- //
- // Integer Multicycle Divide circuit (divide a 16-bit number by a 16-bit number in 16 cycles).
- //
- // a / b = q with remainder r
- //
- // Where a is 16-bits,
- // Where b is 16 bits
- //
- // Module is actually parameterized if you want other widths.
- //
- // *** Test the ranges of values for which you'll use this. For example, you
- // can't divide FFFF by FF without underflow (overflow?). Mess with
- // the testbench. You may need to widen some thing. ***
- //
- // The answer is 16-bits and the remainder is also 16-bits.
- // After the start pulse, the module requires 16 cycles to complete.
- // The q/r outputs stay the same until next start pulse.
- // Start pulse should be a single cycle.
- // Division by zero results in a quotient equal to FFFF and remainder equal to 'a'.
- //
- //
- // Written by tom coonan.
- //
- // Notes:
- // - This ain't fancy. I wanted something straight-forward quickly. Go study
- // more elaborate algorithms if you want to optimize area or speed. If you
- // have an isolated divide and can spare N cycles for N bits; this may meet your needs.
- // - You might want to think more about the sizes of things. I wanted a basic estimate
- // of gates plus I specifically needed to divide 16-bits (not even full range)
- // by 8-bits.
- // - Handle divide by zero at higher level..
- // - I needed a remainder so I could easily to truncate and rounding stuff,
- // but remove this to save gates if you don't need a remainder.
- // - This is about 800 asic gates (0.25um, Standard Cell, 27Mhz). 27Mhz
- // is my system clock and NOT the maximum it can go..
- // - I tried to keep everything parameterized by N, but I only worked through
- // the N=16 case because that's what I needed...
- //
- module div16 (clk, resetb, start, a, b, q, r, done);
- parameter N = 16; // a/b = q remainder r, where all operands are N wide.
- input clk;
- input resetb; // Asynchronous, active low reset.
- input start; // Pulse this to start the division.
- input [N-1:0] a; // This is the number we are dividing (the dividend)
- input [N-1:0] b; // This is the 'divisor'
- output [N-1:0] q; // This is the 'quotient'
- output [N-1:0] r; // Here is the remainder.
- output done; // Will be asserted when q and r are available.
- // Registered q
- reg [N-1:0] q;
- reg done;
- // Power is the current 2^n bit we are considering. Power is a shifting
- // '1' that starts at the highest power of 2 and goes all the way down
- // to ...00001 Shift this until it is zero at which point we stop.
- //
- reg [N-1:0] power;
- // This is the accumulator. We are start with the accumulator set to 'a' (the dividend).
- // For each (divisor*2^N) term, we see if we can subtract (divisor*2^N) from the accumulator.
- // We subtract these terms as long as adding in the term doesn't cause the accumulator
- // to exceed a. When we are done, whatever is left in the accumulator is the remainder.
- //
- reg [N-1:0] accum;
- // This is the divisor*2^N term. Essentually, we are taking the divisor ('b'), initially
- // shifting it all the way to the left, and shifting it 1 bit at a time to the right.
- //
- reg [(2*N-1):0] bpower;
- // Remainder will be whatever is left in the accumulator.
- assign r = accum;
- // Do this addition here for resource sharing.
- // ** Note that 'accum' is N bits wide, but bpower is 2*N-1 bits wide **
- //
- wire [2*N-1:0] accum_minus_bpower = accum - bpower;
- always @(posedge clk or negedge resetb) begin
- if (~resetb) begin
- q <= 0;
- accum <= 0;
- power <= 0;
- bpower <= 0;
- done <= 0;
- end
- else begin
- if (start) begin
- // Reinitialize the divide circuit.
- q <= 0;
- accum <= a; // Accumulator initially gets the dividend.
- power[N-1] <= 1'b1; // We start with highest power of 2 (which is a '1' in MSB)
- bpower <= b << N-1; // Start with highest bpower, which is (divisor * 2^(N-1))
- done <= 0;
- end
- else begin
- // Go until power is zero.
- //
- if (power != 0) begin
- //
- // Can we add this divisor*2^(power) to the accumulator without going negative?
- // Just test the MSB of the subtraction. If it is '1', then it must be negative.
- //
- if ( ~accum_minus_bpower[2*N-1]) begin
- // Yes! Set this power of 2 in the quotieny and
- // then actually comitt to the subtraction from our accumulator.
- //
- q <= q | power;
- accum <= accum_minus_bpower;
- end
- // Regardless, always go to next lower power of 2.
- //
- power <= power >> 1;
- bpower <= bpower >> 1;
- end
- else begin
- // We're done. Set done flag.
- done <= 1;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- endmodule
- // synopsys translate_off
- module test_div16;
- reg clk;
- reg resetb;
- reg start;
- reg [15:0] a;
- reg [15:0] b;
- wire [15:0] q;
- wire [15:0] r;
- wire done;
- integer num_errors;
- div16 div16 (
- .clk(clk),
- .resetb(resetb),
- .start(start),
- .a(a),
- .b(b),
- .q(q),
- .r(r),
- .done(done)
- );
- initial begin
- num_errors = 0;
- start = 0;
- // Wait till reset is completely over.
- #200;
- // Do some divisions where divisor is constrained to 8-bits and dividend is 16-bits
- $display ("16-bit Dividend, 8-bit divisor");
- repeat (25) begin
- do_divide ($random, $random & 255);
- end
- // Do some divisions where divisor is constrained to 12-bits and dividend is 16-bits
- $display ("n16-bit Dividend, 12-bit divisor");
- repeat (25) begin
- do_divide ($random, $random & 4095);
- end
- // Do some divisions where both divisor and dividend is 16-bits
- $display ("n16-bit Dividend, 16-bit divisor");
- repeat (25) begin
- do_divide ($random, $random);
- end
- // Special cases
- $display ("nSpecial Cases:");
- do_divide (16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF); // largest possible quotient
- do_divide (312, 1); // divide by 1
- do_divide ( 0, 42); // divide 0 by something else
- do_divide (312, 0); // divide by zero
- // That's all. Summarize the test.
- if (num_errors === 0) begin
- $display ("nnSUCCESS. There were %0d Errors.", num_errors);
- end
- else begin
- $display ("nnFAILURE!! There were %0d Errors.", num_errors);
- end
- $finish;
- end
- task do_divide;
- input [15:0] arga;
- input [15:0] argb;
- begin
- a = arga;
- b = argb;
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 start = 1;
- @(posedge clk);
- #1 start = 0;
- while (~done) @(posedge clk);
- #1;
- $display ("Circuit: %0d / %0d = %0d, rem = %0d tt......... Reality: %0d, rem = %0d", arga, argb, q, r, a/b, a%b);
- if (b !== 0) begin
- if (q !== a/b) begin
- $display (" Error! Unexpected Quotientnn");
- num_errors = num_errors + 1;
- end
- if (r !== a % b) begin
- $display (" Error! Unexpected Remaindernn");
- num_errors = num_errors + 1;
- end
- end
- end
- endtask
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #10 clk = 1;
- #10 clk = 0;
- end
- end
- initial begin
- resetb = 0;
- #133 resetb = 1;
- end
- initial begin
- $dumpfile ("test_div16.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0,test_div16);
- end
- endmodule