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  • graphics.rar 对图像进行单色处理,并进行Robers算子的处理,Sobel算子处理,二值化,旋转变换,逆反处理,高通滤波,及直方图的建立。
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  • librsvg-2.22.2.tar.gz 渲染可伸缩矢量图形(Scalable Vector Graphics,SVG)的函数
  • DisGrCmdLangBook.rar Dislin Graphic Command Language manual. This manual describes the graphics command language DISGCL which is an interpreter based on the graphics software DISLIN. All DISLIN statements can be written to a script file and then be ...
  • Graphics.rar winmobile图形操作代码,是书里自带的,我测试过,可以在模拟器上使用
  • Thewavesimulation.rar In Visual C6.0 environment, the use of 2D and 3D graphics and basic knowledge of mathematics, using the Windows environment under the OpenGL 3-D graphics program designed to simulate the effect of wave. Visual simulation games and ...
  • CD_Files.zip DirectX 9 Graphics: The Definitive Guide to Direct3D一书的配套源码
  • graphics.rar 图像的膨胀,腐蚀,高斯滤波,灰度直方图,抽取骨骼线等一系列图像处理功能
  • OReilly.Rails.Cookbook.Jan.2007.rar ... using JavaScript and Ajax . Ensuring that your application is security and performs well . Deploying your application with Mongrel and Apache . Using Capistrano to automate deployment . Using the many Rails plugins Working with graphics