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  • CoolProgressBar.rar ... a gradation effect between two colors you choose, and a background color. But I plan to use a lot more effects, from custom graphics to transition effects and masks. Feel free to e-mail me your own suggestions. Just make sure you dedicate at least ...
  • HD66773.rar The HD66773, controller driver LSI, displays 132RGB-by-176 dot graphics on TFT displays in 260,000 colors. The HD66773’s bit-operation functions, 18-bit high-speed bus interface, and high-speed RAMwrite functions enable efficient data transfer and high- ...
  • OpenGL_BlueBook.rar ... − dimensional objects. With OpenGL, you can control computer− graphics technology to produce realistic pictures or ones that depart from ... . This guide explains how to program with the OpenGL graphics system to deliver the visual effect you want.
  • Ch12RandomNumbers.rar 使用Graphics方法来绘制图形,并使用Random.Next方法生成雪花。
  • foundationofcomputergraphics.rar foundation of computer graphics 电脑的图形基础入门, 工具运用是MATLAB
  • graphics_tools.zip A graphics toolkit, Graf_Tool() is developed which can be used to process and edit graphics. Labels, lines and arrows can be added and the program is very flexible and easy to use.
  • soucecode.rar graphics.h,graphics.cpp 简单的绘图库文件 方便操作
  • Cord.rar graphics application program . graphics application program .
  • pintugaga.rar 本练习制作拼图游戏,运行效果如图99-1所示。执行本实例后,用鼠标拖动选中的小图片进行拼接,可以拼成一幅完整的图片。本实例的知识点有:鼠标事件的监听,Graphics类和Image类的应用。
  • 3D-Game-ngine-Design-A-Practical-Approach-to-Real- 3D Game ngine Design A Practical Approach to Real Time Computer Graphics 一书附赠的源代码