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  • mulal.rar This is the machine-generated representation of a Handle Graphics object and its children. Note that handle values may change when these objects are re-created. This may cause problems with any callbacks written to depend on the value of the handle at ...
  • [____Johnn186290382005.zip A fun little game with GDI graphics. Try to catch the apples as they fall from the sky. See screeshot. Miss 10 and you lose. Code is useful for first time game programmers. Vote and/or comment on it if you can.
  • IE4SinkDemo.zip unit Cweb2 interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, OleCtrls, SHDocVw, StdCtrls, ActiveX type TForm1 = class(TForm) WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ...
  • libopenvidia-0.8.3.rar The Openvidia project implements computer vision algorithms on computer graphics hardware, in OpenGL and Cg. The project provides useful example programs which run computer vision algorithms on single or parallel gfx processing units(GPU).
  • vertex_program.rar NVIDIA推出的C for Graphics(cg)。Cg是一种高级编程语言,可使开发者更轻松、快捷地创建具有电影效果的实时图像。这里是基于vc环境的顶点示范程序。安装cg runtime 后可以运行和编译了,希望对在学cg的朋友有用。
  • texture_sampling.rar NVIDIA推出的C for Graphics(cg)。Cg是一种高级编程语言,可使开发者更轻松、快捷地创建具有电影效果的实时图像。这里是基于vc环境的纹理取样程序。安装cg runtime 后可以运行和编译了,希望对在学cg的朋友有用。
  • uniform_parameter.rar NVIDIA推出的C for Graphics(cg)。Cg是一种高级编程语言,可使开发者更轻松、快捷地创建具有电影效果的实时图像。这里是基于vc环境的联合变量程序。安装cg runtime 后可以运行和编译了,希望对在学cg的朋友有用。
  • varying_parameter.rar NVIDIA推出的C for Graphics(cg)。Cg是一种高级编程语言,可使开发者更轻松、快捷地创建具有电影效果的实时图像。这里是基于vc环境的外部变量程序。安装cg runtime 后可以运行和编译了,希望对在学cg的朋友有用。
  • vertex_and_fragment_program.rar NVIDIA推出的C for Graphics(cg)。Cg是一种高级编程语言,可使开发者更轻松、快捷地创建具有电影效果的实时图像。这里是基于vc环境的顶点和变量完整过程的程序。安装cg runtime 后可以运行和编译了,希望对在学cg的朋友有用。
  • 3Dtuxing.rar 游戏和图形学的3D数学入门教程 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development