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- #ifdef DEBUG
- static void __attribute__((__unused__)) uhci_show_qh (puhci_desc_t qh)
- {
- if (qh->type != QH_TYPE) {
- dbg("qh has not QH_TYPE");
- return;
- }
- dbg("QH @ %p/%08llX:", qh, (unsigned long long)qh->dma_addr);
- if (qh->hw.qh.head & UHCI_PTR_TERM)
- dbg(" Head Terminate");
- else
- dbg(" Head: %s @ %08X",
- (qh->hw.qh.head & UHCI_PTR_QH?"QH":"TD"),
- qh->hw.qh.head & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS);
- if (qh->hw.qh.element & UHCI_PTR_TERM)
- dbg(" Element Terminate");
- else
- dbg(" Element: %s @ %08X",
- (qh->hw.qh.element & UHCI_PTR_QH?"QH":"TD"),
- qh->hw.qh.element & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS);
- }
- #endif
- #if 0
- static void uhci_show_td (puhci_desc_t td)
- {
- char *spid;
- switch (td->hw.td.info & 0xff) {
- spid = "SETUP";
- break;
- case USB_PID_OUT:
- spid = " OUT ";
- break;
- case USB_PID_IN:
- spid = " IN ";
- break;
- default:
- spid = " ? ";
- break;
- }
- warn(" TD @ %p/%08X, MaxLen=%02x DT%d EP=%x Dev=%x PID=(%s) buf=%08x",
- td, td->dma_addr,
- td->hw.td.info >> 21,
- ((td->hw.td.info >> 19) & 1),
- (td->hw.td.info >> 15) & 15,
- (td->hw.td.info >> 8) & 127,
- spid,
- td->hw.td.buffer);
- warn(" Len=%02x e%d %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- td->hw.td.status & 0x7ff,
- ((td->hw.td.status >> 27) & 3),
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_SPD) ? "SPD " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_LS) ? "LS " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_IOC) ? "IOC " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_ACTIVE) ? "Active " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_STALLED) ? "Stalled " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_DBUFERR) ? "DataBufErr " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_BABBLE) ? "Babble " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_NAK) ? "NAK " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_CRCTIMEO) ? "CRC/Timeo " : "",
- (td->hw.td.status & TD_CTRL_BITSTUFF) ? "BitStuff " : ""
- );
- if (td->hw.td.link & UHCI_PTR_TERM)
- warn(" TD Link Terminate");
- else
- warn(" Link points to %s @ %08x, %s",
- (td->hw.td.link & UHCI_PTR_QH?"QH":"TD"),
- td->hw.td.link & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS,
- (td->hw.td.link & UHCI_PTR_DEPTH ? "Depth first" : "Breadth first"));
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- static void __attribute__((__unused__)) uhci_show_td_queue (puhci_desc_t td)
- {
- //dbg("uhci_show_td_queue %p (%08lX):", td, td->dma_addr);
- #if 1
- return;
- #else
- while (1) {
- uhci_show_td (td);
- if (td->hw.td.link & UHCI_PTR_TERM)
- break;
- if (td != bus_to_virt (td->hw.td.link & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS))
- td = bus_to_virt (td->hw.td.link & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS);
- else {
- dbg("td points to itself!");
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- static void __attribute__((__unused__)) uhci_show_queue (puhci_desc_t qh)
- {
- #if 0
- uhci_desc_t *start_qh=qh;
- #endif
- dbg("uhci_show_queue %p:", qh);
- #if 1
- return;
- #else
- while (1) {
- uhci_show_qh (qh);
- if (!(qh->hw.qh.element & UHCI_PTR_TERM))
- uhci_show_td_queue (bus_to_virt (qh->hw.qh.element & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS));
- if (qh->hw.qh.head & UHCI_PTR_TERM)
- break;
- if (qh != bus_to_virt (qh->hw.qh.head & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS))
- qh = bus_to_virt (qh->hw.qh.head & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS);
- else {
- dbg("qh points to itself!");
- break;
- }
- if (qh==start_qh) { // avoid loop
- dbg("Loop detect");
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- static void __attribute__((__unused__)) uhci_show_sc (int port, unsigned short status)
- {
- dbg(" stat%d = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- port,
- status,
- (status & USBPORTSC_SUSP) ? "PortSuspend " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_PR) ? "PortReset " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_LSDA) ? "LowSpeed " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_RD) ? "ResumeDetect " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_PEC) ? "EnableChange " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_PE) ? "PortEnabled " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_CSC) ? "ConnectChange " : "",
- (status & USBPORTSC_CCS) ? "PortConnected " : "");
- }
- void uhci_show_status (puhci_t s)
- {
- unsigned int io_addr = s->io_addr;
- unsigned short usbcmd, usbstat, usbint, usbfrnum;
- unsigned int flbaseadd;
- unsigned char sof;
- unsigned short portsc1, portsc2;
- usbcmd = inw (io_addr + 0);
- usbstat = inw (io_addr + 2);
- usbint = inw (io_addr + 4);
- usbfrnum = inw (io_addr + 6);
- flbaseadd = inl (io_addr + 8);
- sof = inb (io_addr + 12);
- portsc1 = inw (io_addr + 16);
- portsc2 = inw (io_addr + 18);
- dbg(" usbcmd = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- usbcmd,
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_MAXP) ? "Maxp64 " : "Maxp32 ",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_CF) ? "CF " : "",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_SWDBG) ? "SWDBG " : "",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_FGR) ? "FGR " : "",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_EGSM) ? "EGSM " : "",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_GRESET) ? "GRESET " : "",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_HCRESET) ? "HCRESET " : "",
- (usbcmd & USBCMD_RS) ? "RS " : "");
- dbg(" usbstat = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s",
- usbstat,
- (usbstat & USBSTS_HCH) ? "HCHalted " : "",
- (usbstat & USBSTS_HCPE) ? "HostControllerProcessError " : "",
- (usbstat & USBSTS_HSE) ? "HostSystemError " : "",
- (usbstat & USBSTS_RD) ? "ResumeDetect " : "",
- (usbstat & USBSTS_ERROR) ? "USBError " : "",
- (usbstat & USBSTS_USBINT) ? "USBINT " : "");
- dbg(" usbint = %04x", usbint);
- dbg(" usbfrnum = (%d)%03x", (usbfrnum >> 10) & 1,
- 0xfff & (4 * (unsigned int) usbfrnum));
- dbg(" flbaseadd = %08x", flbaseadd);
- dbg(" sof = %02x", sof);
- uhci_show_sc (1, portsc1);
- uhci_show_sc (2, portsc2);
- }
- #endif