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  • qam.rar Quadrature amplitude modulation generation.
  • modulation.zip There are 5sample files of qpsk, ofdm, scfde, alamouti and space time codings. those of 5samples can be useful for using matlab user.
  • OOK.zip OOK modulation for Radio-over-fibre system. Intensity modulation direct detection
  • work.rar amplitude modulation(AM) and DSB-SC source code
  • uwbPudn.zip This code analyzes the performance of OOK-PSM modulation scheme for UWB system.
  • BandpassSignalGen.zip ... communication IF digitizing sigma–delta modulator chip. Via increasing the order of the one-bit bandpass sigma–delta modulation algorithm up to 12 and using finite repetitious bitstream approximating scheme, it can achieve great improvements in signal ...
  • rotinas.zip sample for signal modulation.
  • FSK.rar FSK Modulation, this program helps to modulate baseband signal using FSK technique.
  • lesson9.rar m-fsk modulation and de modulation
  • targil3.zip m-pskmodulation and de modulation