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- #define __TIMER__
- #include "reg52.h"
- #include "HeaderLcd_main.h"
- #include "HeaderLcd_auto.h"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Interrupt Service Routine for Timer0 (Fired every 20ms) //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void IntProc_Timer0(void) interrupt 1
- {
- static unsigned char ucIR_Seq = 0xff;
- static unsigned char ucTimerCnt = 0x00;
- TL0 = TIME0_COUNTER_LBYTE; // Reload Timer0 low-byte
- TH0 = TIME0_COUNTER_HBYTE; // Reload Timer0 high-byte
- if (ucIR_State)
- {
- if (bIR_GPIO)
- {
- ucIR_Seq = (ucIR_Seq << 1) | 0x01;
- if ((0xff == ucIR_Seq) && (ucIR_State & 0xfe))
- {
- ucIR_State = 0; // Command timeout; Back to idle state
- ((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (1 < ucIR_State)
- {
- if (ucIR_Seq & 0x01)
- {
- ((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0] = (((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0] << 1)
- | (0x07 != (ucIR_Seq & 0x07) ? 1 : 0);
- if (23 == ++ucIR_State && CUSTOM_CODE != ((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0])
- {
- ucIR_State = 0; // Customer code error; Back to idle state
- ((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0] = 0;
- }
- else if (39 == ucIR_State)
- {
- ucIR_State = 0; // Command complete; Back to idle state
- ucIR_Cmd[1] = 8; // Set command timer to 8 (7*20 = 140ms)
- }
- }
- else if (0x00 == (ucIR_Seq & 0xfe))
- {
- ucIR_State = 0; // Command crashed; Back to idle state
- ((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- else // ucIR_State is 1
- {
- if (0xff == ucIR_Seq)
- {
- ucIR_State = 0x07; // Start to decode new command and clear old command
- ((unsigned int *)ucIR_Cmd)[0] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ucIR_State = 0; // Fire repeat command and reset to idle
- ucIR_Cmd[1] = ucIR_Cmd[0] ? 8 : 0;
- }
- }
- ucIR_Seq = ucIR_Seq << 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ucIR_Seq = (ucIR_Seq << 1) | bIR_GPIO;
- if (0x07 == ucIR_Seq) ucIR_State = 1; // Leader code detected
- }
- if (54 <= ++ucTimerCnt) // 0.375ms*54 = 20.25ms passed
- {
- ucTimerCnt = 0;
- bNotify_Timer0_Int = 1; // Post Timer0's timeout message
- if (usOSD_Timer) usOSD_Timer -= 1; // For OSD Timeout
- // Clear command after 144ms if not repeat code
- if (0 == ucIR_State)
- {
- if (ucIR_Cmd[1] && 0 == --ucIR_Cmd[1]) ucIR_Cmd[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- #else
- // mega #if(MCU_TYPE == MCU_WINBOND) //anson 050519
- TL0 = TIME0_COUNTER_LBYTE; // Reload Timer0 low-byte
- TH0 = TIME0_COUNTER_HBYTE; // Reload Timer0 high-byte
- bNotify_Timer0_Int = 1; // Post Timer0's timeout message
- if (usOSD_Timer) usOSD_Timer -= 1; // For OSD Timeout
- /* mega //anson 050519
- #else
- TL0 = TIME1_COUNTER_LBYTE; // Reload Timer1 low-byte
- TH0 = TIME1_COUNTER_HBYTE; // Reload Timer1 hifh-byte
- TR0 = 1; // Stop Timer1
- bNotify_Timer1_Int = 1; // Post Timer1's timeout message
- ucTimerCounter++;
- if(ucTimerCounter>20)
- {
- ucTimerCounter=0;
- bNotify_Timer0_Int = 1; // Post Timer0's timeout message
- if (usOSD_Timer) usOSD_Timer -= 1; // For OSD Timeout
- }
- #endif
- */
- #endif
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Interrupt Service Routine for Timer1 (Fired in 1ms after restart) //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //mega #if(MCU_TYPE == MCU_WINBOND) //Use the standard MCU //anson 050519
- void IntProc_Timer1(void) interrupt 3
- {
- TR1 = 0; // Stop Timer1
- TL1 = TIME1_COUNTER_LBYTE; // Reload Timer1 low-byte
- TH1 = (bAutoInProgress == 1) ? TIME1_COUNTER_HHBYTE : TIME1_COUNTER_HBYTE; // Reload Timer1 hifh-byte
- bNotify_Timer1_Int = 1; // Post Timer1's timeout message
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Function Routines
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Delay_Xms(unsigned char x) // For delay 0 ~ 255 ms
- {
- if (x)
- {
- bNotify_Timer1_Int = 0; // Clear timer1's timeout message
- // TL1 = TIME1_COUNTER_LBYTE; // Reload Timer1 low-byte
- // TH1 = TIME1_COUNTER_HBYTE; // Reload Timer1 hifh-byte
- TR1 = 1; // Start timer1
- while (1)
- {
- if (bNotify_Timer1_Int)
- {
- bNotify_Timer1_Int = 0; // Clear timer1's timeout message
- if (--x) TR1 = 1; // Restart timer1 if not timeout
- else return; // Timeout for X ms.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*mega //anson 050519
- #else //Use just one timer
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Function Routines
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Delay_Xms(unsigned char x) // For delay 0 ~ 255 ms
- {
- // unsigned char i;
- if (x)
- {
- bNotify_Timer1_Int = 0; // Clear timer1's timeout message
- //TR1 = 1; // Start timer1
- while (1)
- {
- if (bNotify_Timer1_Int)
- {
- bNotify_Timer1_Int = 0; // Clear timer1's timeout message
- if (--x) x=x;//TR1 = 1; // Restart timer1 if not timeout
- else return; // Timeout for X ms.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- */