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- /**
- * file minigui.h
- * author Wei Yongming <ymwei@minigui.org>
- * date 2002/01/06
- *
- * This file includes global and miscellaneous interfaces of MiniGUI.
- *
- verbatim
- Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Wei Yongming.
- Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Feynman Software.
- This file is part of MiniGUI, a compact cross-platform Graphics
- User Interface (GUI) support system for real-time embedded systems.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- endverbatim
- */
- /*
- * $Id: minigui.h,v 1.91 2004/07/30 05:51:22 panweiguo Exp $
- *
- * MiniGUI for Linux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS-II, and VxWorks version 1.6.x
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Wei Yongming.
- * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Feynman Software.
- */
- #ifndef _MGUI_MINIGUI_H
- #define _MGUI_MINIGUI_H
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifndef _LITE_VERSION
- #include "pthread.h"
- #include "semaphore.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /**
- * addtogroup global_vars Global variables
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * defgroup rect_vars Global Rectangles
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * var RECT g_rcScr
- * brief Contains the rectangle of the whole screen.
- */
- extern RECT g_rcScr; /* The RECT of screen. */
- #if defined(_LITE_VERSION) && !defined(_STAND_ALONE)
- /**
- * var RECT g_rcDesktop
- * brief Contains the rectangle of desktop of the application.
- *
- * note Only available for MiniGUI-Lite as an actual global variable.
- * And a g_rcDesktop is defined as an alias (macro) of a g_rcScr for MiniGUI-Threads.
- *
- * sa g_rcScr
- */
- extern RECT g_rcDesktop; /* The RECT of desktop. */
- #else
- #define g_rcDesktop g_rcScr
- #endif
- /** @} end of rect_vars */
- /**
- * defgroup lite_vars MiniGUI-Lite specific variables
- * @{
- */
- #if defined(_LITE_VERSION) && !defined(_STAND_ALONE)
- #include <sys/types.h>
- /**
- * var BOOL mgIsServer
- * brief Indicates whether the process is the server or a client on MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * note Only defined for MiniGUI-Lite.
- */
- extern BOOL mgIsServer; /* Is the server or a client. */
- /**
- * var void* mgSharedRes
- * brief Contains the pointer to the shared resource of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * note Not defined for MiniGUI-Threads, and the shared resource is
- * read-only for all clients.
- *
- * sa mgSizeRes
- */
- extern void* mgSharedRes; /* The pointer to shared resource. */
- /**
- * var void* mgSizeRes
- * brief Contains the length of shared resource of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * note Only defined for MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * sa mgSharedRes
- */
- extern size_t mgSizeRes; /* The size of shared resource. */
- #define LEN_LAYER_NAME 14
- #define LEN_CLIENT_NAME 14
- #define INV_LAYER_HANDLE 0
- /* variables only available for the server */
- struct MG_Layer;
- /** Client information. */
- typedef struct MG_Client
- {
- /** The name of the client. */
- char name [LEN_CLIENT_NAME + 1];
- /** PID of the client process. */
- pid_t pid;
- /** UID of the client process. */
- uid_t uid;
- /** The file descriptor of the socket connected to the client. */
- int fd;
- /** The desktop rectangle of the client. */
- RECT rc;
- /** The last active tick count of the client. */
- DWORD last_live_time;
- /** The additional data of the client. */
- DWORD dwAddData;
- /** The pointer to the next client in the same layer. */
- struct MG_Client* next;
- /** The pointer to the previous client in the same layer. */
- struct MG_Client* prev;
- /** The pointer to the layer on which the client lays. */
- struct MG_Layer* layer;
- struct GlobalRes* global_res;
- } MG_Client;
- struct _CLIPRGN;
- /** Layer information. */
- typedef struct MG_Layer
- {
- /** The name of the layer. */
- char name [LEN_LAYER_NAME + 1];
- /** The pointer to the list of clients which lay on the layer. */
- MG_Client* cli_head;
- /** The pointer to the active client on the layer. */
- MG_Client* cli_active;
- /** The additional data of the layer. */
- DWORD dwAddData;
- /** The pointer to the next layer. */
- struct MG_Layer* next;
- /** The pointer to the previous layer. */
- struct MG_Layer* prev;
- /** The pointer to the region contains the spare rectangles of the layer. */
- struct _CLIPRGN* spare_rects;
- } MG_Layer;
- /**
- * var int mgClientSize
- * brief The current size of the array a mgClients.
- *
- * sa mgClients
- */
- extern int mgClientSize;
- /**
- * var MG_Client* mgClients
- * brief The pointer to the array contains all clients' information.
- *
- * You can access the elements in a mgClients as a normal array. If the
- * field a fd of one element is not less than zero, then the element
- * will be a vaild client.
- *
- * sa MG_Client
- */
- extern MG_Client* mgClients;
- /**
- * var MG_Layer* mgTopmostLayer
- * brief The pointer to the topmost layer.
- *
- * sa MG_Layer
- */
- extern MG_Layer* mgTopmostLayer;
- /**
- * var MG_Layer* mgLayers
- * brief The pointer to the list of layers.
- *
- * sa MG_Layer
- */
- extern MG_Layer* mgLayers;
- #endif /* _LITE_VERSION && !_STAND_ALONE */
- /** @} end of lite_vars */
- /** @} end of global_vars */
- #ifndef _LITE_VERSION
- BOOL GUIAPI InitGUI (void);
- void GUIAPI TerminateGUI (int rcByGUI);
- void GUIAPI MiniGUIPanic (int exitcode);
- #endif
- /**
- * addtogroup fns Functions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * addtogroup global_fns Global/general functions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * defgroup lite_fns MiniGUI-Lite specific functions
- * @{
- */
- #ifdef _LITE_VERSION
- /**
- * defgroup lite_listenfd_fns Listening a file descriptor
- *
- * Register/Unregister a listen fd to MiniGUI.
- *
- * When you need to listen a file descriptor, you can use a select(2)
- * system call. In MiniGUI, you can also register it to MiniGUI to
- * be a listened fd, and when there is a read/write/except event on
- * the registered fd , MiniGUI will sent a notification message to
- * the registered window.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * include listenfd.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- #define MAX_NR_LISTEN_FD 5
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI RegisterListenFD (int fd, int type, HWND hwnd, void* context)
- * brief Registers a listened file descriptor to MiniGUI-Lite.
- * This function registers the file desciptor a fd to MiniGUI-Lite for listening.
- *
- * When there is a read/write/except event on this a fd, MiniGUI
- * will post a MSG_FDEVENT message with wParam being equal to
- * MAKELONG (fd, type), and the lParam being set to a context
- * to the target window.
- *
- * param fd The file descriptor to be listened.
- * param type The type of the event to be listened, can be POLLIN, POLLOUT, or POLLERR.
- * param hwnd The handle to the window will receive MSG_FDEVENT message.
- * param context The value will be passed to the window as lParam of MSG_FDEVENT message.
- * return TRUE if all OK, and FALSE on error.
- *
- * note Only available on MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * sa UnregisterListenFD, system_msgs
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI RegisterListenFD (int fd, int type, HWND hwnd, void* context);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI UnregisterListenFD (int fd)
- * brief Unregisters a being listened file descriptor.
- *
- * This function unregisters the being listened file descriptor a fd.
- *
- * param fd The file descriptor to be unregistered, should be a being
- * listened file descriptor.
- * return TRUE if all OK, and FALSE on error.
- *
- * note Only available on MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * sa RegisterListenFD
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI UnregisterListenFD (int fd);
- /** @} end of lite_listenfd_fns */
- #ifdef _STAND_ALONE
- #define SetDesktopRect(lx, ty, rx, by) {}
- #else
- /**
- * defgroup lite_layer_fns Layer operations
- *
- * A client in MiniGUI-Lite can create a new layer or join an existed layer
- * in order to get the visible desktop rectangle on the screen of it.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * include client_startup.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn GHANDLE GUIAPI JoinLayer (const char* layer_name, const char* client_name, int lx, int ty, int rx, int by)
- * brief Joins to a layer.
- *
- * This function should be called by clients before calling any other MiniGUI
- * functions. You can call a GetLayerInfo to get the layer information.
- * If the layer to be joined does not exist, the server, i.e. a mginit, will
- * try to create a new one. If you passed a NULL pointer or a null string for
- * a layer_name, a new layer will be created as well.
- *
- * For the server of MiniGUI-Lite, this function will ignore the arguments of
- * a layer_name and a client_name. The rectangle defines a region in the
- * screen, which is exclusively used by the server, no client can output
- * to this exclusive retangle.
- *
- * The server usually calls SetDesktopRect macro, which is defined as
- * the following:
- *
- * code
- *
- * #define SetDesktopRect(lx, ty, rx, by) JoinLayer ("", "", lx, ty, rx, by)
- *
- * endcode
- *
- * Note that the server can define the exclusive retangle out of the actual
- * screen range.
- *
- * param layer_name The name of the layer.
- * param client_name The name of the client.
- * param lx lx,ty,rx,by: The expected desktop rect of the client.
- * param ty lx,ty,rx,by: The expected desktop rect of the client.
- * param rx lx,ty,rx,by: The expected desktop rect of the client.
- * param by lx,ty,rx,by: The expected desktop rect of the client.
- * return The handle to the layer on success, INV_LAYER_HANDLE on error.
- *
- * sa GetLayerInfo, GetDesktopRect, ServerStartup
- */
- GHANDLE GUIAPI JoinLayer (const char* layer_name, const char* client_name,
- int lx, int ty, int rx, int by);
- #define SetDesktopRect(lx, ty, rx, by)
- JoinLayer ("", "", lx, ty, rx, by)
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI GetDesktopRect (int* lx, int* ty, int* rx, int* by)
- * brief Gets the desktop rectangle.
- *
- * After joined to a layer, client can call this function to get the
- * actual desktop rect of itself.
- *
- * param lx lx,ty,rx,by: The desktop rect will be returned through these pointers.
- * param ty lx,ty,rx,by: The desktop rect will be returned through these pointers.
- * param rx lx,ty,rx,by: The desktop rect will be returned through these pointers.
- * param by lx,ty,rx,by: The desktop rect will be returned through these pointers.
- *
- * sa JoinLayer
- */
- void GUIAPI GetDesktopRect (int* lx, int* ty, int* rx, int* by);
- #define NAME_SELF_LAYER ""
- /**
- * fn GHANDLE GUIAPI GetLayerInfo (const char* layer_name, RECT* max_rect, int* nr_clients, BOOL* is_topmost, int* cli_active)
- * brief Gets information of a layer.
- *
- * You can get the information of a layer through this function.
- * The information will be returned through the pointer arguments
- * if the specific pointer is not NULL.
- *
- * param layer_name The name of the layer.
- * param max_rect The max desktop rect can be obtained will be returned through this pointer.
- * param nr_clients The number of clients in the layer will be returned through this pointer.
- * param is_topmost A boolean which indicates whether the layer is the topmost layer will be returned.
- * param cli_active The identifier of the active client in the layer.
- * return Returns the handle to the layer on success, INV_LAYER_HANDLE on error.
- *
- * sa JoinLayer
- */
- GHANDLE GUIAPI GetLayerInfo (const char* layer_name, RECT* max_rect,
- int* nr_clients, BOOL* is_topmost, int* cli_active);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI BringLayer2Topmost (GHANDLE handle)
- * brief Brings a layer to be the topmost one.
- *
- * This function brings the specified layer a handle to be the topmost layer.
- *
- * param handle The handle to the layer.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * sa SetActiveClient
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI BringLayer2Topmost (GHANDLE handle);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI SetActiveClient (int active)
- * brief Sets a client as the ative one.
- *
- * This function sets the specified client a active to be the active one.
- * It also bring the layer in which the client lays to be the topmost as well.
- *
- * param active The identifier of the client.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * sa BringLayer2Topmost
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI SetActiveClient (int active);
- /** @} end of lite_layer_fns */
- /**
- * defgroup lite_server_fns Server-only operations
- *
- * MiniGUI provides some server-only functions for you to create a
- * customized server for MiniGUI-Lite, i.e. a mginit.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * include server_startup.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- #define LCO_NEW_CLIENT 1
- #define LCO_DEL_CLIENT 2
- /**
- * var typedef void (* ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT) (int op, int cli)
- * brief Client event callback.
- *
- * sa OnNewDelClient, OnChangeLayer
- */
- typedef void (* ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT) (int op, int cli);
- #define LCO_NEW_LAYER 1
- #define LCO_DEL_LAYER 2
- #define LCO_JOIN_CLIENT 3
- /**
- * var typedef void (* ON_CHANGE_LAYER) (int op, MG_Layer* layer, MG_Client* client)
- * brief Layer event callback.
- *
- * sa OnNewDelClient, OnChangeLayer
- */
- typedef void (* ON_CHANGE_LAYER) (int op, MG_Layer* layer, MG_Client* client);
- /**
- * var ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT OnNewDelClient
- * brief Sets to a function to handle a comming in/going away connection of client.
- *
- * When a client is connecting to or disconnecting from the server, MiniGUI
- * will call this function to tell you the event and the client identifier.
- * The event could be one of the following:
- *
- * A new client is connecting to the server.
- * A new client is disconnecting from the server.
- *
- * The event will be passed through the argument of a op, and the client
- * identifier will be passed through the argument of a cli.
- * You can get the information of the client by accessing a mgClients with a cli.
- *
- * note Only available for the server of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * sa ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT, mgClients
- */
- extern ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT OnNewDelClient;
- /**
- * var ON_CHANGE_LAYER OnChangeLayer
- * brief Sets to a function to handle events of layers.
- *
- * When a layer is changing, MiniGUI will call this function to tell
- * you the event and the layer or the client which leads to the event.
- * The event could be one of the following:
- *
- * A new layer is creating.
- * A new layer is deleting.
- * A client is joining to the layer.
- * A client is removing from the layer.
- * The topmost layer changed, the layer will be the topmost one.
- * The active client changed, the client will be the active one.
- *
- * The event will be passed through the argument of a op, and the pointers to the relevant
- * layer and client will be passed through the argument of a layer and a client respectively.
- *
- * note Only available for the server of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * sa ON_NEW_DEL_CLIENT, mgClients
- */
- extern ON_CHANGE_LAYER OnChangeLayer;
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI ServerStartup (void)
- * brief Initializes the server of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * This function initializes the server, i.e. a mginit. It creates
- * the shared resource, the listening socket, and other internal objects.
- * Your costomized a mginit program should call this function before calling
- * any other function.
- *
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function, i.e. em only can be called by a mginit.
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI ServerStartup (void);
- /**
- * fn BOOL SetClientScreen (int lx, int ty, int rx, int by)
- * brief Sets the screen rectangle can be used by clients.
- *
- * This function sets the screen rectangle can be used by clients.
- * All clients' drawing will be clipped out of the rectangle.
- *
- * The rectangle set by this function should be a subrectangle of
- * the server's exclusive rectangle defined by a SetDesktopRect.
- *
- * param lx lx,ty,rx,by: Specifies the screen rectangle.
- * param ty lx,ty,rx,by: Specifies the screen rectangle.
- * param rx lx,ty,rx,by: Specifies the screen rectangle.
- * param by lx,ty,rx,by: Specifies the screen rectangle.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function, i.e. em ONLY can be called by a mginit.
- *
- * note This function do nothing in MiniGUI v1.5.x and later.
- *
- * sa JoinLayer
- */
- static inline BOOL SetClientScreen (int lx, int ty, int rx, int by)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI OnlyMeCanDraw (void)
- * brief Tells clients do not draw anything on screen.
- *
- * If the server want to output something out of its exclusive rectangle,
- * it can call this function to disable the clients' any drawing output.
- * When the server done, it can call a ClientCanDrawNowEx function
- * to tell clients in the topmost layer to repaint themselves.
- *
- * Note that the clients is still running after the server calling
- * this function.
- *
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function.
- *
- * sa ClientCanDrawNowEx, ClientCanDrawNow
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI OnlyMeCanDraw (void);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI ClientCanDrawNowEx (BOOL bRepaint, const RECT* invrc)
- * brief Tells clients that they can output to screen now.
- *
- * param bRepaint Whether to repaint the clients in the topmost layer.
- * param invrc The invalid screen rect. It can be NULL,
- * indicates the whole desktop of clients should be repainted.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function.
- *
- * sa OnlyMeCanDraw, ClientCanDrawNow
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI ClientCanDrawNowEx (BOOL bRepaint, const RECT* invrc);
- /**
- * def ClientCanDrawNow()
- * brief Tells clients that they can output to screen now, and
- * notify clients to repaint the whole desktop.
- *
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function, and defined as a macro
- * calling a ClientCanDrawNowEx with a bRepaint is TRUE and a invrc is NULL.
- *
- * sa ClientCanDrawNowEx
- */
- #define ClientCanDrawNow() ClientCanDrawNowEx (TRUE, NULL)
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI UpdateTopmostLayer (const RECT* dirty_rc)
- * brief Tells the clients in the topmost layer to update their windows.
- *
- * param dirty_rc The dirty rectangle in screen coordinate system.
- *
- * note Server-only function.
- *
- * sa OnlyMeCanDraw, ClientCanDrawNowEx
- */
- void GUIAPI UpdateTopmostLayer (const RECT* dirty_rc);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI SetTopMostClient (int cli)
- * brief Sets topmost layer by a client identifier.
- *
- * This function sets the topmost layer by the specified client identifier a cli.
- * It will bring the layer contains the client to be the topmost one.
- *
- * param cli The identifier of the client.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function.
- *
- * sa SetTopMostLayer, BringLayer2Topmost
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI SetTopMostClient (int cli);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI SetTopMostLayer (MG_Layer* layer)
- * brief Sets topmost layer.
- *
- * This functions sets the specified layer a layer to be the topmost layer.
- *
- * param layer The pointer to the layer.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note Server-only function.
- *
- * sa SetTopMostClient, BringLayer2Topmost
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI SetTopMostLayer (MG_Layer* layer);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI GetClientByPID (int pid)
- * brief Returns the client identifier from PID of a client.
- *
- * This function gets the identifier of the sepcified client from the PID of it.
- *
- * param pid The process ID of the client.
- * return The client identifier on success, less than 0 on error.
- *
- * note Server-only function.
- */
- int GUIAPI GetClientByPID (int pid);
- /** @} end of lite_server_fns */
- /**
- * defgroup lite_request_fns Simple request/reply interfaces
- *
- * You can register a customized request handler to extend your server, i.e.
- * a mginit, of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * A request consists of an identifier and the data associated with the request.
- * The identifier is used by MiniGUI to determine which handler should be called
- * when a request arrives. When MiniGUI finds one handler, it will call the handler
- * and pass the socket fd connected to the client, the data associated with the request,
- * and the length of the data. Eventually, the handler will sent the reply to
- * the client.
- *
- * After register a customized request handler in your server, you can call
- * a cli_request function in the client to send a request to
- * the server and wait for the reply. On the other hand, the request handler in the server
- * will receive the request and call a send_reply to send the reply to the client.
- * In this way, you can create a simple IPC (inter-process conmmunication)
- * mechanism between clients and the server.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * include request.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * brief Maximal system reserved request identifier.
- *
- * sa RegisterRequestHandler
- */
- #define MAX_SYS_REQID 0x0011
- /**
- * def MAX_REQID
- * brief Maximal request identifier.
- *
- * sa RegisterRequestHandler
- */
- #define MAX_REQID 0x0018
- /** A request will be sent to the server of MiniGUI-Lite. */
- typedef struct _REQUEST {
- /** The identifier of the type of the request. */
- int id;
- /** The data will be sent to the server. */
- const void* data;
- /** The length of the data. */
- size_t len_data;
- /**
- * fn cli_request (PREQUEST request, void* result, int len_rslt)
- * brief Sends a request to the server and wait reply.
- *
- * If a result is NULL or a len_rslt is zero, the function will return
- * immediately after sent the data to the server.
- *
- * param request The pointer to REQUEST, which contains the data of the request.
- * param result The buffer receives the reply.
- * param len_rslt The lenght of the buffer.
- * return Zero on success, no-zero on error.
- *
- * note Only used by clients to send a request to the server of MiniGUI-Lite.
- *
- * sa send_reply
- */
- int cli_request (PREQUEST request, void* result, int len_rslt);
- /**
- * fn int get_sock_fd2srv (void)
- * brief Gets the file descriptor of the socket connected to the server.
- *
- * This function returns the file descriptor of the socket connected to the server,
- * i.e. a mginit.
- *
- * return The file descriptor of the socket connected to the server.
- *
- * note Only used by clients, no meaning for the server.
- */
- int get_sock_fd2srv (void);
- /**
- * fn send_reply (int clifd, const void* reply, int len)
- * brief Sends the reply to the client.
- *
- * This function sends a replay pointed to by a reply which is
- * a len bytes long to the client.
- *
- * note Only used by the server to send the reply to the client.
- * This function typically called in your customized request handler.
- *
- * param clifd The fd connected to the client.
- * param reply The buffer contains the reply data.
- * param len The length of the reply data in bytes.
- * return Zero on success, no-zero on error.
- *
- * sa cli_request, RegisterRequestHandler
- */
- int send_reply (int clifd, const void* reply, int len);
- /**
- * var typedef int (* REQ_HANDLER)(int cli, int clifd, void* buff, size_t len)
- * brief Request handler.
- *
- * sa RegisterRequestHandler
- */
- typedef int (* REQ_HANDLER) (int cli, int clifd, void* buff, size_t len);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI RegisterRequestHandler (int req_id, REQ_HANDLER your_handler)
- * brief Registers a customize request handler.
- *
- * This function registers a request handler to the server, i.e. a mginit.
- *
- * param req_id The identifier of the customized request.
- * param your_handler The handler of the request. Being NULL to unregister the request handler.
- * return TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
- *
- * note Only used by the server to register a request handler.
- * And the identifier should be larger than a MAX_SYS_REQID and
- * less than or equal to a MAX_REQID.
- *
- * sa cli_request, send_reply, MAX_SYS_REQID, MAX_REQID
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI RegisterRequestHandler (int req_id, REQ_HANDLER your_handler);
- /**
- * fn EQ_HANDLER GUIAPI GetRequestHandler (int req_id)
- * brief Gets the request handler by request identifier.
- *
- * This function returns the request handler of the specified request identifier a req_id.
- *
- * param req_id The request identifier.
- * return The handler on success, NULL on error.
- *
- * note Only can be used by the server.
- *
- * sa RegisterRequestHandler
- */
- REQ_HANDLER GUIAPI GetRequestHandler (int req_id);
- /** @} end of lite_request_fns */
- /**
- * defgroup lite_socket_fns General socket operations
- *
- * MiniGUI-Lite uses UNIX domain socket to build the communication
- * between the server and the clients.
- *
- * You can also use the underlay interfaces which MiniGUI uses to create
- * your own UNIX domain socket.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * include socket.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn int serv_listen (const char* name)
- * brief Creates a listen socket.
- *
- * This function is used by the server to create a listening socket.
- * Any MiniGUI-Lite application can call this function to create a
- * listening socket. The server, i.e. a mginit, of MiniGUI-Lite uses
- * this function to create its listening socket, and named the socket
- * to '/var/tmp/minigui'.
- *
- * param name The path name of the listening socket.
- * return The file discriptor of the listening socket created, -1 on error.
- *
- * note As a convention, you should located the socket in '/var/tmp/' directory.
- */
- int serv_listen (const char* name);
- /**
- * fn int serv_accept (int listenfd, pid_t *pidptr, uid_t *uidptr)
- * brief Waits for a client connection to arrive, and accept it.
- *
- * This function is used by the server to wait a connection and accept it.
- *
- * After creating a listening socket by calling a serv_listen, you can call this
- * function to create a connection with a client. We also obtain the client's PID
- * and UID from the pathname that it must bind before calling us.
- *
- * param listenfd The fd of listen socket.
- * param pidptr The client PID will be saved to this buffer when this function returns.
- * param uidptr The client UID will be saved to this buffer when this function returns.
- * return The new connected fd if all OK, < 0 on error.
- *
- * sa serv_listen, cli_conn
- */
- int serv_accept (int listenfd, pid_t *pidptr, uid_t *uidptr);
- /**
- * fn int cli_conn (const char* name, char project)
- * brief Used by clients to connect to a server.
- *
- * This function is used by clients to connect to a server.
- *
- * The created socket will be located at the directory '/var/tmp',
- * and with name of '/var/tmp/xxxxx-c', where 'xxxxx' is the pid of client.
- * and 'c' is a character to distinguish different projects.
- * MiniGUI itself uses 'a' as the project character to create socket between
- * 'mginit' and clients.
- *
- * param name The name of the well-known listen socket (created by server).
- * param project A character to distinguish different projects (Do em NOT use 'a').
- * return The new connected fd if all OK, < 0 on error.
- *
- * sa serv_listen, serv_accept
- */
- int cli_conn (const char* name, char project);
- #define SOCKERR_IO -1
- #define SOCKERR_CLOSED -2
- #define SOCKERR_INVARG -3
- #define SOCKERR_TIMEOUT -4
- #define SOCKERR_OK 0
- /**
- * fn int sock_write_t (int fd, const void* buff, int count, unsigned int timeout)
- * brief Writes data to socket.
- *
- * This function writes the data block pointed to by a buff
- * which is a count bytes long to the socket a fd.
- *
- * param fd The file descriptor of the socket.
- * param buff The buffer contains the data.
- * param count The length in bytes of the buffer.
- * param timeout An upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before
- * a sock_write_t returns. When it is zero, a sock_write_t can
- * block indefinitely. The timeout value is in tick count, and
- * tick count of MiniGUI is in unit of 10 milliseconds.
- * return SOCKERR_OK if all OK, < 0 on error.
- *
- * retval SOCKERR_OK Read data successfully.
- * retval SOCKERR_IO There are some I/O errors occurred.
- * retval SOCKERR_CLOSED The socket has been closed by the peer.
- * retval SOCKERR_INVARG You passed invalid arguments.
- * retval SOCKERR_TIMEOUT Timeout.
- *
- * note The a timeout only goes into effect when this function called
- * by the server of MiniGUI-Lite, i.e. a mginit.
- *
- * sa sock_read_t
- */
- int sock_write_t (int fd, const void* buff, int count, unsigned int timeout);
- /**
- * fn int sock_read_t (int fd, void* buff, int count, unsigned int timeout)
- * brief Reads data from socket.
- *
- * This function reads data which is a count bytes long to the buffer a buff
- * from the socket a fd.
- *
- * param fd The file descriptor of the socket.
- * param buff The buffer used to save the data.
- * param count The length in bytes of the buffer.
- * param timeout An upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before
- * a sock_read_t returns. When it is zero, a sock_read_t can
- * block indefinitely. The timeout value is in the tick count of MiniGUI,
- * and tick count of MiniGUI is in unit of 10 milliseconds.
- * return SOCKERR_OK if all OK, < 0 on error.
- *
- * retval SOCKERR_OK Read data successfully.
- * retval SOCKERR_IO There are some I/O errors occurred.
- * retval SOCKERR_CLOSED The socket has been closed by the peer.
- * retval SOCKERR_INVARG You passed invalid arguments.
- * retval SOCKERR_TIMEOUT Timeout.
- *
- * note The a timeout only goes into effect when this function called
- * by the server of MiniGUI-Lite, i.e. a mginit.
- *
- * sa sock_write_t
- */
- int sock_read_t (int fd, void* buff, int count, unsigned int timeout);
- /**
- * def sock_write(fd, buff, count)
- * brief The blocking version of a sock_write_t function.
- *
- * sa sock_write_t
- */
- #define sock_write(fd, buff, count) sock_write_t(fd, buff, count, 0)
- /**
- * def sock_read(fd, buff, count)
- * brief The blocking version of a sock_read_t function.
- *
- * sa sock_read_t
- */
- #define sock_read(fd, buff, count) sock_read_t(fd, buff, count, 0)
- /** @} end of lite_socket_fns */
- /** @} end of lite_fns */
- #endif /* !_STAND_ALONE */
- #endif /* LITE_VERSION */
- /**
- * defgroup init_fns Initialization and termination functions
- *
- * Normally, the only entry of any MiniGUI application is a MiniGUIMain.
- * The application will terminate when you call a exit(3) or just return from
- * a MiniGUIMain.
- *
- * Example 1:
- *
- * include miniguimain.c
- *
- * Example 2:
- *
- * include hello_world.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI ReinitDesktopEx (BOOL init_sys_text)
- * brief Re-initializes the desktop.
- *
- * When you changed the charset or the background picture of the desktop,
- * you should call this function to re-initialize the local system text
- * (when a init_sys_text is TRUE), the background picture, and the desktop
- * menu.
- *
- * param init_sys_text Indicates whether to initialize the local system text.
- *
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * sa ReinitDesktop
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI ReinitDesktopEx (BOOL init_sys_text);
- /**
- * def ReinitDesktop()
- * brief Re-initializes the desktop including the local system text.
- *
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- *
- * note This function defined as a macro calling a ReinitDesktopEx with
- * a init_sys_text set to TRUE.
- *
- * sa ReinitDesktopEx
- */
- #define ReinitDesktop() ReinitDesktopEx (TRUE)
- /*
- * We remove the SuspendGUI and ResumeGUI functions.
- * Don't use these two functios any more.
- * void GUIAPI SuspendGUI (void);
- * BOOL GUIAPI ResumeGUI (void);
- */
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI ExitGUISafely (int exitcode)
- * brief Exits your MiniGUI application safely.
- *
- * Calling this function will terminate your MiniGUI application. This
- * function will restore console attributes and call a exit() function and
- * pass a exitcode to it.
- *
- * param exitcode The exit status will be passed to exit(3) function.
- * return This function does not return.
- *
- * sa exit(3)
- */
- void GUIAPI ExitGUISafely (int exitcode);
- /**
- * fn int MiniGUIMain (int args, const char* arg[])
- * brief The main entry of all MiniGUI applications.
- *
- * This function should be defined by your application. MiniGUI defines a main()
- * function in libminigui library for your application, and call a MiniGUIMain()
- * in this a main() function. The a main() defined by MiniGUI is responsible of
- * initializing and terminating MiniGUI.
- *
- * param args The number of arguments passed to a main() by operating system.
- * param arg The arguments passed to a main() by operating system.
- * return The exit status will be retured to the parent process.
- *
- */
- int MiniGUIMain (int args, const char* arg[]);
- #ifndef _LITE_VERSION
- /*
- * NOTE: The following two functions is only valid for MiniGUI-Threads
- * since version 1.0.01.
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI PreInitGUI (int args, const char* arg[], int* retp);
- int GUIAPI PostTerminateGUI (int args, const char* arg[], int rcByGUI);
- #endif /* LITE_VERSION */
- #define IDM_DTI_FIRST (300)
- #ifndef _LITE_VERSION
- /*
- * NOTE: The following two functions is only valid for MiniGUI-Threads
- * since version 1.0.01.
- */
- void GUIAPI CustomizeDesktopMenu (HMENU hDesktopMenu, int iPos);
- int GUIAPI CustomDesktopCommand (int id);
- #endif
- /** @} end of init_fns */
- /**
- * defgroup about_dlg About MiniGUI dialog
- * @{
- */
- #ifndef _LITE_VERSION
- void GUIAPI OpenAboutDialog (void);
- #else
- /**
- * fn HWND GUIAPI OpenAboutDialog (HWND hHosting)
- * brief Opens or actives the 'About MiniGUI' dialog.
- *
- * Calling this function will create a main window displaying
- * copyright and license information of MiniGUI. When the about dialog
- * is displaying, calling this function again will bring the dialog to be
- * the topmost main window, not create a new one.
- *
- * param hHosting The hosting main window of the about dialog.
- * return The handle to the about dialog box.
- *
- * note This function is available for MiniGUI-Lite and when _MISC_ABOUTDLG defined.
- * For MiniGUI-Threads, you should call 'void GUIAPI OpenAboutDialog (void)' function
- * instead.
- */
- HWND GUIAPI OpenAboutDialog (HWND hHosting);
- #endif /* _LITE_VERSION */
- #endif /* _MISC_ABOUTDLG */
- /** @} end of about_dlg */
- /**
- * defgroup etc_fns Configuration file operations
- *
- * The configuration file used by MiniGUI have a similiar format as M$ Windows INI file,
- * i.e. the file consists of sections, and the section consists of key-value pairs, like this:
- *
- * code
- * [system]
- * # GAL engine
- * gal_engine=fbcon
- *
- * # IAL engine
- * ial_engine=console
- *
- * mdev=/dev/mouse
- * mtype=PS2
- *
- * [fbcon]
- * defaultmode=1024x768-16bpp
- *
- * [qvfb]
- * defaultmode=640x480-16bpp
- * display=0
- * endcode
- *
- * Assume that the configuration file named a my.cfg, if you want get the value of a mdev
- * in a system section, you can call a GetValueFromEtcFile in the following way:
- *
- * code
- * char buffer [51];
- *
- * GetValueFromEtcFile ("my.cfg", "system", "mdev", buffer, 51);
- * endcode
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * include cfgfile.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- #define ETC_MAXLINE 1024
- #define ETC_KEYNOTFOUND -3
- #define ETC_INTCONV -6
- #define ETC_OK 0
- #ifndef _INCORE_RES
- /**
- * var char* ETCFILEPATH
- * brief The path name of MiniGUI configuration file.
- *
- * By default, the configuration file of MiniGUI must be installed in /etc,
- * /usr/local/etc or your home directory. When you install it in your
- * home directory, the name should be ".MiniGUI.cfg".
- *
- * MiniGUI will try to use a ~/.MiniGUI.cfg, then a /usr/local/etc/MiniGUI.cfg,
- * and a /etc/MiniGUI.cfg last.
- *
- * If MiniGUI can not find any a MiniGUI.cfg file, or find a bad formated configure
- * file, the initialzation of MiniGUI will be canceled.
- */
- extern char ETCFILEPATH [];
- #endif /* _INCORE_RES */
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI GetValueFromEtcFile (const char* pEtcFile, const char* pSection, const char* pKey, char* pValue, int iLen)
- * brief Gets value from a configuration file.
- *
- * This function gets the value of the key a pKey in the section a pSection
- * of the configuration file a pEtcFile, and saves the value to the buffer
- * pointed to by a pValue.
- *
- * param pEtcFile The path name of the configuration file.
- * param pSection The section name in which the value located.
- * param pKey The key name of the value.
- * param pValue The value will be saved in this buffer.
- * param iLen The length in bytes of the buffer.
- * return ETC_OK on success, < 0 on error.
- *
- * retval ETC_OK Gets value successfullly.
- * retval ETC_FILENOTFOUND Can not find the specified configuration file.
- * retval ETC_SECTIONNOTFOUND Can not find the specified section in the configuration file.
- * retval ETC_KEYNOTFOUND Can not find the specified key in the section.
- * retval ETC_FILEIOFAILED File I/O operation error occurred.
- *
- * note MiniGUI use a strncpy to copy actual value to a pValue. Thus, if the length of
- * the actual value is larger than a iLen, the result copied to a pValue
- * will em NOT be null-terminated.
- *
- * sa GetIntValueFromEtcFile, SetValueToEtcFile, strncpy(3)
- */
- int GUIAPI GetValueFromEtcFile (const char* pEtcFile, const char* pSection,
- const char* pKey, char* pValue, int iLen);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtcFile (const char* pEtcFile, const char* pSection, const char* pKey, int* value)
- * brief Gets integer value from a configuration file.
- *
- * This function gets the integer value of the key a pKey in the section a pSection
- * of the configuration file a pEtcFile, and returns the integer value through the buffer
- * pointed to by a value.
- *
- * param pEtcFile The path name of the configuration file.
- * param pSection The section name in which the value located.
- * param pKey The key name of the value.
- * param value The integer value will be saved in this buffer.
- * return ETC_OK on success, < 0 on error.
- *
- * retval ETC_OK Gets value successfullly.
- * retval ETC_FILENOTFOUND Can not find the specified configuration file.
- * retval ETC_SECTIONNOTFOUND Can not find the specified section in the configuration file.
- * retval ETC_KEYNOTFOUND Can not find the specified key in the section.
- * retval ETC_FILEIOFAILED File I/O operation error occurred.
- * retval ETC_INTCONV Can not convert the value string to an integer.
- *
- * note MiniGUI uses a strtol to convert the string value to an integer, and pass the base as 0.
- * Thus, the valid string value can be converted to integer should be in the following forms:
- *
- * - [+|-]0x[0-9|A-F]*n
- * Will be read in base 16.
- * - [+|-]0[0-7]*n
- * Will be read in base 8.
- * - [+|-][1-9][0-9]*n
- * Will be read in base 10.
- *
- * sa GetValueFromEtcFile, SetValueToEtcFile, strtol(3)
- */
- int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtcFile (const char* pEtcFile, const char* pSection,
- const char* pKey, int* value);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI SetValueToEtcFile (const char* pEtcFile, const char* pSection, const char* pKey, char* pValue)
- * brief Sets a value in a configuration file.
- *
- * This function sets the value of the key a pKey in the section a pSection
- * of the configuration file a pEtcFile to be the string pointed to by a pValue.
- *
- * param pEtcFile The path name of the configuration file.
- * param pSection The section name in which the value located.
- * param pKey The key name of the value.
- * param pValue The null-terminated value string.
- * return ETC_OK on success, < 0 on error.
- *
- * retval ETC_OK Sets value successfullly.
- * retval ETC_FILEIOFAILED File I/O operation error occurred.
- * retval ETC_TMPFILEFAILED Can not create temporary file.
- *
- * note If the specified configuration file does not exist, MiniGUI will try to
- * create this file.
- *
- * sa GetValueFromEtcFile, GetIntValueFromEtcFile
- */
- int GUIAPI SetValueToEtcFile (const char* pEtcFile, const char* pSection,
- const char* pKey, char* pValue);
- /**
- * fn GHANDLE GUIAPI LoadEtcFile (const char * pEtcFile)
- * brief Loads an etc file into memory.
- *
- * This function loads the content of an etc file into the memory, later, you
- * can visit the content using a GetValueFromEtc function.
- *
- * param pEtcFile The path name of the configuration file.
- * return Handle of the etc object on success, NULL on error.
- *
- * sa UnloadEtcFile, GetValueFromEtc
- */
- GHANDLE GUIAPI LoadEtcFile (const char * pEtcFile);
- /**
- * fn GUIAPI UnloadEtcFile (GHANDLE hEtc)
- * brief Unloads an etc file.
- *
- * This function unloads the etc object generated by using sa LoadEtcFile function.
- *
- * param hEtc Handle of the etc object.
- * return 0 on success, -1 on error.
- *
- * sa LoadEtcFile, GetValueFromEtc
- */
- int GUIAPI UnloadEtcFile (GHANDLE hEtc);
- /**
- * fn GUIAPI GetValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char* pSection, const char* pKey, char* pValue, int iLen)
- * brief Gets value from a configuration etc object.
- *
- * This function gets value from an etc object, similar to GetValueFromEtcFile.
- * This function gets the value of the key a pKey in the section a pSection
- * of the etc object a hEtc, and saves the value to the buffer
- * pointed to by a pValue.
- *
- * param hEtc Handle of the etc object.
- * param pSection The section name in which the value located.
- * param pKey The key name of the value.
- * param pValue The value will be saved in this buffer.
- * param iLen The length in bytes of the buffer.
- * return ETC_OK on success, < 0 on error.
- *
- * retval ETC_OK Gets value successfullly.
- * retval ETC_FILENOTFOUND Can not find the specified configuration file.
- * retval ETC_SECTIONNOTFOUND Can not find the specified section in the configuration file.
- * retval ETC_KEYNOTFOUND Can not find the specified key in the section.
- * retval ETC_FILEIOFAILED File I/O operation error occurred.
- *
- * sa LoadEtcFile, UnloadEtcFile
- */
- int GUIAPI GetValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char* pSection,
- const char* pKey, char* pValue, int iLen);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char* pSection, const char* pKey, int* pValue)
- * brief Gets the integer value from a configuration etc object.
- *
- * sa GetValueFromEtc, GetIntValueFromEtcFile
- */
- int GUIAPI GetIntValueFromEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char* pSection,
- const char* pKey, int* pValue);
- /**
- * def SetValueToEtc (GHANDLE hEtc, const char* pSection, const char* pKey, char* pValue)
- * brief Sets the value in the etc object.
- *
- * This fuctions sets the value in the etc object, somewhat similiar to sa SetValueToEtcFile.
- */
- #define SetValueToEtc(hEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue)
- GetValueFromEtc(hEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue, -1)
- /* global MiniGUI etc file object */
- extern GHANDLE hMgEtc;
- /* Gets value from MiniGUI configuration etc object */
- static inline int GetMgEtcValue(const char* pSection, const char *pKey, char *pValue, int iLen)
- {
- #ifndef _INCORE_RES
- if (!hMgEtc)
- return GetValueFromEtcFile (ETCFILEPATH, pSection, pKey, pValue, iLen);
- #endif
- return GetValueFromEtc (hMgEtc, pSection, pKey, pValue, iLen);
- }
- /* Gets integer value from MiniGUI configuration etc object */
- static inline int GetMgEtcIntValue (const char *pSection, const char* pKey, int *value)
- {
- #ifndef _INCORE_RES
- if (!hMgEtc)
- return GetIntValueFromEtcFile (ETCFILEPATH, pSection, pKey, value);
- #endif
- return GetIntValueFromEtc (hMgEtc, pSection, pKey, value);
- }
- /** @} end of etc_fns */
- /**
- * addtogroup clipboard_fns ClipBoard Operations
- * @{
- */
- #define NR_CLIPBOARDS 4
- #define CBNAME_TEXT ("text")
- #define CBERR_OK 0
- #define CBERR_BADNAME 1
- #define CBERR_NOMEM 2
- #define CBOP_NORMAL 0
- #define CBOP_APPEND 1
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI CreateClipBoard (const char* cb_name, size_t size)
- * brief Create a new clip board.
- *
- * This function creates a new clip board with the name a cb_name.
- * MiniGUI itself creates a clip board for text copying/pasting
- * called CBNAME_TEXT.
- *
- * param cb_name The name of the new clip board.
- * param size The size of the clip board.
- *
- * retval CBERR_OK The clip board created.
- * retval CBERR_BADNAME Duplicated clip board name.
- * retval CBERR_NOMEM No enogh memory.
- *
- */
- int GUIAPI CreateClipBoard (const char* cb_name, size_t size);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI DestroyClipBoard (const char* cb_name)
- * brief Destroy a new clip board.
- *
- * This function destroies a clip board with the name a cb_name.
- *
- * param cb_name The name of the clip board.
- *
- * retval CBERR_OK The clip board created.
- * retval CBERR_BADNAME Can not find the clip board with the name.
- */
- int GUIAPI DestroyClipBoard (const char* cb_name);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI SetClipBoardData (const char* cb_name, void* data, size_t n, int cbop)
- * brief Set the data of a clip board.
- *
- * This function set the data into the clipboard named a cb_name.
- *
- * param cb_name The name of the clip board.
- * param data The pointer to the data.
- * param n The length of the data.
- * param cbop Type of clipboard operations, default is CBOP_NORMAL
- *
- * retval CBERR_OK Success.
- * retval CBERR_BADNAME Bad clip board name.
- * retval CBERR_NOMEM No enogh memory.
- */
- int GUIAPI SetClipBoardData (const char* cb_name, void* data, size_t n, int cbop);
- /**
- * fn size_t GUIAPI GetClipBoardDataLen (const char* cb_name);
- * brief Get the length of the data of a clip board.
- *
- * This function the data length of the clipboard named a cb_name.
- *
- * param cb_name The name of the clip board.
- * return The size of the data if success, otherwise zero.
- */
- size_t GUIAPI GetClipBoardDataLen (const char* cb_name);
- /**
- * fn size_t GUIAPI GetClipBoardData (const char* cb_name, void* data, size_t n);
- * brief Get the data of a clip board.
- *
- * This function get the all data from the clipboard named a cb_name.
- *
- * param cb_name The name of the clip board.
- * param data The pointer to a buffer will save the data.
- * param n The length of the buffer.
- *
- * return The size of the data got if success, otherwise zero.
- */
- size_t GUIAPI GetClipBoardData (const char* cb_name, void* data, size_t n);
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI GetClipBoardByte (const char* cb_name, int index, unsigned char* byte);
- * brief Get a byte of from a clip board.
- *
- * This function gets a byte from the clipboard named a cb_name.
- *
- * param cb_name The name of the clip board.
- * param index The index of the byte.
- * param byte The buffer saving the returned byte.
- *
- * retval CBERR_OK The clip board created.
- * retval CBERR_BADNAME Duplicated clip board name.
- * retval CBERR_NOMEM The index is beyond the data in the clipboard.
- */
- int GUIAPI GetClipBoardByte (const char* cb_name, int index, unsigned char* byte);
- /** @} end of clipboard_fns */
- #endif /* _CLIPBOARD_SUPPORT */
- /**
- * addtogroup misc_fns Miscellaneous functions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI Ping (void)
- * brief Makes a beep sound.
- * sa Beep
- */
- void GUIAPI Ping (void);
- /**
- * def Beep
- * brief Alias of Ping.
- * sa Ping
- */
- #define Beep Ping
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI Tone (int frequency_hz, int duration_ms)
- * brief Makes a tone.
- *
- * This function will return after the tone. Thus, your program
- * will be blocked when the tone is being played.
- *
- * param frequency_hz The frequency of the tone in hertz.
- * param duration_ms The duration of the tone in millisecond.
- *
- * bug When MiniGUI runs on X Window, the tone can not be played correctly.
- *
- * sa Ping
- */
- void GUIAPI Tone (int frequency_hz, int duration_ms);
- /**
- * fn void* GUIAPI GetOriginalTermIO (void)
- * brief Gets a termios structure of the original terminal before initializing MiniGUI.
- *
- * return The pointer to the original a termios structure.
- */
- void* GUIAPI GetOriginalTermIO (void);
- /** @} end of misc_fns */
- /**
- * defgroup fixed_str Length-Fixed string operations
- *
- * MiniGUI maintains a private heap for length-fixed strings, and allocates
- * length-fixed strings from this heap for window caption, menu item text,
- * and so on. You can also use this private heap to allocate length-fixed strings.
- *
- * include fixstr.c
- *
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn char* GUIAPI FixStrAlloc (int len)
- * brief Allocates a buffer for a length-fixed string.
- *
- * This function allocates a buffer from the length-fixed string heap
- * for a string which is a len bytes long (does not include
- * the null character of the string).
- *
- * note You can change the content of the string, but do not change the
- * length of this string (shorter is valid) via a strcat function or
- * other equivalent functions or operations.
- *
- * param len The length of the string.
- * return The pointer to the buffer on success, otherwise NULL.
- *
- * sa FreeFixStr
- */
- char* GUIAPI FixStrAlloc (int len);
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI FreeFixStr (char* str)
- * brief Frees a length-fixed string.
- *
- * This function frees the buffer used by the length-fixed string a str.
- *
- * param str The length-fixed string.
- *
- * note Do not use a free to free the length-fixed string.
- *
- * sa FixStrAlloc
- */
- void GUIAPI FreeFixStr (char* str);
- /** @} end of fixed_str */
- /**
- * defgroup cursor_fns Cursor operations
- * @{
- */
- static inline void do_nothing (void) { return; }
- #endif
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromFile (const char* filename)
- * brief Loads a cursor from a M$ Windows cursor file.
- *
- * This function loads a cursor from M$ Windows *.cur file
- * named a filename and returns the handle to loaded cursor.
- * The returned handle can be used by a SetCursor to set new mouse cursor.
- *
- * param filename The path name of the cursor file.
- * return Handle to the cursor, zero on error.
- *
- * note MiniGUI does not support 256-color or animation cursor.
- *
- * sa SetCursor
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromFile (const char* filename);
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromMem (const void* area)
- * brief Loads a cursor from a memory area.
- *
- * This function loads a cursor from a memory area pointed to by a area.
- * The memory has the same layout as a M$ Windows CURSOR file.
- * The returned handle can be used by a SetCursor to set new mouse cursor.
- *
- * param area The pointer to the cursor data.
- * return Handle to the cursor, zero on error.
- *
- * note MiniGUI does not support 256-color or animation cursor.
- *
- * sa SetCursor
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI LoadCursorFromMem (const void* area);
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI CreateCursor (int xhotspot, int yhotspot, int w, int h, const BYTE* pANDBits, const BYTE* pXORBits, int colornum)
- * brief Creates a cursor from memory data.
- *
- * This function creates a cursor from memory data rather than cursor file.
- * a xhotspot and a yhotspot specify the hotpot of the cursor, a w and a h are
- * the width and the height of the cursor respectively. a pANDBits and a pXORBits
- * are AND bitmask and XOR bitmask of the cursor.
- * MiniGUI currently support mono-color cursor and 16-color cursor, a colornum
- * specifies the cursor's color depth. For mono-color, it should be 1, and for
- * 16-color cursor, it should be 4.
- *
- * param xhotspot The x-coordinate of the hotspot.
- * param yhotspot The y-coordinate of the hotspot.
- * param w The width of the cursor.
- * param h The height of the cursor.
- * param pANDBits The pointer to AND bits of the cursor.
- * param pXORBits The pointer to XOR bits of the cursor.
- * param colornum The bit-per-pixel of XOR bits.
- * return Handle to the cursor, zero on error.
- *
- * note MiniGUI only support 2-color or 16-color cursor.
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI CreateCursor (int xhotspot, int yhotspot, int w, int h,
- const BYTE* pANDBits, const BYTE* pXORBits, int colornum);
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI DestroyCursor (HCURSOR hcsr)
- * brief Destroies a cursor object.
- *
- * This function destroys a cursor object specified by a hcsr.
- *
- * param hcsr Handle to the cursor.
- * return TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE.
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI DestroyCursor (HCURSOR hcsr);
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI GetSystemCursor (int csrid)
- * brief Gets the handle to a system cursor by its identifier.
- *
- * MiniGUI creates (MAX_SYSCURSORINDEX + 1) system cursors for application.
- * You can use a GetSystemCursor to get the handle to these system cursors.
- * The identifier can be one of the following:
- *
- * - IDC_ARROWn
- * Normal arrow cursor.
- * - IDC_IBEAMn
- * 'I' shaped beam cursor, indicate an input field.
- * Pencil-shape cursor.
- * - IDC_CROSSn
- * Cross cursor.
- * - IDC_MOVEn
- * Moving cursor.
- * Sizing cursor, along north-west and south-east.
- * Sizing cursor, along north-east and south-west.
- * Sizing cursor, along west and east.
- * Sizing cursor, along north and south.
- * Up arrow cursor.
- * - IDC_NONEn
- * None cursor.
- * - IDC_HELPn
- * Arrow with question.
- * - IDC_BUSYn
- * Busy cursor.
- * - IDC_WAITn
- * Wait cursor.
- * Right arrow cursor.
- * Cursor indicates column.
- * - IDC_ROWn
- * Cursor indicates row.
- * - IDC_DRAGn
- * Draging cursor.
- * No droping cursor.
- * Hand point cursor.
- * Hand selection cursor.
- * Horizontal splitting cursor.
- * Vertical splitting cursor.
- *
- * param csrid The identifier of the system cursor.
- * return Handle to the system cursor, otherwise zero.
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI GetSystemCursor (int csrid);
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI GetCurrentCursor (void)
- * brief Gets the handle to the current cursor.
- *
- * This function retrives the current cursor and returns its handle.
- *
- * return Handle to the current system cursor, zero means no current cursor.
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI GetCurrentCursor (void);
- #else
- #define LoadCursorFromFile(filename) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define CreateCursor(x, y, w, h, ANDbs, XORbs, cr) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define DestroyCursor(hcsr) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define GetSystemCursor(csrid) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define GetCurrentCursor() (do_nothing(), 0)
- #endif /* _CURSOR_SUPPORT */
- /* System cursor index. */
- #define IDC_ARROW 0
- #define IDC_IBEAM 1
- #define IDC_PENCIL 2
- #define IDC_CROSS 3
- #define IDC_MOVE 4
- #define IDC_SIZENWSE 5
- #define IDC_SIZENESW 6
- #define IDC_SIZEWE 7
- #define IDC_SIZENS 8
- #define IDC_UPARROW 9
- #define IDC_NONE 10
- #define IDC_HELP 11
- #define IDC_BUSY 12
- #define IDC_WAIT 13
- #define IDC_RARROW 14
- #define IDC_COLOMN 15
- #define IDC_ROW 16
- #define IDC_DRAG 17
- #define IDC_NODROP 18
- #define IDC_HAND_POINT 19
- #define IDC_HAND_SELECT 20
- #define IDC_SPLIT_HORZ 21
- #define IDC_SPLIT_VERT 22
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI ClipCursor (const RECT* prc)
- * brief Clips the cursor range.
- *
- * This function sets cursor's clipping rectangle. a prc
- * is the new clipping rectangle in screen coordinates. If a prc is NULL,
- * a ClipCursor will disable cursor clipping.
- *
- * param prc The clipping rectangle.
- * return None.
- */
- void GUIAPI ClipCursor (const RECT* prc);
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI GetClipCursor (RECT* prc)
- * brief Gets the current cursor clipping rectangle.
- *
- * This function copies the current clipping rectangle to
- * a RECT pointed to by a prc.
- *
- * param prc The clipping rectangle will be saved to this rectangle.
- * return None.
- */
- void GUIAPI GetClipCursor (RECT* prc);
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI GetCursorPos (POINT* ppt)
- * brief Gets position of the current cursor.
- *
- * This function copies the current mouse cursor position to
- * a POINT structure pointed to by a ppt.
- *
- * param ppt The position will be saved in this buffer.
- * return None.
- *
- * sa SetCursorPos, POINT
- */
- void GUIAPI GetCursorPos (POINT* ppt);
- /**
- * fn void GUIAPI SetCursorPos (int x, int y)
- * brief Sets position of the current cursor.
- *
- * This function sets mouse cursor position with the given
- * arguments: a (x,y).
- *
- * param x The x-corrdinate of the expected poistion.
- * param y The y-corrdinate of the expected poistion.
- * return None.
- *
- * sa GetCursorPos
- */
- void GUIAPI SetCursorPos (int x, int y);
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI SetCursorEx (HCURSOR hcsr, BOOL set_def)
- * brief Changes the current cursor.
- *
- * This function changes the current cursor to be a hcsr,
- * and/or sets it to be the default cursor.
- *
- * If you pass a set_def as TRUE, the expected cursor will be the default cursor.
- * The default cursor will be used when you move cursor to the desktop.
- *
- * param hcsr The expected cursor handle.
- * param set_def Indicates whether setting the cursor as the default cursor.
- * return The old cursor handle.
- *
- * sa SetCursor, SetDefaultCursor, GetDefaultCursor
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI SetCursorEx (HCURSOR hcsr, BOOL set_def);
- /**
- * def SetCursor(hcsr)
- * brief Changes the current cursor.
- *
- * This function changes the current cursor to be a hcsr.
- *
- * param hcsr The expected cursor handle.
- * return The old cursor handle.
- *
- * note This function defined as a macro calling a SetCursorEx with
- * passing a set_def as FALSE.
- *
- * sa SetCursorEx, SetDefaultCursor
- */
- #define SetCursor(hcsr) SetCursorEx (hcsr, FALSE)
- /**
- * def SetDefaultCursor(hcsr)
- * brief Changes the current cursor, and set it as the default cursor.
- *
- * This function changes the current cursor to be a hcsr, and set it as the default cursor.
- *
- * param hcsr The expected cursor handle.
- * return The old cursor handle.
- *
- * note This function defined as a macro calling a SetCursorEx with
- * passing a set_def as TRUE.
- *
- * sa SetCursorEx, SetCursor
- */
- #define SetDefaultCursor(hcsr) SetCursorEx (hcsr, TRUE)
- /**
- * fn HCURSOR GUIAPI GetDefaultCursor (void)
- * brief Gets the default cursor.
- *
- * This function gets the current default cursor.
- *
- * return The current default cursor handle.
- *
- * sa SetCursorEx, SetDefaultCursor
- */
- HCURSOR GUIAPI GetDefaultCursor (void);
- #else
- #define SetCursorEx(hcsr, set_def) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define SetCursor(hcsr) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define SetDefaultCursor(hcsr) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #define GetDefaultCursor() (do_nothing(), 0)
- #endif /* _CURSOR_SUPPORT */
- /**
- * fn int GUIAPI ShowCursor (BOOL fShow)
- * brief Shows or hides cursor.
- *
- * This function shows or hides cursor according to the argument a fShow.
- * Show cursor when a fShow is TRUE, and hide cursor when a fShow is FALSE.
- * MiniGUI maintains a showing count value. Calling a ShowCursor once, the count
- * will increase when a fShow is TRUE, or decrease one when FALSE.
- * When the count is less than 0, the cursor will disapear actually.
- *
- * param fShow Indicates show or hide the cursor.
- * return Cursor showing count value.
- */
- int GUIAPI ShowCursor (BOOL fShow);
- #else
- #define ShowCursor(fShow) (do_nothing(), 0)
- #endif /* _CURSOR_SUPPORT */
- /** @} end of cursor_fns */
- /**
- * defgroup key_status Asynchronous key status functions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn BOOL GUIAPI GetKeyStatus (UINT uKey)
- * brief Gets a key or a mouse button status.
- *
- * This function gets a key or a mouse button status, returns TRUE
- * when pressed, or FALSE when released. a uKey indicates
- * the key or mouse button. For keys on keyboard, a uKey should be
- * the scancode of the key, for mouse button, a uKey should be one
- * value of the following:
- *
- * Left mouse button.
- * Middle mouse button.
- * Right mouse button.
- *
- * These constants and the scancodes of keys are defined in <minigui/common.h>.
- *
- * param uKey Indicates the key or mouse button.
- * return Returns TRUE when pressed, or FALSE when released.
- *
- * sa GetShiftKeyStatus
- */
- BOOL GUIAPI GetKeyStatus (UINT uKey);
- /**
- * fn DWORD GUIAPI GetShiftKeyStatus (void)
- * brief Gets status of the shift keys.
- *
- * This function gets ths status of the shift keys, the returned value
- * indicates the status of shift keys -- CapsLock, ScrollLock, NumLock, Left Shift,
- * Right Shift, Left Ctrl, Right Ctrl, Left Alt, and Right Alt.
- * You can use KS_* ORed with the status value to determine one shift key's status:
- *
- * Indicates that CapsLock is locked.
- * Indicates that NumLock is locked.
- * Indicates that ScrollLock is locked.
- * Indicates that left Ctrl key is pressed.
- * Indicates that right Ctrl key is pressed.
- * - KS_CTRLn
- * Indicates that either left or right Ctrl key is pressed.
- * Indicates that left Alt key is pressed.
- * Indicates that right Alt key is pressed.
- * - KS_ALTn
- * Indicates that either left or right Alt key is pressed.
- * Indicates that left Shift key is pressed.
- * Indicates that right Shift key is pressed.
- * - KS_SHIFTn
- * Indicates that either left or right Shift key is pressed.
- *
- * These constants are defined in <minigui/common.h>.
- *
- * return The status of the shift keys.
- * sa key_defs
- */
- DWORD GUIAPI GetShiftKeyStatus (void);
- /** @} end of key_status */
- /**
- * defgroup sys_text Internationlization of system text
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn const char* GetSysText (const char* text);
- * brief Translates system text to localized text.
- *
- * When MiniGUI display some system messages, it will call a GetSysText function
- * to translate system text from English to other language.
- * Global variable a SysText contains all text used by MiniGUI in English.
- *
- * a GetSysText function returns localized text from a local_SysText.
- * MiniGUI have already defined localized sytem text for en_US, zh_CN.GB2312
- * and zh_TW.Big5 locales. MiniGUI initializes a local_SysText to
- * point one of above localized system text when startup. You can also
- * let a local_SysText point to your customized string array.
- *
- * param text The system text in en_US locale.
- * return The localized text.
- *
- * sa SysText, local_SysText
- */
- const char* GetSysText (const char* text);
- /**
- * var const char* SysText []
- * brief Contains all text used by MiniGUI in English.
- *
- * System text defined as follows in MiniGUI:
- *
- * code
- * const char* SysText [] =
- * {
- * "Windows...",
- * "Start...",
- * "Refresh Background",
- * "Close All Windows",
- * "End Session",
- * "Operations...",
- * "Minimize",
- * "Maximize",
- * "Restore",
- * "Close",
- * "OK",
- * "Next",
- * "Cancel",
- * "Previous",
- * "Yes",
- * "No",
- * "Abort",
- * "Retry",
- * "Ignore",
- * "About MiniGUI...",
- * "Open File",
- * "Save File",
- * "Color Selection",
- * NULL
- * };
- * endcode
- *
- * sa GetSysText, local_SysText
- */
- extern const char* SysText [];
- /**
- * var const char** local_SysText
- * brief The pointer to the current localized system text array.
- *
- * Changing a local_SysText will lead to a GetSysText returns a different
- * localized system text. Please set it after calling a SetDesktopRect,
- * and send desktop a MSG_REINITSESSION message (call a ReinitDesktop function)
- * after assigned a different value to this variable.
- *
- * sa GetSysText, SysText, ReinitDesktopEx
- */
- extern const char** local_SysText;
- /** @} end of sys_text */
- /**
- * defgroup str_helpers String operation helpers
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn char* strnchr (const char* s, size_t n, int c);
- * brief Locates character in the first a n characters of string a s.
- *
- * param s The pointer to the string.
- * param n The number of first characters will be searched.
- * param c The expected character.
- * return Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character a c in the string a s
- *
- * sa strchr(3)
- */
- char* strnchr (const char* s, size_t n, int c);
- /**
- * fn int substrlen (const char* text, int len, char delimiter, int* nr_delim)
- * brief Locates a substring delimited by one or more delimiters in the first a len characters of string a text.
- *
- * param text The pointer to the string.
- * param len The number of first characters will be searched.
- * param delimiter The delimiter which delimites the substring from other.
- * param nr_delim The number of continuous delimiters will be returned through this pointer.
- * return The length of the substring.
- *
- * sa strstr(3)
- */
- int substrlen (const char* text, int len, char delimiter, int* nr_delim);
- /**
- * fn char* strtrimall (char* src);
- * brief deletes the space, form-feed('f'), newline('n'), carriage return('r'), horizontal tab('t'),and vertical tab('v') in the head and the tail of the string.
- *
- * param src The pointer to the string.
- * return Returns a pointer to the string.
- *
- * sa strchr(3)
- */
- char * strtrimall (char* src);
- /** @} end of str_helpers */
- /** @} end of global_fns */
- /** @} end of fns */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* _MGUI_MINIGUI_H */