- //
- // SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0 4/23/98
- //
- // This is a synthesizable Microchip 16C57 compatible
- // microcontroller. This core is not intended as a high fidelity model of
- // the PIC, but simply a way to offer a simple processor core to people
- // familiar with the PIC who also have PIC tools.
- //
- // pictest.v - top-level testbench (NOT SYNTHESIZABLE)
- // piccpu.v - top-level synthesizable module
- // picregs.v - register file instantiated under piccpu
- // picalu.v - ALU instantiated under piccpu
- // picidec.v - Instruction Decoder instantiated under piccpu
- // hex2rom.c - C program used to translate MPLAB's INTEL HEX output
- // into the Verilog $readmemh compatible file
- // test*.asm - (note the wildcard..) Several test programs used
- // to help debug the verilog. I used MPLAB and the simulator
- // to develop these programs and get the expected results.
- // Then, I ran them on Verilog-XL where they appeared to
- // match.
- //
- // Copyright, Tom Coonan, '97.
- // Use freely, but not for resale as is. You may use this in your
- // own projects as desired. Just don't try to sell it as is!
- //
- //
- module picalu (
- op,
- a,
- b,
- y,
- cin,
- cout,
- zout
- );
- input [3:0] op; // ALU Operation
- input [7:0] a; // 8-bit Input a
- input [7:0] b; // 8-bit Input b
- output [7:0] y; // 8-bit Output
- input cin;
- output cout;
- output zout;
- // Reg declarations for outputs
- reg cout;
- reg zout;
- reg [7:0] y;
- // Internal declarations
- reg addercout; // Carry out straight from the adder itself.
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_ADD = 4'b0000;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_SUB = 4'b1000;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_AND = 4'b0001;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_OR = 4'b0010;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_XOR = 4'b0011;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_COM = 4'b0100;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_ROR = 4'b0101;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_ROL = 4'b0110;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;
- always @(a or b or cin or op) begin
- case (op) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
- ALUOP_ADD: {addercout, y} <= a + b;
- ALUOP_SUB: {addercout, y} <= a - b; // Carry out is really "borrow"
- ALUOP_AND: {addercout, y} <= {1'b0, a & b};
- ALUOP_OR: {addercout, y} <= {1'b0, a | b};
- ALUOP_XOR: {addercout, y} <= {1'b0, a ^ b};
- ALUOP_COM: {addercout, y} <= {1'b0, ~a};
- ALUOP_ROR: {addercout, y} <= {a[0], cin, a[7:1]};
- ALUOP_ROL: {addercout, y} <= {a[7], a[6:0], cin};
- ALUOP_SWAP: {addercout, y} <= {1'b0, a[3:0], a[7:4]};
- default: {addercout, y} <= {1'b0, 8'h00};
- endcase
- end
- always @(y)
- zout <= (y == 8'h00);
- always @(addercout or op)
- if (op == ALUOP_SUB) cout <= ~addercout; // Invert adder's carry to get borrow
- else cout <= addercout;
- endmodule
- //
- // SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0 4/23/98
- //
- // This is a synthesizable Microchip 16C57 compatible
- // microcontroller. This core is not intended as a high fidelity model of
- // the PIC, but simply a way to offer a simple processor core to people
- // familiar with the PIC who also have PIC tools.
- //
- // pictest.v - top-level testbench (NOT SYNTHESIZABLE)
- // piccpu.v - top-level synthesizable module
- // picregs.v - register file instantiated under piccpu
- // picalu.v - ALU instantiated under piccpu
- // picidec.v - Instruction Decoder instantiated under piccpu
- // hex2rom.c - C program used to translate MPLAB's INTEL HEX output
- // into the Verilog $readmemh compatible file
- // test*.asm - (note the wildcard..) Several test programs used
- // to help debug the verilog. I used MPLAB and the simulator
- // to develop these programs and get the expected results.
- // Then, I ran them on Verilog-XL where they appeared to
- // match.
- //
- // Copyright, Tom Coonan, '97.
- // Use freely, but not for resale as is. You may use this in your
- // own projects as desired. Just don't try to sell it as is!
- //
- //
- module piccpu (
- clk,
- reset,
- paddr,
- pdata,
- portain,
- portbout,
- portcout,
- debugw,
- debugpc,
- debuginst,
- debugstatus
- );
- input clk;
- input reset;
- output [8:0] paddr;
- input [11:0] pdata;
- input [7:0] portain;
- output [7:0] portbout;
- output [7:0] portcout;
- output [7:0] debugw;
- output [8:0] debugpc;
- output [11:0] debuginst;
- output [7:0] debugstatus;
- // Register declarations for outputs
- reg [8:0] paddr;
- reg [7:0] portbout;
- reg [7:0] portcout;
- // This should be set to the ROM location where our restart vector is.
- // As set here, we have 512 words of program space.
- //
- parameter RESET_VECTOR = 9'h1FF;
- parameter INDF_ADDRESS = 3'h0,
- TMR0_ADDRESS = 3'h1,
- PCL_ADDRESS = 3'h2,
- FSR_ADDRESS = 3'h4,
- // Experimental custom peripheral, "Lil Adder (a 4-bit adder)" is at this address.
- //
- parameter EXPADDRESS_LILADDER = 7'h7F;
- // ********* Special internal registers
- // Instruction Register
- reg [11:0] inst;
- // Program Counter
- reg [8:0] pc;
- reg [8:0] pcplus1; // Output of the pc incrementer.
- // Stack Registers and Stack "levels" register.
- reg [ 1:0] stacklevel;
- reg [ 8:0] stack1;
- reg [ 8:0] stack2;
- // W Register
- reg [ 7:0] w;
- // The STATUS register (#3) is 8 bits wide, however, we only currently use 2 bits
- // of it; the C and Z bit.
- //
- // bit 0 - C
- // bit 2 - Z
- //
- reg [ 7:0] status;
- // The FSR register is the pointer register used for Indirect addressing (e.g. using INDF).
- reg [ 7:0] fsr;
- // Timer 0
- reg [ 7:0] tmr0;
- reg [ 7:0] prescaler;
- // Option Register
- reg [7:0] option;
- // Tristate Control registers. We do not neccessarily support bidirectional ports, but
- // will save a place for these registers and the TRIS instruction. Use for debug.
- reg [7:0] trisa;
- reg [7:0] trisb;
- reg [7:0] trisc;
- // I/O Port registers
- //
- reg [7:0] porta; // Input PORT
- reg [7:0] portb; // Output PORT
- reg [7:0] portc; // Output PORT
- // ********** Instruction Related signals ******
- reg skip; // When HI force a NOP (all zeros) into inst
- reg [2:0] pcinsel;
- // Derive special sub signals from inst register
- wire [ 7:0] k;
- wire [ 4:0] fsel;
- wire [ 8:0] longk;
- wire d;
- wire [ 2:0] b;
- // ********** File Address ************
- //
- // This is the 7-bit Data Address that includes the lower 5-bit fsel, the
- // FSR bits and any indirect addressing.
- // Use this bus to address the Register File as well as all special registers, etc.
- //
- reg [6:0] fileaddr;
- // Address Selects
- reg specialsel;
- reg regfilesel;
- reg expsel;
- // ****** Instruction Decoder Outputs **************
- // Write enable for the actual ZERO and CARRY bits within the status register.
- // Generated by the Instruction Decoder.
- //
- wire [1:0] aluasel;
- wire [1:0] alubsel;
- wire [3:0] aluop;
- wire zwe;
- wire cwe;
- wire isoption;
- wire istris;
- wire fwe; // High if any "register" is being written to at all.
- wire wwe; // Write Enable for the W register. Produced by Instruction Decoder.
- // ************* Internal Busses, mux connections, etc. ********************
- // Bit decoder bits.
- reg [7:0] bd; // Final decoder value after any polarity inversion.
- reg [7:0] bdec; // e.g. "Bit Decoded"
- // Data in and out of the and out of the register file
- //
- reg [7:0] regfilein; // Input into Register File, is connected to the dbus.
- wire [7:0] regfileout; // Path leaving the register file, goes to SBUS Mux
- reg regfilewe; // Write Enable
- reg regfilere; // Read Enable
- //
- // The dbus (Destination Bus) comes out of the ALU. It is available to all
- // writable registers.
- //
- // The sbus (Source Bus) comes from all readable registers as well as the output
- // of the Register File. It is one of the primary inputs into the ALU muxes.
- //
- // The ebus (Expansion Bus) comes from any of our custom modules. They must
- // all coordinate to place whoever's data onto ebus.
- //
- reg [7:0] dbus;
- reg [7:0] sbus;
- reg [7:0] ebus;
- // ALU Signals
- //
- reg [7:0] alua;
- reg [7:0] alub;
- wire [7:0] aluout;
- wire alucin;
- wire alucout;
- wire aluz;
- // ALU A and B mux selects.
- //
- parameter [1:0] ALUASEL_W = 2'b00,
- ALUASEL_SBUS = 2'b01,
- ALUASEL_K = 2'b10,
- ALUASEL_BD = 2'b11;
- parameter [1:0] ALUBSEL_W = 2'b00,
- ALUBSEL_SBUS = 2'b01,
- ALUBSEL_K = 2'b10,
- ALUBSEL_1 = 2'b11;
- // ALU Operation codes.
- //
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_ADD = 4'b0000;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_SUB = 4'b1000;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_AND = 4'b0001;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_OR = 4'b0010;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_XOR = 4'b0011;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_COM = 4'b0100;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_ROR = 4'b0101;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_ROL = 4'b0110;
- parameter [3:0] ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;
- // Instantiate each of our subcomponents
- //
- picregs regs (
- .clk (clk),
- .reset (reset),
- .we (regfilewe),
- .re (regfilere),
- .bank (fileaddr[6:5]),
- .location (fileaddr[4:0]),
- .din (regfilein),
- .dout (regfileout)
- );
- // Instatiate the ALU.
- //
- picalu alu (
- .op (aluop),
- .a (alua),
- .b (alub),
- .y (aluout),
- .cin (status[0]),
- .cout (alucout),
- .zout (aluz)
- );
- // Instantiate the Instruction Decoder. This is really just a lookup table.
- // Given the instruction, generate all the signals we need.
- //
- // For example, each instruction implies a specific ALU operation. Some of
- // these are obvious such as the ADDW uses an ADD alu op. Less obvious is
- // that a mov instruction uses an OR op which lets us do a simple copy.
- //
- // Data has to funnel through the ALU, which sometimes makes for contrived
- // ALU ops.
- //
- picidec idec (
- .inst (inst),
- .aluasel (aluasel),
- .alubsel (alubsel),
- .aluop (aluop),
- .wwe (wwe),
- .fwe (fwe),
- .zwe (zwe),
- .cwe (cwe),
- .bdpol (bdpol),
- .option (isoption),
- .tris (istris)
- );
- // *********** Debug ****************
- assign debugw = w;
- assign debugpc = pc;
- assign debuginst = inst;
- assign debugstatus = status;
- // *********** REGISTER FILE Addressing ****************
- //
- // We implement the following:
- // - The 5-bit fsel address is within a "BANK" which is 32 bytes.
- // - The FSR bits 6:5 are the BANK select, so there are 4 BANKS, a
- // total of 128 bytes. Minus the 8 special registers, that's
- // really 120 bytes.
- // - The INDF register is for indirect addressing. Referencing INDF
- // uses FSR as the pointer. Therefore, using INDF/FSR you address
- // 7-bits of memory.
- // We DO NOT currently implement the PAGE for program (e.g. STATUS register
- // bits 6:5)
- //
- // The fsel address *may* be zero in which case, we are to do indirect
- // addressing, using FSR register as the 8-bit pointer.
- //
- // Otherwise, use the 5-bits of FSEL (from the Instruction itself) and
- // 2 bank bits from the FSR register (bits 6:5).
- //
- always @(fsel or fsr) begin
- if (fsel == INDF_ADDRESS) begin
- // The INDEX register is addressed. There really is no INDEX register.
- // Use the FSR as an index, e.g. the FSR contents are the fsel.
- //
- fileaddr <= fsr[6:0];
- end
- else begin
- // Use FSEL field and status bank select bits
- //
- fileaddr <= {fsr[6:5], fsel};
- end
- end
- // Write Enable to Register File.
- // Assert this when the general fwe (write enable to *any* register) is true AND Register File
- // address range is specified.
- //
- always @(regfilesel or fwe)
- regfilewe <= regfilesel & fwe;
- // Read Enable (this if nothing else, helps in debug.)
- // Assert if Register File address range is specified AND the ALU is actually using some
- // data off the SBUS.
- //
- always @(regfilesel or aluasel or alubsel)
- regfilere <= regfilesel & ((aluasel == ALUASEL_SBUS) | (alubsel == ALUBSEL_SBUS));
- // *********** Address Decodes **************
- //
- // Generate 3 selects: specialsel, regfilesel and expsel
- always @(fileaddr) begin
- casex (fileaddr)
- 7'bXX00XXX: // The SPECIAL Registers are lower 8 addresses, in ALL BANKS
- begin
- specialsel <= 1'b1;
- regfilesel <= 1'b0;
- expsel <= 1'b0;
- end
- 7'b1111111: // EXPANSION Registers are the top (1) addresses
- begin
- specialsel <= 1'b0;
- regfilesel <= 1'b0;
- expsel <= 1'b1;
- end
- default: // Anything else must be in the Register File
- begin
- specialsel <= 1'b0;
- regfilesel <= 1'b1;
- expsel <= 1'b0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- // *********** SBUS **************
- // The sbus (Source Bus) is the output of a multiplexor that takes
- // inputs from the Register File, and all other special registers
- // and input ports. The Source Bus then, one of the inputs to the ALU
- // First MUX selects from all the special regsiters
- //
- always @(fsel or fsr or tmr0 or pc or status
- or porta or portb or portc or regfileout or ebus
- or specialsel or regfilesel or expsel) begin
- // For our current mix of registers and peripherals, only the first 8 addresses
- // are "special" registers (e.g. not in the Register File). As more peripheral
- // registers are added, they must be muxed into this MUX as well.
- //
- // We currently prohibit tristates.
- //
- //
- if (specialsel) begin
- // Special register
- case (fsel[2:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
- 3'h0: sbus <= fsr;
- 3'h1: sbus <= tmr0;
- 3'h2: sbus <= pc[7:0];
- 3'h3: sbus <= status;
- 3'h4: sbus <= fsr;
- 3'h5: sbus <= porta; // PORTA is an input-only port
- 3'h6: sbus <= portb; // PORTB is an output-only port
- 3'h7: sbus <= portc; // PORTC is an output-only port
- endcase
- end
- else begin
- //
- // Put whatever address equation is neccessary here. Remember to remove unnecessary
- // memory elements from Register File (picregs.v). It'll still work, but they'd be
- // wasted flip-flops.
- //
- if (expsel) begin
- sbus <= ebus;
- end
- else begin
- if (regfilesel) begin
- // Final Priority is Choose the register file
- sbus <= regfileout;
- end
- else begin
- sbus <= 8'h00;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- // ************** DBUS ******
- // The Destination bus is just the output of the ALU.
- //
- always @(aluout)
- dbus <= aluout;
- always @(dbus)
- regfilein <= dbus;
- // Drive the ROM address bus straight from the PC
- //
- always @(pc)
- paddr = pc;
- // Define sub-signals out of inst
- //
- assign k = inst[7:0];
- assign fsel = inst[4:0];
- assign longk = inst[8:0];
- assign d = inst[5];
- assign b = inst[7:5];
- // Bit Decoder.
- //
- // Simply take the 3-bit b field in the PIC instruction and create the
- // expanded 8-bit decoder field, which is used as a mask.
- //
- always @(b) begin
- case (b)
- 3'b000: bdec <= 8'b00000001;
- 3'b001: bdec <= 8'b00000010;
- 3'b010: bdec <= 8'b00000100;
- 3'b011: bdec <= 8'b00001000;
- 3'b100: bdec <= 8'b00010000;
- 3'b101: bdec <= 8'b00100000;
- 3'b110: bdec <= 8'b01000000;
- 3'b111: bdec <= 8'b10000000;
- endcase
- end
- always @(bdec or bdpol)
- bd <= bdec ^ bdpol;
- // Instruction regsiter usually get the ROM data as its input, but
- // sometimes for branching, the skip signal must cause a NOP.
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- inst <= 12'h000;
- end
- else begin
- if (skip == 1'b1) begin
- inst <= 12'b000000000000; // FORCE NOP
- end
- else begin
- inst <= pdata;
- end
- end
- end
- // SKIP signal.
- //
- // We want to insert the NOP instruction for the following conditions:
- // GOTO,CALL and RETLW instructions (All have inst[11:10] = 2'b10
- // BTFSS instruction when aluz is HI (
- // BTFSC instruction when aluz is LO
- //
- always @(inst or aluz) begin
- casex ({inst, aluz})
- 13'b10??_????_????_?: // A GOTO, CALL or RETLW instructions
- skip <= 1'b1;
- 13'b0110_????_????_1: // BTFSC instruction and aluz == 1
- skip <= 1'b1;
- 13'b0111_????_????_0: // BTFSS instruction and aluz == 0
- skip <= 1'b1;
- 13'b0010_11??_????_1: // DECFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
- skip <= 1'b1;
- 13'b0011_11??_????_1: // INCFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
- skip <= 1'b1;
- default:
- skip <= 1'b0;
- endcase
- end
- // 4:1 Data MUX into alua
- //
- //
- always @(aluasel or w or sbus or k or bd) begin
- case (aluasel)
- 2'b00: alua <= w;
- 2'b01: alua <= sbus;
- 2'b10: alua <= k;
- 2'b11: alua <= bd;
- endcase
- end
- // 4:1 Data MUX into alub
- //
- //
- always @(alubsel or w or sbus or k) begin
- case (alubsel)
- 2'b00: alub <= w;
- 2'b01: alub <= sbus;
- 2'b10: alub <= k;
- 2'b11: alub <= 8'b00000001;
- endcase
- end
- // W Register
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- w <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- if (wwe) begin
- w <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- // ************ Writes to various Special Registers (fsel between 0 and 7)
- // INDF Register (Register #0)
- //
- // Not a real register. This is the Indirect Addressing mode register.
- // See the regfileaddr logic.
- // TMR0 Register (Register #1)
- //
- // Timer0 is currently only a free-running timer clocked by the main system clock.
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- tmr0 <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- // See if the status register is actually being written to
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == TMR0_ADDRESS)) begin
- // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
- tmr0 <= dbus;
- end
- else begin
- // Mask off the prescaler value based on desired divide ratio.
- // Whenever this is zero, then that is our divided pulse. Increment
- // the final timer value when it's zero.
- //
- case (option[2:0]) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
- 3'b000: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000001)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b001: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000011)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b010: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00000111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b011: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00001111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b100: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00011111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b101: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b00111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b110: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b01111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- 3'b111: if (~|(prescaler & 8'b11111111)) tmr0 <= tmr0 + 1;
- endcase
- end
- end
- end
- // The prescaler is always counting from 00 to FF
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- prescaler <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- // See if the status register is actually being written to
- prescaler <= prescaler + 1;
- end
- end
- // PCL Register (Register #2)
- //
- // PC Lower 8 bits. This is handled in the PC section below...
- // STATUS Register (Register #3)
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- status <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- // See if the status register is actually being written to
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == STATUS_ADDRESS)) begin
- // Yes, so just update the register from the dbus
- status <= dbus;
- end
- else begin
- // Update status register on a bit-by-bit basis.
- //
- // For the carry and zero flags, each instruction has its own rule as
- // to whether to update this flag or not. The instruction decoder is
- // providing us with an enable for C and Z. Use this to decide whether
- // to retain the existing value, or update with the new alu status output.
- //
- status <= {
- status[7], // BIT 7: Undefined.. (maybe use for debugging)
- status[6], // BIT 6: Program Page, HI bit
- status[5], // BIT 5: Program Page, LO bit
- status[4], // BIT 4: Time Out bit (not implemented at this time)
- status[3], // BIT 3: Power Down bit (not implemented at this time)
- (zwe) ? aluz : status[2], // BIT 2: Z
- status[1], // BIT 1: DC
- (cwe) ? alucout : status[0] // BIT 0: C
- };
- end
- end
- end
- // FSR Register (Register #4)
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- fsr <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- // See if the status register is actually being written to
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == FSR_ADDRESS)) begin
- fsr <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- // OPTION Register
- //
- // The special OPTION instruction should move W into the OPTION register.
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- option <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- if (isoption)
- option <= dbus;
- end
- end
- // PORTA Input Port (Register #5)
- //
- // Register anything on the module's porta input on every single clock.
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- porta <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- porta <= portain;
- end
- end
- // PORTB Output Port (Register #6)
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- portb <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == PORTB_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
- portb <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- // Connect the output ports to the register output.
- always @(portb)
- portbout <= portb;
- // PORTC Output Port (Register #7)
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- portc <= 8'h00;
- end
- else begin
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == PORTC_ADDRESS) & ~istris) begin
- portc <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- // Connect the output ports to the register output.
- always @(portc)
- portcout <= portc;
- // TRIS Registers
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- trisa <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
- end
- else begin
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == PORTA_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
- trisa <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- trisb <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
- end
- else begin
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == PORTB_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
- trisb <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- trisc <= 8'hff; // Default is to tristate them
- end
- else begin
- if (fwe & specialsel & (fsel == PORTC_ADDRESS) & istris) begin
- trisc <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- // ********** PC AND STACK *************************
- //
- // There are 4 ways to change the PC. They are:
- // GOTO 101k_kkkk_kkkk
- // CALL 1001_kkkk_kkkk
- // RETLW 1000_kkkk_kkkk
- // MOVF 0010_0010_0010 (e.g. a write to reg #2)
- //
- // Remember that the skip instructions work by inserting
- // a NOP instruction or not into program stream and don't
- // change the PC.
- //
- // We need pc + 1 in several places, so lets define this incrementor and
- // its output signal it in one place so that we never get redundant adders.
- //
- always @(pc)
- pcplus1 <= pc + 1;
- parameter PC_SELECT_PCPLUS1 = 3'b000,
- PC_SELECT_K = 3'b001,
- PC_SELECT_STACK1 = 3'b010,
- PC_SELECT_STACK2 = 3'b011,
- PC_SELECT_DBUS = 3'b100,
- // 8:1 Data MUX into PC
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- case (pcinsel) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
- 3'b000: pc <= pcplus1;
- 3'b001: pc <= k;
- 3'b010: pc <= stack1;
- 3'b011: pc <= stack2;
- 3'b100: pc <= dbus;
- 3'b101: pc <= RESET_VECTOR;
- // Don't really carry about these...
- 3'b110: pc <= pc;
- 3'b111: pc <= pc;
- endcase
- end
- // Select for the MUX going into the PC.
- //
- //
- always @(inst or stacklevel or reset) begin
- if (reset == 1'b1) begin
- end
- else begin
- casex ({inst, stacklevel})
- 14'b101?_????_????_??: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_K; // GOTO
- 14'b1001_????_????_??: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_K; // CALL
- 14'b1000_????_????_00: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_STACK1; // RETLW
- 14'b1000_????_????_01: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_STACK1; // RETLW
- 14'b1000_????_????_10: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_STACK2; // RETLW
- 14'b1000_????_????_11: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_STACK2; // RETLW
- 14'b0010_0010_0010_??: pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_DBUS; // MOVF where f=PC
- default:
- pcinsel <= PC_SELECT_PCPLUS1;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // Implement STACK1 and STACK2 registers
- //
- // The Stack registers are only fed from the PC itself!
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- stack1 <= 9'h000;
- end
- else begin
- // CALL instruction
- if (inst[11:8] == 4'b1001) begin
- case (stacklevel)
- 2'b00:
- // No previous CALLs
- begin
- stack1 <= pc;
- $display ("Write to STACK1: %0h", pc);
- end
- 2'b01:
- // ONE previous CALL
- begin
- stack2 <= pc;
- $display ("Write to STACK2: %0h", pc);
- end
- 2'b10:
- // TWO previous CALLs -- This is illegal on the 16C5X!
- begin
- $display ("Too many CALLs!!");
- end
- 2'b11:
- begin
- $display ("Too many CALLs!!");
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- end
- // Write to stacklevel
- //
- // The stacklevel register keeps track of the current stack depth. On this
- // puny processor, there are only 2 levels (you could fiddle with this and
- // increase the stack depth). There are two stack registers, stack1 and stack2.
- // The stack1 register is used first (e.g. the first time a call is performed),
- // then stack2. As CALLs are done, stacklevel increments. Conversely, as
- // RETs are done, stacklevel goes down.
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset == 1'b1) begin
- stacklevel <= 2'b00; // On reset, there should be no CALLs in progress
- end
- else begin
- casex ({inst, stacklevel})
- // Call instructions
- 14'b1001_????_????_00: stacklevel <= 2'b01; // Record 1st CALL
- 14'b1001_????_????_01: stacklevel <= 2'b10; // Record 2nd CALL
- 14'b1001_????_????_10: stacklevel <= 2'b10; // Already 2! Ignore
- 14'b1001_????_????_11: stacklevel <= 2'b00; // {shouldn't happen}
- // Return instructions
- 14'b1000_????_????_00: stacklevel <= 2'b00; // {shouldn't happen}
- 14'b1000_????_????_01: stacklevel <= 2'b00; // Go back to no CALL in progress
- 14'b1000_????_????_10: stacklevel <= 2'b01; // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
- 14'b1000_????_????_11: stacklevel <= 2'b10; // {shouldn't happen} sort of like, Go back to 2 calls in progress
- default:
- stacklevel <= stacklevel;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // ************ EXPANSION *************************
- //
- // The following is an example of customization.
- //
- // Example: Create a read/write port located at address 7F. It'll be 8-bits, where
- // the upper 4 bits are outputs and the lower 4 bits are inputs.
- // Use indirect addressing to access it (INDF/FSR). Just for fun, let's
- // attach a special loop-back circuit between the outputs and inputs.
- // Let's attach... say... a 4-bit adder.
- //
- reg [3:0] special_peripheral_writeable_bits;
- reg [3:0] special_peripheral_readeable_bits;
- // Implement the writeable bits.
- //
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) begin
- special_peripheral_writeable_bits <= 4'b0000;
- end
- else begin
- if (fwe & expsel & (fileaddr == EXPADDRESS_LILADDER)) begin
- special_peripheral_writeable_bits <= dbus;
- end
- end
- end
- // Implement the special peripheral function (the 4-bit adder for this example).
- always @(special_peripheral_writeable_bits) begin
- special_peripheral_readeable_bits <= special_peripheral_writeable_bits + 1;
- end
- // Drive the ebus. With only one custom address, no more muxing needs to be
- // done, but if there are multiple custom circuits, everyone needs to cooperate
- // and drive ebus properly.
- //
- always @(fileaddr or special_peripheral_readeable_bits) begin
- if (fileaddr == EXPADDRESS_LILADDER)
- ebus <= special_peripheral_readeable_bits;
- else
- ebus <= 8'hff;
- end
- endmodule
- //
- // SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0 4/23/98
- //
- // This is a synthesizable Microchip 16C57 compatible
- // microcontroller. This core is not intended as a high fidelity model of
- // the PIC, but simply a way to offer a simple processor core to people
- // familiar with the PIC who also have PIC tools.
- //
- // pictest.v - top-level testbench (NOT SYNTHESIZABLE)
- // piccpu.v - top-level synthesizable module
- // picregs.v - register file instantiated under piccpu
- // picalu.v - ALU instantiated under piccpu
- // picidec.v - Instruction Decoder instantiated under piccpu
- // hex2rom.c - C program used to translate MPLAB's INTEL HEX output
- // into the Verilog $readmemh compatible file
- // test*.asm - (note the wildcard..) Several test programs used
- // to help debug the verilog. I used MPLAB and the simulator
- // to develop these programs and get the expected results.
- // Then, I ran them on Verilog-XL where they appeared to
- // match.
- //
- // Copyright, Tom Coonan, '97.
- // Use freely, but not for resale as is. You may use this in your
- // own projects as desired. Just don't try to sell it as is!
- //
- //
- // This is the PIC Instruction Decoder.
- //
- // The 12-bit PIC instruction must result in a set of control
- // signals to the ALU, register write enables and other wires.
- // This is purely combinatorial. This can physically be
- // implemented as a ROM, or, in this implementation a Verilog
- // casex statement is used to directly synthesize the signals.
- // This approach is more portable, and hopefully much reduction
- // occurs in the equations.
- //
- // The Synthetic PIC Manual contains a table that better shows
- // all the required signals per instruction. I basically
- // took that table and created the Verilog implementation below.
- //
- module picidec (
- inst,
- aluasel,
- alubsel,
- aluop,
- wwe,
- fwe,
- zwe,
- cwe,
- bdpol,
- option,
- tris
- );
- input [11:0] inst;
- output [1:0] aluasel;
- output [1:0] alubsel;
- output [3:0] aluop;
- output wwe;
- output fwe;
- output zwe;
- output cwe;
- output bdpol;
- output option;
- output tris;
- reg [14:0] decodes;
- // For reference, the ALU Op codes are:
- //
- // ADD 0000
- // SUB 1000
- // AND 0001
- // OR 0010
- // XOR 0011
- // COM 0100
- // ROR 0101
- // ROL 0110
- // SWAP 0111
- assign { aluasel, // Select source for ALU A input. 00=W, 01=SBUS, 10=K, 11=BD
- alubsel, // Select source for ALU B input. 00=W, 01=SBUS, 10=K, 11="1"
- aluop, // ALU Operation (see comments above for these codes)
- wwe, // W register Write Enable
- fwe, // File Register Write Enable
- zwe, // Status register Z bit update
- cwe, // Status register Z bit update
- bdpol, // Polarity on bit decode vector (0=no inversion, 1=invert)
- tris, // Instruction is an TRIS instruction
- option // Instruction is an OPTION instruction
- } = decodes;
- // This is a large combinatorial decoder.
- // I use the casex statement.
- always @(inst) begin
- casex (inst)
- // *** Byte-Oriented File Register Operations
- //
- // A A ALU W F Z C B T O
- // L L O W W W W D R P
- // U U P E E E E P I T
- // A B O S
- // L
- 12'b0000_0000_0000: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // NOP
- 12'b0000_001X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // MOVWF
- 12'b0000_0100_0000: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // CLRW
- 12'b0000_011X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0011_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // CLRF
- 12'b0000_100X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_00_1000_1_0_1_1_0_0_0; // SUBWF (d=0)
- 12'b0000_101X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_00_1000_0_1_1_1_0_0_0; // SUBWF (d=1)
- 12'b0000_110X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_1000_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // DECF (d=0)
- 12'b0000_111X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_1000_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // DECF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_000X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // IORWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_001X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0010_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // IORWF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_010X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0001_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_011X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0001_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDWF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_100X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // XORWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_101X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0011_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // XORWF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_110X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0000_1_0_1_1_0_0_0; // ADDWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_111X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_01_0000_0_1_1_1_0_0_0; // ADDWF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_000X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // MOVF (d=0)
- 12'b0010_001X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0010_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // MOVF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_010X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0100_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // COMF (d=0)
- 12'b0010_011X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0100_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // COMF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_100X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_0000_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // INCF (d=0)
- 12'b0010_101X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_0000_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // INCF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_110X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_1000_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // DECFSZ(d=0)
- 12'b0010_111X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_1000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // DECFSZ(d=1)
- 12'b0011_000X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0101_1_0_0_1_0_0_0; // RRF (d=0)
- 12'b0011_001X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0101_0_1_0_1_0_0_0; // RRF (d=1)
- 12'b0011_010X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0110_1_0_0_1_0_0_0; // RLF (d=0)
- 12'b0011_011X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0110_0_1_0_1_0_0_0; // RLF (d=1)
- 12'b0011_100X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0111_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // SWAPF (d=0)
- 12'b0011_101X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_01_0111_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // SWAPF (d=1)
- 12'b0011_110X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_0000_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // INCFSZ(d=0)
- 12'b0011_111X_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b01_11_0000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // INCFSZ(d=1)
- // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
- //
- // A A ALU W F Z C B T O
- // L L O W W W W D R P
- // U U P E E E E P I T
- // A B O S
- // L
- 12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b11_01_0001_0_1_0_0_1_0_0; // BCF
- 12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b11_01_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // BSF
- 12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b11_01_0001_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // BTFSC
- 12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b11_01_0001_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // BTFSS
- // *** Literal and Control Operations
- //
- // A A ALU W F Z C B T O
- // L L O W W W W D R P
- // U U P E E E E P I T
- // A B O S
- // L
- 12'b0000_0000_0010: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_1; // OPTION
- 12'b0000_0000_0011: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // SLEEP
- 12'b0000_0000_0100: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // CLRWDT
- 12'b0000_0000_0101: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0000_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 5
- 12'b0000_0000_0110: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 6
- 12'b0000_0000_0111: decodes <= 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 7
- //
- // A A ALU W F Z C B T O
- // L L O W W W W D R P
- // U U P E E E E P I T
- // A B O S
- // L
- 12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b10_10_0010_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // RETLW
- 12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b10_10_0010_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // CALL
- 12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b10_10_0010_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // GOTO
- 12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b10_10_0010_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // MOVLW
- 12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_10_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // IORLW
- 12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_10_0001_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDLW
- 12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: decodes <= 15'b00_10_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // XORLW
- default:
- decodes <= 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0;
- endcase
- end
- endmodule
- //
- // SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0 4/23/98
- //
- // This is a synthesizable Microchip 16C57 compatible
- // microcontroller. This core is not intended as a high fidelity model of
- // the PIC, but simply a way to offer a simple processor core to people
- // familiar with the PIC who also have PIC tools.
- //
- // pictest.v - top-level testbench (NOT SYNTHESIZABLE)
- // piccpu.v - top-level synthesizable module
- // picregs.v - register file instantiated under piccpu
- // picalu.v - ALU instantiated under piccpu
- // picidec.v - Instruction Decoder instantiated under piccpu
- // hex2rom.c - C program used to translate MPLAB's INTEL HEX output
- // into the Verilog $readmemh compatible file
- // test*.asm - (note the wildcard..) Several test programs used
- // to help debug the verilog. I used MPLAB and the simulator
- // to develop these programs and get the expected results.
- // Then, I ran them on Verilog-XL where they appeared to
- // match.
- //
- // Copyright, Tom Coonan, '97.
- // Use freely, but not for resale as is. You may use this in your
- // own projects as desired. Just don't try to sell it as is!
- //
- //
- // Memory Map:
- //
- // PIC Data Memory addressing is complicated. See the Data Book for full explanation..
- //
- // Basically, each BANK contains 32 locations. The lowest 16 locations in ALL Banks
- // are really all mapped to the same bank (bank #0). The first 8 locations are the Special
- // registers like the STATUS and PC registers. The upper 16 words in each bank, really are
- // unique to each bank. The smallest PIC (16C54) only has the one bank #0.
- //
- // So, as a programmer, what you get is this. No matter what bank you are in (FSR[6:5])
- // you always have access to your special registers and also to registers 8-15. You can
- // change to a 1 of 4 banks by setting FSR[6:5] and get 4 different sets of registers
- // 16-31.
- //
- // For numbering purposes, I've numbered the registers as if they are one linear memory
- // space, just like in the Data Book (see Figure 4-15 "Direct/Indirect Addressing").
- // So, the unique 16 registers in bank #1 are named r48 - r63 (I use decimal). The
- // unique registers in bank #3 are therefore r112 - r127. There is no r111 because,
- // remember, the lower 16 registers each each bank are all reall the same registers 0-15.
- //
- // Confused?! The Data Book explains it better than I can.
- //
- // bank location
- // XX 00rrr - The special registers are not implemented in this register file.
- // XX 01rrr - The 8 common words, just above the Special Regs, same for all Banks
- // 00 1rrrr - The 16 words unique to Bank #0
- // 01 1rrrr - The 16 words unique to Bank #1
- // 10 1rrrr - The 16 words unique to Bank #2
- // 11 1rrrr - The 16 words unique to Bank #3
- //
- // So,
- // Special Regs are location[4:3] == 00
- // Common Regs are location[4:3] == 01
- // Words in banks location[4] == 1
- //
- //
- // I had problems trying to use simple register file declarations that
- // would always, always work right, were synthesizable and allowed
- // me to easily remove locations from the memory space. SOOOooo... I
- // did the brute force thing and enumerated all the locations..
- //
- // Much larger spaces will probably need a RAM and whatever I do would need
- // custom hacking anyway.. I don't see an obvious solution to all this, but
- // welcome suggestions..
- //
- module picregs (clk, reset, we, re, bank, location, din, dout);
- input clk;
- input reset;
- input we;
- input re;
- input [1:0] bank; // Bank 0,1,2,3
- input [4:0] location; // Location
- input [7:0] din; // Input
- output [7:0] dout; // Output
- //parameter MAX_ADDRESS = 127;
- reg [7:0] dout;
- integer index;
- // Declare the major busses in and out of each block.
- //
- reg [7:0] commonblockout; // Data Memory common across all banks
- reg [7:0] highblock0out; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #0
- reg [7:0] highblock1out; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #1
- reg [7:0] highblock2out; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #2
- reg [7:0] highblock3out; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #3
- reg [7:0] commonblockin; // Data Memory common across all banks
- reg [7:0] highblock0in; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #0
- reg [7:0] highblock1in; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #1
- reg [7:0] highblock2in; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #2
- reg [7:0] highblock3in; // Upper 16 bytes in BANK #3
- reg commonblocksel; // Select
- reg highblock0sel; // Select
- reg highblock1sel; // Select
- reg highblock2sel; // Select
- reg highblock3sel; // Select
- // synopsys translate_off
- integer cycle_counter;
- initial cycle_counter = 0;
- always @(negedge clk) begin
- if (re) begin
- $display ("[%0d] Read: data = %0h(hex), from bank #%0d(dec) location %0h", cycle_counter, dout, bank, location);
- `endif
- end
- if (we) begin
- $display ("[%0d] Write: data = %0h(hex), to bank #%0d(dec) location %0h", cycle_counter, din, bank, location);
- `endif
- end
- if (~reset) cycle_counter = cycle_counter + 1;
- end
- // synopsys translate_on
- // READ the Register File
- //
- always @(bank or location or re
- or commonblockout
- or highblock0out
- or highblock1out
- or highblock2out
- or highblock3out) begin
- if (re) begin
- if (location[4:3] == 2'b01) begin
- // This is the lower 8 words, common to all banks, just above special registers
- dout <= commonblockout; // Access to first 8 locations past Special Registers
- end
- else begin
- if (location[4]) begin
- // Address is in the upper 16 words on one of the 4 banks
- case (bank) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
- 2'b00: dout <= highblock0out; // Upper 16 words of Bank #0
- 2'b01: dout <= highblock1out; // Upper 16 words of Bank #1
- 2'b10: dout <= highblock2out; // Upper 16 words of Bank #2
- 2'b11: dout <= highblock3out; // Upper 16 words of Bank #3
- endcase
- end
- else begin
- dout <= 8'hff;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- dout <= 8'hff;
- end
- end
- // Initial Write logic.
- //
- // Generate the specific write enables based on the PIC's bank/location rules.
- // The individual memory blocks will do the actual synchronous write.
- //
- always @(we or bank or location or reset) begin
- if (reset) begin
- commonblocksel <= 1'b0;
- highblock0sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock1sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock2sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock3sel <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- if (we) begin
- if (location[4:3] == 2'b01) begin
- // This is the lower 8 words, common to all banks, just above special registers
- commonblocksel <= 1'b1;
- highblock0sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock1sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock2sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock3sel <= 1'b0;
- end
- else begin
- if (location[4]) begin
- // Address is in the upper 16 words on one of the 4 banks
- commonblocksel <= 1'b0;
- case (bank) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
- 2'b00: {highblock0sel, highblock1sel, highblock2sel, highblock3sel} <= 4'b1000; // Upper 16 words of Bank #0
- 2'b01: {highblock0sel, highblock1sel, highblock2sel, highblock3sel} <= 4'b0100; // Upper 16 words of Bank #1
- 2'b10: {highblock0sel, highblock1sel, highblock2sel, highblock3sel} <= 4'b0010; // Upper 16 words of Bank #2
- 2'b11: {highblock0sel, highblock1sel, highblock2sel, highblock3sel} <= 4'b0001; // Upper 16 words of Bank #3
- endcase
- end
- else begin
- commonblocksel <= 1'b0;
- highblock0sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock1sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock2sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock3sel <= 1'b0;
- end
- end
- end
- else begin
- commonblocksel <= 1'b0;
- highblock0sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock1sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock2sel <= 1'b0;
- highblock3sel <= 1'b0;
- end
- end
- end
- // *** Buses feeding the memory blocks are driven directly from din.
- always @(din)
- commonblockin <= din;
- always @(din)
- highblock0in <= din;
- always @(din)
- highblock1in <= din;
- always @(din)
- highblock2in <= din;
- always @(din)
- highblock3in <= din;
- // ****************** Common Block *************
- reg [7:0] r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15;
- // Read from common block
- always @(location or
- r8 or r9 or r10 or r11 or r12 or r13 or r14 or r15) begin
- case (location[2:0])
- 3'h0: commonblockout <= r8;
- 3'h1: commonblockout <= r9;
- 3'h2: commonblockout <= r10;
- 3'h3: commonblockout <= r11;
- 3'h4: commonblockout <= r12;
- 3'h5: commonblockout <= r13;
- 3'h6: commonblockout <= r14;
- 3'h7: commonblockout <= r15;
- endcase
- end
- // Write to common block
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (we & commonblocksel) begin
- case (location[2:0])
- 3'h0: r8 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h1: r9 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h2: r10 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h3: r11 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h4: r12 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h5: r13 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h6: r14 <= commonblockin;
- 3'h7: r15 <= commonblockin;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // **************** Highblock0 ****************
- reg [7:0] r16, r17, r18, r19, r20, r21, r22, r23;
- reg [7:0] r24, r25, r26, r27, r28, r29, r30, r31;
- // Read from high block bank0
- always @(location or
- r16 or r17 or r18 or r19 or r20 or r21 or r22 or r23 or
- r24 or r25 or r26 or r27 or r28 or r29 or r30 or r31
- ) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: highblock0out <= r16;
- 4'h1: highblock0out <= r17;
- 4'h2: highblock0out <= r18;
- 4'h3: highblock0out <= r19;
- 4'h4: highblock0out <= r20;
- 4'h5: highblock0out <= r21;
- 4'h6: highblock0out <= r22;
- 4'h7: highblock0out <= r23;
- 4'h8: highblock0out <= r24;
- 4'h9: highblock0out <= r25;
- 4'hA: highblock0out <= r26;
- 4'hB: highblock0out <= r27;
- 4'hC: highblock0out <= r28;
- 4'hD: highblock0out <= r29;
- 4'hE: highblock0out <= r30;
- 4'hF: highblock0out <= r31;
- endcase
- end
- // Write to high block bank 0
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (we & highblock0sel) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: r16 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h1: r17 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h2: r18 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h3: r19 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h4: r20 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h5: r21 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h6: r22 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h7: r23 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h8: r24 <= highblock0in;
- 4'h9: r25 <= highblock0in;
- 4'hA: r26 <= highblock0in;
- 4'hB: r27 <= highblock0in;
- 4'hC: r28 <= highblock0in;
- 4'hD: r29 <= highblock0in;
- 4'hE: r30 <= highblock0in;
- 4'hF: r31 <= highblock0in;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // **************** Highblock1 ****************
- reg [7:0] r48, r49, r50, r51, r52, r53, r54, r55;
- reg [7:0] r56, r57, r58, r59, r60, r61, r62, r63;
- // Read
- always @(location or
- r48 or r49 or r50 or r51 or r52 or r53 or r54 or r55 or
- r56 or r57 or r58 or r59 or r60 or r61 or r62 or r63
- ) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: highblock1out <= r48;
- 4'h1: highblock1out <= r49;
- 4'h2: highblock1out <= r50;
- 4'h3: highblock1out <= r51;
- 4'h4: highblock1out <= r52;
- 4'h5: highblock1out <= r53;
- 4'h6: highblock1out <= r54;
- 4'h7: highblock1out <= r55;
- 4'h8: highblock1out <= r56;
- 4'h9: highblock1out <= r57;
- 4'hA: highblock1out <= r58;
- 4'hB: highblock1out <= r59;
- 4'hC: highblock1out <= r60;
- 4'hD: highblock1out <= r61;
- 4'hE: highblock1out <= r62;
- 4'hF: highblock1out <= r63;
- endcase
- end
- // Write
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (we & highblock1sel) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: r48 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h1: r49 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h2: r50 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h3: r51 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h4: r52 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h5: r53 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h6: r54 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h7: r55 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h8: r56 <= highblock1in;
- 4'h9: r57 <= highblock1in;
- 4'hA: r58 <= highblock1in;
- 4'hB: r59 <= highblock1in;
- 4'hC: r60 <= highblock1in;
- 4'hD: r61 <= highblock1in;
- 4'hE: r62 <= highblock1in;
- 4'hF: r63 <= highblock1in;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // **************** Highblock2 ****************
- reg [7:0] r80, r81, r82, r83, r84, r85, r86, r87;
- reg [7:0] r88, r89, r90, r91, r92, r93, r94, r95;
- // Read
- always @(location or
- r80 or r81 or r82 or r83 or r84 or r85 or r86 or r87 or
- r88 or r89 or r90 or r91 or r92 or r93 or r94 or r95
- ) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: highblock2out <= r80;
- 4'h1: highblock2out <= r81;
- 4'h2: highblock2out <= r82;
- 4'h3: highblock2out <= r83;
- 4'h4: highblock2out <= r84;
- 4'h5: highblock2out <= r85;
- 4'h6: highblock2out <= r86;
- 4'h7: highblock2out <= r87;
- 4'h8: highblock2out <= r88;
- 4'h9: highblock2out <= r89;
- 4'hA: highblock2out <= r90;
- 4'hB: highblock2out <= r91;
- 4'hC: highblock2out <= r92;
- 4'hD: highblock2out <= r93;
- 4'hE: highblock2out <= r94;
- 4'hF: highblock2out <= r95;
- endcase
- end
- // Write
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (we & highblock2sel) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: r80 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h1: r81 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h2: r82 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h3: r83 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h4: r84 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h5: r85 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h6: r86 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h7: r87 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h8: r88 <= highblock2in;
- 4'h9: r89 <= highblock2in;
- 4'hA: r90 <= highblock2in;
- 4'hB: r91 <= highblock2in;
- 4'hC: r92 <= highblock2in;
- 4'hD: r93 <= highblock2in;
- 4'hE: r94 <= highblock2in;
- 4'hF: r95 <= highblock2in;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // **************** Highblock3 ****************
- // *** The Following Registers are removed because of CUSTOM Hardware (see piccpu.v) **
- //
- // r129 (or 7E)
- //
- // **********
- reg [7:0] r112, r113, r114, r115, r116, r117, r118, r119;
- reg [7:0] r120, r121, r122, r123, r124, r125, r126 /*, r127*/ ;
- // Read
- always @(location or
- r112 or r113 or r114 or r115 or r116 or r117 or r118 or r119 or
- r120 or r121 or r122 or r123 or r124 or r125 or r126 /* or r127 */
- ) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: highblock3out <= r112;
- 4'h1: highblock3out <= r113;
- 4'h2: highblock3out <= r114;
- 4'h3: highblock3out <= r115;
- 4'h4: highblock3out <= r116;
- 4'h5: highblock3out <= r117;
- 4'h6: highblock3out <= r118;
- 4'h7: highblock3out <= r119;
- 4'h8: highblock3out <= r120;
- 4'h9: highblock3out <= r121;
- 4'hA: highblock3out <= r122;
- 4'hB: highblock3out <= r123;
- 4'hC: highblock3out <= r124;
- 4'hD: highblock3out <= r125;
- 4'hE: highblock3out <= r126;
- 4'hF: highblock3out <= 8'hff /* r127*/ ;
- endcase
- end
- // Write
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (we & highblock3sel) begin
- case (location[3:0])
- 4'h0: r112 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h1: r113 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h2: r114 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h3: r115 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h4: r116 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h5: r117 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h6: r118 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h7: r119 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h8: r120 <= highblock3in;
- 4'h9: r121 <= highblock3in;
- 4'hA: r122 <= highblock3in;
- 4'hB: r123 <= highblock3in;
- 4'hC: r124 <= highblock3in;
- 4'hD: r125 <= highblock3in;
- 4'hE: r126 <= highblock3in;
- 4'hF: /* r127 <= highblock3in */;
- endcase
- end
- end
- // synopsys translate_off
- `define CLEAR_MEMORY
- initial
- begin
- $display ("Clearing SRAM.");
- clear_memory;
- end
- task clear_memory;
- begin
- // Common registers
- r8 = 0;
- r9 = 0;
- r10 = 0;
- r11 = 0;
- r12 = 0;
- r13 = 0;
- r14 = 0;
- r15 = 0;
- // Bank #0
- r16 = 0;
- r17 = 0;
- r18 = 0;
- r19 = 0;
- r20 = 0;
- r21 = 0;
- r22 = 0;
- r23 = 0;
- r24 = 0;
- r25 = 0;
- r26 = 0;
- r27 = 0;
- r28 = 0;
- r29 = 0;
- r30 = 0;
- r31 = 0;
- // Bank #1
- r48 = 0;
- r49 = 0;
- r50 = 0;
- r51 = 0;
- r52 = 0;
- r53 = 0;
- r54 = 0;
- r55 = 0;
- r56 = 0;
- r57 = 0;
- r58 = 0;
- r59 = 0;
- r60 = 0;
- r61 = 0;
- r62 = 0;
- r63 = 0;
- // Bank #2
- r80 = 0;
- r94 = 0;
- // Bank #3
- r112 = 0;
- r126 = 0;
- end
- endtask
- `endif
- // synopsys translate_on
- endmodule
- //
- // SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0 4/23/98
- //
- // This is a synthesizable Microchip 16C57 compatible
- // microcontroller. This core is not intended as a high fidelity model of
- // the PIC, but simply a way to offer a simple processor core to people
- // familiar with the PIC who also have PIC tools.
- //
- // pictest.v - top-level testbench (NOT SYNTHESIZABLE)
- // piccpu.v - top-level synthesizable module
- // picregs.v - register file instantiated under piccpu
- // picalu.v - ALU instantiated under piccpu
- // picidec.v - Instruction Decoder instantiated under piccpu
- // hex2rom.c - C program used to translate MPLAB's INTEL HEX output
- // into the Verilog $readmemh compatible file
- // test*.asm - (note the wildcard..) Several test programs used
- // to help debug the verilog. I used MPLAB and the simulator
- // to develop these programs and get the expected results.
- // Then, I ran them on Verilog-XL where they appeared to
- // match.
- //
- // Copyright, Tom Coonan, '97.
- // Use freely, but not for resale as is. You may use this in your
- // own projects as desired. Just don't try to sell it as is!
- //
- //
- `timescale 1ns / 10ps
- module pictest;
- // Select which test to run HERE..
- parameter TEST_NUMBER = 9;
- // *** Testing variables
- // Debug flags.
- integer dbg_showporta; // Are set in an 'initial' for default values,
- integer dbg_showportb; // override in specific tests...
- integer dbg_showportc; // Setting to 1 will cause variable to be displayed.
- integer dbg_showinst;
- integer dbg_showrom;
- integer dbg_showw;
- integer dbg_showpc;
- // cycles counter variables
- integer dbg_showcycles; // Set to 1 to see cycles
- integer dbg_limitcycles;// Set to one to enable maxcycles check
- integer dbg_maxcycles; // Limit simulation to some number of cycles.
- integer cycles; // Cycles counter.
- // *** Interface to the PICCPU
- reg clk;
- reg reset;
- reg [7:0] porta;
- wire [7:0] portb;
- wire [7:0] portc;
- reg [11:0] rom[0:511];
- wire [8:0] romaddr;
- reg [11:0] romdata;
- // ROM Interface
- always @(romaddr) begin
- romdata = rom[romaddr];
- end
- reg [7:0] last_debugw;
- reg [8:0] last_debugpc;
- reg [11:0] last_debuginst;
- reg [7:0] last_debugstatus;
- wire [7:0] debugw;
- wire [8:0] debugpc;
- wire [11:0] debuginst;
- wire [7:0] debugstatus;
- // Instantiate one PICCPU to be tested.
- piccpu piccpu_inst (
- .clk (clk),
- .reset (reset),
- .paddr (romaddr),
- .pdata (romdata),
- .portain (porta),
- .portbout (portb),
- .portcout (portc),
- .debugw (debugw),
- .debugpc (debugpc),
- .debuginst (debuginst),
- .debugstatus (debugstatus)
- );
- // Capture some data
- initial begin
- $dumpfile ("pic.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0, pictest);
- end
- // Reset
- initial begin
- reset = 1;
- #200;
- reset = 0;
- end
- // Drive the clock input
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #50 clk = 1;
- #50 clk = 0;
- end
- end
- // Debug defaults. Override in individual test tasks.
- //
- initial begin
- dbg_showporta = 0;
- dbg_showportb = 0;
- dbg_showportc = 0;
- dbg_showinst = 0;
- dbg_showrom = 0;
- dbg_showw = 0;
- dbg_showpc = 0;
- dbg_showcycles = 0;
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 50000;
- end
- // Call the appropriate test task based on the TEST_NUMBER parameter set at top.
- //
- initial begin
- case (TEST_NUMBER)
- 1: test1;
- 2: test2;
- 3: test3;
- 4: test4;
- 5: test5;
- 6: test6;
- 7: test7;
- 8: test8;
- 9: test9;
- default:
- begin
- $display ("ERROR: Unknown Test Number: %0d", TEST_NUMBER);
- $finish;
- end
- endcase
- end
- task test1;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #1");
- #1;
- // Only Watch Port B
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- dbg_showcycles = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST1.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test2;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #2");
- #1;
- // Only Watch Port B
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST2.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test3;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #3");
- #1;
- // Only Watch Port B
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST3.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test4;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #4");
- #1;
- // Only Watch Port B
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST4.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test5;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #5");
- #1;
- // Only Watch Port B
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST5.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test6;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #6");
- #1;
- // Watch Port B and C
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- dbg_showportc = 1;
- dbg_limitcycles = 0;
- $readmemh ("TEST6.ROM", rom);
- #200;
- repeat (20) begin
- porta = $random;
- #10000;
- end
- $finish;
- end
- endtask
- task test7;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #7");
- #1;
- // Only Watch Port B
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST7.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test8;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #8");
- #1;
- // Watch All ports
- dbg_showporta = 1;
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- dbg_showportc = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST8.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 500;
- end
- endtask
- task test9;
- begin
- $display ("SYNTHETIC PIC 2.0. This is TEST #9");
- #1;
- // Watch All ports
- dbg_showportb = 1;
- dbg_showportc = 1;
- $readmemh ("TEST9.ROM", rom);
- dbg_limitcycles = 1;
- dbg_maxcycles = 2000;
- end
- endtask
- // ******** END Of TEST TASKS
- // Cycles counter
- //
- initial begin
- cycles = 0;
- #1;
- // Don't start counting until after reset.
- @(negedge reset);
- forever begin
- @(posedge clk);
- cycles = cycles + 1;
- if ((cycles % 256) == 0) begin
- if (dbg_showcycles) begin
- $display ("#Cycles = %0d", cycles);
- end
- end
- if (dbg_limitcycles) begin
- if (cycles > dbg_maxcycles) begin
- $display ("Maximum cycles (%0d) Exceeded. Halting simulation.", dbg_maxcycles);
- $finish;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- always @(romaddr) begin
- if (dbg_showrom)
- $display ("ROM Address = %h, Data = %h", romaddr, romdata);
- end
- always @(porta) begin
- if (dbg_showporta)
- $display ("porta changes to: %h", porta);
- end
- always @(portb) begin
- if (dbg_showportb)
- $display ("portb changes to: %h", portb);
- end
- always @(portc) begin
- if (dbg_showportc)
- $display ("portc changes to: %h", portc);
- end
- initial begin
- if (dbg_showw) begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- if (debugw != last_debugw) begin
- $display ("W = %0h", debugw);
- end
- last_debugw = debugw;
- end
- end
- end
- initial begin
- if (dbg_showpc) begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- $display ("PC = %0h", debugpc);
- end
- end
- end
- reg [11:0] last_pc;
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- last_pc = debugpc;
- end
- initial begin
- if (dbg_showinst) begin
- forever begin
- @(negedge clk);
- if (debuginst[11:0] == 12'b0000_0000_0000) begin
- $display ("%h NOP", last_pc);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:5] == 7'b0000_001) begin
- $display ("%h MOVWF f=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst == 12'b0000_0100_0000) begin
- $display ("%h CLRW", last_pc);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:5] == 7'b0000_011) begin
- $display ("%h CLRF f=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0000_10) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h SUBWF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h SUBWF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0000_11) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h DECF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h DECF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0001_00) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h IORWF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h IORWF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0001_01) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h ANDWF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h ANDWF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0001_10) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("XORWF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h XORWF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0001_11) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h ADDWF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h ADDWF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0010_00) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h MOVF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h MOVF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0010_01) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h COMF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h COMF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0010_10) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h INCF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h INCF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0010_11) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h DECFSZ f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h DECFSZ f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0011_00) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h RRF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h RRF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0011_01) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h RLF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h RLF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0011_10) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h SWAPF f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h SWAPF f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:6] == 7'b0011_11) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.d == 0) $display ("%h INCFSZ f=0x%0h, W", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- else $display ("%h INCFSZ f=0x%0h, f", last_pc, debuginst[4:0]);
- end
- // Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b0100) begin
- $display ("%h BCF f=0x%0h, bit=%0d", last_pc, debuginst[4:0], piccpu_inst.b);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b0101) begin
- $display ("%h BCF f=0x%0h, bit=%0d", last_pc, debuginst[4:0], piccpu_inst.b);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b0110) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.skip) $display ("%h BTFSC f=0x%0h, bit=%0d {Will Skip..}", last_pc, debuginst[4:0], piccpu_inst.b);
- else $display ("%h BTFSC f=0x%0h, bit=%0d {Will NOT Skip..}", last_pc, debuginst[4:0], piccpu_inst.b);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b0111) begin
- if (piccpu_inst.skip) $display ("%h BTFSS f=0x%0h, bit=%0d {Will Skip..}", last_pc, debuginst[4:0], piccpu_inst.b);
- else $display ("%h BTFSS f=0x%0h, bit=%0d {Will NOT Skip..}", last_pc, debuginst[4:0], piccpu_inst.b);
- end
- // Literal and Control Operations
- else if (debuginst[11:0] == 16'b0000_0000_0010) begin
- $display ("%h OPTION", last_pc);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:0] == 16'b0000_0000_0011) begin
- $display ("%h SLEEP", last_pc);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:0] == 16'b0000_0000_0100) begin
- $display ("%h CLRWDT", last_pc);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:3] == 13'b0000_0000_0) begin
- $display ("%h TRIS, f=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[2:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b1000) begin
- $display ("%h RETLW, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[7:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b1001) begin
- $display ("%h CALL, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[7:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:9] == 3'b101) begin
- $display ("%h GOTO, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[8:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b1100) begin
- $display ("%h MOVLW, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[7:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b1101) begin
- $display ("%h IORLW, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[7:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b1110) begin
- $display ("%h ANDLW, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[7:0]);
- end
- else if (debuginst[11:8] == 4'b1111) begin
- $display ("%h XORLW, k=0x%0h", last_pc, debuginst[7:0]);
- end
- else begin
- $display ("Hmmm! instruction not recognized?! %0h", debuginst);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- endmodule