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资源名称:GPRS_work.rar [点击查看]
- /**
- * file fixedmath.h
- * author Wei Yongming <ymwei@minigui.org>
- * date 2002/01/12
- *
- * This file includes fixed point and three-dimension math routines.
- *
- verbatim
- Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Wei Yongming.
- Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Feynman Software.
- This file is part of MiniGUI, a compact cross-platform Graphics
- User Interface (GUI) support system for real-time embedded systems.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- endverbatim
- */
- /*
- * $Id: fixedmath.h,v 1.20 2004/06/26 08:41:44 weiym Exp $
- *
- * MiniGUI for Linux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS-II, and VxWorks version 1.6.x
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Wei Yongming.
- * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Feynman Software.
- *
- * Fix point math routins come from Allegro
- * By Shawn Hargreaves and others.
- * So thank for their great work and good license.
- *
- * "Allegro is a gift-software"
- *
- * ______ ___ ___
- * / _ /_ /_
- * L \// // __ __ _ __ ___
- * __ /'__` /'_ `/`'__/ __`
- * / _ _ _ _/ __// L // L
- * _ _/____/____ ____ ____ _\ ____/
- * /_//_//____//____//____//___L /_/ /___/
- * /____/
- * _/__/
- *
- */
- #ifndef _MGUI_FIXED_MATH_H
- #define _MGUI_FIXED_MATH_H
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <math.h>
- /* Set up for C function definitions, even when using C++ */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #ifdef _FIXED_MATH
- /**
- * addtogroup fns Functions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * addtogroup global_fns Global/general functions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * defgroup fixed_math_fns Fixed point math functions
- *
- * You know that the float point mathematics routines are very
- * expensive. If you do not want precision mathematics result,
- * you can use fixed point. MiniGUI uses a double word (32-bit)
- * integer to represent a fixed point ranged from -32767.0 to
- * 32767.0, and defines some fixed point mathematics routines for
- * your application. Some GDI functions need fixed point
- * math routines, like a Arc.
- *
- * Example 1:
- *
- * include fixed_point.c
- *
- * Example 2:
- *
- * include fixedpoint.c
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * fn fixed fsqrt (fixed x)
- * brief Returns the non-negative square root of a fixed point value.
- *
- * This function returns the non-negative square root of a x.
- * It fails and sets errno to EDOM, if x is negative.
- *
- * sa fhypot
- */
- fixed fsqrt (fixed x);
- /**
- * fn fixed fhypot (fixed x, fixed y)
- * brief Returns the Euclidean distance from the origin.
- *
- * The function returns the a sqrt(x*x+y*y). This is the length of
- * the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with sides of length a x and a y,
- * or the distance of the point a (x,y) from the origin.
- *
- * sa fsqrt
- */
- fixed fhypot (fixed x, fixed y);
- /**
- * fn fixed fatan (fixed x)
- * brief Calculates the arc tangent of a fixed point value.
- *
- * This function calculates the arc tangent of a x; that is the value
- * whose tangent is a x.
- *
- * return Returns the arc tangent in radians and the value is
- * mathematically defined to be between -PI/2 and PI/2 (inclusive).
- *
- * sa fatan2
- */
- fixed fatan (fixed x);
- /**
- * fn fixed fatan2 (fixed y, fixed x)
- * brief Calclulates the arc tangent of two fixed point variables.
- *
- * This function calculates the arc tangent of the two variables a x and a y.
- * It is similar to calculating the arc tangent of a y / a x, except that
- * the signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result.
- *
- * return Returns the result in radians, which is between -PI and PI (inclusive).
- *
- * sa fatan
- */
- fixed fatan2 (fixed y, fixed x);
- extern fixed _cos_tbl[];
- extern fixed _tan_tbl[];
- extern fixed _acos_tbl[];
- /************************** inline fixed point math functions *****************/
- /* ftofix and fixtof are used in generic C versions of fmul and fdiv */
- /**
- * fn fixed ftofix (double x)
- * brief Converts a float point value to a fixed point value.
- *
- * This function converts the specified float point value a x to
- * a fixed point value.
- *
- * note The float point should be ranged from -32767.0 to 32767.0.
- * If it runs out of the range, this function sets a errno to a ERANGE.
- *
- * sa fixtof
- */
- static inline fixed ftofix (double x)
- {
- if (x > 32767.0) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return 0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- if (x < -32767.0) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return -0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- return (long)(x * 65536.0 + (x < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5));
- }
- /**
- * fn double fixtof (fixed x)
- * brief Converts a fixed point value to a float point value.
- *
- * This function converts the specified fixed point value a x to
- * a float point value.
- *
- * sa ftofix
- */
- static inline double fixtof (fixed x)
- {
- return (double)x / 65536.0;
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fadd (fixed x, fixed y)
- * brief Returns the sum of two fixed point values.
- *
- * This function adds two fixed point values a x and a y, and
- * returns the sum.
- *
- * param x x,y: Two addends.
- * param y x,y: Two addends.
- * return The sum. If the result runs out of range of fixed point, this function
- * sets a errno to a ERANGE.
- *
- * sa fsub
- */
- static inline fixed fadd (fixed x, fixed y)
- {
- fixed result = x + y;
- if (result >= 0) {
- if ((x < 0) && (y < 0)) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return -0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- else {
- if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return 0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fsub (fixed x, fixed y)
- * brief Subtract a fixed point value from another.
- *
- * This function subtracts the fixed point values a y from the fixed point value a x,
- * and returns the difference.
- *
- * param x The minuend.
- * param y The subtrahend.
- * return The difference. If the result runs out of range of fixed point, this function
- * sets a errno to a ERANGE.
- *
- * sa fadd
- */
- static inline fixed fsub (fixed x, fixed y)
- {
- fixed result = x - y;
- if (result >= 0) {
- if ((x < 0) && (y > 0)) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return -0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- else {
- if ((x > 0) && (y < 0)) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return 0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fmul (fixed x, fixed y)
- * brief Returns the product of two fixed point values.
- *
- * This function returns the product of two fixed point values a x and a y.
- *
- * param x The faciend.
- * param y The multiplicato.
- * return The prodcut. If the result runs out of range of fixed point, this function
- * sets a errno to a ERANGE.
- *
- * sa fdiv
- */
- static inline fixed fmul (fixed x, fixed y)
- {
- return ftofix(fixtof(x) * fixtof(y));
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fdiv (fixed x, fixed y)
- * brief Returns the quotient of two fixed point values.
- *
- * This function returns the quotient of two fixed point values a x and a y.
- *
- * param x The dividend.
- * param y The divisor.
- * return The quotient. If the result runs out of range of fixed point, this function
- * sets a errno to a ERANGE.
- *
- * sa fmul
- */
- static inline fixed fdiv (fixed x, fixed y)
- {
- if (y == 0) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return (x < 0) ? -0x7FFFFFFF : 0x7FFFFFFF;
- }
- else
- return ftofix(fixtof(x) / fixtof(y));
- }
- /**
- * fn int fceil (fixed x)
- * brief Rounds a fixed point value to the nearest integer.
- *
- * This function rounds the fixed point value a x to the nearest integer
- * and returns it.
- *
- * return The rounded integer value.
- */
- static inline int fceil (fixed x)
- {
- x += 0xFFFF;
- if (x >= 0x80000000) {
- errno = ERANGE;
- return 0x7FFF;
- }
- return (x >> 16);
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed itofix (int x)
- * brief Converts an integer to a fixed point value.
- *
- * This function converts the integer a x to a fixed point value.
- *
- * sa fixtoi
- */
- static inline fixed itofix (int x)
- {
- return x << 16;
- }
- /**
- * fn int fixtoi (fixed x)
- * brief Converts an fixed point value to an integer.
- *
- * This function converts the fixed point a x to an integer.
- *
- * sa itofix
- */
- static inline int fixtoi (fixed x)
- {
- return (x >> 16) + ((x & 0x8000) >> 15);
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fcos (fixed x)
- * brief Returns the cosine of a fixed point.
- *
- * This function returns the cosine of the fixed point a x,
- * where a x is given in radians.
- *
- * sa facos
- */
- static inline fixed fcos (fixed x)
- {
- return _cos_tbl[((x + 0x4000) >> 15) & 0x1FF];
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fsin (fixed x)
- * brief Returns the sine of a fixed point.
- *
- * This function returns the sine of the fixed point a x,
- * where a x is given in radians.
- *
- * sa fasin
- */
- static inline fixed fsin (fixed x)
- {
- return _cos_tbl[((x - 0x400000 + 0x4000) >> 15) & 0x1FF];
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed ftan (fixed x)
- * brief Returns the tangent of a fixed point.
- *
- * This function returns the tangent of the fixed point a x,
- * where a x is given in radians.
- *
- * sa fcos, fsin
- */
- static inline fixed ftan (fixed x)
- {
- return _tan_tbl[((x + 0x4000) >> 15) & 0xFF];
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed facos (fixed x)
- * brief Calculates and returns the arc cosine of a fixed point.
- *
- * This function calculates the arc cosine of the fixed point a x;
- * that is the value whose cosine is a x. If a x falls outside
- * the range -1 to 1, this function fails and a errno is set to EDOM.
- *
- * return Returns the arc cosine in radians and the value is mathematically
- * defined to be between 0 and PI (inclusive).
- *
- * sa fcos
- */
- static inline fixed facos (fixed x)
- {
- if ((x < -65536) || (x > 65536)) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return 0;
- }
- return _acos_tbl[(x+65536+127)>>8];
- }
- /**
- * fn fixed fasin (fixed x)
- * brief Calculates and returns the arc sine of a fixed point.
- *
- * This function calculates the arc sine of the fixed point a x;
- * that is the value whose sine is a x. If a x falls outside
- * the range -1 to 1, this function fails and a errno is set to EDOM.
- *
- * return Returns the arc sine in radians and the value is mathematically
- * defined to be between -PI/2 and PI/2 (inclusive).
- *
- * sa fsin
- */
- static inline fixed fasin (fixed x)
- {
- if ((x < -65536) || (x > 65536)) {
- errno = EDOM;
- return 0;
- }
- return 0x00400000 - _acos_tbl[(x+65536+127)>>8];
- }
- /** @} end of fixed_math_fns */
- #ifdef _MATH_3D
- typedef struct MATRIX /* transformation matrix (fixed point) */
- {
- fixed v[3][3]; /* scaling and rotation */
- fixed t[3]; /* translation */
- typedef struct MATRIX_f /* transformation matrix (floating point) */
- {
- float v[3][3]; /* scaling and rotation */
- float t[3]; /* translation */
- } MATRIX_f;
- extern MATRIX identity_matrix;
- extern MATRIX_f identity_matrix_f;
- void get_translation_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z);
- void get_translation_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z);
- void get_scaling_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z);
- void get_scaling_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z);
- void get_x_rotate_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed r);
- void get_x_rotate_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float r);
- void get_y_rotate_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed r);
- void get_y_rotate_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float r);
- void get_z_rotate_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed r);
- void get_z_rotate_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float r);
- void get_rotation_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z);
- void get_rotation_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z);
- void get_align_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed xfront, fixed yfront, fixed zfront, fixed xup, fixed yup, fixed zup);
- void get_align_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float xfront, float yfront, float zfront, float xup, float yup, float zup);
- void get_vector_rotation_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed a);
- void get_vector_rotation_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z, float a);
- void get_transformation_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed scale, fixed xrot, fixed yrot, fixed zrot, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z);
- void get_transformation_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float scale, float xrot, float yrot, float zrot, float x, float y, float z);
- void get_camera_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed xfront, fixed yfront, fixed zfront,
- fixed xup, fixed yup, fixed zup, fixed fov, fixed aspect);
- void get_camera_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z, float xfront, float yfront, float zfront,
- float xup, float yup, float zup, float fov, float aspect);
- void qtranslate_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z);
- void qtranslate_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z);
- void qscale_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed scale);
- void qscale_matrix_f (MATRIX_f *m, float scale);
- void matrix_mul (AL_CONST MATRIX *m1, AL_CONST MATRIX *m2, MATRIX *out);
- void matrix_mul_f (AL_CONST MATRIX_f *m1, AL_CONST MATRIX_f *m2, MATRIX_f *out);
- fixed vector_length (fixed x, fixed y, fixed z);
- float vector_length_f (float x, float y, float z);
- void normalize_vector (fixed *x, fixed *y, fixed *z);
- void normalize_vector_f (float *x, float *y, float *z);
- void cross_product (fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed z1, fixed x2, fixed y2, fixed z2, fixed *xout, fixed *yout, fixed *zout);
- void cross_product_f (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float *xout, float *yout, float *zout);
- fixed polygon_z_normal (AL_CONST V3D *v1, AL_CONST V3D *v2, AL_CONST V3D *v3);
- float polygon_z_normal_f (AL_CONST V3D_f *v1, AL_CONST V3D_f *v2, AL_CONST V3D_f *v3);
- void apply_matrix_f (AL_CONST MATRIX_f *m, float x, float y, float z, float *xout, float *yout, float *zout);
- extern fixed _persp_xscale;
- extern fixed _persp_yscale;
- extern fixed _persp_xoffset;
- extern fixed _persp_yoffset;
- extern float _persp_xscale_f;
- extern float _persp_yscale_f;
- extern float _persp_xoffset_f;
- extern float _persp_yoffset_f;
- void set_projection_viewport (int x, int y, int w, int h);
- typedef struct QUAT
- {
- float w, x, y, z;
- } QUAT;
- extern QUAT, identity_quat;
- void quat_mul (AL_CONST QUAT *p, AL_CONST QUAT *q, QUAT *out)
- void get_x_rotate_quat (QUAT *q, float r);
- void get_y_rotate_quat (QUAT *q, float r);
- void get_z_rotate_quat (QUAT *q, float r);
- void get_rotation_quat (QUAT *q, float x, float y, float z);
- void get_vector_rotation_quat (QUAT *q, float x, float y, float z, float a);
- void quat_to_matrix (AL_CONST QUAT *q, MATRIX_f *m);
- void matrix_to_quat (AL_CONST MATRIX_f *m, QUAT *q);
- void apply_quat (AL_CONST QUAT *q, float x, float y, float z, float *xout, float *yout, float *zout);
- void quat_slerp (AL_CONST QUAT *from, AL_CONST QUAT *to, float t, QUAT *out, int how);
- #define QUAT_SHORT 0
- #define QUAT_LONG 1
- #define QUAT_CW 2
- #define QUAT_CCW 3
- #define QUAT_USER 4
- #define quat_interpolate(from, to, t, out) quat_slerp((from), (to), (t), (out), QUAT_SHORT)
- static inline fixed dot_product (fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed z1, fixed x2, fixed y2, fixed z2)
- {
- return fmul(x1, x2) + fmul(y1, y2) + fmul(z1, z2);
- }
- static inline float dot_product_f (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)
- {
- return (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2);
- }
- #define CALC_ROW(n) (fmul(x, m->v[n][0]) +
- fmul(y, m->v[n][1]) +
- fmul(z, m->v[n][2]) +
- m->t[n])
- static inline void apply_matrix (MATRIX *m, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed *xout, fixed *yout, fixed *zout)
- {
- *xout = CALC_ROW(0);
- *yout = CALC_ROW(1);
- *zout = CALC_ROW(2);
- }
- #undef CALC_ROW
- static inline void persp_project (fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed *xout, fixed *yout)
- {
- *xout = fmul(fdiv(x, z), _persp_xscale) + _persp_xoffset;
- *yout = fmul(fdiv(y, z), _persp_yscale) + _persp_yoffset;
- }
- static inline void persp_project_f (float x, float y, float z, float *xout, float *yout)
- {
- float z1 = 1.0f / z;
- *xout = ((x * z1) * _persp_xscale_f) + _persp_xoffset_f;
- *yout = ((y * z1) * _persp_yscale_f) + _persp_yoffset_f;
- }
- #endif /* _MATH_3D */
- /** @} end of global_fns */
- /** @} end of fns */
- #endif /* _FIXED_MATH */
- /* Ends C function definitions when using C++ */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* _MGUI_FIXED_MATH_H */