Visual C++
- Some Examples of Verilog testbench techniques.
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Generating Periodic Signals
- 3.0 Generating and Receiving Serial Characters
- 4.0 Memories
- 5.0 Bus Models
- 1.0 Introduction
- A testbench is a verilog program that wraps around an actual design.
- The testbench is typically not part of the design and does not result
- in actual circuitry or gates. Verilog code for testbenches may be
- much more "free style" than Verilog code that must be
- synthesized - anything goes. Here are some tidbits from various
- projects I've worked on. The code is not completely general nor
- perfect, but hopefully may provide ideas for designers just starting
- out with testbench design. Oh, and the names have been changed
- to protect the innocent. I hope I haven't introduced error in
- doctoring up these examples. Again, none of the following code
- is intended to be synthesizable!
- 2.0 Generating Periodic Signals.
- Say you have a period signal. Try tossing in a little random fluctuation
- on where the edges occur - you may catch a an unexpected bug!
- But, be careful about using random because if you move on to
- manufacturing test, then your testbench may not be deterministic.
- Often, for the sake of the tester, you must enforce transitions to
- occur in specific periods. In this case, you may need to add
- statements that delay changes to fall in these periods. Anyway,
- let's drive the foo1in signal. We'll add in some random, count
- the transitions and print out a message.
- initial begin
- #1 foo1in = 0;
- forever begin
- #(`PERIOD/2 + ($random % 10)*(` PERIOD/20)) foo1in = 1;
- foo1_input_count = foo1_input_count + 1;
- $display ("#Foo1 rising edges = %d", foo1_input_count);
- #(` PERIOD/2 + ($random % 10)*(` PERIOD/20)) foo1in = 0;
- end
- end
- Here's another code snippet - a task that generates a period message..
- task generate_syncs;
- event send_sync;
- begin
- syncdata = SYNC_START;
- syncstb = 0;
- fork
- // Generate periodic event for sending the sync
- forever #(1000000000.0 * RATE) ->send_sync; // convert RATE to nanoseconds
- // Wait on send_sync event, and then send SYNC synchronized with clk
- forever begin
- @(send_sync);
- syncdata = syncdata + CMTS_FREQ * CMTS_RATE;
- $display ("... SYNC = %h at time %0t, Local Time = %h", syncdata, $time, local_time);
- @(posedge clk) #1;
- syncstb = 1;
- @(posedge clk) #1;
- syncstb = 0;
- end
- join
- end
- endtask
- 3.0 Generating and Receiving Serial Characters
- Say your design inputs or outputs serial characters. Here is some
- code for both. First, some defines:
- /* Serial Parameters used for send_serial task and its callers. */
- `define PARITY_OFF 1'b0
- `define PARITY_ON 1'b1
- `define PARITY_ODD 1'b0
- `define PARITY_EVEN 1'b1
- `define NSTOPS_1 1'b0
- `define NSTOPS_2 1'b1
- `define BAUD_9600 2'b00
- `define BAUD_4800 2'b01
- `define BAUD_2400 2'b10
- `define BAUD_1200 2'b11
- `define NBITS_7 1'b0
- `define NBITS_8 1'b1
- Here's how you call it:
- send_serial (8'hAA, `BAUD_9600, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_ON, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_7, 0);
- Here's a task that sends a character.
- task send_serial;
- input [7:0] inputchar;
- input baud;
- input paritytype;
- input parityenable;
- input nstops;
- input nbits;
- input baud_error_factor;
- reg nbits;
- reg parityenable;
- reg paritytype;
- reg [1:0] baud;
- reg nstops;
- integer baud_error_factor; // e.g. +5 means 5% too fast and -5 means 5% too slow
- reg [7:0] char;
- reg parity_bit;
- integer bit_time;
- begin
- char = inputchar;
- parity_bit = 1'b0;
- case (baud)
- `BAUD_9600: bit_time = 1000000000/(9600 + 96*baud_error_factor);
- `BAUD_4800: bit_time = 1000000000/(4800 + 48*baud_error_factor);
- `BAUD_2400: bit_time = 1000000000/(2400 + 24*baud_error_factor);
- `BAUD_1200: bit_time = 1000000000/(1200 + 12*baud_error_factor);
- endcase
- $display ("Sending character %h, at %0d baud (err=%0d), %0d bits, %0s parity, %0d stops",
- (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? (char & 8'h7f) : char,
- 1000000000/bit_time,
- baud_error_factor,
- (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? 7 : 8,
- (parityenable == `PARITY_OFF) ? "NONE" : (paritytype == `PARITY_EVEN) ? "EVEN" : "ODD",
- (nstops == `NSTOPS_1) ? 1 : 2
- );
- // Start bit
- serial_character = 1'b0; // Start bit.
- #(bit_time);
- // Output data bits
- repeat ( (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? 7 : 8) begin
- serial_character = char[0];
- #(bit_time);
- char = {1'b0, char[7:1]};
- end
- if (parityenable == `PARITY_ON) begin
- parity_bit = (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? ^inputchar[6:0] : ^inputchar[7:0];
- if (paritytype == `PARITY_ODD)
- parity_bit = ~parity_bit; // even parity
- serial_character = parity_bit;
- #(bit_time);
- end
- serial_character = 1'b1; // Stop bit.
- #(bit_time);
- if (nstops) // Second stop bit
- #(bit_time);
- end
- endtask
- Here's a task that receives serial characters. This particular task was
- a bit messy in that it set some global variables in order to return a
- status, etc. By all means - fix this up the way you like it!
- reg [7:0] receive_serial_character_uart1; // Global that receives tasks result
- //
- //
- task receive_serial_uart1;
- input baud;
- input paritytype;
- input parityenable;
- input nstops;
- input nbits;
- reg nbits;
- reg parityenable;
- reg paritytype;
- reg [1:0] baud;
- reg nstops;
- integer bit_time;
- reg expected_parity;
- begin
- receive_serial_result_uart1 = 0;
- receive_serial_character_uart1 = 0;
- case (baud)
- `BAUD_9600: bit_time = 1000000000/(9600);
- `BAUD_4800: bit_time = 1000000000/(4800);
- `BAUD_2400: bit_time = 1000000000/(2400);
- `BAUD_1200: bit_time = 1000000000/(1200);
- endcase
- receive_serial_result_uart1 = `RECEIVE_RESULT_OK; // Assume OK until bad things happen.
- @(negedge uart1out); // wait for start bit edge
- #(bit_time/2); // wait till center of start bit
- if (uart1out != 0) // make sure its really a start bit
- receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_FALSESTART;
- else begin
- repeat ( (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? 7 : 8) begin // get all the data bits (7 or 8)
- #(bit_time); // wait till center
- // sample a data bit
- receive_serial_character_uart1 = {uart1out, receive_serial_character_uart1[7:1]};
- end
- // If we are only expecting 7 bits, go ahead and right-justify what we have
- if (nbits == `NBITS_7)
- receive_serial_character_uart1 = {1'b0, receive_serial_character_uart1[7:1]};
- #(bit_time);
- // now, we have either a parity bit, or a stop bit
- if (parityenable == `PARITY_ON) begin
- if (paritytype == `PARITY_EVEN)
- expected_parity = (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? (^receive_serial_character_uart1[6:0]) :
- (^receive_serial_character_uart1[7:0]);
- else
- expected_parity = (nbits == `NBITS_7) ? (~(^receive_serial_character_uart1[6:0])) :
- (~(^receive_serial_character_uart1[7:0]));
- if (expected_parity != uart1out)
- receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADPARITY;
- // wait for either 1 or 2 stop bits
- end
- else begin
- // this is a stop bit.
- if (uart1out != 1)
- receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADSTOP;
- else
- // that was cool. if 2 stops, then do this again
- if (nstops) begin
- #(bit_time);
- if (uart1out != 1)
- receive_serial_result_uart1 = receive_serial_result_uart1 | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADSTOP;
- end
- #(bit_time/2);
- end
- end
- end
- endtask
- 4.0 Memories
- Memories, whether they are RAMs, ROMs or special memories like FIFOs
- are easily modeled in Verilog. Note that you can define your own special
- testbench locations for debugging! Say, you have a processor core hooked
- up to these memories. Define some special locations that when read or
- written to, display diagnostic messages. Or, you can specify that a write to
- a particular location will halt the simulation or signify PASS or FAIL.
- Memories are an easy way for the embedded Verilog core processor to
- communicate to the testbench. There are many possibilities.
- reg [15:0] FLASH_memory [0:(1024*32 - 1)]; // 32K of FLASH
- reg [15:0] SRAM_memory [0:(1024*32 - 1)]; // 32K of SRAM
- //*****
- //
- // The ASIC's ca[20] is the active LO chip select for the FLASH.
- // The ASIC's ca[18] is the active LO chip select for the SRAM.
- // Write process for FLASH and SRAM
- //
- always @(posedge cwn) begin
- if (ca[20] == 1'b0) begin
- // Write to FLASH
- if (ca[16:15] != 2'b00) begin
- $display ("Illegal write to FLASH!");
- end
- else begin
- $display ("Write to FLASH Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, cb);
- // Our FLASH is only declared up to 32KW, so use ca[14:0]
- FLASH_memory[ca[14:0]] = cb;
- // Check for magic write from the embedded processor core! This is done in the
- // C firmware simply by writing to the location.
- //
- if (ca == `MAGIC_ADDRESS) begin
- $display ("Embedded code has signalled DONE!");
- sa_test_status = `SA_TEST_DONE;
- sa_test_result = cb;
- end
- end
- end
- else if (ca[18] == 1'b0) begin
- // Write to SRAM
- if (ca[16:15] != 2'b00) begin
- $display ("Illegal write to SRAM!");
- end
- else begin
- $display ("Write to SRAM Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, cb);
- // Our SRAM is only declared up to 32KW, so use ca[14:0]
- SRAM_memory[ca[14:0]] = cb;
- end
- end
- end
- // Read process for FLASH and SRAM
- //
- always @(crn) begin
- if (crn == 1'b0) begin
- case ({ca[20], ca[18]})
- 2'b11: cb_i <= 16'hzzzz;
- 2'b10: begin
- $display ("Read from SRAM Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, SRAM_memory[ca[14:0]]);
- cb_i <= SRAM_memory[ca[14:0]];
- end
- 2'b01: begin
- $display ("Read from FLASH Address = %h, Data = %h", ca, FLASH_memory[ca[14:0]]);
- cb_i <= FLASH_memory[ca[14:0]];
- end
- 2'b00: begin
- $display ("Simultaneosly selecting FLASH and SRAM!!");
- end
- endcase
- end
- else begin
- cb_i <= 16'hzzzz;
- end
- end
- Clearing the memories is easy:
- task clear_SRAM;
- reg [15:0] SRAM_address;
- begin
- $display ("Clearing SRAM..");
- for (SRAM_address = 16'h0000; SRAM_address < 16'h8000; SRAM_address = SRAM_address + 1) begin
- SRAM_memory[SRAM_address] = 0;
- end
- end
- endtask
- Performing other operations is straight-forward. How about a task
- that copies a firmware hex image to a FLASH memories boot area,
- relocating along the way and maybe setting a hew header bytes too.
- Now, this task is specific to a particular processor, etc. but this
- shows what is fairly easily done in Verilog:
- task copy_to_FLASH_boot;
- reg [15:0] temp_memory[0:1023];
- reg [15:0] original_address;
- reg [15:0] FLASH_address;
- integer n;
- begin
- $display ("Copying ROM image to FLASH boot block..");
- // Read in the normal ROM file into our temporary memory.
- for (original_address = 0; original_address < 1024; original_address = original_address + 1) begin
- temp_memory[original_address] = 0;
- end
- $readmemh (`ROM_FILE, temp_memory);
- // Fill in Boot header
- FLASH_memory[15'h0800] = `BOOT_COPY_LENGTH; // Let's copy 1KW maximum
- FLASH_memory[15'h0801] = 0; // Copy program to code space starting at zero
- FLASH_memory[15'h0802] = temp_memory[3]; // Entry point is same as the address in the reset vector
- // Now, copy from original image into the boot area.
- n = 0;
- FLASH_address = 15'h0803;
- original_address = 0;
- while (n < 1024) begin
- FLASH_memory[FLASH_address] = temp_memory[original_address];
- FLASH_address = FLASH_address + 1;
- original_address = original_address + 1;
- n = n + 1;
- end
- end
- endtask
- Also, test vectors are easily loaded into Verilog memories using the
- $readmem statements. You may easily read your stimulus vectors
- from a file into a memory, clock out the vectors to your circuit, and
- optionally capture your circuits response to another memory (or simply
- write the vector out using $fdisplay). Once you have captured one
- output vector set that you know is good (e.g. your "Golden" vectors),
- your testbench can compare subsequent simulation vectors against
- these "Golden" vectors and detect any problems in your changing
- circuit (e.g. after back-annotation, scan insertion, or alpha space
- particle circuit corruption).
- 5.0 Bus Models
- Many times a processor is interfaced to the logic being tested. If the
- complete processor model/core is not present, then a "bus model" is
- a simple function that emulates the bus transaction. More simply; the
- bus model allows the testbench to read and write values. The following
- task utilizes very specific timing delays. You should probably include
- 'defines' for these and update them as you get better timing information.
- Typically, you will test your UART or whatever peripheral in isolation
- with the bus model, and later test your peripheral with the real processor core.
- write_to_foobar (COMPAREH_REGISTER, next_word[31:16]);
- #10;
- write_to_ foobar(COMPAREL _REGISTER, next_word[15:0]);
- #10;
- task write_to_foobar;
- input [15:0] address_arg;
- input [15:0] data_arg;
- // Several global bus signals are assumed: address, we, clk.
- begin
- /* Wait until next rising clock edge */
- @(posedge clk);
- /* t_valid for address is 5ns, wait and then drive address */
- #5; // <---- Manually back-annotate this, or use a define, whatever...
- address = address_arg;
- /* t_valid for wrxxx is 8ns, we are already 5ns into cycle, so wait 3ns */
- #3;
- we <= 1'b1;
- /* t_valid for wrdata is 20ns, We are 8ns into cycle, wait 12ns */
- #12
- data <= data_arg;
- /* Wait till the next rising edge, wait for a little bit of hold time. */
- @(posedge clk40);
- #1;
- address <= 4'hz;
- #1;
- we <= 1'b0;
- #4;
- data <= 16'hzzzz;
- //$display ("Writing data %h to address: %h", data, address);
- end
- endtask
- Here's a task that reads from the memory-mapped peripheral.
- task read_from_foobar;
- input [3:0] address_arg;
- // Let's just write to a global with the resulting data retrieved (! bad practice, I know....)
- // Gobal variable is 'last_data_read'.
- begin
- /* Wait until next rising edge to do anything.. */
- @(posedge clk)
- /* t_valid for rwadrs is 5ns, wait and then drive address */
- #5;
- address = address_arg;
- /* t_valid for rbxxx is 8ns, we are already 5ns into cycle, so wait 3ns */
- #3;
- rw <= 1'b1;
- /* Wait till the next rising edge, wait for a little bit of hold time. */
- @(posedge clk);
- last_data_read = data; // <-- keep in the global, caller can use if they wish.
- $display ("Reading data %h from address: %h", data, address);
- /* Wrap it up. Deassert rw. Let's float the address bus. */
- rw <= 1'b0;
- #1;
- address <= 16'hzzzz;
- end
- endtask