- /*
- * Compaq Hot Plug Controller Driver
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1995,2001 Compaq Computer Corporation
- * Copyright (c) 2001 Greg Kroah-Hartman (greg@kroah.com)
- * Copyright (c) 2001 IBM Corp.
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
- * your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * Send feedback to <greg@kroah.com>
- *
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/miscdevice.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include "cpqphp.h"
- #include "cpqphp_nvram.h"
- #include "../../arch/i386/kernel/pci-i386.h" /* horrible hack showing how processor dependant we are... */
- /* Global variables */
- int cpqhp_debug;
- struct controller *cpqhp_ctrl_list; /* = NULL */
- struct pci_func *cpqhp_slot_list[256];
- /* local variables */
- static void *smbios_table;
- static void *smbios_start;
- static void *cpqhp_rom_start;
- static u8 power_mode;
- static int debug;
- #define DRIVER_VERSION "0.9.6"
- #define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Dan Zink <dan.zink@compaq.com>, Greg Kroah-Hartman <greg@kroah.com>"
- #define DRIVER_DESC "Compaq Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver"
- MODULE_PARM(power_mode, "b");
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(power_mode, "Power mode enabled or not");
- MODULE_PARM(debug, "i");
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Debugging mode enabled or not");
- static int one_time_init (void);
- static int set_attention_status (struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 value);
- static int process_SI (struct hotplug_slot *slot);
- static int process_SS (struct hotplug_slot *slot);
- static int hardware_test (struct hotplug_slot *slot, u32 value);
- static int get_power_status (struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 *value);
- static int get_attention_status (struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 *value);
- static int get_latch_status (struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 *value);
- static int get_adapter_status (struct hotplug_slot *slot, u8 *value);
- static int get_max_bus_speed (struct hotplug_slot *slot, enum pci_bus_speed *value);
- static int get_cur_bus_speed (struct hotplug_slot *slot, enum pci_bus_speed *value);
- static struct hotplug_slot_ops cpqphp_hotplug_slot_ops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .set_attention_status = set_attention_status,
- .enable_slot = process_SI,
- .disable_slot = process_SS,
- .hardware_test = hardware_test,
- .get_power_status = get_power_status,
- .get_attention_status = get_attention_status,
- .get_latch_status = get_latch_status,
- .get_adapter_status = get_adapter_status,
- .get_max_bus_speed = get_max_bus_speed,
- .get_cur_bus_speed = get_cur_bus_speed,
- };
- static inline int is_slot64bit (struct slot *slot)
- {
- if (!slot || !slot->p_sm_slot)
- return 0;
- if (readb(slot->p_sm_slot + SMBIOS_SLOT_WIDTH) == 0x06)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static inline int is_slot66mhz (struct slot *slot)
- {
- if (!slot || !slot->p_sm_slot)
- return 0;
- if (readb(slot->p_sm_slot + SMBIOS_SLOT_TYPE) == 0x0E)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * detect_SMBIOS_pointer - find the system Management BIOS Table in the specified region of memory.
- *
- * @begin: begin pointer for region to be scanned.
- * @end: end pointer for region to be scanned.
- *
- * Returns pointer to the head of the SMBIOS tables (or NULL)
- *
- */
- static void * detect_SMBIOS_pointer(void *begin, void *end)
- {
- void *fp;
- void *endp;
- u8 temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;
- int status = 0;
- endp = (end - sizeof(u32) + 1);
- for (fp = begin; fp <= endp; fp += 16) {
- temp1 = readb(fp);
- temp2 = readb(fp+1);
- temp3 = readb(fp+2);
- temp4 = readb(fp+3);
- if (temp1 == '_' &&
- temp2 == 'S' &&
- temp3 == 'M' &&
- temp4 == '_') {
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!status)
- fp = NULL;
- dbg("Discovered SMBIOS Entry point at %pn", fp);
- return fp;
- }
- /**
- * init_SERR - Initializes the per slot SERR generation.
- *
- * For unexpected switch opens
- *
- */
- static int init_SERR(struct controller * ctrl)
- {
- u32 tempdword;
- u32 number_of_slots;
- u8 physical_slot;
- if (!ctrl)
- return 1;
- tempdword = ctrl->first_slot;
- number_of_slots = readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) & 0x0F;
- // Loop through slots
- while (number_of_slots) {
- physical_slot = tempdword;
- writeb(0, ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_SERR);
- tempdword++;
- number_of_slots--;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* nice debugging output */
- static int pci_print_IRQ_route (void)
- {
- struct irq_routing_table *routing_table;
- int len;
- int loop;
- u8 tbus, tdevice, tslot;
- routing_table = pcibios_get_irq_routing_table();
- if (routing_table == NULL) {
- err("No BIOS Routing Table??? Not goodn");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- len = (routing_table->size - sizeof(struct irq_routing_table)) / sizeof(struct irq_info);
- // Make sure I got at least one entry
- if (len == 0) {
- kfree(routing_table);
- return -1;
- }
- dbg("bus dev func slotn");
- for (loop = 0; loop < len; ++loop) {
- tbus = routing_table->slots[loop].bus;
- tdevice = routing_table->slots[loop].devfn;
- tslot = routing_table->slots[loop].slot;
- dbg("%d %d %d %dn", tbus, tdevice >> 3, tdevice & 0x7, tslot);
- }
- kfree(routing_table);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * get_subsequent_smbios_entry
- *
- * Gets the first entry if previous == NULL
- * Otherwise, returns the next entry
- * Uses global SMBIOS Table pointer
- *
- * @curr: %NULL or pointer to previously returned structure
- *
- * returns a pointer to an SMBIOS structure or NULL if none found
- */
- static void * get_subsequent_smbios_entry(void *smbios_start, void *smbios_table, void *curr)
- {
- u8 bail = 0;
- u8 previous_byte = 1;
- void *p_temp;
- void *p_max;
- if (!smbios_table || !curr)
- return(NULL);
- // set p_max to the end of the table
- p_max = smbios_start + readw(smbios_table + ST_LENGTH);
- p_temp = curr;
- p_temp += readb(curr + SMBIOS_GENERIC_LENGTH);
- while ((p_temp < p_max) && !bail) {
- // Look for the double NULL terminator
- // The first condition is the previous byte and the second is the curr
- if (!previous_byte && !(readb(p_temp))) {
- bail = 1;
- }
- previous_byte = readb(p_temp);
- p_temp++;
- }
- if (p_temp < p_max) {
- return p_temp;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /**
- * get_SMBIOS_entry
- *
- * @type:SMBIOS structure type to be returned
- * @previous: %NULL or pointer to previously returned structure
- *
- * Gets the first entry of the specified type if previous == NULL
- * Otherwise, returns the next entry of the given type.
- * Uses global SMBIOS Table pointer
- * Uses get_subsequent_smbios_entry
- *
- * returns a pointer to an SMBIOS structure or %NULL if none found
- */
- static void *get_SMBIOS_entry (void *smbios_start, void *smbios_table, u8 type, void * previous)
- {
- if (!smbios_table)
- return NULL;
- if (!previous) {
- previous = smbios_start;
- } else {
- previous = get_subsequent_smbios_entry(smbios_start, smbios_table, previous);
- }
- while (previous) {
- if (readb(previous + SMBIOS_GENERIC_TYPE) != type) {
- previous = get_subsequent_smbios_entry(smbios_start, smbios_table, previous);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return previous;
- }
- static int ctrl_slot_setup (struct controller * ctrl, void *smbios_start, void *smbios_table)
- {
- struct slot *new_slot;
- u8 number_of_slots;
- u8 slot_device;
- u8 slot_number;
- u8 ctrl_slot;
- u32 tempdword;
- void *slot_entry= NULL;
- int result;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__"n");
- tempdword = readl(ctrl->hpc_reg + INT_INPUT_CLEAR);
- number_of_slots = readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) & 0x0F;
- slot_device = readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) >> 4;
- slot_number = ctrl->first_slot;
- while (number_of_slots) {
- new_slot = (struct slot *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct slot), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!new_slot)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset(new_slot, 0, sizeof(struct slot));
- new_slot->hotplug_slot = kmalloc (sizeof (struct hotplug_slot), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!new_slot->hotplug_slot) {
- kfree (new_slot);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memset(new_slot->hotplug_slot, 0, sizeof (struct hotplug_slot));
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->info = kmalloc (sizeof (struct hotplug_slot_info), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!new_slot->hotplug_slot->info) {
- kfree (new_slot->hotplug_slot);
- kfree (new_slot);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memset(new_slot->hotplug_slot->info, 0, sizeof (struct hotplug_slot_info));
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->name = kmalloc (SLOT_NAME_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!new_slot->hotplug_slot->name) {
- kfree (new_slot->hotplug_slot->info);
- kfree (new_slot->hotplug_slot);
- kfree (new_slot);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- new_slot->magic = SLOT_MAGIC;
- new_slot->ctrl = ctrl;
- new_slot->bus = ctrl->bus;
- new_slot->device = slot_device;
- new_slot->number = slot_number;
- dbg("slot->number = %dn",new_slot->number);
- slot_entry = get_SMBIOS_entry(smbios_start, smbios_table, 9, slot_entry);
- while (slot_entry && (readw(slot_entry + SMBIOS_SLOT_NUMBER) != new_slot->number)) {
- slot_entry = get_SMBIOS_entry(smbios_start, smbios_table, 9, slot_entry);
- }
- new_slot->p_sm_slot = slot_entry;
- init_timer(&new_slot->task_event);
- new_slot->task_event.expires = jiffies + 5 * HZ;
- new_slot->task_event.function = cpqhp_pushbutton_thread;
- //FIXME: these capabilities aren't used but if they are
- // they need to be correctly implemented
- new_slot->capabilities |= PCISLOT_REPLACE_SUPPORTED;
- new_slot->capabilities |= PCISLOT_INTERLOCK_SUPPORTED;
- if (is_slot64bit(new_slot))
- new_slot->capabilities |= PCISLOT_64_BIT_SUPPORTED;
- if (is_slot66mhz(new_slot))
- new_slot->capabilities |= PCISLOT_66_MHZ_SUPPORTED;
- if (ctrl->speed == PCI_SPEED_66MHz)
- new_slot->capabilities |= PCISLOT_66_MHZ_OPERATION;
- ctrl_slot = slot_device - (readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) >> 4);
- // Check presence
- new_slot->capabilities |= ((((~tempdword) >> 23) | ((~tempdword) >> 15)) >> ctrl_slot) & 0x02;
- // Check the switch state
- new_slot->capabilities |= ((~tempdword & 0xFF) >> ctrl_slot) & 0x01;
- // Check the slot enable
- new_slot->capabilities |= ((read_slot_enable(ctrl) << 2) >> ctrl_slot) & 0x04;
- /* register this slot with the hotplug pci core */
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->private = new_slot;
- make_slot_name (new_slot->hotplug_slot->name, SLOT_NAME_SIZE, new_slot);
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->ops = &cpqphp_hotplug_slot_ops;
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->info->power_status = get_slot_enabled(ctrl, new_slot);
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->info->attention_status = cpq_get_attention_status(ctrl, new_slot);
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->info->latch_status = cpq_get_latch_status(ctrl, new_slot);
- new_slot->hotplug_slot->info->adapter_status = get_presence_status(ctrl, new_slot);
- dbg ("registering bus %d, dev %d, number %d, ctrl->slot_device_offset %d, slot %dn",
- new_slot->bus, new_slot->device, new_slot->number, ctrl->slot_device_offset, slot_number);
- result = pci_hp_register (new_slot->hotplug_slot);
- if (result) {
- err ("pci_hp_register failed with error %dn", result);
- kfree (new_slot->hotplug_slot->info);
- kfree (new_slot->hotplug_slot->name);
- kfree (new_slot->hotplug_slot);
- kfree (new_slot);
- return result;
- }
- new_slot->next = ctrl->slot;
- ctrl->slot = new_slot;
- number_of_slots--;
- slot_device++;
- slot_number++;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static int ctrl_slot_cleanup (struct controller * ctrl)
- {
- struct slot *old_slot, *next_slot;
- old_slot = ctrl->slot;
- ctrl->slot = NULL;
- while (old_slot) {
- next_slot = old_slot->next;
- pci_hp_deregister (old_slot->hotplug_slot);
- kfree(old_slot->hotplug_slot->info);
- kfree(old_slot->hotplug_slot->name);
- kfree(old_slot->hotplug_slot);
- kfree(old_slot);
- old_slot = next_slot;
- }
- //Free IRQ associated with hot plug device
- free_irq(ctrl->interrupt, ctrl);
- //Unmap the memory
- iounmap(ctrl->hpc_reg);
- //Finally reclaim PCI mem
- release_mem_region(pci_resource_start(ctrl->pci_dev, 0),
- pci_resource_len(ctrl->pci_dev, 0));
- return(0);
- }
- //============================================================================
- // function: get_slot_mapping
- //
- // Description: Attempts to determine a logical slot mapping for a PCI
- // device. Won't work for more than one PCI-PCI bridge
- // in a slot.
- //
- // Input: u8 bus_num - bus number of PCI device
- // u8 dev_num - device number of PCI device
- // u8 *slot - Pointer to u8 where slot number will
- // be returned
- //
- // Output: SUCCESS or FAILURE
- //=============================================================================
- static int get_slot_mapping (struct pci_ops *ops, u8 bus_num, u8 dev_num, u8 *slot)
- {
- struct irq_routing_table *PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength;
- u32 work;
- long len;
- long loop;
- u8 tbus, tdevice, tslot, bridgeSlot;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" %p, %d, %d, %pn", ops, bus_num, dev_num, slot);
- bridgeSlot = 0xFF;
- PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength = pcibios_get_irq_routing_table();
- len = (PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength->size -
- sizeof(struct irq_routing_table)) / sizeof(struct irq_info);
- // Make sure I got at least one entry
- if (len == 0) {
- if (PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength != NULL) kfree(PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength );
- return -1;
- }
- for (loop = 0; loop < len; ++loop) {
- tbus = PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength->slots[loop].bus;
- tdevice = PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength->slots[loop].devfn >> 3;
- tslot = PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength->slots[loop].slot;
- if ((tbus == bus_num) && (tdevice == dev_num)) {
- *slot = tslot;
- if (PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength != NULL) kfree(PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength );
- return 0;
- } else {
- // Didn't get a match on the target PCI device. Check if the
- // current IRQ table entry is a PCI-to-PCI bridge device. If so,
- // and it's secondary bus matches the bus number for the target
- // device, I need to save the bridge's slot number. If I can't
- // find an entry for the target device, I will have to assume it's
- // on the other side of the bridge, and assign it the bridge's slot.
- pci_read_config_dword_nodev (ops, tbus, tdevice, 0, PCI_REVISION_ID, &work);
- if ((work >> 8) == PCI_TO_PCI_BRIDGE_CLASS) {
- pci_read_config_dword_nodev (ops, tbus, tdevice, 0, PCI_PRIMARY_BUS, &work);
- // See if bridge's secondary bus matches target bus.
- if (((work >> 8) & 0x000000FF) == (long) bus_num) {
- bridgeSlot = tslot;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // If we got here, we didn't find an entry in the IRQ mapping table
- // for the target PCI device. If we did determine that the target
- // device is on the other side of a PCI-to-PCI bridge, return the
- // slot number for the bridge.
- if (bridgeSlot != 0xFF) {
- *slot = bridgeSlot;
- if (PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength != NULL) kfree(PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength );
- return 0;
- }
- if (PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength != NULL) kfree(PCIIRQRoutingInfoLength );
- // Couldn't find an entry in the routing table for this PCI device
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * cpqhp_set_attention_status - Turns the Amber LED for a slot on or off
- *
- */
- static int cpqhp_set_attention_status (struct controller *ctrl, struct pci_func *func, u32 status)
- {
- u8 hp_slot;
- hp_slot = func->device - ctrl->slot_device_offset;
- if (func == NULL)
- return(1);
- // Wait for exclusive access to hardware
- down(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- if (status == 1) {
- amber_LED_on (ctrl, hp_slot);
- } else if (status == 0) {
- amber_LED_off (ctrl, hp_slot);
- } else {
- // Done with exclusive hardware access
- up(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- return(1);
- }
- set_SOGO(ctrl);
- // Wait for SOBS to be unset
- wait_for_ctrl_irq (ctrl);
- // Done with exclusive hardware access
- up(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- return(0);
- }
- /**
- * set_attention_status - Turns the Amber LED for a slot on or off
- *
- */
- static int set_attention_status (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, u8 status)
- {
- struct pci_func *slot_func;
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- u8 bus;
- u8 devfn;
- u8 device;
- u8 function;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (cpqhp_get_bus_dev(ctrl, &bus, &devfn, slot->number) == -1)
- return -ENODEV;
- device = devfn >> 3;
- function = devfn & 0x7;
- dbg("bus, dev, fn = %d, %d, %dn", bus, device, function);
- slot_func = cpqhp_slot_find(bus, device, function);
- if (!slot_func) {
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- return cpqhp_set_attention_status(ctrl, slot_func, status);
- }
- static int process_SI (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot)
- {
- struct pci_func *slot_func;
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- u8 bus;
- u8 devfn;
- u8 device;
- u8 function;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (cpqhp_get_bus_dev(ctrl, &bus, &devfn, slot->number) == -1)
- return -ENODEV;
- device = devfn >> 3;
- function = devfn & 0x7;
- dbg("bus, dev, fn = %d, %d, %dn", bus, device, function);
- slot_func = cpqhp_slot_find(bus, device, function);
- if (!slot_func) {
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- slot_func->bus = bus;
- slot_func->device = device;
- slot_func->function = function;
- slot_func->configured = 0;
- dbg("board_added(%p, %p)n", slot_func, ctrl);
- return cpqhp_process_SI(ctrl, slot_func);
- }
- static int process_SS (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot)
- {
- struct pci_func *slot_func;
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- u8 bus;
- u8 devfn;
- u8 device;
- u8 function;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- if (cpqhp_get_bus_dev(ctrl, &bus, &devfn, slot->number) == -1)
- return -ENODEV;
- device = devfn >> 3;
- function = devfn & 0x7;
- dbg("bus, dev, fn = %d, %d, %dn", bus, device, function);
- slot_func = cpqhp_slot_find(bus, device, function);
- if (!slot_func) {
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- dbg("In power_down_board, slot_func = %p, ctrl = %pn", slot_func, ctrl);
- return cpqhp_process_SS(ctrl, slot_func);
- }
- static int hardware_test (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, u32 value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__"n");
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- return cpqhp_hardware_test (ctrl, value);
- }
- static int get_power_status (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, u8 *value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- *value = get_slot_enabled(ctrl, slot);
- return 0;
- }
- static int get_attention_status (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, u8 *value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- *value = cpq_get_attention_status(ctrl, slot);
- return 0;
- }
- static int get_latch_status (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, u8 *value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- *value = cpq_get_latch_status (ctrl, slot);
- return 0;
- }
- static int get_adapter_status (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, u8 *value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg(__FUNCTION__" - physical_slot = %sn", hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- *value = get_presence_status (ctrl, slot);
- return 0;
- }
- static int get_max_bus_speed (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, enum pci_bus_speed *value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg("%s - physical_slot = %sn", __FUNCTION__, hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- *value = ctrl->speed_capability;
- return 0;
- }
- static int get_cur_bus_speed (struct hotplug_slot *hotplug_slot, enum pci_bus_speed *value)
- {
- struct slot *slot = get_slot (hotplug_slot, __FUNCTION__);
- struct controller *ctrl;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- dbg("%s - physical_slot = %sn", __FUNCTION__, hotplug_slot->name);
- ctrl = slot->ctrl;
- if (ctrl == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- *value = ctrl->speed;
- return 0;
- }
- static int cpqhpc_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *ent)
- {
- u8 num_of_slots = 0;
- u8 hp_slot = 0;
- u8 device;
- u8 rev;
- u16 temp_word;
- u16 vendor_id;
- u16 subsystem_vid;
- u16 subsystem_deviceid;
- u32 rc;
- struct controller *ctrl;
- struct pci_func *func;
- // Need to read VID early b/c it's used to differentiate CPQ and INTC discovery
- rc = pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_VENDOR_ID, &vendor_id);
- if (rc || ((vendor_id != PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ) && (vendor_id != PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL))) {
- err(msg_HPC_non_compaq_or_intel);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- dbg("Vendor ID: %xn", vendor_id);
- rc = pci_read_config_byte(pdev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &rev);
- dbg("revision: %dn", rev);
- if (rc || ((vendor_id == PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ) && (!rev))) {
- err(msg_HPC_rev_error);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- /* Check for the proper subsytem ID's
- * Intel uses a different SSID programming model than Compaq.
- * For Intel, each SSID bit identifies a PHP capability.
- * Also Intel HPC's may have RID=0.
- */
- if ((rev > 2) || (vendor_id == PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL)) {
- // TODO: This code can be made to support non-Compaq or Intel subsystem IDs
- rc = pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID, &subsystem_vid);
- if (rc) {
- err(__FUNCTION__" : pci_read_config_word failedn");
- return rc;
- }
- dbg("Subsystem Vendor ID: %xn", subsystem_vid);
- if ((subsystem_vid != PCI_VENDOR_ID_COMPAQ) && (subsystem_vid != PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL)) {
- err(msg_HPC_non_compaq_or_intel);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- ctrl = (struct controller *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct controller), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!ctrl) {
- err(__FUNCTION__" : out of memoryn");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- memset(ctrl, 0, sizeof(struct controller));
- rc = pci_read_config_word(pdev, PCI_SUBSYSTEM_ID, &subsystem_deviceid);
- if (rc) {
- err(__FUNCTION__" : pci_read_config_word failedn");
- goto err_free_ctrl;
- }
- info("Hot Plug Subsystem Device ID: %xn", subsystem_deviceid);
- /* Set Vendor ID, so it can be accessed later from other functions */
- ctrl->vendor_id = vendor_id;
- switch (subsystem_vid) {
- switch (subsystem_deviceid) {
- case PCI_SUB_HPC_ID:
- /* Original 6500/7000 implementation */
- ctrl->slot_switch_type = 1; // Switch is present
- ctrl->speed_capability = PCI_SPEED_33MHz;
- ctrl->push_button = 0; // No pushbutton
- ctrl->pci_config_space = 1; // Index/data access to working registers 0 = not supported, 1 = supported
- ctrl->defeature_PHP = 1; // PHP is supported
- ctrl->pcix_support = 0; // PCI-X not supported
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 0; // N/A since PCI-X not supported
- break;
- case PCI_SUB_HPC_ID2:
- /* First Pushbutton implementation */
- ctrl->push_flag = 1;
- ctrl->slot_switch_type = 1; // Switch is present
- ctrl->speed_capability = PCI_SPEED_33MHz;
- ctrl->push_button = 1; // Pushbutton is present
- ctrl->pci_config_space = 1; // Index/data access to working registers 0 = not supported, 1 = supported
- ctrl->defeature_PHP = 1; // PHP is supported
- ctrl->pcix_support = 0; // PCI-X not supported
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 0; // N/A since PCI-X not supported
- break;
- /* Third party (6500/7000) */
- ctrl->slot_switch_type = 1; // Switch is present
- ctrl->speed_capability = PCI_SPEED_33MHz;
- ctrl->push_button = 0; // No pushbutton
- ctrl->pci_config_space = 1; // Index/data access to working registers 0 = not supported, 1 = supported
- ctrl->defeature_PHP = 1; // PHP is supported
- ctrl->pcix_support = 0; // PCI-X not supported
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 0; // N/A since PCI-X not supported
- break;
- case PCI_SUB_HPC_ID3:
- /* First 66 Mhz implementation */
- ctrl->push_flag = 1;
- ctrl->slot_switch_type = 1; // Switch is present
- ctrl->speed_capability = PCI_SPEED_66MHz;
- ctrl->push_button = 1; // Pushbutton is present
- ctrl->pci_config_space = 1; // Index/data access to working registers 0 = not supported, 1 = supported
- ctrl->defeature_PHP = 1; // PHP is supported
- ctrl->pcix_support = 0; // PCI-X not supported
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 0; // N/A since PCI-X not supported
- break;
- default:
- // TODO: Add SSIDs for CPQ systems that support PCI-X
- err(msg_HPC_not_supported);
- rc = -ENODEV;
- goto err_free_ctrl;
- }
- break;
- /* Check for speed capability (0=33, 1=66) */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0001) {
- ctrl->speed_capability = PCI_SPEED_66MHz;
- } else {
- ctrl->speed_capability = PCI_SPEED_33MHz;
- }
- /* Check for push button */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0002) {
- /* no push button */
- ctrl->push_button = 0;
- } else {
- /* push button supported */
- ctrl->push_button = 1;
- }
- /* Check for slot switch type (0=mechanical, 1=not mechanical) */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0004) {
- /* no switch */
- ctrl->slot_switch_type = 0;
- } else {
- /* switch */
- ctrl->slot_switch_type = 1;
- }
- /* PHP Status (0=De-feature PHP, 1=Normal operation) */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0008) {
- ctrl->defeature_PHP = 1; // PHP supported
- } else {
- ctrl->defeature_PHP = 0; // PHP not supported
- }
- /* Alternate Base Address Register Interface (0=not supported, 1=supported) */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0010) {
- ctrl->alternate_base_address = 1; // supported
- } else {
- ctrl->alternate_base_address = 0; // not supported
- }
- /* PCI Config Space Index (0=not supported, 1=supported) */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0020) {
- ctrl->pci_config_space = 1; // supported
- } else {
- ctrl->pci_config_space = 0; // not supported
- }
- /* PCI-X support */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0080) {
- /* PCI-X capable */
- ctrl->pcix_support = 1;
- /* Frequency of operation in PCI-X mode */
- if (subsystem_deviceid & 0x0040) {
- /* 133MHz PCI-X if bit 7 is 1 */
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 1;
- } else {
- /* 100MHz PCI-X if bit 7 is 1 and bit 0 is 0, */
- /* 66MHz PCI-X if bit 7 is 1 and bit 0 is 1 */
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 0;
- }
- } else {
- /* Conventional PCI */
- ctrl->pcix_support = 0;
- ctrl->pcix_speed_capability = 0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- err(msg_HPC_not_supported);
- rc = -ENODEV;
- goto err_free_ctrl;
- }
- } else {
- err(msg_HPC_not_supported);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- // Tell the user that we found one.
- info("Initializing the PCI hot plug controller residing on PCI bus %dn", pdev->bus->number);
- dbg ("Hotplug controller capabilities:n");
- dbg (" speed_capability %sn", ctrl->speed_capability == PCI_SPEED_33MHz ? "33MHz" : "66Mhz");
- dbg (" slot_switch_type %sn", ctrl->slot_switch_type == 0 ? "no switch" : "switch present");
- dbg (" defeature_PHP %sn", ctrl->defeature_PHP == 0 ? "PHP not supported" : "PHP supported");
- dbg (" alternate_base_address %sn", ctrl->alternate_base_address == 0 ? "not supported" : "supported");
- dbg (" pci_config_space %sn", ctrl->pci_config_space == 0 ? "not supported" : "supported");
- dbg (" pcix_speed_capability %sn", ctrl->pcix_speed_capability == 0 ? "not supported" : "supported");
- dbg (" pcix_support %sn", ctrl->pcix_support == 0 ? "not supported" : "supported");
- ctrl->pci_dev = pdev;
- ctrl->pci_ops = pdev->bus->ops;
- ctrl->bus = pdev->bus->number;
- ctrl->device = PCI_SLOT(pdev->devfn);
- ctrl->function = PCI_FUNC(pdev->devfn);
- ctrl->rev = rev;
- dbg("bus device function rev: %d %d %d %dn", ctrl->bus, ctrl->device, ctrl->function, ctrl->rev);
- init_MUTEX(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- init_waitqueue_head(&ctrl->queue);
- /* initialize our threads if they haven't already been started up */
- rc = one_time_init();
- if (rc) {
- goto err_free_ctrl;
- }
- dbg("pdev = %pn", pdev);
- dbg("pci resource start %lxn", pci_resource_start(pdev, 0));
- dbg("pci resource len %lxn", pci_resource_len(pdev, 0));
- if (!request_mem_region(pci_resource_start(pdev, 0),
- pci_resource_len(pdev, 0), MY_NAME)) {
- err("cannot reserve MMIO regionn");
- rc = -ENOMEM;
- goto err_free_ctrl;
- }
- ctrl->hpc_reg = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pdev, 0), pci_resource_len(pdev, 0));
- if (!ctrl->hpc_reg) {
- err("cannot remap MMIO region %lx @ %lxn", pci_resource_len(pdev, 0), pci_resource_start(pdev, 0));
- rc = -ENODEV;
- goto err_free_mem_region;
- }
- // Check for 66Mhz operation
- // TODO: Add PCI-X support
- ctrl->speed = get_controller_speed(ctrl);
- //**************************************************
- //
- // Save configuration headers for this and
- // subordinate PCI buses
- //
- //**************************************************
- // find the physical slot number of the first hot plug slot
- // Get slot won't work for devices behind bridges, but
- // in this case it will always be called for the "base"
- // bus/dev/func of a slot.
- // CS: this is leveraging the PCIIRQ routing code from the kernel (pci-pc.c: get_irq_routing_table)
- rc = get_slot_mapping(ctrl->pci_ops, pdev->bus->number, (readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) >> 4), &(ctrl->first_slot));
- dbg("get_slot_mapping: first_slot = %d, returned = %dn", ctrl->first_slot, rc);
- if (rc) {
- err(msg_initialization_err, rc);
- goto err_iounmap;
- }
- // Store PCI Config Space for all devices on this bus
- rc = cpqhp_save_config(ctrl, ctrl->bus, readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK));
- if (rc) {
- err(__FUNCTION__": unable to save PCI configuration data, error %dn", rc);
- goto err_iounmap;
- }
- /*
- * Get IO, memory, and IRQ resources for new devices
- */
- // The next line is required for cpqhp_find_available_resources
- ctrl->interrupt = pdev->irq;
- rc = cpqhp_find_available_resources(ctrl, cpqhp_rom_start);
- ctrl->add_support = !rc;
- if (rc) {
- dbg("cpqhp_find_available_resources = 0x%xn", rc);
- err("unable to locate PCI configuration resources for hot plug add.n");
- goto err_iounmap;
- }
- /*
- * Finish setting up the hot plug ctrl device
- */
- ctrl->slot_device_offset = readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) >> 4;
- dbg("NumSlots %d n", ctrl->slot_device_offset);
- ctrl->next_event = 0;
- /* Setup the slot information structures */
- rc = ctrl_slot_setup(ctrl, smbios_start, smbios_table);
- if (rc) {
- err(msg_initialization_err, 6);
- err(__FUNCTION__": unable to save PCI configuration data, error %dn", rc);
- goto err_iounmap;
- }
- /* Mask all general input interrupts */
- writel(0xFFFFFFFFL, ctrl->hpc_reg + INT_MASK);
- /* set up the interrupt */
- dbg("HPC interrupt = %d n", ctrl->interrupt);
- if (request_irq(ctrl->interrupt,
- (void (*)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *)) &cpqhp_ctrl_intr,
- SA_SHIRQ, MY_NAME, ctrl)) {
- err("Can't get irq %d for the hotplug pci controllern", ctrl->interrupt);
- rc = -ENODEV;
- goto err_iounmap;
- }
- /* Enable Shift Out interrupt and clear it, also enable SERR on power fault */
- temp_word = readw(ctrl->hpc_reg + MISC);
- temp_word |= 0x4006;
- writew(temp_word, ctrl->hpc_reg + MISC);
- // Changed 05/05/97 to clear all interrupts at start
- writel(0xFFFFFFFFL, ctrl->hpc_reg + INT_INPUT_CLEAR);
- ctrl->ctrl_int_comp = readl(ctrl->hpc_reg + INT_INPUT_CLEAR);
- writel(0x0L, ctrl->hpc_reg + INT_MASK);
- if (!cpqhp_ctrl_list) {
- cpqhp_ctrl_list = ctrl;
- ctrl->next = NULL;
- } else {
- ctrl->next = cpqhp_ctrl_list;
- cpqhp_ctrl_list = ctrl;
- }
- // turn off empty slots here unless command line option "ON" set
- // Wait for exclusive access to hardware
- down(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- num_of_slots = readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) & 0x0F;
- // find first device number for the ctrl
- device = readb(ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_MASK) >> 4;
- while (num_of_slots) {
- dbg("num_of_slots: %dn", num_of_slots);
- func = cpqhp_slot_find(ctrl->bus, device, 0);
- if (!func)
- break;
- hp_slot = func->device - ctrl->slot_device_offset;
- dbg("hp_slot: %dn", hp_slot);
- // We have to save the presence info for these slots
- temp_word = ctrl->ctrl_int_comp >> 16;
- func->presence_save = (temp_word >> hp_slot) & 0x01;
- func->presence_save |= (temp_word >> (hp_slot + 7)) & 0x02;
- if (ctrl->ctrl_int_comp & (0x1L << hp_slot)) {
- func->switch_save = 0;
- } else {
- func->switch_save = 0x10;
- }
- if (!power_mode) {
- if (!func->is_a_board) {
- green_LED_off (ctrl, hp_slot);
- slot_disable (ctrl, hp_slot);
- }
- }
- device++;
- num_of_slots--;
- }
- if (!power_mode) {
- set_SOGO(ctrl);
- // Wait for SOBS to be unset
- wait_for_ctrl_irq (ctrl);
- }
- rc = init_SERR(ctrl);
- if (rc) {
- err("init_SERR failedn");
- up(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- goto err_free_irq;
- }
- // Done with exclusive hardware access
- up(&ctrl->crit_sect);
- rc = cpqhp_proc_create_ctrl (ctrl);
- if (rc) {
- err("cpqhp_proc_create_ctrl failedn");
- goto err_free_irq;
- }
- return 0;
- err_free_irq:
- free_irq(ctrl->interrupt, ctrl);
- err_iounmap:
- iounmap(ctrl->hpc_reg);
- err_free_mem_region:
- release_mem_region(pci_resource_start(pdev, 0), pci_resource_len(pdev, 0));
- err_free_ctrl:
- kfree(ctrl);
- return rc;
- }
- static int one_time_init(void)
- {
- int loop;
- int retval = 0;
- static int initialized = 0;
- if (initialized)
- return 0;
- power_mode = 0;
- retval = pci_print_IRQ_route();
- if (retval)
- goto error;
- dbg("Initialize + Start the notification mechanism n");
- retval = cpqhp_event_start_thread();
- if (retval)
- goto error;
- dbg("Initialize slot listsn");
- for (loop = 0; loop < 256; loop++) {
- cpqhp_slot_list[loop] = NULL;
- }
- // FIXME: We also need to hook the NMI handler eventually.
- // this also needs to be worked with Christoph
- // register_NMI_handler();
- // Map rom address
- cpqhp_rom_start = ioremap(ROM_PHY_ADDR, ROM_PHY_LEN);
- if (!cpqhp_rom_start) {
- err ("Could not ioremap memory region for ROMn");
- retval = -EIO;;
- goto error;
- }
- /* Now, map the int15 entry point if we are on compaq specific hardware */
- compaq_nvram_init(cpqhp_rom_start);
- /* Map smbios table entry point structure */
- smbios_table = detect_SMBIOS_pointer(cpqhp_rom_start, cpqhp_rom_start + ROM_PHY_LEN);
- if (!smbios_table) {
- err ("Could not find the SMBIOS pointer in memoryn");
- retval = -EIO;;
- goto error;
- }
- smbios_start = ioremap(readl(smbios_table + ST_ADDRESS), readw(smbios_table + ST_LENGTH));
- if (!smbios_start) {
- err ("Could not ioremap memory region taken from SMBIOS valuesn");
- retval = -EIO;;
- goto error;
- }
- retval = cpqhp_proc_init_ctrl();
- if (retval)
- goto error;
- initialized = 1;
- return retval;
- error:
- if (cpqhp_rom_start)
- iounmap(cpqhp_rom_start);
- if (smbios_start)
- iounmap(smbios_start);
- return retval;
- }
- static void unload_cpqphpd(void)
- {
- struct pci_func *next;
- struct pci_func *TempSlot;
- int loop;
- u32 rc;
- struct controller *ctrl;
- struct controller *tctrl;
- struct pci_resource *res;
- struct pci_resource *tres;
- rc = compaq_nvram_store(cpqhp_rom_start);
- ctrl = cpqhp_ctrl_list;
- while (ctrl) {
- cpqhp_proc_remove_ctrl (ctrl);
- if (ctrl->hpc_reg) {
- u16 misc;
- rc = read_slot_enable (ctrl);
- writeb(0, ctrl->hpc_reg + SLOT_SERR);
- writel(0xFFFFFFC0L | ~rc, ctrl->hpc_reg + INT_MASK);
- misc = readw(ctrl->hpc_reg + MISC);
- misc &= 0xFFFD;
- writew(misc, ctrl->hpc_reg + MISC);
- }
- ctrl_slot_cleanup(ctrl);
- res = ctrl->io_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- res = ctrl->mem_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- res = ctrl->p_mem_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- res = ctrl->bus_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- tctrl = ctrl;
- ctrl = ctrl->next;
- kfree(tctrl);
- }
- for (loop = 0; loop < 256; loop++) {
- next = cpqhp_slot_list[loop];
- while (next != NULL) {
- res = next->io_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- res = next->mem_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- res = next->p_mem_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- res = next->bus_head;
- while (res) {
- tres = res;
- res = res->next;
- kfree(tres);
- }
- TempSlot = next;
- next = next->next;
- kfree(TempSlot);
- }
- }
- remove_proc_entry("hpc", 0);
- // Stop the notification mechanism
- cpqhp_event_stop_thread();
- //unmap the rom address
- if (cpqhp_rom_start)
- iounmap(cpqhp_rom_start);
- if (smbios_start)
- iounmap(smbios_start);
- }
- static struct pci_device_id hpcd_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata = {
- {
- /* handle any PCI Hotplug controller */
- class: ((PCI_CLASS_SYSTEM_PCI_HOTPLUG << 8) | 0x00),
- class_mask: ~0,
- /* no matter who makes it */
- vendor: PCI_ANY_ID,
- device: PCI_ANY_ID,
- subvendor: PCI_ANY_ID,
- subdevice: PCI_ANY_ID,
- }, { /* end: all zeroes */ }
- };
- MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, hpcd_pci_tbl);
- static struct pci_driver cpqhpc_driver = {
- name: "pci_hotplug",
- id_table: hpcd_pci_tbl,
- probe: cpqhpc_probe,
- /* remove: cpqhpc_remove_one, */
- };
- static int __init cpqhpc_init(void)
- {
- int result;
- cpqhp_debug = debug;
- result = pci_module_init(&cpqhpc_driver);
- dbg("pci_module_init = %dn", result);
- if (result)
- return result;
- info (DRIVER_DESC " version: " DRIVER_VERSION "n");
- return 0;
- }
- static void __exit cpqhpc_cleanup(void)
- {
- dbg("cleaning up proc entriesn");
- cpqhp_proc_destroy_ctrl();
- dbg("unload_cpqphpd()n");
- unload_cpqphpd();
- dbg("pci_unregister_drivern");
- pci_unregister_driver(&cpqhpc_driver);
- }
- module_init(cpqhpc_init);
- module_exit(cpqhpc_cleanup);