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资源名称:jdcy.rar [点击查看]
- // CheckDlg.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "MyPos.h"
- #include "CheckDlg.h"
- #include "PosDlg.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CCheckDlg dialog
- extern CMyPosApp theApp;
- CCheckDlg::CCheckDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
- : CDialog(CCheckDlg::IDD, pParent)
- {
- //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CCheckDlg)
- }
- void CCheckDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- {
- CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
- //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CCheckDlg)
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONSUME, m_oConsume);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CDISCOUNT, m_oCdiscount);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_RECEIVE, m_oReceive);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CHANGE, m_oChange);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_TOTALM, m_oTotalm);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_PAYMODE, m_oCombopay);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_CHECKLIST, m_oChecklist);
- }
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCheckDlg)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CCheckDlg message handlers
- BOOL CCheckDlg::OnInitDialog()
- {
- CDialog::OnInitDialog();
- //设置list控件的文字和背景颜色
- m_oChecklist.SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255));
- m_oChecklist.SetTextBkColor(RGB(161,223,212));
- //清空list控件的数据
- for(int delcolumn=100;delcolumn>=0;delcolumn--)
- m_oChecklist.DeleteColumn(delcolumn);
- //设置list对话框的列
- DWORD dwStyle;
- RECT rect;
- LV_COLUMN lvc;
- dwStyle = m_oChecklist.GetStyle();
- m_oChecklist.SetExtendedStyle(dwStyle);
- m_oChecklist.GetClientRect(&rect);
- lvc.fmt=LVCFMT_LEFT;
- lvc.iSubItem = 0;
- lvc.pszText = _T("商品类别");
- lvc.cx = 110;
- m_oChecklist.InsertColumn(1,&lvc);
- lvc.iSubItem = 1;
- lvc.pszText = _T("消费金额");
- lvc.cx = 90;
- m_oChecklist.InsertColumn(2,&lvc);
- lvc.iSubItem = 2;
- lvc.pszText = _T("可折扣金额");
- lvc.cx = 90;
- m_oChecklist.InsertColumn(3,&lvc);
- lvc.iSubItem = 3;
- lvc.pszText = _T("折扣%");
- lvc.cx = 60;
- m_oChecklist.InsertColumn(4,&lvc);
- lvc.iSubItem = 4;
- lvc.pszText = _T("结帐金额");
- lvc.cx = 90;
- m_oChecklist.InsertColumn(5,&lvc);
- //Add paymode to combobox.
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- CString sql="select * from PAYMODE";
- try
- {
- m_pRecordset.CreateInstance("ADODB.Recordset");
- m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText);
- while(!m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- {
- m_oCombopay.AddString((LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("NAME"));
- m_pRecordset->MoveNext();
- }
- m_pRecordset->Close();
- m_oCombopay.SetCurSel(0);//Select the 1st string of combobox.
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]读取付款方式到组合框出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- }
- //Read class consume to list.
- ReadtoList(theApp.scallid);
- //Sum bill Items money from database.
- CString stotal;
- float ftotal=0;
- sql="Select SUM(ITEMTOTAL) as SSS from SALEDETAIL where BILLID='"+theApp.scallid+"'";
- try
- {
- m_pRecordset.CreateInstance("ADODB.Recordset");
- m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText);
- _variant_t vtemp = m_pRecordset->GetCollect("SSS");
- if(vtemp.dblVal>0)
- ftotal=(float)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("SSS");
- else
- ftotal=0;
- stotal.Format("%.2f",ftotal);
- m_oTotalm.SetWindowText(stotal);
- m_oConsume.SetWindowText(stotal);
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]计算单据商品金额出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- }
- return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
- // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
- }
- void CCheckDlg::OnButtonCheckok()
- {
- CString stotal,sbilltotal,spayID,sql,spaymode,snowtime;
- long lpayID;
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- m_oConsume.GetWindowText(stotal);
- m_oTotalm.GetWindowText(sbilltotal);
- int nselect=m_oCombopay.GetCurSel();
- m_oCombopay.GetLBText(nselect,spaymode);
- lpayID=GetPaymodeID(spaymode);
- spayID.Format("%d",lpayID);
- if(fchange<0)
- return;
- //得到系统时间
- CTime now=CTime::GetCurrentTime();
- snowtime=now.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
- sql="Update SALEBILL set ENDDATE='"+snowtime+"',SALES='"+theApp.name+"',TOTAL="
- +stotal+",ACTTOTAL="+sbilltotal+",STATUS='已结帐',PAYMODE="+spayID+" where ID='"+theApp.scallid+"'";
- try
- {
- _variant_t RecordsAffected;
- theApp.m_pConnection->Execute((_bstr_t)sql,&RecordsAffected,adCmdText);
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]单据头更新数据库出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return;
- }
- //output the checkout time and paymode to the print.
- theApp.snowtimep=snowtime;
- theApp.spaymodep=spaymode;
- theApp.sconsume=stotal;
- theApp.sactsum=sbilltotal;
- //Insert data into PAYDETAIL.
- CString sclass,scontotal,sdiscount,sacttotal,svaltotal;
- int nItemCount=m_oChecklist.GetItemCount();//表项总数
- for(int i=0;i<nItemCount;i++)
- {
- sclass=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,0);
- scontotal=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,1);
- sdiscount=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,3);
- sacttotal=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,4);
- float fvaltotal=atof(scontotal)-atof(sacttotal);
- svaltotal.Format("%.2f",fvaltotal);
- "','"+sclass+"',"+scontotal+",'"+sdiscount+"',"+sacttotal+","+svaltotal+")";
- try
- {
- _variant_t RecordsAffected;
- theApp.m_pConnection->Execute((_bstr_t)sql,&RecordsAffected,adCmdText);
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]付款明细(PAYDETAIL)插入数据出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return;
- }
- }
- //When the check button is click down,send a message(WM_CHECKOUT) to the CPosDlg.
- LRESULT Res=::SendMessage(theApp.pWnd, WM_CHECKOUT, 0, 0);
- CDialog::OnOK();
- }
- long CCheckDlg::GetPaymodeID(CString payname)
- {
- long paymodeID;
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- CString sql="Select * from PAYMODE where NAME='"+payname+"'";
- try
- {
- m_pRecordset.CreateInstance("ADODB.Recordset");
- m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText);
- paymodeID=(long)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("ID");
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]获取付款方式ID出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- }
- return paymodeID;
- }
- void CCheckDlg::OnChangeEditReceive()
- {
- // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not
- // send this notification unless you override the CDialog::OnInitDialog()
- // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask()
- // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask.
- CString sreceive,schange,stotal;
- m_oChange.SetWindowText("");
- m_oReceive.GetWindowText(sreceive);
- m_oTotalm.GetWindowText(stotal);
- fchange=atof(sreceive)-atof(stotal);
- if(fchange>=0)
- {
- schange.Format("%.2f",fchange);
- m_oChange.SetWindowText(schange);
- }
- }
- void CCheckDlg::ReadtoList(CString sbillid)
- {
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset; //Must define it in function!!!!
- CString sql,sclassname,sclassname1,sctotal;
- long lclassid;
- float fctotal=0;
- sql="Select Sum(ITEMTOTAL) as XXX,CLASSID from SALEDETAIL where BILLID='"+sbillid+"' group by CLASSID ";
- //删除所有list中的数据。
- m_oChecklist.DeleteAllItems();
- int numline=0;
- try
- {
- m_pRecordset.CreateInstance("ADODB.Recordset");
- m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText);
- LV_ITEM lvitem;
- lvitem.pszText="";
- lvitem.mask=LVIF_TEXT;
- lvitem.iSubItem=0;
- while(!m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- {
- lvitem.iItem=numline;
- m_oChecklist.InsertItem(&lvitem);
- //读出数据写入到list中
- lclassid= (long)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("CLASSID");
- sclassname=GetClassName(lclassid);
- sclassname1=sclassname.Left(sclassname.GetLength()-4);
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(numline,0,sclassname1);//Read class name to 0 column.
- fctotal=(float)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("XXX");
- sctotal.Format("%.2f",fctotal);
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(numline,1,sctotal);//Read class consume total to 1st column.
- if(sclassname.Right(1)=="0")
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(numline,2,"0.00");//Read class consume discount total to 2nd column.
- else
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(numline,2,sctotal);
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(numline,3,"100");
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(numline,4,sctotal);//Read class consume act total to 4th column.
- numline++;
- m_pRecordset->MoveNext();
- }
- m_pRecordset->Close();
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]列表读入商品出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return;
- }
- }
- CString CCheckDlg::GetClassName(long lclassid)
- {
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset; //Must define it in function!!!!
- CString sql,sclassid,sname,sdiscount;
- sclassid.Format("%d",lclassid);
- sql="Select NAME,DISCOUNT from MATERIELCLASS where ID="+sclassid+"";
- try
- {
- m_pRecordset.CreateInstance("ADODB.Recordset");
- m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText);
- if(!m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- {
- sname=(LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("NAME");
- sdiscount=(LPCTSTR)(_bstr_t)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("DISCOUNT");
- sname=sname+"xxx"+sdiscount;
- }
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]获取类别名称出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- }
- return sname;
- }
- void CCheckDlg::OnClickListChecklist(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
- {
- //得到当前选中的行
- POSITION pos = m_oChecklist.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
- //如果选中一行
- if(pos)
- {
- int nItem = m_oChecklist.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
- CString sdiscount=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(nItem,3);
- m_oCdiscount.SetWindowText(sdiscount);
- }
- *pResult = 0;
- }
- void CCheckDlg::OnChangeEditCdiscount()
- {
- // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not
- // send this notification unless you override the CDialog::OnInitDialog()
- // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask()
- // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask.
- CString sdiscountsum,sdiscount,ssum;
- float fdiscountsum,fsum;
- long ldiscount;
- LV_ITEM lvitem;
- lvitem.pszText="";
- lvitem.mask=LVIF_TEXT;
- //得到当前选中的行
- POSITION pos = m_oChecklist.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
- //如果选中一行
- if(pos)
- {
- int nItem = m_oChecklist.GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
- sdiscountsum=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(nItem,2);
- fdiscountsum=atof(sdiscountsum);
- m_oCdiscount.GetWindowText(sdiscount);
- ldiscount=atol(sdiscount);
- if(ldiscount>100||ldiscount<0)
- {
- MessageBox("请确定折扣大于0并且小于100!");
- return;
- }
- if(ldiscount<VerifyDicsount())
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("折扣不能小于%d!",VerifyDicsount());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return;
- }
- fsum=ldiscount*fdiscountsum/100;
- ssum.Format("%.2f",fsum);
- if(fdiscountsum==0)//If the class could not be discount.
- {
- sdiscountsum=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(nItem,1);
- ssum=sdiscountsum;
- }
- lvitem.iItem=nItem;
- m_oChecklist.InsertItem(&lvitem);
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(nItem,3,sdiscount);
- m_oChecklist.SetItemText(nItem,4,ssum);
- }
- float ftotal=0;
- int nItemCount=m_oChecklist.GetItemCount();//表项总数
- for(int i=0;i<nItemCount;i++)
- {
- sdiscountsum=m_oChecklist.GetItemText(i,4);
- fdiscountsum=atof(sdiscountsum);
- ftotal=ftotal+fdiscountsum;
- }
- CString stotal;
- stotal.Format("%.2f",ftotal);
- m_oTotalm.SetWindowText(stotal);
- }
- void CCheckDlg::OnButtonRf()
- {
- CString sql;
- if(!theApp.VerifyPower("RF"))
- {
- AfxMessageBox("没有权限RF单据!");
- return;
- }
- //得到系统时间
- CTime now=CTime::GetCurrentTime();
- CString snowtime=now.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
- sql="Update SALEBILL set SALES='"+theApp.name+"',ENDDATE='"+snowtime+"',STATUS='已结帐', ACTTOTAL=0, PAYMODE=88 where ID='"+theApp.scallid+"'";
- try
- {
- _variant_t RecordsAffected;
- theApp.m_pConnection->Execute((_bstr_t)sql,&RecordsAffected,adCmdText);
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]RF更新数据库出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return;
- }
- //When the check button is click down,send a message(WM_CHECKOUT) to the CPosDlg.
- LRESULT Res=::SendMessage(theApp.pWnd, WM_CHECKOUT, 0, 0);
- EndDialog(1);//Close the dialog.
- }
- void CCheckDlg::OnButtonHang()
- {
- if(!theApp.VerifyPower("Hang"))
- {
- AfxMessageBox("没有权限挂帐!");
- return;
- }
- CString sql;
- sql="Update SALEBILL set STATUS='挂帐' where ID='"+theApp.scallid+"'";
- try
- {
- _variant_t RecordsAffected;
- theApp.m_pConnection->Execute((_bstr_t)sql,&RecordsAffected,adCmdText);
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("[结帐]挂帐更新数据库出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return;
- }
- EndDialog(1);//Close the dialog.
- }
- long CCheckDlg::VerifyDicsount()
- {
- CString sql;
- _RecordsetPtr m_pRecordset;
- long ldiscount;
- sql="Select DISCOUNT from USERS where NAME='"+theApp.name+"'";
- try
- {
- m_pRecordset.CreateInstance("ADODB.Recordset");
- m_pRecordset->Open((_variant_t)sql,_variant_t((IDispatch*)theApp.m_pConnection,true),adOpenStatic,adLockOptimistic,adCmdText);
- if(!m_pRecordset->adoEOF)
- ldiscount=(long)m_pRecordset->GetCollect("DISCOUNT");
- }
- catch(_com_error e)///捕捉异常
- {
- CString temp;
- temp.Format("读取用户权限出错:%s",e.ErrorMessage());
- AfxMessageBox(temp);
- return -1;
- }
- return ldiscount;
- }