- //
- // Demonstrate how to display strings for a particular signal.
- // This allows you to see a text string for a bus, which at times, might
- // help out in debugging. This is not intended for synthesis, of course.
- // Keep these funny "string" signals seperate so we can disable them
- // at synthesis time and so they never impact the circuit.
- //
- //
- module test;
- // Declare a register with enough bits for the ASCII string.
- // synopsys translate_off
- reg [9*8-1:0] string_signal; // **** FOR TESTING
- // synopsys translate_on
- // Here's the *real* circuit signal
- reg [3:0] shift_register;
- reg clk, reset;
- // Here's the real circuit
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (reset) shift_register <= 4'b0001;
- else shift_register <= {shift_register[2:0], shift_register[3]};
- // Now we assign to our string signal based on the real signal.
- // Disable this code when synthesizing.
- //
- // synopsys translate_off
- always @(shift_register)
- case (shift_register)
- 4'b0001: string_signal <= "BIT ZERO";
- 4'b0010: string_signal <= "BIT ONE";
- 4'b0100: string_signal <= "BIT TWO";
- 4'b1000: string_signal <= "BIT THREE";
- default: string_signal <= "?????????";
- endcase
- // synopsys translate_on
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #10 clk = ~clk;
- end
- end
- initial begin
- reset = 0;
- #2 reset = 1;
- #13 reset = 0;
- #200;
- $finish;
- end
- // Generate VCD file for viewing.
- //
- // Once we are in the Waveform Viewer, just set the format of 'string_signal'
- // to ASCII!
- //
- initial begin
- $dumpfile ("test_string_signal.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0,test);
- end
- endmodule