- //
- //
- // This circuit generates WE pulses. For example, if you have a chip that
- // needs to access an asynchronous SRAM in a single cycle and you wanted
- // generate the WE pulse synchronous with your system clock.
- //
- // Every clk cycle, generate an active
- // low WE pulse. The delay from the clk rising edge to the falling edge of
- // we is based on abits setting, which affects delay taps, etc. Likewise,
- // bbits controls the following rising edge of we. The module contains
- // two flip flops that generate two opposite poraity toggling levels.
- // A delay chain is attached to each of these outputs. The abits and bbits
- // get the desired tap, and the final two delayed signals are XORed together
- // to get the final we. None of this is very tuned, you would look at your
- // cycle time and pick a delay chain that makes sense for that. But, this
- // shows the effect.
- //
- // The we pulse always occurs. You will probably want to combine this with
- // you write_enable signal. This sort of circuit is, of course, highly dependent
- // on post-layout timing, etc. but that's why its programable. You probably
- // want more taps, too..
- //
- //
- module wpulse (
- reset,
- clk,
- abits,
- bbits,
- we
- );
- input clk;
- input reset;
- input [3:0] abits; // bits to select which delay tap to use for first edge
- input [3:0] bbits; // bits to select which delay tap to use for pulse width
- output we;
- reg p1, p2;
- wire adel1out;
- wire adel2out;
- wire adel3out;
- wire adel4out;
- wire bdel1out;
- wire bdel2out;
- wire bdel3out;
- wire bdel4out;
- wire adelout;
- wire bdelout;
- // 2 flip-flops that are opposite polarity. Each flop toggles
- // every cycles.
- //
- always @(posedge clk)
- p1 <= (reset) | (~reset & ~p1); // reset to 1
- always @(posedge clk)
- p2 <= (~reset & ~p2); // reset to 0
- // Delay chain off of the p1 flop.
- delay4 adel1 (.a(p1), .z(adel1out));
- delay4 adel2 (.a(adel1out), .z(adel2out));
- delay4 adel3 (.a(adel2out), .z(adel3out));
- delay4 adel4 (.a(adel3out), .z(adel4out));
- // Delay chain off of the p2 flop.
- delay4 bdel1 (.a(p2), .z(bdel1out));
- delay4 bdel2 (.a(bdel1out), .z(bdel2out));
- delay4 bdel3 (.a(bdel2out), .z(bdel3out));
- delay4 bdel4 (.a(bdel3out), .z(bdel4out));
- // Select the tap of the p1 and p2 delay chains we want based on abits
- assign adelout = abits[3] & adel1out |
- abits[2] & adel2out |
- abits[1] & adel3out |
- abits[0] & adel4out;
- assign bdelout = bbits[3] & bdel1out |
- bbits[2] & bdel2out |
- bbits[1] & bdel3out |
- bbits[0] & bdel4out;
- // Final we pulse is just the XOR of the two chains.
- assign we = adelout ^ bdelout;
- endmodule
- // This is our delay cell. Pick whatever cell makes sense from your library.
- module delay4 (a, z);
- input a;
- output z;
- reg z;
- always @(a)
- z = #4 a;
- endmodule
- // synopsys translate_off
- module testwpulse;
- reg clk;
- reg reset;
- reg [3:0] abits; // bits to select which delay tap to use for first edge
- reg [3:0] bbits; // bits to select which delay tap to use for pulse width
- wire we;
- wpulse wpulse_inst (
- .reset (reset),
- .clk (clk),
- .abits (abits),
- .bbits (bbits),
- .we (we)
- );
- initial begin
- abits = 4'b1000; // Shortest pulse, earliest in cycle.
- bbits = 4'b0100;
- #200;
- abits = 4'b0010; // Shortest pulse, latest in the cycle.
- bbits = 4'b0001;
- #200;
- abits = 4'b0100; // Shortest pulse, middle of the cycle.
- bbits = 4'b0010;
- #200;
- abits = 4'b1000; // Longest cycle
- bbits = 4'b0001;
- #200;
- abits = 4'b1000; // Early in cycle, but not quite the longest.
- bbits = 4'b0010;
- #200;
- $finish;
- end
- // Reset
- initial begin
- reset = 0;
- #5 reset = 1;
- #100 reset = 0;
- end
- // Generate the 50MHz clock
- initial begin
- clk = 0;
- forever begin
- #10 clk = 1;
- #10 clk = 0;
- end
- end
- `define WAVES
- `ifdef WAVES
- initial begin
- $dumpfile ("wpulse.vcd");
- $dumpvars (0,testwpulse);
- end
- `endif
- endmodule
- // synopsys translate_on