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  • libsvm.tar.gz library for SVMclassification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic model selection tool for C-SVM classification.
  • Mytest_1.rar shor classification ,it can classify the frame in a shot to three categories: close shot, middle shot, long shot, it can use the lib
  • universal_data.zip this folder contain universal dataset for classification
  • codeFolder.rar prediction ,plotting,and classification using ann with dimensionality reduction for wegeners disease
  • codeFolderiib.rar prediction ,plotting,and classification using ann with dimensionality reduction for wegeners disease
  • UVS.zip classification algorithm among Unvoiced/voiced speech and silence
  • mfiles.rar 1) Automated Gram-staining characterization of digital bacterial cell images 2) Classification of bacteria based on set of contour features
  • soil_triangle.rar ... the fractions of sand, silt and clay in a soil sample, and returns an integer that can be interpreted to indicate a specific soil classification (e.g., sandy loam, silty clay, etc.). If the fractions do not add to unity, an error code of -1 is returned to ...
  • Exercise3.rar Percetron learning rules with non linear data classification
  • Wiley-PatternClassification2ed.rar ebook pattern classification written by R.O Duda et.al the principal book for pattern recognition