- /***********************************************************************
- * drivers/s390/char/tape.c
- * tape device driver for S/390 and zSeries tapes.
- *
- * S390 and zSeries version
- * Copyright (C) 2001 IBM Corporation
- * Author(s): Carsten Otte <cotte@de.ibm.com>
- * Tuan Ngo-Anh <ngoanh@de.ibm.com>
- *
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- #include "tapedefs.h"
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/stddef.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <asm/types.h>
- #include <asm/ccwcache.h>
- #include <asm/idals.h>
- #include <asm/ebcdic.h>
- #include <linux/compatmac.h>
- #ifdef MODULE
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #endif
- #include <asm/debug.h>
- #include <asm/s390dyn.h>
- #endif
- #include "tape.h"
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_3490
- #include "tape3490.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_3480
- #include "tape3480.h"
- #endif
- #include "tapeblock.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_CHAR
- #include "tapechar.h"
- #endif
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #endif
- #define PRINTK_HEADER "T390:"
- /* state handling routines */
- inline void tapestate_set (tape_info_t * ti, int newstate);
- inline int tapestate_get (tape_info_t * ti);
- void tapestate_event (tape_info_t * ti, int event);
- /* our globals */
- tape_info_t *first_tape_info = NULL;
- tape_discipline_t *first_discipline = NULL;
- tape_frontend_t *first_frontend = NULL;
- devreg_t* tape_devreg[128];
- int devregct=0;
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_info_t *tape_debug_area = NULL;
- #endif
- char* state_verbose[TS_SIZE]={
- char* event_verbose[TE_SIZE]= {
- /* our root devfs handle */
- devfs_handle_t tape_devfs_root_entry;
- inline void
- tape_mkdevfsroots (tape_info_t* ti)
- {
- char devno [5];
- sprintf (devno,"%04x",ti->devinfo.devno);
- ti->devfs_dir=devfs_mk_dir (tape_devfs_root_entry, devno, ti);
- }
- inline void
- tape_rmdevfsroots (tape_info_t* ti)
- {
- devfs_unregister (ti->devfs_dir);
- }
- #endif
- /* our proc tapedevices entry */
- static struct proc_dir_entry *tape_devices_entry;
- typedef struct {
- char *data;
- int len;
- } tempinfo_t;
- static int
- tape_devices_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- {
- int size=80;
- tape_info_t* ti;
- tempinfo_t* tempinfo;
- char* data;
- int pos=0;
- tempinfo = kmalloc (sizeof(tempinfo_t),GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!tempinfo)
- return -ENOMEM;
- for (ti=first_tape_info;ti!=NULL;ti=ti->next)
- size+=80; // FIXME: Guess better!
- data=vmalloc(size);
- if (!data) {
- kfree (tempinfo);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- pos+=sprintf(data+pos,"TapeNotDevNotCuTypetCuModeltDevTypetDevModeltStaten");
- for (ti=first_tape_info;ti!=NULL;ti=ti->next) {
- pos+=sprintf(data+pos,"%dt%04Xt%04Xt%02Xt%04Xt%02Xtt%sn",ti->rew_minor/2,
- ti->devinfo.devno,ti->devinfo.sid_data.cu_type,
- ti->devinfo.sid_data.cu_model,ti->devinfo.sid_data.dev_type,
- ti->devinfo.sid_data.dev_model,((tapestate_get(ti) >= 0) &&
- (tapestate_get(ti) < TS_SIZE)) ?
- state_verbose[tapestate_get (ti)] : "TS UNKNOWN");
- }
- tempinfo->len=pos;
- tempinfo->data=data;
- file->private_data= (void*) tempinfo;
- #ifdef MODULE
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- static ssize_t
- tape_devices_read (struct file *file, char *user_buf, size_t user_len, loff_t * offset)
- {
- loff_t len;
- tempinfo_t *p_info = (tempinfo_t *) file->private_data;
- if (*offset >= p_info->len) {
- return 0; /* EOF */
- } else {
- len = user_len<(p_info->len - *offset)?user_len:(p_info->len - *offset);
- if (copy_to_user (user_buf, &(p_info->data[*offset]), len))
- return -EFAULT;
- (*offset) += len;
- return len; /* number of bytes "read" */
- }
- }
- static int
- tape_devices_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- {
- int rc = 0;
- tempinfo_t *p_info = (tempinfo_t *) file->private_data;
- if (p_info) {
- if (p_info->data)
- vfree (p_info->data);
- kfree (p_info);
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- #endif
- return rc;
- }
- static struct file_operations tape_devices_file_ops =
- {
- read:tape_devices_read, /* read */
- open:tape_devices_open, /* open */
- release:tape_devices_release, /* close */
- };
- static struct inode_operations tape_devices_inode_ops =
- {
- default_file_ops:&tape_devices_file_ops /* file ops */
- #endif /* LINUX_IS_24 */
- };
- #endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
- /* SECTION: Parameters for tape */
- char *tape[256] = { NULL, };
- #ifndef MODULE
- static char tape_parm_string[1024] __initdata = { 0, };
- static void
- tape_split_parm_string (char *str)
- {
- char *tmp = str;
- int count = 0;
- while (tmp != NULL && *tmp != '') {
- char *end;
- int len;
- end = strchr (tmp, ',');
- if (end == NULL) {
- len = strlen (tmp) + 1;
- } else {
- len = (long) end - (long) tmp + 1;
- *end = '';
- end++;
- }
- tape[count] = kmalloc (len * sizeof (char), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (tape[count] == NULL) {
- "can't store tape= parameter no %dn",
- count + 1);
- break;
- }
- memset (tape[count], 0, len * sizeof (char));
- memcpy (tape[count], tmp, len * sizeof (char));
- count++;
- tmp = end;
- };
- }
- void __init
- tape_parm_setup (char *str, int *ints)
- {
- int len = strlen (tape_parm_string);
- if (len != 0) {
- strcat (tape_parm_string, ",");
- }
- strcat (tape_parm_string, str);
- }
- int __init
- tape_parm_call_setup (char *str)
- {
- int dummy;
- tape_parm_setup (str, &dummy);
- return 1;
- }
- __setup("tape=", tape_parm_call_setup);
- #endif /* kernel <2.2.19 */
- #endif /* not defined MODULE */
- static inline int
- tape_parm_strtoul (char *str, char **stra)
- {
- char *temp = str;
- int val;
- if (*temp == '0') {
- temp++; /* strip leading zero */
- if (*temp == 'x')
- temp++; /* strip leading x */
- }
- val = simple_strtoul (temp, &temp, 16); /* interpret anything as hex */
- *stra = temp;
- return val;
- }
- static inline devreg_t *
- tape_create_devreg (int devno)
- {
- devreg_t *devreg = kmalloc (sizeof (devreg_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (devreg != NULL) {
- memset (devreg, 0, sizeof (devreg_t));
- devreg->ci.devno = devno;
- devreg->flag = DEVREG_TYPE_DEVNO;
- devreg->oper_func = tape_oper_handler;
- }
- return devreg;
- }
- static inline void
- tape_parm_parse (char **str)
- {
- char *temp;
- int from, to,i,irq=0,rc,retries=0,tape_num=0;
- s390_dev_info_t dinfo;
- tape_info_t* ti,*tempti;
- tape_discipline_t* disc;
- long lockflags;
- if (*str==NULL) {
- /* no params present -> leave */
- return;
- }
- while (*str) {
- temp = *str;
- from = 0;
- to = 0;
- /* turn off autodetect mode, if any range is present */
- from = tape_parm_strtoul (temp, &temp);
- to = from;
- if (*temp == '-') {
- temp++;
- to = tape_parm_strtoul (temp, &temp);
- }
- for (i=from;i<=to;i++) {
- retries=0;
- // register for attch/detach of a devno
- tape_devreg[devregct]=tape_create_devreg(i);
- if (tape_devreg[devregct]==NULL) {
- PRINT_WARN ("Could not create devreg for devno %04x, dyn. attach for this devno deactivated.n",i);
- } else {
- s390_device_register (tape_devreg[devregct++]);
- }
- // we are activating a device if it is present
- for (irq = get_irq_first(); irq!=-ENODEV; irq=get_irq_next(irq)) {
- rc = get_dev_info_by_irq (irq, &dinfo);
- disc = first_discipline;
- while ((dinfo.devno == i) && (disc != NULL) && (disc->cu_type != dinfo.sid_data.cu_type))
- disc = (tape_discipline_t *) (disc->next);
- if ((disc == NULL) || (rc == -ENODEV) || (i!=dinfo.devno)) {
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"det irq: ");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,3,irq);
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"cu: ");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,3,disc->cu_type);
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- PRINT_INFO ("using devno %04x with discipline %04x on irq %d as tape device %dn",dinfo.devno,dinfo.sid_data.cu_type,irq,tape_num/2);
- /* Allocate tape structure */
- ti = kmalloc (sizeof (tape_info_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (ti == NULL) {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_exception (tape_debug_area,3,"ti:no mem ");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- PRINT_INFO ("tape: can't allocate memory for "
- "tape info structuren");
- continue;
- }
- memset(ti,0,sizeof(tape_info_t));
- ti->discipline = disc;
- disc->tape = ti;
- rc = tape_setup (ti, irq, tape_num);
- if (rc) {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"tsetup err");
- debug_int_exception (tape_debug_area,3,rc);
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- kfree (ti);
- } else {
- s390irq_spin_lock_irqsave (irq, lockflags);
- if (first_tape_info == NULL) {
- first_tape_info = ti;
- } else {
- tempti = first_tape_info;
- while (tempti->next != NULL)
- tempti = tempti->next;
- tempti->next = ti;
- }
- s390irq_spin_unlock_irqrestore (irq, lockflags);
- }
- }
- tape_num+=2;
- }
- str++;
- }
- }
- /* SECTION: Managing wrappers for ccwcache */
- static ccw_req_t *tape_emergency_req[TAPE_EMERGENCY_REQUESTS] =
- {NULL,};
- static spinlock_t tape_emergency_req_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- static void
- tape_init_emergency_req (void)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < TAPE_EMERGENCY_REQUESTS; i++) {
- tape_emergency_req[i] = (ccw_req_t *) get_free_page (GFP_KERNEL);
- }
- }
- #ifdef MODULE // We only cleanup the emergency requests on module unload.
- static void
- tape_cleanup_emergency_req (void)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < TAPE_EMERGENCY_REQUESTS; i++) {
- if (tape_emergency_req[i])
- free_page ((long) (tape_emergency_req[i]));
- else
- printk (KERN_WARNING PRINTK_HEADER "losing one page for 'in-use' emergency requestn");
- }
- }
- #endif
- ccw_req_t *
- tape_alloc_request (char *magic, int cplength, int datasize)
- {
- ccw_req_t *rv = NULL;
- int i;
- if ((rv = ccw_alloc_request (magic, cplength, datasize)) != NULL) {
- return rv;
- }
- if (cplength * sizeof (ccw1_t) + datasize + sizeof (ccw_req_t) > PAGE_SIZE) {
- return NULL;
- }
- spin_lock (&tape_emergency_req_lock);
- for (i = 0; i < TAPE_EMERGENCY_REQUESTS; i++) {
- if (tape_emergency_req[i] != NULL) {
- rv = tape_emergency_req[i];
- tape_emergency_req[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock (&tape_emergency_req_lock);
- if (rv) {
- memset (rv, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
- rv->cache = (kmem_cache_t *) (tape_emergency_req + i);
- strncpy ((char *) (&rv->magic), magic, 4);
- ASCEBC ((char *) (&rv->magic), 4);
- rv->cplength = cplength;
- rv->datasize = datasize;
- rv->data = (void *) ((long) rv + PAGE_SIZE - datasize);
- rv->cpaddr = (ccw1_t *) ((long) rv + sizeof (ccw_req_t));
- }
- return rv;
- }
- void
- tape_free_request (ccw_req_t * request)
- {
- if (request->cache >= (kmem_cache_t *) tape_emergency_req &&
- request->cache <= (kmem_cache_t *) (tape_emergency_req + TAPE_EMERGENCY_REQUESTS)) {
- *((ccw_req_t **) (request->cache)) = request;
- } else {
- clear_normalized_cda ((ccw1_t *) (request->cpaddr)); // avoid memory leak caused by modeset_byte
- ccw_free_request (request);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Allocate a ccw request and reserve it for tape driver
- */
- inline
- ccw_req_t *
- tape_alloc_ccw_req (tape_info_t * ti, int cplength, int datasize)
- {
- char tape_magic_id[] = "tape";
- ccw_req_t *cqr = NULL;
- if (!ti)
- return NULL;
- cqr = tape_alloc_request (tape_magic_id, cplength, datasize);
- if (!cqr) {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- PRINT_WARN ("empty CQR generatedn");
- #endif
- }
- cqr->magic = TAPE_MAGIC; /* sets an identifier for tape driver */
- cqr->device = ti; /* save pointer to tape info */
- return cqr;
- }
- /*
- * Find the tape_info_t structure associated with irq
- */
- static inline tape_info_t *
- tapedev_find_info (int irq)
- {
- tape_info_t *ti;
- ti = first_tape_info;
- if (ti != NULL)
- do {
- if (ti->devinfo.irq == irq)
- break;
- } while ((ti = (tape_info_t *) ti->next) != NULL);
- return ti;
- }
- /*
- * Tape interrupt routine, called from Ingo's I/O layer
- */
- void
- tape_irq (int irq, void *int_parm, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- tape_info_t *ti = tapedev_find_info (irq);
- /* analyse devstat and fire event */
- if (ti->devstat.dstat & DEV_STAT_UNIT_CHECK) {
- tapestate_event (ti, TE_ERROR);
- } else if (ti->devstat.dstat & (DEV_STAT_DEV_END)) {
- tapestate_event (ti, TE_DONE);
- } else
- tapestate_event (ti, TE_OTHER);
- }
- int
- tape_oper_handler ( int irq, struct _devreg *dreg) {
- tape_info_t* ti=first_tape_info;
- tape_info_t* newtape;
- int rc,tape_num,retries=0,i;
- s390_dev_info_t dinfo;
- tape_discipline_t* disc;
- tape_frontend_t* frontend;
- #endif
- long lockflags;
- while ((ti!=NULL) && (ti->devinfo.irq!=irq))
- ti=ti->next;
- if (ti!=NULL) {
- // irq is (still) used by tape. tell ingo to try again later
- PRINT_WARN ("Oper handler for irq %d called while irq still (internaly?) used.n",irq);
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- // irq is not used by tape
- rc = get_dev_info_by_irq (irq, &dinfo);
- if (rc == -ENODEV) {
- retries++;
- rc = get_dev_info_by_irq (irq, &dinfo);
- if (retries > 5) {
- PRINT_WARN ("No device information for new dev. could be retrieved.n");
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- }
- disc = first_discipline;
- while ((disc != NULL) && (disc->cu_type != dinfo.sid_data.cu_type))
- disc = (tape_discipline_t *) (disc->next);
- if (disc == NULL)
- PRINT_WARN ("No matching discipline for cu_type %x found, ignoring device %04x.n",dinfo.sid_data.cu_type,dinfo.devno);
- if (rc == -ENODEV)
- PRINT_WARN ("No device information for new dev. could be retrieved.n");
- if ((disc == NULL) || (rc == -ENODEV))
- return -ENODEV;
- /* Allocate tape structure */
- ti = kmalloc (sizeof (tape_info_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (ti == NULL) {
- PRINT_INFO ( "tape: can't allocate memory for "
- "tape info structuren");
- return -ENOBUFS;
- }
- memset(ti,0,sizeof(tape_info_t));
- ti->discipline = disc;
- disc->tape = ti;
- tape_num=0;
- if (*tape) {
- // we have static device ranges, so fingure out the tape_num of the attached tape
- for (i=0;i<devregct;i++)
- if (tape_devreg[i]->ci.devno==dinfo.devno) {
- tape_num=2*i;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // we are running in autoprobe mode, find a free tape_num
- newtape=first_tape_info;
- while (newtape!=NULL) {
- if (newtape->rew_minor==tape_num) {
- // tape num in use. try next one
- tape_num+=2;
- newtape=first_tape_info;
- } else {
- // tape num not used by newtape. look at next tape info
- newtape=newtape->next;
- }
- }
- }
- rc = tape_setup (ti, irq, tape_num);
- if (rc) {
- kfree (ti);
- return -ENOBUFS;
- }
- for (frontend=first_frontend;frontend!=NULL;frontend=frontend->next)
- frontend->mkdevfstree(ti);
- #endif
- s390irq_spin_lock_irqsave (irq,lockflags);
- if (first_tape_info == NULL) {
- first_tape_info = ti;
- } else {
- newtape = first_tape_info;
- while (newtape->next != NULL)
- newtape = newtape->next;
- newtape->next = ti;
- }
- s390irq_spin_unlock_irqrestore (irq, lockflags);
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- tape_noper_handler ( int irq, int status ) {
- tape_info_t *ti=first_tape_info;
- tape_info_t *lastti;
- tape_frontend_t *frontend;
- #endif
- long lockflags;
- s390irq_spin_lock_irqsave(irq,lockflags);
- while (ti!=NULL && ti->devinfo.irq!=irq) ti=ti->next;
- if (ti==NULL) return;
- if (tapestate_get(ti)!=TS_UNUSED) {
- // device is in use!
- PRINT_WARN ("Tape #%d was detached while it was busy. Expect errors!",ti->blk_minor/2);
- tapestate_set(ti,TS_NOT_OPER);
- ti->rc=-ENODEV;
- ti->wanna_wakeup=1;
- switch (tapestate_get(ti)) {
- tapestate_set(ti,TS_NOT_OPER);
- wake_up (&ti->wq);
- break;
- tapestate_set(ti,TS_NOT_OPER);
- schedule_tapeblock_exec_IO(ti);
- break;
- #endif
- default:
- tapestate_set(ti,TS_NOT_OPER);
- wake_up_interruptible (&ti->wq);
- }
- } else {
- // device is unused!
- PRINT_WARN ("Tape #%d was detached.n",ti->blk_minor/2);
- if (ti==first_tape_info) {
- first_tape_info=ti->next;
- } else {
- lastti=first_tape_info;
- while (lastti->next!=ti) lastti=lastti->next;
- lastti->next=ti->next;
- }
- for (frontend=first_frontend;frontend!=NULL;frontend=frontend->next)
- frontend->rmdevfstree(ti);
- tape_rmdevfsroots(ti);
- #endif
- kfree(ti);
- }
- s390irq_spin_unlock_irqrestore(irq,lockflags);
- return;
- }
- void
- tape_dump_sense (devstat_t * stat)
- {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- int sl;
- #endif
- #if 0
- PRINT_WARN ("------------I/O resulted in unit check:-----------n");
- for (sl = 0; sl < 4; sl++) {
- PRINT_WARN ("Sense:");
- for (sct = 0; sct < 8; sct++) {
- PRINT_WARN (" %2d:0x%02X", 8 * sl + sct,
- stat->ii.sense.data[8 * sl + sct]);
- }
- PRINT_WARN ("n");
- }
- PRINT_INFO ("Sense data: %02X%02X%02X%02X %02X%02X%02X%02X "
- " %02X%02X%02X%02X %02X%02X%02X%02X n",
- stat->ii.sense.data[0], stat->ii.sense.data[1],
- stat->ii.sense.data[2], stat->ii.sense.data[3],
- stat->ii.sense.data[4], stat->ii.sense.data[5],
- stat->ii.sense.data[6], stat->ii.sense.data[7],
- stat->ii.sense.data[8], stat->ii.sense.data[9],
- stat->ii.sense.data[10], stat->ii.sense.data[11],
- stat->ii.sense.data[12], stat->ii.sense.data[13],
- stat->ii.sense.data[14], stat->ii.sense.data[15]);
- PRINT_INFO ("Sense data: %02X%02X%02X%02X %02X%02X%02X%02X "
- " %02X%02X%02X%02X %02X%02X%02X%02X n",
- stat->ii.sense.data[16], stat->ii.sense.data[17],
- stat->ii.sense.data[18], stat->ii.sense.data[19],
- stat->ii.sense.data[20], stat->ii.sense.data[21],
- stat->ii.sense.data[22], stat->ii.sense.data[23],
- stat->ii.sense.data[24], stat->ii.sense.data[25],
- stat->ii.sense.data[26], stat->ii.sense.data[27],
- stat->ii.sense.data[28], stat->ii.sense.data[29],
- stat->ii.sense.data[30], stat->ii.sense.data[31]);
- #endif
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"SENSE:");
- for (sl=0;sl<31;sl++) {
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,3,stat->ii.sense.data[sl]);
- }
- debug_int_exception (tape_debug_area,3,stat->ii.sense.data[31]);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Setup tape_info_t structure of a tape device
- */
- int
- tape_setup (tape_info_t * ti, int irq, int minor)
- {
- long lockflags;
- int rc = 0;
- if (minor>254) {
- PRINT_WARN ("Device id %d on irq %d will not be accessible since this driver is restricted to 128 devices.n",minor/2,irq);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- rc = get_dev_info_by_irq (irq, &(ti->devinfo));
- if (rc == -ENODEV) { /* end of device list */
- return rc;
- }
- ti->rew_minor = minor;
- ti->nor_minor = minor + 1;
- ti->blk_minor = minor;
- tape_mkdevfsroots(ti);
- #endif
- /* Register IRQ */
- rc = s390_request_irq_special (irq, tape_irq, tape_noper_handler,0, "tape", &(ti->devstat));
- #else
- rc = s390_request_irq (irq, tape_irq, 0, "tape", &(ti->devstat));
- #endif
- s390irq_spin_lock_irqsave (irq, lockflags);
- ti->next = NULL;
- if (rc)
- PRINT_WARN ("Cannot register irq %d, rc=%dn", irq, rc);
- init_waitqueue_head (&ti->wq);
- ti->kernbuf = ti->userbuf = ti->discdata = NULL;
- tapestate_set (ti, TS_UNUSED);
- ti->discdata=NULL;
- ti->discipline->setup_assist (ti);
- ti->wanna_wakeup=0;
- s390irq_spin_unlock_irqrestore (irq, lockflags);
- return rc;
- }
- /*
- * tape_init will register the driver for each tape.
- */
- int
- tape_init (void)
- {
- long lockflags;
- s390_dev_info_t dinfo;
- tape_discipline_t *disc;
- tape_info_t *ti = NULL, *tempti = NULL;
- char *opt_char,*opt_block,*opt_3490,*opt_3480;
- int irq = 0, rc, retries = 0, tape_num = 0;
- static int initialized=0;
- if (initialized) // Only init the devices once
- return 0;
- initialized=1;
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- tape_debug_area = debug_register ( "tape", 3, 2, 10);
- debug_register_view(tape_debug_area,&debug_hex_ascii_view);
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"begin init");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- /* print banner */
- PRINT_WARN ("IBM S/390 Tape Device Driver (v1.01).n");
- PRINT_WARN ("(C) IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, 2000n");
- opt_char=opt_block=opt_3480=opt_3490="not present";
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_CHAR
- opt_char="built in";
- #endif
- opt_block="built in";
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_3480
- opt_3480="built in";
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_3490
- opt_3490="built in";
- #endif
- /* print feature info */
- PRINT_WARN ("character device frontend : %sn",opt_char);
- PRINT_WARN ("block device frontend : %sn",opt_block);
- PRINT_WARN ("support for 3480 compatible : %sn",opt_3480);
- PRINT_WARN ("support for 3490 compatible : %sn",opt_3490);
- #ifndef MODULE
- tape_split_parm_string(tape_parm_string);
- #endif
- if (*tape)
- PRINT_INFO ("Using ranges supplied in parameters, disabling autoprobe mode.n");
- else
- PRINT_INFO ("No parameters supplied, enabling autoprobe mode for all supported devices.n");
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_3490
- if (*tape)
- first_discipline = tape3490_init (0); // no autoprobe for devices
- else
- first_discipline = tape3490_init (1); // do autoprobe since no parm specified
- first_discipline->next = NULL;
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_3480
- if (first_discipline == NULL) {
- if (*tape)
- first_discipline = tape3480_init (0); // no autoprobe for devices
- else
- first_discipline = tape3480_init (1); // do autoprobe since no parm specified
- first_discipline->next = NULL;
- } else {
- if (*tape)
- first_discipline->next = tape3480_init (0); // no autoprobe for devices
- else
- first_discipline->next = tape3480_init (1); // do autoprobe since no parm specified
- ((tape_discipline_t*) (first_discipline->next))->next=NULL;
- }
- #endif
- tape_devfs_root_entry=devfs_mk_dir (NULL, "tape", NULL);
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"dev detect");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- /* Allocate the tape structures */
- if (*tape!=NULL) {
- // we have parameters, continue with parsing the parameters and set the devices online
- tape_parm_parse (tape);
- } else {
- // we are running in autodetect mode, search all devices for compatibles
- for (irq = get_irq_first(); irq!=-ENODEV; irq=get_irq_next(irq)) {
- rc = get_dev_info_by_irq (irq, &dinfo);
- disc = first_discipline;
- while ((disc != NULL) && (disc->cu_type != dinfo.sid_data.cu_type))
- disc = (tape_discipline_t *) (disc->next);
- if ((disc == NULL) || (rc == -ENODEV))
- continue;
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"det irq: ");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,3,irq);
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"cu: ");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,3,disc->cu_type);
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- PRINT_INFO ("using devno %04x with discipline %04x on irq %d as tape device %dn",dinfo.devno,dinfo.sid_data.cu_type,irq,tape_num/2);
- /* Allocate tape structure */
- ti = kmalloc (sizeof (tape_info_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (ti == NULL) {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_exception (tape_debug_area,3,"ti:no mem ");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- PRINT_INFO ("tape: can't allocate memory for "
- "tape info structuren");
- continue;
- }
- memset(ti,0,sizeof(tape_info_t));
- ti->discipline = disc;
- disc->tape = ti;
- rc = tape_setup (ti, irq, tape_num);
- if (rc) {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"tsetup err");
- debug_int_exception (tape_debug_area,3,rc);
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- kfree (ti);
- } else {
- s390irq_spin_lock_irqsave (irq, lockflags);
- if (first_tape_info == NULL) {
- first_tape_info = ti;
- } else {
- tempti = first_tape_info;
- while (tempti->next != NULL)
- tempti = tempti->next;
- tempti->next = ti;
- }
- tape_num += 2;
- s390irq_spin_unlock_irqrestore (irq, lockflags);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Allocate local buffer for the ccwcache */
- tape_init_emergency_req ();
- tape_devices_entry = create_proc_entry ("tapedevices",
- &proc_root);
- tape_devices_entry->proc_fops = &tape_devices_file_ops;
- tape_devices_entry->proc_iops = &tape_devices_inode_ops;
- #else
- tape_devices_entry = (struct proc_dir_entry *) kmalloc
- (sizeof (struct proc_dir_entry), GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (tape_devices_entry) {
- memset (tape_devices_entry, 0, sizeof (struct proc_dir_entry));
- tape_devices_entry->name = "tapedevices";
- tape_devices_entry->namelen = strlen ("tapedevices");
- tape_devices_entry->low_ino = 0;
- tape_devices_entry->mode = (S_IFREG | S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
- tape_devices_entry->nlink = 1;
- tape_devices_entry->uid = 0;
- tape_devices_entry->gid = 0;
- tape_devices_entry->size = 0;
- tape_devices_entry->get_info = NULL;
- tape_devices_entry->ops = &tape_devices_inode_ops;
- proc_register (&proc_root, tape_devices_entry);
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- MODULE_AUTHOR("(C) 2001 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH by Carsten Otte (cotte@de.ibm.com)");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Linux for S/390 channel attached tape device driver");
- MODULE_PARM (tape, "1-" __MODULE_STRING (256) "s");
- int
- init_module (void)
- {
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_CHAR
- tapechar_init ();
- #endif
- tapeblock_init ();
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- void
- cleanup_module (void)
- {
- tape_info_t *ti ,*temp;
- tape_frontend_t* frontend, *tempfe;
- tape_discipline_t* disc ,*tempdi;
- int i;
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,"cleaup mod");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- if (*tape) {
- // we are running with parameters. we'll now deregister from our devno's
- for (i=0;i<devregct;i++) {
- s390_device_unregister(tape_devreg[devregct]);
- }
- }
- ti = first_tape_info;
- while (ti != NULL) {
- temp = ti;
- ti = ti->next;
- //cleanup a device
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,"free irq:");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,6,temp->devinfo.irq);
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- free_irq (temp->devinfo.irq, &(temp->devstat));
- if (temp->discdata) kfree (temp->discdata);
- if (temp->kernbuf) kfree (temp->kernbuf);
- if (temp->cqr) tape_free_request(temp->cqr);
- for (frontend=first_frontend;frontend!=NULL;frontend=frontend->next)
- frontend->rmdevfstree(temp);
- tape_rmdevfsroots(temp);
- #endif
- kfree (temp);
- }
- devfs_unregister (tape_devfs_root_entry);
- remove_proc_entry ("tapedevices", &proc_root);
- #else
- proc_unregister (&proc_root, tape_devices_entry->low_ino);
- kfree (tape_devices_entry);
- #endif /* LINUX_IS_24 */
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_S390_TAPE_CHAR
- tapechar_uninit();
- #endif
- tapeblock_uninit();
- #endif
- frontend=first_frontend;
- while (frontend != NULL) {
- tempfe = frontend;
- frontend = frontend->next;
- kfree (tempfe);
- }
- disc=first_discipline;
- while (disc != NULL) {
- if (*tape)
- disc->shutdown(0);
- else
- disc->shutdown(1);
- tempdi = disc;
- disc = disc->next;
- kfree (tempdi);
- }
- /* Deallocate the local buffer for the ccwcache */
- tape_cleanup_emergency_req ();
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_unregister (tape_debug_area);
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- }
- #endif /* MODULE */
- inline void
- tapestate_set (tape_info_t * ti, int newstate)
- {
- if (ti->tape_state == TS_NOT_OPER) {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,3,"ts_set err");
- debug_text_exception (tape_debug_area,3,"dev n.oper");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- } else {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,4,"ts. dev: ");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,4,ti->blk_minor);
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,4,"old ts: ");
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,4,(((tapestate_get (ti) < TS_SIZE) &&
- (tapestate_get (ti) >=0 )) ?
- state_verbose[tapestate_get (ti)] :
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,4,"new ts: ");
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,4,(((newstate < TS_SIZE) &&
- (newstate >= 0)) ?
- state_verbose[newstate] :
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- ti->tape_state = newstate;
- }
- }
- inline int
- tapestate_get (tape_info_t * ti)
- {
- return (ti->tape_state);
- }
- void
- tapestate_event (tape_info_t * ti, int event)
- {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,"te! dev: ");
- debug_int_event (tape_debug_area,6,ti->blk_minor);
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,"event:");
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,((event >=0) &&
- (event < TE_SIZE)) ?
- event_verbose[event] : "TE UNKNOWN");
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,"state:");
- debug_text_event (tape_debug_area,6,((tapestate_get(ti) >= 0) &&
- (tapestate_get(ti) < TS_SIZE)) ?
- state_verbose[tapestate_get (ti)] :
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- if (event == TE_ERROR) {
- ti->discipline->error_recovery(ti);
- } else {
- if ((event >= 0) &&
- (event < TE_SIZE) &&
- (tapestate_get (ti) >= 0) &&
- (tapestate_get (ti) < TS_SIZE) &&
- ((*(ti->discipline->event_table))[tapestate_get (ti)][event] != NULL))
- ((*(ti->discipline->event_table))[tapestate_get (ti)][event]) (ti);
- else {
- #ifdef TAPE_DEBUG
- debug_text_exception (tape_debug_area,3,"TE UNEXPEC");
- #endif /* TAPE_DEBUG */
- ti->discipline->default_handler (ti);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Overrides for Emacs so that we follow Linus's tabbing style.
- * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
- * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
- * of the file.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -4
- * c-argdecl-indent: 4
- * c-label-offset: -4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * tab-width: 8
- * End:
- */