- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "c32bppDIB"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- ' Credits/Acknowledgements - Thanx goes to:
- ' Paul Caton for his class on calling non VB-Friendly DLLs that use _cdecl calling convention
- ' Used when calling non VB-friendly zLIB dll versions
- ' Alfred Koppold for his PNG, VB-only, decompression routines.
- ' Used when zLib & GDI+ not available
- ' Carles P.V for his pvResize logic
- ' Used when manually scaling images with NearestNeighbor or BiLinear interpolation
- ' www.zlib.net for their free zLIB.dll, the standard DLL for compressing/decompressing PNGs
- ' Without it, we'd be limited to GDI+ for creating PNGs
- ' coders like you that provide constructive criticism to make this class better & more all-inclusive
- ' Without your comments, this project probably would have died several versions/updates ago
- ' For most current updates/enhancements visit the following:
- ' Visit http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=67466&lngWId=1
- ' http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=67466&lngWId=1
- ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- ' O V E R V I E W
- ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- ' About 32bpp pre-multiplied RGB (pARGB) bitmaps, if you are not aware.
- ' - These are used specifically for the AlphaBlend API & are GDI+ compatible
- ' Advantages:
- ' - Images can be per-pixel alpha blended
- ' - Opacity can be simultaneously adjusted during rendering
- ' - AlphaBlend does both BitBlt & StretchBlt for pARGB images.
- ' - Speed: AlphaBlend & GDI+ are pretty quick APIs vs manual blending
- ' Disadvantages:
- ' - The original RGB values are permanently destroyed during pre-multiplying
- ' -- Premultiplied formula: preMultipliedRed=(OriginalRed * Alpha) 255
- ' -- There is no way to convert pARGB back to non-premultiplied RGB values
- ' The formula would be: reconstructedRed=(preMultipliedRed * 255) Alpha.
- ' but because of integer division when pre-multiplying, the result is only
- ' close and if this should be premultiplied again & converted again, the
- ' alphas can get more transparent with every iteration.
- ' Fully opaque pixels & fully transparent pixels are not affected.
- ' ** Note: When images are converted to PNG formats, removal of
- ' premultiplication is performed to meet PNG specs.
- ' - Displaying a pre-multiplied bitmap without AlphaBlend will not result in
- ' the image being displayed as expected.
- ' - Not ideal for saving due to its size: SizeOf= W x H x 4
- ' -- better to save source image instead or compress the DIB bytes using favorite compression utility
- ' -- with GDI+ or zLib, image can be converted to PNG for storage
- ' - AlphaBlend (msimg32.dll) is not included/compatible with Win95, NT4 and lower
- ' - AlphaBlend on Win9x systems can be buggy, especially when rendering to DIBs vs DDBs
- ' Note that GDI+ is standard on WinXP+, and can be used on Win98,ME,2K, & on NT4 if SP6 is installed
- ' Download GDI+ from:
- ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/gdicpp/GDIPlus/GDIPlus.asp
- ' ----------------------------------------------
- ' About Win95, Win98, NT3.5, NT4 & WinME support
- ' ----------------------------------------------
- ' The routines will not honor AlphaBlend if it exists on those systems. Win98's version,
- ' for example, has several bugs that can crash the application when AlphaBlending to DIBs.
- ' NT4, NT3.5 & Win95 do not come with AlphaBlend and I do not have WinME to test with.
- ' Therefore, to support these systems, the Render routine will alphablend manually
- ' regardless if the AlhpaBlend API (msimg32.dll) exists on the system or not.
- ' However, this can be overridden by you. See isAlphaBlendFriendly routine
- ' Class Purpose:
- ' ----------------------------------------------
- ' This class holds the 32bpp image. It also marshals any new image thru
- ' the battery of parsers to determine best method for converting the image
- ' to a 32bpp alpha-compatible image. It handles rendering, rotating, scaling,
- ' mirroring of DIBs using manual processes, AlphaBlend, and/or GDI+.
- ' The parser order is very important for fastest/best results...
- ' cPNGparser :: will convert PNG, all bit depths; aborts quickly if not PNG
- ' cGIFparser :: will convert non-transparent/transparent GIFs; aborts quickly
- ' cICOpraser :: will convert XP-Alpha, paletted, true color, & Vista PNG icons
- ' -- can also convert most non-animated cursors
- ' cBMPparser :: will convert bitmaps, wmf/emf & jpgs
- ' The parsers are efficient. Most image formats have a magic number that give
- ' a hint to what type of image the file/stream is. However, checks need to
- ' be employed because non-image files could feasibly have those same magic
- ' numbers. If the image is determined not to be one the parser is designed
- ' to handle, the parser rejects it and the next parser takes over. The
- ' icon parser is slightly different because PNG files can be included into
- ' a Vista ico file. When this occurs, the icon parser will pass off the
- ' PNG format to the PNG parser automatically.
- ' And last but not least, the parsers have no advanced knowledge of the image
- ' format; as far as they are concerned, anything passed is just a byte array
- ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- ' Accompanying FAQ.rtf is updated with every change
- ' Last changed: 11 Apr 07. See change history within the FAQ file
- ' 26 Dec 06: First version
- ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- ' No APIs are declared public. This is to prevent possibly, differently
- ' declared APIs, or different versions of the same API, from conflciting
- ' with any APIs you declared in your project. Same rule for UDTs.
- ' Note: I did take liberties, changing parameter types, in several APIs throughout
- ' Used to determine operating system
- Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As Any) As Long
- dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
- dwMajorVersion As Long
- dwMinorVersion As Long
- dwBuildNumber As Long
- dwPlatformId As Long
- szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' up to here is OSVERSIONINFO vs EX
- wServicePackMajor As Integer ' 8 bytes larger than OSVERSIONINFO
- wServicePackMinor As Integer
- wSuiteMask As Integer
- wProductType As Byte
- wReserved As Byte
- End Type
- ' APIs used to manage the 32bpp DIB
- Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- Private Declare Sub FillMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlFillMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal Fill As Byte)
- Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef pBitmapInfo As Any, ByVal un As Long, ByRef Pointer As Long, ByVal Handle As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function AlphaBlend Lib "msimg32.dll" (ByVal hdcDest As Long, ByVal nXOriginDest As Long, ByVal nYOriginDest As Long, ByVal nWidthDest As Long, ByVal nHeightDest As Long, ByVal hdcSrc As Long, ByVal nXOriginSrc As Long, ByVal nYOriginSrc As Long, ByVal nWidthSrc As Long, ByVal nHeightSrc As Long, ByVal lBlendFunction As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetStretchBltMode Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nStretchMode As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetObjectType Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hgdiobj As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetCurrentObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal uObjectType As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetIconInfo Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hIcon As Long, ByRef piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long
- Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetDIBitsToDevice Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal dX As Long, ByVal dY As Long, ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, ByVal Scan As Long, ByVal NumScans As Long, ByRef Bits As Any, ByRef BitsInfo As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, ByRef lpBits As Any, ByRef lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function OffsetRgn Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
- Private Const STRETCH_HALFTONE As Long = &H4&
- Private Const OBJ_BITMAP As Long = &H7&
- Private Const OBJ_METAFILE As Long = &H9&
- Private Const OBJ_ENHMETAFILE As Long = &HD&
- ' APIs used to create files
- Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByRef lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, ByRef lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
- Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1&
- ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ' Unicode-capable Drag and Drop of file names with wide characters
- ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, _
- ByVal offsetinVft As Long, ByVal CallConv As Long, ByVal retTYP As VbVarType, _
- ByVal paCNT As Long, ByRef paTypes As Integer, _
- ByRef paValues As Long, ByRef retVAR As Variant) As Long
- Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32.dll" (lpString As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
- ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ' Unicode-capable Pasting of file names with wide characters
- ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Private Declare Function DragQueryFile Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "DragQueryFileA" (ByVal hDrop As Long, ByVal UINT As Long, ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal ch As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32.dll" () As Long
- ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Private Type FORMATETC
- cfFormat As Long
- dwAspect As Long
- lIndex As Long
- TYMED As Long
- End Type
- Private Type DROPFILES
- pFiles As Long
- ptX As Long
- ptY As Long
- fNC As Long
- fWide As Long
- End Type
- Private Type STGMEDIUM
- TYMED As Long
- Data As Long
- pUnkForRelease As IUnknown
- End Type
- ' used to create the checkerboard pattern on demand
- Private Declare Function FillRect Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef lpRect As RECT, ByVal hBrush As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function OffsetRect Lib "user32.dll" (ByRef lpRect As RECT, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
- Private Type RECT
- Left As Long
- Top As Long
- Right As Long
- Bottom As Long
- End Type
- ' used when saving an image or part of the image
- Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
- Private Type SafeArrayBound
- cElements As Long
- lLbound As Long
- End Type
- Private Type SafeArray
- cDims As Integer
- fFeatures As Integer
- cbElements As Long
- cLocks As Long
- pvData As Long
- rgSABound(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound ' reusable UDT for 1 & 2 dim arrays
- End Type
- Private Type ICONINFO
- fIcon As Long
- xHotspot As Long
- yHotspot As Long
- hbmMask As Long
- hbmColor As Long
- End Type
- biSize As Long
- biWidth As Long
- biHeight As Long
- biPlanes As Integer
- biBitCount As Integer
- biCompression As Long
- biSizeImage As Long
- biXPelsPerMeter As Long
- biYPelsPerMeter As Long
- biClrUsed As Long
- biClrImportant As Long
- End Type
- Private Type BITMAPINFO
- bmiPalette As Long
- End Type
- Private Const AC_SRC_OVER = &H0&
- Private Const AC_SRC_ALPHA = &H1&
- Public Enum eImageFormat ' source image format
- imgError = -1 ' no DIB has been initialized
- imgNone = 0 ' no image loaded
- imgBitmap = 1 ' standard bitmap or jpg
- imgIcon = 3 ' standard icon
- imgWMF = 2 ' windows meta file
- imgEMF = 4 ' enhanced WMF
- imgCursor = 5 ' standard cursor
- imgBmpARGB = 6 ' 32bpp bitmap where RGB is not pre-multiplied
- imgBmpPARGB = 7 ' 32bpp bitmap where RGB is pre-multiplied
- imgIconARGB = 8 ' XP-type icon; 32bpp ARGB
- imgGIF = 9 ' gif; if class.Alpha=True, then transparent GIF
- imgPNG = 10 ' PNG image
- imgPNGicon = 11 ' PNG in icon file (Vista)
- imgCursorARGB = 12 ' alpha blended cursors? do they exist yet?
- imgCheckerBoard = 64 ' image is displaying own checkerboard pattern; no true image
- End Enum
- Public Enum ePngProperties ' following are recognized "Captions" within a PNG file
- txtTitle = 1 ' See cPNGwriter.SetPngProperty for more information
- txtAuthor = 2
- txtDescription = 4
- txtCopyright = 8
- txtCreationTime = 16
- txtSoftware = 32
- txtDisclaimer = 64
- txtWarning = 128
- txtSource = 256
- txtComment = 512
- ' special properties
- txtLargeBlockText = 1024 ' this is free-form text can be of any length & contain most any characters
- dateTimeModified = 2048 ' date/time of the last image modification (not the time of initial image creation)
- colorDefaultBkg = 4096 ' default background color to use if PNG viewer does not do transparency
- filterType = 8192 ' one of the eFilterMethods values
- ClearAllProperties = -1 ' resets all PNG properties
- End Enum
- Public Enum eTrimOptions ' see TrimImage method
- trimAll = 0 ' can be combined using OR
- trimLeft = 1
- trimTop = 2
- trimRight = 4
- trimBottom = 8
- End Enum
- Public Enum eGrayScaleFormulas
- gsclNTSCPAL = 0 ' R=R*.299, G=G*.587, B=B*.114 - Default
- gsclCCIR709 = 1 ' R=R*.213, G=G*.715, B=B*.072
- gsclSimpleAvg = 2 ' R,G, and B = (R+G+B)/3
- gsclRedMask = 3 ' uses only the Red sample value: RGB = Red / 3
- gsclGreenMask = 4 ' uses only the Green sample value: RGB = Green / 3
- gsclBlueMask = 5 ' uses only the Blue sample value: RGB = Blue / 3
- gsclRedGreenMask = 6 ' uses Red & Green sample value: RGB = (Red+Green) / 2
- gsclBlueGreenMask = 7 ' uses Blue & Green sample value: RGB = (Blue+Green) / 2
- gsclNone = -1
- End Enum
- Public Enum eFilterMethods
- filterDefault = 0 ' paletted PNGs will use filterNone while others will use filterPaeth
- filterNone = 1 ' no byte preparation used; else preps bytes using one of the following
- filterAdjLeft = 2 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Sub
- filterAdjTop = 3 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Up
- filterAdjAvg = 4 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Avg
- filterPaeth = 5 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Paeth
- filterAdaptive = 6 ' this is a best guess of the above 4 (can be different for each DIB scanline)
- End Enum
- Public Enum eRegionStyles ' See CreateRegion
- regionBounds = 0
- regionEnclosed = 1
- regionShaped = 2
- End Enum
- Public Enum eConstants ' See SourceIconSizes
- TRUE_COLOR = &HFF000000
- End Enum
- Private m_PNGprops As cPNGwriter ' used for more advanced PNG creation options
- Private m_StretchQuality As Boolean ' if true will use BiLinear or better interpolation
- Private m_Handle As Long ' handle to 32bpp DIB
- Private m_Pointer As Long ' pointer to DIB bits
- Private m_Height As Long ' height of DIB
- Private m_Width As Long ' width of DIB
- Private m_hDC As Long ' DC if self-managing one
- Private m_prevObj As Long ' object deselected from DC when needed
- Private m_osCAP As Long ' See Class_Initialize
- Private m_Format As eImageFormat ' type of source image
- Private m_ManageDC As Boolean ' does class manage its own DC
- Private m_AlphaImage As Boolean ' does the DIB contain alpha/transparency
- Private m_GDItoken As Long
- Private m_ImageByteCache() As Byte ' should you want the DIB class to cache original bytes
- ' ^^ N/A if image is loaded by handle, stdPicture, or resource
- Public Function LoadPicture_File(ByVal FileName As String, _
- Optional ByVal iconCx As Long, _
- Optional ByVal iconCy As Long, _
- Optional ByVal SaveFormat As Boolean, _
- Optional ByVal iconBitDepth As Long = 32) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Convert passed image file into a 32bpp image
- ' Parameters.
- ' FileName :: full path of file. Validation occurs before we continue
- ' iconCx :: desired width of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' iconCy :: desired height of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' SaveFormat :: if true, then the image will be cached as a byte array only
- ' if the image was successfully loaded. Call GetOrginalFormat to retrieve them.
- ' iconBitDepth :: the desired bit depth of an icon if the resource is an icon file
- ' Why would you want to save the bytes? If this is being used in a usercontrol,
- ' saving the bytes will almost always be less size than saving the 32bit DIB.
- ' Additionally, these classes have the ability to get different sizes from
- ' the original source (i.e., WMF, icon, cursors) if available, but if the
- ' 32bit DIB is saved, it is a constant size. The potential of different sizes
- ' could allow better resizing of the image vs stretching the DIB.
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim hFile As Long
- hFile = iparseGetFileHandle(FileName, True, ((m_osCAP And 24) = 8))
- If hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Exit Function
- If GetFileSize(hFile, 0&) > 56 Then
- ' no image file/stream can be less than 57 bytes and still be an image
- Dim aDIB() As Byte ' dummy array
- LoadPicture_File = LoadPictureEx(hFile, FileName, aDIB(), iconCx, iconCy, 0&, 0&, SaveFormat, iconBitDepth)
- End If
- CloseHandle hFile
- End Function
- Public Function LoadPicture_Stream(inStream() As Byte, _
- Optional ByVal iconCx As Long, _
- Optional ByVal iconCy As Long, _
- Optional ByVal streamStart As Long = 0&, _
- Optional ByVal streamLength As Long = 0&, _
- Optional ByVal SaveFormat As Boolean, _
- Optional ByVal iconBitDepth As Long = 32) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Convert passed array into a 32bpp image
- ' Parameters.
- ' inStream:: byte stream containing the image. Validation occurs below
- ' iconCx :: desired width of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' iconCy :: desired height of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' streamStart :: array position of 1st byte of the image file. Validated.
- ' streamLength :: total length of the image file. Validated.
- ' SaveFormat :: if true, then the image will be cached as a byte array only
- ' if the image was successfully loaded. Call GetOrginalFormat to retrieve them.
- ' iconBitDepth :: the desired bit depth of an icon if the resource is an icon stream
- ' Why would you want to save the bytes? If this is being used in a usercontrol,
- ' saving the bytes will almost always be less size than saving the 32bit DIB.
- ' Additionally, these classes have the ability to get different sizes from
- ' the original source (i.e., WMF, icon, cursors) if available, but if the
- ' 32bit DIB is saved, it is a constant size. The potential of different sizes
- ' could allow better resizing of the image vs stretching the DIB.
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(inStream)) = 0& Then Exit Function
- If streamStart < LBound(inStream) Then streamStart = LBound(inStream)
- If streamLength = 0& Then streamLength = UBound(inStream) - streamStart + 1&
- If streamLength < 57 Then Exit Function
- ' no image file/stream can be less than 57 bytes and still be an image
- LoadPicture_Stream = LoadPictureEx(0&, vbNullString, inStream, iconCx, iconCy, streamStart, streamLength, SaveFormat, iconBitDepth)
- End Function
- Public Function LoadPicture_Resource(ByVal ResIndex As Variant, ByVal ResSection As Variant, _
- Optional VBglobal As IUnknown, _
- Optional ByVal iconCx As Long, _
- Optional ByVal iconCy As Long, _
- Optional ByVal streamStart As Long = 0&, _
- Optional ByVal streamLength As Long = 0&, _
- Optional ByVal iconBitDepth As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Convert passed resource into a 32bpp image
- ' Parameters.
- ' ResIndex :: the resource file index (i.e., 101)
- ' ResSection :: one of the VB LoadResConstants or String value of
- ' your resource section, i.e., vbResBitmap, vbResIcon, "Custom", etc
- ' VbGlobal :: pass as VB.GLOBAL of the project containing the resource file
- ' - Allows class to be mobile; can exist in DLL or OCX
- ' - if not provided, class will use resource from existing workspace
- ' - For example, if this class was in a compiled OCX, then the only way
- ' to use the host's resource file is passing the host's VB.Global reference
- ' iconCx :: desired width of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' iconCy :: desired height of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' streamStart :: array position of 1st byte of the image file. Validated.
- ' streamLength :: total length of the image file. Validated.
- ' -- See LoadPicture_Stream for the validation
- ' iconBitDepth :: the desired bit depth of an icon if the resource is an icon
- ' Tips:
- ' 1) Store 32bpp bitmaps in the "Custom" resource always. Storing in the
- ' Bitmap resource can change color depth of the image created by VB
- ' depending on your screen settings
- ' 2) Icons, normal bitmaps, & cursors are generally stored in their own sections
- ' However, with icons containing multiple formats, VB will extract the
- ' closest format to 32x32. May want to consider storing these in "Custom"
- ' 3) All other types of images are normally stored in the "Custom" section
- On Error GoTo ExitRoutine
- Dim oWorkSpace As VB.Global, tPic As StdPicture
- If VBglobal Is Nothing Then
- Set oWorkSpace = VB.Global
- ElseIf TypeOf VBglobal Is VB.Global Then
- Set oWorkSpace = VBglobal
- Else
- Set oWorkSpace = VB.Global
- End If
- If VarType(ResSection) = vbString Then
- Dim inStream() As Byte
- ' could be anything, PNG,icon,gif,32bpp bitmap,wmf, etc
- inStream = oWorkSpace.LoadResData(ResIndex, ResSection)
- LoadPicture_Resource = LoadPicture_Stream(inStream, iconCx, iconCy, streamStart, streamLength, , iconBitDepth)
- Else
- ' can only be single icon, bitmap or cursor
- Set tPic = oWorkSpace.LoadResPicture(ResIndex, ResSection)
- LoadPicture_StdPicture tPic
- End If
- LoadPicture_Resource = Not (m_Handle = 0&)
- ExitRoutine:
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Public Function LoadPicture_StdPicture(Picture As StdPicture) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Convert passed stdPicture into a 32bpp image
- ' Revised to allow 32bpp stdPicture objects which can be loaded
- Me.DestroyDIB
- If Not Picture Is Nothing Then
- ' simply pass off to other parsers
- If Picture.Type = vbPicTypeIcon Then
- ' pass to icon/cursor parser
- Dim cICO As New cICOparser
- Call cICO.ConvertstdPicTo32bpp(Picture.Handle, Me)
- Set cICO = Nothing
- ElseIf Not Picture.Type = vbPicTypeNone Then
- ' pass to bmp,jpg,wmf parser
- ' Note: transparent GIFs should not be passed as stdPictures
- ' Pass transparent GIFs by Stream or FileName
- Dim cBMP As New cBMPparser
- If Picture.Type = vbPicTypeBitmap Then
- ' pass by handle to ensure 32bpp stdPicture objects are processed correctly
- Call cBMP.ConvertstdPicTo32bpp(Nothing, Picture.Handle, Me, 0&)
- Else ' probably wmf/emf, pass by stdPicture
- Call cBMP.ConvertstdPicTo32bpp(Picture, 0&, Me, 0&)
- End If
- Set cBMP = Nothing
- End If
- LoadPicture_StdPicture = Not (m_Handle = 0&)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function LoadPicture_ByHandle(Handle As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Convert passed image handle into a 32bpp image
- ' Revised. Previously, I cheated by creating a stdPicture from the handle
- ' then used existing LoadPicture_stdPicture to process. This had
- ' the nasty side effect of not processing 32bpp images correctly
- ' if they were loaded from LoadImage API
- Dim icoInfo As ICONINFO, tPic As StdPicture
- DestroyDIB
- If Not Handle = 0& Then
- Select Case GetObjectType(Handle)
- ' process bitmaps by handle
- Dim cBMP As New cBMPparser
- LoadPicture_ByHandle = cBMP.ConvertstdPicTo32bpp(Nothing, Handle, Me, 0&)
- ' we should be able to convert this to a stdPicture...
- ' Really don't want to mess with metafile DCs if I don't have to
- Set tPic = iparseHandleToStdPicture(Handle, vbPicTypeBitmap)
- If Not tPic Is Nothing Then
- ' send to this routine to process
- LoadPicture_ByHandle = LoadPicture_StdPicture(tPic)
- End If
- Case Else
- ' Test for icons & cursors
- If Not GetIconInfo(Handle, icoInfo) = 0 Then
- ' got it; clean up the bitmap(s) created by GetIconInfo API
- If Not icoInfo.hbmColor = 0& Then DeleteObject icoInfo.hbmColor
- If Not icoInfo.hbmMask = 0& Then DeleteObject icoInfo.hbmMask
- Dim cICO As New cICOparser
- ' process icons by handle
- LoadPicture_ByHandle = cICO.ConvertstdPicTo32bpp(Handle, Me)
- End If
- End Select
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function LoadPicture_ClipBoard() As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Convert clipboard object into a 32bpp image
- On Error Resume Next
- With Clipboard
- If (.GetFormat(vbCFBitmap) Or .GetFormat(vbCFDIB) Or .GetFormat(vbCFEMetafile) Or .GetFormat(vbCFMetafile)) Then
- If Not Err Then LoadPicture_ClipBoard = LoadPicture_StdPicture(.GetData())
- End If
- End With
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- End Function
- Public Function LoadPicture_FromOrignalFormat(Optional ByVal iconCx As Long, _
- Optional ByVal iconCy As Long, _
- Optional ByVal iconBitDepth As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Reload the current image from the cached bytes (if any)
- ' If the original bytes were not cached when the image was loaded, then no action
- ' will be taken. See LoadPicture_File & LoadPicture_Stream
- ' iconCx :: desired width of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' iconCy :: desired height of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
- ' iconBitDepth :: the desired bit depth of an icon if the resource is an icon
- Dim tBytes() As Byte
- tBytes() = m_ImageByteCache() ' copy bytes; original are destroyed when DIB is recreated
- LoadPicture_FromOrignalFormat = Me.LoadPicture_Stream(tBytes, iconCx, iconCy, , , True, iconBitDepth)
- End Function
- Public Function GetPixel(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, Optional ByRef AlphaValue As Long, _
- Optional ByRef asPreMultiplied As Boolean) As Long
- ' Function will return the pixel color value and alpha value from the DIB
- ' Note that the DIB is always referenced top down within this function
- ' X is the left coordinate of the pixel to be returned, image always starts at 0,0
- ' Y is the top coordinate of the pixel to be returned, image always starts at 0,0
- ' AlphaValue will contain the alpha value of the pixel.
- ' asPreMultiplied. If false, then premultiplication is removed else it isn't
- ' Return value is the RGB color value of the pixel.
- ' If return value is -1 then the X,Y coordinates passed are invalid
- ' It is far more efficient to use GetDIBits or overlaying your own array when more than
- ' one pixel is required to be returned; in other words, recommend not using this
- ' function within a loop
- AlphaValue = 0&
- If X < 0& Or X > m_Width - 1& Then
- GetPixel = -1&
- ElseIf Y < 0& Or Y > m_Height - 1& Then
- GetPixel = -1&
- Else
- Dim pOffset As Long, pColor As Long
- ' calculate the location of the X,Y coordinate in relation to a bottom-up DIB
- pOffset = iparseSafeOffset(m_Pointer, X * 4& + ((m_Height - Y - 1&) * m_Width * 4&))
- ' get the alpha value
- CopyMemory AlphaValue, ByVal iparseSafeOffset(pOffset, 3&), 1&
- ' get the pixel color & convert it to RGB
- CopyMemory pColor, ByVal pOffset, 3&
- If asPreMultiplied = True Or (AlphaValue Mod 255) = 0 Then
- GetPixel = ((pColor And &HFF) * &H10000) Or ((pColor &H100) And &HFF) * &H100 Or ((pColor &H10000) And &HFF)
- Else ' remove premultiplication
- pOffset = ((255& * (pColor And &HFF)) AlphaValue) * &H10000
- pOffset = pOffset Or ((255& * ((pColor &H100) And &HFF)) AlphaValue) * &H100
- GetPixel = pOffset Or ((255& * ((pColor &H10000) And &HFF)) AlphaValue)
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function GetDIBbits(outStream() As Byte, _
- Optional ByVal as2dArray As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal asBGRformat As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal as32bpp As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal asWordAligned As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal asBottomUp As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal X As Long, Optional ByVal Y As Long, _
- Optional ByVal Width As Long, Optional ByVal Height As Long, _
- Optional ByVal asPreMultiplied As Boolean = True) As Boolean
- ' Function replicates the GetDIBits API with more flexibility.
- ' Note: Unless you need a copy of the bytes for other purposes than just
- ' referencing them, it is much more efficient to overlay your own
- ' SafeArray on the Me.BitsPointer property vs copying the bytes into an array
- ' Function returns True if an image exists and the array was filled.
- ' Parameters
- ' outStream(). An array to hold the returned bytes. Array is always zero-bound
- ' as2dArray. If True, array is returned as (0 to Columns*4-1, 0 to Rows-1) else (0 to Columns*Rows*4-1)
- ' asBGRformat. If True, pixels are in BGRalpha format else RGBalpha format
- ' The alpha byte may be excluded depending on as32bpp parameter
- ' as32bpp. If true, pixels use 4 bytes else pixels use 3 bytes (24bpp)
- ' asWordAligned. If true, scanlines/columns are word aligned else scanlines are byte aligned
- ' asBottomUp. If true, 1st row of array is bottom of picture else is top of picture
- ' X,Y. The left,top position of the image to return
- ' Width,Height. The number of columns,rows to return. Defaults are entire image
- ' asPreMultiplied. If true, returned pixels are in their default state, premultiplied
- ' If false, premultiplication is removed.
- ' Tip: How to determine the scanwidth of the returned rows?
- ' 1. If as32bpp=True, then it is always Width parameter x 4
- ' 2. Otherwise, regardless of asWordAligned parameter
- ' a. If as2dArray=True, UBound(outStream,1)+1
- ' b. If as2dArray=False, (UBound(outStream)+1)Height parameter
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- If X < 0& Or Y < 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim dstX As Long, dstY As Long
- Dim dstYincr As Long, bytesPP As Long
- Dim dstScanWidth As Long, srcScanWidth As Long
- Dim dstBytes() As Byte, srcBytes() As Byte
- Dim dstSA As SafeArray, srcSA As SafeArray
- Dim Rows As Long, Cols As Long, pAlpha As Byte
- ' validate parameters
- If Width = 0 Then Width = m_Width
- If Height = 0 Then Height = m_Height
- If Width + X > m_Width Then Width = m_Width - X
- If Height + Y > m_Height Then Height = m_Height - Y
- ' now we will set up the scanwidth and dimensioning the return array
- If as32bpp = True Then
- bytesPP = 4&
- dstScanWidth = Width * bytesPP
- Else
- bytesPP = 3&
- If asWordAligned = True Then
- dstScanWidth = iparseByteAlignOnWord(24, Width)
- Else
- dstScanWidth = Width * bytesPP
- End If
- End If
- ' size the destination array
- If as2dArray = True Then
- ReDim outStream(0 To dstScanWidth - 1&, 0 To Height - 1&)
- dstSA.pvData = VarPtr(outStream(0, 0)) ' track pointer of 1st element
- Else
- ReDim outStream(0 To dstScanWidth * Height - 1&)
- dstSA.pvData = VarPtr(outStream(0)) ' track pointer of 1st element
- End If
- ' quick check for copying. This is probably going to be most used
- If as32bpp = True And asBGRformat = True And asBottomUp = True Then
- If Width = m_Width And Height = m_Height And asPreMultiplied = True Then
- If as2dArray = True Then
- CopyMemory outStream(0, 0), ByVal m_Pointer, scanWidth * Height
- Else
- CopyMemory outStream(0), ByVal m_Pointer, scanWidth * Height
- End If
- GetDIBbits = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- ' set up overlays using identical 2D arrays
- With dstSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = dstScanWidth
- End With
- With srcSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), VarPtr(dstSA), 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), VarPtr(srcSA), 4&
- ' calculate destination starting row
- If asBottomUp = True Then
- dstY = Height - 1&
- dstYincr = -1&
- Else
- dstYincr = 1&
- End If
- srcScanWidth = (Width + X) * 4& - 1& ' position of 1st byte in DIB
- If asPreMultiplied = True Then
- For Rows = m_Height - Y - 1& To m_Height - Height - Y Step -1&
- dstX = 0& ' destination column
- For Cols = X * 4 To srcScanWidth Step 4&
- If asBGRformat = True Then
- CopyMemory dstBytes(dstX, dstY), srcBytes(Cols, Rows), bytesPP
- Else
- dstBytes(dstX, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols + 2&, Rows)
- dstBytes(dstX + 1&, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols + 1&, Rows)
- dstBytes(dstX + 2&, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols, Rows)
- If bytesPP = 4& Then ' want the alpha array too
- dstBytes(dstX + 3&, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols + 3&, Rows)
- End If
- End If
- dstX = dstX + bytesPP ' move to next destination column
- Next
- dstY = dstY + dstYincr ' next destination row
- Next
- Else ' remove premultiplication
- For Rows = m_Height - Y - 1& To m_Height - Height - Y Step -1&
- dstX = 0& ' destination column
- For Cols = X * 4 To srcScanWidth Step 4&
- pAlpha = srcBytes(Cols + 3&, Rows)
- If asBGRformat = True Then
- If pAlpha = 255 Then
- CopyMemory dstBytes(dstX, dstY), srcBytes(Cols, Rows), 3&
- ElseIf Not pAlpha = 0 Then
- dstBytes(dstX, dstY) = (255& * srcBytes(Cols, Rows) pAlpha)
- dstBytes(dstX + 1&, dstY) = (255& * srcBytes(Cols + 1&, Rows) pAlpha)
- dstBytes(dstX + 2&, dstY) = (255& * srcBytes(Cols + 2&, Rows) pAlpha)
- End If
- Else ' convert to RGB
- If pAlpha = 255 Then
- dstBytes(dstX, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols + 2&, Rows)
- dstBytes(dstX + 1&, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols + 1&, Rows)
- dstBytes(dstX + 2&, dstY) = srcBytes(Cols, Rows)
- ElseIf Not pAlpha = 0 Then
- dstBytes(dstX, dstY) = (255& * srcBytes(Cols + 2&, Rows) pAlpha)
- dstBytes(dstX + 1&, dstY) = (255& * srcBytes(Cols + 1&, Rows) pAlpha)
- dstBytes(dstX + 2&, dstY) = (255& * srcBytes(Cols, Rows) pAlpha)
- End If
- End If
- If bytesPP = 4& Then dstBytes(dstX + 3&, dstY) = pAlpha ' want the alpha array too
- dstX = dstX + bytesPP ' move to next destination column
- Next
- dstY = dstY + dstYincr ' next destination row
- Next
- End If
- ' release arrays
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), 0&, 4&
- GetDIBbits = True
- eh:
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- 'Stop ' troubleshooting only
- 'Resume
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function SetDIBbits(inStream() As Byte, _
- Optional ByVal isBGRformat As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal is32bpp As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal isWordAligned As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal isBottomUp As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal dstX As Long, Optional ByVal dstY As Long, _
- Optional ByVal dstWidth As Long, Optional ByVal dstHeight As Long) As Boolean
- ' Function replicates the SetDIBits API with more flexibility.
- ' Note: It is much more efficient to overlay your own SafeArray on
- ' the Me.BitsPointer property and updating directly
- ' Function returns True if an image exists and updated.
- ' Parameters
- ' inStream(). An array containing new DIB bytes. Can be any dimension
- ' isBGRformat. If True, pixels are in BGRalpha format else RGBalpha format
- ' The alpha byte may be excluded depending on is32bpp parameter
- ' is32bpp. If true, pixels use 4 bytes else pixels use 3 bytes (24bpp)
- ' isWordAligned. If true, scanlines are word aligned else scanlines are byte aligned
- ' isBottomUp. If true, 1st row of array is bottom of picture else is top of picture
- ' dstX,Y. The left,top position of the image to update
- ' dstWidth,Height. The number of columns,rows to update. Defaults are entire image
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- If dstX < 0& Or dstY < 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim SrcX As Long, SrcY As Long
- Dim srcYincr As Long, bytesPP As Long
- Dim dstScanWidth As Long, srcScanWidth As Long
- Dim dstBytes() As Byte, srcBytes() As Byte
- Dim dstSA As SafeArray, srcSA As SafeArray
- Dim srcBounds() As Long
- Dim Rows As Long, Cols As Long
- ' test and cache the passed inStream's pointer
- srcYincr = iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(inStream))
- If srcYincr = 0& Then Exit Function
- ' validate parameters
- If dstWidth = 0 Then dstWidth = m_Width
- If dstHeight = 0 Then dstHeight = m_Height
- If dstWidth + dstX > m_Width Then dstWidth = m_Width - dstX
- If dstHeight + dstY > m_Height Then dstHeight = m_Height - dstY
- ' now we will set up the scanwidth of the source array
- If is32bpp = True Then
- bytesPP = 4&
- srcScanWidth = dstWidth * bytesPP
- Else
- bytesPP = 3&
- If isWordAligned = True Then
- srcScanWidth = iparseByteAlignOnWord(24, dstWidth)
- Else
- srcScanWidth = dstWidth * bytesPP
- End If
- End If
- ' Get 1st 16 bytes of source SafeArray
- CopyMemory srcSA, ByVal srcYincr, 16&
- ' copy the array dimension's bounds to tempoary array
- ReDim srcBounds(1 To 2 * srcSA.cDims)
- CopyMemory srcBounds(1), ByVal srcYincr + 16&, 8& * srcSA.cDims
- ' tally up the amount of bytes contained in the array
- dstScanWidth = srcBounds(1)
- For srcSA.cDims = 3 To 2 * srcSA.cDims Step 2
- dstScanWidth = (srcBounds(srcSA.cDims) * dstScanWidth)
- Next
- ' does passed array have enough bytes?
- If dstScanWidth * srcSA.cbElements < srcScanWidth * Height Then Exit Function
- Erase srcBounds()
- ' set up overlay on source array
- With srcSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .cLocks = 0 ' remove may have been set when copied
- .fFeatures = 0 ' remove may have been set when copied
- '.pvData was set when we copied the structure
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = dstHeight
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = srcScanWidth
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), VarPtr(srcSA), 4&
- ' set up overlay on our DIB
- With dstSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), VarPtr(dstSA), 4&
- ' set source starting row
- If isBottomUp = True Then
- SrcY = dstHeight - 1
- srcYincr = -1
- Else
- srcYincr = 1
- End If
- dstScanWidth = (dstWidth + dstX) * 4& - 1& ' position for 1st byte in our DIB
- For Rows = m_Height - dstY - 1& To m_Height - dstHeight - dstY Step -1&
- SrcX = 0&
- For Cols = dstX * 4 To dstScanWidth Step 4&
- If isBGRformat = True Then
- CopyMemory dstBytes(Cols, Rows), srcBytes(SrcX, SrcY), bytesPP
- Else
- dstBytes(Cols, Rows) = srcBytes(SrcX + 2&, SrcY)
- dstBytes(Cols + 1&, Rows) = srcBytes(SrcX + 1&, SrcY)
- dstBytes(Cols + 2&, Rows) = srcBytes(SrcX, SrcY)
- If bytesPP = 4& Then ' want the alpha byte too
- dstBytes(Cols + 3&, Rows) = srcBytes(SrcX + 3&, SrcY)
- End If
- End If
- SrcX = SrcX + bytesPP ' position of next source byte
- Next
- SrcY = SrcY + srcYincr ' next source row
- Next
- ' release overlays
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), 0&, 4&
- ' our image must remain pre-multiplied, ensure it now
- iparseValidateAlphaChannel dstBytes(), True, m_AlphaImage, 0&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), 0&, 4&
- SetDIBbits = True
- End Function
- Public Function CreateRegion(Optional ByVal Style As eRegionStyles = regionBounds, Optional ByVal xOffset As Long, Optional ByVal yOffset As Long) As Long
- ' Creates a region that can be used for clipping, filling, hit testing
- ' You ARE responsible for destroying the region with a call to DeleteObject
- ' Note: This region is created from this DIB, not the rendered DIB, therefore
- ' should the rendered DIB be of different size, mirrored, rotated or otherwise modified
- ' you should render this to a new/blank DIB and create the region from that one
- ' Style must be one of the following. Default is regionBounds
- ' - regionShaped: region consists of only non-transparent pixels
- ' :: example: region for the letter O would only contain the outline
- ' - regionEnclosed: transparent pixels between furthest left and furtherst right
- ' non-transparent pixels in each scan line are included in the region
- ' :: example: region for the letter O would be like filling the center then creating the region
- ' - regionBounds: all pixels within the rectangular bounds of the image are included
- ' :: example: region for the letter O would be like drawing a tight rectangle around it then creating a solid rectangular region
- ' xOffset is used to shift the region n pixels left or right
- ' yOffset is used to shift the region n pixels up or down
- Dim hRgn As Long
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then
- If Style >= regionBounds And Style <= regionShaped Then
- hRgn = iparseCreateShapedRegion(Me, Style)
- If Not ((xOffset Or yOffset) = 0&) Then OffsetRgn hRgn, xOffset, yOffset
- End If
- End If
- CreateRegion = hRgn
- End Function
- Public Sub CopyImageTo(cDIBclass As c32bppDIB, Optional ByVal newWidth As Long, _
- Optional ByVal newHeight As Long, Optional ByVal CopyOriginalFormat As Boolean = False)
- ' Function replicates the the current image to another DIB class and optionally resizes it
- ' NewWidth is optional. if zero, will use the source DIB width. If negative will mirror & resize if needed
- ' NewHeight is optional. if zero, will use the source DIB height. If negative will mirror & resize if needed
- ' If CopyOriginalFormat = True then, and only, if class loaded its image
- ' with the optional SaveFormat=True, then the original image bytes
- ' were cached and will be copied to the target cDIBclass also
- ' See LoadPicture_File & LoadPicture_Stream for more info
- Dim dDC As Long, aResized() As Byte
- Dim bUnselect As Boolean, bResetAlphaCap As Boolean
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then ' do we have an image to copy?
- If newWidth = 0& Then newWidth = m_Width
- If newHeight = 0& Then newHeight = m_Height
- If cDIBclass Is Nothing Then
- Set cDIBclass = New c32bppDIB ' was a valid ref passed?
- cDIBclass.gdiToken = m_GDItoken
- cDIBclass.isGDIplusEnabled = Me.isGDIplusEnabled
- cDIBclass.HighQualityInterpolation = Me.HighQualityInterpolation
- cDIBclass.InitializeDIB Abs(newWidth), Abs(newHeight) ' Create new one
- Else
- cDIBclass.gdiToken = m_GDItoken
- If Not (Abs(newWidth) = cDIBclass.Width And Abs(newHeight) = cDIBclass.Height) Then
- cDIBclass.InitializeDIB Abs(newWidth), Abs(newHeight) ' Create new one
- End If
- End If
- cDIBclass.Alpha = m_AlphaImage ' carry over the alpha flag
- cDIBclass.ImageType = m_Format ' and image type flag
- If newWidth = m_Width And newHeight = m_Height Then
- ' can copy using CopyMemory vs AlphaBlend
- CopyMemory ByVal cDIBclass.BitsPointer, ByVal m_Pointer, newWidth * 4& * newHeight
- Else
- If (m_osCAP And 17) = 17 Then ' system is Win98/ME with AlphaBlend capability overridden
- ' but we will be resizing DIB to DIB so disallow it for now
- m_osCAP = (m_osCAP And Not 1)
- bResetAlphaCap = True
- End If
- bUnselect = (m_prevObj = 0&)
- If Me.isGDIplusEnabled And (m_StretchQuality = True Or Me.isAlphaBlendFriendly = False) Then ' use GDI+ to resize
- Dim cGDIp As New cGDIPlus
- dDC = cDIBclass.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- If bUnselect Then Me.LoadDIBinDC True
- cGDIp.RenderGDIplus Me, dDC, 0&, 100&, 0&, 0&, newWidth, newHeight, 0&, 0&, m_Width, m_Height, True, gsclNone, m_GDItoken
- cDIBclass.LoadDIBinDC False
- Set cGDIp = Nothing
- If bUnselect Then Me.LoadDIBinDC False
- ElseIf newWidth < 0& Or newHeight < 0& Then ' handle mirroring, AlphaBlend cannot do mirroring
- MirrorDIB 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, newWidth, newHeight, aResized(), cDIBclass ' routine mirrors directly to DIB bytes
- ElseIf Me.isAlphaBlendFriendly And m_StretchQuality = False Then ' O/S has no alphablending shortfalls that are known
- dDC = cDIBclass.LoadDIBinDC(True) ' load target into a DC
- If bUnselect Then Me.LoadDIBinDC True
- Me.Render dDC, 0&, 0&, newWidth, newHeight, 0&, 0&, m_Width, m_Height, , , False, cDIBclass
- cDIBclass.LoadDIBinDC False ' remove DIB from DC
- If bUnselect Then Me.LoadDIBinDC False
- Else
- ' stretching is involved, resize
- Call pvResize(0&, aResized(), aResized(), cDIBclass) ' routine resizes directly to DIB bytes
- End If
- If bResetAlphaCap Then m_osCAP = m_osCAP Or 1
- End If
- ' if the original image bytes are to be copied, do them too
- If CopyOriginalFormat = True Then Call cDIBclass.SetOriginalFormat(m_ImageByteCache)
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Function GetOrginalFormat(outStream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' If SaveFormat is true when LoadPicture_Stream or LoadPicture_File was
- ' called, the original bytes were cached when the image was successfully
- ' loaded. Call this to return those original bytes
- ' If there are no original bytes, the function returns False & outStream is uninitialized
- outStream() = m_ImageByteCache()
- GetOrginalFormat = Not (iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(m_ImageByteCache)) = 0&)
- End Function
- Friend Property Let Alpha(isAlpha As Boolean)
- m_AlphaImage = isAlpha ' determines the flags used for AlphaBlend API
- ' this flag is set by the various image parsers; setting it yourself
- ' can produce less than desirable effects.
- ' Used in Me.Render & Me.TrimImage, cPNGwriter.OptimizeTrueColor & cPNGwriter.PalettizeImage
- End Property
- Public Property Get Alpha() As Boolean
- Alpha = m_AlphaImage
- End Property
- Public Property Let HighQualityInterpolation(Value As Boolean)
- ' When possible GDI+ will be used for stretching & rotation.
- ' If GDI+ is used,then high quality equates to BiCubic interpolation
- ' If not used, then BiLinear (manual processing) will be used.
- ' If High Quality is false, then Nearest Neighbor (very fast) interpolation used
- m_StretchQuality = Value
- End Property
- Public Property Get HighQualityInterpolation() As Boolean
- HighQualityInterpolation = m_StretchQuality
- End Property
- Public Property Get ImageType() As eImageFormat
- ImageType = m_Format ' returns image format of the source image
- End Property
- Friend Property Let ImageType(iType As eImageFormat)
- m_Format = iType ' set by the various image parsers. This is not used
- ' anywhere in these classes, you can do with it what you want -- for now.
- End Property
- Public Property Get Width() As Long
- Width = m_Width ' width of image in pixels
- End Property
- Public Property Get Height() As Long
- Height = m_Height ' height of image in pixels
- End Property
- Public Property Get BitsPointer() As Long
- BitsPointer = m_Pointer ' pointer to the bits of the image
- End Property
- Public Property Get scanWidth() As Long
- scanWidth = m_Width * 4& ' number of bytes per scan line
- End Property
- Public Property Get Handle() As Long
- Handle = m_Handle ' the picture handle of the image
- End Property
- Public Function LoadDIBinDC(ByVal bLoad As Boolean) As Long
- ' Purpose: Select/Unselect the DIB into a DC.
- ' Returns the DC handle when image is loaded
- ' Called by image parser if it needs to paint the image into the DIB
- If bLoad = True Then
- Dim tDC As Long
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then ' do we have an image?
- If m_hDC = 0& Then ' do we have a DC?
- tDC = GetDC(0&) ' if not create one
- m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(tDC)
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC
- End If
- If m_prevObj = 0& Then
- m_prevObj = SelectObject(m_hDC, m_Handle)
- End If
- LoadDIBinDC = m_hDC
- End If
- Else
- If Not m_prevObj = 0& Then
- SelectObject m_hDC, m_prevObj
- If m_ManageDC = False Then
- DeleteObject m_hDC
- m_hDC = 0&
- End If
- m_prevObj = 0&
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Public Property Let ManageOwnDC(bManage As Boolean)
- ' Determines whether or not this class will manage its own DC
- ' If false, then a DC is created each time the image needs to be Rendered
- Dim tDC As Long
- If bManage = False Then ' removing management of DC
- If Not m_hDC = 0& Then ' DC does exist, destroy it
- ' first remove the dib, if one exists
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then SelectObject m_hDC, m_prevObj
- m_prevObj = 0&
- End If
- DeleteDC m_hDC
- m_hDC = 0&
- Else ' allowing creation of dc
- If m_hDC = 0& Then ' create DC only if we have a dib to put in it
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then
- tDC = GetDC(0&)
- m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(tDC)
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC
- End If
- End If
- End If
- m_ManageDC = bManage
- End Property
- Public Property Get ManageOwnDC() As Boolean
- ManageOwnDC = m_ManageDC
- End Property
- Public Property Get isAlphaBlendFriendly() As Boolean
- isAlphaBlendFriendly = ((m_osCAP And 1) = 1)
- ' WinNT4 & below and Win95 are not shipped with msimg32.dll (AlphaBlend API)
- ' Win98 has bugs & would believe that WinME is buggy too but don't know for sure
- ' Therefore, the Rendering in this class will not use AlphaBlend on these
- ' operating systems even if the DLL exists, but will use GDI+ if available
- ' Can be overridden by setting this property to True
- End Property
- Public Property Let isAlphaBlendFriendly(Enabled As Boolean)
- ' This has been provided to override safety of using AlphaBlend on Win9x systems.
- ' Caution. Only set this when rendering to a known device dependent bitmap (DDB)
- ' Alphablend can crash when rendering DIB to DIB vs DIB to DDB. Be warned.
- If Enabled = True Then
- ' Overriding in play: allow AlphaBlend if system is Win98 or better
- ' By default this is already set for Win2K or better
- If ((m_osCAP And 8) = 8) Then m_osCAP = m_osCAP Or 1
- Else
- m_osCAP = m_osCAP And Not 1 ' disallow AlphaBlend
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Get isGDIplusEnabled() As Boolean
- ' identifies if GDI+ is usable on the system.
- ' Before this property is set, GDI+ is tested to ensure it is usable
- isGDIplusEnabled = ((m_osCAP And 2) = 2)
- End Property
- Public Property Let isGDIplusEnabled(Enabled As Boolean)
- ' Sets the property. If set to False by you, GDI+ will not be used
- ' for any rendering, but still may be used to create PNG files if needed
- If Not Enabled = Me.isGDIplusEnabled Then
- m_osCAP = (m_osCAP And Not 2)
- If Enabled Then
- If (m_osCAP And 32) = 0 Then ' else Win95, NT4 SP5 or lower
- Dim cGDIp As New cGDIPlus
- If cGDIp.isGDIplusOk() = True Then m_osCAP = m_osCAP Or 2
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Get isZlibEnabled() As Boolean
- ' Read Only
- ' To create PNG files, GDI+ or zLib is required. This property informs
- ' you if zLIB exists in the system's DLL path
- isZlibEnabled = iparseValidateZLIB(vbNullString, 0, False, False, True)
- End Property
- Public Function InitializeDIB(ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long) As Boolean
- ' Creates a blank (all black, all transparent) DIB of requested height & width
- DestroyDIB ' clear any pre-existing dib
- If Width < 0& Then Exit Function
- If Height = 0& Then
- Exit Function
- ElseIf Height < 0& Then
- Height = Abs(Height) ' no top-down dibs
- End If
- On Error Resume Next
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader
- .biBitCount = 32
- .biHeight = Height
- .biWidth = Width
- .biPlanes = 1
- .biSize = 40&
- .biSizeImage = .biHeight * .biWidth * 4&
- End With
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- ' only possible error would be that Width*Height*4& is absolutely huge
- Exit Function
- End If
- tDC = GetDC(0&) ' get screen DC
- m_Handle = CreateDIBSection(tDC, tBMPI, 0&, m_Pointer, 0&, 0&)
- If m_ManageDC = True Then
- ' create a DC if class is managing its own & one isn't created yet
- If m_hDC = 0& Then m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(tDC)
- End If
- ' release the screen DC if we captured it
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then ' let's hope system resources allowed DIB creation
- m_Width = Width
- m_Height = Height
- m_AlphaImage = True
- m_Format = imgNone
- InitializeDIB = True
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub DestroyDIB()
- ' PURPOSE: Destroy any existing image
- If Not m_hDC = 0& Then ' do we have a DC?
- ' do we have an image; if so get it out of the DC
- If Not m_prevObj = 0& Then SelectObject m_hDC, m_prevObj
- ' destroy our DC, no point in keeping it w/o image
- DeleteObject m_hDC
- m_hDC = 0&
- End If
- ' if we do have an image, destroy it now
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then
- DeleteObject m_Handle
- Erase m_ImageByteCache
- End If
- ' reset other image attributes
- m_Width = 0&
- m_Height = 0&
- m_Handle = 0&
- m_Pointer = 0&
- m_prevObj = 0&
- m_AlphaImage = False
- m_Format = imgError
- End Sub
- Public Sub EraseDIB()
- ' Function clears out an existing DIB, making it 100% transparent/black
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then
- FillMemory ByVal m_Pointer, m_Width * m_Height * 4&, 0
- m_Format = imgNone
- m_AlphaImage = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Function Render(ByVal destinationDC As Long, _
- Optional ByVal destX As Long, Optional ByVal destY As Long, _
- Optional ByVal destWidth As Long, Optional ByVal destHeight As Long, _
- Optional ByVal SrcX As Long, Optional ByVal SrcY As Long, _
- Optional ByVal srcWidth As Long, Optional ByVal srcHeight As Long, _
- Optional ByVal Opacity As Long = 100&, _
- Optional ByVal Blend As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByVal SetHalfTone As Boolean = True, _
- Optional ByRef destHostDIB As c32bppDIB = Nothing, _
- Optional ByVal grayScale As eGrayScaleFormulas = gsclNone, _
- Optional ByVal LightAdjustment As Single = 0!, _
- Optional ByVal Angle As Single = 0!, _
- Optional ByVal CenterOnDestXY As Boolean = False) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Render an existing 32bpp DIB to a target DC
- ' Angle & CenterOnDestXY added to allow this routine to replace the RotateAtCenterPoint & RotateAtTopLeft calls
- ' Mirroring: When destWidth & srcWidth are compared, if one is negative and the other positive, mirroring horizontally occurs
- ' When destHeight & srcHeight are compared, if one is negative and the other positive, mirroring vertically occurs
- ' All four of those parameters are optional & any that are not passed will default to the image's width/height as needed
- ' before the mirroring check is applied
- ' Parameters. Only destinationDC is required
- ' destinationDC :: target DC to draw to. Ignored if destHostDIB is passed
- ' destX, destY :: the top/left coordinates to draw to, default is 0,0
- ' destWidth, destHeight :: the width and height to draw to, default is the image's width & height
- ' srcX, srcY :: the left & top offset within the DIB
- ' srcWidth, srcHeight :: the amount of DIB to be rendered
- ' Opacity :: how opaque to draw the image, default is 100% opaque
- ' Blend :: no longer used, reserved & left in for backward compatibility
- ' SetHalfTone :: if True, then the destination DC's stretch mode will be modified to
- ' produce better quality results. This option is not available on Win9x systems.
- ' Tip: When AlphaBlending to another DIB set to False
- ' When AlphaBlending to CompatibleBitmap (DDB) or visible DC set to True
- ' destHostDIB :: When rendering from DIB class to DIB class, pass the destination
- ' DIB class to ensure alpha blending occurs correctly on systems that do not
- ' support GDI+ or AlphaBlend APIs. When passed, destinationDC is ignored
- ' grayscale :: one of several formulas to grayscale while rendering (optional)
- ' LightAdjustment :: values between -100 and 100 percent of added pixel darkeness/lightness
- ' -100% will display a black image & 100 percent will display a white image
- ' Angle :: between -360 and 360. Rotation is clockwise
- ' CenterOnDestXY :: If true then rendering is centered on the destX,destY coordinates
- Dim lBlendFunc As Long, tDC As Long, hOldImage As Long
- Dim lStretchMode As Long
- Dim aResizedBytes() As Byte, aMirrorBytes() As Byte
- Dim bStretching As Boolean
- Dim bMirroring As Boolean
- Dim bRotating As Boolean
- Dim bCanUseAlphaBlend As Boolean
- ' validate a few things
- If Opacity < 1& Then ' nothing to render if image is 100% transparent
- Render = Not (m_Handle = 0)
- Exit Function
- ElseIf m_Handle = 0& Then
- Exit Function
- ElseIf destinationDC = 0& Then
- If destHostDIB Is Nothing Then Exit Function
- End If
- ' validate optional destination parameters
- If destWidth = 0& Then destWidth = m_Width
- If destHeight = 0& Then destHeight = m_Height
- ' validate optional parameters for source image
- If SrcX < 0& Then SrcX = 0& ' source X,Y cannot be negative
- If SrcY < 0& Then SrcY = 0& ' but the dest X,Y can be
- If srcWidth = 0& Then
- srcWidth = m_Width
- ElseIf srcWidth < 0& Then ' locally, only the destWidth can be negative for mirroring, not srcHeight
- destWidth = -destWidth
- srcWidth = -srcWidth
- End If
- If srcHeight = 0& Then
- srcHeight = m_Height
- ElseIf srcHeight < 0& Then ' locally, only the destHeight can be negative for mirroring, not srcHeight
- destHeight = -destHeight
- srcHeight = -srcHeight
- End If
- If SrcX + srcWidth > m_Width Then srcWidth = m_Width - SrcX
- If SrcY + srcHeight > m_Height Then srcHeight = m_Height - SrcY
- ' angle is Single. See if passed angle is evenly divisible by 360
- If Int(Angle) = Angle Then
- bRotating = Not ((Angle Mod 360) = 0)
- Else ' angle has fractional component; therefore can't be Mod 360
- bRotating = True
- End If
- ' validate opacity is within range
- Opacity = Abs(Opacity) Mod 100
- If Opacity = 0& Then Opacity = 100&
- ' validate light adjustment is within range. Disqualify LigthAdjustmnet if out of range
- If Not LightAdjustment = 0! Then
- If LightAdjustment > 100! Then
- LightAdjustment = 0!
- ElseIf LightAdjustment < -100! Then
- LightAdjustment = 0!
- End If
- End If
- If CenterOnDestXY = True Then
- If bRotating Then
- destX = destX - destWidth 2 ' use negative destWidth,destHeight if mirroring - rotation routines expect it
- destY = destY - destHeight 2
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destinationDC = destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- Render = RotateImage(destinationDC, Angle, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, Opacity, destHostDIB, grayScale, LightAdjustment)
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC False
- Exit Function
- Else
- destX = destX - Abs(destWidth 2) ' not rotating, don't allow negative destWidth,destHeight for calculations
- destY = destY - Abs(destHeight 2)
- End If
- ElseIf bRotating Then
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destinationDC = destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- Render = RotateImage(destinationDC, Angle, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, Opacity, destHostDIB, grayScale, LightAdjustment)
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC False
- Exit Function
- End If
- ' are we mirroring? rules out AlphaBlend usage if we are
- If destWidth > 0& Then
- bMirroring = (destHeight < 0&)
- Else
- bMirroring = True
- End If
- ' are we resizing? may rule out AlphaBlend usage (stretching DIB to DIB can crash on Win9x)
- If (Abs(destWidth) = srcWidth) Then
- bStretching = Not (Abs(destHeight) = srcHeight)
- Else
- bStretching = True
- End If
- ' The following IF tree and above boolean assignments are to determine:
- ' 1. Do we use AlphaBlend
- ' 2. Do we use GDI+
- ' 3. Do we do it manually.
- ' The answer depends on user settings, O/S, graphics manipulation & DLL abilities
- ' if user provided token, allow GDI+ to override AlphaBlend
- If Me.isGDIplusEnabled = False Or Me.gdiToken = 0& Then
- ' see if alphablend will support the various rendering options
- If Me.isAlphaBlendFriendly Then ' Win98 or better with AlphaBlend enabled & GDI+ disabled
- If Not bMirroring Then ' can't use alphaBlend if mirroring
- If grayScale = gsclNone Then ' can't use alphaBlend if gray scaling
- If LightAdjustment = 0! Then ' can't use alphaBlend if modifying pixel brightness
- If bStretching Then
- bCanUseAlphaBlend = Not m_StretchQuality ' can't use alphaBlend if using Bilinear interpolation
- Else
- bCanUseAlphaBlend = True
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If Me.isGDIplusEnabled = True And bCanUseAlphaBlend = False Then
- ' we will use GDI+ to render when higher quality interpolation is desired, system is not AlphaBlend friendly or user supplied gdi+ token
- Dim cGDIp As New cGDIPlus
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destinationDC = destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- Render = cGDIp.RenderGDIplus(Me, destinationDC, 0&, Opacity, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, m_StretchQuality, grayScale, m_GDItoken, LightAdjustment)
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC False
- Set cGDIp = Nothing
- Else
- If m_hDC = 0& Then ' do we have a DC to select our image into?
- tDC = GetDC(0&) ' if not create one, if ManageOwnDC=True, we will have one
- m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(tDC)
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC
- hOldImage = SelectObject(m_hDC, m_Handle)
- Else
- ' we have a DC, but is the image selected into it?
- If m_prevObj = 0& Then hOldImage = SelectObject(m_hDC, m_Handle)
- End If
- If bCanUseAlphaBlend = False Then
- ' Ruled out use of AlphaBlend (preferred when GDI+ isn't available)
- ' Win95/NT4 - not shipped with AlphaBlend
- ' Mirroring or high quality interpolation stretching - can't use AlphaBlend
- ' Grayscaling/light adjustments on the fly - can't use AlphaBlend
- ' Stretching from DIB to destination - can crash with Win9x
- ' AlphaBlend can't do high quality interpolation
- ' doing it completely manually
- ' 1. Mirror and change light intensity as needed
- If bMirroring Then MirrorDIB SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight, aMirrorBytes(), , LightAdjustment
- ' 2. Resize using Nearest Neighbor or Bi-Linear algorithms & change light intensity as needed, then Render
- If bStretching Then
- If pvResize(destinationDC, aResizedBytes(), aMirrorBytes(), Nothing, SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, LightAdjustment) = False Then Exit Function
- ' use custom blending routine, passing aResizedBytes array
- Render = Win9xBlend(destinationDC, aResizedBytes(), SrcX, SrcY, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, (255& * Opacity) 100&, destHostDIB, grayScale, LightAdjustment)
- Else
- ' use custom blending routine, passing aMirrorBytes array. If LigthAdjustment not applied above, it will be applied in spt_Win9xBlend
- Render = Win9xBlend(destinationDC, aMirrorBytes(), SrcX, SrcY, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, (255& * Opacity) 100&, destHostDIB, grayScale, LightAdjustment)
- End If
- Else ' we can use AlphaBlend
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destinationDC = destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- If SetHalfTone Then ' Stretch_Halftone not compatible with win9x
- If ((m_osCAP And 16&) = 0&) Then lStretchMode = SetStretchBltMode(destinationDC, STRETCH_HALFTONE)
- End If
- ' calculate the opacity required & add it to the BlendFunction variable
- lBlendFunc = AC_SRC_OVER Or (((255& * Opacity) 100&) * &H10000)
- ' if the image has transparency, then we add the AC_SRC_ALPHA flag too
- If Me.Alpha = True Then lBlendFunc = lBlendFunc Or (AC_SRC_ALPHA * &H1000000)
- Render = Not (AlphaBlend(destinationDC, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, m_hDC, SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, lBlendFunc) = 0&)
- If SetHalfTone Then ' Stretch_Halftone not compatible with win9x
- If ((m_osCAP And 16&) = 0&) Then SetStretchBltMode destinationDC, lStretchMode
- End If
- If Not destHostDIB Is Nothing Then destHostDIB.LoadDIBinDC False
- End If
- ' remove the image from the DC if necessary
- If Not hOldImage = 0& Then SelectObject m_hDC, hOldImage
- If Not tDC = 0& Then ' if we created a DC, let's destroy it now
- DeleteDC m_hDC
- m_hDC = 0&
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function SaveToStream(outStream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' Should you want to serialize the 32bpp DIB.
- ' Stream is formatted as a complete bitmap; therefore,
- ' one could simply write the bytes to file and a true bitmap is created
- ' Use GetDibBits function to return just the pixel data
- On Error GoTo ExitRoutine ' should out of memory occur?
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim b24bpp() As Byte
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader
- .biHeight = m_Height
- .biWidth = m_Width
- .biPlanes = 1
- .biSize = 40
- .biBitCount = 24 + m_AlphaImage * -8
- .biSizeImage = iparseByteAlignOnWord(.biBitCount, .biWidth) * .biHeight
- End With
- ReDim outStream(0 To 53 + tBMPI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage)
- CopyMemory outStream(0), &H4D42, 2& ' bmp magic number
- CopyMemory outStream(2), CLng(54 + tBMPI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage), 4& ' overall size of image
- ' ^^ 54 = 14 byte bmp header + 40 for the tBMPI structure
- CopyMemory outStream(10), 54&, 4& ' image offset from beginning of file
- CopyMemory outStream(14), tBMPI, 40&
- If tBMPI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32 Then
- CopyMemory outStream(54), ByVal m_Pointer, tBMPI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage
- Else
- GetDIBbits b24bpp(), , , False
- CopyMemory outStream(54), b24bpp(0, 0), tBMPI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage
- End If
- SaveToStream = True
- ExitRoutine:
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- Erase outStream()
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function SaveToStream_PNG(outStream() As Byte) As Boolean
- ' Requires GDI+ and/or zLib installed on the system, otherwise function fails.
- ' Tesst isGDIplusEnabled or isZlibEnabled
- ' To use the optional PNG properties, isZlibEnabled must be True
- ' See PngPropertySet and PngPropertyGet
- ' Function saves the current 32bpp DIB to an array containing the DIB in PNG format
- ' Per PNG recommendations, the PNG is created with non-premultiplied pixels
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim cGDIp As cGDIPlus, cZlib As cPNGwriter
- Dim bSuccess As Boolean
- If m_PNGprops Is Nothing Then ' no special PNG properties set, use GDI+
- Set cGDIp = New cGDIPlus
- If cGDIp.SaveToPNG(vbNullString, outStream(), Me, m_GDItoken) = False Then
- Set cZlib = New cPNGwriter ' failed, attempt to use zLIB
- bSuccess = cZlib.SavePNGex(Me, vbNullString, outStream())
- Else
- bSuccess = True ' GDI+ created the PNG
- End If
- Else
- ' user set some optional PNG properties (See PngPropertySet), use zLib
- If m_PNGprops.SavePNGex(Me, vbNullString, outStream()) = False Then
- Set cGDIp = New cGDIPlus ' failed, attempt to use GDI+
- bSuccess = cGDIp.SaveToPNG(vbNullString, outStream(), Me, m_GDItoken)
- Else
- bSuccess = True ' zLIB created the PNG
- End If
- End If
- SaveToStream_PNG = bSuccess
- End Function
- Public Function SourceIconSizes(sizeArray() As Long) As Long
- ' Function will return a 2D array that contains the icon width, height,
- ' bit depth and color count for each icon in the source image/file
- ' The 2D array is always zero bound and the return value of the function
- ' indicates how many icons exist in the source
- ' 1st dimension of the array
- ' 0 element: icon width
- ' 1 element: icon height
- ' 2 element: icon bit depth: 1,2,4,8,16,24,32
- ' 3 element: icon colors: 2,4,16,256,HIGH_COLOR,TRUE_COLOR, TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA
- ' HIGH_COLOR, TRUE_COLOR,& TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA are public variables
- ' 2nd dimension of the array is 0 to number of icons - 1
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Select Case m_Format
- Case imgIcon, imgIconARGB, imgPNGicon, imgCursor, imgCursorARGB
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(m_ImageByteCache)) = 0& Then
- ' original bytes were not kept, therefore, we only have one image
- ReDim sizeArray(0 To 3, 0 To 0)
- sizeArray(0, 0) = m_Width
- sizeArray(1, 0) = m_Height
- sizeArray(2, 0) = 32
- sizeArray(3, 0) = TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA
- SourceIconSizes = 1
- Else
- Dim cICO As cICOparser, i As Long
- Set cICO = New cICOparser
- If cICO.LoadStream(m_ImageByteCache, 32, 32, Nothing, 0, UBound(m_ImageByteCache) + 1, 32) = True Then
- ReDim sizeArray(0 To 3, 0 To cICO.IconCount - 1)
- With cICO
- For i = 1 To .IconCount
- sizeArray(0, i - 1) = .Width(i)
- sizeArray(1, i - 1) = .Height(i)
- sizeArray(2, i - 1) = .bitDepth(i)
- Select Case .bitDepth(i)
- Case 1: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = 2
- Case 2: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = 4
- Case 4: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = 16
- Case 8: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = 256
- Case Is < 24: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = HIGH_COLOR
- Case 24: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = TRUE_COLOR
- Case Else: sizeArray(3, i - 1) = TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA
- End Select
- Next
- End With
- SourceIconSizes = cICO.IconCount
- End If
- End If
- Case Else
- ' not an icon/cursor source
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Function CreateCheckerBoard(Optional ByVal CheckerSize As Long = 12&, _
- Optional ByVal FirstColor As Long = vbWhite, Optional ByVal SecondColor As Long = 12632256) As Boolean
- ' Function simply creates a checkerboard pattern. This can be desirable when the DIB currently has no
- ' image but something should be displayed. When this is set, you can test whether or not this class
- ' created the Checkerboard by testing class.ImageType = imgCheckerBoard
- ' The checker size is used for both the width and height of each square. Default value is 12.
- ' FirstColor is the colored checker at the top left corner of the pattern. Default is white
- ' SecondColor is the alternating checker color. Default is gray RGB: 192,192,192
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim hBrush As Long, hBr1 As Long, hBr2 As Long
- Dim cRect As RECT, tSA As SafeArray
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long, tDC As Long
- Dim bUnselect As Boolean, bEven As Boolean
- Dim dibBytes() As Byte
- bUnselect = (m_prevObj = 0&)
- tDC = LoadDIBinDC(True)
- hBr1 = CreateSolidBrush(FirstColor)
- hBr2 = CreateSolidBrush(SecondColor)
- cRect.Right = CheckerSize
- cRect.Bottom = CheckerSize
- For Y = 0& To m_Height - 1& Step CheckerSize
- If bEven Then hBrush = hBr2 Else hBrush = hBr1
- For X = 0& To m_Width - 1& Step CheckerSize
- FillRect tDC, cRect, hBrush
- If hBrush = hBr1 Then hBrush = hBr2 Else hBrush = hBr1
- OffsetRect cRect, CheckerSize, 0&
- Next
- bEven = Not bEven
- OffsetRect cRect, -cRect.Left, CheckerSize
- Next
- DeleteObject hBr1
- DeleteObject hBr2
- If bUnselect Then LoadDIBinDC False
- ' here we will force every alpha byte to be fully opaque
- With tSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With