- // RANDOM Number generator (hardware friendly)
- //
- // LFSR Register for a maximal length P/N sequence of 2^32:
- //
- // Taken from XILINX App Note XAPP 052.
- //
- // Taps for 32-bit sequence are at:
- // 31,21,1,0
- //
- // Feed XNOR of tapped bits into LSB of left-shifted register.
- //
- // Ideas for testing:
- //
- // For example, for the 8-bit sequence,
- // 1. myrand FFF >! myrand.out
- //
- // This write 4096 numbers to the file. The 256 element sequence should
- // repeat 16 times. Confirm this by grepping for random values.
- //
- // 2. grep -c 0000001A myrand.out
- //
- // Should print '16'. Do this for as many values as you can think of.
- // Searching for 000000FF should yield ZERO, however.
- // For the 32-bit seqence, you don't want to generate 4 billion values. Instead,
- // generate as many as you can (e.g. myrand 000FFFFF, which will generate 1 million).
- // Open the file in an editor, randomly pick values, and then do the grep for that
- // same value. Grep should print exactly '1' for each such example.
- //
- #include <stdio.h>
- // Generate a constant array specifying where the TAPs are.
- // Fill this in from some LFSR Maximal Sequence table, such
- // as is found in the XILINX app note.
- //
- // This particular program is limitied to 32-bit sequences since we are
- // using simple unsigned long int variable, but can be extended. The XAPP
- // Note's table goes up to 168 bits.
- //
- // TAPS. Select the one you want. See XAPP 052 for more possibilities.
- //
- const int taps[] = {31,21,1,0, -1}; // TAPS For 32-bit sequence. (Use -1 to end list)
- //const int taps[] = {7,5,4,3, -1}; // TAPS For 8-bit sequence. (Use -1 to end list)
- //const int taps[] = {3,2, -1}; // TAPS For 4-bit sequence. (Use -1 to end list)
- // Indicate width. Specify 32 if you want 2^32 - 1 Maximal Length Sequence.
- #define WIDTH 32
- // XILINX App Note says to use zero. It says that the All-1s value is the LOCK-up value
- // and should never be reached.
- //
- #define SEED 0
- int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- unsigned long int x;
- int i, j;
- unsigned long int masks[32];
- unsigned long int feedback;
- unsigned long int n_points;
- unsigned long int width;
- if (argc == 1) {
- printf ("n");
- printf ("Usage:n");
- printf (" myrand <# points in hex>n");
- printf ("n");
- printf ("Example:n");
- printf (" myrand FFF ; Generate 4096 pointsn");
- printf ("n");
- printf ("Notes:n");
- printf (" At this time, you must change source code for different lengths..n");
- printf ("n");
- printf ("Currently, Taps are:n");
- for (j = 0; taps[j] != -1; j++) {
- printf ("%ld ", taps[j]);
- }
- printf ("n");
- return 1;
- }
- // Use command line argument to specify how many points.
- //
- n_points = 0;
- sscanf (argv[1], "%lx", &n_points);
- if (n_points == 0) {
- printf ("nERROR: Must specify (in hex) how many points!n");
- return 1;
- }
- // Generate the bit masks. Generate all 32.
- //
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- masks[i] = 1 << i;
- }
- width = (1 << WIDTH) - 1;
- //printf ("width = %lxn", width);
- x = SEED;
- // For the number of points requested..
- while (n_points--) {
- // Based on the taps array, generate each XOR term. Remember, -1 signifies the end.
- feedback = 0;
- for (j = 0; taps[j] != -1; j++) {
- // FOR Debug:
- // printf ("x = %08lx, taps[j] = %ld, masks[taps[j]] = %08lx, (x & masks[taps[j]]) = %l08xn",
- // x, taps[j], masks[taps[j]], (x & masks[taps[j]]) );
- feedback ^= (x & masks[taps[j]]) ? 0x00000001 : 0x00000000;
- }
- // Do the XNOR (so, just complement BIT 0 of our feedback term)
- feedback ^= 0x00000001;
- // In hardware, this'll be more straight-forward, e.g. for the 32-bit case:
- // assign feedback = ~^{x[31],x[21],x[1],x[0]};
- // always @(posedge clk) ... x <= {x[30:0], feedback};
- //
- // Shift X to the left. We'll OR in our feedback term in a moment.
- x <<= 1;
- // OR feedback bit into bit 0.
- x |= feedback;
- x &= width;
- // printf ("%08lX %08lXn", feedback, x);
- printf ("%08lXn", x);
- }
- }
- /*
- Here's the Verilog for reference...
- // Random Number Generator, 8-bit
- //
- // See companion program myrand.c
- //
- // (to verify, do the GREP trick described in myrand.c on verilog.out)
- //
- module myrand;
- reg clk, reset;
- reg [7:0] x;
- wire feedback;
- // Use TAPS table from XACT 052 to make whatever length sequence you need.
- assign feedback = ~^{x[7],x[5],x[4],x[3]};
- // Shift and input feedback term. That's it!
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset) x <= 0;
- else x <= {x[6:0], feedback};
- end
- // remaining code just testbench...
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #10 clk = ~clk;
- end
- end
- initial begin
- reset = 0;
- #1 reset = 1;
- #35 reset = 0;
- end
- initial begin
- @(negedge reset);
- repeat (1024) begin
- @(posedge clk) #1;
- $display ("%h", x);
- end
- $finish;
- end
- endmodule
- */