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  • 图形学实验-treetree42.rar 最近做的图形学作业,做的不是很好,但是注释很详细,比较容易看懂
  • game4 3D.Math.Primer.for.graphics.and.game.development
  • Symbian_OS_2D_Game_Engine_Example_v1_0.rar ... some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication: 2005-12-12 type: Example topic: Symbian C++ Games Graphics Multi-Platform Development Nokia 7710 S60 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian OS language: English (en) media encoding ...
  • DesigningaPCGameEngine.rar ... . We designed the game engine, marketed as NetImmerse, to run on PCs with a broad range of performance levels, both with and without 3D graphics acceleration. We have found that a high-level programming interface need not compromise performance.
  • BPprog.rar BP算法最新C源程序, #include"stdarg.h" #include"stdio.h" #include"stdlib.h" #include"math.h" #include"graphics.h" #include"conio.h" #define IN 4 /*输入层的神经元个数*/ #define HID 13 /*隐含层的神经元个数*/ #define MOD 594 /*学习样本个数*/ #define OUT 1 /*输出层的神经元个数*/
  • HUFMAN.zip The two C source files in this archive are specific to the TRS-80 Model 4 with high-resolution graphics board. However, the code which performs Huffman enco- ding and decoding is of general interest.
  • SPLINT.zip The two C source files in this archive are specific to the TRS-80 Model 4 with high-resolution graphics board. However, the code which performs Huffman enco- ding and decoding is of general interest.
  • delineate-0.5.zip Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG results using Apache Batik. Input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF,PCD, PSD, RAS.
  • tiff-v3.4.rar tiff 图像格式的函数库。包含各种常见图像压缩算法。 ftp://ftp.sgi.com/graphics/tiff/