- /*
- * specialix.c -- specialix IO8+ multiport serial driver.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997 Roger Wolff (R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl)
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Dmitry Gorodchanin (pgmdsg@ibi.com)
- *
- * Specialix pays for the development and support of this driver.
- * Please DO contact io8-linux@specialix.co.uk if you require
- * support. But please read the documentation (specialix.txt)
- * first.
- *
- * This driver was developped in the BitWizard linux device
- * driver service. If you require a linux device driver for your
- * product, please contact devices@BitWizard.nl for a quote.
- *
- * This code is firmly based on the riscom/8 serial driver,
- * written by Dmitry Gorodchanin. The specialix IO8+ card
- * programming information was obtained from the CL-CD1865 Data
- * Book, and Specialix document number 6200059: IO8+ Hardware
- * Functional Specification.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
- * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
- * USA.
- *
- * Revision history:
- *
- * Revision 1.0: April 1st 1997.
- * Initial release for alpha testing.
- * Revision 1.1: April 14th 1997.
- * Incorporated Richard Hudsons suggestions,
- * removed some debugging printk's.
- * Revision 1.2: April 15th 1997.
- * Ported to 2.1.x kernels.
- * Revision 1.3: April 17th 1997
- * Backported to 2.0. (Compatibility macros).
- * Revision 1.4: April 18th 1997
- * Fixed DTR/RTS bug that caused the card to indicate
- * "don't send data" to a modem after the password prompt.
- * Fixed bug for premature (fake) interrupts.
- * Revision 1.5: April 19th 1997
- * fixed a minor typo in the header file, cleanup a little.
- * performance warnings are now MAXed at once per minute.
- * Revision 1.6: May 23 1997
- * Changed the specialix=... format to include interrupt.
- * Revision 1.7: May 27 1997
- * Made many more debug printk's a compile time option.
- * Revision 1.8: Jul 1 1997
- * port to linux-2.1.43 kernel.
- * Revision 1.9: Oct 9 1998
- * Added stuff for the IO8+/PCI version.
- * Revision 1.10: Oct 22 1999 / Jan 21 2000.
- * Added stuff for setserial.
- * Nicolas Mailhot (Nicolas.Mailhot@email.enst.fr)
- *
- */
- #define VERSION "1.10"
- /*
- * There is a bunch of documentation about the card, jumpers, config
- * settings, restrictions, cables, device names and numbers in
- * ../../Documentation/specialix.txt
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/serial.h>
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/major.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/tqueue.h>
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- /* ************************************************************** */
- /* * This section can be removed when 2.0 becomes outdated.... * */
- /* ************************************************************** */
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 131328 /* Less than 2.1.0 */
- #define TWO_ZERO
- #else
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 131371 /* less than 2.1.43 */
- /* This has not been extensively tested yet. Sorry. */
- #warning "You're on your own between 2.1.0 and 2.1.43.... "
- #warning "Please use a recent kernel."
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef TWO_ZERO
- #define Get_user(a,b) a = get_user(b)
- #define copy_from_user(a,b,c) memcpy_fromfs(a,b,c)
- #define copy_to_user(a,b,c) memcpy_tofs(a,b,c)
- #define queue_task queue_task_irq_off
- #else
- #define Get_user(a,b) get_user(a,b)
- #endif
- /* ************************************************************** */
- /* * End of compatibility section.. * */
- /* ************************************************************** */
- #ifndef TWO_ZERO
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #endif
- #include "specialix_io8.h"
- #include "cd1865.h"
- /* Configurable options: */
- /* Am I paranoid or not ? ;-) */
- /* Do I trust the IRQ from the card? (enabeling it doesn't seem to help)
- When the IRQ routine leaves the chip in a state that is keeps on
- requiring attention, the timer doesn't help either. */
- /*
- * The following defines are mostly for testing purposes. But if you need
- * some nice reporting in your syslog, you can define them also.
- */
- #define SX_CRTSCTS(bla) 1
- #else
- #define SX_CRTSCTS(tty) C_CRTSCTS(tty)
- #endif
- /* Used to be outb (0xff, 0x80); */
- #define short_pause() udelay (1)
- #ifndef MIN
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- DECLARE_TASK_QUEUE(tq_specialix);
- static struct tty_driver specialix_driver, specialix_callout_driver;
- static int specialix_refcount;
- static struct tty_struct * specialix_table[SX_NBOARD * SX_NPORT];
- static struct termios * specialix_termios[SX_NBOARD * SX_NPORT];
- static struct termios * specialix_termios_locked[SX_NBOARD * SX_NPORT];
- static unsigned char * tmp_buf;
- static DECLARE_MUTEX(tmp_buf_sem);
- static unsigned long baud_table[] = {
- 0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
- 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 0,
- };
- static struct specialix_board sx_board[SX_NBOARD] = {
- { 0, SX_IOBASE1, 9, },
- { 0, SX_IOBASE2, 11, },
- { 0, SX_IOBASE3, 12, },
- { 0, SX_IOBASE4, 15, },
- };
- static struct specialix_port sx_port[SX_NBOARD * SX_NPORT];
- static struct timer_list missed_irq_timer;
- static void sx_interrupt(int irq, void * dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs);
- #endif
- static inline int sx_paranoia_check(struct specialix_port const * port,
- kdev_t device, const char *routine)
- {
- static const char *badmagic =
- KERN_ERR "sx: Warning: bad specialix port magic number for device %s in %sn";
- static const char *badinfo =
- KERN_ERR "sx: Warning: null specialix port for device %s in %sn";
- if (!port) {
- printk(badinfo, kdevname(device), routine);
- return 1;
- }
- if (port->magic != SPECIALIX_MAGIC) {
- printk(badmagic, kdevname(device), routine);
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Service functions for specialix IO8+ driver.
- *
- */
- /* Get board number from pointer */
- static inline int board_No (struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- return bp - sx_board;
- }
- /* Get port number from pointer */
- static inline int port_No (struct specialix_port const * port)
- {
- return SX_PORT(port - sx_port);
- }
- /* Get pointer to board from pointer to port */
- static inline struct specialix_board * port_Board(struct specialix_port const * port)
- {
- return &sx_board[SX_BOARD(port - sx_port)];
- }
- /* Input Byte from CL CD186x register */
- static inline unsigned char sx_in(struct specialix_board * bp, unsigned short reg)
- {
- bp->reg = reg | 0x80;
- outb (reg | 0x80, bp->base + SX_ADDR_REG);
- return inb (bp->base + SX_DATA_REG);
- }
- /* Output Byte to CL CD186x register */
- static inline void sx_out(struct specialix_board * bp, unsigned short reg,
- unsigned char val)
- {
- bp->reg = reg | 0x80;
- outb (reg | 0x80, bp->base + SX_ADDR_REG);
- outb (val, bp->base + SX_DATA_REG);
- }
- /* Input Byte from CL CD186x register */
- static inline unsigned char sx_in_off(struct specialix_board * bp, unsigned short reg)
- {
- bp->reg = reg;
- outb (reg, bp->base + SX_ADDR_REG);
- return inb (bp->base + SX_DATA_REG);
- }
- /* Output Byte to CL CD186x register */
- static inline void sx_out_off(struct specialix_board * bp, unsigned short reg,
- unsigned char val)
- {
- bp->reg = reg;
- outb (reg, bp->base + SX_ADDR_REG);
- outb (val, bp->base + SX_DATA_REG);
- }
- /* Wait for Channel Command Register ready */
- static inline void sx_wait_CCR(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- unsigned long delay;
- for (delay = SX_CCR_TIMEOUT; delay; delay--)
- if (!sx_in(bp, CD186x_CCR))
- return;
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: Timeout waiting for CCR.n", board_No(bp));
- }
- /* Wait for Channel Command Register ready */
- static inline void sx_wait_CCR_off(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- unsigned long delay;
- for (delay = SX_CCR_TIMEOUT; delay; delay--)
- if (!sx_in_off(bp, CD186x_CCR))
- return;
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: Timeout waiting for CCR.n", board_No(bp));
- }
- /*
- * specialix IO8+ IO range functions.
- */
- static inline int sx_check_io_range(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- return check_region (bp->base, SX_IO_SPACE);
- }
- static inline void sx_request_io_range(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- request_region(bp->base,
- "specialix IO8+" );
- }
- static inline void sx_release_io_range(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- release_region(bp->base,
- }
- /* Must be called with enabled interrupts */
- /* Ugly. Very ugly. Don't use this for anything else than initialization
- code */
- static inline void sx_long_delay(unsigned long delay)
- {
- unsigned long i;
- for (i = jiffies + delay; time_after(i, jiffies); ) ;
- }
- /* Set the IRQ using the RTS lines that run to the PAL on the board.... */
- int sx_set_irq ( struct specialix_board *bp)
- {
- int virq;
- int i;
- if (bp->flags & SX_BOARD_IS_PCI)
- return 1;
- switch (bp->irq) {
- /* In the same order as in the docs... */
- case 15: virq = 0;break;
- case 12: virq = 1;break;
- case 11: virq = 2;break;
- case 9: virq = 3;break;
- default: printk (KERN_ERR "Speclialix: cannot set irq to %d.n", bp->irq);
- return 0;
- }
- for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, i);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVRTS, ((virq >> i) & 0x1)? MSVR_RTS:0);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Reset and setup CD186x chip */
- static int sx_init_CD186x(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- int scaler;
- int rv = 1;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- sx_wait_CCR_off(bp); /* Wait for CCR ready */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_HARDRESET); /* Reset CD186x chip */
- sti();
- sx_long_delay(HZ/20); /* Delay 0.05 sec */
- cli();
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_GIVR, SX_ID); /* Set ID for this chip */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_GICR, 0); /* Clear all bits */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PILR1, SX_ACK_MINT); /* Prio for modem intr */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PILR2, SX_ACK_TINT); /* Prio for transmitter intr */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PILR3, SX_ACK_RINT); /* Prio for receiver intr */
- /* Set RegAckEn */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_SRCR, sx_in (bp, CD186x_SRCR) | SRCR_REGACKEN);
- /* Setting up prescaler. We need 4 ticks per 1 ms */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PPRH, scaler >> 8);
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PPRL, scaler & 0xff);
- if (!sx_set_irq (bp)) {
- /* Figure out how to pass this along... */
- printk (KERN_ERR "Cannot set irq to %d.n", bp->irq);
- rv = 0;
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- return rv;
- }
- int read_cross_byte (struct specialix_board *bp, int reg, int bit)
- {
- int i;
- int t;
- for (i=0, t=0;i<8;i++) {
- sx_out_off (bp, CD186x_CAR, i);
- if (sx_in_off (bp, reg) & bit)
- t |= 1 << i;
- }
- return t;
- }
- void missed_irq (unsigned long data)
- {
- if (sx_in ((struct specialix_board *)data, CD186x_SRSR) &
- (SRSR_RREQint |
- SRSR_TREQint |
- SRSR_MREQint)) {
- printk (KERN_INFO "Missed interrupt... Calling int from timer. n");
- sx_interrupt (((struct specialix_board *)data)->irq,
- }
- missed_irq_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
- add_timer (&missed_irq_timer);
- }
- #endif
- /* Main probing routine, also sets irq. */
- static int sx_probe(struct specialix_board *bp)
- {
- unsigned char val1, val2;
- #if 0
- int irqs = 0;
- int retries;
- #endif
- int rev;
- int chip;
- if (sx_check_io_range(bp))
- return 1;
- /* Are the I/O ports here ? */
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PPRL, 0x5a);
- short_pause ();
- val1 = sx_in_off(bp, CD186x_PPRL);
- sx_out_off(bp, CD186x_PPRL, 0xa5);
- short_pause ();
- val2 = sx_in_off(bp, CD186x_PPRL);
- if ((val1 != 0x5a) || (val2 != 0xa5)) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: specialix IO8+ Board at 0x%03x not found.n",
- board_No(bp), bp->base);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Check the DSR lines that Specialix uses as board
- identification */
- val1 = read_cross_byte (bp, CD186x_MSVR, MSVR_DSR);
- val2 = read_cross_byte (bp, CD186x_MSVR, MSVR_RTS);
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "sx%d: DSR lines are: %02x, rts lines are: %02xn",
- board_No(bp), val1, val2);
- #endif
- /* They managed to switch the bit order between the docs and
- the IO8+ card. The new PCI card now conforms to old docs.
- They changed the PCI docs to reflect the situation on the
- old card. */
- val2 = (bp->flags & SX_BOARD_IS_PCI)?0x4d : 0xb2;
- if (val1 != val2) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: specialix IO8+ ID %02x at 0x%03x not found (%02x).n",
- board_No(bp), val2, bp->base, val1);
- return 1;
- }
- #if 0
- /* It's time to find IRQ for this board */
- for (retries = 0; retries < 5 && irqs <= 0; retries++) {
- irqs = probe_irq_on();
- sx_init_CD186x(bp); /* Reset CD186x chip */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, 2); /* Select port 2 */
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_TXEN); /* Enable transmitter */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, IER_TXRDY); /* Enable tx empty intr */
- sx_long_delay(HZ/20);
- irqs = probe_irq_off(irqs);
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "SRSR = %02x, ", sx_in(bp, CD186x_SRSR));
- printk ( "TRAR = %02x, ", sx_in(bp, CD186x_TRAR));
- printk ( "GIVR = %02x, ", sx_in(bp, CD186x_GIVR));
- printk ( "GICR = %02x, ", sx_in(bp, CD186x_GICR));
- printk ( "n");
- #endif
- /* Reset CD186x again */
- if (!sx_init_CD186x(bp)) {
- /* Hmmm. This is dead code anyway. */
- }
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "val1 = %02x, val2 = %02x, val3 = %02x.n",
- val1, val2, val3);
- #endif
- }
- #if 0
- if (irqs <= 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: Can't find IRQ for specialix IO8+ board at 0x%03x.n",
- board_No(bp), bp->base);
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- printk (KERN_INFO "Started with irq=%d, but now have irq=%d.n", bp->irq, irqs);
- if (irqs > 0)
- bp->irq = irqs;
- #endif
- /* Reset CD186x again */
- if (!sx_init_CD186x(bp)) {
- return -EIO;
- }
- sx_request_io_range(bp);
- bp->flags |= SX_BOARD_PRESENT;
- /* Chip revcode pkgtype
- GFRCR SRCR bit 7
- CD180 rev B 0x81 0
- CD180 rev C 0x82 0
- CD1864 rev A 0x82 1
- CD1865 rev A 0x83 1 -- Do not use!!! Does not work.
- CD1865 rev B 0x84 1
- -- Thanks to Gwen Wang, Cirrus Logic.
- */
- switch (sx_in_off(bp, CD186x_GFRCR)) {
- case 0x82:chip = 1864;rev='A';break;
- case 0x83:chip = 1865;rev='A';break;
- case 0x84:chip = 1865;rev='B';break;
- case 0x85:chip = 1865;rev='C';break; /* Does not exist at this time */
- default:chip=-1;rev='x';
- }
- printk (KERN_DEBUG " GFCR = 0x%02xn", sx_in_off(bp, CD186x_GFRCR) );
- #endif
- init_timer (&missed_irq_timer);
- missed_irq_timer.function = missed_irq;
- missed_irq_timer.data = (unsigned long) bp;
- missed_irq_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
- add_timer (&missed_irq_timer);
- #endif
- printk(KERN_INFO"sx%d: specialix IO8+ board detected at 0x%03x, IRQ %d, CD%d Rev. %c.n",
- board_No(bp),
- bp->base, bp->irq,
- chip, rev);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Interrupt processing routines.
- * */
- static inline void sx_mark_event(struct specialix_port * port, int event)
- {
- /*
- * I'm not quite happy with current scheme all serial
- * drivers use their own BH routine.
- * It seems this easily can be done with one BH routine
- * serving for all serial drivers.
- * For now I must introduce another one - SPECIALIX_BH.
- * Still hope this will be changed in near future.
- * -- Dmitry.
- */
- set_bit(event, &port->event);
- queue_task(&port->tqueue, &tq_specialix);
- mark_bh(SPECIALIX_BH);
- }
- static inline struct specialix_port * sx_get_port(struct specialix_board * bp,
- unsigned char const * what)
- {
- unsigned char channel;
- struct specialix_port * port;
- channel = sx_in(bp, CD186x_GICR) >> GICR_CHAN_OFF;
- if (channel < CD186x_NCH) {
- port = &sx_port[board_No(bp) * SX_NPORT + channel];
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_INITIALIZED) {
- return port;
- }
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: %s interrupt from invalid port %dn",
- board_No(bp), what, channel);
- return NULL;
- }
- static inline void sx_receive_exc(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- unsigned char status;
- unsigned char ch;
- if (!(port = sx_get_port(bp, "Receive")))
- return;
- tty = port->tty;
- if (tty->flip.count >= TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: port %d: Working around flip buffer overflow.n",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port));
- return;
- }
- status = sx_in(bp, CD186x_RCSR);
- if (status & RCSR_OE) {
- port->overrun++;
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "sx%d: port %d: Overrun. Total %ld overruns.n",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port), port->overrun);
- #endif
- }
- status &= port->mark_mask;
- #else
- status = sx_in(bp, CD186x_RCSR) & port->mark_mask;
- #endif
- ch = sx_in(bp, CD186x_RDR);
- if (!status) {
- return;
- }
- if (status & RCSR_TOUT) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: port %d: Receiver timeout. Hardware problems ?n",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port));
- return;
- } else if (status & RCSR_BREAK) {
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "sx%d: port %d: Handling break...n",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port));
- #endif
- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++ = TTY_BREAK;
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_SAK)
- do_SAK(tty);
- } else if (status & RCSR_PE)
- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++ = TTY_PARITY;
- else if (status & RCSR_FE)
- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++ = TTY_FRAME;
- else if (status & RCSR_OE)
- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++ = TTY_OVERRUN;
- else
- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++ = 0;
- *tty->flip.char_buf_ptr++ = ch;
- tty->flip.count++;
- queue_task(&tty->flip.tqueue, &tq_timer);
- }
- static inline void sx_receive(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- unsigned char count;
- if (!(port = sx_get_port(bp, "Receive")))
- return;
- tty = port->tty;
- count = sx_in(bp, CD186x_RDCR);
- port->hits[count > 8 ? 9 : count]++;
- #endif
- while (count--) {
- if (tty->flip.count >= TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: port %d: Working around flip buffer overflow.n",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port));
- break;
- }
- *tty->flip.char_buf_ptr++ = sx_in(bp, CD186x_RDR);
- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++ = 0;
- tty->flip.count++;
- }
- queue_task(&tty->flip.tqueue, &tq_timer);
- }
- static inline void sx_transmit(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- unsigned char count;
- if (!(port = sx_get_port(bp, "Transmit")))
- return;
- tty = port->tty;
- if (port->IER & IER_TXEMPTY) {
- /* FIFO drained */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXEMPTY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- return;
- }
- if ((port->xmit_cnt <= 0 && !port->break_length)
- || tty->stopped || tty->hw_stopped) {
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- return;
- }
- if (port->break_length) {
- if (port->break_length > 0) {
- if (port->COR2 & COR2_ETC) {
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, CD186x_C_ESC);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, CD186x_C_SBRK);
- port->COR2 &= ~COR2_ETC;
- }
- count = MIN(port->break_length, 0xff);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, CD186x_C_ESC);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, CD186x_C_DELAY);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, count);
- if (!(port->break_length -= count))
- port->break_length--;
- } else {
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, CD186x_C_ESC);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, CD186x_C_EBRK);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_COR2, port->COR2);
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_CORCHG2);
- port->break_length = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- count = CD186x_NFIFO;
- do {
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TDR, port->xmit_buf[port->xmit_tail++]);
- port->xmit_tail = port->xmit_tail & (SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE-1);
- if (--port->xmit_cnt <= 0)
- break;
- } while (--count > 0);
- if (port->xmit_cnt <= 0) {
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- }
- if (port->xmit_cnt <= port->wakeup_chars)
- sx_mark_event(port, RS_EVENT_WRITE_WAKEUP);
- }
- static inline void sx_check_modem(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- unsigned char mcr;
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "Modem intr. ");
- #endif
- if (!(port = sx_get_port(bp, "Modem")))
- return;
- tty = port->tty;
- mcr = sx_in(bp, CD186x_MCR);
- printk ("mcr = %02x.n", mcr);
- if ((mcr & MCR_CDCHG)) {
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "CD just changed... ");
- #endif
- if (sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & MSVR_CD) {
- printk ( "Waking up guys in open.n");
- #endif
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->open_wait);
- }
- else if (!((port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE) &&
- (port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_NOHUP))) {
- printk ( "Sending HUP.n");
- #endif
- if (schedule_task(&port->tqueue_hangup) == 0)
- } else {
- printk ( "Don't need to send HUP.n");
- #endif
- }
- }
- if (mcr & MCR_CTSCHG) {
- if (sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & MSVR_CTS) {
- tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- port->IER |= IER_TXRDY;
- if (port->xmit_cnt <= port->wakeup_chars)
- sx_mark_event(port, RS_EVENT_WRITE_WAKEUP);
- } else {
- tty->hw_stopped = 1;
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXRDY;
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- }
- if (mcr & MCR_DSSXHG) {
- if (sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & MSVR_DSR) {
- tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- port->IER |= IER_TXRDY;
- if (port->xmit_cnt <= port->wakeup_chars)
- sx_mark_event(port, RS_EVENT_WRITE_WAKEUP);
- } else {
- tty->hw_stopped = 1;
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXRDY;
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- }
- /* Clear change bits */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MCR, 0);
- }
- /* The main interrupt processing routine */
- static void sx_interrupt(int irq, void * dev_id, struct pt_regs * regs)
- {
- unsigned char status;
- unsigned char ack;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- unsigned long loop = 0;
- int saved_reg;
- bp = dev_id;
- if (!bp || !(bp->flags & SX_BOARD_ACTIVE)) {
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "sx: False interrupt. irq %d.n", irq);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- saved_reg = bp->reg;
- while ((++loop < 16) && (status = (sx_in(bp, CD186x_SRSR) &
- (SRSR_RREQint |
- SRSR_TREQint |
- SRSR_MREQint)))) {
- if (status & SRSR_RREQint) {
- ack = sx_in(bp, CD186x_RRAR);
- if (ack == (SX_ID | GIVR_IT_RCV))
- sx_receive(bp);
- else if (ack == (SX_ID | GIVR_IT_REXC))
- sx_receive_exc(bp);
- else
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: Bad receive ack 0x%02x.n",
- board_No(bp), ack);
- } else if (status & SRSR_TREQint) {
- ack = sx_in(bp, CD186x_TRAR);
- if (ack == (SX_ID | GIVR_IT_TX))
- sx_transmit(bp);
- else
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: Bad transmit ack 0x%02x.n",
- board_No(bp), ack);
- } else if (status & SRSR_MREQint) {
- ack = sx_in(bp, CD186x_MRAR);
- if (ack == (SX_ID | GIVR_IT_MODEM))
- sx_check_modem(bp);
- else
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: Bad modem ack 0x%02x.n",
- board_No(bp), ack);
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_EOIR, 0); /* Mark end of interrupt */
- }
- bp->reg = saved_reg;
- outb (bp->reg, bp->base + SX_ADDR_REG);
- }
- /*
- * Routines for open & close processing.
- */
- void turn_ints_off (struct specialix_board *bp)
- {
- if (bp->flags & SX_BOARD_IS_PCI) {
- /* This was intended for enabeling the interrupt on the
- * PCI card. However it seems that it's already enabled
- * and as PCI interrupts can be shared, there is no real
- * reason to have to turn it off. */
- }
- (void) sx_in_off (bp, 0); /* Turn off interrupts. */
- }
- void turn_ints_on (struct specialix_board *bp)
- {
- if (bp->flags & SX_BOARD_IS_PCI) {
- /* play with the PCI chip. See comment above. */
- }
- (void) sx_in (bp, 0); /* Turn ON interrupts. */
- }
- /* Called with disabled interrupts */
- static inline int sx_setup_board(struct specialix_board * bp)
- {
- int error;
- if (bp->flags & SX_BOARD_ACTIVE)
- return 0;
- if (bp->flags & SX_BOARD_IS_PCI)
- error = request_irq(bp->irq, sx_interrupt, SA_INTERRUPT | SA_SHIRQ, "specialix IO8+", bp);
- else
- error = request_irq(bp->irq, sx_interrupt, SA_INTERRUPT, "specialix IO8+", bp);
- if (error)
- return error;
- turn_ints_on (bp);
- bp->flags |= SX_BOARD_ACTIVE;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Called with disabled interrupts */
- static inline void sx_shutdown_board(struct specialix_board *bp)
- {
- if (!(bp->flags & SX_BOARD_ACTIVE))
- return;
- bp->flags &= ~SX_BOARD_ACTIVE;
- printk ("Freeing IRQ%d for board %d.n", bp->irq, board_No (bp));
- #endif
- free_irq(bp->irq, bp);
- turn_ints_off (bp);
- }
- /*
- * Setting up port characteristics.
- * Must be called with disabled interrupts
- */
- static void sx_change_speed(struct specialix_board *bp, struct specialix_port *port)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- unsigned long baud;
- long tmp;
- unsigned char cor1 = 0, cor3 = 0;
- unsigned char mcor1 = 0, mcor2 = 0;
- static int again;
- if (!(tty = port->tty) || !tty->termios)
- return;
- port->IER = 0;
- port->COR2 = 0;
- /* Select port on the board */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- /* The Specialix board doens't implement the RTS lines.
- They are used to set the IRQ level. Don't touch them. */
- if (SX_CRTSCTS(tty))
- port->MSVR = MSVR_DTR | (sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & MSVR_RTS);
- else
- port->MSVR = (sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & MSVR_RTS);
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "sx: got MSVR=%02x.n", port->MSVR);
- #endif
- baud = C_BAUD(tty);
- if (baud & CBAUDEX) {
- baud &= ~CBAUDEX;
- if (baud < 1 || baud > 2)
- port->tty->termios->c_cflag &= ~CBAUDEX;
- else
- baud += 15;
- }
- if (baud == 15) {
- if ((port->flags & ASYNC_SPD_MASK) == ASYNC_SPD_HI)
- baud ++;
- if ((port->flags & ASYNC_SPD_MASK) == ASYNC_SPD_VHI)
- baud += 2;
- }
- if (!baud_table[baud]) {
- /* Drop DTR & exit */
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "Dropping DTR... Hmm....n");
- #endif
- if (!SX_CRTSCTS (tty)) {
- port -> MSVR &= ~ MSVR_DTR;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR );
- }
- else
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "Can't drop DTR: no DTR.n");
- #endif
- return;
- } else {
- /* Set DTR on */
- if (!SX_CRTSCTS (tty)) {
- port ->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now we must calculate some speed depended things
- */
- /* Set baud rate for port */
- tmp = port->custom_divisor ;
- if ( tmp )
- printk (KERN_INFO "sx%d: Using custom baud rate divisor %ld. n"
- "This is an untested option, please be carefull.n",
- port_No (port), tmp);
- else
- tmp = (((SX_OSCFREQ + baud_table[baud]/2) / baud_table[baud] +
- CD186x_TPC/2) / CD186x_TPC);
- if ((tmp < 0x10) && time_before(again, jiffies)) {
- again = jiffies + HZ * 60;
- /* Page 48 of version 2.0 of the CL-CD1865 databook */
- if (tmp >= 12) {
- printk (KERN_INFO "sx%d: Baud rate divisor is %ld. n"
- "Performance degradation is possible.n"
- "Read specialix.txt for more info.n",
- port_No (port), tmp);
- } else {
- printk (KERN_INFO "sx%d: Baud rate divisor is %ld. n"
- "Warning: overstressing Cirrus chip. "
- "This might not work.n"
- "Read specialix.txt for more info.n",
- port_No (port), tmp);
- }
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_RBPRH, (tmp >> 8) & 0xff);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TBPRH, (tmp >> 8) & 0xff);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_RBPRL, tmp & 0xff);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_TBPRL, tmp & 0xff);
- if (port->custom_divisor) {
- baud = (SX_OSCFREQ + port->custom_divisor/2) / port->custom_divisor;
- baud = ( baud + 5 ) / 10;
- } else
- baud = (baud_table[baud] + 5) / 10; /* Estimated CPS */
- /* Two timer ticks seems enough to wakeup something like SLIP driver */
- tmp = ((baud + HZ/2) / HZ) * 2 - CD186x_NFIFO;
- port->wakeup_chars = (tmp < 0) ? 0 : ((tmp >= SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE) ?
- SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - 1 : tmp);
- /* Receiver timeout will be transmission time for 1.5 chars */
- tmp = (SPECIALIX_TPS + SPECIALIX_TPS/2 + baud/2) / baud;
- tmp = (tmp > 0xff) ? 0xff : tmp;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_RTPR, tmp);
- switch (C_CSIZE(tty)) {
- case CS5:
- cor1 |= COR1_5BITS;
- break;
- case CS6:
- cor1 |= COR1_6BITS;
- break;
- case CS7:
- cor1 |= COR1_7BITS;
- break;
- case CS8:
- cor1 |= COR1_8BITS;
- break;
- }
- if (C_CSTOPB(tty))
- cor1 |= COR1_2SB;
- cor1 |= COR1_IGNORE;
- if (C_PARENB(tty)) {
- cor1 |= COR1_NORMPAR;
- if (C_PARODD(tty))
- cor1 |= COR1_ODDP;
- if (I_INPCK(tty))
- cor1 &= ~COR1_IGNORE;
- }
- /* Set marking of some errors */
- port->mark_mask = RCSR_OE | RCSR_TOUT;
- if (I_INPCK(tty))
- port->mark_mask |= RCSR_FE | RCSR_PE;
- if (I_BRKINT(tty) || I_PARMRK(tty))
- port->mark_mask |= RCSR_BREAK;
- if (I_IGNPAR(tty))
- port->mark_mask &= ~(RCSR_FE | RCSR_PE);
- if (I_IGNBRK(tty)) {
- port->mark_mask &= ~RCSR_BREAK;
- if (I_IGNPAR(tty))
- /* Real raw mode. Ignore all */
- port->mark_mask &= ~RCSR_OE;
- }
- /* Enable Hardware Flow Control */
- if (C_CRTSCTS(tty)) {
- port->IER |= IER_DSR | IER_CTS;
- mcor1 |= MCOR1_DSRZD | MCOR1_CTSZD;
- mcor2 |= MCOR2_DSROD | MCOR2_CTSOD;
- tty->hw_stopped = !(sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & (MSVR_CTS|MSVR_DSR));
- #else
- port->COR2 |= COR2_CTSAE;
- #endif
- }
- /* Enable Software Flow Control. FIXME: I'm not sure about this */
- /* Some people reported that it works, but I still doubt it */
- if (I_IXON(tty)) {
- port->COR2 |= COR2_TXIBE;
- cor3 |= (COR3_FCT | COR3_SCDE);
- if (I_IXANY(tty))
- port->COR2 |= COR2_IXM;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_SCHR1, START_CHAR(tty));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_SCHR2, STOP_CHAR(tty));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_SCHR3, START_CHAR(tty));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_SCHR4, STOP_CHAR(tty));
- }
- if (!C_CLOCAL(tty)) {
- /* Enable CD check */
- port->IER |= IER_CD;
- mcor1 |= MCOR1_CDZD;
- mcor2 |= MCOR2_CDOD;
- }
- if (C_CREAD(tty))
- /* Enable receiver */
- port->IER |= IER_RXD;
- /* Set input FIFO size (1-8 bytes) */
- /* Setting up CD186x channel registers */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_COR1, cor1);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_COR2, port->COR2);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_COR3, cor3);
- /* Make CD186x know about registers change */
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_CORCHG1 | CCR_CORCHG2 | CCR_CORCHG3);
- /* Setting up modem option registers */
- printk ("Mcor1 = %02x, mcor2 = %02x.n", mcor1, mcor2);
- #endif
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MCOR1, mcor1);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MCOR2, mcor2);
- /* Enable CD186x transmitter & receiver */
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_TXEN | CCR_RXEN);
- /* Enable interrupts */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- /* And finally set the modem lines... */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR);
- }
- /* Must be called with interrupts enabled */
- static int sx_setup_port(struct specialix_board *bp, struct specialix_port *port)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_INITIALIZED)
- return 0;
- if (!port->xmit_buf) {
- /* We may sleep in get_free_page() */
- unsigned long tmp;
- if (!(tmp = get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)))
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (port->xmit_buf) {
- free_page(tmp);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- port->xmit_buf = (unsigned char *) tmp;
- }
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- if (port->tty)
- clear_bit(TTY_IO_ERROR, &port->tty->flags);
- if (port->count == 1)
- bp->count++;
- port->xmit_cnt = port->xmit_head = port->xmit_tail = 0;
- sx_change_speed(bp, port);
- port->flags |= ASYNC_INITIALIZED;
- restore_flags(flags);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Must be called with interrupts disabled */
- static void sx_shutdown_port(struct specialix_board *bp, struct specialix_port *port)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- if (!(port->flags & ASYNC_INITIALIZED))
- return;
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: port %d: Total %ld overruns were detected.n",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port), port->overrun);
- #endif
- {
- int i;
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx%d: port %d: FIFO hits [ ",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port));
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- printk("%ld ", port->hits[i]);
- }
- printk("].n");
- }
- #endif
- if (port->xmit_buf) {
- free_page((unsigned long) port->xmit_buf);
- port->xmit_buf = NULL;
- }
- /* Select port */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- if (!(tty = port->tty) || C_HUPCL(tty)) {
- /* Drop DTR */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVDTR, 0);
- }
- /* Reset port */
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_SOFTRESET);
- /* Disable all interrupts from this port */
- port->IER = 0;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- if (tty)
- set_bit(TTY_IO_ERROR, &tty->flags);
- port->flags &= ~ASYNC_INITIALIZED;
- if (--bp->count < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: sx_shutdown_port: bad board count: %dn",
- board_No(bp), bp->count);
- bp->count = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If this is the last opened port on the board
- * shutdown whole board
- */
- if (!bp->count)
- sx_shutdown_board(bp);
- }
- static int block_til_ready(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file * filp,
- struct specialix_port *port)
- {
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
- struct specialix_board *bp = port_Board(port);
- int retval;
- int do_clocal = 0;
- int CD;
- /*
- * If the device is in the middle of being closed, then block
- * until it's done, and then try again.
- */
- if (tty_hung_up_p(filp) || port->flags & ASYNC_CLOSING) {
- interruptible_sleep_on(&port->close_wait);
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_HUP_NOTIFY)
- return -EAGAIN;
- else
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- /*
- * If this is a callout device, then just make sure the normal
- * device isn't being used.
- */
- if (tty->driver.subtype == SPECIALIX_TYPE_CALLOUT) {
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE)
- return -EBUSY;
- if ((port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE) &&
- (port->flags & ASYNC_SESSION_LOCKOUT) &&
- (port->session != current->session))
- return -EBUSY;
- if ((port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE) &&
- (port->flags & ASYNC_PGRP_LOCKOUT) &&
- (port->pgrp != current->pgrp))
- return -EBUSY;
- port->flags |= ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * If non-blocking mode is set, or the port is not enabled,
- * then make the check up front and then exit.
- */
- if ((filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) ||
- (tty->flags & (1 << TTY_IO_ERROR))) {
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE)
- return -EBUSY;
- port->flags |= ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE;
- return 0;
- }
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE) {
- if (port->normal_termios.c_cflag & CLOCAL)
- do_clocal = 1;
- } else {
- if (C_CLOCAL(tty))
- do_clocal = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Block waiting for the carrier detect and the line to become
- * free (i.e., not in use by the callout). While we are in
- * this loop, info->count is dropped by one, so that
- * rs_close() knows when to free things. We restore it upon
- * exit, either normal or abnormal.
- */
- retval = 0;
- add_wait_queue(&port->open_wait, &wait);
- cli();
- if (!tty_hung_up_p(filp))
- port->count--;
- sti();
- port->blocked_open++;
- while (1) {
- cli();
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- CD = sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR) & MSVR_CD;
- if (!(port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE)) {
- if (SX_CRTSCTS (tty)) {
- /* Activate RTS */
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR;
- sx_out (bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR);
- } else {
- /* Activate DTR */
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR;
- sx_out (bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR);
- }
- }
- sti();
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- if (tty_hung_up_p(filp) ||
- !(port->flags & ASYNC_INITIALIZED)) {
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_HUP_NOTIFY)
- retval = -EAGAIN;
- else
- retval = -ERESTARTSYS;
- break;
- }
- if (!(port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE) &&
- !(port->flags & ASYNC_CLOSING) &&
- (do_clocal || CD))
- break;
- if (signal_pending(current)) {
- retval = -ERESTARTSYS;
- break;
- }
- schedule();
- }
- current->state = TASK_RUNNING;
- remove_wait_queue(&port->open_wait, &wait);
- if (!tty_hung_up_p(filp))
- port->count++;
- port->blocked_open--;
- if (retval)
- return retval;
- port->flags |= ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE;
- return 0;
- }
- static int sx_open(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp)
- {
- int board;
- int error;
- struct specialix_port * port;
- struct specialix_board * bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- board = SX_BOARD(MINOR(tty->device));
- if (board > SX_NBOARD || !(sx_board[board].flags & SX_BOARD_PRESENT))
- return -ENODEV;
- bp = &sx_board[board];
- port = sx_port + board * SX_NPORT + SX_PORT(MINOR(tty->device));
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "Board = %d, bp = %p, port = %p, portno = %d.n",
- board, bp, port, SX_PORT(MINOR(tty->device)));
- #endif
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_open"))
- return -ENODEV;
- if ((error = sx_setup_board(bp)))
- return error;
- port->count++;
- tty->driver_data = port;
- port->tty = tty;
- if ((error = sx_setup_port(bp, port)))
- return error;
- if ((error = block_til_ready(tty, filp, port)))
- return error;
- if ((port->count == 1) && (port->flags & ASYNC_SPLIT_TERMIOS)) {
- if (tty->driver.subtype == SPECIALIX_TYPE_NORMAL)
- *tty->termios = port->normal_termios;
- else
- *tty->termios = port->callout_termios;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- sx_change_speed(bp, port);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- port->session = current->session;
- port->pgrp = current->pgrp;
- return 0;
- }
- static void sx_close(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *) tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned long timeout;
- if (!port || sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "close"))
- return;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- if (tty_hung_up_p(filp)) {
- restore_flags(flags);
- return;
- }
- bp = port_Board(port);
- if ((tty->count == 1) && (port->count != 1)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: sx_close: bad port count;"
- " tty->count is 1, port count is %dn",
- board_No(bp), port->count);
- port->count = 1;
- }
- if (--port->count < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx%d: sx_close: bad port count for tty%d: %dn",
- board_No(bp), port_No(port), port->count);
- port->count = 0;
- }
- if (port->count) {
- restore_flags(flags);
- return;
- }
- port->flags |= ASYNC_CLOSING;
- /*
- * Save the termios structure, since this port may have
- * separate termios for callout and dialin.
- */
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_NORMAL_ACTIVE)
- port->normal_termios = *tty->termios;
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_CALLOUT_ACTIVE)
- port->callout_termios = *tty->termios;
- /*
- * Now we wait for the transmit buffer to clear; and we notify
- * the line discipline to only process XON/XOFF characters.
- */
- tty->closing = 1;
- if (port->closing_wait != ASYNC_CLOSING_WAIT_NONE)
- tty_wait_until_sent(tty, port->closing_wait);
- /*
- * At this point we stop accepting input. To do this, we
- * disable the receive line status interrupts, and tell the
- * interrupt driver to stop checking the data ready bit in the
- * line status register.
- */
- port->IER &= ~IER_RXD;
- if (port->flags & ASYNC_INITIALIZED) {
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXRDY;
- port->IER |= IER_TXEMPTY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- /*
- * Before we drop DTR, make sure the UART transmitter
- * has completely drained; this is especially
- * important if there is a transmit FIFO!
- */
- timeout = jiffies+HZ;
- while(port->IER & IER_TXEMPTY) {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule_timeout(port->timeout);
- if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) {
- printk (KERN_INFO "Timeout waiting for closen");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- sx_shutdown_port(bp, port);
- if (tty->driver.flush_buffer)
- tty->driver.flush_buffer(tty);
- if (tty->ldisc.flush_buffer)
- tty->ldisc.flush_buffer(tty);
- tty->closing = 0;
- port->event = 0;
- port->tty = 0;
- if (port->blocked_open) {
- if (port->close_delay) {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule_timeout(port->close_delay);
- }
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->open_wait);
- }
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->close_wait);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static int sx_write(struct tty_struct * tty, int from_user,
- const unsigned char *buf, int count)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- int c, total = 0;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_write"))
- return 0;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- if (!tty || !port->xmit_buf || !tmp_buf)
- return 0;
- save_flags(flags);
- if (from_user) {
- down(&tmp_buf_sem);
- while (1) {
- c = MIN(count, MIN(SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_cnt - 1,
- SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_head));
- if (c <= 0)
- break;
- c -= copy_from_user(tmp_buf, buf, c);
- if (!c) {
- if (!total)
- total = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- cli();
- c = MIN(c, MIN(SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_cnt - 1,
- SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_head));
- memcpy(port->xmit_buf + port->xmit_head, tmp_buf, c);
- port->xmit_head = (port->xmit_head + c) & (SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE-1);
- port->xmit_cnt += c;
- restore_flags(flags);
- buf += c;
- count -= c;
- total += c;
- }
- up(&tmp_buf_sem);
- } else {
- while (1) {
- cli();
- c = MIN(count, MIN(SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_cnt - 1,
- SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_head));
- if (c <= 0) {
- restore_flags(flags);
- break;
- }
- memcpy(port->xmit_buf + port->xmit_head, buf, c);
- port->xmit_head = (port->xmit_head + c) & (SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE-1);
- port->xmit_cnt += c;
- restore_flags(flags);
- buf += c;
- count -= c;
- total += c;
- }
- }
- cli();
- if (port->xmit_cnt && !tty->stopped && !tty->hw_stopped &&
- !(port->IER & IER_TXRDY)) {
- port->IER |= IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- return total;
- }
- static void sx_put_char(struct tty_struct * tty, unsigned char ch)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_put_char"))
- return;
- if (!tty || !port->xmit_buf)
- return;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- if (port->xmit_cnt >= SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - 1) {
- restore_flags(flags);
- return;
- }
- port->xmit_buf[port->xmit_head++] = ch;
- port->xmit_head &= SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - 1;
- port->xmit_cnt++;
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void sx_flush_chars(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_flush_chars"))
- return;
- if (port->xmit_cnt <= 0 || tty->stopped || tty->hw_stopped ||
- !port->xmit_buf)
- return;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- port->IER |= IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(port_Board(port), CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(port_Board(port), CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static int sx_write_room(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- int ret;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_write_room"))
- return 0;
- ret = SERIAL_XMIT_SIZE - port->xmit_cnt - 1;
- if (ret < 0)
- ret = 0;
- return ret;
- }
- static int sx_chars_in_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_chars_in_buffer"))
- return 0;
- return port->xmit_cnt;
- }
- static void sx_flush_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_flush_buffer"))
- return;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- port->xmit_cnt = port->xmit_head = port->xmit_tail = 0;
- restore_flags(flags);
- wake_up_interruptible(&tty->write_wait);
- if ((tty->flags & (1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP)) &&
- tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)
- (tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)(tty);
- }
- static int sx_get_modem_info(struct specialix_port * port, unsigned int *value)
- {
- struct specialix_board * bp;
- unsigned char status;
- unsigned int result;
- unsigned long flags;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- status = sx_in(bp, CD186x_MSVR);
- restore_flags(flags);
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "Got msvr[%d] = %02x, car = %d.n",
- port_No(port), status, sx_in (bp, CD186x_CAR));
- printk (KERN_DEBUG "sx_port = %p, port = %pn", sx_port, port);
- #endif
- if (SX_CRTSCTS(port->tty)) {
- result = /* (status & MSVR_RTS) ? */ TIOCM_DTR /* : 0) */
- | ((status & MSVR_DTR) ? TIOCM_RTS : 0)
- | ((status & MSVR_CD) ? TIOCM_CAR : 0)
- |/* ((status & MSVR_DSR) ? */ TIOCM_DSR /* : 0) */
- | ((status & MSVR_CTS) ? TIOCM_CTS : 0);
- } else {
- result = /* (status & MSVR_RTS) ? */ TIOCM_RTS /* : 0) */
- | ((status & MSVR_DTR) ? TIOCM_DTR : 0)
- | ((status & MSVR_CD) ? TIOCM_CAR : 0)
- |/* ((status & MSVR_DSR) ? */ TIOCM_DSR /* : 0) */
- | ((status & MSVR_CTS) ? TIOCM_CTS : 0);
- }
- put_user(result,(unsigned int *) value);
- return 0;
- }
- static int sx_set_modem_info(struct specialix_port * port, unsigned int cmd,
- unsigned int *value)
- {
- int error;
- unsigned int arg;
- unsigned long flags;
- struct specialix_board *bp = port_Board(port);
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, value, sizeof(int));
- if (error)
- return error;
- Get_user(arg, (unsigned long *) value);
- switch (cmd) {
- case TIOCMBIS:
- /* if (arg & TIOCM_RTS)
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_RTS; */
- /* if (arg & TIOCM_DTR)
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR; */
- if (SX_CRTSCTS(port->tty)) {
- if (arg & TIOCM_RTS)
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR;
- } else {
- if (arg & TIOCM_DTR)
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR;
- }
- break;
- case TIOCMBIC:
- /* if (arg & TIOCM_RTS)
- port->MSVR &= ~MSVR_RTS; */
- /* if (arg & TIOCM_DTR)
- port->MSVR &= ~MSVR_DTR; */
- if (SX_CRTSCTS(port->tty)) {
- if (arg & TIOCM_RTS)
- port->MSVR &= ~MSVR_DTR;
- } else {
- if (arg & TIOCM_DTR)
- port->MSVR &= ~MSVR_DTR;
- }
- break;
- case TIOCMSET:
- /* port->MSVR = (arg & TIOCM_RTS) ? (port->MSVR | MSVR_RTS) :
- (port->MSVR & ~MSVR_RTS); */
- /* port->MSVR = (arg & TIOCM_DTR) ? (port->MSVR | MSVR_DTR) :
- (port->MSVR & ~MSVR_DTR); */
- if (SX_CRTSCTS(port->tty)) {
- port->MSVR = (arg & TIOCM_RTS) ?
- (port->MSVR | MSVR_DTR) :
- (port->MSVR & ~MSVR_DTR);
- } else {
- port->MSVR = (arg & TIOCM_DTR) ?
- (port->MSVR | MSVR_DTR):
- (port->MSVR & ~MSVR_DTR);
- }
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR);
- restore_flags(flags);
- return 0;
- }
- static inline void sx_send_break(struct specialix_port * port, unsigned long length)
- {
- struct specialix_board *bp = port_Board(port);
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- port->break_length = SPECIALIX_TPS / HZ * length;
- port->COR2 |= COR2_ETC;
- port->IER |= IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_COR2, port->COR2);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_CORCHG2);
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static inline int sx_set_serial_info(struct specialix_port * port,
- struct serial_struct * newinfo)
- {
- struct serial_struct tmp;
- struct specialix_board *bp = port_Board(port);
- int change_speed;
- unsigned long flags;
- int error;
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, (void *) newinfo, sizeof(tmp));
- if (error)
- return error;
- if (copy_from_user(&tmp, newinfo, sizeof(tmp)))
- return -EFAULT;
- #if 0
- if ((tmp.irq != bp->irq) ||
- (tmp.port != bp->base) ||
- (tmp.type != PORT_CIRRUS) ||
- (tmp.baud_base != (SX_OSCFREQ + CD186x_TPC/2) / CD186x_TPC) ||
- (tmp.custom_divisor != 0) ||
- (tmp.xmit_fifo_size != CD186x_NFIFO) ||
- (tmp.flags & ~SPECIALIX_LEGAL_FLAGS))
- return -EINVAL;
- #endif
- change_speed = ((port->flags & ASYNC_SPD_MASK) !=
- (tmp.flags & ASYNC_SPD_MASK));
- change_speed |= (tmp.custom_divisor != port->custom_divisor);
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
- if ((tmp.close_delay != port->close_delay) ||
- (tmp.closing_wait != port->closing_wait) ||
- ((tmp.flags & ~ASYNC_USR_MASK) !=
- (port->flags & ~ASYNC_USR_MASK)))
- return -EPERM;
- port->flags = ((port->flags & ~ASYNC_USR_MASK) |
- (tmp.flags & ASYNC_USR_MASK));
- port->custom_divisor = tmp.custom_divisor;
- } else {
- port->flags = ((port->flags & ~ASYNC_FLAGS) |
- (tmp.flags & ASYNC_FLAGS));
- port->close_delay = tmp.close_delay;
- port->closing_wait = tmp.closing_wait;
- port->custom_divisor = tmp.custom_divisor;
- }
- if (change_speed) {
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- sx_change_speed(bp, port);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static inline int sx_get_serial_info(struct specialix_port * port,
- struct serial_struct * retinfo)
- {
- struct serial_struct tmp;
- struct specialix_board *bp = port_Board(port);
- int error;
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) retinfo, sizeof(tmp));
- if (error)
- return error;
- memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
- tmp.type = PORT_CIRRUS;
- tmp.line = port - sx_port;
- tmp.port = bp->base;
- tmp.irq = bp->irq;
- tmp.flags = port->flags;
- tmp.baud_base = (SX_OSCFREQ + CD186x_TPC/2) / CD186x_TPC;
- tmp.close_delay = port->close_delay * HZ/100;
- tmp.closing_wait = port->closing_wait * HZ/100;
- tmp.custom_divisor = port->custom_divisor;
- tmp.xmit_fifo_size = CD186x_NFIFO;
- if (copy_to_user(retinfo, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
- return -EFAULT;
- return 0;
- }
- static int sx_ioctl(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- int error;
- int retval;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_ioctl"))
- return -ENODEV;
- switch (cmd) {
- case TCSBRK: /* SVID version: non-zero arg --> no break */
- retval = tty_check_change(tty);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
- tty_wait_until_sent(tty, 0);
- if (!arg)
- sx_send_break(port, HZ/4); /* 1/4 second */
- return 0;
- case TCSBRKP: /* support for POSIX tcsendbreak() */
- retval = tty_check_change(tty);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
- tty_wait_until_sent(tty, 0);
- sx_send_break(port, arg ? arg*(HZ/10) : HZ/4);
- return 0;
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg, sizeof(long));
- if (error)
- return error;
- put_user(C_CLOCAL(tty) ? 1 : 0,
- (unsigned long *) arg);
- return 0;
- Get_user(arg, (unsigned long *) arg);
- tty->termios->c_cflag =
- ((tty->termios->c_cflag & ~CLOCAL) |
- (arg ? CLOCAL : 0));
- return 0;
- case TIOCMGET:
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *) arg,
- sizeof(unsigned int));
- if (error)
- return error;
- return sx_get_modem_info(port, (unsigned int *) arg);
- case TIOCMBIS:
- case TIOCMBIC:
- case TIOCMSET:
- return sx_set_modem_info(port, cmd, (unsigned int *) arg);
- return sx_get_serial_info(port, (struct serial_struct *) arg);
- return sx_set_serial_info(port, (struct serial_struct *) arg);
- default:
- return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void sx_throttle(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_throttle"))
- return;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- /* Use DTR instead of RTS ! */
- if (SX_CRTSCTS (tty))
- port->MSVR &= ~MSVR_DTR;
- else {
- /* Auch!!! I think the system shouldn't call this then. */
- /* Or maybe we're supposed (allowed?) to do our side of hw
- handshake anyway, even when hardware handshake is off.
- When you see this in your logs, please report.... */
- printk (KERN_ERR "sx%d: Need to throttle, but can't (hardware hs is off)n",
- port_No (port));
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- if (I_IXOFF(tty)) {
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_SSCH2);
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void sx_unthrottle(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_unthrottle"))
- return;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- /* XXXX Use DTR INSTEAD???? */
- if (SX_CRTSCTS(tty)) {
- port->MSVR |= MSVR_DTR;
- } /* Else clause: see remark in "sx_throttle"... */
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- if (I_IXOFF(tty)) {
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CCR, CCR_SSCH1);
- sx_wait_CCR(bp);
- }
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_MSVR, port->MSVR);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void sx_stop(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_stop"))
- return;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- port->IER &= ~IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void sx_start(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_start"))
- return;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- if (port->xmit_cnt && port->xmit_buf && !(port->IER & IER_TXRDY)) {
- port->IER |= IER_TXRDY;
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_CAR, port_No(port));
- sx_out(bp, CD186x_IER, port->IER);
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- /*
- * This routine is called from the scheduler tqueue when the interrupt
- * routine has signalled that a hangup has occurred. The path of
- * hangup processing is:
- *
- * serial interrupt routine -> (scheduler tqueue) ->
- * do_sx_hangup() -> tty->hangup() -> sx_hangup()
- *
- */
- static void do_sx_hangup(void *private_)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *) private_;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- tty = port->tty;
- if (tty)
- tty_hangup(tty); /* FIXME: module removal race here */
- }
- static void sx_hangup(struct tty_struct * tty)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- struct specialix_board *bp;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_hangup"))
- return;
- bp = port_Board(port);
- sx_shutdown_port(bp, port);
- port->event = 0;
- port->count = 0;
- port->tty = 0;
- wake_up_interruptible(&port->open_wait);
- }
- static void sx_set_termios(struct tty_struct * tty, struct termios * old_termios)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *)tty->driver_data;
- unsigned long flags;
- if (sx_paranoia_check(port, tty->device, "sx_set_termios"))
- return;
- if (tty->termios->c_cflag == old_termios->c_cflag &&
- tty->termios->c_iflag == old_termios->c_iflag)
- return;
- save_flags(flags); cli();
- sx_change_speed(port_Board(port), port);
- restore_flags(flags);
- if ((old_termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) &&
- !(tty->termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS)) {
- tty->hw_stopped = 0;
- sx_start(tty);
- }
- }
- static void do_specialix_bh(void)
- {
- run_task_queue(&tq_specialix);
- }
- static void do_softint(void *private_)
- {
- struct specialix_port *port = (struct specialix_port *) private_;
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- if(!(tty = port->tty))
- return;
- if (test_and_clear_bit(RS_EVENT_WRITE_WAKEUP, &port->event)) {
- if ((tty->flags & (1 << TTY_DO_WRITE_WAKEUP)) &&
- tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)
- (tty->ldisc.write_wakeup)(tty);
- wake_up_interruptible(&tty->write_wait);
- }
- }
- static int sx_init_drivers(void)
- {
- int error;
- int i;
- if (!(tmp_buf = (unsigned char *) get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL))) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx: Couldn't get free page.n");
- return 1;
- }
- init_bh(SPECIALIX_BH, do_specialix_bh);
- memset(&specialix_driver, 0, sizeof(specialix_driver));
- specialix_driver.magic = TTY_DRIVER_MAGIC;
- specialix_driver.name = "ttyW";
- specialix_driver.major = SPECIALIX_NORMAL_MAJOR;
- specialix_driver.num = SX_NBOARD * SX_NPORT;
- specialix_driver.type = TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SERIAL;
- specialix_driver.subtype = SPECIALIX_TYPE_NORMAL;
- specialix_driver.init_termios = tty_std_termios;
- specialix_driver.init_termios.c_cflag =
- B9600 | CS8 | CREAD | HUPCL | CLOCAL;
- specialix_driver.flags = TTY_DRIVER_REAL_RAW;
- specialix_driver.refcount = &specialix_refcount;
- specialix_driver.table = specialix_table;
- specialix_driver.termios = specialix_termios;
- specialix_driver.termios_locked = specialix_termios_locked;
- specialix_driver.open = sx_open;
- specialix_driver.close = sx_close;
- specialix_driver.write = sx_write;
- specialix_driver.put_char = sx_put_char;
- specialix_driver.flush_chars = sx_flush_chars;
- specialix_driver.write_room = sx_write_room;
- specialix_driver.chars_in_buffer = sx_chars_in_buffer;
- specialix_driver.flush_buffer = sx_flush_buffer;
- specialix_driver.ioctl = sx_ioctl;
- specialix_driver.throttle = sx_throttle;
- specialix_driver.unthrottle = sx_unthrottle;
- specialix_driver.set_termios = sx_set_termios;
- specialix_driver.stop = sx_stop;
- specialix_driver.start = sx_start;
- specialix_driver.hangup = sx_hangup;
- specialix_callout_driver = specialix_driver;
- specialix_callout_driver.name = "cuw";
- specialix_callout_driver.major = SPECIALIX_CALLOUT_MAJOR;
- specialix_callout_driver.subtype = SPECIALIX_TYPE_CALLOUT;
- if ((error = tty_register_driver(&specialix_driver))) {
- free_page((unsigned long)tmp_buf);
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx: Couldn't register specialix IO8+ driver, error = %dn",
- error);
- return 1;
- }
- if ((error = tty_register_driver(&specialix_callout_driver))) {
- free_page((unsigned long)tmp_buf);
- tty_unregister_driver(&specialix_driver);
- printk(KERN_ERR "sx: Couldn't register specialix IO8+ callout driver, error = %dn",
- error);
- return 1;
- }
- memset(sx_port, 0, sizeof(sx_port));
- for (i = 0; i < SX_NPORT * SX_NBOARD; i++) {
- sx_port[i].callout_termios = specialix_callout_driver.init_termios;
- sx_port[i].normal_termios = specialix_driver.init_termios;
- sx_port[i].magic = SPECIALIX_MAGIC;
- sx_port[i].tqueue.routine = do_softint;
- sx_port[i].tqueue.data = &sx_port[i];
- sx_port[i].tqueue_hangup.routine = do_sx_hangup;
- sx_port[i].tqueue_hangup.data = &sx_port[i];
- sx_port[i].close_delay = 50 * HZ/100;
- sx_port[i].closing_wait = 3000 * HZ/100;
- init_waitqueue_head(&sx_port[i].open_wait);
- init_waitqueue_head(&sx_port[i].close_wait);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void sx_release_drivers(void)
- {
- free_page((unsigned long)tmp_buf);
- tty_unregister_driver(&specialix_driver);
- tty_unregister_driver(&specialix_callout_driver);
- }
- #ifndef MODULE
- /*
- * Called at boot time.
- *
- * You can specify IO base for up to SX_NBOARD cards,
- * using line "specialix=0xiobase1,0xiobase2,.." at LILO prompt.
- * Note that there will be no probing at default
- * addresses in this case.
- *
- */
- void specialix_setup(char *str, int * ints)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<SX_NBOARD;i++) {
- sx_board[i].base = 0;
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= ints[0]; i++) {
- if (i&1)
- sx_board[i/2].base = ints[i];
- else
- sx_board[i/2 -1].irq = ints[i];
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * This routine must be called by kernel at boot time
- */
- int specialix_init(void)
- {
- int i;
- int found = 0;
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx: Specialix IO8+ driver v" VERSION ", (c) R.E.Wolff 1997/1998.n");
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx: derived from work (c) D.Gorodchanin 1994-1996.n");
- printk (KERN_INFO "sx: DTR/RTS pin is always RTS.n");
- #else
- printk (KERN_INFO "sx: DTR/RTS pin is RTS when CRTSCTS is on.n");
- #endif
- if (sx_init_drivers())
- return -EIO;
- for (i = 0; i < SX_NBOARD; i++)
- if (sx_board[i].base && !sx_probe(&sx_board[i]))
- found++;
- #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
- if (pci_present()) {
- struct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;
- i=0;
- while (i <= SX_NBOARD) {
- if (sx_board[i].flags & SX_BOARD_PRESENT) {
- i++;
- continue;
- }
- pdev = pci_find_device (PCI_VENDOR_ID_SPECIALIX,
- pdev);
- if (!pdev) break;
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev))
- continue;
- sx_board[i].irq = pdev->irq;
- sx_board[i].base = pci_resource_start (pdev, 2);
- sx_board[i].flags |= SX_BOARD_IS_PCI;
- if (!sx_probe(&sx_board[i]))
- found ++;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (!found) {
- sx_release_drivers();
- printk(KERN_INFO "sx: No specialix IO8+ boards detected.n");
- return -EIO;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- int iobase[SX_NBOARD] = {0,};
- int irq [SX_NBOARD] = {0,};
- /*
- * You can setup up to 4 boards.
- * by specifying "iobase=0xXXX,0xXXX ..." as insmod parameter.
- * You should specify the IRQs too in that case "irq=....,...".
- *
- * More than 4 boards in one computer is not possible, as the card can
- * only use 4 different interrupts.
- *
- */
- int init_module(void)
- {
- int i;
- if (iobase[0] || iobase[1] || iobase[2] || iobase[3]) {
- for(i = 0; i < SX_NBOARD; i++) {
- sx_board[i].base = iobase[i];
- sx_board[i].irq = irq[i];
- }
- }
- return specialix_init();
- }
- void cleanup_module(void)
- {
- int i;
- sx_release_drivers();
- for (i = 0; i < SX_NBOARD; i++)
- if (sx_board[i].flags & SX_BOARD_PRESENT)
- sx_release_io_range(&sx_board[i]);
- del_timer (&missed_irq_timer);
- #endif
- }
- #endif /* MODULE */