- //
- //
- // This is just a little demo of DDS. It doesn't have any cool features
- // or anything..
- //
- module dds (
- clk,
- reset,
- din,
- dout
- );
- parameter W = 12;
- input clk; // Primary clock.
- input reset; // Synchronous reset.
- input [W-1:0] din; // The "phase step".
- output [W-1:0] dout; // Output of the phase accumulator register.
- reg [W-1:0] dout;
- reg [W-1:0] accum; // Phas Accumulator
- // Just output the accumulator...
- always @(accum)
- dout <= accum;
- // Specify the accumulator..
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) accum <= 0;
- else begin
- accum <= accum + din;
- end
- end
- endmodule
- // synopsys translate_off
- module ddstest;
- reg clk;
- reg reset;
- reg [11:0] din;
- wire [11:0] dout;
- reg [7:0] cosout;
- // Instantiate the DDS with 12-bits.
- //
- dds #(12) dds1 (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .din(din), .dout(dout));
- // Here's our Cosine lookup table.
- //
- reg [7:0] costable[0:4095]; // 4KBytes.
- // DDS Phase Accumulator output simply indexes into the Cos lookup table.
- //
- always @(dout)
- cosout <= costable[dout];
- // Main test thread.
- //
- initial begin
- $readmemh ("cos.hex", costable); // See the PERL program 'generate_cos_table.pl'
- din = 12'h020; // Start at 16
- #500000;
- din = 12'h0D0; // A little faster..
- #500000;
- din = 12'h200; // Fairly fast.
- #500000;
- $finish;
- end
- // Let's clock it at 1 MHz
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #500 clk = 1;
- #500 clk = 0;
- end
- end
- // Reset
- initial begin
- reset = 1;
- #3500 reset = 0;
- end
- // Generate VCD file for viewing.
- initial begin
- $dumpfile ("dds.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0,ddstest);
- end
- endmodule
- //*** Here's the Perl program for your reference...
- #!/tools2/perl/bin/perl
- #
- # Generate a file of cos data for use by a DDS simulation.
- #
- $n = 4096; # Number of data points
- $minval = 0; # Smallest cos value.
- $maxval = 255; # Largest cos value.
- $pi = 3.1415927;
- $t = 0;
- for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i = $i + 1) {
- $value = ($maxval - $minval)/2 + (($maxval - $minval)/2)*cos($t);
- $value = int($value);
- printf "%xn", $value;
- $t = $t + 2*$pi / $n;
- }
- `endif