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- /**********************************************************************
- * Reading the NVRAM on the Interphase 5526 PCI Fibre Channel Card.
- * All contents in this file : courtesy Interphase Corporation.
- * Special thanks to Kevin Quick, kquick@iphase.com.
- **********************************************************************/
- #define FF_MAGIC 0x4646
- #define DB_MAGIC 0x4442
- #define DL_MAGIC 0x444d
- #define CMD_LEN 9
- /***********
- *
- * Switches and defines for header files.
- *
- * The following defines are used to turn on and off
- * various options in the header files. Primarily useful
- * for debugging.
- *
- ***********/
- static const unsigned short novram_default[4] = {
- 0 };
- /*
- * a list of the commands that can be sent to the NOVRAM
- */
- #define NR_EXTEND 0x100
- #define NR_WRITE 0x140
- #define NR_READ 0x180
- #define NR_ERASE 0x1c0
- #define EWDS 0x00
- #define WRAL 0x10
- #define ERAL 0x20
- #define EWEN 0x30
- /*
- * Defines for the pins on the NOVRAM
- */
- #define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
- #define NVDI_B 31
- #define NVDI BIT(NVDI_B)
- #define NVDO BIT(9)
- #define NVCE BIT(30)
- #define NVSK BIT(29)
- #define NV_MANUAL BIT(28)
- /***********
- *
- * Include files.
- *
- ***********/
- #define KeStallExecutionProcessor(x) {volatile int d, p;
- for (d=0; d<x; d++) for (p=0; p<10; p++);
- }
- /***********************
- *
- * This define ands the value and the current config register and puts
- * the result in the config register
- *
- ***********************/
- #define CFG_AND(val) { volatile int t;
- t = readl(fi->n_r.ptr_novram_hw_control_reg);
- t &= (val);
- writel(t, fi->n_r.ptr_novram_hw_control_reg);
- }
- /***********************
- *
- * This define ors the value and the current config register and puts
- * the result in the config register
- *
- ***********************/
- #define CFG_OR(val) { volatile int t;
- t = readl(fi->n_r.ptr_novram_hw_control_reg);
- t |= (val);
- writel(t, fi->n_r.ptr_novram_hw_control_reg);
- }
- /***********************
- *
- * Send a command to the NOVRAM, the command is in cmd.
- *
- * clear CE and SK. Then assert CE.
- * Clock each of the command bits out in the correct order with SK
- * exit with CE still asserted
- *
- ***********************/
- #define NVRAM_CMD(cmd) { int i;
- int c = cmd;
- for (i=0; i<CMD_LEN; i++) {
- NVRAM_CLKOUT((c & (1 << (CMD_LEN - 1))) ? 1 : 0);
- c <<= 1; } }
- /***********************
- *
- * clear the CE, this must be used after each command is complete
- *
- ***********************/
- /***********************
- *
- * clock the data bit in bitval out to the NOVRAM. The bitval must be
- * a 1 or 0, or the clockout operation is undefined
- *
- ***********************/
- #define NVRAM_CLKOUT(bitval) {
- CFG_OR((bitval) << NVDI_B);
- KeStallExecutionProcessor(5);
- KeStallExecutionProcessor(5);
- }
- /***********************
- *
- * clock the data bit in and return a 1 or 0, depending on the value
- * that was received from the NOVRAM
- *
- ***********************/
- #define NVRAM_CLKIN(val) {
- KeStallExecutionProcessor(5);
- KeStallExecutionProcessor(5);
- val = (readl(fi->n_r.ptr_novram_hw_status_reg) & NVDO) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- /***********
- *
- * Function Prototypes
- *
- ***********/
- static int iph5526_nr_get(struct fc_info *fi, int addr);
- static void iph5526_nr_do_init(struct fc_info *fi);
- static void iph5526_nr_checksum(struct fc_info *fi);
- /*******************************************************************
- *
- * Local routine: iph5526_nr_do_init
- * Purpose: initialize novram server
- * Description:
- *
- * iph5526_nr_do_init reads the novram into the temporary holding place.
- * A checksum is done on the area and the Magic Cookies are checked.
- * If any of them are bad, the NOVRAM is initialized with the
- * default values and a warning message is displayed.
- *
- *******************************************************************/
- static void iph5526_nr_do_init(struct fc_info *fi)
- {
- int i;
- unsigned short chksum = 0;
- int bad = 0;
- for (i=0; i<IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE; i++) {
- fi->n_r.data[i] = iph5526_nr_get(fi, i);
- chksum += fi->n_r.data[i];
- }
- if (chksum)
- bad = 1;
- if (fi->n_r.data[IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE - 4] != FF_MAGIC)
- bad = 1;
- if (fi->n_r.data[IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE - 3] != DB_MAGIC)
- bad = 1;
- if (fi->n_r.data[IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE - 2] != DL_MAGIC)
- bad = 1;
- if (bad) {
- for (i=0; i<IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE; i++) {
- if (i < (IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE - 4)) {
- fi->n_r.data[i] = 0xffff;
- } else {
- fi->n_r.data[i] = novram_default[i - (IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE - 4)];
- }
- }
- iph5526_nr_checksum(fi);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- *
- * Local routine: iph5526_nr_get
- * Purpose: read a single word of NOVRAM
- * Description:
- *
- * read the 16 bits that make up a word addr of the novram.
- * The 16 bits of data that are read are returned as the return value
- *
- *******************************************************************/
- static int iph5526_nr_get(struct fc_info *fi, int addr)
- {
- int i;
- int t;
- int val = 0;
- /*
- * read the first bit that was clocked with the falling edge of the
- * the last command data clock
- */
- NVRAM_CMD(NR_READ + addr);
- /*
- * Now read the rest of the bits, the next bit read is D1, then D2,
- * and so on
- */
- val = 0;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
- val <<= 1;
- val |= t;
- }
- return(val);
- }
- /*******************************************************************
- *
- * Local routine: iph5526_nr_checksum
- * Purpose: calculate novram checksum on fi->n_r.data
- * Description:
- *
- * calculate a checksum for the novram on the image that is
- * currently in fi->n_r.data
- *
- *******************************************************************/
- static void iph5526_nr_checksum(struct fc_info *fi)
- {
- int i;
- unsigned short chksum = 0;
- for (i=0; i<(IPH5526_NOVRAM_SIZE - 1); i++)
- chksum += fi->n_r.data[i];
- fi->n_r.data[i] = -chksum;
- }