IntChan;
- ByteIO_t IntMask;
- DWordIO_t IndexAddr;
- WordIO_t IndexData;
- WordIO_t TxRxData;
- WordIO_t ChanStat;
- WordIO_t TxRxCount;
- ByteIO_t IntID;
- Word_t TxFIFO;
- Word_t TxFIFOPtrs;
- Word_t RxFIFO;
- Word_t RxFIFOPtrs;
- Word_t TxPrioCnt;
- Word_t TxPrioPtr;
- Word_t TxPrioBuf;
- Byte_t BaudDiv[4];
- Byte_t TxControl[4];
- Byte_t RxControl[4];
- Byte_t TxEnables[4];
- Byte_t TxCompare[4];
- Byte_t TxReplace1[4];
- Byte_t TxReplace2[4];
- typedef CHANNEL_T CHANNEL_t;
- typedef CHANNEL_T * CHANPTR_T;
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sClrBreak
- Purpose: Stop sending a transmit BREAK signal
- Call: sClrBreak(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sClrBreak(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] &= ~SETBREAK;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sClrDTR
- Purpose: Clr the DTR output
- Call: sClrDTR(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sClrDTR(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] &= ~SET_DTR;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sClrRTS
- Purpose: Clr the RTS output
- Call: sClrRTS(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sClrRTS(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] &= ~SET_RTS;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sClrTxXOFF
- Purpose: Clear any existing transmit software flow control off condition
- Call: sClrTxXOFF(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sClrTxXOFF(ChP)
- {
- sOutB((ChP)->Cmd,TXOVERIDE | (Byte_t)(ChP)->ChanNum);
- sOutB((ChP)->Cmd,(Byte_t)(ChP)->ChanNum);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sCtlNumToCtlPtr
- Purpose: Convert a controller number to controller structure pointer
- Call: sCtlNumToCtlPtr(CtlNum)
- int CtlNum; Controller number
- Return: CONTROLLER_T *: Ptr to controller structure
- */
- #define sCtlNumToCtlPtr(CTLNUM) &sController[CTLNUM]
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sControllerEOI
- Purpose: Strobe the MUDBAC's End Of Interrupt bit.
- Call: sControllerEOI(CtlP)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- */
- #define sControllerEOI(CTLP) sOutB((CTLP)->MReg2IO,(CTLP)->MReg2 | INT_STROB)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sPCIControllerEOI
- Purpose: Strobe the PCI End Of Interrupt bit.
- Call: sPCIControllerEOI(CtlP)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- */
- #define sPCIControllerEOI(CTLP) sOutW((CTLP)->PCIIO, PCI_STROB)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisAiop
- Purpose: Disable I/O access to an AIOP
- Call: sDisAiop(CltP)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- int AiopNum; Number of AIOP on controller
- */
- #define sDisAiop(CTLP,AIOPNUM)
- {
- (CTLP)->MReg3 &= sBitMapClrTbl[AIOPNUM];
- sOutB((CTLP)->MReg3IO,(CTLP)->MReg3);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisCTSFlowCtl
- Purpose: Disable output flow control using CTS
- Call: sDisCTSFlowCtl(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sDisCTSFlowCtl(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] &= ~CTSFC_EN;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisIXANY
- Purpose: Disable IXANY Software Flow Control
- Call: sDisIXANY(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sDisIXANY(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x0e] = 0x86;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x0c]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: DisParity
- Purpose: Disable parity
- Call: sDisParity(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: Function sSetParity() can be used in place of functions sEnParity(),
- sDisParity(), sSetOddParity(), and sSetEvenParity().
- */
- #define sDisParity(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] &= ~PARITY_EN;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisRxFIFO
- Purpose: Disable Rx FIFO
- Call: sDisRxFIFO(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sDisRxFIFO(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x32] = 0x0a;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x30]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisRxStatusMode
- Purpose: Disable the Rx status mode
- Call: sDisRxStatusMode(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: This takes the channel out of the receive status mode. All
- subsequent reads of receive data using sReadRxWord() will return
- two data bytes.
- */
- #define sDisRxStatusMode(ChP) sOutW((ChP)->ChanStat,0)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisTransmit
- Purpose: Disable transmit
- Call: sDisTransmit(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- This disables movement of Tx data from the Tx FIFO into the 1 byte
- Tx buffer. Therefore there could be up to a 2 byte latency
- between the time sDisTransmit() is called and the transmit buffer
- and transmit shift register going completely empty.
- */
- #define sDisTransmit(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] &= ~TX_ENABLE;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sDisTxSoftFlowCtl
- Purpose: Disable Tx Software Flow Control
- Call: sDisTxSoftFlowCtl(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sDisTxSoftFlowCtl(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x06] = 0x8a;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x04]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnAiop
- Purpose: Enable I/O access to an AIOP
- Call: sEnAiop(CltP)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- int AiopNum; Number of AIOP on controller
- */
- #define sEnAiop(CTLP,AIOPNUM)
- {
- (CTLP)->MReg3 |= sBitMapSetTbl[AIOPNUM];
- sOutB((CTLP)->MReg3IO,(CTLP)->MReg3);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnCTSFlowCtl
- Purpose: Enable output flow control using CTS
- Call: sEnCTSFlowCtl(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sEnCTSFlowCtl(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] |= CTSFC_EN;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnIXANY
- Purpose: Enable IXANY Software Flow Control
- Call: sEnIXANY(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sEnIXANY(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x0e] = 0x21;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x0c]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: EnParity
- Purpose: Enable parity
- Call: sEnParity(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: Function sSetParity() can be used in place of functions sEnParity(),
- sDisParity(), sSetOddParity(), and sSetEvenParity().
- Warnings: Before enabling parity odd or even parity should be chosen using
- functions sSetOddParity() or sSetEvenParity().
- */
- #define sEnParity(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] |= PARITY_EN;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnRxFIFO
- Purpose: Enable Rx FIFO
- Call: sEnRxFIFO(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sEnRxFIFO(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x32] = 0x08;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x30]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnRxProcessor
- Purpose: Enable the receive processor
- Call: sEnRxProcessor(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: This function is used to start the receive processor. When
- the channel is in the reset state the receive processor is not
- running. This is done to prevent the receive processor from
- executing invalid microcode instructions prior to the
- downloading of the microcode.
- Warnings: This function must be called after valid microcode has been
- downloaded to the AIOP, and it must not be called before the
- microcode has been downloaded.
- */
- #define sEnRxProcessor(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->RxControl[2] |= RXPROC_EN;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->RxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnRxStatusMode
- Purpose: Enable the Rx status mode
- Call: sEnRxStatusMode(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: This places the channel in the receive status mode. All subsequent
- reads of receive data using sReadRxWord() will return a data byte
- in the low word and a status byte in the high word.
- */
- #define sEnRxStatusMode(ChP) sOutW((ChP)->ChanStat,STATMODE)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnTransmit
- Purpose: Enable transmit
- Call: sEnTransmit(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sEnTransmit(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] |= TX_ENABLE;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sEnTxSoftFlowCtl
- Purpose: Enable Tx Software Flow Control
- Call: sEnTxSoftFlowCtl(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sEnTxSoftFlowCtl(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x06] = 0xc5;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x04]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetAiopIntStatus
- Purpose: Get the AIOP interrupt status
- Call: sGetAiopIntStatus(CtlP,AiopNum)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- int AiopNum; AIOP number
- Return: Byte_t: The AIOP interrupt status. Bits 0 through 7
- represent channels 0 through 7 respectively. If a
- bit is set that channel is interrupting.
- */
- #define sGetAiopIntStatus(CTLP,AIOPNUM) sInB((CTLP)->AiopIntChanIO[AIOPNUM])
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetAiopNumChan
- Purpose: Get the number of channels supported by an AIOP
- Call: sGetAiopNumChan(CtlP,AiopNum)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- int AiopNum; AIOP number
- Return: int: The number of channels supported by the AIOP
- */
- #define sGetAiopNumChan(CTLP,AIOPNUM) (CTLP)->AiopNumChan[AIOPNUM]
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetChanIntID
- Purpose: Get a channel's interrupt identification byte
- Call: sGetChanIntID(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: Byte_t: The channel interrupt ID. Can be any
- combination of the following flags:
- RXF_TRIG: Rx FIFO trigger level interrupt
- TXFIFO_MT: Tx FIFO empty interrupt
- SRC_INT: Special receive condition interrupt
- DELTA_CD: CD change interrupt
- DELTA_CTS: CTS change interrupt
- DELTA_DSR: DSR change interrupt
- */
- #define sGetChanIntID(ChP) (sInB((ChP)->IntID) & (RXF_TRIG | TXFIFO_MT | SRC_INT | DELTA_CD | DELTA_CTS | DELTA_DSR))
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetChanNum
- Purpose: Get the number of a channel within an AIOP
- Call: sGetChanNum(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: int: Channel number within AIOP, or NULLCHAN if channel does
- not exist.
- */
- #define sGetChanNum(ChP) (ChP)->ChanNum
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetChanStatus
- Purpose: Get the channel status
- Call: sGetChanStatus(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: Word_t: The channel status. Can be any combination of
- the following flags:
- CTS_ACT: CTS input asserted
- DSR_ACT: DSR input asserted
- CD_ACT: CD input asserted
- TXFIFOMT: Tx FIFO is empty
- TXSHRMT: Tx shift register is empty
- RDA: Rx data available
- STATMODE: status mode enable bit
- RXFOVERFL: receive FIFO overflow
- RX2MATCH: receive compare byte 2 match
- RX1MATCH: receive compare byte 1 match
- RXBREAK: received BREAK
- RXFRAME: received framing error
- RXPARITY: received parity error
- Warnings: This function will clear the high byte flags in the Channel
- Status Register.
- */
- #define sGetChanStatus(ChP) sInW((ChP)->ChanStat)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetChanStatusLo
- Purpose: Get the low byte only of the channel status
- Call: sGetChanStatusLo(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: Byte_t: The channel status low byte. Can be any combination
- of the following flags:
- CTS_ACT: CTS input asserted
- DSR_ACT: DSR input asserted
- CD_ACT: CD input asserted
- TXFIFOMT: Tx FIFO is empty
- TXSHRMT: Tx shift register is empty
- RDA: Rx data available
- */
- #define sGetChanStatusLo(ChP) sInB((ByteIO_t)(ChP)->ChanStat)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetControllerIntStatus
- Purpose: Get the controller interrupt status
- Call: sGetControllerIntStatus(CtlP)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- Return: Byte_t: The controller interrupt status in the lower 4
- bits. Bits 0 through 3 represent AIOP's 0
- through 3 respectively. If a bit is set that
- AIOP is interrupting. Bits 4 through 7 will
- always be cleared.
- */
- #define sGetControllerIntStatus(CTLP) (sInB((CTLP)->MReg1IO) & 0x0f)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sPCIGetControllerIntStatus
- Purpose: Get the controller interrupt status
- Call: sPCIGetControllerIntStatus(CtlP)
- CONTROLLER_T *CtlP; Ptr to controller structure
- Return: unsigned char: The controller interrupt status in the lower 4
- bits and bit 4. Bits 0 through 3 represent AIOP's 0
- through 3 respectively. Bit 4 is set if the int
- was generated from periodic. If a bit is set the
- AIOP is interrupting.
- */
- #define sPCIGetControllerIntStatus(CTLP) ((sInW((CTLP)->PCIIO) >> 8) & 0x1f)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetRxCnt
- Purpose: Get the number of data bytes in the Rx FIFO
- Call: sGetRxCnt(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: int: The number of data bytes in the Rx FIFO.
- Comments: Byte read of count register is required to obtain Rx count.
- */
- #define sGetRxCnt(ChP) sInW((ChP)->TxRxCount)
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sGetTxCnt
- Purpose: Get the number of data bytes in the Tx FIFO
- Call: sGetTxCnt(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: Byte_t: The number of data bytes in the Tx FIFO.
- Comments: Byte read of count register is required to obtain Tx count.
- */
- #define sGetTxCnt(ChP) sInB((ByteIO_t)(ChP)->TxRxCount)
- /*****************************************************************************
- Function: sGetTxRxDataIO
- Purpose: Get the I/O address of a channel's TxRx Data register
- Call: sGetTxRxDataIO(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Return: WordIO_t: I/O address of a channel's TxRx Data register
- */
- #define sGetTxRxDataIO(ChP) (ChP)->TxRxData
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sInitChanDefaults
- Purpose: Initialize a channel structure to it's default state.
- Call: sInitChanDefaults(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to the channel structure
- Comments: This function must be called once for every channel structure
- that exists before any other SSCI calls can be made.
- */
- #define sInitChanDefaults(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->AiopNum = NULLAIOP;
- (ChP)->ChanID = AIOPID_NULL;
- (ChP)->ChanNum = NULLCHAN;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sResetAiopByNum
- Purpose: Reset the AIOP by number
- Call: sResetAiopByNum(CTLP,AIOPNUM)
- CONTROLLER_T CTLP; Ptr to controller structure
- */
- #define sResetAiopByNum(CTLP,AIOPNUM)
- {
- sOutB((CTLP)->AiopIO[(AIOPNUM)]+_CMD_REG,0x0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSendBreak
- Purpose: Send a transmit BREAK signal
- Call: sSendBreak(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSendBreak(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] |= SETBREAK;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetBaud
- Purpose: Set baud rate
- Call: sSetBaud(ChP,Divisor)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Word_t Divisor; 16 bit baud rate divisor for channel
- */
- #define sSetBaud(ChP,DIVISOR)
- {
- (ChP)->BaudDiv[2] = (Byte_t)(DIVISOR);
- (ChP)->BaudDiv[3] = (Byte_t)((DIVISOR) >> 8);
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->BaudDiv[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetData7
- Purpose: Set data bits to 7
- Call: sSetData7(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSetData7(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] &= ~DATA8BIT;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetData8
- Purpose: Set data bits to 8
- Call: sSetData8(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSetData8(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] |= DATA8BIT;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetDTR
- Purpose: Set the DTR output
- Call: sSetDTR(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSetDTR(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] |= SET_DTR;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetEvenParity
- Purpose: Set even parity
- Call: sSetEvenParity(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: Function sSetParity() can be used in place of functions sEnParity(),
- sDisParity(), sSetOddParity(), and sSetEvenParity().
- Warnings: This function has no effect unless parity is enabled with function
- sEnParity().
- */
- #define sSetEvenParity(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] |= EVEN_PAR;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetOddParity
- Purpose: Set odd parity
- Call: sSetOddParity(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: Function sSetParity() can be used in place of functions sEnParity(),
- sDisParity(), sSetOddParity(), and sSetEvenParity().
- Warnings: This function has no effect unless parity is enabled with function
- sEnParity().
- */
- #define sSetOddParity(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] &= ~EVEN_PAR;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetRTS
- Purpose: Set the RTS output
- Call: sSetRTS(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSetRTS(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[3] |= SET_RTS;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetRxTrigger
- Purpose: Set the Rx FIFO trigger level
- Call: sSetRxProcessor(ChP,Level)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Byte_t Level; Number of characters in Rx FIFO at which the
- interrupt will be generated. Can be any of the following flags:
- TRIG_NO: no trigger
- TRIG_1: 1 character in FIFO
- TRIG_1_2: FIFO 1/2 full
- TRIG_7_8: FIFO 7/8 full
- Comments: An interrupt will be generated when the trigger level is reached
- only if function sEnInterrupt() has been called with flag
- RXINT_EN set. The RXF_TRIG flag in the Interrupt Idenfification
- register will be set whenever the trigger level is reached
- regardless of the setting of RXINT_EN.
- */
- #define sSetRxTrigger(ChP,LEVEL)
- {
- (ChP)->RxControl[2] &= ~TRIG_MASK;
- (ChP)->RxControl[2] |= LEVEL;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->RxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetStop1
- Purpose: Set stop bits to 1
- Call: sSetStop1(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSetStop1(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] &= ~STOP2;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetStop2
- Purpose: Set stop bits to 2
- Call: sSetStop2(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- */
- #define sSetStop2(ChP)
- {
- (ChP)->TxControl[2] |= STOP2;
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->TxControl[0]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetTxXOFFChar
- Purpose: Set the Tx XOFF flow control character
- Call: sSetTxXOFFChar(ChP,Ch)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Byte_t Ch; The value to set the Tx XOFF character to
- */
- #define sSetTxXOFFChar(ChP,CH)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x07] = (CH);
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x04]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sSetTxXONChar
- Purpose: Set the Tx XON flow control character
- Call: sSetTxXONChar(ChP,Ch)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Byte_t Ch; The value to set the Tx XON character to
- */
- #define sSetTxXONChar(ChP,CH)
- {
- (ChP)->R[0x0b] = (CH);
- sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0x08]);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sStartRxProcessor
- Purpose: Start a channel's receive processor
- Call: sStartRxProcessor(ChP)
- CHANNEL_T *ChP; Ptr to channel structure
- Comments: This function is used to start a Rx processor after it was
- stopped with sStopRxProcessor() or sStopSWInFlowCtl(). It
- will restart both the Rx processor and software input flow control.
- */
- #define sStartRxProcessor(ChP) sOutDW((ChP)->IndexAddr,*(DWord_t *)&(ChP)->R[0])
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: sWriteTxByte
- Purpose: Write a transmit data byte to a channel.
- ByteIO_t io: Channel transmit register I/O address. This can
- be obtained with sGetTxRxDataIO().
- Byte_t Data; The transmit data byte.
- Warnings: This function writes the data byte without checking to see if
- sMaxTxSize is exceeded in the Tx FIFO.
- */
- #define sWriteTxByte(IO,DATA) sOutB(IO,DATA)
- int sInitController( CONTROLLER_T *CtlP,
- int CtlNum,
- ByteIO_t MudbacIO,
- ByteIO_t *AiopIOList,
- int AiopIOListSize,
- int IRQNum,
- Byte_t Frequency,
- int PeriodicOnly);
- int sPCIInitController( CONTROLLER_T *CtlP,
- int CtlNum,
- ByteIO_t *AiopIOList,
- int AiopIOListSize,
- int IRQNum,
- Byte_t Frequency,
- int PeriodicOnly);
- int sReadAiopID(ByteIO_t io);
- int sReadAiopNumChan(WordIO_t io);
- int sInitChan( CONTROLLER_T *CtlP,
- int AiopNum,
- int ChanNum);
- Byte_t sGetRxErrStatus(CHANNEL_T *ChP);
- void sStopRxProcessor(CHANNEL_T *ChP);
- void sStopSWInFlowCtl(CHANNEL_T *ChP);
- void sFlushRxFIFO(CHANNEL_T *ChP);
- void sFlushTxFIFO(CHANNEL_T *ChP);
- int sWriteTxPrioByte(CHANNEL_T *ChP, Byte_t Data);
- void sEnInterrupts(CHANNEL_T *ChP,Word_t Flags);
- void sDisInterrupts(CHANNEL_T *ChP,Word_t Flags);
- extern Byte_t R[RDATASIZE];
- extern CONTROLLER_T sController[CTL_SIZE];
- extern Byte_t sIRQMap[16];
- extern Byte_t sBitMapClrTbl[8];
- extern Byte_t sBitMapSetTbl[8];
- extern int sClockPrescale;
- /*
- * Begin Linux specific definitions for the Rocketport driver
- *
- * This code is Copyright Theodore Ts'o, 1995-1997
- */
- struct r_port {
- int magic;
- int line;
- int flags;
- int count;
- int blocked_open;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- int board:2;
- int aiop:2;
- int chan:3;
- CONTROLLER_t *ctlp;
- CHANNEL_t channel;
- int closing_wait;
- int close_delay;
- int intmask;
- int xmit_fifo_room; /* room in xmit fifo */
- unsigned char *xmit_buf;
- int xmit_head;
- int xmit_tail;
- int xmit_cnt;
- int session;
- int pgrp;
- int cd_status;
- int ignore_status_mask;
- int read_status_mask;
- int cps;
- struct termios normal_termios;
- struct termios callout_termios;
- struct tq_struct tqueue;
- wait_queue_head_t open_wait;
- wait_queue_head_t close_wait;
- };
- #define RPORT_MAGIC 0x525001
- #define NUM_BOARDS 8
- #define MAX_RP_PORTS (32*NUM_BOARDS)
- /*
- * The size of the xmit buffer is 1 page, or 4096 bytes
- */
- #define XMIT_BUF_SIZE 4096
- /* number of characters left in xmit buffer before we ask for more */
- #define WAKEUP_CHARS 256
- /* Internal flags used only by the rocketport driver */
- #define ROCKET_INITIALIZED 0x80000000 /* Port is active */
- #define ROCKET_CLOSING 0x40000000 /* Serial port is closing */
- #define ROCKET_NORMAL_ACTIVE 0x20000000 /* Normal port is active */
- #define ROCKET_CALLOUT_ACTIVE 0x10000000 /* Callout port is active */
- /*
- * tty subtypes
- *
- */
- /*
- * Assigned major numbers for the Comtrol Rocketport
- */
- #define TTY_ROCKET_MAJOR 46
- #define CUA_ROCKET_MAJOR 47
- /*
- * Utility function.
- */
- #ifndef MIN
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- #endif
- #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_RP 0x11fe
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP32INTF 0x0001
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP8INTF 0x0002
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP16INTF 0x0003
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP8OCTA 0x0005
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP4QUAD 0x0004
- #endif
- #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP8J
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP8J 0x0006
- #endif
- #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_RPP4
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RPP4 0x000A
- #endif
- #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_RPP8
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RPP8 0x000B
- #endif
- #ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP8M
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RP8M 0x000C
- #endif