- FObjectCreationLock.Lock;
- try
- // Should only ever be called with zero
- Assert(n = 0);
- if (n <> 0) then
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Create the input pin if not already done so
- if (FInputPin = nil) then
- begin
- // hr must be initialized to NOERROR because
- // CRendererInputPin's constructor only changes
- // hr's value if an error occurs.
- hr := NOERROR;
- FInputPin := TBCRendererInputPin.Create(Self, hr, 'In');
- if (FInputPin = nil) then
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Failed(hr) then
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FInputPin);
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := FInputPin;
- finally
- FObjectCreationLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function DumbItDownFor95(const S1, S2: WideString; CmpFlags: Integer): Integer;
- var
- a1, a2: AnsiString;
- begin
- a1 := s1;
- a2 := s2;
- Result := CompareStringA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CmpFlags, PChar(a1), Length(a1),
- PChar(a2), Length(a2)) - 2;
- end;
- function WideCompareText(const S1, S2: WideString): Integer;
- begin
- SetLastError(0);
- Result := CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, PWideChar(S1),
- Length(S1), PWideChar(S2), Length(S2)) - 2;
- case GetLastError of
- 0: ;
- end;
- end;
- // If "In" then return the IPin for our input pin, otherwise NULL and error
- function TBCBaseRenderer.FindPin(id: PWideChar; out Pin: IPin): HResult;
- begin
- // Milenko start
- if (@Pin = nil) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Milenko end
- // milenko start (delphi 5 doesn't know WideCompareText)
- if WideCompareText(id, 'In') = 0 then
- // milenko end
- begin
- Pin := GetPin(0);
- Assert(Pin <> nil);
- // ??? Pin.AddRef;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end
- else
- begin
- Pin := nil;
- Result := VFW_E_NOT_FOUND;
- end;
- end;
- // Called when the input pin receives an EndOfStream notification. If we have
- // not got a sample, then notify EC_COMPLETE now. If we have samples, then set
- // m_bEOS and check for this on completing samples. If we're waiting to pause
- // then complete the transition to paused state by setting the state event
- function TBCBaseRenderer.EndOfStream: HResult;
- begin
- // Ignore these calls if we are stopped
- if (FState = State_Stopped) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // If we have a sample then wait for it to be rendered
- FIsEOS := True;
- if Assigned(FMediaSample) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // If we are waiting for pause then we are now ready since we cannot now
- // carry on waiting for a sample to arrive since we are being told there
- // won't be any. This sets an event that the GetState function picks up
- Ready;
- // Only signal completion now if we are running otherwise queue it until
- // we do run in StartStreaming. This is used when we seek because a seek
- // causes a pause where early notification of completion is misleading
- if FIsStreaming then
- SendEndOfStream;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // When we are told to flush we should release the source thread
- function TBCBaseRenderer.BeginFlush: HResult;
- begin
- // If paused then report state intermediate until we get some data
- if (FState = State_Paused) then
- NotReady;
- SourceThreadCanWait(False);
- CancelNotification;
- ClearPendingSample;
- // Wait for Receive to complete
- WaitForReceiveToComplete;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // After flushing the source thread can wait in Receive again
- function TBCBaseRenderer.EndFlush: HResult;
- begin
- // Reset the current sample media time
- if Assigned(FPosition) then
- FPosition.ResetMediaTime;
- // There should be no outstanding advise
- Assert(CancelNotification = S_FALSE);
- SourceThreadCanWait(True);
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // We can now send EC_REPAINTs if so required
- function TBCBaseRenderer.CompleteConnect(ReceivePin: IPin): HResult;
- begin
- // The caller should always hold the interface lock because
- // the function uses CBaseFilter::m_State.
- Assert(FInterfaceLock.CritCheckIn);
- {$ENDIF}
- FAbort := False;
- if (State_Running = GetRealState) then
- begin
- Result := StartStreaming;
- if Failed(Result) then
- Exit;
- SetRepaintStatus(False);
- end
- else
- SetRepaintStatus(True);
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Called when we go paused or running
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Active: HResult;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Called when we go into a stopped state
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Inactive: HResult;
- begin
- if Assigned(FPosition) then
- FPosition.ResetMediaTime;
- // People who derive from this may want to override this behaviour
- // to keep hold of the sample in some circumstances
- ClearPendingSample;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Tell derived classes about the media type agreed
- function TBCBaseRenderer.SetMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HResult;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // When we break the input pin connection we should reset the EOS flags. When
- // we are asked for either IMediaPosition or IMediaSeeking we will create a
- // CPosPassThru object to handles media time pass through. When we're handed
- // samples we store (by calling CPosPassThru::RegisterMediaTime) their media
- // times so we can then return a real current position of data being rendered
- function TBCBaseRenderer.BreakConnect: HResult;
- begin
- // Do we have a quality management sink
- if Assigned(FQSink) then
- FQSink := nil;
- // Check we have a valid connection
- if not FInputPin.IsConnected then
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Check we are stopped before disconnecting
- if (FState <> State_Stopped) and (not FInputPin.CanReconnectWhenActive) then
- begin
- Result := VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED;
- Exit;
- end;
- SetRepaintStatus(False);
- ResetEndOfStream;
- ClearPendingSample;
- FAbort := False;
- if (State_Running = FState) then
- StopStreaming;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Retrieves the sample times for this samples (note the sample times are
- // passed in by reference not value). We return S_FALSE to say schedule this
- // sample according to the times on the sample. We also return S_OK in
- // which case the object should simply render the sample data immediately
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetSampleTimes(MediaSample: IMediaSample;
- out StartTime: TReferenceTime; out EndTime: TReferenceTime): HResult;
- begin
- Assert(FAdvisedCookie = 0);
- Assert(Assigned(MediaSample));
- // If the stop time for this sample is before or the same as start time,
- // then just ignore it (release it) and schedule the next one in line
- // Source filters should always fill in the start and end times properly!
- if Succeeded(MediaSample.GetTime(StartTime, EndTime)) then
- begin
- if (EndTime < StartTime) then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // no time set in the sample... draw it now?
- Result := S_OK;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Can't synchronise without a clock so we return S_OK which tells the
- // caller that the sample should be rendered immediately without going
- // through the overhead of setting a timer advise link with the clock
- if (FClock = nil) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := ShouldDrawSampleNow(MediaSample, StartTime, EndTime);
- end;
- // By default all samples are drawn according to their time stamps so we
- // return S_FALSE. Returning S_OK means draw immediately, this is used
- // by the derived video renderer class in its quality management.
- function TBCBaseRenderer.ShouldDrawSampleNow(MediaSample: IMediaSample;
- StartTime: TReferenceTime; out EndTime: TReferenceTime): HResult;
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- // We must always reset the current advise time to zero after a timer fires
- // because there are several possible ways which lead us not to do any more
- // scheduling such as the pending image being cleared after state changes
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.SignalTimerFired;
- begin
- FAdvisedCookie := 0;
- end;
- // Cancel any notification currently scheduled. This is called by the owning
- // window object when it is told to stop streaming. If there is no timer link
- // outstanding then calling this is benign otherwise we go ahead and cancel
- // We must always reset the render event as the quality management code can
- // signal immediate rendering by setting the event without setting an advise
- // link. If we're subsequently stopped and run the first attempt to setup an
- // advise link with the reference clock will find the event still signalled
- function TBCBaseRenderer.CancelNotification: HResult;
- var
- dwAdvisedCookie: DWord;
- begin
- Assert((FAdvisedCookie = 0) or Assigned(FClock));
- dwAdvisedCookie := FAdvisedCookie;
- // Have we a live advise link
- if (FAdvisedCookie <> 0) then
- begin
- FClock.Unadvise(FAdvisedCookie);
- SignalTimerFired;
- Assert(FAdvisedCookie = 0);
- end;
- // Clear the event and return our status
- FRenderEvent.Reset;
- if (dwAdvisedCookie <> 0) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- // Responsible for setting up one shot advise links with the clock
- // Return FALSE if the sample is to be dropped (not drawn at all)
- // Return TRUE if the sample is to be drawn and in this case also
- // arrange for m_RenderEvent to be set at the appropriate time
- function TBCBaseRenderer.ScheduleSample(MediaSample: IMediaSample): Boolean;
- var
- StartSample, EndSample: TReferenceTime;
- hr: HResult;
- begin
- // Is someone pulling our leg
- if (MediaSample = nil) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Get the next sample due up for rendering. If there aren't any ready
- // then GetNextSampleTimes returns an error. If there is one to be done
- // then it succeeds and yields the sample times. If it is due now then
- // it returns S_OK other if it's to be done when due it returns S_FALSE
- hr := GetSampleTimes(MediaSample, StartSample, EndSample);
- if Failed(hr) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // If we don't have a reference clock then we cannot set up the advise
- // time so we simply set the event indicating an image to render. This
- // will cause us to run flat out without any timing or synchronisation
- if (hr = S_OK) then
- begin
- // ???Assert(SetEvent(FRenderEvent.Handle));
- FRenderEvent.SetEv;
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- Assert(FAdvisedCookie = 0);
- Assert(Assigned(FClock));
- Assert(Wait_Timeout = WaitForSingleObject(FRenderEvent.Handle, 0));
- // We do have a valid reference clock interface so we can ask it to
- // set an event when the image comes due for rendering. We pass in
- // the reference time we were told to start at and also the current
- // stream time which is the offset from the start reference time
- hr := FClock.AdviseTime(
- FStart, // Start run time
- StartSample, // Stream time
- FRenderEvent.Handle, // Render notification
- FAdvisedCookie); // Advise cookie
- if Succeeded(hr) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- // We could not schedule the next sample for rendering despite the fact
- // we have a valid sample here. This is a fair indication that either
- // the system clock is wrong or the time stamp for the sample is duff
- Assert(FAdvisedCookie = 0);
- Result := False;
- end;
- // This is called when a sample comes due for rendering. We pass the sample
- // on to the derived class. After rendering we will initialise the timer for
- // the next sample, NOTE signal that the last one fired first, if we don't
- // do this it thinks there is still one outstanding that hasn't completed
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Render(MediaSample: IMediaSample): HResult;
- begin
- // If the media sample is NULL then we will have been notified by the
- // clock that another sample is ready but in the mean time someone has
- // stopped us streaming which causes the next sample to be released
- if (MediaSample = nil) then
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- // If we have stopped streaming then don't render any more samples, the
- // thread that got in and locked us and then reset this flag does not
- // clear the pending sample as we can use it to refresh any output device
- if Not FIsStreaming then
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Time how long the rendering takes
- OnRenderStart(MediaSample);
- DoRenderSample(MediaSample);
- OnRenderEnd(MediaSample);
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Checks if there is a sample waiting at the renderer
- function TBCBaseRenderer.HaveCurrentSample: Boolean;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- Result := (FMediaSample <> nil);
- finally
- FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Returns the current sample waiting at the video renderer. We AddRef the
- // sample before returning so that should it come due for rendering the
- // person who called this method will hold the remaining reference count
- // that will stop the sample being added back onto the allocator free list
- function TBCBaseRenderer.GetCurrentSample: IMediaSample;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- (* ???
- if (m_pMediaSample) {
- m_pMediaSample->AddRef();
- *)
- Result := FMediaSample;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // Called when the source delivers us a sample. We go through a few checks to
- // make sure the sample can be rendered. If we are running (streaming) then we
- // have the sample scheduled with the reference clock, if we are not streaming
- // then we have received an sample in paused mode so we can complete any state
- // transition. On leaving this function everything will be unlocked so an app
- // thread may get in and change our state to stopped (for example) in which
- // case it will also signal the thread event so that our wait call is stopped
- function TBCBaseRenderer.PrepareReceive(MediaSample: IMediaSample): HResult;
- var
- hr: HResult;
- begin
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- FInReceive := True;
- // Check our flushing and filter state
- // This function must hold the interface lock because it calls
- // CBaseInputPin::Receive() and CBaseInputPin::Receive() uses
- // CBasePin::m_bRunTimeError.
- // ??? HRESULT hr = m_pInputPin->CBaseInputPin::Receive(MediaSample);
- hr := FInputPin.InheritedReceive(MediaSample);
- if (hr <> NOERROR) then
- begin
- FInReceive := False;
- Result := E_FAIL;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Has the type changed on a media sample. We do all rendering
- // synchronously on the source thread, which has a side effect
- // that only one buffer is ever outstanding. Therefore when we
- // have Receive called we can go ahead and change the format
- // Since the format change can cause a SendMessage we just don't
- // lock
- if Assigned(FInputPin.SampleProps.pMediaType) then
- begin
- hr := FInputPin.SetMediaType(FInputPin.FSampleProps.pMediaType);
- if Failed(hr) then
- begin
- Result := hr;
- FInReceive := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- Assert(IsActive);
- Assert(not FInputPin.IsFlushing);
- Assert(FInputPin.IsConnected);
- Assert(FMediaSample = nil);
- // Return an error if we already have a sample waiting for rendering
- // source pins must serialise the Receive calls - we also check that
- // no data is being sent after the source signalled an end of stream
- if (Assigned(FMediaSample) or FIsEOS or FAbort) then
- begin
- Ready;
- FInReceive := False;
- Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Store the media times from this sample
- if Assigned(FPosition) then
- FPosition.RegisterMediaTime(MediaSample);
- // Schedule the next sample if we are streaming
- if (FIsStreaming and (not ScheduleSample(MediaSample))) then
- begin
- Assert(WAIT_TIMEOUT = WaitForSingleObject(FRenderEvent.Handle, 0));
- Assert(CancelNotification = S_FALSE);
- FInReceive := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Store the sample end time for EC_COMPLETE handling
- FSignalTime := FInputPin.FSampleProps.tStop;
- // BEWARE we sometimes keep the sample even after returning the thread to
- // the source filter such as when we go into a stopped state (we keep it
- // to refresh the device with) so we must AddRef it to keep it safely. If
- // we start flushing the source thread is released and any sample waiting
- // will be released otherwise GetBuffer may never return (see BeginFlush)
- FMediaSample := MediaSample;
- //??? m_pMediaSample->AddRef();
- if not FIsStreaming then
- SetRepaintStatus(True);
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Called by the source filter when we have a sample to render. Under normal
- // circumstances we set an advise link with the clock, wait for the time to
- // arrive and then render the data using the PURE virtual DoRenderSample that
- // the derived class will have overriden. After rendering the sample we may
- // also signal EOS if it was the last one sent before EndOfStream was called
- function TBCBaseRenderer.Receive(MediaSample: IMediaSample): HResult;
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(MediaSample));
- // It may return VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED code to say don't bother
- Result := PrepareReceive(MediaSample);
- Assert(FInReceive = Succeeded(Result));
- if Failed(Result) then
- begin
- if (Result = VFW_E_SAMPLE_REJECTED) then
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // We realize the palette in "PrepareRender()" so we have to give away the
- // filter lock here.
- if (FState = State_Paused) then
- begin
- PrepareRender;
- // no need to use InterlockedExchange
- FInReceive := False;
- // We must hold both these locks
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- if (FState = State_Stopped) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- FInReceive := True;
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- OnReceiveFirstSample(MediaSample);
- finally
- FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- Ready;
- end;
- // Having set an advise link with the clock we sit and wait. We may be
- // awoken by the clock firing or by a state change. The rendering call
- // will lock the critical section and check we can still render the data
- Result := WaitForRenderTime;
- if Failed(Result) then
- begin
- FInReceive := False;
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- PrepareRender;
- // Set this here and poll it until we work out the locking correctly
- // It can't be right that the streaming stuff grabs the interface
- // lock - after all we want to be able to wait for this stuff
- // to complete
- FInReceive := False;
- // We must hold both these locks
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- // since we gave away the filter wide lock, the sate of the filter could
- // have chnaged to Stopped
- if (FState = State_Stopped) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- // Deal with this sample
- Render(FMediaSample);
- ClearPendingSample;
- // milenko start (why commented before?)
- SendEndOfStream;
- // milenko end
- CancelNotification;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // This is called when we stop or are inactivated to clear the pending sample
- // We release the media sample interface so that they can be allocated to the
- // source filter again, unless of course we are changing state to inactive in
- // which case GetBuffer will return an error. We must also reset the current
- // media sample to NULL so that we know we do not currently have an image
- function TBCBaseRenderer.ClearPendingSample: HResult;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- if Assigned(FMediaSample) then
- FMediaSample := nil;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // Used to signal end of stream according to the sample end time
- // Milenko start (use this callback outside of the class and with stdcall;)
- procedure EndOfStreamTimer(uID, uMsg: UINT;
- dwUser, dw1, dw2: DWord); stdcall;
- var
- Renderer: TBCBaseRenderer;
- begin
- Renderer := TBCBaseRenderer(dwUser);
- //NOTE1("EndOfStreamTimer called (%d)",uID);
- DbgLog(Format('EndOfStreamTimer called (%d)', [uID]));
- {$ENDIF}
- Renderer.TimerCallback;
- {
- ???
- CBaseRenderer *pRenderer = (CBaseRenderer * ) dwUser;
- pRenderer->TimerCallback();
- }
- end;
- // Milenko end
- // Do the timer callback work
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.TimerCallback;
- begin
- // Lock for synchronization (but don't hold this lock when calling
- // timeKillEvent)
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- // See if we should signal end of stream now
- if (FEndOfStreamTimer <> 0) then
- begin
- FEndOfStreamTimer := 0;
- // milenko start (why commented before?)
- SendEndOfStream;
- // milenko end
- end;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // If we are at the end of the stream signal the filter graph but do not set
- // the state flag back to FALSE. Once we drop off the end of the stream we
- // leave the flag set (until a subsequent ResetEndOfStream). Each sample we
- // get delivered will update m_SignalTime to be the last sample's end time.
- // We must wait this long before signalling end of stream to the filtergraph
- const
- function TBCBaseRenderer.SendEndOfStream: HResult;
- var
- Signal, CurrentTime: TReferenceTime;
- Delay: Longint;
- begin
- Assert(FRendererLock.CritCheckIn);
- {$ENDIF}
- if ((not FIsEOS) or FIsEOSDelivered or (FEndOfStreamTimer <> 0)) then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // If there is no clock then signal immediately
- if (FClock = nil) then
- begin
- Result := NotifyEndOfStream;
- Exit;
- end;
- // How long into the future is the delivery time
- Signal := FStart + FSignalTime;
- FClock.GetTime(int64(CurrentTime));
- // Milenko Start (important!)
- // Delay := (Longint(Signal) - CurrentTime) div 10000;
- Delay := LongInt((Signal - CurrentTime) div 10000);
- // Milenko end
- // Dump the timing information to the debugger
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Delay until end of stream delivery %d', [Delay]));
- // ??? NOTE1("Current %s",(LPCTSTR)CDisp((LONGLONG)CurrentTime));
- // ??? NOTE1("Signal %s",(LPCTSTR)CDisp((LONGLONG)Signal));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Current %d', [CurrentTime]));
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Signal %d', [Signal]));
- {$ENDIF}
- // Wait for the delivery time to arrive
- if (Delay < TIMEOUT_DELIVERYWAIT) then
- begin
- Result := NotifyEndOfStream;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Signal a timer callback on another worker thread
- FEndOfStreamTimer := CompatibleTimeSetEvent(
- Delay, // Period of timer
- TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION, // Timer resolution
- // ???
- // Milenko start (callback is now outside of the class)
- @EndOfStreamTimer,// Callback function
- // Milenko end
- Cardinal(Self), // Used information
- TIME_ONESHOT); // Type of callback
- if (FEndOfStreamTimer = 0) then
- begin
- Result := NotifyEndOfStream;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Signals EC_COMPLETE to the filtergraph manager
- function TBCBaseRenderer.NotifyEndOfStream: HResult;
- var
- Filter: IBaseFilter;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- Assert(not FIsEOSDelivered);
- Assert(FEndOfStreamTimer = 0);
- // Has the filter changed state
- if not FIsStreaming then
- begin
- Assert(FEndOfStreamTimer = 0);
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Reset the end of stream timer
- FEndOfStreamTimer := 0;
- // If we've been using the IMediaPosition interface, set it's start
- // and end media "times" to the stop position by hand. This ensures
- // that we actually get to the end, even if the MPEG guestimate has
- // been bad or if the quality management dropped the last few frames
- if Assigned(FPosition) then
- FPosition.EOS;
- FIsEOSDelivered := True;
- DbgLog('Sending EC_COMPLETE...');
- {$ENDIF}
- // ??? return NotifyEvent(EC_COMPLETE,S_OK,(LONG_PTR)(IBaseFilter *)this);
- // milenko start (Delphi 5 compatibility)
- QueryInterface(IID_IBaseFilter,Filter);
- Result := NotifyEvent(EC_COMPLETE, S_OK, Integer(Filter));
- Filter := nil;
- // milenko end
- finally
- FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Reset the end of stream flag, this is typically called when we transfer to
- // stopped states since that resets the current position back to the start so
- // we will receive more samples or another EndOfStream if there aren't any. We
- // keep two separate flags one to say we have run off the end of the stream
- // (this is the m_bEOS flag) and another to say we have delivered EC_COMPLETE
- // to the filter graph. We need the latter otherwise we can end up sending an
- // EC_COMPLETE every time the source changes state and calls our EndOfStream
- function TBCBaseRenderer.ResetEndOfStream: HResult;
- begin
- ResetEndOfStreamTimer;
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- FIsEOS := False;
- FIsEOSDelivered := False;
- FSignalTime := 0;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Kills any outstanding end of stream timer
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.ResetEndOfStreamTimer;
- begin
- Assert(FRendererLock.CritCheckOut);
- {$ENDIF}
- if (FEndOfStreamTimer <> 0) then
- begin
- timeKillEvent(FEndOfStreamTimer);
- FEndOfStreamTimer := 0;
- end;
- end;
- // This is called when we start running so that we can schedule any pending
- // image we have with the clock and display any timing information. If we
- // don't have any sample but we have queued an EOS flag then we send it. If
- // we do have a sample then we wait until that has been rendered before we
- // signal the filter graph otherwise we may change state before it's done
- function TBCBaseRenderer.StartStreaming: HResult;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- if FIsStreaming then
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Reset the streaming times ready for running
- FIsStreaming := True;
- timeBeginPeriod(1);
- OnStartStreaming;
- // There should be no outstanding advise
- Assert(WAIT_TIMEOUT = WaitForSingleObject(FRenderEvent.Handle, 0));
- Assert(CancelNotification = S_FALSE);
- // If we have an EOS and no data then deliver it now
- if (FMediaSample = nil) then
- begin
- Result := SendEndOfStream;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Have the data rendered
- Assert(Assigned(FMediaSample));
- if not ScheduleSample(FMediaSample) then
- FRenderEvent.SetEv;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // This is called when we stop streaming so that we can set our internal flag
- // indicating we are not now to schedule any more samples arriving. The state
- // change methods in the filter implementation take care of cancelling any
- // clock advise link we have set up and clearing any pending sample we have
- function TBCBaseRenderer.StopStreaming: HResult;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- FIsEOSDelivered := False;
- if FIsStreaming then
- begin
- FIsStreaming := False;
- OnStopStreaming;
- timeEndPeriod(1);
- end;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // We have a boolean flag that is reset when we have signalled EC_REPAINT to
- // the filter graph. We set this when we receive an image so that should any
- // conditions arise again we can send another one. By having a flag we ensure
- // we don't flood the filter graph with redundant calls. We do not set the
- // event when we receive an EndOfStream call since there is no point in us
- // sending further EC_REPAINTs. In particular the AutoShowWindow method and
- // the DirectDraw object use this method to control the window repainting
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.SetRepaintStatus(Repaint: Boolean);
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- FRepaintStatus := Repaint;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // Pass the window handle to the upstream filter
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.SendNotifyWindow(Pin: IPin; Handle: HWND);
- var
- Sink: IMediaEventSink;
- hr: HResult;
- begin
- // Does the pin support IMediaEventSink
- hr := Pin.QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventSink, Sink);
- if Succeeded(hr) then
- begin
- Sink.Notify(EC_NOTIFY_WINDOW, Handle, 0);
- Sink := nil;
- end;
- NotifyEvent(EC_NOTIFY_WINDOW, Handle, 0);
- end;
- // Signal an EC_REPAINT to the filter graph. This can be used to have data
- // sent to us. For example when a video window is first displayed it may
- // not have an image to display, at which point it signals EC_REPAINT. The
- // filtergraph will either pause the graph if stopped or if already paused
- // it will call put_CurrentPosition of the current position. Setting the
- // current position to itself has the stream flushed and the image resent
- // ??? #define RLOG(_x_) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,1,TEXT(_x_)));
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.SendRepaint;
- var
- Pin: IPin;
- begin
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- Assert(Assigned(FInputPin));
- // We should not send repaint notifications when...
- // - An end of stream has been notified
- // - Our input pin is being flushed
- // - The input pin is not connected
- // - We have aborted a video playback
- // - There is a repaint already sent
- if (not FAbort) and
- (FInputPin.IsConnected) and
- (not FInputPin.IsFlushing) and
- (not IsEndOfStream) and
- FRepaintStatus then
- begin
- // milenko start (delphi 5 compatibility)
- // Pin := FInputPin as IPin;
- FInputPin.QueryInterface(IID_IPin,Pin);
- NotifyEvent(EC_REPAINT, Integer(Pin), 0);
- Pin := nil;
- // milenko end
- SetRepaintStatus(False);
- DbgLog('Sending repaint');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // When a video window detects a display change (WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message) it
- // can send an EC_DISPLAY_CHANGED event code along with the renderer pin. The
- // filtergraph will stop everyone and reconnect our input pin. As we're then
- // reconnected we can accept the media type that matches the new display mode
- // since we may no longer be able to draw the current image type efficiently
- function TBCBaseRenderer.OnDisplayChange: Boolean;
- var
- Pin: IPin;
- begin
- // Ignore if we are not connected yet
- FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- if not FInputPin.IsConnected then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- DbgLog('Notification of EC_DISPLAY_CHANGE');
- {$ENDIF}
- // Pass our input pin as parameter on the event
- // milenko start (Delphi 5 compatibility)
- // Pin := FInputPin as IPin;
- FInputPin.QueryInterface(IID_IPin,Pin);
- // ??? m_pInputPin->AddRef();
- NotifyEvent(EC_DISPLAY_CHANGED, Integer(Pin), 0);
- SetAbortSignal(True);
- ClearPendingSample;
- // FreeAndNil(FInputPin);
- Pin := nil;
- // milenko end
- Result := True;
- finally
- FRendererLock.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- // Called just before we start drawing.
- // Store the current time in m_trRenderStart to allow the rendering time to be
- // logged. Log the time stamp of the sample and how late it is (neg is early)
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.OnRenderStart(MediaSample: IMediaSample);
- var
- StartTime, EndTime, StreamTime: TReferenceTime;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- MediaSample.GetTime(StartTime, EndTime);
- MSR_INTEGER(FBaseStamp, Integer(StartTime)); // dump low order 32 bits
- FClock.GetTime(pint64(@FRenderStart)^);
- MSR_INTEGER(0, Integer(FRenderStart));
- StreamTime := FRenderStart - FStart; // convert reftime to stream time
- MSR_INTEGER(0, Integer(StreamTime));
- MSR_INTEGER(FBaseAccuracy, RefTimeToMiliSec(StreamTime - StartTime)); // dump in mSec
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // Called directly after drawing an image.
- // calculate the time spent drawing and log it.
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.OnRenderEnd(MediaSample: IMediaSample);
- var
- NowTime: TReferenceTime;
- t: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- FClock.GetTime(int64(NowTime));
- MSR_INTEGER(0, Integer(NowTime));
- t := RefTimeToMiliSec(NowTime - FRenderStart); // convert UNITS->msec
- MSR_INTEGER(FBaseRenderTime, t);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TBCBaseRenderer.OnStartStreaming: HResult;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBaseRenderer.OnStopStreaming: HResult;
- begin
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.OnWaitStart;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.OnWaitEnd;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseRenderer.PrepareRender;
- begin
- end;
- // Constructor must be passed the base renderer object
- constructor TBCRendererInputPin.Create(Renderer: TBCBaseRenderer;
- out hr: HResult; Name: PWideChar);
- begin
- inherited Create('Renderer pin', Renderer, Renderer.FInterfaceLock,
- hr, Name);
- FRenderer := Renderer;
- Assert(Assigned(FRenderer));
- end;
- // Signals end of data stream on the input pin
- function TBCRendererInputPin.EndOfStream: HResult;
- begin
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- // Make sure we're streaming ok
- Result := CheckStreaming;
- if (Result <> NOERROR) then
- Exit;
- // Pass it onto the renderer
- Result := FRenderer.EndOfStream;
- if Succeeded(Result) then
- Result := inherited EndOfStream;
- finally
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.UnLock;
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Signals start of flushing on the input pin - we do the final reset end of
- // stream with the renderer lock unlocked but with the interface lock locked
- // We must do this because we call timeKillEvent, our timer callback method
- // has to take the renderer lock to serialise our state. Therefore holding a
- // renderer lock when calling timeKillEvent could cause a deadlock condition
- function TBCRendererInputPin.BeginFlush: HResult;
- begin
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- inherited BeginFlush;
- FRenderer.BeginFlush;
- finally
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- Result := FRenderer.ResetEndOfStream;
- finally
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Signals end of flushing on the input pin
- function TBCRendererInputPin.EndFlush: HResult;
- begin
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- Result := FRenderer.EndFlush;
- if Succeeded(Result) then
- Result := inherited EndFlush;
- finally
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.UnLock;
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Pass the sample straight through to the renderer object
- function TBCRendererInputPin.Receive(MediaSample: IMediaSample): HResult;
- var
- hr: HResult;
- begin
- hr := FRenderer.Receive(MediaSample);
- if Failed(hr) then
- begin
- // A deadlock could occur if the caller holds the renderer lock and
- // attempts to acquire the interface lock.
- Assert(FRenderer.FRendererLock.CritCheckOut);
- {$ENDIF}
- // The interface lock must be held when the filter is calling
- // IsStopped or IsFlushing. The interface lock must also
- // be held because the function uses m_bRunTimeError.
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- // We do not report errors which occur while the filter is stopping,
- // flushing or if the FAborting flag is set . Errors are expected to
- // occur during these operations and the streaming thread correctly
- // handles the errors.
- if (not IsStopped) and (not IsFlushing) and
- (not FRenderer.FAbort) and
- (not FRunTimeError) then
- begin
- // EC_ERRORABORT's first parameter is the error which caused
- // the event and its' last parameter is 0. See the Direct
- // Show SDK documentation for more information.
- FRenderer.NotifyEvent(EC_ERRORABORT, hr, 0);
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.Lock;
- try
- if (FRenderer.IsStreaming and
- (not FRenderer.IsEndOfStreamDelivered)) then
- FRenderer.NotifyEndOfStream;
- finally
- FRenderer.FRendererLock.UnLock;
- end;
- FRunTimeError := True;
- end;
- finally
- FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- Result := hr;
- end;
- function TBCRendererInputPin.InheritedReceive(MediaSample: IMediaSample): HResult;
- begin
- Result := Inherited Receive(MediaSample);
- end;
- // Called when the input pin is disconnected
- function TBCRendererInputPin.BreakConnect: HResult;
- begin
- Result := FRenderer.BreakConnect;
- if Succeeded(Result) then
- Result := inherited BreakConnect;
- end;
- // Called when the input pin is connected
- function TBCRendererInputPin.CompleteConnect(ReceivePin: IPin): HResult;
- begin
- Result := FRenderer.CompleteConnect(ReceivePin);
- if Succeeded(Result) then
- Result := inherited CompleteConnect(ReceivePin);
- end;
- // Give the pin id of our one and only pin
- function TBCRendererInputPin.QueryId(out Id: PWideChar): HRESULT;
- begin
- // milenko start (AMGetWideString bugged before, so this call only will do fine now)
- Result := AMGetWideString('In', Id);
- // milenko end
- end;
- // Will the filter accept this media type
- function TBCRendererInputPin.CheckMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HResult;
- begin
- Result := FRenderer.CheckMediaType(MediaType);
- end;
- // Called when we go paused or running
- function TBCRendererInputPin.Active: HResult;
- begin
- Result := FRenderer.Active;
- end;
- // Called when we go into a stopped state
- function TBCRendererInputPin.Inactive: HResult;
- begin
- // The caller must hold the interface lock because
- // this function uses FRunTimeError.
- Assert(FRenderer.FInterfaceLock.CritCheckIn);
- {$ENDIF}
- FRunTimeError := False;
- Result := FRenderer.Inactive;
- end;
- // Tell derived classes about the media type agreed
- function TBCRendererInputPin.SetMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HResult;
- begin
- Result := inherited SetMediaType(MediaType);
- if Succeeded(Result) then
- Result := FRenderer.SetMediaType(MediaType);
- end;
- // We do not keep an event object to use when setting up a timer link with
- // the clock but are given a pointer to one by the owning object through the
- // SetNotificationObject method - this must be initialised before starting
- // We can override the default quality management process to have it always
- // draw late frames, this is currently done by having the following registry
- // key (actually an INI key) called DrawLateFrames set to 1 (default is 0)
- (* ???
- const TCHAR AMQUALITY[] = TEXT("ActiveMovie");
- const TCHAR DRAWLATEFRAMES[] = TEXT("DrawLateFrames");
- *)
- resourcestring
- AMQUALITY = 'ActiveMovie';
- DRAWLATEFRAMES = 'DrawLateFrames';
- constructor TBCBaseVideoRenderer.Create(RenderClass: TGUID; Name: PChar;
- Unk: IUnknown; hr: HResult);
- begin
- // milenko start (not sure if this is really needed, but looks better)
- // inherited;
- inherited Create(RenderClass,Name,Unk,hr);
- // milenko end
- FFramesDropped := 0;
- FFramesDrawn := 0;
- FSupplierHandlingQuality:= False;
- ResetStreamingTimes;
- FTimeStamp := MSR_REGISTER('Frame time stamp');
- FEarliness := MSR_REGISTER('Earliness fudge');
- FTarget := MSR_REGISTER('Target(mSec)');
- FSchLateTime := MSR_REGISTER('mSec late when scheduled');
- FDecision := MSR_REGISTER('Scheduler decision code');
- FQualityRate := MSR_REGISTER('Quality rate sent');
- FQualityTime := MSR_REGISTER('Quality time sent');
- FWaitReal := MSR_REGISTER('Render wait');
- FWait := MSR_REGISTER('wait time recorded (msec)');
- FFrameAccuracy := MSR_REGISTER('Frame accuracy(msecs)');
- FDrawLateFrames := Boolean(GetProfileInt(PChar(AMQUALITY),
- PChar(DRAWLATEFRAMES), Integer(False)));
- FSendQuality := MSR_REGISTER('Processing Quality message');
- FRenderAvg := MSR_REGISTER('Render draw time Avg');
- FFrameAvg := MSR_REGISTER('FrameAvg');
- FWaitAvg := MSR_REGISTER('WaitAvg');
- FDuration := MSR_REGISTER('Duration');
- FThrottle := MSR_REGISTER('Audio - video throttle wait');
- FDebug := MSR_REGISTER('Debug stuff');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // Destructor is just a placeholder
- destructor TBCBaseVideoRenderer.Destroy;
- begin
- Assert(FAdvisedCookie = 0);
- // ??? seems should leave it, but...
- // milenko start (not really needed...)
- // inherited;
- inherited Destroy;
- // milenko end
- end;
- // The timing functions in this class are called by the window object and by
- // the renderer's allocator.
- // The windows object calls timing functions as it receives media sample
- // images for drawing using GDI.
- // The allocator calls timing functions when it starts passing DCI/DirectDraw
- // surfaces which are not rendered in the same way; The decompressor writes
- // directly to the surface with no separate rendering, so those code paths
- // call direct into us. Since we only ever hand out DCI/DirectDraw surfaces
- // when we have allocated one and only one image we know there cannot be any
- // conflict between the two.
- //
- // We use timeGetTime to return the timing counts we use (since it's relative
- // performance we are interested in rather than absolute compared to a clock)
- // The window object sets the accuracy of the system clock (normally 1ms) by
- // calling timeBeginPeriod/timeEndPeriod when it changes streaming states
- // Reset all times controlling streaming.
- // Set them so that
- // 1. Frames will not initially be dropped
- // 2. The first frame will definitely be drawn (achieved by saying that there
- // has not ben a frame drawn for a long time).
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.ResetStreamingTimes: HResult;
- begin
- FLastDraw := -1000; // set up as first frame since ages (1 sec) ago
- FStreamingStart := timeGetTime;
- FRenderAvg := 0;
- FFrameAvg := -1; // -1000 fps :=:= "unset"
- FDuration := 0; // 0 - strange value
- FRenderLast := 0;
- FWaitAvg := 0;
- FRenderStart := 0;
- FFramesDrawn := 0;
- FFramesDropped := 0;
- FTotAcc := 0;
- FSumSqAcc := 0;
- FSumSqFrameTime := 0;
- FFrame := 0; // hygiene - not really needed
- FLate := 0; // hygiene - not really needed
- FSumFrameTime := 0;
- FNormal := 0;
- FEarliness := 0;
- FTarget := -300000; // 30mSec early
- FThrottle := 0;
- FRememberStampForPerf := 0;
- FRememberFrameForPerf := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Reset all times controlling streaming. Note that we're now streaming. We
- // don't need to set the rendering event to have the source filter released
- // as it is done during the Run processing. When we are run we immediately
- // release the source filter thread and draw any image waiting (that image
- // may already have been drawn once as a poster frame while we were paused)
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnStartStreaming: HResult;
- begin
- ResetStreamingTimes;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Called at end of streaming. Fixes times for property page report
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnStopStreaming: HResult;
- begin
- // milenko start (better to use int64 instead of integer)
- // FStreamingStart := Integer(timeGetTime) - FStreamingStart;
- FStreamingStart := Int64(timeGetTime) - FStreamingStart;
- // milenko end
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Called when we start waiting for a rendering event.
- // Used to update times spent waiting and not waiting.
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnWaitStart;
- begin
- MSR_START(FWaitReal);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // Called when we are awoken from the wait in the window OR by our allocator
- // when it is hanging around until the next sample is due for rendering on a
- // DCI/DirectDraw surface. We add the wait time into our rolling average.
- // We grab the interface lock so that we're serialised with the application
- // thread going through the run code - which in due course ends up calling
- // ResetStreaming times - possibly as we run through this section of code
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnWaitEnd;
- var
- RealStream, RefTime: TReferenceTime;
- // the real time now expressed as stream time.
- Late, Frame: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- MSR_STOP(FWaitReal);
- // for a perf build we want to know just exactly how late we REALLY are.
- // even if this means that we have to look at the clock again.
- {$IFDEF 0}
- FClock.GetTime(RealStream); // Calling clock here causes W95 deadlock!
- {$ELSE}
- // We will be discarding overflows like mad here!
- // This is wrong really because timeGetTime() can wrap but it's
- // only for PERF
- RefTime := timeGetTime * 10000;
- RealStream := RefTime + FTimeOffset;
- {$ENDIF}
- Dec(RealStream, FStart); // convert to stream time (this is a reftime)
- if (FRememberStampForPerf = 0) then
- // This is probably the poster frame at the start, and it is not scheduled
- // in the usual way at all. Just count it. The rememberstamp gets set
- // in ShouldDrawSampleNow, so this does invalid frame recording until we
- // actually start playing.
- PreparePerformanceData(0, 0)
- else
- begin
- Late := RealStream - FRememberStampForPerf;
- Frame := RefTime - FRememberFrameForPerf;
- PreparePerformanceData(Late, Frame);
- end;
- FRememberFrameForPerf := RefTime;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // Put data on one side that describes the lateness of the current frame.
- // We don't yet know whether it will actually be drawn. In direct draw mode,
- // this decision is up to the filter upstream, and it could change its mind.
- // The rules say that if it did draw it must call Receive(). One way or
- // another we eventually get into either OnRenderStart or OnDirectRender and
- // these both call RecordFrameLateness to update the statistics.
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.PreparePerformanceData(Late, Frame: Integer);
- begin
- FLate := Late;
- FFrame := Frame;
- end;
- // update the statistics:
- // m_iTotAcc, m_iSumSqAcc, m_iSumSqFrameTime, m_iSumFrameTime, m_cFramesDrawn
- // Note that because the properties page reports using these variables,
- // 1. We need to be inside a critical section
- // 2. They must all be updated together. Updating the sums here and the count
- // elsewhere can result in imaginary jitter (i.e. attempts to find square roots
- // of negative numbers) in the property page code.
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.RecordFrameLateness(Late, Frame: Integer);
- var
- _Late, _Frame: Integer;
- begin
- // Record how timely we are.
- _Late := Late div 10000;
- // Best estimate of moment of appearing on the screen is average of
- // start and end draw times. Here we have only the end time. This may
- // tend to show us as spuriously late by up to 1/2 frame rate achieved.
- // Decoder probably monitors draw time. We don't bother.
- MSR_INTEGER(FFrameAccuracy, _Late);
- {$ENDIF}
- // This is a kludge - we can get frames that are very late
- // especially (at start-up) and they invalidate the statistics.
- // So ignore things that are more than 1 sec off.
- if (_Late > 1000) or (_Late < -1000) then
- if (FFramesDrawn <= 1) then
- _Late := 0
- else if (_Late > 0) then
- _Late := 1000
- else
- _Late := -1000;
- // The very first frame often has a invalid time, so don't
- // count it into the statistics. (???)
- if (FFramesDrawn > 1) then
- begin
- Inc(FTotAcc, _Late);
- Inc(FSumSqAcc, _Late * _Late);
- end;
- // calculate inter-frame time. Doesn't make sense for first frame
- // second frame suffers from invalid first frame stamp.
- if (FFramesDrawn > 2) then
- begin
- _Frame := Frame div 10000; // convert to mSec else it overflows
- // This is a kludge. It can overflow anyway (a pause can cause
- // a very long inter-frame time) and it overflows at 2**31/10**7
- // or about 215 seconds i.e. 3min 35sec
- if (_Frame > 1000) or (_Frame < 0) then
- _Frame := 1000;
- Inc(FSumSqFrameTime, _Frame * _Frame);
- Assert(FSumSqFrameTime >= 0);
- Inc(FSumFrameTime, _Frame);
- end;
- Inc(FFramesDrawn);
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.ThrottleWait;
- var
- Throttle: Integer;
- begin
- if (FThrottle > 0) then
- begin
- Throttle := FThrottle div 10000; // convert to mSec
- MSR_INTEGER(FThrottle, Throttle);
- DbgLog(Self, Format('Throttle %d ms', [Throttle]));
- {$ENDIF}
- Sleep(Throttle);
- end
- else
- Sleep(0);
- end;
- // Whenever a frame is rendered it goes though either OnRenderStart
- // or OnDirectRender. Data that are generated during ShouldDrawSample
- // are added to the statistics by calling RecordFrameLateness from both
- // these two places.
- // Called in place of OnRenderStart..OnRenderEnd
- // When a DirectDraw image is drawn
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnDirectRender(MediaSample: IMediaSample);
- begin
- FRenderAvg := 0;
- FRenderLast := 5000000; // If we mode switch, we do NOT want this
- // to inhibit the new average getting going!
- // so we set it to half a second
- // MSR_INTEGER(m_idRenderAvg, m_trRenderAvg div 10000);
- RecordFrameLateness(FLate, FFrame);
- ThrottleWait;
- end;
- // Called just before we start drawing. All we do is to get the current clock
- // time (from the system) and return. We have to store the start render time
- // in a member variable because it isn't used until we complete the drawing
- // The rest is just performance logging.
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnRenderStart(MediaSample: IMediaSample);
- begin
- RecordFrameLateness(FLate, FFrame);
- FRenderStart := timeGetTime;
- end;
- // Called directly after drawing an image. We calculate the time spent in the
- // drawing code and if this doesn't appear to have any odd looking spikes in
- // it then we add it to the current average draw time. Measurement spikes may
- // occur if the drawing thread is interrupted and switched to somewhere else.
- procedure TBCBaseVideoRenderer.OnRenderEnd(MediaSample: IMediaSample);
- var
- RefTime: Integer;
- begin
- // The renderer time can vary erratically if we are interrupted so we do
- // some smoothing to help get more sensible figures out but even that is
- // not enough as figures can go 9,10,9,9,83,9 and we must disregard 83
- // milenko start
- // RefTime := (Integer(timeGetTime) - FRenderStart) * 10000;
- RefTime := (Int64(timeGetTime) - FRenderStart) * 10000;
- // milenko end
- // convert mSec->UNITS
- if (RefTime < FRenderAvg * 2) or (RefTime < 2 * FRenderLast) then
- // DO_MOVING_AVG(m_trRenderAvg, tr);
- FRenderAvg := (RefTime + (AVGPERIOD - 1) * FRenderAvg) div AVGPERIOD;
- FRenderLast := RefTime;
- ThrottleWait;
- end;
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.SetSink(QualityControl: IQualityControl): HResult;
- begin
- FQSink := QualityControl;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.Notify(Filter: IBaseFilter;
- Q: TQuality): HResult;
- begin
- // NOTE: We are NOT getting any locks here. We could be called
- // asynchronously and possibly even on a time critical thread of
- // someone else's - so we do the minumum. We only set one state
- // variable (an integer) and if that happens to be in the middle
- // of another thread reading it they will just get either the new
- // or the old value. Locking would achieve no more than this.
- // It might be nice to check that we are being called from m_pGraph, but
- // it turns out to be a millisecond or so per throw!
- // This is heuristics, these numbers are aimed at being "what works"
- // rather than anything based on some theory.
- // We use a hyperbola because it's easy to calculate and it includes
- // a panic button asymptote (which we push off just to the left)
- // The throttling fits the following table (roughly)
- // Proportion Throttle (msec)
- // >=1000 0
- // 900 3
- // 800 7
- // 700 11
- // 600 17
- // 500 25
- // 400 35
- // 300 50
- // 200 72
- // 125 100
- // 100 112
- // 50 146
- // 0 200
- // (some evidence that we could go for a sharper kink - e.g. no throttling
- // until below the 750 mark - might give fractionally more frames on a
- // P60-ish machine). The easy way to get these coefficients is to use
- // Renbase.xls follow the instructions therein using excel solver.
- if (q.Proportion >= 1000) then
- FThrottle := 0
- else
- // The DWORD is to make quite sure I get unsigned arithmetic
- // as the constant is between 2**31 and 2**32
- FThrottle := -330000 + (388880000 div (q.Proportion + 167));
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- // Send a message to indicate what our supplier should do about quality.
- // Theory:
- // What a supplier wants to know is "is the frame I'm working on NOW
- // going to be late?".
- // F1 is the frame at the supplier (as above)
- // Tf1 is the due time for F1
- // T1 is the time at that point (NOW!)
- // Tr1 is the time that f1 WILL actually be rendered
- // L1 is the latency of the graph for frame F1 = Tr1-T1
- // D1 (for delay) is how late F1 will be beyond its due time i.e.
- // D1 = (Tr1-Tf1) which is what the supplier really wants to know.
- // Unfortunately Tr1 is in the future and is unknown, so is L1
- //
- // We could estimate L1 by its value for a previous frame,
- // L0 = Tr0-T0 and work off
- // D1' = ((T1+L0)-Tf1) = (T1 + (Tr0-T0) -Tf1)
- // Rearranging terms:
- // D1' = (T1-T0) + (Tr0-Tf1)
- // adding (Tf0-Tf0) and rearranging again:
- // = (T1-T0) + (Tr0-Tf0) + (Tf0-Tf1)
- // = (T1-T0) - (Tf1-Tf0) + (Tr0-Tf0)
- // But (Tr0-Tf0) is just D0 - how late frame zero was, and this is the
- // Late field in the quality message that we send.
- // The other two terms just state what correction should be applied before
- // using the lateness of F0 to predict the lateness of F1.
- // (T1-T0) says how much time has actually passed (we have lost this much)
- // (Tf1-Tf0) says how much time should have passed if we were keeping pace
- // (we have gained this much).
- //
- // Suppliers should therefore work off:
- // Quality.Late + (T1-T0) - (Tf1-Tf0)
- // and see if this is "acceptably late" or even early (i.e. negative).
- // They get T1 and T0 by polling the clock, they get Tf1 and Tf0 from
- // the time stamps in the frames. They get Quality.Late from us.
- //
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.SendQuality(Late,
- RealStream: TReferenceTime): HResult;
- var
- q: TQuality;
- hr: HResult;
- QC: IQualityControl;
- OutputPin: IPin;
- begin
- // If we are the main user of time, then report this as Flood/Dry.
- // If our suppliers are, then report it as Famine/Glut.
- //
- // We need to take action, but avoid hunting. Hunting is caused by
- // 1. Taking too much action too soon and overshooting
- // 2. Taking too long to react (so averaging can CAUSE hunting).
- //
- // The reason why we use trLate as well as Wait is to reduce hunting;
- // if the wait time is coming down and about to go into the red, we do
- // NOT want to rely on some average which is only telling is that it used
- // to be OK once.
- q.TimeStamp := RealStream;
- if (FFrameAvg < 0) then
- q.Typ := Famine // guess
- // Is the greater part of the time taken bltting or something else
- else if (FFrameAvg > 2 * FRenderAvg) then
- q.Typ := Famine // mainly other
- else
- q.Typ := Flood; // mainly bltting
- q.Proportion := 1000; // default
- if (FFrameAvg < 0) then
- // leave it alone - we don't know enough
- else if (Late > 0) then
- begin
- // try to catch up over the next second
- // We could be Really, REALLY late, but rendering all the frames
- // anyway, just because it's so cheap.
- q.Proportion := 1000 - (Late div (UNITS div 1000));
- if (q.Proportion < 500) then
- q.Proportion := 500; // don't go daft. (could've been negative!)
- end
- // milenko start
- else if (FWaitAvg > 20000) and (Late < -20000) then
- begin
- // if (FWaitAvg > 20000) and (Late < -20000) then
- // Go cautiously faster - aim at 2mSec wait.
- if (FWaitAvg >= FFrameAvg) then
- begin
- // This can happen because of some fudges.
- // The waitAvg is how long we originally planned to wait
- // The frameAvg is more honest.
- // It means that we are spending a LOT of time waiting
- q.Proportion := 2000 // double.
- end else
- begin
- if (FFrameAvg + 20000 > FWaitAvg) then
- q.Proportion := 1000 * (FFrameAvg div (FFrameAvg + 20000 - FWaitAvg))
- else
- // We're apparently spending more than the whole frame time waiting.
- // Assume that the averages are slightly out of kilter, but that we
- // are indeed doing a lot of waiting. (This leg probably never
- // happens, but the code avoids any potential divide by zero).
- q.Proportion := 2000;
- end;
- if (q.Proportion > 2000) then
- q.Proportion := 2000; // don't go crazy.
- end;
- // milenko end
- // Tell the supplier how late frames are when they get rendered
- // That's how late we are now.
- // If we are in directdraw mode then the guy upstream can see the drawing
- // times and we'll just report on the start time. He can figure out any
- // offset to apply. If we are in DIB Section mode then we will apply an
- // extra offset which is half of our drawing time. This is usually small
- // but can sometimes be the dominant effect. For this we will use the
- // average drawing time rather than the last frame. If the last frame took
- // a long time to draw and made us late, that's already in the lateness
- // figure. We should not add it in again unless we expect the next frame
- // to be the same. We don't, we expect the average to be a better shot.
- // In direct draw mode the RenderAvg will be zero.
- q.Late := Late + FRenderAvg div 2;
- // log what we're doing
- MSR_INTEGER(FQualityRate, q.Proportion);
- MSR_INTEGER(FQualityTime, refTimeToMiliSec(q.Late));
- {$ENDIF}
- // A specific sink interface may be set through IPin
- if (FQSink = nil) then
- begin
- // Get our input pin's peer. We send quality management messages
- // to any nominated receiver of these things (set in the IPin
- // interface), or else to our source filter.
- QC := nil;
- OutputPin := FInputPin.GetConnected;
- Assert(Assigned(OutputPin));
- // And get an AddRef'd quality control interface
- hr := OutputPin.QueryInterface(IID_IQualityControl, QC);
- if Succeeded(hr) then
- FQSink := QC;
- end;
- if Assigned(FQSink) then
- Result := FQSink.Notify(Self, q)
- else
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- // We are called with a valid IMediaSample image to decide whether this is to
- // be drawn or not. There must be a reference clock in operation.
- // Return S_OK if it is to be drawn Now (as soon as possible)
- // Return S_FALSE if it is to be drawn when it's due
- // Return an error if we want to drop it
- // m_nNormal=-1 indicates that we dropped the previous frame and so this
- // one should be drawn early. Respect it and update it.
- // Use current stream time plus a number of heuristics (detailed below)
- // to make the decision
- (* ??? StartTime is changing inside routine:
- Inc(StartTime, E); // N.B. earliness is negative
- So, maybe it should be declared as var or out?
- *)
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.ShouldDrawSampleNow(MediaSample: IMediaSample;
- StartTime: TReferenceTime; out EndTime: TReferenceTime): HResult;
- var
- RealStream: TReferenceTime; // the real time now expressed as stream time.
- RefTime: TReferenceTime;
- TrueLate, Late, Duration, t, WaitAvg, L, Frame, E, Delay
- {$IFNDEF PERF} , Accuracy{$ENDIF}: Integer;
- hr: HResult;
- JustDroppedFrame, Res, PlayASAP: Boolean;
- begin
- // Don't call us unless there's a clock interface to synchronise with
- Assert(Assigned(FClock));
- MSR_INTEGER(FTimeStamp, Integer(StartTime shr 32)); // high order 32 bits
- MSR_INTEGER(FTimeStamp, Integer(StartTime)); // low order 32 bits
- {$ENDIF}
- // We lose a bit of time depending on the monitor type waiting for the next
- // screen refresh. On average this might be about 8mSec - so it will be
- // later than we think when the picture appears. To compensate a bit
- // we bias the media samples by -8mSec i.e. 80000 UNITs.
- // We don't ever make a stream time negative (call it paranoia)
- if (StartTime >= 80000) then
- begin
- Dec(StartTime, 80000);
- Dec(EndTime, 80000); // bias stop to to retain valid frame duration
- end;
- // Cache the time stamp now. We will want to compare what we did with what
- // we started with (after making the monitor allowance).
- FRememberStampForPerf := StartTime;
- // Get reference times (current and late)
- FClock.GetTime(int64(RealStream));
- // While the reference clock is expensive:
- // Remember the offset from timeGetTime and use that.
- // This overflows all over the place, but when we subtract to get
- // differences the overflows all cancel out.
- FTimeOffset := RealStream - timeGetTime * 10000;
- {$ENDIF}
- Dec(RealStream, FStart); // convert to stream time (this is a reftime)
- // We have to wory about two versions of "lateness". The truth, which we
- // try to work out here and the one measured against m_trTarget which
- // includes long term feedback. We report statistics against the truth
- // but for operational decisions we work to the target.
- // We use TimeDiff to make sure we get an integer because we
- // may actually be late (or more likely early if there is a big time
- // gap) by a very long time.
- TrueLate := TimeDiff(RealStream - StartTime);
- Late := TrueLate;
- MSR_INTEGER(FSchLateTime, refTimeToMiliSec(TrueLate));
- {$ENDIF}
- // Send quality control messages upstream, measured against target
- hr := SendQuality(Late, RealStream);
- // Note: the filter upstream is allowed to this FAIL meaning "you do it".
- FSupplierHandlingQuality := (hr = S_OK);
- // Decision time! Do we drop, draw when ready or draw immediately?
- Duration := EndTime - StartTime;
- // We need to see if the frame rate of the file has just changed.
- // This would make comparing our previous frame rate with the current
- // frame rate inefficent. Hang on a moment though. I've seen files
- // where the frames vary between 33 and 34 mSec so as to average
- // 30fps. A minor variation like that won't hurt us.
- t := FDuration div 32;
- if (Duration > FDuration + t) or (Duration < FDuration - t) then
- begin
- // There's a major variation. Reset the average frame rate to
- // exactly the current rate to disable decision 9002 for this frame,
- // and remember the new rate.
- FFrameAvg := Duration;
- FDuration := Duration;
- end;
- MSR_INTEGER(FEarliness, refTimeToMiliSec(FEarliness));
- MSR_INTEGER(FRenderAvg, refTimeToMiliSec(FRenderAvg));
- MSR_INTEGER(FFrameAvg, refTimeToMiliSec(FFrameAvg));
- MSR_INTEGER(FWaitAvg, refTimeToMiliSec(FWaitAvg));
- MSR_INTEGER(FDuration, refTimeToMiliSec(FDuration));
- if (S_OK = MediaSample.IsDiscontinuity) then
- MSR_INTEGER(FDecision, 9000);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Control the graceful slide back from slow to fast machine mode.
- // After a frame drop accept an early frame and set the earliness to here
- // If this frame is already later than the earliness then slide it to here
- // otherwise do the standard slide (reduce by about 12% per frame).
- // Note: earliness is normally NEGATIVE
- JustDroppedFrame :=
- (FSupplierHandlingQuality and
- // Can't use the pin sample properties because we might
- // not be in Receive when we call this
- (S_OK = MediaSample.IsDiscontinuity) // he just dropped one
- ) or
- (FNormal = -1); // we just dropped one
- // Set m_trEarliness (slide back from slow to fast machine mode)
- if (Late > 0) then
- FEarliness := 0 // we are no longer in fast machine mode at all!
- else if ((Late >= FEarliness) or JustDroppedFrame) then
- FEarliness := Late // Things have slipped of their own accord
- else
- FEarliness := FEarliness - FEarliness div 8; // graceful slide
- // prepare the new wait average - but don't pollute the old one until
- // we have finished with it.
- // We never mix in a negative wait. This causes us to believe in fast machines
- // slightly more.
- if (Late < 0) then
- L := -Late
- else
- L := 0;
- WaitAvg := (L + FWaitAvg * (AVGPERIOD - 1)) div AVGPERIOD;
- RefTime := RealStream - FLastDraw; // Cd be large - 4 min pause!
- if (RefTime > 10000000) then
- RefTime := 10000000; // 1 second - arbitrarily.
- Frame := RefTime;
- if FSupplierHandlingQuality then
- Res := (Late <= Duration * 4)
- else
- Res := (Late + Late < Duration);
- // We will DRAW this frame IF...
- if (
- // ...the time we are spending drawing is a small fraction of the total
- // observed inter-frame time so that dropping it won't help much.
- (3 * FRenderAvg <= FFrameAvg)
- // ...or our supplier is NOT handling things and the next frame would
- // be less timely than this one or our supplier CLAIMS to be handling
- // things, and is now less than a full FOUR frames late.
- or Res
- // ...or we are on average waiting for over eight milliseconds then
- // this may be just a glitch. Draw it and we'll hope to catch up.
- or (FWaitAvg > 80000)
- // ...or we haven't drawn an image for over a second. We will update
- // the display, which stops the video looking hung.
- // Do this regardless of how late this media sample is.
- or ((RealStream - FLastDraw) > UNITS)
- ) then
- begin
- // We are going to play this frame. We may want to play it early.
- // We will play it early if we think we are in slow machine mode.
- // If we think we are NOT in slow machine mode, we will still play
- // it early by m_trEarliness as this controls the graceful slide back.
- // and in addition we aim at being m_trTarget late rather than "on time".
- PlayASAP := False;
- // we will play it AT ONCE (slow machine mode) if...
- // ...we are playing catch-up
- if (JustDroppedFrame) then
- begin
- PlayASAP := True;
- MSR_INTEGER(FDecision, 9001);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- // ...or if we are running below the true frame rate
- // exact comparisons are glitchy, for these measurements,
- // so add an extra 5% or so
- else if (FFrameAvg > Duration + Duration div 16)
- // It's possible to get into a state where we are losing ground, but
- // are a very long way ahead. To avoid this or recover from it
- // we refuse to play early by more than 10 frames.
- and (Late > -Duration * 10) then
- begin
- PlayASAP := True;
- MSR_INTEGER(FDecision, 9002);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {$IFDEF 0}
- // ...or if we have been late and are less than one frame early
- else if ((Late + Duration > 0) and
- (FWaitAvg <= 20000) then
- begin
- PlayASAP := True;
- MSR_INTEGER(m_idDecision, 9003);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- {$ENDIF}
- ;
- // We will NOT play it at once if we are grossly early. On very slow frame
- // rate movies - e.g. clock.avi - it is not a good idea to leap ahead just
- // because we got starved (for instance by the net) and dropped one frame
- // some time or other. If we are more than 900mSec early, then wait.
- if (Late < -9000000) then
- PlayASAP := False;
- if PlayASAP then
- begin
- FNormal := 0;
- MSR_INTEGER(FDecision, 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- // When we are here, we are in slow-machine mode. trLate may well
- // oscillate between negative and positive when the supplier is
- // dropping frames to keep sync. We should not let that mislead
- // us into thinking that we have as much as zero spare time!
- // We just update with a zero wait.
- FWaitAvg := (FWaitAvg * (AVGPERIOD - 1)) div AVGPERIOD;
- // Assume that we draw it immediately. Update inter-frame stats
- FFrameAvg := (Frame + FFrameAvg * (AVGPERIOD - 1)) div AVGPERIOD;
- // If this is NOT a perf build, then report what we know so far
- // without looking at the clock any more. This assumes that we
- // actually wait for exactly the time we hope to. It also reports
- // how close we get to the manipulated time stamps that we now have
- // rather than the ones we originally started with. It will
- // therefore be a little optimistic. However it's fast.
- PreparePerformanceData(TrueLate, Frame);
- {$ENDIF}
- FLastDraw := RealStream;
- if (FEarliness > Late) then
- FEarliness := Late; // if we are actually early, this is neg
- Result := S_OK; // Draw it now
- end
- else
- begin
- Inc(FNormal);
- // Set the average frame rate to EXACTLY the ideal rate.
- // If we are exiting slow-machine mode then we will have caught up
- // and be running ahead, so as we slide back to exact timing we will
- // have a longer than usual gap at this point. If we record this
- // real gap then we'll think that we're running slow and go back
- // into slow-machine mode and vever get it straight.
- FFrameAvg := Duration;
- MSR_INTEGER(FDecision, 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Play it early by m_trEarliness and by m_trTarget
- E := FEarliness;
- if (E < -FFrameAvg) then
- E := -FFrameAvg;
- Inc(StartTime, E); // N.B. earliness is negative
- Delay := -TrueLate;
- if (Delay <= 0) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := S_FALSE; // OK = draw now, FALSE = wait
- FWaitAvg := WaitAvg;
- // Predict when it will actually be drawn and update frame stats
- if (Result = S_FALSE) then // We are going to wait
- begin
- Frame := TimeDiff(StartTime - FLastDraw);
- {$ENDIF}
- FLastDraw := StartTime;
- end
- else
- // trFrame is already = trRealStream-m_trLastDraw;
- FLastDraw := RealStream;
- if (Delay > 0) then
- // Report lateness based on when we intend to play it
- Accuracy := TimeDiff(StartTime - FRememberStampForPerf)
- else
- // Report lateness based on playing it *now*.
- Accuracy := TrueLate; // trRealStream-RememberStampForPerf;
- PreparePerformanceData(Accuracy, Frame);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- // We are going to drop this frame!
- // Of course in DirectDraw mode the guy upstream may draw it anyway.
- // This will probably give a large negative wack to the wait avg.
- FWaitAvg := WaitAvg;
- // Respect registry setting - debug only!
- if (FDrawLateFrames) then
- begin
- Result := S_OK; // draw it when it's ready
- // even though it's late.
- Exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // We are going to drop this frame so draw the next one early
- // n.b. if the supplier is doing direct draw then he may draw it anyway
- // but he's doing something funny to arrive here in that case.
- MSR_INTEGER(FDecision, 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- FNormal := -1;
- Result := E_FAIL; // drop it
- end;
- // NOTE we're called by both the window thread and the source filter thread
- // so we have to be protected by a critical section (locked before called)
- // Also, when the window thread gets signalled to render an image, it always
- // does so regardless of how late it is. All the degradation is done when we
- // are scheduling the next sample to be drawn. Hence when we start an advise
- // link to draw a sample, that sample's time will always become the last one
- // drawn - unless of course we stop streaming in which case we cancel links
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.ScheduleSample(MediaSample: IMediaSample):
- Boolean;
- begin
- // We override ShouldDrawSampleNow to add quality management
- Result := inherited ScheduleSample(MediaSample);
- if not Result then
- Inc(FFramesDropped);
- // m_cFramesDrawn must NOT be updated here. It has to be updated
- // in RecordFrameLateness at the same time as the other statistics.
- end;
- // Implementation of IQualProp interface needed to support the property page
- // This is how the property page gets the data out of the scheduler. We are
- // passed into the constructor the owning object in the COM sense, this will
- // either be the video renderer or an external IUnknown if we're aggregated.
- // We initialise our CUnknown base class with this interface pointer. Then
- // all we have to do is to override NonDelegatingQueryInterface to expose
- // our IQualProp interface. The AddRef and Release are handled automatically
- // by the base class and will be passed on to the appropriate outer object
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.get_FramesDroppedInRenderer(var FramesDropped:
- Integer): HResult;
- begin
- // milenko start
- if not Assigned(@FramesDropped) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- // milenko end
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- FramesDropped := FFramesDropped;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Set *pcFramesDrawn to the number of frames drawn since
- // streaming started.
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.get_FramesDrawn(out FramesDrawn: Integer):
- HResult;
- begin
- // milenko start
- if not Assigned(@FramesDrawn) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- // milenko end
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- FramesDrawn := FFramesDrawn;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Set iAvgFrameRate to the frames per hundred secs since
- // streaming started. 0 otherwise.
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.get_AvgFrameRate(out AvgFrameRate: Integer):
- HResult;
- var
- t: Integer;
- begin
- // milenko start
- if not Assigned(@AvgFrameRate) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- // milenko end
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- if (FIsStreaming) then
- // milenko start
- // t := Integer(timeGetTime) - FStreamingStart
- t := Int64(timeGetTime) - FStreamingStart
- // milenko end
- else
- t := FStreamingStart;
- if (t <= 0) then
- begin
- AvgFrameRate := 0;
- Assert(FFramesDrawn = 0);
- end
- else
- // i is frames per hundred seconds
- AvgFrameRate := MulDiv(100000, FFramesDrawn, t);
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Set *piAvg to the average sync offset since streaming started
- // in mSec. The sync offset is the time in mSec between when the frame
- // should have been drawn and when the frame was actually drawn.
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.get_AvgSyncOffset(out Avg: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- // milenko start
- if not Assigned(@Avg) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- // milenko end
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- if (nil = FClock) then
- begin
- Avg := 0;
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Note that we didn't gather the stats on the first frame
- // so we use m_cFramesDrawn-1 here
- if (FFramesDrawn <= 1) then
- Avg := 0
- else
- Avg := (FTotAcc div (FFramesDrawn - 1));
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // To avoid dragging in the maths library - a cheap
- // approximate integer square root.
- // We do this by getting a starting guess which is between 1
- // and 2 times too large, followed by THREE iterations of
- // Newton Raphson. (That will give accuracy to the nearest mSec
- // for the range in question - roughly 0..1000)
- //
- // It would be faster to use a linear interpolation and ONE NR, but
- // who cares. If anyone does - the best linear interpolation is
- // to approximates sqrt(x) by
- // y = x * (sqrt(2)-1) + 1 - 1/sqrt(2) + 1/(8*(sqrt(2)-1))
- // 0r y = x*0.41421 + 0.59467
- // This minimises the maximal error in the range in question.
- // (error is about +0.008883 and then one NR will give error .0000something
- // (Of course these are integers, so you can't just multiply by 0.41421
- // you'd have to do some sort of MulDiv).
- // Anyone wanna check my maths? (This is only for a property display!)
- function isqrt(x: Integer): Integer;
- var
- s: Integer;
- begin
- s := 1;
- // Make s an initial guess for sqrt(x)
- if (x > $40000000) then
- s := $8000 // prevent any conceivable closed loop
- else
- begin
- while (s * s < x) do // loop cannot possible go more than 31 times
- s := 2 * s; // normally it goes about 6 times
- // Three NR iterations.
- if (x = 0) then
- s := 0 // Wouldn't it be tragic to divide by zero whenever our
- // accuracy was perfect!
- else
- begin
- s := (s * s + x) div (2 * s);
- if (s >= 0) then
- s := (s * s + x) div (2 * s);
- if (s >= 0) then
- s := (s * s + x) div (2 * s);
- end;
- end;
- Result := s;
- end;
- //
- // Do estimates for standard deviations for per-frame
- // statistics
- //
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.GetStdDev(Samples: Integer; out Res: Integer;
- SumSq, Tot: Int64): HResult;
- var
- x: Int64;
- begin
- // milenko start
- if not Assigned(@Res) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- // milenko end
- FInterfaceLock.Lock;
- try
- if (nil = FClock) then
- begin
- Res := 0;
- Result := NOERROR;
- Exit;
- end;
- // If S is the Sum of the Squares of observations and
- // T the Total (i.e. sum) of the observations and there were
- // N observations, then an estimate of the standard deviation is
- // sqrt( (S - T**2/N) / (N-1) )
- if (Samples <= 1) then
- Res := 0
- else
- begin
- // First frames have invalid stamps, so we get no stats for them
- // So we need 2 frames to get 1 datum, so N is cFramesDrawn-1
- // so we use m_cFramesDrawn-1 here
- // ??? llMilDiv ???
- // milenko start (removed the 2 outputdebugstring messages...i added them and
- // they are not needed anymore)
- x := SumSq - llMulDiv(Tot, Tot, Samples, 0);
- x := x div (Samples - 1);
- // milenko end
- Assert(x >= 0);
- Res := isqrt(Longint(x));
- end;
- Result := NOERROR;
- finally
- FInterfaceLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // Set *piDev to the standard deviation in mSec of the sync offset
- // of each frame since streaming started.
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.get_DevSyncOffset(out Dev: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- // First frames have invalid stamps, so we get no stats for them
- // So we need 2 frames to get 1 datum, so N is cFramesDrawn-1
- Result := GetStdDev(FFramesDrawn - 1, Dev, FSumSqAcc, FTotAcc);
- end;
- // Set *piJitter to the standard deviation in mSec of the inter-frame time
- // of frames since streaming started.
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.get_Jitter(out Jitter: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- // First frames have invalid stamps, so we get no stats for them
- // So second frame gives invalid inter-frame time
- // So we need 3 frames to get 1 datum, so N is cFramesDrawn-2
- Result := GetStdDev(FFramesDrawn - 2, Jitter, FSumSqFrameTime, FSumFrameTime);
- end;
- // Overidden to return our IQualProp interface
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.NonDelegatingQueryInterface(const IID: TGUID;
- out Obj): HResult;
- begin
- // We return IQualProp and delegate everything else
- if IsEqualGUID(IID, IID_IQualProp) then
- if GetInterface(IID_IQualProp, Obj) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := E_FAIL
- else if IsEqualGUID(IID, IID_IQualityControl) then
- if GetInterface(IID_IQualityControl, Obj) then
- Result := S_OK
- else
- Result := E_FAIL
- else
- Result := inherited NonDelegatingQueryInterface(IID, Obj);
- end;
- // Override JoinFilterGraph so that, just before leaving
- // the graph we can send an EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED event
- function TBCBaseVideoRenderer.JoinFilterGraph(Graph: IFilterGraph;
- Name: PWideChar): HResult;
- var
- Filter: IBaseFilter;
- begin
- // Since we send EC_ACTIVATE, we also need to ensure
- // we send EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED or the resource manager may be
- // holding us as a focus object
- if (Graph = nil) and Assigned(FGraph) then
- begin
- // We were in a graph and now we're not
- // Do this properly in case we are aggregated
- QueryInterface(IID_IBaseFilter, Filter);
- NotifyEvent(EC_WINDOW_DESTROYED, Integer(Filter), 0);
- Filter := nil;
- end;
- Result := inherited JoinFilterGraph(Graph, Name);
- end;
- // milenko start (added TBCPullPin)
- constructor TBCPullPin.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FReader := nil;
- FAlloc := nil;
- FState := TM_Exit;
- end;
- destructor TBCPullPin.Destroy;
- begin
- Disconnect;
- end;
- procedure TBCPullPin.Process;
- var
- Discontinuity: Boolean;
- Actual: TAllocatorProperties;
- hr: HRESULT;
- Start, Stop, Current, AlignStop: TReferenceTime;
- Request: DWORD;
- Sample: IMediaSample;
- StopThis: Int64;
- begin
- // is there anything to do?
- if (FStop <= FStart) then
- begin
- EndOfStream;
- Exit;
- end;
- Discontinuity := True;
- // if there is more than one sample at the allocator,
- // then try to queue 2 at once in order to overlap.
- // -- get buffer count and required alignment
- FAlloc.GetProperties(Actual);
- // align the start position downwards
- Start := AlignDown(FStart div UNITS, Actual.cbAlign) * UNITS;
- Current := Start;
- Stop := FStop;
- if (Stop > FDuration) then Stop := FDuration;
- // align the stop position - may be past stop, but that
- // doesn't matter
- AlignStop := AlignUp(Stop div UNITS, Actual.cbAlign) * UNITS;
- if not FSync then
- begin
- // Break out of the loop either if we get to the end or we're asked
- // to do something else
- while (Current < AlignStop) do
- begin
- // Break out without calling EndOfStream if we're asked to
- // do something different
- if CheckRequest(@Request) then Exit;
- // queue a first sample
- if (Actual.cBuffers > 1) then
- begin
- hr := QueueSample(Current, AlignStop, True);
- Discontinuity := False;
- if FAILED(hr) then Exit;
- end;
- // loop queueing second and waiting for first..
- while (Current < AlignStop) do
- begin
- hr := QueueSample(Current, AlignStop, Discontinuity);
- Discontinuity := False;
- if FAILED(hr) then Exit;
- hr := CollectAndDeliver(Start, Stop);
- if (S_OK <> hr) then
- begin
- // stop if error, or if downstream filter said
- // to stop.
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Actual.cBuffers > 1) then
- begin
- hr := CollectAndDeliver(Start, Stop);
- if FAILED(hr) then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- // sync version of above loop
- while (Current < AlignStop) do
- begin
- // Break out without calling EndOfStream if we're asked to
- // do something different
- if CheckRequest(@Request) then Exit;
- hr := FAlloc.GetBuffer(Sample, nil, nil, 0);
- if FAILED(hr) then
- begin
- OnError(hr);
- Exit;
- end;
- StopThis := Current + (Sample.GetSize * UNITS);
- if (StopThis > AlignStop) then StopThis := AlignStop;
- Sample.SetTime(@Current, @StopThis);
- Current := StopThis;
- if Discontinuity then
- begin
- Sample.SetDiscontinuity(True);
- Discontinuity := False;
- end;
- hr := FReader.SyncReadAligned(Sample);
- if FAILED(hr) then
- begin
- Sample := nil;
- OnError(hr);
- Exit;
- end;
- hr := DeliverSample(Sample, Start, Stop);
- if (hr <> S_OK) then
- begin
- if FAILED(hr) then OnError(hr);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- EndOfStream;
- end;
- procedure TBCPullPin.CleanupCancelled;
- var
- Sample: IMediaSample;
- Unused: DWORD;
- begin
- while True do
- begin
- FReader.WaitForNext(
- 0, // no wait
- Sample,
- Unused);
- if Assigned(Sample) then Sample := nil
- else Exit;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.PauseThread: HRESULT;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- if not ThreadExists then
- begin
- Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- Exit;
- end;
- // need to flush to ensure the thread is not blocked
- // in WaitForNext
- Result := FReader.BeginFlush;
- if FAILED(Result) then Exit;
- FState := TM_Pause;
- Result := CallWorker(Cardinal(TM_Pause));
- FReader.EndFlush;
- finally
- FAccessLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.StartThread: HRESULT;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- if not Assigned(FAlloc) or not Assigned(FReader) then
- begin
- Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
- Exit;
- end;
- if not ThreadExists then
- begin
- // commit allocator
- Result := FAlloc.Commit;
- if FAILED(Result) then Exit;
- // start thread
- if not Create_ then
- begin
- Result := E_FAIL;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- FState := TM_Start;
- Result := HRESULT(CallWorker(DWORD(FState)));
- finally
- FAccessLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.StopThread: HRESULT;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- if not ThreadExists then
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- Exit;
- end;
- // need to flush to ensure the thread is not blocked
- // in WaitForNext
- Result := FReader.BeginFlush;
- if FAILED(Result) then Exit;
- FState := TM_Exit;
- Result := CallWorker(Cardinal(TM_Exit));
- FReader.EndFlush;
- // wait for thread to completely exit
- Close;
- // decommit allocator
- if Assigned(FAlloc) then FAlloc.Decommit;
- Result := S_OK;
- finally
- FAccessLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.QueueSample(var tCurrent: TReferenceTime; tAlignStop: TReferenceTime; bDiscontinuity: Boolean): HRESULT;
- var
- Sample: IMediaSample;
- StopThis: Int64;
- begin
- Result := FAlloc.GetBuffer(Sample, nil, nil, 0);
- if FAILED(Result) then Exit;
- StopThis := tCurrent + (Sample.GetSize * UNITS);
- if (StopThis > tAlignStop) then StopThis := tAlignStop;
- Sample.SetTime(@tCurrent, @StopThis);
- tCurrent := StopThis;
- Sample.SetDiscontinuity(bDiscontinuity);
- Result := FReader.Request(Sample,0);
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- Sample := nil;
- CleanupCancelled;
- OnError(Result);
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.CollectAndDeliver(tStart,tStop: TReferenceTime): HRESULT;
- var
- Sample: IMediaSample;
- Unused: DWORD;
- begin
- Result := FReader.WaitForNext(INFINITE,Sample,Unused);
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- if Assigned(Sample) then Sample := nil;
- end else
- begin
- Result := DeliverSample(Sample, tStart, tStop);
- end;
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- CleanupCancelled;
- OnError(Result);
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.DeliverSample(pSample: IMediaSample; tStart,tStop: TReferenceTime): HRESULT;
- var
- t1, t2: TReferenceTime;
- begin
- // fix up sample if past actual stop (for sector alignment)
- pSample.GetTime(t1, t2);
- if (t2 > tStop) then t2 := tStop;
- // adjust times to be relative to (aligned) start time
- dec(t1,tStart);
- dec(t2,tStart);
- pSample.SetTime(@t1, @t2);
- Result := Receive(pSample);
- pSample := nil;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.ThreadProc: DWord;
- var
- cmd: DWORD;
- begin
- Result := 1; // ???
- while True do
- begin
- cmd := GetRequest;
- case TThreadMsg(cmd) of
- TM_Exit:
- begin
- Reply(S_OK);
- Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- TM_Pause:
- begin
- // we are paused already
- Reply(S_OK);
- break;
- end;
- TM_Start:
- begin
- Reply(S_OK);
- Process;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- // at this point, there should be no outstanding requests on the
- // upstream filter.
- // We should force begin/endflush to ensure that this is true.
- // !!!Note that we may currently be inside a BeginFlush/EndFlush pair
- // on another thread, but the premature EndFlush will do no harm now
- // that we are idle.
- FReader.BeginFlush;
- CleanupCancelled;
- FReader.EndFlush;
- end;
- end;
- // returns S_OK if successfully connected to an IAsyncReader interface
- // from this object
- // Optional allocator should be proposed as a preferred allocator if
- // necessary
- function TBCPullPin.Connect(pUnk: IUnknown; pAlloc: IMemAllocator; bSync: Boolean): HRESULT;
- var
- Total, Avail: Int64;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- if Assigned(FReader) then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := pUnk.QueryInterface(IID_IAsyncReader, FReader);
- if FAILED(Result) then Exit;
- Result := DecideAllocator(pAlloc, nil);
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- Disconnect;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := FReader.Length(Total, Avail);
- if FAILED(Result) then
- begin
- Disconnect;
- Exit;
- end;
- // convert from file position to reference time
- FDuration := Total * UNITS;
- FStop := FDuration;
- FStart := 0;
- FSync := bSync;
- Result := S_OK;
- finally
- FAccessLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // disconnect any connection made in Connect
- function TBCPullPin.Disconnect: HRESULT;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- StopThread;
- if Assigned(FReader) then FReader := nil;
- if Assigned(FAlloc) then FAlloc := nil;
- Result := S_OK;
- finally
- FAccessLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- // agree an allocator using RequestAllocator - optional
- // props param specifies your requirements (non-zero fields).
- // returns an error code if fail to match requirements.
- // optional IMemAllocator interface is offered as a preferred allocator
- // but no error occurs if it can't be met.
- function TBCPullPin.DecideAllocator(pAlloc: IMemAllocator; pProps: PAllocatorProperties): HRESULT;
- var
- pRequest: PAllocatorProperties;
- Request: TAllocatorProperties;
- begin
- if (pProps = nil) then
- begin
- Request.cBuffers := 3;
- Request.cbBuffer := 64*1024;
- Request.cbAlign := 0;
- Request.cbPrefix := 0;
- pRequest := @Request;
- end else
- begin
- pRequest := pProps;
- end;
- Result := FReader.RequestAllocator(pAlloc,pRequest,FAlloc);
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.Seek(tStart, tStop: TReferenceTime): HRESULT;
- var
- AtStart: TThreadMsg;
- begin
- FAccessLock.Lock;
- try
- AtStart := FState;
- if (AtStart = TM_Start) then
- begin
- BeginFlush;
- PauseThread;
- EndFlush;
- end;
- FStart := tStart;
- FStop := tStop;
- Result := S_OK;
- if (AtStart = TM_Start) then Result := StartThread;
- finally
- FAccessLock.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.Duration(out ptDuration: TReferenceTime): HRESULT;
- begin
- ptDuration := FDuration;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- // start pulling data
- function TBCPullPin.Active: HRESULT;
- begin
- ASSERT(not ThreadExists);
- Result := StartThread;
- end;
- // stop pulling data
- function TBCPullPin.Inactive: HRESULT;
- begin
- StopThread;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.AlignDown(ll: Int64; lAlign: LongInt): Int64;
- begin
- Result := ll and not (lAlign-1);
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.AlignUp(ll: Int64; lAlign: LongInt): Int64;
- begin
- Result := (ll + (lAlign -1)) and not (lAlign -1);
- end;
- function TBCPullPin.GetReader: IAsyncReader;
- begin
- Result := FReader;
- end;
- // milenko end
- // milenko start reftime implementation
- procedure TBCRefTime.Create_;
- begin
- FTime := 0;
- end;
- procedure TBCRefTime.Create_(msecs: Longint);
- begin
- FTime := MILLISECONDS_TO_100NS_UNITS(msecs);
- end;
- function TBCRefTime.SetTime(var rt: TBCRefTime): TBCRefTime;
- begin
- FTime := rt.FTime;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TBCRefTime.SetTime(var ll: LONGLONG): TBCRefTime;
- begin
- FTime := ll;
- end;
- function TBCRefTime.AddTime(var rt: TBCRefTime): TBCRefTime;
- begin
- TReferenceTime(Self) := TReferenceTime(Self) + TReferenceTime(rt);
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TBCRefTime.SubstractTime(var rt: TBCRefTime): TBCRefTime;
- begin
- TReferenceTime(Self) := TReferenceTime(Self) - TReferenceTime(rt);
- Result := Self;
- end;
- function TBCRefTime.Millisecs: Longint;
- begin
- Result := fTime div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS);
- end;
- function TBCRefTime.GetUnits: LONGLONG;
- begin
- Result := fTime;
- end;
- // milenko end
- // milenko start schedule implementation
- constructor TBCAdvisePacket.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- end;
- constructor TBCAdvisePacket.Create(Next: TBCAdvisePacket; Time: LONGLONG);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FNext := Next;
- FEventTime := Time;
- end;
- procedure TBCAdvisePacket.InsertAfter(Packet: TBCAdvisePacket);
- begin
- Packet.FNext := FNext;
- FNext := Packet;
- end;
- function TBCAdvisePacket.IsZ: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FNext = nil;
- end;
- function TBCAdvisePacket.RemoveNext: TBCAdvisePacket;
- var
- Next,
- NewNext : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- Next := FNext;
- NewNext := Next.FNext;
- FNext := NewNext;
- Result := Next;
- end;
- procedure TBCAdvisePacket.DeleteNext;
- begin
- RemoveNext.Free;
- end;
- function TBCAdvisePacket.Next: TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- Result := FNext;
- if Result.IsZ then Result := nil;
- end;
- function TBCAdvisePacket.Cookie: DWORD;
- begin
- Result := FAdviseCookie;
- end;
- constructor TBCAMSchedule.Create(Event: THandle);
- begin
- inherited Create('TBCAMSchedule');
- FZ := TBCAdvisePacket.Create(nil,MAX_TIME);
- FHead := TBCAdvisePacket.Create(FZ,0);
- FNextCookie := 0;
- FAdviseCount := 0;
- FAdviseCache := nil;
- FCacheCount := 0;
- FEvent := Event;
- FSerialize := TBCCritSec.Create;
- FZ.FAdviseCookie := 0;
- FHead.FAdviseCookie := FZ.FAdviseCookie;
- end;
- destructor TBCAMSchedule.Destroy;
- var
- p, p_next : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- // Delete cache
- p := FAdviseCache;
- while (p <> nil) do
- begin
- p_next := p.FNext;
- FreeAndNil(p);
- p := p_next;
- end;
- ASSERT(FAdviseCount = 0);
- // Better to be safe than sorry
- if (FAdviseCount > 0) then
- begin
- DumpLinkedList;
- while not FHead.FNext.IsZ do
- begin
- FHead.DeleteNext;
- dec(FAdviseCount);
- end;
- end;
- // If, in the debug version, we assert twice, it means, not only
- // did we have left over advises, but we have also let m_dwAdviseCount
- // get out of sync. with the number of advises actually on the list.
- ASSERT(FAdviseCount = 0);
- finally
- FSerialize.Unlock;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(FSerialize);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.GetAdviseCount: DWORD;
- begin
- // No need to lock, m_dwAdviseCount is 32bits & declared volatile
- // DCODER: No volatile in Delphi -> needs a lock ?
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- Result := FAdviseCount;
- finally
- FSerialize.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.GetNextAdviseTime: TReferenceTime;
- begin
- FSerialize.Lock; // Need to stop the linked list from changing
- try
- Result := FHead.FNext.FEventTime;
- finally
- FSerialize.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.AddAdvisePacket(const time1, time2: TReferenceTime;
- h: THandle; periodic: Boolean): DWORD;
- var
- p : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- // Since we use MAX_TIME as a sentry, we can't afford to
- // schedule a notification at MAX_TIME
- ASSERT(time1 < MAX_TIME);
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- if Assigned(FAdviseCache) then
- begin
- p := FAdviseCache;
- FAdviseCache := p.FNext;
- dec(FCacheCount);
- end else
- begin
- p := TBCAdvisePacket.Create;
- end;
- if Assigned(p) then
- begin
- p.FEventTime := time1;
- p.FPeriod := time2;
- p.FNotify := h;
- p.FPeriodic := periodic;
- Result := AddAdvisePacket(p);
- end else
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- finally
- FSerialize.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.Unadvise(AdviseCookie: DWORD): HRESULT;
- var
- p_prev, p_n : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- p_prev := FHead;
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- p_n := p_prev.Next;
- while Assigned(p_n) do // The Next() method returns NULL when it hits z
- begin
- if (p_n.FAdviseCookie = AdviseCookie) then
- begin
- Delete(p_prev.RemoveNext);
- dec(FAdviseCount);
- Result := S_OK;
- // Having found one cookie that matches, there should be no more
- p_n := p_prev.Next;
- while Assigned(p_n) do
- begin
- ASSERT(p_n.FAdviseCookie <> AdviseCookie);
- p_prev := p_n;
- p_n := p_prev.Next;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- break;
- end;
- p_prev := p_n;
- p_n := p_prev.Next;
- end;
- finally
- FSerialize.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.Advise(const Time_: TReferenceTime): TReferenceTime;
- var
- NextTime : TReferenceTime;
- Advise : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- DbgLog(
- Self, 'TBCAMSchedule.Advise( ' +
- inttostr((Time_ div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS))) + ' ms '
- );
- {$ENDIF}
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- DumpLinkedList;
- {$ENDIF}
- // Note - DON'T cache the difference, it might overflow
- Advise := FHead.FNext;
- NextTime := Advise.FEventTime;
- while ((Time_ >= NextTime) and not Advise.IsZ) do
- begin
- // DCODER: assert raised here
- ASSERT(Advise.FAdviseCookie > 0); // If this is zero, its the head or the tail!!
- if (Advise.FPeriodic = True) then
- begin
- ReleaseSemaphore(Advise.FNotify,1,nil);
- Advise.FEventTime := Advise.FEventTime + Advise.FPeriod;
- ShuntHead;
- end else
- begin
- ASSERT(Advise.FPeriodic = False);
- SetEvent(Advise.FNotify);
- dec(FAdviseCount);
- Delete(FHead.RemoveNext);
- end;
- Advise := FHead.FNext;
- NextTime := Advise.FEventTime;
- end;
- finally
- FSerialize.UnLock;
- end;
- DbgLog(
- Self, 'TBCAMSchedule.Advise(Next time stamp: ' +
- inttostr((NextTime div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS))) +
- ' ms, for advise ' + inttostr(Advise.FAdviseCookie)
- );
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := NextTime;
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.GetEvent: THandle;
- begin
- Result := FEvent;
- end;
- procedure TBCAMSchedule.DumpLinkedList;
- var
- i : integer;
- p : TBCAdvisePacket;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- DbgLog(Self,'TBCAMSchedule.DumpLinkedList');
- i := 0;
- p := FHead;
- while True do
- begin
- if p = nil then break;
- DbgLog(
- Self, 'Advise List # ' + inttostr(i) + ', Cookie ' +
- inttostr(p.FAdviseCookie) + ', RefTime ' +
- inttostr(p.FEventTime div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS))
- );
- inc(i);
- p := p.Next;
- end;
- finally
- FSerialize.Unlock;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TBCAMSchedule.AddAdvisePacket(Packet: TBCAdvisePacket): DWORD;
- var
- p_prev, p_n : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- ASSERT((Packet.FEventTime >= 0) and (Packet.FEventTime < MAX_TIME));
- ASSERT(FSerialize.CritCheckIn);
- {$ENDIF}
- p_prev := FHead;
- inc(FNextCookie);
- Packet.FAdviseCookie := FNextCookie;
- Result := Packet.FAdviseCookie;
- // This relies on the fact that z is a sentry with a maximal m_rtEventTime
- while True do
- begin
- p_n := p_prev.FNext;
- if (p_n.FEventTime >= Packet.FEventTime) then break;
- p_prev := p_n;
- end;
- p_prev.InsertAfter(Packet);
- inc(FAdviseCount);
- DbgLog(
- Self, 'Added advise ' + inttostr(Packet.FAdviseCookie) + ', for thread ' +
- inttostr(GetCurrentThreadId) + ', scheduled at ' +
- inttostr(Packet.FEventTime div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS))
- );
- {$ENDIF}
- // If packet added at the head, then clock needs to re-evaluate wait time.
- if (p_prev = FHead) then SetEvent(FEvent);
- end;
- procedure TBCAMSchedule.ShuntHead;
- var
- p_prev, p_n : TBCAdvisePacket;
- Packet : TBCAdvisePacket;
- begin
- p_prev := FHead;
- p_n := nil;
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- Packet := FHead.FNext;
- // This will catch both an empty list,
- // and if somehow a MAX_TIME time gets into the list
- // (which would also break this method).
- ASSERT(Packet.FEventTime < MAX_TIME);
- // This relies on the fact that z is a sentry with a maximal m_rtEventTime
- while True do
- begin
- p_n := p_prev.FNext;
- if (p_n.FEventTime >= Packet.FEventTime) then break;
- p_prev := p_n;
- end;
- // If p_prev == pPacket then we're already in the right place
- if (p_prev <> Packet) then
- begin
- FHead.FNext := Packet.FNext;
- p_prev.FNext := Packet;
- p_prev.FNext.FNext := p_n;
- end;
- DbgLog(
- Self, 'Periodic advise ' + inttostr(Packet.FAdviseCookie) + ', shunted to ' +
- inttostr(Packet.FEventTime div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS))
- );
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- FSerialize.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBCAMSchedule.Delete(Packet: TBCAdvisePacket);
- const
- CacheMax = 5; // Don't bother caching more than five
- begin
- if (FCacheCount >= CacheMax) then FreeAndNil(Packet)
- else
- begin
- FSerialize.Lock;
- try
- Packet.FNext := FAdviseCache;
- FAdviseCache := Packet;
- inc(FCacheCount);
- finally
- FSerialize.Unlock;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // milenko end
- // milenko start refclock implementation
- function AdviseThreadFunction(p: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := TBCBaseReferenceClock(p).AdviseThread;
- end;
- constructor TBCBaseReferenceClock.Create(Name: String; Unk: IUnknown; out hr: HRESULT;
- Sched: TBCAMSchedule);
- var
- tc : TIMECAPS;
- ThreadID : DWORD;
- begin
- inherited Create(Name,Unk);
- FLastGotTime := 0;
- FTimerResolution := 0;
- FAbort := False;
- if not Assigned(Sched)
- then FSchedule := TBCAMSchedule.Create(CreateEvent(nil,False,False,nil))
- else FSchedule := Sched;
- ASSERT(fSchedule <> nil);
- if not Assigned(FSchedule) then
- begin
- end else
- begin
- FLock := TBCCritSec.Create;
- // Set up the highest resolution timer we can manage
- if (timeGetDevCaps(@tc, sizeof(tc)) = TIMERR_NOERROR)
- then FTimerResolution := tc.wPeriodMin
- else FTimerResolution := 1;
- timeBeginPeriod(FTimerResolution);
- // Initialise our system times - the derived clock should set the right values
- FPrevSystemTime := timeGetTime;
- FPrivateTime := (UNITS div MILLISECONDS) * FPrevSystemTime;
- FGetSystemTime := MSR_REGISTER('TBCBaseReferenceClock.GetTime');
- {$ENDIF}
- if not Assigned(Sched) then
- begin
- FThread := CreateThread(nil, // Security attributes
- 0, // Initial stack size
- @AdviseThreadFunction, // Thread start address
- Self, // Thread parameter
- 0, // Creation flags
- ThreadID); // Thread identifier
- if (FThread > 0) then
- begin
- end else
- begin
- hr := E_FAIL;
- CloseHandle(FSchedule.GetEvent);
- FreeAndNil(FSchedule);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- destructor TBCBaseReferenceClock.Destroy;
- begin
- if (FTimerResolution > 0) then
- begin
- timeEndPeriod(FTimerResolution);
- FTimerResolution := 0;
- end;
- FSchedule.DumpLinkedList;
- if (FThread > 0) then
- begin
- FAbort := True;
- TriggerThread;
- WaitForSingleObject(FThread, INFINITE);
- CloseHandle(FSchedule.GetEvent);
- FreeAndNil(FSchedule);
- end;
- if Assigned(FLock) then FreeAndNil(FLock);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.AdviseThread: HRESULT;
- var
- dwWait : DWORD;
- rtNow : TReferenceTime;
- llWait : LONGLONG;
- begin
- dwWait := INFINITE;
- // The first thing we do is wait until something interesting happens
- // (meaning a first advise or shutdown). This prevents us calling
- // GetPrivateTime immediately which is goodness as that is a virtual
- // routine and the derived class may not yet be constructed. (This
- // thread is created in the base class constructor.)
- while not FAbort do
- begin
- // Wait for an interesting event to happen
- DbgLog(Self,'AdviseThread Delay: ' + inttostr(dwWait) + ' ms');
- {$ENDIF}
- WaitForSingleObject(FSchedule.GetEvent, dwWait);
- if FAbort then break;
- // There are several reasons why we need to work from the internal
- // time, mainly to do with what happens when time goes backwards.
- // Mainly, it stop us looping madly if an event is just about to
- // expire when the clock goes backward (i.e. GetTime stop for a
- // while).
- rtNow := GetPrivateTime;
- DbgLog(
- Self,'AdviseThread Woke at = ' + inttostr(RefTimeToMiliSec(rtNow)) + ' ms'
- );
- {$ENDIF}
- // We must add in a millisecond, since this is the resolution of our
- // WaitForSingleObject timer. Failure to do so will cause us to loop
- // franticly for (approx) 1 a millisecond.
- FNextAdvise := FSchedule.Advise(10000 + rtNow);
- llWait := FNextAdvise - rtNow;
- ASSERT(llWait > 0);
- llWait := RefTimeToMiliSec(llWait);
- // DON'T replace this with a max!! (The type's of these things is VERY important)
- if (llWait > REFERENCE_TIME(HIGH(DWORD))) then dwWait := HIGH(DWORD)
- else dwWait := DWORD(llWait)
- end;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.NonDelegatingQueryInterface(const IID: TGUID;
- out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- if (IsEqualGUID(IID,IID_IReferenceClock)) then
- begin
- if GetInterface(IID,Obj) then Result := S_OK
- else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
- end
- else
- Result := inherited NonDelegatingQueryInterface(IID, Obj);
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.GetTime(out Time: int64): HResult; stdcall;
- var
- Now_ : TReferenceTime;
- begin
- if Assigned(@Time) then
- begin
- FLock.Lock;
- try
- Now_ := GetPrivateTime;
- if (Now_ > FLastGotTime) then
- begin
- FLastGotTime := Now_;
- Result := S_OK;
- end else
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- Time := FLastGotTime;
- finally
- FLock.UnLock;
- end;
- MSR_INTEGER(FGetSystemTime, Time div (UNITS div MILLISECONDS));
- {$ENDIF}
- end else Result := E_POINTER;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.AdviseTime(BaseTime, StreamTime: int64;
- Event: THandle; out AdviseCookie: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- var
- RefTime : TReferenceTime;
- begin
- if @AdviseCookie = nil then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- AdviseCookie := 0;
- // Check that the event is not already set
- ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT = WaitForSingleObject(Event,0));
- RefTime := BaseTime + StreamTime;
- if ((RefTime <= 0) or (RefTime = MAX_TIME)) then
- begin
- Result := E_INVALIDARG;
- end else
- begin
- AdviseCookie := FSchedule.AddAdvisePacket(RefTime, 0, Event, False);
- if AdviseCookie > 0 then Result := NOERROR
- else Result := E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- end;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.AdvisePeriodic(const StartTime, PeriodTime: int64;
- Semaphore: THandle; out AdviseCookie: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- if @AdviseCookie = nil then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- AdviseCookie := 0;
- if ((StartTime > 0) and (PeriodTime > 0) and (StartTime <> MAX_TIME)) then
- begin
- AdviseCookie := FSchedule.AddAdvisePacket(StartTime,PeriodTime,Semaphore,True);
- if AdviseCookie > 0 then Result := NOERROR
- else Result := E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- end
- else Result := E_INVALIDARG;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.Unadvise(AdviseCookie: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := FSchedule.Unadvise(AdviseCookie);
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.GetPrivateTime: TReferenceTime;
- var
- Time_ : DWORD;
- begin
- FLock.Lock;
- try
- (* If the clock has wrapped then the current time will be less than
- * the last time we were notified so add on the extra milliseconds
- *
- * The time period is long enough so that the likelihood of
- * successive calls spanning the clock cycle is not considered.
- *)
- Time_ := timeGetTime;
- FPrivateTime := FPrivateTime + Int32x32To64(UNITS div MILLISECONDS, DWORD(Time_ - FPrevSystemTime));
- FPrevSystemTime := Time_;
- finally
- FLock.UnLock;
- end;
- Result := FPrivateTime;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.SetTimeDelta(const TimeDelta: TReferenceTime): HRESULT; stdcall;
- var
- llDelta : LONGLONG;
- usDelta : Longint;
- delta : DWORD;
- Severity : integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- // Just break if passed an improper time delta value
- if TimeDelta > 0 then llDelta := TimeDelta
- else llDelta := -TimeDelta;
- if (llDelta > UNITS * 1000) then
- begin
- DbgLog(Self,'Bad Time Delta');
- // DebugBreak;
- end;
- // We're going to calculate a "severity" for the time change. Max -1
- // min 8. We'll then use this as the debug logging level for a
- // debug log message.
- usDelta := Longint(TimeDelta div 10); // Delta in micro-secs
- delta := abs(usDelta); // varying delta
- // Severity == 8 - ceil(log<base 8>(abs( micro-secs delta)))
- Severity := 8;
- while (delta > 0) do
- begin
- delta := delta shr 3; // div 8
- dec(Severity);
- end;
- // Sev == 0 => > 2 second delta!
- DbgLog(
- Self, 'Sev ' + inttostr(Severity) + ': CSystemClock::SetTimeDelta(' +
- inttostr(usDelta) + ' us) ' + inttostr(RefTimeToMiliSec(FPrivateTime)) +
- ' -> ' + inttostr(RefTimeToMiliSec(TimeDelta + FPrivateTime)) + ' ms'
- );
- {$ENDIF}
- FLock.Lock;
- try
- FPrivateTime := FPrivateTime + TimeDelta;
- // If time goes forwards, and we have advises, then we need to
- // trigger the thread so that it can re-evaluate its wait time.
- // Since we don't want the cost of the thread switches if the change
- // is really small, only do it if clock goes forward by more than
- // 0.5 millisecond. If the time goes backwards, the thread will
- // wake up "early" (relativly speaking) and will re-evaluate at
- // that time.
- if ((TimeDelta > 5000) and (FSchedule.GetAdviseCount > 0)) then TriggerThread;
- finally
- FLock.UnLock;
- end;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCBaseReferenceClock.GetSchedule : TBCAMSchedule;
- begin
- Result := FSchedule;
- end;
- procedure TBCBaseReferenceClock.TriggerThread;
- begin
- DbgLog(Self,'TriggerThread : ' + inttostr(FSchedule.GetEvent));
- {$ENDIF}
- SetEvent(FSchedule.GetEvent);
- end;
- // milenko end
- // milenko start sysclock implementation
- constructor TBCSystemClock.Create(Name: WideString; Unk : IUnknown; out hr : HRESULT);
- begin
- inherited Create(Name,Unk,hr);
- end;
- function TBCSystemClock.NonDelegatingQueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
- begin
- if IsEqualGUID(IID,IID_IPersist) then
- begin
- if GetInterface(IID,Obj) then Result := S_OK
- else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
- end else
- if IsEqualGUID(IID,IID_IAMClockAdjust) then
- begin
- if GetInterface(IID,Obj) then Result := S_OK
- else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
- end
- else Result := inherited NonDelegatingQueryInterface(IID,Obj);
- end;
- function TBCSystemClock.GetClassID(out classID: TCLSID): HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- if not Assigned(@ClassID) then
- begin
- Result := E_POINTER;
- Exit;
- end;
- classID := CLSID_SystemClock;
- Result := NOERROR;
- end;
- function TBCSystemClock.SetClockDelta(rtDelta: TReferenceTime): HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := SetTimeDelta(rtDelta);
- end;
- // milenko end
- initialization
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- AssertErrorProc := @DbgAssert;
- {$ELSE}
- AssertErrorProc := DbgAssert;
- {$ENDIF}
- AssignFile(DebugFile, ParamStr(0) + '.log');
- if FileExists(ParamStr(0) + '.log') then
- Append(DebugFile) else
- Rewrite(DebugFile);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- finalization
- begin
- if TemplatesVar <> nil then TemplatesVar.Free;
- TemplatesVar := nil;
- Writeln(DebugFile, format('FactoryCount: %d, ObjectCount: %d.',[FactoryCount, ObjectCount]));
- CloseFile(DebugFile);
- {$ELSE}
- OutputDebugString(PChar(format('FactoryCount: %d, ObjectCount: %d.',[FactoryCount, ObjectCount])));
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- // milenko start (only needed with PERF)
- SetLength(Incidents, 0);
- SetLength(IncidentsLog, 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- // milenko end
- end;
- end.