- module fifo(data_out,fifo_full,fifo_he,fifo_hf,fifo_empty,clk,reset,write,read,data_in);
- parameter FIFO_WIDTH=8;
- parameter FIFO_DEPTH=8;
- parameter FIFO_PTR_WDTH=3;
- output [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] data_out;//The output data
- output fifo_full;//The fifo full flag
- output fifo_he;//The fifo half empty flag
- output fifo_hf;//The fifo half full flag
- output fifo_empty;//The fifo empty flag
- input clk;//The input flag
- input reset;//The fifo reset
- input write;//The syncronous write strobe
- input read;//The syncronous read strobe
- input [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] data_in;//The input data
- reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_ram [0:FIFO_DEPTH-1];
- reg [FIFO_PTR_WDTH-1:0] wr_ptr,rd_ptr;
- reg [FIFO_PTR_WDTH-1:0] fifo_count;
- wire fifo_full,fifo_enpty;
- wire fifo_he,fifo_hf;
- reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] data_out;
- /***************************************************************************
- If this is a read get the data that is in the location pointed to by the
- tead pointer,and put it onto the output bus
- ****************************************************************************/
- always@(posedge clk)
- if(read)
- data_out<=fifo_ram[rd_ptr];
- else if(write)
- fifo_ram[wr_ptr]=data_in;
- /****************************************************************************
- Increment the write pointer on every write and the read pointer on every read
- *****************************************************************************/
- always@(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- wr_ptr<=0;
- else
- wr_ptr<=(write)?wr_ptr+1:wr_ptr;
- always@(posedge clk)
- if(reset)
- rd_ptr<=0;
- else
- rd_ptr<=(read)?rd_ptr+1:rd_ptr;
- /*****************************************************************************
- The fifo counter increment on every write and decerment on every read .those
- code is used to provide flags to the other module,the other module check
- those flags,then know the state of fifo and decide whether write or read fifo
- *****************************************************************************/
- always@(posedge clk)
- begin
- if(reset)
- begin
- fifo_count<=0;
- end
- else begin
- case({write,read})
- 2'b00:fifo_count<=fifo_count;
- 2'b01:fifo_count<=(fifo_count==0)?FIFO_DEPTH:fifo_count-1;
- 2'b10:fifo_count<=(fifo_count==FIFO_DEPTH)?0:fifo_count+1;
- 2'b11:fifo_count<=fifo_count;
- endcase
- end
- end
- assign fifo_hf=(fifo_count>=4);
- assign fifo_he=(fifo_count<=4);
- assign fifo_empty=(fifo_count==0);
- assign fifo_full=(fifo_count>=FIFO_DEPTH);
- endmodule