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  • CodeVisionAVR-v1.24.6-Pro.rar graphics porocess source file
  • Computer-Graphic.rar Rendering + Modeling + Animation + Postprocessing = Computer Graphics
  • zig2.0.0.zip The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.
  • tmw-0.0.23.tar.gz The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.
  • GEMS1.ZIP Graphics Gems 源码 a collection of algorithms, programs, and mathematical techniques for the computer graphics programmer.
  • Play0705.zip unit Video interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, stdctrls, ExtCtrls, avicap, mmsystem, dsgnintf // Types for event-procedures type TCapStatusProc = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object ...
  • CRYPTO.zip ... developers can use the functions in the CryptoAPI without knowing anything about the underlying implementation, in much the same way as they can use a graphics library without knowing anything about the particular graphics hardware configuration.
  • examples_code.rar 一个包含几乎所有java桌面应用的源代码合集包括:applet,io,graphics,sql等方面
  • Applet1.rar 一个涉及到多进程和Graphics画笔应用的java小程序!
  • gatsp.rar tsp遗传算法源代码,nit fEA_TSP interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Spin, ComCtrls, uIEA, uITSP, uUtilsEA, uDisplayTSP type TFormGA = class(TForm) PanelFit: TPanel Panel2: ...