- // 16-bit Analogue-Digital Converter
- //
- // +-----------------------------+
- // | Copyright 1996 DOULOS |
- // | designer : Tim Pagden |
- // | opened: 7 Jun 1996 |
- // +-----------------------------+
- `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
- module ADC_16bit (analog_in,digital_out);
- parameter conversion_time = 25.0, // conversion_time in ns
- // (see `timescale above)
- charge_limit = 1000000; // = 1 million
- input[63:0] analog_in;
- // double-precision representation of a real-valued input port; a fix that enables
- // analog wires between modules to be coped with in Verilog.
- // Think of input[63:0] <variable> as the equivalent of MAST's electrical.
- output[15:0] digital_out;
- reg[15:0] delayed_digitized_signal;
- reg[15:0] old_analog,current_analog;
- reg[4:0] changed_bits;
- reg[19:0] charge;
- reg charge_ovr;
- reg reset_charge;
- /* SIGNALS:-
- analog_in = 64-bit representation of a real-valued signal
- analog_signal = real valued signal recovered from analog_in
- analog_limited = analog_signal, limited to the real-valued input range of the ADC
- digital_out = digitized 16bit 2's complement quantization of analog_limited
- */
- /* function to convert analog_in to digitized_2s_comp_signal.
- Takes analog_in values from (+10.0 v - 1LSB) to -10.0 v and converts
- them to values from +32767 to -32768 respectively */
- function[15:0] ADC_16b_10v_bipolar;
- parameter max_pos_digital_value = 32767,
- max_in_signal = 10.0;
- input[63:0] analog_in;
- reg[15:0] digitized_2s_comp_signal;
- real analog_signal,analog_abs,analog_limited;
- integer digitized_signal;
- begin
- analog_signal = $bitstoreal (analog_in);
- if (analog_signal < 0.0)
- begin
- analog_abs = -analog_signal;
- if (analog_abs > max_in_signal)
- analog_abs = max_in_signal;
- analog_limited = -analog_abs;
- end
- else
- begin
- analog_abs = analog_signal;
- if (analog_abs > max_in_signal)
- analog_abs = max_in_signal;
- analog_limited = analog_abs;
- end
- if (analog_limited == max_in_signal)
- digitized_signal = max_pos_digital_value;
- else
- digitized_signal = $rtoi (analog_limited * 3276.8);
- if (digitized_signal < 0)
- digitized_2s_comp_signal = 65536 - digitized_signal;
- else
- digitized_2s_comp_signal = digitized_signal;
- ADC_16b_10v_bipolar = digitized_2s_comp_signal;
- end
- endfunction
- /* This function determines the number of digital bit changes from
- sample to sample; can be used to determine power consumption if required.
- Task power_determine not yet implemented */
- function[4:0] bit_changes;
- input[15:0] old_analog,current_analog;
- reg[4:0] bits_different;
- integer i;
- begin
- bits_different = 0;
- for (i=0;i<=15;i=i+1)
- if (current_analog[i] != old_analog[i])
- bits_different = bits_different + 1;
- bit_changes = bits_different;
- end
- endfunction
- /* Block to allow power consumption to be measured (kind of). Reset_charge is used to periodically reset the charge accumulated value (which can be used to determine current consumption and thus power consumption) */
- always @ (posedge reset_charge)
- begin
- charge = 0;
- charge_ovr = 0;
- end
- /* This block only triggered when analog_in changes by an amount greater than 1LSB, a crude sort of scheduler */
- always @ (ADC_16b_10v_bipolar (analog_in))
- begin
- current_analog = ADC_16b_10v_bipolar (analog_in); // digitized_signal
- changed_bits = bit_changes (old_analog,current_analog);
- old_analog = current_analog;
- charge = charge + (changed_bits * 3);
- if (charge > charge_limit)
- charge_ovr = 1;
- end
- /* Block to implement conversion_time tpd; always block use to show
- difference between block and assign coding style */
- always
- # conversion_time delayed_digitized_signal = ADC_16b_10v_bipolar (analog_in);
- assign digital_out = delayed_digitized_signal;
- endmodule