- latency_timer <= 8'h00 ; cache_line_size_reg <= 8'h00 ;
- // ALL pci_base address registers are the same as pci_baX registers !
- interrupt_line <= 8'h00 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE // if PCI bridge is HOST and IMAGE0 is assigned as general image space
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE0
- pci_img_ctrl0_bit2_1 <= {`PCI_AT_EN0, 1'b0} ;
- pci_ba0_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- pci_ba0_bit0 <= `PCI_BA0_MEM_IO ;
- pci_am0 <= `PCI_AM0 ;
- pci_ta0 <= `PCI_TA0 ;//fr2201 translation address
- `endif
- `else
- pci_ba0_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `endif
- `endif
- `ifdef GUEST
- pci_ba0_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `endif
- pci_img_ctrl1_bit2_1 <= {`PCI_AT_EN1, 1'b0} ;
- pci_ba1_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- pci_ba1_bit0 <= `PCI_BA1_MEM_IO ;
- `endif
- pci_am1 <= `PCI_AM1;
- pci_ta1 <= `PCI_TA1 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE2
- pci_img_ctrl2_bit2_1 <= {`PCI_AT_EN2, 1'b0} ;
- pci_ba2_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- pci_ba2_bit0 <= `PCI_BA2_MEM_IO ;
- `endif
- pci_am2 <= `PCI_AM2;
- pci_ta2 <= `PCI_TA2 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE3
- pci_img_ctrl3_bit2_1 <= {`PCI_AT_EN3, 1'b0} ; //FR2201 when defined enabled
- pci_ba3_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- pci_ba3_bit0 <= `PCI_BA3_MEM_IO ;
- `endif
- pci_am3 <= `PCI_AM3;
- pci_ta3 <= `PCI_TA3 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE4
- pci_img_ctrl4_bit2_1 <= {`PCI_AT_EN4, 1'b0} ; //FR2201 when defined enabled
- pci_ba4_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- pci_ba4_bit0 <= `PCI_BA4_MEM_IO ;
- `endif
- pci_am4 <= `PCI_AM4;
- pci_ta4 <= `PCI_TA4 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE5
- pci_img_ctrl5_bit2_1 <= {`PCI_AT_EN5, 1'b0} ; //FR2201 when defined enabled
- pci_ba5_bit31_8 <= 24'h0000_00 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- pci_ba5_bit0 <= `PCI_BA5_MEM_IO ;
- `endif
- pci_am5 <= `PCI_AM5; //FR2201 pci_am0
- pci_ta5 <= `PCI_TA5 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- /*pci_err_cs_bit31_24 ; pci_err_cs_bit10; pci_err_cs_bit9 ; pci_err_cs_bit8 ;*/ pci_err_cs_bit0 <= 1'h0 ;
- /*pci_err_addr ;*/
- /*pci_err_data ;*/
- //
- wb_img_ctrl1_bit2_0 <= {`WB_AT_EN1, 2'b00} ;
- wb_ba1_bit31_12 <=`WB_BA1; //FR2201 Address bar
- wb_ba1_bit0 <=`WB_BA1_MEM_IO;//
- wb_am1 <= `WB_AM1 ;//FR2201 Address mask
- wb_ta1 <= `WB_TA1 ;//FR2201 20'h0000_0 ;
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE2
- wb_img_ctrl2_bit2_0 <= {`WB_AT_EN2, 2'b00} ;
- wb_ba2_bit31_12 <=`WB_BA2; //FR2201 Address bar
- wb_ba2_bit0 <=`WB_BA2_MEM_IO;//
- wb_am2 <=`WB_AM2 ;//FR2201 Address mask
- wb_ta2 <=`WB_TA2 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE3
- wb_img_ctrl3_bit2_0 <= {`WB_AT_EN3, 2'b00} ;
- wb_ba3_bit31_12 <=`WB_BA3; //FR2201 Address bar
- wb_ba3_bit0 <=`WB_BA3_MEM_IO;//
- wb_am3 <=`WB_AM3 ;//FR2201 Address mask
- wb_ta3 <=`WB_TA3 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE4
- wb_img_ctrl4_bit2_0 <= {`WB_AT_EN4, 2'b00} ;
- wb_ba4_bit31_12 <=`WB_BA4; //FR2201 Address bar
- wb_ba4_bit0 <=`WB_BA4_MEM_IO;//
- wb_am4 <=`WB_AM4 ;//FR2201 Address mask
- wb_ta4 <=`WB_TA4 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE5
- wb_img_ctrl5_bit2_0 <= {`WB_AT_EN5, 2'b00} ;
- wb_ba5_bit31_12 <=`WB_BA5; //FR2201 Address bar ;
- wb_ba5_bit0 <=`WB_BA5_MEM_IO;//FR2201 1'h0 ;
- wb_am5 <=`WB_AM5 ;//FR2201 Address mask
- wb_ta5 <=`WB_TA5 ;//FR2201 translation address ;
- `endif
- /*wb_err_cs_bit31_24 ; wb_err_cs_bit10 ; wb_err_cs_bit9 ; wb_err_cs_bit8 ;*/ wb_err_cs_bit0 <= 1'h0 ;
- /*wb_err_addr ;*/
- /*wb_err_data ;*/
- `ifdef HOST
- cnf_addr_bit23_2 <= 22'h0000_00 ; cnf_addr_bit0 <= 1'h0 ;
- `endif
- icr_bit31 <= 1'h0 ;
- `ifdef HOST
- icr_bit2_0 <= 3'h0 ;
- icr_bit4_3 <= 2'h0 ;
- `else
- icr_bit2_0[2:0] <= 3'h0 ;
- `endif
- /*isr_bit4_3 ; isr_bit2_0 ;*/
- // Not register bit; used only internally after reset!
- init_complete <= 1'b0 ;
- `ifdef GUEST
- rst_inactive_sync <= 1'b0 ;
- rst_inactive <= 1'b0 ;
- `endif
- /*hs_ins hs_ext*/ hs_loo <= 1'b0; hs_eim <= 1'b0;
- // Not register bits; used only internally after reset!
- /*hs_ins_armed hs_ext_armed*/
- `endif
- end
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Following register bits should have asynchronous RESET & SET! That is why they are IMPLEMENTED separately
- after this ALWAYS block!!! (for every register bit, there are two D-FF implemented)
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b1 ;
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b1 ;
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b1 ;
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b1 ;
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b1 ;
- status_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- pci_err_cs_bit10 <= 1'b1 ;
- pci_err_cs_bit9 <= 1'b1 ;
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- pci_err_cs_bit31_24 <= { pci_error_be, pci_error_bc } ;
- pci_err_addr <= pci_error_addr ;
- pci_err_data <= pci_error_data ;
- wb_err_cs_bit10 <= 1'b1 ;
- wb_err_cs_bit9 <= 1'b1 ;
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- wb_err_cs_bit31_24 <= { wb_error_be, wb_error_bc } ;
- wb_err_addr <= wb_error_addr ;
- wb_err_data <= wb_error_data ;
- isr_bit4_0[4] <= 1'b1 & icr_bit4_0[4] ;
- isr_bit4_0[3] <= 1'b1 & icr_bit4_0[3] ;
- isr_bit4_0[2] <= 1'b1 & icr_bit4_0[2] ;
- isr_bit4_0[1] <= 1'b1 & icr_bit4_0[1] ;
- isr_bit4_0[0] <= 1'b1 & icr_bit4_0[0] ;
- hs_ins; hs_ext;
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // Here follows normal writting to registers (only to their valid bits) !
- else
- begin
- if (w_we)
- begin
- // PCI header - configuration space
- if (w_reg_select_dec[0]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h1:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- command_bit8 <= w_conf_data[8] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- begin
- command_bit6 <= w_conf_data[6] ;
- command_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- end
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[1]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h3:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- latency_timer <= w_conf_data[15:8] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- cache_line_size_reg <= w_conf_data[7:0] ;
- end
- // if (w_reg_select_dec[4]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h4:
- // Also used with IMAGE0
- // if (w_reg_select_dec[8]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h5:
- // Also used with IMAGE1
- // if (w_reg_select_dec[12]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h6:
- // Also used with IMAGE2
- // if (w_reg_select_dec[16]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h7:
- // Also used with IMAGE3
- // if (w_reg_select_dec[20]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h8:
- // Also used with IMAGE4
- // if (w_reg_select_dec[24]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'h9:
- // Also used with IMAGE5 and IMAGE6
- if (w_reg_select_dec[2]) // w_conf_address[5:2] = 4'hf:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- interrupt_line <= w_conf_data[7:0] ;
- end
- // PCI target - configuration space
- `ifdef HOST
- `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE0 // if PCI bridge is HOST and IMAGE0 is assigned as general image space
- if (w_reg_select_dec[3]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_IMG_CTRL0_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_img_ctrl0_bit2_1 <= w_conf_data[2:1] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[4]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA0_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_ba0_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[5]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_AM0_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_am0[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_am0[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_am0[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[6]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_TA0_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ta0[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ta0[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ta0[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- `endif
- `else
- if (w_reg_select_dec[4]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA0_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_data[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_data[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[15:12] <= w_conf_data[15:12] ;
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- `ifdef GUEST
- if (w_reg_select_dec[4]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA0_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_data[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_data[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba0_bit31_8[15:12] <= w_conf_data[15:12] ;
- end
- `endif
- if (w_reg_select_dec[7]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_IMG_CTRL1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_img_ctrl1_bit2_1 <= w_conf_data[2:1] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[8]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba1_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba1_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba1_bit31_8[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- `ifdef HOST
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_ba1_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- `endif
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[9]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_AM1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_am1[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_am1[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_am1[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[10]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_TA1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ta1[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ta1[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ta1[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE2
- if (w_reg_select_dec[11]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_IMG_CTRL2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_img_ctrl2_bit2_1 <= w_conf_data[2:1] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[12]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba2_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba2_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba2_bit31_8[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- `ifdef HOST
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_ba2_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- `endif
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[13]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_AM2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_am2[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_am2[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_am2[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[14]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_TA2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ta2[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ta2[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ta2[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE3
- if (w_reg_select_dec[15]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_IMG_CTRL3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_img_ctrl3_bit2_1 <= w_conf_data[2:1] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[16]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba3_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba3_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba3_bit31_8[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- `ifdef HOST
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_ba3_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- `endif
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[17]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_AM3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_am3[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_am3[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_am3[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[18]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_TA3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ta3[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ta3[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ta3[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE4
- if (w_reg_select_dec[19]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_IMG_CTRL4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_img_ctrl4_bit2_1 <= w_conf_data[2:1] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[20]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba4_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba4_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba4_bit31_8[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- `ifdef HOST
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_ba4_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- `endif
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[21]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_AM4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_am4[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_am4[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_am4[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[22]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_TA4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ta4[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ta4[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ta4[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_IMAGE5
- if (w_reg_select_dec[23]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_IMG_CTRL5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_img_ctrl5_bit2_1 <= w_conf_data[2:1] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[24]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_BA5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ba5_bit31_8[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ba5_bit31_8[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ba5_bit31_8[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- `ifdef HOST
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_ba5_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- `endif
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[25]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_AM5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_am5[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_am5[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_am5[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[26]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_TA5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- pci_ta5[31:24] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- pci_ta5[23:16] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- pci_ta5[15: 8] <= w_conf_pdata_reduced[15: 8] ;
- end
- `endif
- if (w_reg_select_dec[27]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `P_ERR_CS_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- pci_err_cs_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- // WB slave - configuration space
- if (w_reg_select_dec[30]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_IMG_CTRL1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_img_ctrl1_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[31]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_BA1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ba1_bit31_12[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ba1_bit31_12[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ba1_bit31_12[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_ba1_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[32]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_AM1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_am1[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_am1[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_am1[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[33]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_TA1_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ta1[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ta1[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ta1[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE2
- if (w_reg_select_dec[34]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_IMG_CTRL2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_img_ctrl2_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[35]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_BA2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ba2_bit31_12[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ba2_bit31_12[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ba2_bit31_12[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_ba2_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[36]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_AM2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_am2[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_am2[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_am2[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[37]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_TA2_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ta2[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ta2[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ta2[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE3
- if (w_reg_select_dec[38]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_IMG_CTRL3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_img_ctrl3_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[39]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_BA3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ba3_bit31_12[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ba3_bit31_12[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ba3_bit31_12[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_ba3_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[40]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_AM3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_am3[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_am3[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_am3[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[41]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_TA3_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ta3[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ta3[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ta3[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE4
- if (w_reg_select_dec[42]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_IMG_CTRL4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_img_ctrl4_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[43]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_BA4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ba4_bit31_12[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ba4_bit31_12[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ba4_bit31_12[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_ba4_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[44]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_AM4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_am4[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_am4[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_am4[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[45]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_TA4_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ta4[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ta4[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ta4[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef WB_IMAGE5
- if (w_reg_select_dec[46]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_IMG_CTRL5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_img_ctrl5_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[47]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_BA5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ba5_bit31_12[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ba5_bit31_12[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ba5_bit31_12[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_ba5_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[48]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_AM5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_am5[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_am5[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_am5[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[49]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_TA5_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- wb_ta5[31:24] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[31:24] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- wb_ta5[23:16] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- wb_ta5[15:12] <= w_conf_wdata_reduced[15:12] ;
- end
- `endif
- if (w_reg_select_dec[50]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `W_ERR_CS_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- wb_err_cs_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- `ifdef HOST
- if (w_reg_select_dec[53]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `CNF_ADDR_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- cnf_addr_bit23_2[23:16] <= w_conf_data[23:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- cnf_addr_bit23_2[15:8] <= w_conf_data[15:8] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- begin
- cnf_addr_bit23_2[7:2] <= w_conf_data[7:2] ;
- cnf_addr_bit0 <= w_conf_data[0] ;
- end
- end
- `endif
- // `CNF_DATA_ADDR: implemented elsewhere !!!
- // `INT_ACK_ADDR : implemented elsewhere !!!
- if (w_reg_select_dec[54]) // case (w_conf_address[7:2]) = `ICR_ADDR:
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[3])
- icr_bit31 <= w_conf_data[31] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[0])
- begin
- `ifdef HOST
- icr_bit4_3 <= w_conf_data[4:3] ;
- icr_bit2_0 <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- `else
- icr_bit2_0[2:0] <= w_conf_data[2:0] ;
- `endif
- end
- end
- if (w_reg_select_dec[56])
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- begin
- hs_loo <= w_conf_data[19];
- hs_eim <= w_conf_data[17];
- end
- end
- `endif
- end // end of we
- // Not register bits; used only internally after reset!
- `ifdef GUEST
- rst_inactive_sync <= 1'b1 ;
- rst_inactive <= rst_inactive_sync ;
- `endif
- if (rst_inactive & ~init_complete & init_cfg_done)
- init_complete <= 1'b1 ;
- end
- end
- // implementation of read only device identification registers
- always@(posedge w_clock or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- r_vendor_id <= `HEADER_VENDOR_ID ;
- r_device_id <= `HEADER_DEVICE_ID ;
- r_revision_id <= `HEADER_REVISION_ID ;
- r_subsys_vendor_id <= `HEADER_SUBSYS_VENDOR_ID ;
- r_subsys_id <= `HEADER_SUBSYS_ID ;
- r_max_lat <= `HEADER_MAX_LAT ;
- r_min_gnt <= `HEADER_MIN_GNT ;
- end else
- begin
- if (init_we)
- begin
- if (spoci_reg_num == 'h0)
- begin
- r_vendor_id <= spoci_dat[15: 0] ;
- r_device_id <= spoci_dat[31:16] ;
- end
- if (spoci_reg_num == 'hB)
- begin
- r_subsys_vendor_id <= spoci_dat[15: 0] ;
- r_subsys_id <= spoci_dat[31:16] ;
- end
- if (spoci_reg_num == 'h2)
- begin
- r_revision_id <= spoci_dat[ 7: 0] ;
- end
- if (spoci_reg_num == 'hF)
- begin
- r_max_lat <= spoci_dat[31:24] ;
- r_min_gnt <= spoci_dat[23:16] ;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- // This signals are synchronous resets for registers, whic occures when asynchronous RESET is '1' or
- // data '1' is synchronously written into them!
- reg delete_status_bit15 ;
- reg delete_status_bit14 ;
- reg delete_status_bit13 ;
- reg delete_status_bit12 ;
- reg delete_status_bit11 ;
- reg delete_status_bit8 ;
- reg delete_pci_err_cs_bit8 ;
- reg delete_wb_err_cs_bit8 ;
- reg delete_isr_bit4 ;
- reg delete_isr_bit3 ;
- reg delete_isr_bit2 ;
- reg delete_isr_bit1 ;
- // This are aditional register bits, which are resets when their value is '1' !!!
- always@(w_we or w_reg_select_dec or w_conf_data or w_byte_en)
- begin
- // I' is written into, then it also sets signals to '1'
- delete_status_bit15 = w_conf_data[31] & !w_byte_en[3] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[0] ;
- delete_status_bit14 = w_conf_data[30] & !w_byte_en[3] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[0] ;
- delete_status_bit13 = w_conf_data[29] & !w_byte_en[3] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[0] ;
- delete_status_bit12 = w_conf_data[28] & !w_byte_en[3] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[0] ;
- delete_status_bit11 = w_conf_data[27] & !w_byte_en[3] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[0] ;
- delete_status_bit8 = w_conf_data[24] & !w_byte_en[3] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[0] ;
- delete_pci_err_cs_bit8 = w_conf_data[8] & !w_byte_en[1] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[27] ;
- delete_wb_err_cs_bit8 = w_conf_data[8] & !w_byte_en[1] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[50] ;
- delete_isr_bit4 = w_conf_data[4] & !w_byte_en[0] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[55] ;
- delete_isr_bit3 = w_conf_data[3] & !w_byte_en[0] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[55] ;
- delete_isr_bit2 = w_conf_data[2] & !w_byte_en[0] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[55] ;
- delete_isr_bit1 = w_conf_data[1] & !w_byte_en[0] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[55] ;
- end
- // STATUS BITS of PCI Header status register
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (perr_in) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit15) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (serr_in) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit14) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (master_abort_recv) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit13) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (target_abort_recv) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit12) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (target_abort_set) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit11) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (master_data_par_err) // Synchronous set
- status_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `ifdef HOST
- reg [15:11] set_status_bit15_11;
- reg set_status_bit8;
- wire delete_set_status_bit15;
- wire delete_set_status_bit14;
- wire delete_set_status_bit13;
- wire delete_set_status_bit12;
- wire delete_set_status_bit11;
- wire delete_set_status_bit8;
- wire block_set_status_bit15;
- wire block_set_status_bit14;
- wire block_set_status_bit13;
- wire block_set_status_bit12;
- wire block_set_status_bit11;
- wire block_set_status_bit8;
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_status_15
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_status_bit15),
- .block_set_out (block_set_status_bit15),
- .delete_in (delete_status_bit15)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (perr_in) // Synchronous set
- set_status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_status_bit15) // Synchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_status_14
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_status_bit14),
- .block_set_out (block_set_status_bit14),
- .delete_in (delete_status_bit14)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (serr_in) // Synchronous set
- set_status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_status_bit14) // Synchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_status_13
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_status_bit13),
- .block_set_out (block_set_status_bit13),
- .delete_in (delete_status_bit13)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (master_abort_recv) // Synchronous set
- set_status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_status_bit13) // Synchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_status_12
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_status_bit12),
- .block_set_out (block_set_status_bit12),
- .delete_in (delete_status_bit12)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (target_abort_recv) // Synchronous set
- set_status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_status_bit12) // Synchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_status_11
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_status_bit11),
- .block_set_out (block_set_status_bit11),
- .delete_in (delete_status_bit11)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (target_abort_set) // Synchronous set
- set_status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_status_bit11) // Synchronous reset
- set_status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_status_8
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_status_bit8),
- .block_set_out (block_set_status_bit8),
- .delete_in (delete_status_bit8)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (master_data_par_err) // Synchronous set
- set_status_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_status_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- set_status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- wire [5:0] status_bits = {set_status_bit15_11[15] && !block_set_status_bit15,
- set_status_bit15_11[14] && !block_set_status_bit14,
- set_status_bit15_11[13] && !block_set_status_bit13,
- set_status_bit15_11[12] && !block_set_status_bit12,
- set_status_bit15_11[11] && !block_set_status_bit11,
- set_status_bit8 && !block_set_status_bit8 } ;
- wire [5:0] meta_status_bits ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(6, 0) status_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (status_bits),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_status_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- status_bit15_11[15:11] <= 5'b0 ;
- status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- else
- begin
- status_bit15_11[15:11] <= meta_status_bits[5:1] ;
- status_bit8 <= meta_status_bits[0] ;
- end
- end
- `else // GUEST
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (perr_in) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit15) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[15] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (serr_in) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit14) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[14] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (master_abort_recv) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit13) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[13] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (target_abort_recv) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit12) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[12] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (target_abort_set) // Synchronous set
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit11) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit15_11[11] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (master_data_par_err) // Synchronous set
- status_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_status_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- status_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- // STATUS BITS of P_ERR_CS - PCI error control and status register
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig && pci_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_pci_err_cs_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `ifdef HOST
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig && pci_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_pci_err_cs_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `else // GUEST
- reg set_pci_err_cs_bit8;
- wire delete_set_pci_err_cs_bit8;
- wire block_set_pci_err_cs_bit8;
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_pci_err_cs_8
- (
- .set_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_pci_err_cs_bit8),
- .block_set_out (block_set_pci_err_cs_bit8),
- .delete_in (delete_pci_err_cs_bit8)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig && pci_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- set_pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_pci_err_cs_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- set_pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- wire pci_err_cs_bits = set_pci_err_cs_bit8 && !block_set_pci_err_cs_bit8 ;
- wire meta_pci_err_cs_bits ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1,0) pci_err_cs_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (pci_err_cs_bits),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_pci_err_cs_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- pci_err_cs_bit8 <= meta_pci_err_cs_bits ;
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- pci_err_cs_bit10 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig) // Synchronous report
- pci_err_cs_bit10 <= pci_error_rty_exp ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- pci_err_cs_bit9 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig) // Synchronous report
- pci_err_cs_bit9 <= pci_error_es ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- begin
- pci_err_cs_bit31_24 <= 8'h00 ;
- pci_err_addr <= 32'h0000_0000 ;
- pci_err_data <= 32'h0000_0000 ;
- end
- else
- if (pci_error_sig) // Synchronous report
- begin
- pci_err_cs_bit31_24 <= { pci_error_be, pci_error_bc } ;
- pci_err_addr <= pci_error_addr ;
- pci_err_data <= pci_error_data ;
- end
- end
- // STATUS BITS of W_ERR_CS - WB error control and status register
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig && wb_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_wb_err_cs_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `ifdef HOST
- reg set_wb_err_cs_bit8;
- wire delete_set_wb_err_cs_bit8;
- wire block_set_wb_err_cs_bit8;
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_wb_err_cs_8
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_wb_err_cs_bit8),
- .block_set_out (block_set_wb_err_cs_bit8),
- .delete_in (delete_wb_err_cs_bit8)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig && wb_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- set_wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_wb_err_cs_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- set_wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- wire wb_err_cs_bits = set_wb_err_cs_bit8 && !block_set_wb_err_cs_bit8 ;
- wire meta_wb_err_cs_bits ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1,0) wb_err_cs_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (wb_err_cs_bits),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_wb_err_cs_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= meta_wb_err_cs_bits ;
- end
- `else // GUEST
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig && wb_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_wb_err_cs_bit8) // Synchronous reset
- wb_err_cs_bit8 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- /* // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- wb_err_cs_bit10 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig) // Synchronous report
- wb_err_cs_bit10 <= wb_error_rty_exp ;
- end
- end */
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- wb_err_cs_bit9 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig) // Synchronous report
- wb_err_cs_bit9 <= wb_error_es ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- begin
- wb_err_cs_bit31_24 <= 8'h00 ;
- wb_err_addr <= 32'h0000_0000 ;
- wb_err_data <= 32'h0000_0000 ;
- end
- else
- if (wb_error_sig)
- begin
- wb_err_cs_bit31_24 <= { wb_error_be, wb_error_bc } ;
- wb_err_addr <= wb_error_addr ;
- wb_err_data <= wb_error_data ;
- end
- end
- // SERR_INT and PERR_INT STATUS BITS of ISR - interrupt status register
- `ifdef HOST
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- isr_bit4_3[4] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (isr_sys_err_int && icr_bit4_3[4]) // Synchronous set
- isr_bit4_3[4] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_isr_bit4) // Synchronous reset
- isr_bit4_3[4] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- isr_bit4_3[3] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (isr_par_err_int && icr_bit4_3[3]) // Synchronous set
- isr_bit4_3[3] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_isr_bit3) // Synchronous reset
- isr_bit4_3[3] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef HOST
- reg [4:3] set_isr_bit4_3;
- wire delete_set_isr_bit4;
- wire delete_set_isr_bit3;
- wire block_set_isr_bit4;
- wire block_set_isr_bit3;
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_isr_4
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_isr_bit4),
- .block_set_out (block_set_isr_bit4),
- .delete_in (delete_isr_bit4)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_isr_bit4_3[4] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (isr_sys_err_int && icr_bit4_3[4]) // Synchronous set
- set_isr_bit4_3[4] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_isr_bit4) // Synchronous reset
- set_isr_bit4_3[4] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_isr_3
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_isr_bit3),
- .block_set_out (block_set_isr_bit3),
- .delete_in (delete_isr_bit3)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_isr_bit4_3[3] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (isr_par_err_int && icr_bit4_3[3]) // Synchronous set
- set_isr_bit4_3[3] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_isr_bit3) // Synchronous reset
- set_isr_bit4_3[3] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- wire [4:3] isr_bits4_3 = {set_isr_bit4_3[4] && !block_set_isr_bit4,
- set_isr_bit4_3[3] && !block_set_isr_bit3 } ;
- wire [4:3] meta_isr_bits4_3 ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(2, 0) isr_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (isr_bits4_3),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_isr_bits4_3),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- isr_bit4_3[4:3] <= 2'b0 ;
- else
- isr_bit4_3[4:3] <= meta_isr_bits4_3[4:3] ;
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- // PCI_EINT and WB_EINT STATUS BITS of ISR - interrupt status register
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig && icr_bit2_0[1] && wb_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_isr_bit1) // Synchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig && icr_bit2_0[2] && pci_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_isr_bit2) // Synchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `ifdef HOST
- reg set_isr_bit1;
- wire delete_set_isr_bit1;
- wire block_set_isr_bit1;
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_isr_1
- (
- .set_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_isr_bit1),
- .block_set_out (block_set_isr_bit1),
- .delete_in (delete_isr_bit1)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_isr_bit1 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig && icr_bit2_0[1] && wb_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- set_isr_bit1 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_isr_bit1) // Synchronous reset
- set_isr_bit1 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- wire isr_bit1 = set_isr_bit1 && !block_set_isr_bit1 ;
- wire meta_isr_bit1 ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) isr_bit1_sync
- (
- .data_in (isr_bit1),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_isr_bit1),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= meta_isr_bit1 ;
- end
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig && icr_bit2_0[2] && pci_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_isr_bit2) // Synchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- `else // GUEST
- // Set and clear FF
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (wb_error_sig && icr_bit2_0[1] && wb_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_isr_bit1) // Synchronous reset
- isr_bit2_0[1] <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- reg set_isr_bit2;
- wire delete_set_isr_bit2;
- wire block_set_isr_bit2;
- // Synchronization module for clearing FF between two clock domains
- pci_sync_module sync_isr_2
- (
- .set_clk_in (wb_clk),
- .delete_clk_in (pci_clk),
- .reset_in (reset),
- .delete_set_out (delete_set_isr_bit2),
- .block_set_out (block_set_isr_bit2),
- .delete_in (delete_isr_bit2)
- );
- // Setting FF
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset) // Asynchronous reset
- set_isr_bit2 <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- begin
- if (pci_error_sig && icr_bit2_0[2] && pci_err_cs_bit0) // Synchronous set
- set_isr_bit2 <= 1'b1 ;
- else if (delete_set_isr_bit2) // Synchronous reset
- set_isr_bit2 <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- end
- wire isr_bit2 = set_isr_bit2 && !block_set_isr_bit2 ;
- wire meta_isr_bit2 ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) isr_bit2_sync
- (
- .data_in (isr_bit2),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_isr_bit2),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- isr_bit2_0[2] <= meta_isr_bit2 ;
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- // INT BIT of ISR - interrupt status register
- `ifdef HOST
- wire isr_int_prop_bit = isr_int_prop && icr_bit2_0[0] ;
- wire meta_isr_int_prop_bit ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) isr_bit0_sync
- (
- .data_in (isr_int_prop_bit),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_isr_int_prop_bit),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- isr_bit2_0[0] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- isr_bit2_0[0] <= meta_isr_int_prop_bit ;
- end
- `else // GUEST
- wire isr_int_prop_bit = isr_int_prop && icr_bit2_0[0] ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- isr_bit2_0[0] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- isr_bit2_0[0] <= isr_int_prop_bit ;
- end
- wire isr_int_prop_bit = isr_int_prop && icr_bit2_0[0] ;
- wire meta_isr_int_prop_bit ;
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) isr_bit0_sync
- (
- .data_in (isr_int_prop_bit),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_isr_int_prop_bit),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- isr_bit2_0[0] <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- isr_bit2_0[0] <= meta_isr_int_prop_bit ;
- end
- `endif
- `endif
- // INT PIN
- wire int_in;
- wire int_meta;
- reg interrupt_out;
- `ifdef HOST
- assign int_in = isr_int_prop_bit || isr_bit2_0[1] || isr_bit2_0[2] || isr_bit4_3[3] || isr_bit4_3[4];
- assign int_in = isr_int_prop_bit || isr_bit1 || isr_bit2_0[2] || isr_bits4_3[3] || isr_bits4_3[4];
- `endif
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) int_pin_sync
- (
- .data_in (int_in),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (int_meta),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- interrupt_out <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- interrupt_out <= int_meta ;
- end
- `else // GUEST
- assign int_in = isr_int_prop_bit || isr_bit2_0[1] || isr_bit2_0[2];
- assign int_in = isr_int_prop_bit || isr_bit2_0[1] || isr_bit2;
- `endif
- // interemediate stage to clk synchronization flip - flops - this ones are prone to metastability
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) int_pin_sync
- (
- .data_in (int_in),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (int_meta),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- interrupt_out <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- interrupt_out <= int_meta ;
- end
- `endif
- reg [hs_es_cnt_width - 1:0] hs_es_cnt ; // debounce counter
- reg hs_es_in_state, // current state of ejector switch input - synchronized
- hs_es_sync, // synchronization flop for ejector switch input
- hs_es_cur_state ; // current valid state of ejector switch
- wire oe_active_val = 1'b1 ;
- `endif
- `ifdef ACTIVE_LOW_OE
- wire oe_active_val = 1'b0 ;
- `endif
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- hs_ins <= 1'b0 ;
- hs_ins_armed <= 1'b1 ;
- hs_ext <= 1'b0 ;
- hs_ext_armed <= 1'b0 ;
- hs_es_in_state <= 1'b0 ;
- hs_es_sync <= 1'b0 ;
- hs_es_cur_state <= 1'b0 ;
- hs_es_cnt <= 'h0 ;
- `ifdef ACTIVE_LOW_OE
- pci_cpci_hs_enum_oe_o <= 1'b1 ;
- pci_cpci_hs_led_oe_o <= 1'b0 ;
- `endif
- pci_cpci_hs_enum_oe_o <= 1'b0 ;
- pci_cpci_hs_led_oe_o <= 1'b1 ;
- `endif
- end
- else
- begin
- // INS
- if (hs_ins)
- begin
- if (w_conf_data[23] & ~w_byte_en[2] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[56]) // clear
- hs_ins <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- else if (hs_ins_armed) // set
- hs_ins <= init_complete & (hs_es_cur_state == 1'b1) ;
- // INS armed
- if (~hs_ins & hs_ins_armed & init_complete & (hs_es_cur_state == 1'b1)) // clear
- hs_ins_armed <= 1'b0 ;
- else if (hs_ext) // set
- hs_ins_armed <= w_conf_data[22] & ~w_byte_en[2] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[56] ;
- // EXT
- if (hs_ext) // clear
- begin
- if (w_conf_data[22] & ~w_byte_en[2] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[56])
- hs_ext <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- else if (hs_ext_armed) // set
- hs_ext <= (hs_es_cur_state == 1'b0) ;
- // EXT armed
- if (~hs_ext & hs_ext_armed & (hs_es_cur_state == 1'b0)) // clear
- hs_ext_armed <= 1'b0 ;
- else if (hs_ins) // set
- hs_ext_armed <= w_conf_data[23] & !w_byte_en[2] & w_we & w_reg_select_dec[56] ;
- // ejector switch debounce counter logic
- hs_es_sync <= pci_cpci_hs_es_i ;
- hs_es_in_state <= hs_es_sync ;
- if (hs_es_in_state == hs_es_cur_state)
- hs_es_cnt <= 'h0 ;
- else
- hs_es_cnt <= hs_es_cnt + 1'b1 ;
- if (hs_es_cnt == {hs_es_cnt_width{1'b1}})
- hs_es_cur_state <= hs_es_in_state ;
- if ((hs_ins | hs_ext) & ~hs_eim)
- pci_cpci_hs_enum_oe_o <= oe_active_val ;
- else
- pci_cpci_hs_enum_oe_o <= ~oe_active_val ;
- if (~init_complete | hs_loo)
- pci_cpci_hs_led_oe_o <= oe_active_val ;
- else
- pci_cpci_hs_led_oe_o <= ~oe_active_val ;
- end
- end
- `endif
- `ifdef PCI_SPOCI
- wire spoci_write_done,
- spoci_dat_rdy ,
- spoci_no_ack ;
- wire [ 7: 0] spoci_wdat ;
- wire [ 7: 0] spoci_rdat ;
- // power on configuration control and status register
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- spoci_cs_nack <= 1'b0 ;
- spoci_cs_write <= 1'b0 ;
- spoci_cs_read <= 1'b0 ;
- spoci_cs_adr <= 'h0 ;
- spoci_cs_dat <= 'h0 ;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (spoci_cs_write)
- begin
- if (spoci_write_done | spoci_no_ack)
- spoci_cs_write <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- else if ( w_we & (w_conf_address[9:2] == 8'hFF) & ~w_byte_en[3])
- spoci_cs_write <= w_conf_data[25] ;
- if (spoci_cs_read)
- begin
- if (spoci_dat_rdy | spoci_no_ack)
- spoci_cs_read <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- else if ( w_we & (w_conf_address[9:2] == 8'hFF) & ~w_byte_en[3] )
- spoci_cs_read <= w_conf_data[24] ;
- if (spoci_cs_nack)
- begin
- if ( w_we & (w_conf_address[9:2] == 8'hFF) & ~w_byte_en[3] & w_conf_data[31] )
- spoci_cs_nack <= 1'b0 ;
- end
- else if (spoci_cs_write | spoci_cs_read | ~init_cfg_done)
- begin
- spoci_cs_nack <= spoci_no_ack ;
- end
- if ( w_we & (w_conf_address[9:2] == 8'hFF) )
- begin
- if (~w_byte_en[2])
- spoci_cs_adr[10: 8] <= w_conf_data[18:16] ;
- if (~w_byte_en[1])
- spoci_cs_adr[ 7: 0] <= w_conf_data[15: 8] ;
- end
- if ( w_we & (w_conf_address[9:2] == 8'hFF) & ~w_byte_en[0] )
- spoci_cs_dat <= w_conf_data[ 7: 0] ;
- else if (spoci_cs_read & spoci_dat_rdy)
- spoci_cs_dat <= spoci_rdat ;
- end
- end
- reg [ 2 : 0] bytes_received ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- init_we <= 1'b0 ;
- init_cfg_done <= 1'b0 ;
- bytes_received <= 1'b0 ;
- spoci_dat <= 'h0 ;
- spoci_reg_num <= 'h0 ;
- end
- else if (~init_cfg_done)
- begin
- if (spoci_dat_rdy)
- begin
- case (bytes_received)
- 'h0:spoci_reg_num <= spoci_rdat ;
- 'h1:spoci_dat[ 7: 0] <= spoci_rdat ;
- 'h2:spoci_dat[15: 8] <= spoci_rdat ;
- 'h3:spoci_dat[23:16] <= spoci_rdat ;
- 'h4:spoci_dat[31:24] <= spoci_rdat ;
- default:
- begin
- spoci_dat <= 32'hxxxx_xxxx ;
- spoci_reg_num <= 'hxx ;
- end
- endcase
- end
- if (init_we)
- bytes_received <= 'h0 ;
- else if (spoci_dat_rdy)
- bytes_received <= bytes_received + 1'b1 ;
- if (init_we)
- init_we <= 1'b0 ;
- else if (bytes_received == 'h5)
- init_we <= 1'b1 ;
- if (spoci_no_ack | ((bytes_received == 'h1) & (spoci_reg_num == 'hff)) )
- init_cfg_done <= 1'b1 ;
- end
- end
- assign spoci_wdat = spoci_cs_dat ;
- pci_spoci_ctrl i_pci_spoci_ctrl
- (
- .reset_i (reset ),
- .clk_i (pci_clk ),
- .do_rnd_read_i (spoci_cs_read ),
- .do_seq_read_i (rst_inactive & ~init_cfg_done ),
- .do_write_i (spoci_cs_write ),
- .write_done_o (spoci_write_done ),
- .dat_rdy_o (spoci_dat_rdy ),
- .no_ack_o (spoci_no_ack ),
- .adr_i (spoci_cs_adr ),
- .dat_i (spoci_wdat ),
- .dat_o (spoci_rdat ),
- .pci_spoci_sda_i (spoci_sda_i ),
- .pci_spoci_sda_oe_o (spoci_sda_oe_o ),
- .pci_spoci_scl_oe_o (spoci_scl_oe_o )
- );
- `endif
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- OUTPUTs from registers !!!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // if bridge is HOST then write clock is equal to WB clock, and synchronization of outputs has to be done
- `ifdef HOST
- wire [3:0] command_bits = {command_bit8, command_bit6, command_bit2_0[1:0]} ;
- wire [3:0] meta_command_bits ;
- reg [3:0] sync_command_bits ;
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(4, 0) command_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (command_bits),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_command_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- sync_command_bits <= 4'b0 ;
- else
- sync_command_bits <= meta_command_bits ;
- end
- wire sync_command_bit8 = sync_command_bits[3] ;
- wire sync_command_bit6 = sync_command_bits[2] ;
- wire sync_command_bit1 = sync_command_bits[1] ;
- wire sync_command_bit0 = sync_command_bits[0] ;
- wire sync_command_bit2 = command_bit2_0[2] ;
- `else // GUEST
- wire command_bit = command_bit2_0[2] ;
- wire meta_command_bit ;
- reg sync_command_bit ;
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(1, 0) command_bit_sync
- (
- .data_in (command_bit),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_command_bit),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- sync_command_bit <= 1'b0 ;
- else
- sync_command_bit <= meta_command_bit ;
- end
- wire sync_command_bit8 = command_bit8 ;
- wire sync_command_bit6 = command_bit6 ;
- wire sync_command_bit1 = command_bit2_0[1] ;
- wire sync_command_bit0 = command_bit2_0[0] ;
- wire sync_command_bit2 = sync_command_bit ;
- `endif
- // PCI header outputs from command register
- assign serr_enable = sync_command_bit8 & pci_init_complete_out ; // to PCI clock
- assign perr_response = sync_command_bit6 & pci_init_complete_out ; // to PCI clock
- assign pci_master_enable = sync_command_bit2 & wb_init_complete_out ; // to WB clock
- assign memory_space_enable = sync_command_bit1 & pci_init_complete_out ; // to PCI clock
- assign io_space_enable = sync_command_bit0 & pci_init_complete_out ; // to PCI clock
- // if bridge is HOST then write clock is equal to WB clock, and synchronization of outputs has to be done
- // We don't support cache line sizes smaller that 4 and it must have last two bits zero!!!
- wire cache_lsize_not_zero = ((cache_line_size_reg[7] || cache_line_size_reg[6] || cache_line_size_reg[5] ||
- cache_line_size_reg[4] || cache_line_size_reg[3] || cache_line_size_reg[2]) &&
- (!cache_line_size_reg[1] && !cache_line_size_reg[0]) );
- `ifdef HOST
- wire [7:2] cache_lsize_to_pci_bits = { cache_line_size_reg[7:2] } ;
- wire [7:2] meta_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits ;
- reg [7:2] sync_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits ;
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(6, 0) cache_lsize_to_pci_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (cache_lsize_to_pci_bits),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- sync_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits <= 6'b0 ;
- else
- sync_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits <= meta_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits ;
- end
- wire [7:2] sync_cache_line_size_to_pci_reg = sync_cache_lsize_to_pci_bits[7:2] ;
- wire [7:2] sync_cache_line_size_to_wb_reg = cache_line_size_reg[7:2] ;
- wire sync_cache_lsize_not_zero_to_wb = cache_lsize_not_zero ;
- // Latency timer is sinchronized only to PCI clock when bridge implementation is HOST
- wire [7:0] latency_timer_bits = latency_timer ;
- wire [7:0] meta_latency_timer_bits ;
- reg [7:0] sync_latency_timer_bits ;
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(8, 0) latency_timer_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (latency_timer_bits),
- .clk_out (pci_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_latency_timer_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge pci_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- sync_latency_timer_bits <= 8'b0 ;
- else
- sync_latency_timer_bits <= meta_latency_timer_bits ;
- end
- wire [7:0] sync_latency_timer = sync_latency_timer_bits ;
- `else // GUEST
- wire [8:2] cache_lsize_to_wb_bits = { cache_lsize_not_zero, cache_line_size_reg[7:2] } ;
- wire [8:2] meta_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits ;
- reg [8:2] sync_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits ;
- pci_synchronizer_flop #(7, 0) cache_lsize_to_wb_bits_sync
- (
- .data_in (cache_lsize_to_wb_bits),
- .clk_out (wb_clk),
- .sync_data_out (meta_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits),
- .async_reset (reset)
- ) ;
- always@(posedge wb_clk or posedge reset)
- begin
- if (reset)
- sync_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits <= 7'b0 ;
- else
- sync_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits <= meta_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits ;
- end
- wire [7:2] sync_cache_line_size_to_pci_reg = cache_line_size_reg[7:2] ;
- wire [7:2] sync_cache_line_size_to_wb_reg = sync_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits[7:2] ;
- wire sync_cache_lsize_not_zero_to_wb = sync_cache_lsize_to_wb_bits[8] ;
- // Latency timer
- wire [7:0] sync_latency_timer = latency_timer ;
- `endif
- // PCI header output from cache_line_size, latency timer and interrupt pin
- assign cache_line_size_to_pci = {sync_cache_line_size_to_pci_reg, 2'h0} ; // [7 : 0] to PCI clock
- assign cache_line_size_to_wb = {sync_cache_line_size_to_wb_reg, 2'h0} ; // [7 : 0] to WB clock
- assign cache_lsize_not_zero_to_wb = sync_cache_lsize_not_zero_to_wb ;
- assign latency_tim[7 : 0] = sync_latency_timer ; // to PCI clock
- //assign int_pin[2 : 0] = r_interrupt_pin ;
- assign int_out = interrupt_out ;
- // PCI output from image registers
- // base address, address mask, translation address and control registers are sinchronized in PCI_DECODER.V module
- `ifdef HOST
- `ifdef NO_CNF_IMAGE
- assign pci_base_addr0 = pci_ba0_bit31_8[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- `else
- assign pci_base_addr0 = pci_ba0_bit31_8[31:12] ;
- `endif
- `endif
- `ifdef GUEST
- assign pci_base_addr0 = pci_ba0_bit31_8[31:12] ;
- `endif
- assign pci_base_addr1 = pci_ba1_bit31_8[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_base_addr2 = pci_ba2_bit31_8[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_base_addr3 = pci_ba3_bit31_8[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_base_addr4 = pci_ba4_bit31_8[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_base_addr5 = pci_ba5_bit31_8[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_memory_io0 = pci_ba0_bit0 ;
- assign pci_memory_io1 = pci_ba1_bit0 ;
- assign pci_memory_io2 = pci_ba2_bit0 ;
- assign pci_memory_io3 = pci_ba3_bit0 ;
- assign pci_memory_io4 = pci_ba4_bit0 ;
- assign pci_memory_io5 = pci_ba5_bit0 ;
- assign pci_addr_mask0 = pci_am0[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_addr_mask1 = pci_am1[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_addr_mask2 = pci_am2[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_addr_mask3 = pci_am3[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_addr_mask4 = pci_am4[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_addr_mask5 = pci_am5[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_tran_addr0 = pci_ta0[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_tran_addr1 = pci_ta1[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_tran_addr2 = pci_ta2[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_tran_addr3 = pci_ta3[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_tran_addr4 = pci_ta4[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_tran_addr5 = pci_ta5[31:(32-`PCI_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign pci_img_ctrl0[2 : 1] = pci_img_ctrl0_bit2_1 ;
- assign pci_img_ctrl1[2 : 1] = pci_img_ctrl1_bit2_1 ;
- assign pci_img_ctrl2[2 : 1] = pci_img_ctrl2_bit2_1 ;
- assign pci_img_ctrl3[2 : 1] = pci_img_ctrl3_bit2_1 ;
- assign pci_img_ctrl4[2 : 1] = pci_img_ctrl4_bit2_1 ;
- assign pci_img_ctrl5[2 : 1] = pci_img_ctrl5_bit2_1 ;
- // WISHBONE output from image registers
- // base address, address mask, translation address and control registers are sinchronized in DECODER.V module
- assign wb_base_addr0 = wb_ba0_bit31_12[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_base_addr1 = wb_ba1_bit31_12[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_base_addr2 = wb_ba2_bit31_12[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_base_addr3 = wb_ba3_bit31_12[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_base_addr4 = wb_ba4_bit31_12[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_base_addr5 = wb_ba5_bit31_12[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_memory_io0 = wb_ba0_bit0 ;
- assign wb_memory_io1 = wb_ba1_bit0 ;
- assign wb_memory_io2 = wb_ba2_bit0 ;
- assign wb_memory_io3 = wb_ba3_bit0 ;
- assign wb_memory_io4 = wb_ba4_bit0 ;
- assign wb_memory_io5 = wb_ba5_bit0 ;
- assign wb_addr_mask0 = wb_am0[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_addr_mask1 = wb_am1[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_addr_mask2 = wb_am2[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_addr_mask3 = wb_am3[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_addr_mask4 = wb_am4[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_addr_mask5 = wb_am5[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_tran_addr0 = wb_ta0[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_tran_addr1 = wb_ta1[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_tran_addr2 = wb_ta2[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_tran_addr3 = wb_ta3[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_tran_addr4 = wb_ta4[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_tran_addr5 = wb_ta5[31:(32-`WB_NUM_OF_DEC_ADDR_LINES)] ;
- assign wb_img_ctrl0[2 : 0] = wb_img_ctrl0_bit2_0 ;
- assign wb_img_ctrl1[2 : 0] = wb_img_ctrl1_bit2_0 ;
- assign wb_img_ctrl2[2 : 0] = wb_img_ctrl2_bit2_0 ;
- assign wb_img_ctrl3[2 : 0] = wb_img_ctrl3_bit2_0 ;
- assign wb_img_ctrl4[2 : 0] = wb_img_ctrl4_bit2_0 ;
- assign wb_img_ctrl5[2 : 0] = wb_img_ctrl5_bit2_0 ;
- // GENERAL output from conf. cycle generation register & int. control register
- assign config_addr[23 : 0] = { cnf_addr_bit23_2, 1'b0, cnf_addr_bit0 } ;
- assign icr_soft_res = icr_bit31 ;
- endmodule
- </pre>
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