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  • FastGraphicsFilters.zip ... about box | +----------------------------------------------+ | Shows how to perform image filtering. Fast | | and easy 40 great graphics filters. Includes | | sharpen, blur, emboss, contour, greyscale, | | stucki, aqua, gamma, contrast, saturation, ...
  • G.rar 如何获取MATLAB句柄的说明 Getting a handle on MATLAB graphics 英文版!
  • allgems.zip [Game.Programming].Academic - Graphics Gems (6 books source code)
  • StepMania-CVS-20071121-src.tar.gz StepMania is a music/rhythm game. The player presses different buttons in time to the music and to note patterns that scroll across the screen. Features 3D graphics, visualizations, support for gamepads/dance pads, a step recording mode, and more!
  • 3DMathPrimerForGraphicsAndGameDevelopment.rar 3D Math Primer for graphics and game development 中文版 网上很难找到的3D数学入门著名书籍中文版
  • graphics.rar 用C语言实现画圆、画土堤符号、生成凸壳以及用晕线填充面状物体的源码。
  • PIC_ili9320.zip PIC 驱动9320 Module for Microchip Graphics Library ILITEK ILI9320 LCD controller driver Landscape orientation in 16-bit mode
  • GDIPlusCraphics.rar GDI+的头文件和库,不必安装.net框架就可以使用Graphics类。
  • GISandCAMapplications.rar CanvasGIS is an object oriented 2D graphics drawing component. It s a part of MVisionTech open source GIS ... presented in my previous article. Many applications require two dimensional graphics to provide graphical input and represent different types of ...
  • liblvt-0.4.1.win32.zip liblvt is a small, portable, object-oriented library designed to simplify the creation of 2D and 3D graphics applications for education and demonstration.