- //
- // NCO Demo (Numerically controlled Oscillator).
- //
- // One type of NCO is based on the idea of a continuously wrapping modulo
- // counter. The NCO is a programmable modulo counter. For example, if
- // the MOD input is set to 10, then it'll count 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2 etc.
- // The STEP input is continuously added to the modulo counter. What's important
- // is not the counter value itself, but the number of times it "wraps". If
- // you do the math, the counter will wrap at a rate of F*S/M (F is the system
- // clock frequency, S is the step input, and M is the modulo). Every wrap
- // occurance is a little pulse. The pulse output could be used as the clock itself
- // except that it may have a very small duty cycle. Instead, take the WRAP
- // pulse signal and use it to increment a TICKS counter. The TICKS counter will
- // then count at the programmed frequency.
- //
- // The TICK counter could be used in itself for, say, a TDMA slot counter. Any
- // number of TICKS LSB bits can be thrown away to "reduce jitter" but also
- // reduce the rate. This NCO has a little MASK input and an internal OR gate
- // so you can pick off whichever TICKS bits you wish for your final FOUT output.
- //
- // In an open-loop mode, you program your Modulo and Step inputs and you are done.
- // If you are tracking some other reference (e.g. like in a PLL style circuit) you
- // would somehow control STEP via some sort of "phase detector" and loop filter.
- // None of this is shown here.
- //
- // Anyway, this is just the guts of the NCO, which can be applied in many, many
- // ways.
- //
- // Oh.. And this NCO seems to be off by a small percentage..?!.. I'm not sure
- // why. It may be the circuit or the testbench. Let me know if you play with it
- // and find out. My application is closed-loop, so, I'm not highly motivated
- // to figure it out.
- //
- // Written by tom coonan
- //
- module nco (
- clk,
- resetb,
- step, // Step input is continuously added to the modulo counter
- mod, // modulo
- mask, // Mask is ANDed with ticks and gen ORed to produce fout
- ticks, // Tick counter output
- fout // Output.
- );
- parameter W_ACCUM = 24; // Width of the Accumulator
- parameter W_TICK = 8; // Width of the Tick counter.
- parameter W_STEP = 24;
- parameter W_MOD = 24;
- input clk;
- input resetb;
- input [W_STEP-1:0] step;
- input [W_MOD-1:0] mod;
- input [W_TICK-1:0] mask;
- output [W_TICK-1:0] ticks;
- output fout;
- // Registered outputs
- // Internals
- reg [W_ACCUM-1:0] accum, accum_in;
- reg [W_TICK-1:0] ticks;
- // *** Modulo Counter ***
- // Registered outputs
- reg wrap;
- wire [W_ACCUM-1:0] sum = accum + step;
- wire [W_ACCUM-1:0] rem = sum - mod;
- wire over = (sum >= mod);
- always @(posedge clk or negedge resetb)
- if (~resetb) accum <= 0;
- else accum <= accum_in;
- always @(over or rem or sum) begin
- if (over) begin
- // Wrap!
- accum_in <= rem; // load remainder instead of sum
- wrap <= 1;
- end
- else begin
- // No wrap, just add
- accum_in <= sum;
- wrap <= 0;
- end
- end
- // *** Tick Counter ***
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (~resetb) ticks <= 0;
- else begin
- // Whenever Modulo counter wraps, increment the tick counter.
- if (wrap)
- ticks <= ticks + 1;
- end
- end
- // *** Masks and final output *** //
- assign fout = |(ticks & mask);
- endmodule
- module ncotest;
- reg clk;
- reg resetb;
- reg [23:0] step;
- reg [23:0] mod;
- reg [7:0] mask;
- wire fout;
- wire [7:0] ticks;
- parameter W_ACCUM = 24; // Width of the Accumulator
- parameter W_TICK = 8; // Width of the Tick counter.
- parameter W_STEP = 24;
- parameter W_MOD = 24;
- nco nco1 (
- .clk(clk),
- .resetb(resetb),
- .step(step),
- .mod(mod),
- .mask(mask),
- .fout(fout),
- .ticks(ticks)
- );
- parameter PERIOD_NS = 36;
- parameter DUMP_ON = 1;
- real sys_freq;
- initial begin
- step = 0;
- mod = 0;
- mask = 8'b00000001; // Final Divider for FOUT
- sys_freq = 1000000000.0/(PERIOD_NS);
- #300;
- // Display the basic such as system clock frequency, etc.
- //
- $display ("NCO Test. NCO Accumulator width is %0d bits, system clock period is %0d ns (%fMHz).",
- sys_freq
- );
- // Program Modulo and Step for desired frequency. Modulo and Step values should
- // not be divisible by each other (I'm not mathematically strong enough to
- // justify this...). Find the ratio of S/M, integerize it, and reduce to lowest
- // common divisors. Then, multiply up by a big power of 2 so we can get some
- // resolution on the NCO.
- //
- // Let's generate 1Mhz, Fsys*(Step/Mod)/2 = 27777777.777*(S/M)/2 = 1000000
- // S/M = 0.072 = 72/1000 = 9/125 (9 * 2^12) / (125 * 2^12)
- //
- mod = 125 << 12; // Shift up so we get resolution..
- step = 9 << 12; // Shift up so we get resolution..
- nco_test (mod, step, 1000000); // Run test for specified interval (units are NS)
- // Generate 10.24MHz: Fsys*(Step/Mod)/2 = 27777777.777*(S/M)/2 = 10240000
- // S/M = 0.73728 = 73728/100000 = 9216/12500 = 4608/6250 = 2304/3125
- //
- mod = 3125 << 10; // Shift up so we get resolution..
- step = 2304 << 10; // Shift up so we get resolution..
- nco_test (mod, step, 1000000); // Run test for specified interval (units are NS)
- // Generate 32.768 KHz using TICKS MSB (divide by 8):
- // Fsys*(Step/Mod) = 27777777.777*(S/M) = 32768*256
- // S/M = 0.301989888 =~ 0.302 = 302/1000 = 151/500
- //
- mask = 8'b10000000; // Divide by 256
- mod = 500 << 12;
- step = (151 << 12) - 9566; // Manually Tweaked this to get the right number..
- // this is expected since didn't have a good integer
- // ratio above..
- nco_test (mod, step, 1000000); // Run test for specified interval (units are NS)
- $display ("Done.");
- $finish;
- end
- // Run a single trial of the NCO test.
- //
- task nco_test;
- input [23:0] mod_arg;
- input [23:0] step_arg;
- input interval;
- integer interval; // Use $time.. Make sure timescale is correct!
- integer start_time;
- integer fout_edges;
- begin
- step = step_arg; // Configure NCO
- mod = mod_arg;
- // Count rising edges on FOUT which is the output frequency
- fout_edges = 0;
- start_time = $time; // Note our starting time
- // Loop for at least the specified amount of time
- while ( ($time - start_time) < interval) begin
- @(posedge fout); // Wait for an edge on FOUT
- fout_edges = fout_edges + 1;
- end
- // Done. Display results and expected results.
- $display ("For Mod=%0d(0x%h), Step=%0d(0x%h), Frequency of fout = %f Hz, Expected fout is %f Hz.",
- mod, mod,
- step, step,
- ((fout_edges*1.0)/($time - start_time))*1000000000.0, // measured..
- ((step*1.0)/(mod*1.0))*(sys_freq)/(mask*2.0) // expected..
- );
- end
- endtask
- // Let's clock it at about 27 MHz
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #(PERIOD_NS/2) clk = ~clk;
- end
- end
- initial begin
- resetb = 0;
- #200 resetb = 1;
- end
- initial begin
- if (DUMP_ON) begin
- $dumpfile ("nco.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0,ncotest);
- end
- end
- endmodule