- Pointer(FAllocator) := Pointer(Allocator);
- end;
- { TBCTransInPlaceFilter }
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.CheckTransform(mtIn,
- mtOut: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- // dir is the direction of our pin.
- // pReceivePin is the pin we are connecting to.
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.CompleteConnect(dir: TPinDirection;
- ReceivePin: IPin): HRESULT;
- var
- pmt: PAMMediaType;
- begin
- ASSERT(FInput <> nil);
- ASSERT(FOutput <> nil);
- // if we are not part of a graph, then don't indirect the pointer
- // this probably prevents use of the filter without a filtergraph
- if(FGraph = nil) then
- begin
- result := VFW_E_NOT_IN_GRAPH;
- exit;
- end;
- // Always reconnect the input to account for buffering changes
- //
- // Because we don't get to suggest a type on ReceiveConnection
- // we need another way of making sure the right type gets used.
- //
- // One way would be to have our EnumMediaTypes return our output
- // connection type first but more deterministic and simple is to
- // call ReconnectEx passing the type we want to reconnect with
- // via the base class ReconeectPin method.
- if(dir = PINDIR_OUTPUT) then
- begin
- if FInput.IsConnected then
- begin
- result := ReconnectPin(FInput, FOutput.AMMediaType);
- exit;
- end;
- result := NOERROR;
- exit;
- end;
- // Reconnect output if necessary
- if FOutput.IsConnected then
- begin
- pmt := FInput.CurrentMediaType.MediaType;
- if (not TBCMediaType(pmt).Equal(FOutput.CurrentMediaType.MediaType)) then
- begin
- result := ReconnectPin(FOutput, FInput.CurrentMediaType.MediaType);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.Copy(Source: IMediaSample): IMediaSample;
- var
- Start, Stop: TReferenceTime;
- Time: boolean;
- pStartTime, pEndTime: PReferenceTime;
- TimeStart, TimeEnd: Int64;
- Flags: DWORD;
- Sample2: IMediaSample2;
- props: PAMSample2Properties;
- MediaType: PAMMediaType;
- DataLength: LongInt;
- SourceBuffer, DestBuffer: PByte;
- SourceSize, DestSize: LongInt;
- hr: hresult;
- begin
- Time := (Source.GetTime(Start, Stop) = S_OK);
- // this may block for an indeterminate amount of time
- if Time then
- begin
- pStartTime := @Start;
- pEndTime := @Stop;
- end
- else
- begin
- pStartTime := nil;
- pEndTime := nil;
- end;
- if FSampleSkipped then Flags := AM_GBF_PREVFRAMESKIPPED else Flags := 0;
- hr := OutputPin.PeekAllocator.GetBuffer(result, pStartTime, pEndTime, Flags);
- if FAILED(hr) then exit;
- ASSERT(result <> nil);
- if(SUCCEEDED(result.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaSample2, Sample2))) then
- begin
- props := FInput.SampleProps;
- hr := Sample2.SetProperties(SizeOf(TAMSample2Properties) - (4*2), props^);
- Sample2 := nil;
- if FAILED(hr) then
- begin
- result := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if Time then result.SetTime(@Start, @Stop);
- if (Source.IsSyncPoint = S_OK) then result.SetSyncPoint(True);
- if ((Source.IsDiscontinuity = S_OK) or FSampleSkipped) then result.SetDiscontinuity(True);
- if (Source.IsPreroll = S_OK) then result.SetPreroll(True);
- // Copy the media type
- if (Source.GetMediaType(MediaType) = S_OK) then
- begin
- result.SetMediaType(MediaType^);
- DeleteMediaType(MediaType);
- end;
- end;
- FSampleSkipped := FALSE;
- // Copy the sample media times
- if (Source.GetMediaTime(TimeStart, TimeEnd) = NOERROR) then
- result.SetMediaTime(@TimeStart,@TimeEnd);
- // Copy the actual data length and the actual data.
- DataLength := Source.GetActualDataLength;
- result.SetActualDataLength(DataLength);
- // Copy the sample data
- SourceSize := Source.GetSize;
- DestSize := result.GetSize;
- // milenko start get rid of compiler warnings
- if (DestSize < SourceSize) then
- begin
- end;
- // milenko end
- ASSERT(DestSize >= SourceSize, format('DestSize (%d) < SourceSize (%d)',[DestSize, SourceSize]));
- ASSERT(DestSize >= DataLength);
- Source.GetPointer(SourceBuffer);
- result.GetPointer(DestBuffer);
- ASSERT((DestSize = 0) or (SourceBuffer <> nil) and (DestBuffer <> nil));
- CopyMemory(DestBuffer, SourceBuffer, DataLength);
- end;
- constructor TBCTransInPlaceFilter.Create(ObjectName: string;
- unk: IUnKnown; clsid: TGUID; out hr: HRESULT; ModifiesData: boolean);
- begin
- inherited create(ObjectName, Unk, clsid);
- FModifiesData := ModifiesData;
- end;
- constructor TBCTransInPlaceFilter.CreateFromFactory(Factory: TBCClassFactory;
- const Controller: IUnknown);
- begin
- inherited create(FacTory.FName, Controller, FacTory.FClassID);
- FModifiesData := True;
- end;
- // Tell the output pin's allocator what size buffers we require.
- // *pAlloc will be the allocator our output pin is using.
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.DecideBufferSize(Alloc: IMemAllocator;
- propInputRequest: PAllocatorProperties): HRESULT;
- var Request, Actual: TAllocatorProperties;
- begin
- // If we are connected upstream, get his views
- if FInput.IsConnected then
- begin
- // Get the input pin allocator, and get its size and count.
- // we don't care about his alignment and prefix.
- result := InputPin.FAllocator.GetProperties(Request);
- //Request.cbBuffer := 230400;
- if FAILED(result) then exit; // Input connected but with a secretive allocator - enough!
- end
- else
- begin
- // We're reduced to blind guessing. Let's guess one byte and if
- // this isn't enough then when the other pin does get connected
- // we can revise it.
- ZeroMemory(@Request, sizeof(Request));
- Request.cBuffers := 1;
- Request.cbBuffer := 1;
- end;
- DbgLog(self, 'Setting Allocator Requirements');
- DbgLog(self, format('Count %d, Size %d',[Request.cBuffers, Request.cbBuffer]));
- {$ENDIF}
- // Pass the allocator requirements to our output side
- // but do a little sanity checking first or we'll just hit
- // asserts in the allocator.
- propInputRequest.cBuffers := Request.cBuffers;
- propInputRequest.cbBuffer := Request.cbBuffer;
- if (propInputRequest.cBuffers <= 0) then propInputRequest.cBuffers := 1;
- if (propInputRequest.cbBuffer <= 0) then propInputRequest.cbBuffer := 1;
- result := Alloc.SetProperties(propInputRequest^, Actual);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- DbgLog(self, 'Obtained Allocator Requirements');
- DbgLog(self, format('Count %d, Size %d, Alignment %d', [Actual.cBuffers, Actual.cbBuffer, Actual.cbAlign]));
- {$ENDIF}
- // Make sure we got the right alignment and at least the minimum required
- if ((Request.cBuffers > Actual.cBuffers)
- or (Request.cbBuffer > Actual.cbBuffer)
- or (Request.cbAlign > Actual.cbAlign)) then
- result := E_FAIL
- else
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.GetMediaType(Position: integer;
- out MediaType: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- DbgLog(self, 'TBCTransInPlaceFilter.GetMediaType should never be called');
- {$ENDIF}
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- end;
- // return a non-addrefed CBasePin * for the user to addref if he holds onto it
- // for longer than his pointer to us. We create the pins dynamically when they
- // are asked for rather than in the constructor. This is because we want to
- // give the derived class an oppportunity to return different pin objects
- // As soon as any pin is needed we create both (this is different from the
- // usual transform filter) because enumerators, allocators etc are passed
- // through from one pin to another and it becomes very painful if the other
- // pin isn't there. If we fail to create either pin we ensure we fail both.
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.GetPin(n: integer): TBCBasePin;
- var hr: HRESULT;
- begin
- hr := S_OK;
- // Create an input pin if not already done
- if(FInput = nil) then
- begin
- FInput := TBCTransInPlaceInputPin.Create('TransInPlace input pin',
- self, // Owner filter
- hr, // Result code
- 'Input'); // Pin name
- // Constructor for CTransInPlaceInputPin can't fail
- end;
- // Create an output pin if not already done
- if((FInput <> nil) and (FOutput = nil)) then
- begin
- FOutput := TBCTransInPlaceOutputPin.Create('TransInPlace output pin',
- self, // Owner filter
- hr, // Result code
- 'Output'); // Pin name
- // a failed return code should delete the object
- if(FOutput = nil) then
- begin
- FInput.Free;
- FInput := nil;
- end;
- end;
- // Return the appropriate pin
- ASSERT(n in [0,1]);
- case n of
- 0: result := FInput;
- 1: result := FOutput;
- else
- result := nil;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.InputPin: TBCTransInPlaceInputPin;
- begin
- result := TBCTransInPlaceInputPin(FInput);
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.OutputPin: TBCTransInPlaceOutputPin;
- begin
- result := TBCTransInPlaceOutputPin(FOutput);
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.Receive(Sample: IMediaSample): HRESULT;
- var Props: PAMSample2Properties;
- begin
- // Check for other streams and pass them on */
- Props := FInput.SampleProps;
- if (Props.dwStreamId <> AM_STREAM_MEDIA) then
- begin
- result := FOutput.Deliver(Sample);
- exit;
- end;
- if UsingDifferentAllocators then
- begin
- // We have to copy the data.
- Sample := Copy(Sample);
- if (Sample = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- // have the derived class transform the data
- result := Transform(Sample);
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- DbgLog(self, 'Error from TransInPlace');
- {$ENDIF}
- if UsingDifferentAllocators then Sample := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- // the Transform() function can return S_FALSE to indicate that the
- // sample should not be delivered; we only deliver the sample if it's
- // really S_OK (same as NOERROR, of course.)
- if (result = NOERROR) then
- result := FOutput.Deliver(Sample)
- else
- begin
- // But it would be an error to return this private workaround
- // to the caller ...
- if (result = S_FALSE) then
- begin
- // S_FALSE returned from Transform is a PRIVATE agreement
- // We should return NOERROR from Receive() in this cause because
- // returning S_FALSE from Receive() means that this is the end
- // of the stream and no more data should be sent.
- FSampleSkipped := True;
- if (not FQualityChanged) then
- begin
- NotifyEvent(EC_QUALITY_CHANGE,0,0);
- FQualityChanged := True;
- end;
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- end;
- // release the output buffer. If the connected pin still needs it,
- // it will have addrefed it itself.
- if UsingDifferentAllocators then Sample := nil;
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.TypesMatch: boolean;
- var
- pmt: PAMMediaType;
- begin
- pmt := InputPin.CurrentMediaType.MediaType;
- result := TBCMediaType(pmt).Equal(OutputPin.CurrentMediaType.MediaType);
- end;
- function TBCTransInPlaceFilter.UsingDifferentAllocators: boolean;
- begin
- result := Pointer(InputPin.FAllocator) <> Pointer(OutputPin.FAllocator);
- end;
- { TBCBasePropertyPage }
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.Activate(hwndParent: HWnd; const rc: TRect;
- bModal: BOOL): HResult;
- begin
- // Return failure if SetObject has not been called.
- if (FObjectSet = FALSE) or (hwndParent = 0) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- // FForm := TCustomFormClass(FFormClass).Create(nil);
- if (FForm = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- exit;
- end;
- FForm.ParentWindow := hwndParent;
- if assigned(FForm.OnActivate) then FForm.OnActivate(FForm);
- Move(rc);
- result := Show(SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.Apply: HResult;
- begin
- // In ActiveMovie 1.0 we used to check whether we had been activated or
- // not. This is too constrictive. Apply should be allowed as long as
- // SetObject was called to set an object. So we will no longer check to
- // see if we have been activated (ie., m_hWnd != NULL), but instead
- // make sure that m_bObjectSet is True (ie., SetObject has been called).
- if (FObjectSet = FALSE) or (FPageSite = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- if (FDirty = FALSE) then
- begin
- result := NOERROR;
- exit;
- end;
- // Commit derived class changes
- result := FForm.OnApplyChanges;
- if SUCCEEDED(result) then FDirty := FALSE;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.Deactivate: HResult;
- var Style: DWORD;
- begin
- if (FForm = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- // Remove WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT before DestroyWindow call
- Style := GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- Style := Style and (not WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT);
- // Set m_hwnd to be NULL temporarily so the message handler
- // style back in
- SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, Style);
- if assigned(FForm.OnDeactivate) then FForm.OnDeactivate(FForm);
- // Destroy the dialog window
- //FForm.Free;
- //FForm := nil;
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.GetPageInfo(out pageInfo: TPropPageInfo): HResult;
- begin
- pageInfo.cb := sizeof(TPropPageInfo);
- AMGetWideString(FForm.Caption, pageInfo.pszTitle);
- PageInfo.pszDocString := nil;
- PageInfo.pszHelpFile := nil;
- PageInfo.dwHelpContext:= 0;
- := FForm.width;
- := FForm.Height;
- Result := NoError;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.Help(pszHelpDir: POleStr): HResult;
- begin
- result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.IsPageDirty: HResult;
- begin
- if FDirty then result := S_OK else result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.Move(const rect: TRect): HResult;
- begin
- if (FForm = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- MoveWindow(FForm.Handle, // Property page handle
- Rect.left, // x coordinate
-, // y coordinate
- Rect.Right - Rect.Left, // Overall window width
- Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, // And likewise height
- True); // Should we repaint it
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.SetObjects(cObjects: Integer;
- pUnkList: PUnknownList): HResult;
- begin
- if (cObjects = 1) then
- begin
- if (pUnkList = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_POINTER;
- exit;
- end;
- // Set a flag to say that we have set the Object
- FObjectSet := True ;
- result := FForm.OnConnect(pUnkList^[0]);
- exit;
- end
- else
- if (cObjects = 0) then
- begin
- // Set a flag to say that we have not set the Object for the page
- FObjectSet := FALSE;
- result := FForm.OnDisconnect;
- exit;
- end;
- DbgLog(self, 'No support for more than one object');
- {$ENDIF}
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.SetPageSite(
- const pageSite: IPropertyPageSite): HResult;
- begin
- if (pageSite <> nil) then
- begin
- if (FPageSite <> nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- FPageSite := pageSite;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (FPageSite = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- FPageSite := nil;
- end;
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.Show(nCmdShow: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- if (FForm = nil) then
- begin
- result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- exit;
- end;
- if ((nCmdShow <> SW_SHOW) and (nCmdShow <> SW_SHOWNORMAL) and (nCmdShow <> SW_HIDE)) then
- begin
- result := E_INVALIDARG;
- exit;
- end;
- if nCmdShow in [SW_SHOW,SW_SHOWNORMAL] then FForm.Show else FForm.Hide;
- InvalidateRect(FForm.Handle, nil, True);
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBasePropertyPage.TranslateAccelerator(msg: PMsg): HResult;
- begin
- result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
- constructor TBCBasePropertyPage.Create(Name: String; Unk: IUnKnown; Form: TFormPropertyPage);
- begin
- inherited Create(Name, Unk);
- FForm := Form;
- FForm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
- FPageSite := nil;
- FObjectSet := false;
- FDirty := false;
- end;
- destructor TBCBasePropertyPage.Destroy;
- begin
- if FForm <> nil then
- begin
- FForm.Free;
- FForm := nil;
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- constructor TFormPropertyPage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- WindowProc := MyWndProc;
- end;
- procedure TFormPropertyPage.MyWndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- var
- lpss : PStyleStruct;
- begin
- // we would like the TAB key to move around the tab stops in our property
- // page, but for some reason OleCreatePropertyFrame clears the CONTROLPARENT
- // style behind our back, so we need to switch it back on now behind its
- // back. Otherwise the tab key will be useless in every page.
- // DCoder: removing CONTROLPARENT is also the reason for non responding
- // PropertyPages when using ShowMessage and TComboBox.
- if (aMsg.Msg = WM_STYLECHANGING) and (aMsg.WParam = GWL_EXSTYLE) then
- begin
- lpss := PStyleStruct(aMsg.LParam);
- lpss.styleNew := lpss.styleNew or WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT;
- aMsg.Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- WndProc(aMsg);
- end;
- function TFormPropertyPage.OnApplyChanges: HRESULT;
- begin
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TFormPropertyPage.OnConnect(Unknown: IUnKnown): HRESULT;
- begin
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TFormPropertyPage.OnDisconnect: HRESULT;
- begin
- result := NOERROR;
- end;
- procedure TBCBasePropertyPage.SetPageDirty;
- begin
- FDirty := True;
- if Assigned(FPageSite) then FPageSite.OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY);
- end;
- { TBCBaseDispatch }
- function TBCBaseDispatch.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
- NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
- var ti: ITypeInfo;
- begin
- // although the IDispatch riid is dead, we use this to pass from
- // the interface implementation class to us the iid we are talking about.
- result := GetTypeInfo(iid, 0, LocaleID, ti);
- if SUCCEEDED(result) then
- result := ti.GetIDsOfNames(Names, NameCount, DispIDs);
- end;
- function TBCBaseDispatch.GetTypeInfo(const iid: TGUID; info: Cardinal; lcid: LCID;
- out tinfo): HRESULT; stdcall;
- var
- tlib : ITypeLib;
- begin
- // we only support one type element
- if (info <> 0) then
- begin
- exit;
- end;
- // always look for neutral
- if (FTI = nil) then
- begin
- result := LoadRegTypeLib(LIBID_QuartzTypeLib, 1, 0, lcid, tlib);
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- result := LoadTypeLib('control.tlb', tlib);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- end;
- result := tlib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(iid, Fti);
- tlib := nil;
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- end;
- ITypeInfo(tinfo) := Fti;
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TBCBaseDispatch.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- count := 1;
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- { TBCMediaControl }
- constructor TBCMediaControl.Create(name: string; unk: IUnknown);
- begin
- FBaseDisp := TBCBaseDispatch.Create;
- end;
- destructor TBCMediaControl.Destroy;
- begin
- FBaseDisp.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBCMediaControl.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
- NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
- begin
- result := FBasedisp.GetIDsOfNames(IID_IMediaControl, Names, NameCount, LocaleID, DispIDs);
- end;
- function TBCMediaControl.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer;
- out TypeInfo): HResult;
- begin
- result := Fbasedisp.GetTypeInfo(IID_IMediaControl, index, LocaleID, TypeInfo);
- end;
- function TBCMediaControl.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- result := FBaseDisp.GetTypeInfoCount(Count);
- end;
- function TBCMediaControl.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID;
- LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo,
- ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
- var ti: ITypeInfo;
- begin
- // this parameter is a dead leftover from an earlier interface
- if not IsEqualGUID(GUID_NULL, IID) then
- begin
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetTypeInfo(0, LocaleID, ti);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := ti.Invoke(Pointer(Integer(Self)), DISPID, Flags, TDispParams(Params),
- VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr);
- end;
- { TBCMediaEvent }
- constructor TBCMediaEvent.Create(Name: string; Unk: IUnknown);
- begin
- inherited Create(name, Unk);
- FBasedisp := TBCBaseDispatch.Create;
- end;
- destructor TBCMediaEvent.destroy;
- begin
- FBasedisp.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBCMediaEvent.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
- NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
- begin
- result := FBasedisp.GetIDsOfNames(IID_IMediaEvent, Names, NameCount, LocaleID, DispIDs);
- end;
- function TBCMediaEvent.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer;
- out TypeInfo): HResult;
- begin
- result := Fbasedisp.GetTypeInfo(IID_IMediaEvent, index, LocaleID, TypeInfo);
- end;
- function TBCMediaEvent.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- result := FBaseDisp.GetTypeInfoCount(Count);
- end;
- function TBCMediaEvent.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID;
- LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo,
- ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
- var ti: ITypeInfo;
- begin
- // this parameter is a dead leftover from an earlier interface
- if not IsEqualGUID(GUID_NULL, IID) then
- begin
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetTypeInfo(0, LocaleID, ti);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := ti.Invoke(Pointer(Integer(Self)), DISPID, Flags, TDispParams(Params), VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr);
- end;
- { TBCMediaPosition }
- constructor TBCMediaPosition.Create(Name: String; Unk: IUnknown);
- begin
- inherited Create(Name, Unk);
- FBaseDisp := TBCBaseDispatch.Create;
- end;
- constructor TBCMediaPosition.Create(Name: String; Unk: IUnknown;
- out hr: HRESULT);
- begin
- inherited Create(Name, Unk);
- FBaseDisp := TBCBaseDispatch.Create;
- end;
- destructor TBCMediaPosition.Destroy;
- begin
- FBaseDisp.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBCMediaPosition.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer;
- NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult;
- begin
- result := FBasedisp.GetIDsOfNames(IID_IMediaPosition, Names, NameCount, LocaleID, DispIDs);
- end;
- function TBCMediaPosition.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer;
- out TypeInfo): HResult;
- begin
- result := Fbasedisp.GetTypeInfo(IID_IMediaPosition, index, LocaleID, TypeInfo);
- end;
- function TBCMediaPosition.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- result := Fbasedisp.GetTypeInfoCount(Count);
- end;
- function TBCMediaPosition.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID;
- LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo,
- ArgErr: Pointer): HResult;
- var ti: ITypeInfo;
- begin
- // this parameter is a dead leftover from an earlier interface
- if not IsEqualGUID(GUID_NULL, IID) then
- begin
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetTypeInfo(0, LocaleID, ti);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := ti.Invoke(Pointer(Integer(Self)), DISPID, Flags, TDispParams(Params), VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr);
- end;
- { TBCPosPassThru }
- function TBCPosPassThru.CanSeekBackward(
- out pCanSeekBackward: Integer): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.CanSeekBackward(pCanSeekBackward);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.CanSeekForward(
- out pCanSeekForward: Integer): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.CanSeekForward(pCanSeekForward);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.CheckCapabilities(
- var pCapabilities: DWORD): HRESULT;
- var
- MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.CheckCapabilities(pCapabilities);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.ConvertTimeFormat(out pTarget: int64;
- pTargetFormat: PGUID; Source: int64; pSourceFormat: PGUID): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.ConvertTimeFormat(pTarget, pTargetFormat, Source, pSourceFormat);
- end;
- constructor TBCPosPassThru.Create(name: String; Unk: IUnknown;
- out hr: HRESULT; Pin: IPin);
- begin
- assert(Pin <> nil);
- inherited Create(Name,Unk);
- FPin := Pin;
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.ForceRefresh: HRESULT;
- begin
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.get_CurrentPosition(
- out pllTime: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.get_CurrentPosition(pllTime);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.get_Duration(out plength: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.get_Duration(plength);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.get_PrerollTime(out pllTime: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.get_PrerollTime(pllTime);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.get_Rate(out pdRate: double): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.get_Rate(pdRate);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.get_StopTime(out pllTime: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.get_StopTime(pllTime);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetAvailable(out pEarliest,
- pLatest: int64): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetAvailable(pEarliest, pLatest);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetCapabilities(out pCapabilities: DWORD): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetCapabilities(pCapabilities);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetCurrentPosition(out pCurrent: int64): HRESULT;
- var
- MS: IMediaSeeking;
- Stop: int64;
- begin
- result := GetMediaTime(pCurrent, Stop);
- if SUCCEEDED(result) then
- result := NOERROR
- else
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetCurrentPosition(pCurrent)
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetDuration(out pDuration: int64): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetDuration(pDuration);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetMediaTime(out StartTime,
- EndTime: Int64): HRESULT;
- begin
- result := E_FAIL;
- end;
- // Return the IMediaPosition interface from our peer
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetPeer(out MP: IMediaPosition): HRESULT;
- var
- Connected: IPin;
- begin
- result := FPin.ConnectedTo(Connected);
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- result := E_NOTIMPL;
- exit;
- end;
- result := Connected.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaPosition, MP);
- Connected := nil;
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- result := E_NOTIMPL;
- exit;
- end;
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetPeerSeeking(out MS: IMediaSeeking): HRESULT;
- var
- Connected: IPin;
- begin
- MS := nil;
- result := FPin.ConnectedTo(Connected);
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- result := E_NOTIMPL;
- exit;
- end;
- result := Connected.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaSeeking, MS);
- Connected := nil;
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- result := E_NOTIMPL;
- exit;
- end;
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetPositions(out pCurrent, pStop: int64): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetPositions(pCurrent, pStop);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetPreroll(out pllPreroll: int64): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetPreroll(pllPreroll);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetRate(out pdRate: double): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetRate(pdRate);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetStopPosition(out pStop: int64): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetStopPosition(pStop);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.GetTimeFormat(out pFormat: TGUID): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.GetTimeFormat(pFormat);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.IsFormatSupported(const pFormat: TGUID): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.IsFormatSupported(pFormat);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.IsUsingTimeFormat(const pFormat: TGUID): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.IsUsingTimeFormat(pFormat);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.put_CurrentPosition(llTime: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.put_CurrentPosition(llTime);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.put_PrerollTime(llTime: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.put_PrerollTime(llTime);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.put_Rate(dRate: double): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- if (dRate = 0.0) then
- begin
- result := E_INVALIDARG;
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.put_Rate(dRate);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.put_StopTime(llTime: TRefTime): HResult;
- var MP: IMediaPosition;
- begin
- result := GetPeer(MP);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MP.put_StopTime(llTime);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.QueryPreferredFormat(out pFormat: TGUID): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.QueryPreferredFormat(pFormat);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.SetPositions(var pCurrent: int64;
- dwCurrentFlags: DWORD; var pStop: int64; dwStopFlags: DWORD): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.SetPositions(pCurrent, dwCurrentFlags, pStop, dwStopFlags);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.SetRate(dRate: double): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- if (dRate = 0.0) then
- begin
- result := E_INVALIDARG;
- exit;
- end;
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.SetRate(dRate);
- end;
- function TBCPosPassThru.SetTimeFormat(const pFormat: TGUID): HRESULT;
- var MS: IMediaSeeking;
- begin
- result := GetPeerSeeking(MS);
- if FAILED(result) then exit;
- result := MS.SetTimeFormat(pFormat);
- end;
- { TBCRendererPosPassThru }
- // Media times (eg current frame, field, sample etc) are passed through the
- // filtergraph in media samples. When a renderer gets a sample with media
- // times in it, it will call one of the RegisterMediaTime methods we expose
- // (one takes an IMediaSample, the other takes the media times direct). We
- // store the media times internally and return them in GetCurrentPosition.
- constructor TBCRendererPosPassThru.Create(name: String; Unk: IUnknown;
- out hr: HRESULT; Pin: IPin);
- begin
- inherited Create(Name,Unk,hr,Pin);
- FStartMedia:= 0;
- FEndMedia := 0;
- FReset := True;
- FPositionLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- end;
- destructor TBCRendererPosPassThru.destroy;
- begin
- FPositionLock.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- // Intended to be called by the owing filter during EOS processing so
- // that the media times can be adjusted to the stop time. This ensures
- // that the GetCurrentPosition will actully get to the stop position.
- function TBCRendererPosPassThru.EOS: HRESULT;
- var Stop: int64;
- begin
- if FReset then result := E_FAIL
- else
- begin
- result := GetStopPosition(Stop);
- if SUCCEEDED(result) then
- begin
- FPositionLock.Lock;
- try
- FStartMedia := Stop;
- FEndMedia := Stop;
- finally
- FPositionLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCRendererPosPassThru.GetMediaTime(out StartTime,
- EndTime: int64): HRESULT;
- begin
- FPositionLock.Lock;
- try
- if FReset then
- begin
- result := E_FAIL;
- exit;
- end;
- // We don't have to return the end time
- result := ConvertTimeFormat(StartTime, nil, FStartMedia, @TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME);
- if SUCCEEDED(result) then
- result := ConvertTimeFormat(EndTime, nil, FEndMedia, @TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME);
- finally
- FPositionLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Sets the media times the object should report
- function TBCRendererPosPassThru.RegisterMediaTime(
- MediaSample: IMediaSample): HRESULT;
- var StartMedia, EndMedia: TReferenceTime;
- begin
- ASSERT(assigned(MediaSample));
- FPositionLock.Lock;
- try
- // Get the media times from the sample
- result := MediaSample.GetTime(StartMedia, EndMedia);
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- exit;
- end;
- FStartMedia := StartMedia;
- FEndMedia := EndMedia;
- FReset := FALSE;
- result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FPositionLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // Sets the media times the object should report
- function TBCRendererPosPassThru.RegisterMediaTime(StartTime,
- EndTime: int64): HRESULT;
- begin
- FPositionLock.Lock;
- try
- FStartMedia := StartTime;
- FEndMedia := EndTime;
- FReset := FALSE;
- result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FPositionLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Resets the media times we hold
- function TBCRendererPosPassThru.ResetMediaTime: HRESULT;
- begin
- FPositionLock.Lock;
- try
- FStartMedia := 0;
- FEndMedia := 0;
- FReset := True;
- result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FPositionLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- { TBCAMEvent }
- function TBCAMEvent.Check: boolean;
- begin
- result := Wait(0);
- end;
- constructor TBCAMEvent.Create(ManualReset: boolean);
- begin
- FEvent := CreateEvent(nil, ManualReset, FALSE, nil);
- end;
- destructor TBCAMEvent.destroy;
- begin
- if FEvent <> 0 then
- Assert(CloseHandle(FEvent));
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TBCAMEvent.Reset;
- begin
- ResetEvent(FEvent);
- end;
- procedure TBCAMEvent.SetEv;
- begin
- SetEvent(FEvent);
- end;
- function TBCAMEvent.Wait(Timeout: Cardinal): boolean;
- begin
- result := (WaitForSingleObject(FEvent, Timeout) = WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- end;
- { TBCRenderedInputPin }
- function TBCRenderedInputPin.Active: HRESULT;
- begin
- FAtEndOfStream := FALSE;
- FCompleteNotified := FALSE;
- result := inherited Active;
- end;
- constructor TBCRenderedInputPin.Create(ObjectName: string;
- Filter: TBCBaseFilter; Lock: TBCCritSec; out hr: HRESULT;
- Name: WideString);
- begin
- inherited Create(ObjectName, Filter, Lock, hr, Name);
- FAtEndOfStream := FALSE;
- FCompleteNotified := FALSE;
- end;
- procedure TBCRenderedInputPin.DoCompleteHandling;
- begin
- ASSERT(FAtEndOfStream);
- if (not FCompleteNotified) then
- begin
- FCompleteNotified := True;
- FFilter.NotifyEvent(EC_COMPLETE, S_OK, Integer(FFilter));
- end;
- end;
- function TBCRenderedInputPin.EndFlush: HRESULT;
- begin
- FLock.Lock;
- try
- // Clean up renderer state
- FAtEndOfStream := FALSE;
- FCompleteNotified := FALSE;
- result := inherited EndFlush;
- finally
- FLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCRenderedInputPin.EndOfStream: HRESULT;
- var
- fs: TFilterState;
- begin
- result := CheckStreaming;
- // Do EC_COMPLETE handling for rendered pins
- if ((result = S_OK) and (not FAtEndOfStream)) then
- begin
- FAtEndOfStream := True;
- ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(FFilter.GetState(0, fs)));
- if (fs = State_Running) then
- DoCompleteHandling;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCRenderedInputPin.Run(Start: TReferenceTime): HRESULT;
- begin
- FCompleteNotified := FALSE;
- if FAtEndOfStream then DoCompleteHandling;
- result := S_OK;
- end;
- { TBCAMMsgEvent }
- function TBCAMMsgEvent.WaitMsg(Timeout: DWord): boolean;
- var
- // wait for the event to be signalled, or for the
- // timeout (in MS) to expire. allow SENT messages
- // to be processed while we wait
- Wait, StartTime: DWord;
- // set the waiting period.
- WaitTime: Dword;
- Msg: TMsg;
- Elapsed: DWord;
- begin
- WaitTime := Timeout;
- // the timeout will eventually run down as we iterate
- // processing messages. grab the start time so that
- // we can calculate elapsed times.
- if (WaitTime <> INFINITE) then
- StartTime := timeGetTime else
- StartTime := 0; // don't generate compiler hint
- repeat
- Wait := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, FEvent, FALSE, WaitTime, QS_SENDMESSAGE);
- if (Wait = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) then
- begin
- PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
- // If we have an explicit length of time to wait calculate
- // the next wake up point - which might be now.
- // If dwTimeout is INFINITE, it stays INFINITE
- if (WaitTime <> INFINITE) then
- begin
- Elapsed := timeGetTime - StartTime;
- if (Elapsed >= Timeout) then
- WaitTime := 0 else // wake up with WAIT_TIMEOUT
- WaitTime := Timeout - Elapsed;
- end;
- end
- until (Wait <> WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1);
- // return True if we woke on the event handle,
- // FALSE if we timed out.
- result := (Wait = WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- end;
- { TBCAMThread }
- function TBCAMThread.CallWorker(Param: DWORD): DWORD;
- begin
- // lock access to the worker thread for scope of this object
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- if not ThreadExists then
- begin
- Result := DWORD(E_FAIL);
- Exit;
- end;
- // set the parameter
- FParam := Param;
- // signal the worker thread
- FEventSend.SetEv;
- // wait for the completion to be signalled
- FEventComplete.Wait;
- // done - this is the thread's return value
- Result := FReturnVal;
- finally
- FAccessLock.unlock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.CheckRequest(Param: PDWORD): boolean;
- begin
- if not FEventSend.Check then
- begin
- Result := FALSE;
- Exit;
- end else
- begin
- if (Param <> nil) then
- Param^ := FParam;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBCAMThread.Close;
- var
- Thread: THandle;
- begin
- Thread := InterlockedExchange(Integer(FThread), 0);
- if BOOL(Thread) then
- begin
- WaitForSingleObject(Thread, INFINITE);
- CloseHandle(Thread);
- end;
- end;
- class function TBCAMThread.CoInitializeHelper: HRESULT;
- var
- hr: HRESULT;
- hOle: LongWord;
- CoInitializeEx: function(pvReserved: Pointer; coInit: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- // call CoInitializeEx and tell OLE not to create a window (this
- // thread probably won't dispatch messages and will hang on
- // broadcast msgs o/w).
- //
- // If CoInitEx is not available, threads that don't call CoCreate
- // aren't affected. Threads that do will have to handle the
- // failure. Perhaps we should fall back to CoInitialize and risk
- // hanging?
- //
- // older versions of ole32.dll don't have CoInitializeEx
- hr := E_FAIL;
- hOle := GetModuleHandle(PChar('ole32.dll'));
- if (hOle <> 0) then
- begin
- CoInitializeEx := GetProcAddress(hOle, 'CoInitializeEx');
- if (@CoInitializeEx <> nil) then
- hr := CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE);
- end else
- begin
- // caller must load ole32.dll
- DbgLog('couldn''t locate ole32.dll');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- result := hr;
- end;
- constructor TBCAMThread.Create;
- begin
- // must be manual-reset for CheckRequest()
- FAccessLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- FWorkerLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- FEventSend := TBCAMEvent.Create(True);
- FEventComplete := TBCAMEvent.Create;
- FThread := 0;
- FThreadProc := nil;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.Create_: boolean;
- var
- threadid: DWORD;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- if ThreadExists then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- FThread := CreateThread(nil, 0, @TBCAMThread.InitialThreadProc,
- Self, 0, threadid);
- if not BOOL(FThread) then
- Result := FALSE else
- Result := True;
- finally
- FAccessLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- destructor TBCAMThread.Destroy;
- begin
- Close;
- FAccessLock.Free;
- FWorkerLock.Free;
- FEventSend.Free;
- FEventComplete.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.GetRequest: DWORD;
- begin
- FEventSend.Wait;
- Result := FParam;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.GetRequestHandle: THANDLE;
- begin
- Result := FEventSend.FEvent
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.GetRequestParam: DWORD;
- begin
- Result := FParam;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.InitialThreadProc(p: Pointer): DWORD;
- var
- hrCoInit: HRESULT;
- begin
- hrCoInit := TBCAMThread.CoInitializeHelper;
- if(FAILED(hrCoInit)) then
- DbgLog('CoInitializeEx failed.');
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := ThreadProc;
- if(SUCCEEDED(hrCoInit)) then
- CoUninitialize;
- end;
- procedure TBCAMThread.Reply(v: DWORD);
- begin
- FReturnVal := v;
- // The request is now complete so CheckRequest should fail from
- // now on
- //
- // This event should be reset BEFORE we signal the client or
- // the client may Set it before we reset it and we'll then
- // reset it (!)
- FEventSend.Reset;
- // Tell the client we're finished
- FEventComplete.SetEv;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.ThreadExists: boolean;
- begin
- Result := FThread <> 0;
- end;
- function TBCAMThread.ThreadProc: DWord;
- begin
- if @FThreadProc <> nil then
- Result := FThreadProc else
- Result := 0
- end;
- { TBCNode }
- {$ifdef DEBUG}
- constructor TBCNode.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create('List node');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { TBCNodeCache }
- procedure TBCNodeCache.AddToCache(Node: TBCNode);
- begin
- if (FUsed < FCacheSize) then
- begin
- Node.Next := FHead;
- FHead := Node;
- inc(FUsed);
- end else
- Node.Free;
- end;
- constructor TBCNodeCache.Create(CacheSize: Integer);
- begin
- FCacheSize := CacheSize;
- FHead := nil;
- FUsed := 0;
- end;
- destructor TBCNodeCache.Destroy;
- var Node, Current: TBCNode;
- begin
- Node := FHead;
- while (Node <> nil) do
- begin
- Current := Node;
- Node := Node.Next;
- Current.Free;
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBCNodeCache.RemoveFromCache: TBCNode;
- var Node: TBCNode;
- begin
- Node := FHead;
- if (Node <> nil) then
- begin
- FHead := Node.Next;
- Dec(FUsed);
- ASSERT(FUsed >= 0);
- end else
- ASSERT(FUsed = 0);
- Result := Node;
- end;
- { TBCBaseList }
- function TBCBaseList.AddAfter(p: Position; List: TBCBaseList): BOOL;
- var pos: Position;
- begin
- pos := list.GetHeadPositionI;
- while(pos <> nil) do
- begin
- // p follows along the elements being added
- p := AddAfterI(p, List.GetI(pos));
- if (p = nil) then
- begin
- Result := FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- pos := list.Next(pos);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- (* Add the object after position p
- p is still valid after the operation.
- AddAfter(NULL,x) adds x to the start - same as AddHead
- Return the position of the new object, NULL if it failed
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.AddAfterI(pos: Position; Obj: Pointer): Position;
- var After, Node, Before: TBCNode;
- begin
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := AddHeadI(Obj) else
- begin
- (* As someone else might be furkling with the list -
- Lock the critical section before continuing
- *)
- After := pos;
- ASSERT(After <> nil);
- if (After = FLast) then
- Result := AddTailI(Obj) else
- begin
- // set pnode to point to a new node, preferably from the cache
- Node := FCache.RemoveFromCache;
- if (Node = nil) then
- Node := TBCNode.Create;
- // Check we have a valid object
- if (Node = nil) then
- Result := nil else
- begin
- (* Initialise all the CNode object
- just in case it came from the cache
- *)
- Node.Data := Obj;
- (* It is to be added to the middle of the list - there is a before
- and after node. Chain it after pAfter, before pBefore.
- *)
- Before := After.Next;
- ASSERT(Before <> nil);
- // chain it in (set four pointers)
- Node.Prev := After;
- Node.Next := Before;
- Before.Prev := Node;
- After.Next := Node;
- inc(FCount);
- Result := Node;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCBaseList.AddBefore(p: Position; List: TBCBaseList): BOOL;
- var pos: Position;
- begin
- pos := List.GetTailPositionI;
- while (pos <> nil) do
- begin
- // p follows along the elements being added
- p := AddBeforeI(p, List.GetI(pos));
- if (p = nil) then
- begin
- Result := FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- pos := list.Prev(pos);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- (* Mirror images:
- Add the element or list after position p.
- p is still valid after the operation.
- AddBefore(NULL,x) adds x to the end - same as AddTail
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.AddBeforeI(pos: Position; Obj: Pointer): Position;
- var
- Before, Node, After: TBCNode;
- begin
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := AddTailI(Obj) else
- begin
- // set pnode to point to a new node, preferably from the cache
- Before := pos;
- ASSERT(Before <> nil);
- if (Before = FFirst) then
- Result := AddHeadI(Obj) else
- begin
- Node := FCache.RemoveFromCache;
- if (Node = nil) then
- Node := TBCNode.Create;
- // Check we have a valid object */
- if (Node = nil) then
- Result := nil else
- begin
- (* Initialise all the CNode object
- just in case it came from the cache
- *)
- Node.Data := Obj;
- (* It is to be added to the middle of the list - there is a before
- and after node. Chain it after pAfter, before pBefore.
- *)
- After := Before.Prev;
- ASSERT(After <> nil);
- // chain it in (set four pointers)
- Node.Prev := After;
- Node.Next := Before;
- Before.Prev := Node;
- After.Next := Node;
- inc(FCount);
- Result := Node;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- (* Add all the elements in *pList to the head of this list.
- Return True if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- If it fails some elements may have been added.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.AddHead(List: TBCBaseList): BOOL;
- var
- pos: Position;
- begin
- (* lock the object before starting then enumerate
- each entry in the source list and add them one by one to
- our list (while still holding the object lock)
- Lock the other list too.
- To avoid reversing the list, traverse it backwards.
- *)
- pos := list.GetTailPositionI;
- while (pos <> nil) do
- begin
- if (nil = AddHeadI(List.GetI(pos))) then
- begin
- Result := FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- pos := list.Prev(pos)
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- (* Add this object to the head end of our list
- Return the new head position.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.AddHeadI(Obj: Pointer): Position;
- var Node: TBCNode;
- begin
- (* If there is a node objects in the cache then use
- that otherwise we will have to create a new one *)
- Node := FCache.RemoveFromCache;
- if (Node = nil) then
- Node := TBCNode.Create;
- // Check we have a valid object
- if (Node = nil) then
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- (* Initialise all the CNode object
- just in case it came from the cache
- *)
- Node.Data := Obj;
- // chain it in (set four pointers)
- Node.Prev := nil;
- Node.Next := FFirst;
- if (FFirst = nil) then
- FLast := Node;
- FFirst.Prev := Node;
- FFirst := Node;
- inc(FCount);
- Result := Node;
- end;
- (* Add all the elements in *pList to the tail of this list.
- Return True if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- If it fails some elements may have been added.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.AddTail(List: TBCBaseList): boolean;
- var pos: Position;
- begin
- (* lock the object before starting then enumerate
- each entry in the source list and add them one by one to
- our list (while still holding the object lock)
- Lock the other list too.
- *)
- Result := false;
- pos := List.GetHeadPositionI;
- while (pos <> nil) do
- if (nil = AddTailI(List.GetNextI(pos))) then
- Exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- (* Add this object to the tail end of our list
- Return the new tail position.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.AddTailI(Obj: Pointer): Position;
- var
- Node: TBCNode;
- begin
- // Lock the critical section before continuing
- // ASSERT(pObject); // NULL pointers in the list are allowed.
- (* If there is a node objects in the cache then use
- that otherwise we will have to create a new one *)
- Node := FCache.RemoveFromCache;
- if (Node = nil) then
- Node := TBCNode.Create;
- // Check we have a valid object
- if Node = nil then // HG: out of memory ???
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- (* Initialise all the CNode object
- just in case it came from the cache
- *)
- Node.Data := Obj;
- Node.Next := nil;
- Node.Prev := FLast;
- if (FLast = nil) then
- FFirst := Node;
- FLast.Next := Node;
- (* Set the new last node pointer and also increment the number
- of list entries, the critical section is unlocked when we
- exit the function
- *)
- FLast := Node;
- inc(FCount);
- Result := Node;
- end;
- (* Constructor calls a separate initialisation function that
- creates a node cache, optionally creates a lock object
- and optionally creates a signaling object.
- By default we create a locking object, a DEFAULTCACHE sized
- cache but no event object so the list cannot be used in calls
- to WaitForSingleObject
- *)
- constructor TBCBaseList.Create(Name: string; Items: Integer = DEFAULTCACHE);
- begin
- {$ifdef DEBUG}
- inherited Create(Name);
- {$endif}
- FFirst := nil;
- FLast := nil;
- FCount := 0;
- FCache := TBCNodeCache.Create(Items);
- end;
- (* The destructor enumerates all the node objects in the list and
- in the cache deleting each in turn. We do not do any processing
- on the objects that the list holds (i.e. points to) so if they
- represent interfaces for example the creator of the list should
- ensure that each of them is released before deleting us
- *)
- destructor TBCBaseList.Destroy;
- begin
- RemoveAll;
- FCache.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- (* Return the first position in the list which holds the given pointer.
- Return NULL if it's not found.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.FindI(Obj: Pointer): Position;
- begin
- Result := GetHeadPositionI;
- while (Result <> nil) do
- begin
- if (GetI(Result) = Obj) then Exit;
- Result := Next(Result);
- end;
- end;
- (* Get the number of objects in the list,
- Get the lock before accessing the count.
- Locking may not be entirely necessary but it has the side effect
- of making sure that all operations are complete before we get it.
- So for example if a list is being added to this list then that
- will have completed in full before we continue rather than seeing
- an intermediate albeit valid state
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.GetCountI: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FCount;
- end;
- (* Return a position enumerator for the entire list.
- A position enumerator is a pointer to a node object cast to a
- transparent type so all we do is return the head/tail node
- pointer in the list.
- WARNING because the position is a pointer to a node there is
- an implicit assumption for users a the list class that after
- deleting an object from the list that any other position
- enumerators that you have may be invalid (since the node
- may be gone).
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.GetHeadPositionI: Position;
- begin
- result := Position(FFirst);
- end;
- (* Return the object at p.
- Asking for the object at NULL ASSERTs then returns NULL
- The object is NOT locked. The list is not being changed
- in any way. If another thread is busy deleting the object
- then locking would only result in a change from one bad
- behaviour to another.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.GetI(p: Position): Pointer;
- begin
- if (p = nil) then
- Result := nil else
- Result := TBCNode(p).Data;
- end;
- (* Return the object at rp, update rp to the next object from
- the list or NULL if you have moved over the last object.
- You may still call this function once we return NULL but
- we will continue to return a NULL position value
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.GetNextI(var rp: Position): Pointer;
- var
- pn: TBCNode;
- begin
- // have we reached the end of the list
- if (rp = nil) then
- Result := nil else
- begin
- // Lock the object before continuing
- // Copy the original position then step on
- pn := rp;
- ASSERT(pn <> nil);
- rp := Position(pn.Next);
- // Get the object at the original position from the list
- Result := pn.Data;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCBaseList.GetTailPositionI: Position;
- begin
- Result := Position(FLast);
- end;
- (* Mirror image of MoveToTail:
- Split self before position p in self.
- Retain in self the head portion of the original self
- Add the tail portion to the start (i.e. head) of *pList
- Return True if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- e.g.
- foo->MoveToHead(foo->GetTailPosition(), bar);
- moves one element from the tail of foo to the head of bar
- foo->MoveToHead(NULL, bar);
- is a no-op
- foo->MoveToHead(foo->GetHeadPosition, bar);
- concatenates foo onto the start of bar and empties foo.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.MoveToHead(pos: Position; List: TBCBaseList): boolean;
- var
- p: TBCNode;
- m: Integer;
- begin
- // See the comments on the algorithm in MoveToTail
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := True else // no-op. Eliminates special cases later.
- begin
- // Make cMove the number of nodes to move
- p := pos;
- m := 0; // number of nodes to move
- while(p <> nil) do
- begin
- p := p.Next;
- inc(m);
- end;
- // Join the two chains together
- if (List.FFirst <> nil) then
- List.FFirst.Prev := FLast;
- if (FLast <> nil) then
- FLast.Next := List.FFirst;
- // set first and last pointers
- p := pos;
- if (List.FLast = nil) then
- List.FLast := FLast;
- FLast := p.Prev;
- if (FLast = nil) then
- FFirst := nil;
- List.FFirst := p;
- // Break the chain after p to create the new pieces
- if (FLast <> nil) then
- FLast.Next := nil;
- p.Prev := nil;
- // Adjust the counts
- dec(FCount, m);
- inc(List.FCount, m);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- (* Split self after position p in self
- Retain as self the tail portion of the original self
- Add the head portion to the tail end of *pList
- Return True if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- e.g.
- foo->MoveToTail(foo->GetHeadPosition(), bar);
- moves one element from the head of foo to the tail of bar
- foo->MoveToTail(NULL, bar);
- is a no-op
- foo->MoveToTail(foo->GetTailPosition, bar);
- concatenates foo onto the end of bar and empties foo.
- A better, except excessively long name might be
- MoveElementsFromHeadThroughPositionToOtherTail
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.MoveToTail(pos: Position; List: TBCBaseList): boolean;
- var
- p: TBCNode;
- m: Integer;
- begin
- (* Algorithm:
- Note that the elements (including their order) in the concatenation
- of *pList to the head of self is invariant.
- 1. Count elements to be moved
- 2. Join *pList onto the head of this to make one long chain
- 3. Set first/Last pointers in self and *pList
- 4. Break the chain at the new place
- 5. Adjust counts
- 6. Set/Reset any events
- *)
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := True else // no-op. Eliminates special cases later.
- begin
- // Make m the number of nodes to move
- p := pos;
- m := 0; // number of nodes to move
- while(p <> nil) do
- begin
- p := p.Prev;
- inc(m);
- end;
- // Join the two chains together
- if (List.FLast <> nil) then
- List.FLast.Next := FFirst;
- if (FFirst <> nil) then
- FFirst.Prev := List.FLast;
- // set first and last pointers
- p := pos;
- if (List.FFirst = nil) then
- List.FFirst := FFirst;
- FFirst := p.Next;
- if (FFirst = nil) then
- FLast := nil;
- List.FLast := p;
- // Break the chain after p to create the new pieces
- if (FFirst <> nil) then
- FFirst.Prev := nil;
- p.Next := nil;
- // Adjust the counts
- dec(FCount, m);
- inc(List.FCount, m);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCBaseList.Next(pos: Position): Position;
- begin
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := Position(FFirst) else
- Result := Position(TBCNode(pos).Next);
- end;
- function TBCBaseList.Prev(pos: Position): Position;
- begin
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := Position(FLast) else
- Result := Position(TBCNode(pos).Prev);
- end;
- (* Remove all the nodes from the list but don't do anything
- with the objects that each node looks after (this is the
- responsibility of the creator).
- Aa a last act we reset the signalling event
- (if available) to indicate to clients that the list
- does not have any entries in it.
- *)
- procedure TBCBaseList.RemoveAll;
- var pn, op: TBCNode;
- begin
- (* Free up all the CNode objects NOTE we don't bother putting the
- deleted nodes into the cache as this method is only really called
- in serious times of change such as when we are being deleted at
- which point the cache will be deleted anyway *)
- pn := FFirst;
- while (pn <> nil) do
- begin
- op := pn;
- pn := pn.Next;
- op.Free;
- end;
- (* Reset the object count and the list pointers *)
- FCount := 0;
- FFirst := nil;
- FLast := nil;
- end;
- (* Remove the first node in the list (deletes the pointer to its object
- from the list, does not free the object itself).
- Return the pointer to its object or NULL if empty
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.RemoveHeadI: Pointer;
- begin
- (* All we do is get the head position and ask for that to be deleted.
- We could special case this since some of the code path checking
- in Remove() is redundant as we know there is no previous
- node for example but it seems to gain little over the
- added complexity
- *)
- Result := RemoveI(FFirst);
- end;
- (* Remove the pointer to the object in this position from the list.
- Deal with all the chain pointers
- Return a pointer to the object removed from the list.
- The node object that is freed as a result
- of this operation is added to the node cache where
- it can be used again.
- Remove(NULL) is a harmless no-op - but probably is a wart.
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.RemoveI(pos: Position): Pointer;
- var
- Current, Node: TBCNode;
- begin
- (* Lock the critical section before continuing *)
- if (pos = nil) then
- Result := nil else
- begin
- Current := pos;
- ASSERT(Current <> nil);
- // Update the previous node
- Node := Current.Prev;
- if (Node = nil) then
- FFirst := Current.Next else
- Node.Next := Current.Next;
- // Update the following node
- Node := Current.Next;
- if (Node = nil) then
- FLast := Current.Prev else
- Node.Prev := Current.Prev;
- // Get the object this node was looking after */
- Result := Current.Data;
- // ASSERT(pObject != NULL); // NULL pointers in the list are allowed.
- (* Try and add the node object to the cache -
- a NULL return code from the cache means we ran out of room.
- The cache size is fixed by a constructor argument when the
- list is created and defaults to DEFAULTCACHE.
- This means that the cache will have room for this many
- node objects. So if you have a list of media samples
- and you know there will never be more than five active at
- any given time of them for example then override the default
- constructor
- *)
- FCache.AddToCache(Current);
- // If the list is empty then reset the list event
- Dec(FCount);
- ASSERT(FCount >= 0);
- end;
- end;
- (* Remove the last node in the list (deletes the pointer to its object
- from the list, does not free the object itself).
- Return the pointer to its object or NULL if empty
- *)
- function TBCBaseList.RemoveTailI: Pointer;
- begin
- (* All we do is get the tail position and ask for that to be deleted.
- We could special case this since some of the code path checking
- in Remove() is redundant as we know there is no previous
- node for example but it seems to gain little over the
- added complexity
- *)
- Result := RemoveI(FLast);
- end;
- (* Reverse the order of the [pointers to] objects in slef *)
- procedure TBCBaseList.Reverse;
- var p, q: TBCNode;
- begin
- (* algorithm:
- The obvious booby trap is that you flip pointers around and lose
- addressability to the node that you are going to process next.
- The easy way to avoid this is do do one chain at a time.
- Run along the forward chain,
- For each node, set the reverse pointer to the one ahead of us.
- The reverse chain is now a copy of the old forward chain, including
- the NULL termination.
- Run along the reverse chain (i.e. old forward chain again)
- For each node set the forward pointer of the node ahead to point back
- to the one we're standing on.
- The first node needs special treatment,
- it's new forward pointer is NULL.
- Finally set the First/Last pointers
- *)
- // Yes we COULD use a traverse, but it would look funny!
- p := FFirst;
- while (p <> nil) do
- begin
- q := p.Next;
- p.Next := p.Prev;
- p.Prev := q;
- p := q;
- end;
- p := FFirst;
- FFirst := FLast;
- FLast := p;
- end;
- { TBCSource }
- function TBCSource.AddPin(Stream: TBCSourceStream): HRESULT;
- begin
- FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- inc(FPins);
- ReallocMem(FStreams, FPins * SizeOf(TBCSourceStream));
- TStreamArray(FStreams)[FPins-1] := Stream;
- Result := S_OK;
- finally
- FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // milenko start (delphi 5 doesn't IInterface - changed IInterface to IUnknown)
- constructor TBCSource.Create(const Name: string; unk: IUnknown;
- // milenko end
- const clsid: TGUID; out hr: HRESULT);
- begin
- FStateLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- // nev: changed 02/17/04
- inherited Create(Name, unk, FStateLock, clsid, hr);
- FPins := 0;
- FStreams := nil;
- end;
- // milenko start (delphi 5 doesn't IInterface - changed IInterface to IUnknown)
- constructor TBCSource.Create(const Name: string; unk: IUnknown;
- // milenko end
- const clsid: TGUID);
- begin
- FStateLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- inherited Create(Name, unk, FStateLock, clsid);
- FPins := 0;
- FStreams := nil;
- end;
- destructor TBCSource.Destroy;
- begin
- // Free our pins and pin array
- while (FPins <> 0) do
- // deleting the pins causes them to be removed from the array...
- TStreamArray(FStreams)[FPins - 1].Free;
- if Assigned(FStreams) then FreeMem(FStreams);
- ASSERT(FPins = 0);
- inherited;
- end;
- // Set Pin to the IPin that has the id Id.
- // or to nil if the Id cannot be matched.
- function TBCSource.FindPin(Id: PWideChar; out Pin: IPin): HRESULT;
- var
- i : integer;
- Code : integer;
- begin
- // The -1 undoes the +1 in QueryId and ensures that totally invalid
- // strings (for which WstrToInt delivers 0) give a deliver a NULL pin.
- // DCoder (1. Nov 2003)
- // StrToInt throws EConvertError Exceptions if
- // a Filter calls FindPin with a String instead of a Number in ID.
- // To be sure, capture the Error Handling by using Val and call
- // the inherited function if Val fails.
- Val(Id,i,Code);
- if Code = 0 then
- begin
- i := i - 1;
- Pin := GetPin(i);
- if (Pin <> nil) then
- Result := NOERROR else
- Result := VFW_E_NOT_FOUND;
- end else Result := inherited FindPin(Id,Pin);
- end;
- // return the number of the pin with this IPin or -1 if none
- function TBCSource.FindPinNumber(Pin: IPin): Integer;
- begin
- for Result := 0 to FPins - 1 do
- if (IPin(TStreamArray(FStreams)[Result]) = Pin) then
- Exit;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- // Return a non-addref'd pointer to pin n
- // needed by CBaseFilter
- function TBCSource.GetPin(n: Integer): TBCBasePin;
- begin
- FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- // n must be in the range 0..m_iPins-1
- // if m_iPins>n && n>=0 it follows that m_iPins>0
- // which is what used to be checked (i.e. checking that we have a pin)
- if ((n >= 0) and (n < FPins)) then
- begin
- ASSERT(TStreamArray(FStreams)[n] <> nil);
- Result := TStreamArray(FStreams)[n];
- end else
- Result := nil;
- finally
- FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Returns the number of pins this filter has
- function TBCSource.GetPinCount: Integer;
- begin
- FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- Result := FPins;
- finally
- FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCSource.RemovePin(Stream: TBCSourceStream): HRESULT;
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FPins - 1 do
- begin
- if (TStreamArray(FStreams)[i] = Stream) then
- begin
- if (FPins = 1) then
- begin
- FreeMem(FStreams);
- FStreams := nil;
- end else
- begin
- // no need to reallocate
- j := i + 1;
- while (j < FPins) do
- begin
- TStreamArray(FStreams)[j-1] := TStreamArray(FStreams)[j];
- inc(j);
- end;
- end;
- dec(FPins);
- Result := S_OK;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- { TBCSourceStream }
- // The pin is active - start up the worker thread
- function TBCSourceStream.Active: HRESULT;
- begin
- FFilter.FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- if (FFilter.IsActive) then
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE; // succeeded, but did not allocate resources (they already exist...)
- Exit;
- end;
- // do nothing if not connected - its ok not to connect to
- // all pins of a source filter
- if not IsConnected then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := inherited Active;
- if FAILED(Result) then
- Exit;
- ASSERT(not FThread.ThreadExists);
- // start the thread
- if not FThread.Create_ then
- begin
- Result := E_FAIL;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Tell thread to initialize. If OnThreadCreate Fails, so does this.
- Result := Init;
- if FAILED(Result) then
- Exit;
- Result := Pause;
- finally
- FFilter.FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Do we support this type? Provides the default support for 1 type.
- function TBCSourceStream.CheckMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- var mt: TAMMediaType;
- pmt: PAMMediaType;
- begin
- FFilter.FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- pmt := @mt;
- GetMediaType(pmt);
- if TBCMediaType(pmt).Equal(MediaType) then
- Result := NOERROR else
- Result := E_FAIL;
- finally
- FFilter.FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.CheckRequest(var com: TThreadCommand): boolean;
- begin
- Result := FThread.CheckRequest(@Com);
- end;
- // increments the number of pins present on the filter
- constructor TBCSourceStream.Create(const ObjectName: string;
- out hr: HRESULT; Filter: TBCSource; const Name: WideString);
- begin
- FThread := TBCAMThread.Create;
- FThread.FThreadProc := ThreadProc;
- inherited Create(ObjectName, Filter, Filter.FStateLock, hr, Name);
- FFilter := Filter;
- hr := FFilter.AddPin(Self);
- end;
- // Decrements the number of pins on this filter
- destructor TBCSourceStream.Destroy;
- begin
- FFilter.RemovePin(Self);
- inherited;
- FThread.Free;
- end;
- // Grabs a buffer and calls the users processing function.
- // Overridable, so that different delivery styles can be catered for.
- function TBCSourceStream.DoBufferProcessingLoop: HRESULT;
- var
- com: TThreadCommand;
- Sample: IMediaSample;
- begin
- OnThreadStartPlay;
- repeat
- begin
- while not CheckRequest(com) do
- begin
- Result := GetDeliveryBuffer(Sample, nil, nil, 0);
- if FAILED(result) then
- begin
- Sleep(1);
- continue; // go round again. Perhaps the error will go away
- // or the allocator is decommited & we will be asked to
- // exit soon.
- end;
- // Virtual function user will override.
- Result := FillBuffer(Sample);
- if (Result = S_OK) then
- begin
- Result := Deliver(Sample);
- Sample := nil;
- // downstream filter returns S_FALSE if it wants us to
- // stop or an error if it's reporting an error.
- if (Result <> S_OK) then
- begin
- DbgLog(format('Deliver() returned %08x; stopping', [Result]));
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := S_OK;
- Exit;
- end;
- end else
- if (Result = S_FALSE) then
- begin
- // derived class wants us to stop pushing data
- Sample := nil;
- DeliverEndOfStream;
- Result := S_OK;
- Exit;
- end else
- begin
- // derived class encountered an error
- Sample := nil;
- DbgLog(format('Error %08lX from FillBuffer!!!', [Result]));
- {$ENDIF}
- DeliverEndOfStream;
- FFilter.NotifyEvent(EC_ERRORABORT, Result, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- // all paths release the sample
- end;
- // For all commands sent to us there must be a Reply call!
- if ((com = CMD_RUN) or (com = CMD_PAUSE)) then
- FThread.Reply(NOERROR) else
- if (com <> CMD_STOP) then
- begin
- Fthread.Reply(DWORD(E_UNEXPECTED));
- DbgLog('Unexpected command!!!');
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- end until (com = CMD_STOP);
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.Exit_: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := FThread.CallWorker(Ord(CMD_EXIT));
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.GetMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.GetMediaType(Position: integer;
- out MediaType: PAMMediaType): HRESULT;
- begin
- // By default we support only one type
- // Position indexes are 0-n
- FFilter.FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- if (Position = 0) then
- Result := GetMediaType(MediaType)
- else
- if (Position > 0) then
- Result := VFW_S_NO_MORE_ITEMS else
- Result := E_INVALIDARG;
- finally
- FFilter.FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.GetRequest: TThreadCommand;
- begin
- Result := TThreadCommand(FThread.GetRequest);
- end;
- // Pin is inactive - shut down the worker thread
- // Waits for the worker to exit before returning.
- function TBCSourceStream.Inactive: HRESULT;
- begin
- FFilter.FStateLock.Lock;
- try
- // do nothing if not connected - its ok not to connect to
- // all pins of a source filter
- if not IsConnected then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // !!! need to do this before trying to stop the thread, because
- // we may be stuck waiting for our own allocator!!!
- Result := inherited Inactive; // call this first to Decommit the allocator
- if FAILED(Result) then
- Exit;
- if FThread.ThreadExists then
- begin
- Result := Stop;
- if FAILED(Result) then
- Exit;
- Result := Exit_;
- if FAILED(Result) then
- Exit;
- FThread.Close; // Wait for the thread to exit, then tidy up.
- end;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FFilter.FStateLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.Init: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := FThread.CallWorker(Ord(CMD_INIT));
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.OnThreadCreate: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.OnThreadDestroy: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.OnThreadStartPlay: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.Pause: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := FThread.CallWorker(Ord(CMD_PAUSE));
- end;
- // Set Id to point to a CoTaskMemAlloc'd
- function TBCSourceStream.QueryId(out id: PWideChar): HRESULT;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- // We give the pins id's which are 1,2,...
- // FindPinNumber returns -1 for an invalid pin
- i := 1 + FFilter.FindPinNumber(Self);
- if (i < 1) then
- Result := VFW_E_NOT_FOUND else
- Result := AMGetWideString(IntToStr(i), id);
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.Run: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := FThread.CallWorker(Ord(CMD_RUN));
- end;
- function TBCSourceStream.Stop: HRESULT;
- begin
- Result := FThread.CallWorker(Ord(CMD_STOP));
- end;
- // When this returns the thread exits
- // Return codes > 0 indicate an error occured
- function TBCSourceStream.ThreadProc: DWORD;
- var
- com, cmd: TThreadCommand;
- begin
- repeat
- com := GetRequest;
- if (com <> CMD_INIT) then
- begin
- DbgLog(self, 'Thread expected init command');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- until (com = CMD_INIT);
- DbgLog(self, 'Worker thread initializing');
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := OnThreadCreate; // perform set up tasks
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'OnThreadCreate failed. Aborting thread.');
- {$ENDIF}
- OnThreadDestroy();
- FThread.Reply(Result); // send failed return code from OnThreadCreate
- Result := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Initialisation suceeded
- FThread.Reply(NOERROR);
- repeat
- cmd := GetRequest;
- // nev: changed 02/17/04
- // "repeat..until false" ensures, that if cmd = CMD_RUN
- // the next executing block will be CMD_PAUSE handler block.
- // This corresponds to the original C "switch" functionality
- repeat
- case cmd of
- begin
- FThread.Reply(NOERROR);
- Break;
- end;
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'CMD_RUN received before a CMD_PAUSE???');
- {$ENDIF}
- // !!! fall through???
- cmd := CMD_PAUSE;
- end;
- begin
- FThread.Reply(NOERROR);
- DoBufferProcessingLoop;
- Break;
- end;
- else
- DbgLog(self, format('Unknown command %d received!', [Integer(cmd)]));
- {$ENDIF}
- FThread.Reply(DWORD(E_NOTIMPL));
- Break;
- end;
- until False;
- until (cmd = CMD_EXIT);
- Result := OnThreadDestroy; // tidy up.
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- DbgLog(self, 'OnThreadDestroy failed. Exiting thread.');
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- DbgLog(Self, 'worker thread exiting');
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable: Boolean;
- var
- osverinfo: TOSVERSIONINFO;
- begin
- osverinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(osverinfo);
- if GetVersionEx(osverinfo) then
- // Windows XP's major version is 5 and its' minor version is 1.
- // timeSetEvent() started supporting the TIME_KILL_SYNCHRONOUS flag
- // in Windows XP.
- Result := (osverinfo.dwMajorVersion > 5) or
- ((osverinfo.dwMajorVersion = 5) and (osverinfo.dwMinorVersion >= 1))
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- function CompatibleTimeSetEvent(Delay, Resolution: UINT;
- TimeProc: TFNTimeCallBack; User: DWORD; Event: UINT): MMResult;
- // milenko start (replaced with global variables)
- //const
- //{$IFOPT J-}
- //{$DEFINE ResetJ}
- //{$J+}
- //{$ENDIF}
- // IsCheckedVersion: Bool = False;
- // IsTimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable: Bool = False;
- //{$IFDEF ResetJ}
- //{$J-}
- //{$UNDEF ResetJ}
- //{$ENDIF}
- const
- // Milenko end
- var
- Event_: UINT;
- begin
- Event_ := Event;
- // ??? TIME_KILL_SYNCHRONOUS flag is defined in MMSystem for XP:
- // need to check that D7 unit for proper compilation flag
- // Milenko start (no need for "ifdef xp" in delphi)
- // {$IFDEF XP}
- if not IsCheckedVersion then
- begin
- IsTimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable := TimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable;
- IsCheckedVersion := true;
- end;
- if IsTimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable then
- Event_ := Event_ or TIME_KILL_SYNCHRONOUS;
- // {$ENDIF}
- // Milenko end
- Result := timeSetEvent(Delay, Resolution, TimeProc, User, Event_);
- end;
- // ??? See Measure.h for Msr_??? definition
- // milenko start (only needed with PERF)
- type
- TIncidentRec = packed record
- Name: String[255];
- end;
- TIncidentLog = packed record
- Id: Integer;
- Time: TReferenceTime;
- Data: Integer;
- Note: String[10];
- end;
- var
- Incidents: array of TIncidentRec;
- IncidentsLog: array of TIncidentLog;
- {$ENDIF}
- // milenko end
- function MSR_REGISTER(s: String): Integer;
- // milenko start (only needed with PERF)
- var
- k: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- // milenko end
- begin
- // milenko start (only needed with PERF)
- k := Length(Incidents) + 1;
- SetLength(Incidents, k);
- Incidents[k-1].Name := Copy(s, 0, 255);
- Result := k-1;
- {$ELSE}
- Result := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- // milenko end
- end;
- procedure MSR_START(Id_: Integer);
- var
- k: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Assert((Id_>=0) and (Id_<Length(Incidents)));
- k := Length(IncidentsLog) + 1;
- SetLength(IncidentsLog, k);
- with IncidentsLog[k-1] do
- begin
- Id := Id_;
- Time := timeGetTime;
- Data := 0;
- Note := Copy('START', 0, 10);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure MSR_STOP(Id_: Integer);
- var
- k: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Assert((Id_>=0) and (Id_<Length(Incidents)));
- k := Length(IncidentsLog) + 1;
- SetLength(IncidentsLog, k);
- with IncidentsLog[k-1] do
- begin
- Id := Id_;
- Time := timeGetTime;
- Data := 0;
- Note := Copy('STOP', 0, 10);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure MSR_INTEGER(Id_, i: Integer);
- var
- k: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Assert((Id_>=0) and (Id_<Length(Incidents)));
- k := Length(IncidentsLog) + 1;
- SetLength(IncidentsLog, k);
- with IncidentsLog[k-1] do
- begin
- Id := Id_;
- Time := timeGetTime;
- Data := i;
- Note := Copy('START', 0, 10);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // #define DO_MOVING_AVG(avg,obs) (avg = (1024*obs + (AVGPERIOD-1)*avg)/AVGPERIOD)
- procedure DO_MOVING_AVG(var avg, obs: Integer);
- begin
- avg := (1024 * obs + (AVGPERIOD - 1) * avg) div AVGPERIOD;
- end;
- // Helper function for clamping time differences
- function TimeDiff(rt: TReferenceTime): Integer;
- begin
- if (rt < -(50 * UNITS)) then
- Result := -(50 * UNITS)
- else
- if (rt > 50 * UNITS) then
- Result := 50 * UNITS
- else
- Result := Integer(rt);
- end;
- // Implements the CBaseRenderer class
- constructor TBCBaseRenderer.Create(RendererClass: TGUID; Name: PChar;
- Unk: IUnknown; hr: HResult);
- begin
- FInterfaceLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- FRendererLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- FObjectCreationLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- inherited Create(Name, Unk, FInterfaceLock, RendererClass);
- FCompleteEvent := TBCAMEvent.Create(True);
- FRenderEvent := TBCAMEvent.Create(True);
- FAbort := False;
- FPosition := nil;
- FThreadSignal := TBCAMEvent.Create(True);
- FIsStreaming := False;
- FIsEOS := False;
- FIsEOSDelivered := False;
- FMediaSample := nil;
- FAdvisedCookie := 0;
- FQSink := nil;
- FInputPin := nil;
- FRepaintStatus := True;
- FSignalTime := 0;
- FInReceive := False;
- FEndOfStreamTimer := 0;
- Ready;
- FBaseStamp := MSR_REGISTER('BaseRenderer: sample time stamp');
- FBaseRenderTime := MSR_REGISTER('BaseRenderer: draw time(msec)');
- FBaseAccuracy := MSR_REGISTER('BaseRenderer: Accuracy(msec)');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // Delete the dynamically allocated IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking helper
- // object. The object is created when somebody queries us. These are standard
- // control interfaces for seeking and setting start/stop positions and rates.
- // We will probably also have made an input pin based on CRendererInputPin
- // that has to be deleted, it's created when an enumerator calls our GetPin
- destructor TBCBaseRenderer.Destroy;
- begin
- Assert(not FIsStreaming);
- Assert(FEndOfStreamTimer = 0);
- StopStreaming;
- ClearPendingSample;
- // Delete any IMediaPosition implementation
- if Assigned(FPosition) then
- FreeAndNil(FPosition);
- // Delete any input pin created
- if Assigned(FInputPin) then
- FreeAndNil(FInputPin);
- // Release any Quality sink
- Assert(FQSink = nil);
- // Release critical sections objects
- // ??? will be deleted by the parent class destroy FreeAndNil(FInterfaceLock);
- FreeAndNil(FRendererLock);
- FreeAndNil(FObjectCreationLock);
- FreeAndNil(FCompleteEvent);
- FreeAndNil(FRenderEvent);
- FreeAndNil(FThreadSignal);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- // This returns the IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking interfaces
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetMediaPositionInterface(IID: TGUID;
- out Obj): HResult;
- var
- hr: HResult;
- begin
- FObjectCreationLock.Lock;
- try
- if Assigned(FPosition) then
- begin
- // Milenko start
- // Result := FPosition.QueryInterface(IID, Obj);
- Result := FPosition.NonDelegatingQueryInterface(IID, Obj);
- // Milenko end
- Exit;
- end;
- hr := NOERROR;
- // Create implementation of this dynamically since sometimes we may
- // never try and do a seek. The helper object implements a position
- // control interface (IMediaPosition) which in fact simply takes the
- // calls normally from the filter graph and passes them upstream
- //hr := CreatePosPassThru(GetOwner, False, GetPin(0), FPosition);
- FPosition := TBCRendererPosPassThru.Create('Renderer TBCPosPassThru',
- Inherited GetOwner, hr, GetPin(0));
- if (FPosition = nil) then
- begin
- Result := E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (Failed(hr)) then
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FPosition);
- Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
- Exit;
- end;
- // milenko start (needed or the class will destroy itself. Disadvantage=Destructor is not called)
- // Solution is to keep FPosition alive without adding a Reference Count to it. But how???
- FPosition._AddRef;
- // milenko end
- Result := GetMediaPositionInterface(IID, Obj);
- finally
- FObjectCreationLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // milenko start (workaround for destructor issue with FPosition)
- function TBCBaseRenderer.JoinFilterGraph(pGraph: IFilterGraph;
- pName: PWideChar): HRESULT;
- begin
- if (pGraph = nil) and (FPosition <> nil) then
- begin
- FPosition._Release;
- Pointer(FPosition) := nil;
- end;
- Result := inherited JoinFilterGraph(pGraph,pName);
- end;
- // milenko end
- // Overriden to say what interfaces we support and where
- function TBCBaseRenderer.NonDelegatingQueryInterface(const IID: TGUID;
- out Obj): HResult;
- begin
- // Milenko start (removed unnessacery code)
- // Do we have this interface
- if IsEqualGUID(IID, IID_IMediaPosition) or IsEqualGUID(IID, IID_IMediaSeeking)
- then Result := GetMediaPositionInterface(IID,Obj)
- else Result := inherited NonDelegatingQueryInterface(IID, Obj);
- // Milenko end
- end;
- // This is called whenever we change states, we have a manual reset event that
- // is signalled whenever we don't won't the source filter thread to wait in us
- // (such as in a stopped state) and likewise is not signalled whenever it can
- // wait (during paused and running) this function sets or resets the thread
- // event. The event is used to stop source filter threads waiting in Receive
- function TBCBaseRenderer.SourceThreadCanWait(CanWait: Boolean): HResult;
- begin
- if CanWait then
- FThreadSignal.Reset
- else
- FThreadSignal.SetEv;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Dump the current renderer state to the debug terminal. The hardest part of
- // the renderer is the window where we unlock everything to wait for a clock
- // to signal it is time to draw or for the application to cancel everything
- // by stopping the filter. If we get things wrong we can leave the thread in
- // WaitForRenderTime with no way for it to ever get out and we will deadlock
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.DisplayRendererState;
- var
- bSignalled, bFlushing: Boolean;
- CurrentTime, StartTime, EndTime, Offset, Wait: TReferenceTime;
- function RT_in_Millisecs(rt: TReferenceTime): Int64;
- begin
- Result := rt div 10000;
- end;
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'Timed out in WaitForRenderTime');
- // No way should this be signalled at this point
- bSignalled := FThreadSignal.Check;
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Signal sanity check %d', [Byte(bSignalled)]));
- // Now output the current renderer state variables
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Filter state %d', [Ord(FState)]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Abort flag %d', [Byte(FAbort)]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Streaming flag %d', [Byte(FIsStreaming)]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Clock advise link %d', [FAdvisedCookie]));
- // DbgLog(Self, Format('Current media sample %x', [FMediaSample]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('EOS signalled %d', [Byte(FIsEOS)]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('EOS delivered %d', [Byte(FIsEOSDelivered)]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Repaint status %d', [Byte(FRepaintStatus)]));
- // Output the delayed end of stream timer information
- DbgLog(Self, Format('End of stream timer %x', [FEndOfStreamTimer]));
- // ??? convert reftime to str
- // DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Deliver time %s"),CDisp((LONGLONG)FSignalTime)));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Deliver time %d', [FSignalTime]));
- // Should never timeout during a flushing state
- bFlushing := FInputPin.IsFlushing;
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Flushing sanity check %d', [Byte(bFlushing)]));
- // Display the time we were told to start at
- // ??? DbgLog((LOG_TIMING, 1, TEXT("Last run time %s"),CDisp((LONGLONG)m_tStart.m_time)));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Last run time %d', [FStart]));
- // Have we got a reference clock
- if (FClock = nil) then
- Exit;
- // Get the current time from the wall clock
- FClock.GetTime(int64(CurrentTime));
- Offset := CurrentTime - FStart;
- // Display the current time from the clock
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Clock time %d', [CurrentTime]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Time difference %d ms', [RT_in_Millisecs(Offset)]));
- // Do we have a sample ready to render
- if (FMediaSample = nil) then
- Exit;
- FMediaSample.GetTime(StartTime, EndTime);
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Next sample stream times (Start %d End %d ms)',
- [RT_in_Millisecs(StartTime), RT_in_Millisecs(EndTime)]));
- // Calculate how long it is until it is due for rendering
- Wait := (FStart + StartTime) - CurrentTime;
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Wait required %d ms', [RT_in_Millisecs(Wait)]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // Wait until the clock sets the timer event or we're otherwise signalled. We
- // set an arbitrary timeout for this wait and if it fires then we display the
- // current renderer state on the debugger. It will often fire if the filter's
- // left paused in an application however it may also fire during stress tests
- // if the synchronisation with application seeks and state changes is faulty
- const
- function TBCBaseRenderer.WaitForRenderTime: HResult;
- var
- WaitObjects: array[0..1] of THandle;
- begin
- WaitObjects[0] := FThreadSignal.Handle;
- WaitObjects[1] := FRenderEvent.Handle;
- DWord(Result) := WAIT_TIMEOUT;
- // Wait for either the time to arrive or for us to be stopped
- OnWaitStart;
- while (Result = WAIT_TIMEOUT) do
- begin
- Result := WaitForMultipleObjects(2, @WaitObjects, False, RENDER_TIMEOUT);
- if (Result = WAIT_TIMEOUT) then
- DisplayRendererState;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- OnWaitEnd;
- // We may have been awoken without the timer firing
- if (Result = WAIT_OBJECT_0) then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- SignalTimerFired;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Poll waiting for Receive to complete. This really matters when
- // Receive may set the palette and cause window messages
- // The problem is that if we don't really wait for a renderer to
- // stop processing we can deadlock waiting for a transform which
- // is calling the renderer's Receive() method because the transform's
- // Stop method doesn't know to process window messages to unblock
- // the renderer's Receive processing
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.WaitForReceiveToComplete;
- var
- msg: TMsg;
- begin
- repeat
- if Not FInReceive then
- Break;
- // Receive all interthread sendmessages
- PeekMessage(msg, 0, WM_NULL, WM_NULL, PM_NOREMOVE);
- Sleep(1);
- until False;
- // If the wakebit for QS_POSTMESSAGE is set, the PeekMessage call
- // above just cleared the changebit which will cause some messaging
- // calls to block (waitMessage, MsgWaitFor...) now.
- // Post a dummy message to set the QS_POSTMESSAGE bit again
- if (HIWORD(GetQueueStatus(QS_POSTMESSAGE)) and QS_POSTMESSAGE) <> 0 then
- // Send dummy message
- PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId, WM_NULL, 0, 0);
- end;
- // A filter can have four discrete states, namely Stopped, Running, Paused,
- // Intermediate. We are in an intermediate state if we are currently trying
- // to pause but haven't yet got the first sample (or if we have been flushed
- // in paused state and therefore still have to wait for a sample to arrive)
- // This class contains an event called FCompleteEvent which is signalled when
- // the current state is completed and is not signalled when we are waiting to
- // complete the last state transition. As mentioned above the only time we
- // use this at the moment is when we wait for a media sample in paused state
- // If while we are waiting we receive an end of stream notification from the
- // source filter then we know no data is imminent so we can reset the event
- // This means that when we transition to paused the source filter must call
- // end of stream on us or send us an image otherwise we'll hang indefinately
- // Simple internal way of getting the real state
- // !!! make property here
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetRealState: TFilterState;
- begin
- Result := FState;
- end;
- // Waits for the HANDLE hObject. While waiting messages sent
- // to windows on our thread by SendMessage will be processed.
- // Using this function to do waits and mutual exclusion
- // avoids some deadlocks in objects with windows.
- // Return codes are the same as for WaitForSingleObject
- function WaitDispatchingMessages(Object_: THandle; Wait: DWord;
- Wnd: HWnd = 0; Msg: Cardinal = 0; Event: THandle = 0): DWord;
- // milenko start (replaced with global variables)
- //const
- //{$IFOPT J-}
- //{$DEFINE ResetJ}
- //{$J+}
- //{$ENDIF}
- // MsgId: Cardinal = 0;
- //{$IFDEF ResetJ}
- //{$J-}
- //{$UNDEF ResetJ}
- //{$ENDIF}
- // milenko end
- var
- Peeked: Boolean;
- Res, Start, ThreadPriority: DWord;
- Objects: array[0..1] of THandle;
- Count, TimeOut, WakeMask, Now_, Diff: DWord;
- Msg_: TMsg;
- begin
- Peeked := False;
- MsgId := 0;
- Start := 0;
- Objects[0] := Object_;
- Objects[1] := Event;
- if (Wait <> INFINITE) and (Wait <> 0) then
- Start := GetTickCount;
- repeat
- if (Event <> 0) then
- Count := 2
- else
- Count := 1;
- // Minimize the chance of actually dispatching any messages
- // by seeing if we can lock immediately.
- Res := WaitForMultipleObjects(Count, @Objects, False, 0);
- if (Res < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + Count) then
- Break;
- TimeOut := Wait;
- if (TimeOut > 10) then
- TimeOut := 10;
- if (Wnd = 0) then
- else
- Res := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(Count, Objects, False,
- TimeOut, WakeMask);
- if (Res = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + Count) or
- ((Res = WAIT_TIMEOUT) and (TimeOut <> Wait)) then
- begin
- if (Wnd <> 0) then
- while PeekMessage(Msg_, Wnd, Msg, Msg, PM_REMOVE) do
- DispatchMessage(Msg_);
- // Do this anyway - the previous peek doesn't flush out the
- // messages
- PeekMessage(Msg_, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
- if (Wait <> INFINITE) and (Wait <> 0) then
- begin
- Now_ := GetTickCount();
- // Working with differences handles wrap-around
- Diff := Now_ - Start;
- if (Diff > Wait) then
- Wait := 0
- else
- Dec(Wait, Diff);
- Start := Now_;
- end;
- if not (Peeked) then
- begin
- // Raise our priority to prevent our message queue
- // building up
- ThreadPriority := GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread);
- if (ThreadPriority < THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) then
- begin
- // ??? raising priority requires one more routine....
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
- end;
- Peeked := True;
- end;
- end
- else
- Break;
- until False;
- if (Peeked) then
- begin
- // ??? setting priority requires one more routine....
- SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, ThreadPriority);
- // milenko start (important!)
- // if (HIWORD(GetQueueStatus(QS_POSTMESSAGE)) and QS_POSTMESSAGE) = 0 then
- if (HIWORD(GetQueueStatus(QS_POSTMESSAGE)) and QS_POSTMESSAGE) > 0 then
- // milenko end
- begin
- if (MsgId = 0) then
- MsgId := RegisterWindowMessage('AMUnblock')
- else
- // Remove old ones
- while (PeekMessage(Msg_, (Wnd) - 1, MsgId, MsgId, PM_REMOVE)) do
- // milenko start (this is a loop without any further function.
- // it does not call PostThreadMEssage while looping!)
- begin
- end;
- // milenko end
- PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId, MsgId, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- Result := Res;
- end;
- // The renderer doesn't complete the full transition to paused states until
- // it has got one media sample to render. If you ask it for its state while
- // it's waiting it will return the state along with VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetState(MSecs: DWord; out State: TFilterState):
- HResult;
- begin
- if (WaitDispatchingMessages(FCompleteEvent.Handle, MSecs) = WAIT_TIMEOUT) then
- else
- Result := NOERROR;
- State := FState;
- end;
- // If we're pausing and we have no samples we don't complete the transition
- // to State_Paused and we return S_FALSE. However if the FAborting flag has
- // been set then all samples are rejected so there is no point waiting for
- // one. If we do have a sample then return NOERROR. We will only ever return
- // VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE from GetState after being paused with no sample
- // (calling GetState after either being stopped or Run will NOT return this)
- function TBCBaseRenderer.CompleteStateChange(OldState: TFilterState): HResult;
- begin
- // Allow us to be paused when disconnected
- if not (FInputPin.IsConnected) or
- // Have we run off the end of stream
- IsEndOfStream or
- // Make sure we get fresh data after being stopped
- (HaveCurrentSample and (OldState <> State_Stopped)) then
- begin
- Ready;
- Result := S_OK;
- Exit;
- end;
- NotReady;
- Result := S_False;
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.SetAbortSignal(Abort_: Boolean);
- begin
- FAbort := Abort_;
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.OnReceiveFirstSample(MediaSample: IMediaSample);
- begin
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.Ready;
- begin
- FCompleteEvent.SetEv
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.NotReady;
- begin
- FCompleteEvent.Reset
- end;
- function TBCBaseRenderer.CheckReady: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FCompleteEvent.Check
- end;
- // When we stop the filter the things we do are:-
- // Decommit the allocator being used in the connection
- // Release the source filter if it's waiting in Receive
- // Cancel any advise link we set up with the clock
- // Any end of stream signalled is now obsolete so reset
- // Allow us to be stopped when we are not connected
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Stop: HResult;
- begin
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- // Make sure there really is a state change
- if (FState = State_Stopped) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Is our input pin connected
- if not (FInputPin.IsConnected) then
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'Input pin is not connected');
- {$ENDIF}
- FState := State_Stopped;
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- inherited Stop;
- // If we are going into a stopped state then we must decommit whatever
- // allocator we are using it so that any source filter waiting in the
- // GetBuffer can be released and unlock themselves for a state change
- if Assigned(FInputPin.FAllocator) then
- FInputPin.FAllocator.Decommit;
- // Cancel any scheduled rendering
- SetRepaintStatus(True);
- StopStreaming;
- SourceThreadCanWait(False);
- ResetEndOfStream;
- CancelNotification;
- // There should be no outstanding clock advise
- Assert(CancelNotification = S_FALSE);
- Assert(WAIT_TIMEOUT = WaitForSingleObject(FRenderEvent.Handle, 0));
- Assert(FEndOfStreamTimer = 0);
- Ready;
- WaitForReceiveToComplete;
- FAbort := False;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // When we pause the filter the things we do are:-
- // Commit the allocator being used in the connection
- // Allow a source filter thread to wait in Receive
- // Cancel any clock advise link (we may be running)
- // Possibly complete the state change if we have data
- // Allow us to be paused when we are not connected
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Pause: HResult;
- var
- OldState: TFilterState;
- hr: HResult;
- begin
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- OldState := FState;
- Assert(not FInputPin.IsFlushing);
- // Make sure there really is a state change
- if (FState = State_Paused) then
- begin
- Result := CompleteStateChange(State_Paused);
- Exit;
- end;
- // Has our input pin been connected
- if Not FInputPin.IsConnected then
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'Input pin is not connected');
- {$ENDIF}
- FState := State_Paused;
- Result := CompleteStateChange(State_Paused);
- Exit;
- end;
- // Pause the base filter class
- hr := inherited Pause;
- if Failed(hr) then
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'Pause failed');
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := hr;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Enable EC_REPAINT events again
- SetRepaintStatus(True);
- StopStreaming;
- SourceThreadCanWait(True);
- CancelNotification;
- ResetEndOfStreamTimer;
- // If we are going into a paused state then we must commit whatever
- // allocator we are using it so that any source filter can call the
- // GetBuffer and expect to get a buffer without returning an error
- if Assigned(FInputPin.FAllocator) then
- FInputPin.FAllocator.Commit;
- // There should be no outstanding advise
- Assert(CancelNotification = S_FALSE);
- Assert(WAIT_TIMEOUT = WaitForSingleObject(FRenderEvent.Handle, 0));
- Assert(FEndOfStreamTimer = 0);
- Assert(not FInputPin.IsFlushing);
- // When we come out of a stopped state we must clear any image we were
- // holding onto for frame refreshing. Since renderers see state changes
- // first we can reset ourselves ready to accept the source thread data
- // Paused or running after being stopped causes the current position to
- // be reset so we're not interested in passing end of stream signals
- if (OldState = State_Stopped) then
- begin
- FAbort := False;
- ClearPendingSample;
- end;
- Result := CompleteStateChange(OldState);
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // When we run the filter the things we do are:-
- // Commit the allocator being used in the connection
- // Allow a source filter thread to wait in Receive
- // Signal the render event just to get us going
- // Start the base class by calling StartStreaming
- // Allow us to be run when we are not connected
- // Signal EC_COMPLETE if we are not connected
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Run(StartTime: TReferenceTime): HResult;
- var
- OldState: TFilterState;
- hr: HResult;
- // milenko start
- Filter: IBaseFilter;
- // milenko end
- begin
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- OldState := FState;
- // Make sure there really is a state change
- if (FState = State_Running) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Send EC_COMPLETE if we're not connected
- if not FInputPin.IsConnected then
- begin
- // milenko start (Delphi 5 compatibility)
- QueryInterface(IID_IBaseFilter,Filter);
- NotifyEvent(EC_COMPLETE, S_OK, Integer(Filter));
- Filter := nil;
- // milenko end
- FState := State_Running;
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- Ready;
- // Pause the base filter class
- hr := inherited Run(StartTime);
- if Failed(hr) then
- begin
- DbgLog(Self, 'Run failed');
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := hr;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Allow the source thread to wait
- Assert(not FInputPin.IsFlushing);
- SourceThreadCanWait(True);
- SetRepaintStatus(False);
- // There should be no outstanding advise
- Assert(CancelNotification = S_FALSE);
- Assert(WAIT_TIMEOUT = WaitForSingleObject(FRenderEvent.Handle, 0));
- Assert(FEndOfStreamTimer = 0);
- Assert(not FInputPin.IsFlushing);
- // If we are going into a running state then we must commit whatever
- // allocator we are using it so that any source filter can call the
- // GetBuffer and expect to get a buffer without returning an error
- if Assigned(FInputPin.FAllocator) then
- FInputPin.FAllocator.Commit;
- // When we come out of a stopped state we must clear any image we were
- // holding onto for frame refreshing. Since renderers see state changes
- // first we can reset ourselves ready to accept the source thread data
- // Paused or running after being stopped causes the current position to
- // be reset so we're not interested in passing end of stream signals
- if (OldState = State_Stopped) then
- begin
- FAbort := False;
- ClearPendingSample;
- end;
- Result := StartStreaming;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // Return the number of input pins we support
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetPinCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 1;
- end;
- // We only support one input pin and it is numbered zero
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetPin(n: integer): TBCBasePin;
- var
- hr: HResult;
- begin