- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dibBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- For Y = 0& To m_Height - 1&
- For X = 3& To m_Width * 4& - 1& Step 4&
- dibBytes(X, Y) = 255
- Next
- Next
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dibBytes), 0&, 4&
- m_AlphaImage = False ' we are not using transparency
- m_Format = imgCheckerBoard ' special flag for user
- CreateCheckerBoard = True
- End Function
- Private Function RotateImage(ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal Angle As Single, _
- ByVal TopX As Long, ByVal TopY As Long, _
- ByVal destWidth As Long, ByVal destHeight As Long, _
- ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, _
- ByVal srcWidth As Long, ByVal srcHeight As Long, _
- ByVal Opacity As Long, _
- ByRef destHostDIB As c32bppDIB, _
- ByVal grayScale As eGrayScaleFormulas, _
- ByVal LightAdjustment As Single) As Boolean
- ' Internal function will rotate an image by passed Angle and render to the passed hDC.
- ' This function simultaneously rotates, scales and then blends.
- ' Note: Me.HighQualityInterpolation property setting is used to determine quality of rotation/scaling
- ' Called only by the Render method
- ' first see if we can do this via GDI+
- If Me.isGDIplusEnabled Then
- Dim cGDIp As New cGDIPlus
- If cGDIp.RenderGDIplus(Me, hDC, Angle, Opacity, TopX, TopY, destWidth, destHeight, SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, m_StretchQuality, grayScale, m_GDItoken, LightAdjustment) = True Then
- RotateImage = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Set cGDIp = Nothing
- End If
- Dim cosTx As Double, sinTx As Double
- Dim cosTy As Double, sinTy As Double
- Dim scalerX As Double, scalerY As Double
- Dim maxX As Long, maxY As Long, maxSize As Long
- Dim ctrX As Long, ctrY As Long
- Dim xOffset As Double, yOffset As Double
- Dim targetX As Double, targetY As Double
- Dim dSA As SafeArray, sSA As SafeArray
- Dim dBytes() As Byte, sBytes() As Byte
- Dim rHost As New c32bppDIB
- Dim lRow As Long, lCol As Long
- ' following variables are used for the BiLinear interpolation only
- Dim tgtY As Long, tgtX As Long
- Dim srcPixel As Long, dstPixel As Long, srcRow As Long
- Dim edgeOffsetX As Long, edgeOffsetY As Long
- Dim fY As Double, fX As Double, iX As Long, iY As Long
- Dim R As Double, G As Double, B As Double, A As Double
- ' handle mirroring as needed. Fix negative values as needed
- If destWidth < 0& Then TopX = TopX + destWidth
- If destHeight < 0& Then TopY = TopY + destHeight
- If MirrorDIB(SrcX, SrcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight, sBytes(), , LightAdjustment) = False Then
- ' if light adjustments, preprocess bytes
- If Not LightAdjustment = 0! Then Call LightenDarken(Me, LightAdjustment, sBytes)
- End If
- ' determine the scale to use based off the passed
- ' source and destination widths,heights
- scalerX = destWidth / srcWidth ' scale x coordinates
- scalerY = destHeight / srcHeight ' scale y coordinates
- ' convert angle to radians & calculate scaled COS/SIN of the angle
- ' Multiplying by Negative so we rotate clockwise
- sinTx = -((Angle Mod 360) * (4& * Atn(1))) / 180 ' convert Degree to Radian
- cosTy = Cos(sinTx) / scalerY ' get cosine of angle (Y coordinates)
- sinTy = Sin(sinTx) / scalerY ' get sine of angle (Y coordinates)
- cosTx = Cos(sinTx) / scalerX ' get cosine of angle (X coordinates)
- sinTx = Sin(sinTx) / scalerX ' get sine of angle (X coordinates)
- ' determine maximum size image we will need to cover any angle
- maxSize = Sqr(destWidth * destWidth + destHeight * destHeight)
- ' create a temporary DIB to hold the rotated image
- rHost.InitializeDIB maxSize, maxSize
- rHost.isGDIplusEnabled = Me.isGDIplusEnabled
- rHost.HighQualityInterpolation = Me.HighQualityInterpolation
- On Error GoTo eh
- ' overlay the temp DIB and our host DIB
- With dSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = rHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = maxSize
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = maxSize * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dBytes), VarPtr(dSA), 4&
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(sBytes)) = 0& Then
- With sSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(sBytes), VarPtr(sSA), 4&
- End If
- ' bottom up dib, vertical offset is from bottom, not top
- SrcY = UBound(sBytes, 2) - srcHeight - SrcY + 1&
- ' set up offsets for calculating rotated/scaled points
- maxX = srcWidth + SrcX ' the right edge of the source image
- maxY = srcHeight + SrcY ' the bottom edge of the source image
- ' determine where the center of the source selected bounds falls within the maxSize bounds
- ctrX = srcWidth 2 + SrcX ' the center of the source image
- ctrY = srcHeight 2 + SrcY
- ' calculate offsets to "center" destination image in its maxSize window
- xOffset = ((maxSize - srcWidth) 2)
- yOffset = ((maxSize - srcHeight) 2)
- ' here's where we apply all of the above offsets
- ' This is a bit complicated because we allow any angle rotation,
- ' and also allowing portions of the image or entire image to be rotated
- ' and also allows scaling up or down
- If m_StretchQuality = False Then
- For lRow = -yOffset To maxSize - yOffset - 1&
- ' Calculate the point in the source image needed for the rotated point in destination image
- ' This only needs to be done once per image scan line & contains many math executions
- targetX = (-xOffset - ctrX) * cosTx + (lRow - ctrY) * sinTx + ctrX
- targetY = (lRow - ctrY) * cosTy - (-xOffset - ctrX) * sinTy + ctrY
- For lCol = -xOffset To maxSize - xOffset - 1&
- ' validate rotated point is within bounds of the image/portion
- If targetY >= SrcY Then ' is Y within area of source?
- If targetY < maxY Then
- If targetX >= SrcX Then ' is X within area of source?
- If targetX < maxX Then
- ' validation complete, copy pixel to destination
- CopyMemory dBytes((xOffset + lCol) * 4&, yOffset + lRow), sBytes(Int(targetX) * 4&, Int(targetY)), 4&
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- ' Excellent optimization I found (wish I remember where so I can give credit)
- ' But the logic is simple: once the initial X,Y coordinates for the
- ' current source row is found, the next point is always a constant value from
- ' the last point. In this case, increments of cosT & sinT.
- ' Therefore we don't need to recalculate targetX,targetY for every point
- ' since we did it once for current row. Thus we have 2 simple additions per pixel
- ' vs 4 multiplications & 12 additions per pixel
- targetX = targetX + cosTx
- targetY = targetY - sinTy
- Next
- Next
- Else
- ' BiLinear interpolation with rotation. This can produce better quality
- ' results but takes significantly (x4) longer. Recommend using this option
- ' when you need a static rotated image, but when rotating via a scrollbar
- ' or some other method where scrolling is expected to be repeated often,
- ' then use the non-BiLinear method. COMPILED IS MUCH FASTER !!!
- ' Up to 4 source pixels (16 bytes) are blended for each destination pixel (4 bytes)
- srcWidth = maxX - 1& ' reuse variable & subtract now vs subtraction for every pixel in the image
- For lRow = -yOffset To maxSize - yOffset - 1&
- ' Calculate the rotated point in relation to host image
- ' These calcs only needs to be done once per image scan line
- targetX = (-xOffset - ctrX) * cosTx + (lRow - ctrY) * sinTx + ctrX
- targetY = (lRow - ctrY) * cosTy - (-xOffset - ctrX) * sinTy + ctrY
- For lCol = -xOffset To maxSize - xOffset - 1&
- If targetY >= SrcY Then ' is Y within area of source?
- If targetY < maxY Then
- If targetX >= SrcX Then ' is X within area of source?
- If targetX < maxX Then
- tgtY = Int(targetY) ' whole number of the double
- If tgtY = 0& Then ' for top down images check for last row vs 0
- ' last row of source image, will use only this row
- edgeOffsetY = 0&
- fY = 0#
- Else
- ' will use this row & next row for blending
- edgeOffsetY = 1&
- fY = 1# - (targetY - tgtY) ' for top down images, use: fY = targetY-tgtY
- ' ^ Y coordinate fraction; pct of next vertical pixel that is used
- End If
- R = 0#: G = 0#: B = 0#: A = 0#
- tgtX = Int(targetX) ' coordinate rounded down to whole number
- If tgtX = srcWidth Then
- ' at far edge of source image, will use only this pixel for blending
- edgeOffsetX = 0&
- fY = 0#: fX = 0#
- Else
- ' will use this pixel and next pixel for blending
- edgeOffsetX = 1&
- fX = targetX - tgtX
- ' ^ X coordinate fraction, pct of next horizontal pixel that is used
- End If
- For iY = 0& To edgeOffsetY
- scalerY = Abs(iY - fY) ' percentage of current row's pixel to blend
- If Not scalerY = 1& Then ' else zero
- srcRow = tgtY - iY ' for top down images Add iY vs subtracting
- For iX = 0& To edgeOffsetX
- scalerX = Abs(fX - iX) ' percentage of current column's pixel to blend
- If Not scalerX = 1& Then ' else zero
- scalerX = (1# - scalerX) * (1# - scalerY) ' combine percentages
- srcPixel = (tgtX + iX) * 4&
- B = B + sBytes(srcPixel, srcRow) * scalerX
- G = G + sBytes(srcPixel + 1&, srcRow) * scalerX
- R = R + sBytes(srcPixel + 2&, srcRow) * scalerX
- A = A + sBytes(srcPixel + 3&, srcRow) * scalerX
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Next
- dstPixel = (xOffset + lCol) * 4&
- iY = lRow + yOffset
- dBytes(dstPixel, iY) = Int(B)
- dBytes(dstPixel + 1&, iY) = Int(G)
- dBytes(dstPixel + 2&, iY) = Int(R)
- dBytes(dstPixel + 3&, iY) = Int(A)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- targetX = targetX + cosTx
- targetY = targetY - sinTy
- Next
- Next
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dBytes), 0&, 4&
- If sSA.pvData = 0& Then ' image was also mirrored
- Erase sBytes()
- Else ' remove overlay of non-mirrored image
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(sBytes), 0&, 4&
- End If
- xOffset = (TopX + destWidth 2) - (maxSize 2)
- yOffset = (TopY + destHeight 2) - (maxSize 2)
- rHost.gdiToken = m_GDItoken
- ' now render it. We won't pass some parameters because they have been handled here or don't apply with this temp DIB
- RotateImage = rHost.Render(hDC, xOffset, yOffset, , , , , , , Opacity, , (destHostDIB Is Nothing), destHostDIB, grayScale)
- eh:
- If Err Then
- Stop
- Err.Clear ' troubleshooting only, should be removed before compiling to final app
- Resume
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function MakeImageInverse() As Boolean
- ' Function will invert the RGB values creating a color negative of the image
- ' Calling this function again, returns the image to its previous state
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim tSA As SafeArray, gBytes() As Byte
- Dim pAlpha As Byte
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long
- With tSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(gBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- On Error Resume Next
- For Y = 0& To m_Height - 1&
- For X = 0& To m_Width * 4& - 1& Step 4&
- pAlpha = gBytes(X + 3&, Y)
- If Not pAlpha = 0 Then ' otherwise fully transparent pixel
- gBytes(X, Y) = -gBytes(X, Y) + pAlpha
- gBytes(X + 1&, Y) = -gBytes(X + 1&, Y) + pAlpha
- gBytes(X + 2&, Y) = -gBytes(X + 2&, Y) + pAlpha
- End If
- Next
- Next
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(gBytes), 0&, 4&
- MakeImageInverse = True
- End Function
- Public Function MakeTransparent(ByVal TransparentColor As Long, Optional ByVal Revert As Boolean = False) As Boolean
- ' if Revert = False
- ' Function will convert all pixels that are of the TransparentColor to fully transparent.
- ' Additionally, only if the alpha value of the color is fully opaque will the pixel become transparent.
- ' if Revert = True
- ' All fully transparent colors are made fully opaque and changed to the TransparentColor
- If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim tSA As SafeArray, dPixels() As Long, bPixels() As Byte
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long, bAlpha As Boolean
- ' convert passed color from RGB to BGRA
- TransparentColor = ((TransparentColor And &HFF) * &H10000) Or ((TransparentColor &H100) And &HFF) * &H100 _
- Or ((TransparentColor &H10000) And &HFF) Or &HFF000000
- With tSA
- .cbElements = 4
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dPixels), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- If Revert Then
- ' change all fully transparent pixels to passed color
- For Y = 0& To m_Height - 1&
- For X = 0& To m_Width - 1&
- If dPixels(X, Y) = 0& Then
- dPixels(X, Y) = TransparentColor
- End If
- Next
- Next
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dPixels), 0&, 4&
- ' image may or may not contain alpha any longer, validate it
- ' The validation routine expects a 2D byte array, not long, so...
- tSA.cbElements = 1
- tSA.rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bPixels), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- iparseValidateAlphaChannel bPixels(), False, bAlpha, 0&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bPixels), 0&, 4&
- Me.Alpha = bAlpha
- If bAlpha = False Then
- If m_Format = imgBmpPARGB Or m_Format = imgBmpARGB Then m_Format = imgBitmap
- End If
- Else
- ' change all fully opaque colors matching TransparentColor to fully transparent
- For Y = 0& To m_Height - 1&
- For X = 0& To m_Width - 1&
- If dPixels(X, Y) = TransparentColor Then
- dPixels(X, Y) = 0&
- bAlpha = True
- End If
- Next
- Next
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dPixels), 0&, 4&
- If bAlpha Then
- m_AlphaImage = True
- If m_Format = imgBitmap Then m_Format = imgBmpPARGB
- End If
- End If
- MakeTransparent = True
- End Function
- Public Function MirrorImage(ByVal MirrorAxisX As Boolean, ByVal MirrorAxisY As Boolean) As Boolean
- ' Function will mirror an image onto the same DIB.
- ' This function should be called when any image is mirrored vs mirroring the image
- ' within the Render function or rotate functions. Faster rendering will then occur.
- ' Mirroring never destroys original data and can be easily unmirrored.
- ' MirrorAxisX: If true, then image is mirrored horizontally
- ' MirrorAxisY: If true, then image is mirrored vertically
- If Not m_Handle = 0& Then
- If MirrorAxisX Or MirrorAxisY Then
- Dim tBytes() As Byte, cX As Long, cY As Long
- If MirrorAxisX = True Then cX = -m_Width Else cX = m_Width
- If MirrorAxisY = True Then cY = -m_Height Else cY = m_Height
- MirrorDIB 0&, 0&, m_Width, m_Height, cX, cY, tBytes()
- CopyMemory ByVal m_Pointer, tBytes(0, 0), m_Width * m_Height * 4&
- MirrorImage = True
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Friend Sub SetOriginalFormat(inStream() As Byte)
- ' Purpose: Pass the original image file/bytes to this DIB from another DIB
- ' This is only called by the CopyImageTo function. Note it is Friend vs Public
- m_ImageByteCache() = inStream()
- End Sub
- Private Function LoadPictureEx(ByVal FileHandle As Long, FileName As String, aStream() As Byte, _
- cX As Long, cY As Long, _
- streamOffset As Long, streamLength As Long, _
- SaveFormat As Boolean, bitDepth As Long) As Boolean
- ' PURPOSE: Marshal passed file/array to image classes for conversion to 32bpp image
- ' For parameter information, see LoadPicture_File & LoadPicture_Stream
- Me.DestroyDIB
- ' various image parsers, in order of precedence
- ' All 4 recognize transparency
- Dim cPNG As cPNGparser ' very fast to abort if not a PNG file
- Dim cGIF As cGIFparser ' very fast to abort if not a GIF file
- Dim cICO As cICOparser ' must parse key parts of a file. handles icons & Vista PNG Icons
- Dim cBMP As cBMPparser ' catchall. Handles bitmaps, wmf, emf & jpgs
- Dim cGDI As cGDIPlus
- Dim bReturn As Boolean ' function return value
- Dim rtnRead As Long
- ' validate passed desired icon sizes
- If cX < 0& Then cX = 0&
- If cY < 0& Then cY = 0&
- If bitDepth < 0& Then
- bitDepth = 32
- ElseIf bitDepth > 32 Then
- bitDepth = 32
- End If
- Set cPNG = New cPNGparser ' see if image is a PNG; aborts quickly if not
- If FileHandle = 0 Then
- bReturn = cPNG.LoadStream(aStream(), Me, streamOffset, streamLength, m_GDItoken)
- Else ' note: processing from file is slightly faster than via array
- bReturn = cPNG.LoadFile(FileHandle, FileName, Me, m_GDItoken)
- 'If bReturn = True Then Close #fileNum ' close the file
- End If
- If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description
- Set cPNG = Nothing
- If Not bReturn Then
- If Not FileHandle = 0& Then
- streamOffset = 0&
- streamLength = GetFileSize(FileHandle, 0&)
- 'streamLength = LOF(fileNum) ' cache length of file
- ReDim aStream(streamOffset To streamLength - 1&)
- 'Get #fileNum, , aStream() ' populate our stream with the file contents
- 'Close #fileNum
- SetFilePointer FileHandle, 0&, 0&, 0&
- ReadFile FileHandle, aStream(streamOffset), streamLength, rtnRead, ByVal 0&
- End If
- Set cGIF = New cGIFparser ' what about a GIF; aborts quickly if not
- bReturn = cGIF.LoadStream(aStream(), Me, streamOffset, streamLength)
- Set cGIF = Nothing
- If Not bReturn Then
- Set cICO = New cICOparser ' will process Vista PNG icon if needed
- bReturn = cICO.LoadStream(aStream(), cX, cY, Me, streamOffset, streamLength, bitDepth, m_GDItoken)
- Set cICO = Nothing
- If Not bReturn Then ' check for bmp, emf, wmf & jpg << last chance
- Set cBMP = New cBMPparser
- bReturn = cBMP.LoadStream(aStream(), Me, streamOffset, streamLength)
- Set cBMP = Nothing
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If m_Handle = 0& Then ' hmmm, not an image file processed here, we can try
- ' one more thing... Send it GDI+ if possible
- If Me.isGDIplusEnabled Then
- Set cGDI = New cGDIPlus
- If cGDI.GDIplusLoadPNG(FileName, aStream(), Me, m_GDItoken) = True Then
- ' it worked, whatever file type it was. Convert it to PNG
- If SaveFormat = True Then
- Call cGDI.SaveToPNG(vbNullString, aStream, Me, m_GDItoken)
- FileHandle = 0& ' prevent next IF from trying to re-load it from file if applicable
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If Not m_Handle = 0 Then
- If SaveFormat = True Then ' we will cache the original bytes
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(aStream)) = 0& And Not FileHandle = 0& Then
- ' we loaded the image from the file and not a stream (PNG), need to get stream
- 'fileNum = FreeFile()
- 'Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #fileNum
- If streamLength = 0& Then streamLength = GetFileSize(FileHandle, 0&)
- ReDim m_ImageByteCache(0 To streamLength - 1)
- SetFilePointer FileHandle, 0&, 0&, 0&
- ReadFile FileHandle, m_ImageByteCache(0), streamLength, rtnRead, ByVal 0&
- 'Get #fileNum, 1, m_ImageByteCache
- 'Close #fileNum
- Else
- m_ImageByteCache() = aStream()
- End If
- End If
- LoadPictureEx = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function pvResize(ByVal destDC As Long, _
- rSizedBytes() As Byte, rMirror() As Byte, _
- Optional tHost As c32bppDIB, _
- Optional ByVal SrcX As Long, Optional ByVal scrY As Long, _
- Optional ByVal srcWidth As Long, Optional ByVal srcHeight As Long, _
- Optional ByVal destX As Long, Optional ByVal destY As Long, _
- Optional ByRef destWidth As Long, Optional ByRef destHeight As Long, _
- Optional ByRef LightAdjustment As Single = 0!) As Boolean
- ' Function resizes an alpha image, maintaining premultiplied pixels & alpha values
- ' Code originally by Carles P.V. but significantly modified for this project.
- ' Parameters:
- ' destDC :: DC being rendered to, may be null
- ' rSizedbytes() : array to hold resized alpha section; not used if tHost is not Nothing
- ' tHost : when resizing to another DIB class, the destination DIB class
- ' srcX,Y : the coordinates of the source image to start resizing from
- ' srcWidth,srcHeight : the width/height of the source image to resize from
- ' destX,Y : the coordinates of the destination image to resize to
- ' destWidth,destHeight : the width/height of the destination image to resize to
- If srcWidth = 0& Then srcWidth = m_Width
- If srcHeight = 0& Then srcHeight = m_Height
- Dim aNewBits() As Byte, dSA As SafeArray ' new size, overlay of DIB pointer
- Dim aOldBits() As Byte, tSA As SafeArray ' old size, overlay of DIB pointer
- Dim xLUdbl() As Double ' look up table (LUT)
- Dim xRatio As Double, yRatio As Double ' scaled ratios
- Dim srcPixel As Long, dstPixel As Long ' source/destination pixel locations
- Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long ' loop variables
- Dim newWidth As Long, newHeight As Long
- ' following used with BiLinear scaling
- Dim fX As Double, fY As Double
- Dim tgtX As Long, tgtY As Long
- Dim edgeOffsetX As Long, edgeOffsetY As Long
- Dim iX As Long, iY As Long
- Dim R As Double, G As Double, B As Double, A As Double
- Dim scalerX As Double, scalerY As Double
- ' fill in opitonal parameters
- If Not tHost Is Nothing Then
- newWidth = tHost.Width
- newHeight = tHost.Height
- ' Scaling ratio (ratio of actual image to scaled image)
- xRatio = srcWidth / newWidth
- yRatio = srcHeight / newHeight
- If newWidth > tHost.Width Then newWidth = tHost.Width
- If newHeight > tHost.Height Then newHeight = tHost.Height
- Else
- newWidth = Abs(destWidth)
- newHeight = Abs(destHeight)
- ' Scaling ratio (ratio of actual image to scaled image)
- xRatio = srcWidth / newWidth
- yRatio = srcHeight / newHeight
- ' safety checks, recalculation of bounding destination size
- ' if not done, we could very easily access unallocated memory.
- If destX < 0 Then ' negative DC offset
- newWidth = newWidth + destX ' reduce width to process
- destX = -destX ' used to offset LUT; adjust so not processing bytes not used
- Else
- destX = 0& ' fits within destination bitmap; no offsetting needed
- End If
- ' now to check the vertical
- If destY < 0& Then ' negative DC offset
- newHeight = newHeight + destY
- destY = 0&
- Else
- destY = 0&
- End If
- End If
- If newHeight < 1& Or newWidth < 1& Then Exit Function
- With dSA ' overlay destination array onto the passed Byte() array
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = newHeight
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = newWidth * 4&
- If tHost Is Nothing Then
- ReDim rSizedBytes(0& To .rgSABound(1).cElements - 1&, 0& To newHeight - 1&)
- .pvData = VarPtr(rSizedBytes(0&, 0&))
- Else
- .pvData = tHost.BitsPointer ' called by CopyImageTo & Resize routines
- End If
- End With
- With tSA ' overlay source array onto our DIB
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(rMirror)) = 0& Then
- .pvData = m_Pointer ' source is our DIB
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- Else
- .pvData = VarPtr(rMirror(0&, 0&)) ' source is the mirrored DIB; clipped as needed
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = UBound(rMirror, 2) + 1&
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = UBound(rMirror, 1) + 1&
- End If
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(aNewBits), VarPtr(dSA), 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(aOldBits), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- On Error GoTo eh
- scrY = UBound(aOldBits, 2) - srcHeight - scrY + 1& ' adjust Y position in source for bottom up DIBs
- If (m_StretchQuality = False) Then
- ' Scaling LUT, cache actual X position of DIB in relation to scaled X
- ' Cache one scan line of X coords so we don't have to calculate for every pixel
- ReDim xLUdbl(0 To newWidth - 1&)
- For lCol = 0 To newWidth - 1&
- ' offset destX used for negative coordinates, X is location in source to start blending at
- xLUdbl(lCol) = Int(((lCol + destX) * xRatio) + SrcX) * 4&
- Next
- ' nearest neighbor algorithm
- For lRow = newHeight - 1& To 0& Step -1&
- '^ current scanline for the scaled image
- ' offset destY is used for negative coordinates
- srcPixel = Int((lRow + destY) * yRatio) + scrY ' recalcualted once per scanline
- ' current scanline for the scaled image
- dstPixel = 0&
- For lCol = 0& To newWidth - 1&
- ' copy into resized array the nearest raw/actual pixel
- CopyMemory aNewBits(dstPixel, lRow), aOldBits(Int(xLUdbl(lCol)), srcPixel), 4&
- dstPixel = dstPixel + 4&
- Next lCol
- Next lRow
- Else
- ' BiLinear interoplation, up to 4 source pixels (16 bytes) are blended for each destination pixel (4 bytes)
- ReDim xLUd(0 To newWidth - 1&) ' work with doubles, we need the decimal portions
- ' Cache one scan line of X coords so we don't have to calculate for every pixel
- For lCol = 0& To newWidth - 1&
- ' offset destX used for negative coordinates, X is location in source to start blending at
- xLUd(lCol) = (((lCol + destX) * xRatio) + SrcX)
- Next
- srcWidth = srcWidth - 1& ' subtract now vs subtracting in loop below
- For lRow = newHeight - 1& To 0& Step -1&
- fY = (lRow + destY) * yRatio + scrY ' get the scaled source row
- tgtY = Int(fY) ' get whole number of double
- If tgtY = 0& Then ' for top down images, test for last row vs 0
- ' last row of source image, will use only this row
- edgeOffsetY = 0&
- fY = 0#
- Else
- ' will use this row & next row for blending
- edgeOffsetY = 1&
- fY = Abs(1# - (fY - tgtY)) ' for top down images, use fY = fY-tgtY
- ' ^ Y coordinate fraction; pct of next vertical pixel that is used
- End If
- For lCol = 0& To newWidth - 1&
- R = 0#: G = 0#: B = 0#: A = 0#
- tgtX = Int(xLUd(lCol)) ' coordinate rounded down to whole number
- If tgtX = srcWidth Then
- ' at far edge of source image, will use only this pixel for blending
- edgeOffsetX = 0&
- fX = 0#
- Else
- ' will use this pixel and next pixel for blending
- edgeOffsetX = 1&
- fX = xLUd(lCol) - tgtX
- ' ^ X coordinate fraction, pct of next horizontal pixel that is used
- End If
- For iY = 0& To edgeOffsetY
- scalerY = Abs(iY - fY) ' percentage of current row's pixel to blend
- If Not scalerY = 1# Then ' else result will be zero
- For iX = 0& To edgeOffsetX
- scalerX = Abs(fX - iX) ' percentage of current column's pixel to blend
- If Not scalerX = 1# Then ' else result will be zero
- scalerX = (1# - scalerX) * (1# - scalerY) ' combine percentages
- ' Build the blended RGB values, for top down images Add iY vs subtracting
- srcPixel = (tgtX + iX) * 4&
- B = B + aOldBits(srcPixel, tgtY - iY) * scalerX
- G = G + aOldBits(srcPixel + 1&, tgtY - iY) * scalerX
- R = R + aOldBits(srcPixel + 2&, tgtY - iY) * scalerX
- A = A + aOldBits(srcPixel + 3&, tgtY - iY) * scalerX
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Next
- iX = lCol * 4&
- ' update destination with adjusted pixel
- aNewBits(iX, lRow) = Int(B)
- aNewBits(iX + 1&, lRow) = Int(G)
- aNewBits(iX + 2&, lRow) = Int(R)
- aNewBits(iX + 3&, lRow) = Int(A)
- Next
- Next
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(aOldBits), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(aNewBits), 0&, 4&
- ' the passed destWidth,destHeight params are used when rendering; we are just sizing now
- destWidth = newWidth ' the parameter is ByRef, update it now
- destHeight = newHeight ' the parameter is ByRef, update it now
- Erase rMirror()
- If Not LightAdjustment = 0! Then
- Call LightenDarken(Nothing, LightAdjustment, rSizedBytes())
- LightAdjustment = 0! ' reset, taken care of now
- End If
- pvResize = True
- eh:
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear ' troubleshooting only, should be removed before compiling to final app
- Stop
- Resume
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function Win9xBlend(ByVal destinationDC As Long, aResizedBytes() As Byte, _
- ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, _
- ByVal destX As Long, ByVal destY As Long, _
- ByVal destWidth As Long, ByVal destHeight As Long, _
- ByVal GlobalAlpha As Long, tHost As c32bppDIB, _
- ByVal grayScale As eGrayScaleFormulas, _
- ByVal lightAdj As Single) As Boolean
- ' Function manually blends an alpha bitmap to a target DC
- ' Never called when GDI+ is available unless user forced isGDIplusEnabled=False.
- ' Used when AlphaBlend is not available or when AlphaBlend is available but cannot
- ' perform the graphic manipulation required
- ' Parameters identify the destination more than anything else. The source was already pre-processed if needed
- ' destinationDC :: DC to blend to
- ' aResizedBytes() :: array of bytes sized to target destination blend area.
- ' if array is null, then the destination size is same size as our DIB's image
- ' srcX,Y :: the position on source to begin blending
- ' destX,Y :: the position on destination where blending starts
- ' destWidth,Height :: the amount of columns/rows to blend
- ' globalAlpha :: the AlphaBlend global alpha value: between 0 and 255
- ' tHost :: blending will occur DIB to DIB vs DIB to DC
- ' grayScale :: if simultaneously grayscaling then the grayscale formula
- ' ligthAdj :: light adjustment value adds/subtracts -100 to 100 percent intensity per pixel
- ' Special note. Having problems rendering 32bpp DIBs to WinME; artifacts are being rendered
- ' from the alpha channel. Therefore, to completely eliminate this problem (hopefully), the
- ' destination array will be 24bpp vs 32bpp which will then be updated and rendered onto the
- ' destination DC. 32bpp would be easier, but oh well.
- Dim srcBytes() As Byte, srcSA As SafeArray
- Dim dstBytes() As Byte, dstSA As SafeArray
- Dim srcCol As Long, srcRow As Long
- Dim srcAlpha As Long, dstAlpha As Long
- Dim Y As Long, X As Long
- Dim sX As Long, sY As Long
- Dim dX As Long, dY As Long
- Dim dDC As Long, tDC As Long, hOldBmp As Long, hDib As Long
- Dim Rg As Single, Gg As Single, Bg As Single
- Dim gScaleByte As Long
- ' The following is just a wee bit confusing.
- ' Our source can be 2 different objects:
- ' 1) Our host DIB
- ' 2) The passed aResizedBytes() array if pre-processing was required
- ' Likewise, the destination can be 2 different objects
- ' 1) A passed DC handle (DIB to 24bpp bitmap - 32bpp to 24bpp)
- ' 2) Another DIB class if tHost is passed (32bpp to 32bpp)
- ' So to use a common base for all possibilities, we use SafeArrays
- If iparseIsArrayEmpty(VarPtrArray(aResizedBytes)) = 0& Then
- If lightAdj = 0! Then
- srcSA.pvData = m_Pointer
- ' need to tweak for negative offsets
- If destX < 0& Then
- SrcX = SrcX - destX ' less area that needs to be rendered
- destWidth = destWidth + destX ' adjust amount of destination we copy
- destX = 0& ' set destination offset to zero
- End If
- If destY < 0& Then
- SrcY = SrcY - destY ' less area that needs to be rendered
- destHeight = destHeight + destY ' adjust amount of destination we copy
- destY = 0& ' set destination offset to zero
- End If
- SrcY = m_Height - SrcY ' set DIB offset for 1st row to be blended
- Else
- ' if light adjustments, preprocess bytes
- LightenDarken Me, lightAdj, aResizedBytes()
- srcSA.pvData = VarPtr(aResizedBytes(0, 0))
- SrcX = 0&: SrcY = destHeight
- End If
- Else ' source is the resized array
- srcSA.pvData = VarPtr(aResizedBytes(0, 0))
- If destX < 0& Then destX = 0& ' when negative target coords are used, we set to
- If destY < 0& Then destY = 0& ' zero to match the resized array (zero-based)
- SrcX = 0&: SrcY = destHeight
- End If
- If Not tHost Is Nothing Then
- ' need to ensure we won't be copying memory to unallocated memory
- If destWidth > tHost.Width Then destWidth = tHost.Width
- If destHeight > tHost.Height Then destHeight = tHost.Height
- End If
- If destWidth < 1& Or destHeight < 1& Then Exit Function ' nothing to Blt, passed bad params
- If tHost Is Nothing Then
- ' we need the contents of the target DC, describe its bitmap
- With BMPI.bmiHeader
- .biSize = 40
- .biHeight = destHeight
- .biWidth = destWidth
- .biPlanes = 1
- .biBitCount = 24 ' see Special note above
- End With
- dDC = GetDC(0&)
- tDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dDC)
- If Not tDC = 0& Then
- hDib = CreateDIBSection(dDC, BMPI, 0&, dstSA.pvData, 0&, 0&)
- End If
- ReleaseDC 0&, dDC
- If tDC = 0& Or hDib = 0& Then Exit Function
- hOldBmp = SelectObject(tDC, hDib)
- BitBlt tDC, 0&, 0&, destWidth, destHeight, destinationDC, destX, destY, vbSrcCopy
- SelectObject tDC, hOldBmp
- DeleteDC tDC
- With dstSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = destHeight
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = iparseByteAlignOnWord(24, destWidth)
- End With
- Else
- ' DIB class to DIB class blending
- With dstSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = tHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = tHost.Height
- .rgSABound(0).lLbound = -(tHost.Height - destY - destHeight)
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = tHost.scanWidth
- .rgSABound(1).lLbound = -destX * 4
- End With
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), VarPtr(dstSA), 4&
- With srcSA ' overlay onto our DIB
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- If .pvData = m_Pointer Then ' using DIB as source
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- Else ' using resized array as source
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = UBound(aResizedBytes, 2) + 1
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = UBound(aResizedBytes, 1) + 1
- End If
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), VarPtr(srcSA), 4&
- On Error Resume Next ' expected errors? using a corrupted pre-multiplied image possibly, but will just draw wrong
- ' this loop is broken into several different loops to enhance speed when less options are used
- ' 1. separate loop when rendering DIB to DC or DIB to DIB
- ' 2. separate loop when using global alpha of 255 or using less than 255
- ' 3. separate loop when grayscaling and not grayscaling
- SrcX = SrcX * 4& ' first pixel to be procesed
- For srcRow = 0& To destHeight - 1&
- ' offset our DIB row as we go
- SrcY = SrcY - 1 ' current source row being processed
- sX = SrcX ' 1st column of source row
- dY = destHeight - srcRow - 1 ' next row for destination image
- dX = 0& ' 1st column of destination row
- If tHost Is Nothing Then ' DIB to DC rendering (4 pixel source to 3 pixel target)
- If grayScale = gsclNone Then
- If GlobalAlpha = &HFF& Then
- ' with full opaqueness, use separate loop, less calculations
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If (srcAlpha = &HFF&) Then
- ' copy pixel to destination, adjusting for destination row/column as needed
- CopyMemory dstBytes(dX, dY), srcBytes(sX, SrcY), 3&
- ElseIf Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- '-- Blend
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - srcAlpha ' calculate dest alpha value
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX, SrcY)
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY)
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY)
- End If
- dX = dX + 3&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- Else
- ' global alpha and per-pixel blending
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- ' following formula is for already pre-multiplied bytes
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - ((srcAlpha * GlobalAlpha) &HFF&)
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- End If
- dX = dX + 3&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- End If
- Else ' gray scaling
- Call iparseGrayScaleRatios(grayScale, Rg, Gg, Bg)
- If GlobalAlpha = &HFF& Then
- ' with full opaqueness, use separate loop, less calculations
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If (srcAlpha = &HFF&) Then
- ' copy pixel to destination, adjusting for destination row/column as needed
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * Bg) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * Gg) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * Rg)
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = dstBytes(dX, dY)
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = dstBytes(dX, dY)
- ElseIf Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- '-- Blend
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - srcAlpha ' calculate dest alpha value
- ' calculate green,red channel grayscale value
- gScaleByte = ((srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * Bg) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * Gg) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * Rg)) And &HFF
- ' blend grayscale to target
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) &HFF + gScaleByte
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) &HFF + gScaleByte
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX, dY)) &HFF + gScaleByte
- End If
- dX = dX + 3&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- Else
- ' global alpha and per-pixel blending
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- ' following formula is for already pre-multiplied bytes
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - ((srcAlpha * GlobalAlpha) &HFF&)
- ' calculate green,red channel grayscale value
- gScaleByte = (((srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * Bg) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * Gg) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * Rg)) And &HFF) * GlobalAlpha
- ' calculate green,red channels
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX, dY)) + gScaleByte) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) + gScaleByte) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) + gScaleByte) &HFF
- End If
- dX = dX + 3&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- End If
- End If
- Else ' DIB class to DIB class rendering (4 pixel source to 4 pixel target)
- If grayScale = gsclNone Then
- If GlobalAlpha = &HFF& Then
- ' with full opaqueness, use separate loop, less calculations
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If (srcAlpha = &HFF&) Then
- ' copy pixel to destination, adjusting for destination row/column as needed
- CopyMemory dstBytes(dX, dY), srcBytes(sX, SrcY), 4&
- ElseIf Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- '-- Blend
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - srcAlpha ' calculate dest alpha value
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX, SrcY)
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY)
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY)
- dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY)) &HFF + srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY)
- End If
- dX = dX + 4&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- Else
- ' global alpha and per-pixel blending
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- ' following formula is for already pre-multiplied bytes
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - ((srcAlpha * GlobalAlpha) &HFF&)
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX + 3, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- End If
- dX = dX + 4&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- End If
- Else
- Call iparseGrayScaleRatios(grayScale, Rg, Gg, Bg)
- If GlobalAlpha = &HFF& Then
- ' with full opaqueness, use separate loop, less calculations
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If (srcAlpha = &HFF&) Then
- ' copy pixel to destination, adjusting for destination row/column as needed
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = ((srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * Bg) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * Gg) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * Rg))
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = dstBytes(dX, dY)
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = dstBytes(dX, dY)
- dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY) = &HFF
- ElseIf Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- '-- Blend
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - srcAlpha ' calculate dest alpha value
- gScaleByte = ((srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * Bg) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * Gg) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * Rg) And &HFF)
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX, dY)) &HFF + gScaleByte
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) &HFF + gScaleByte
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) &HFF + gScaleByte
- dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY) = (dstAlpha * dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY)) &HFF + (srcBytes(sX + 3, SrcY))
- End If
- dX = dX + 4&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- Else
- ' global alpha and per-pixel blending
- For srcCol = 0& To destWidth - 1&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(sX + 3&, SrcY) ' get its alpha value
- If Not srcAlpha = 0& Then
- ' following formula is for already pre-multiplied bytes
- dstAlpha = &HFF& - ((srcAlpha * GlobalAlpha) &HFF&)
- gScaleByte = (((srcBytes(sX, SrcY) * Bg) + (srcBytes(sX + 1&, SrcY) * Gg) + (srcBytes(sX + 2&, SrcY) * Rg)) And &HFF) * GlobalAlpha
- dstBytes(dX, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX, dY)) + gScaleByte) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 1&, dY)) + gScaleByte) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 2&, dY)) + gScaleByte) &HFF
- dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY) = (dstAlpha * (dstBytes(dX + 3&, dY)) + (srcBytes(sX + 3, SrcY) * GlobalAlpha)) &HFF
- End If
- dX = dX + 4&
- sX = sX + 4&
- Next
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next
- ' remove overlay
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), 0&, 4&
- Erase aResizedBytes()
- If Err Then Err.Clear
- ' transfer results
- If tHost Is Nothing Then
- SetDIBitsToDevice destinationDC, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight, 0&, 0&, 0&, destHeight, dstBytes(0, 0), BMPI, 0&
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), 0&, 4&
- If Not hDib = 0& Then DeleteObject hDib
- Win9xBlend = True
- End Function
- Private Function MirrorDIB(ByRef SrcX As Long, ByRef SrcY As Long, _
- ByVal srcWidth As Long, ByVal srcHeight As Long, _
- ByRef newWidth As Long, ByRef newHeight As Long, _
- ByRef mirrorBytes() As Byte, Optional ByRef tHost As c32bppDIB, _
- Optional ByRef LightAdjustment As Single = 0!) As Boolean
- ' through trial and error, the rule, for mirroring images, appears to be valid for
- ' Windows drawing routines are: Flip first, then stretch and/or rotate, then clip as needed
- ' For manual rendering, this has the potential of really complex offsets whether or not
- ' the pixels are read left to right, right to left, top to bottom or vice versa. Not
- ' to mention rotation and/or scaling and offsets whether or not image is to be clipped
- ' because it is being rendered at negative X,Y coordinates or the image is clipped
- ' because its scaled size is too big for the destination bitmap area. So, we will
- ' not precalculate all the possible combinations of offsets in the manual rendering
- ' routines, rather we will flip first, then allow rendering routines to process as normal.
- ' srcX,Y :: position in source image where mirroring begins
- ' srcWidth,Height :: amount of source image that will be mirrored
- ' newWidth,Height :: size of destination mirrored image
- ' mirrorBytes() :: byte array to hold mirrored image
- ' tHost :: called by CopyImageTo & Resize when mirroring
- ' is image being mirrored?
- If newWidth > 0& And newHeight > 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim tSA As SafeArray, srcBytes() As Byte
- Dim dSA As SafeArray, dstBytes() As Byte
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long, yOffset As Long, xOffset As Long
- With tSA ' overlay array on our source DIB
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With
- With dSA ' overlay array on our destination object
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- If tHost Is Nothing Then ' destination is mirrorBytes
- ReDim mirrorBytes(0& To srcWidth * 4& - 1&, 0& To srcHeight - 1&)
- .pvData = VarPtr(mirrorBytes(0&, 0&))
- Else ' destination is passed DIB class
- .pvData = tHost.BitsPointer ' called by CopyImageTo & Resize routines
- End If
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = srcHeight
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = srcWidth * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), VarPtr(dSA), 4&
- If newHeight < 0& Then
- If newWidth > 0& Then ' flipping vertically only, faster/easier
- xOffset = srcWidth * 4& ' number of bytes to flip at once
- Y = SrcY ' when flipping, our Y is adjusted from the bottom
- X = SrcX * 4& ' starting X position in source
- For yOffset = srcHeight - 1& To 0& Step -1&
- CopyMemory dstBytes(0&, yOffset), srcBytes(X, Y), xOffset
- Y = Y + 1& ' move source Y to next row
- Next
- Else ' flipping both vertically/horizontally
- Y = SrcY ' when flipping vertically, adjust from the bottom
- For yOffset = srcHeight - 1& To 0& Step -1&
- X = (m_Width - SrcX) * 4& - 4& ' X adjusted from right when flipping
- For xOffset = 0 To srcWidth * 4 - 4& Step 4&
- CopyMemory dstBytes(xOffset, yOffset), srcBytes(X, Y), 4&
- X = X - 4& ' move source X to next pixel
- Next
- Y = Y + 1& ' move source Y to next row
- Next
- End If
- Else ' flipping horizontally only, same comments as above
- Y = m_Height - SrcY - 1& ' not fipping vertically, so read from bottom up
- For yOffset = srcHeight - 1& To 0& Step -1&
- X = (m_Width - SrcX) * 4& - 4&
- For xOffset = 0 To srcWidth * 4 - 4& Step 4&
- CopyMemory dstBytes(xOffset, yOffset), srcBytes(X, Y), 4&
- X = X - 4&
- Next
- Y = Y - 1&
- Next
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), 0&, 4&
- ' any rendering routines will now use the mirrored byte array
- ' so we ensure the bounds parameters match the mirrored array bounds
- SrcX = 0&
- SrcY = 0&
- newWidth = Abs(newWidth)
- newHeight = Abs(newHeight)
- ' if light adjustments, preprocess bytes
- If Not LightAdjustment = 0! Then
- Call LightenDarken(Nothing, LightAdjustment, mirrorBytes())
- LightAdjustment = 0! ' reset, taken care of now
- End If
- MirrorDIB = True
- End Function
- Private Sub LightenDarken(cImage As c32bppDIB, ByVal Lightness As Single, rtnArray() As Byte)
- ' called by Render, Win9xRender, MirrorDB, & spt_pvResize drawing routines as needed
- ' Routine will lighten or darken non-transparent pixels and pass results in rtnArray
- ' Parameters:
- ' cImage :: if Nothing, then rtnArray has source bytes
- ' Lightness :: values between -100 and 100 percent. -100 will produce blackness & 100 will produce whiteness
- ' rtnArray :: the array that will hold the modified bytes
- ' Note: when rtnArray is also the source array, it must contain pre-multiplied bytes
- ' and be a 2-dimensional, zero-bound arrray
- ' Checks on the array dimensions and bounds are not made here. They are guaranteed by calling routines
- If Not cImage Is Nothing Then
- ' ensure an image exists if passing a dib class
- If cImage.Handle = 0 Then Exit Sub
- End If
- Dim tSA As SafeArray, srcBytes() As Byte
- Dim dSA As SafeArray, dstBytes() As Byte
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long, B As Long
- Dim tVal As Long, alphaAdj As Long
- Dim srcAlpha As Byte
- With tSA ' overlay array on our source
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- If cImage Is Nothing Then ' source is the return array
- .pvData = VarPtr(rtnArray(0, 0))
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = UBound(rtnArray, 2) + 1
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = UBound(rtnArray, 1) + 1
- Else ' source is a dib class
- .pvData = cImage.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cImage.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cImage.Width * 4&
- End If
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- If cImage Is Nothing Then
- dSA = tSA ' source & destination are same
- Else
- With dSA ' overlay array on rtnArray
- ReDim rtnArray(0 To cImage.Width * 4 - 1, 0 To cImage.Height - 1)
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = VarPtr(rtnArray(0, 0))
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cImage.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cImage.Width * 4&
- End With
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), VarPtr(dSA), 4&
- Lightness = 255! * (Lightness / 100!) ' calculate pct of 255 that ligthness equates to
- ' when pre-multiplied bytes are in effect, we can't just add Lightness because
- ' the alpha value restricts what percent of the source rgb is actually used in relation to alpha.
- ' So we must modify lightness in relation to the alpha byte too.
- ' Separate loops used to prevent having to compare if the adjusted pixel is > 255 and also < 0
- For Y = 0 To UBound(srcBytes, 2) ' loop thru the rows
- ' make lighter
- If Lightness > 0! Then
- For X = 0& To UBound(srcBytes, 1) Step 4&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(X + 3&, Y)
- If Not srcAlpha = 0 Then
- ' calculate lightness in relation to alpha
- alphaAdj = (srcAlpha * Lightness) 255
- For B = X To X + 2&
- tVal = srcBytes(B, Y) + alphaAdj
- If tVal > srcAlpha Then
- dstBytes(B, Y) = srcAlpha
- Else
- dstBytes(B, Y) = (tVal And &HFF)
- End If
- Next
- dstBytes(B, Y) = srcAlpha ' ensure alpha is copied too
- End If
- Next
- Else
- ' make darker
- For X = 0& To UBound(srcBytes, 1) Step 4&
- srcAlpha = srcBytes(X + 3&, Y)
- If Not srcAlpha = 0 Then
- ' calculate lightness in relation to alpha
- alphaAdj = (srcAlpha * Lightness) 255
- For B = X To X + 2&
- tVal = srcBytes(B, Y) + alphaAdj
- If tVal < 0& Then
- dstBytes(B, Y) = 0
- Else
- dstBytes(B, Y) = (tVal And &HFF)
- End If
- Next
- dstBytes(B, Y) = srcAlpha ' ensure alpha is copied too
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Next
- ' remove overlays
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dstBytes), 0&, 4&
- End Sub
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- ' Determine operating system for compatibility of 32bpp images
- ' http://vbnet.mvps.org/code/helpers/iswinversion.htm
- ' http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms724834.aspx
- ' Retrieve version data for OS.
- osType.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osType)
- If GetVersionEx(osType) = 0 Then
- ' The OSVERSIONINFOEX structure is only supported
- ' in NT4/SP6+ and NT5.x, so we're likely running
- ' on an earlier version of Windows. Revert structure
- ' size to OSVERSIONINFO and try again.
- osType.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osType) - 8
- Call GetVersionEx(osType)
- End If
- ' How the m_osCAP variable works and is used througout this class
- ' Value contains 1, then AlphaBlend enabled & used when needed. Not enabled on Win9x unless overridden via isAlphaBlendFriendly
- ' Value contains 2, then GDI+ enabled & used when needed (set in isGDIplusEnabled)
- ' Value contains 4, then zLib enabled & can be used to create/read PNGs (set in isZlibEnabled). Any O/S :: no longer used; tested as needed
- ' Value contains 8, then Win98+ or Win2K+: AlphaBlend capable system else it isn't
- ' Value contains 16, then a Win98 or WinME system
- ' Value contains 32, then NT4 w/less than SP6 or Win95. Otherwise system is GDI+ capable else it isn't
- ' Note: when m_osCap contains 17, then AlphaBlend has been overridden by user
- If osType.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS Then
- If osType.dwMinorVersion = 0 Then ' Win95; can't use AlphaBlend nor GDI+
- m_osCAP = 32
- Else ' flag as Alphablend disabled, but capable & is Win98/ME
- m_osCAP = 8 Or 16
- End If
- Else
- If osType.dwMajorVersion > 4 Then ' if Win2K or better
- m_osCAP = 1 Or 8 ' flag as AlphaBlend enabled (Win2K or better) and capable
- Else ' WinNT4. If SP6 or better than GDI+ capable else not. Regardless, not AlphaBlend capable
- If osType.wServicePackMajor < 6 Then m_osCAP = 32
- End If
- End If
- Me.isGDIplusEnabled = True ' attempt to start GDI+, test system capability
- If Me.isGDIplusEnabled Then Me.HighQualityInterpolation = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- DestroyDIB ' simply clean up
- End Sub
- Public Function CreateDropShadow(Optional ByVal blurDepth As Long = 4, _
- Optional ByVal Color As Long = 12632256) As c32bppDIB
- ' Purpose: This routine creates a separate DIB class to hold a shadow.
- ' The shadow is always created based of the current image contained in this class.
- ' Should you later modify the image, you should recreate the shadow.
- ' And always draw your shadow first, using same basic rendering methods you would
- ' use for the main image, offsetting the shadow's X,Y coordinates as needed.
- ' Tip: Adjust shadow's X,Y coordinates equal to the blur depth of the shadow for
- ' the average use. However, the shadow's X,Y coords can be adjusted as desired.
- ' See RenderDropShadow_JIT also. That function renders a shadow directly without
- ' creating a separate DIB class, but has very basic rendering options.
- ' this routine is basically a faster (quite faster) version of vbAccelerator's shadow class
- ' http://www.vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/vbMedia/Image_Processing/Drop_Shadows/article.asp
- ' The speed efficiency is obtained by caching the total alpha values per column that
- ' will be used for blurring. If 10 columns are used to blur, we cache 10 alpha sums.
- ' Then when the next source column is queried to be added to the blur calcs, we simply
- ' subtract the oldest column sum from the grand total, calculate the new column sum,
- ' cache it, add that sum to the grand total and move on. This approach reduces
- ' (blurDepth*blurDepth-blurDepth) calculations per pixel. Using, say, a 10 pixel blur
- ' depth, the savings are immense: a 69x100 image; my version: 38 ms, vbAccelerator: 232 ms
- If m_Handle = 0 Then Exit Function
- Dim X As Long, Y As Long
- Dim vTally() As Long
- Dim tAlpha As Long, tColumn As Long, tAvg As Long
- Dim dBytes() As Byte, tSA As SafeArray
- Dim t2xBlur As Long
- Dim R As Long, G As Long, B As Long
- Dim srcBytes() As Byte, sSA As SafeArray
- Dim shadowDIB As c32bppDIB
- Dim initY As Long, initYstop As Long, initYstart As Long
- Dim initX As Long, initXstop As Long
- If blurDepth < 0 Then
- blurDepth = 0
- ElseIf blurDepth > 10 Then
- blurDepth = 10
- End If
- t2xBlur = blurDepth * 2
- Set shadowDIB = New c32bppDIB
- shadowDIB.gdiToken = m_GDItoken
- shadowDIB.InitializeDIB m_Width + t2xBlur, m_Height + t2xBlur
- With tSA ' overlay array on our destination object
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = shadowDIB.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height + t2xBlur
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = (m_Width + t2xBlur) * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dBytes), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- With sSA ' overlay array on our destination object
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = m_Pointer ' called by CopyImageTo & Resize routines
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = m_Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = m_Width * 4&
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), VarPtr(sSA), 4&
- R = Color And &HFF
- G = (Color &H100&) And &HFF
- B = (Color &H10000) And &HFF
- tAvg = (t2xBlur + 1) * (t2xBlur + 1) ' how many pixels are being blurred
- ReDim vTally(0 To t2xBlur) ' number of blur columns per pixel
- For Y = 0 To m_Height + t2xBlur - 1 ' loop thru shadow dib
- FillMemory vTally(0), (t2xBlur + 1) * 4, 0 ' reset column totals
- If Y < t2xBlur Then ' y does not exist in source
- initYstart = 0 ' use 1st row
- Else
- initYstart = Y - t2xBlur ' start n blur rows above y
- End If
- ' how may source rows can we use for blurring?
- If Y < m_Height Then initYstop = Y Else initYstop = m_Height - 1
- tAlpha = 0 ' reset alpha sum
- tColumn = 0 ' reset column counter
- ' the first n columns will all be zero
- ' only the far right blur column has values; tally them
- For initY = initYstart To initYstop
- tAlpha = tAlpha + srcBytes(3, initY)
- Next
- ' assign the right column value
- vTally(t2xBlur) = tAlpha
- For X = 3 To (m_Width - 2) * 4 - 1 Step 4
- ' loop thru each source pixel's alpha
- ' set shadow alpha using blur average
- dBytes(X, Y) = tAlpha tAvg
- ' and set shadow color
- Select Case dBytes(X, Y)
- Case 255
- dBytes(X - 1, Y) = R
- dBytes(X - 2, Y) = G
- dBytes(X - 3, Y) = B
- Case 0
- Case Else
- dBytes(X - 1, Y) = R * dBytes(X, Y) 255
- dBytes(X - 2, Y) = G * dBytes(X, Y) 255
- dBytes(X - 3, Y) = B * dBytes(X, Y) 255
- End Select
- ' remove the furthest left column's alpha sum
- tAlpha = tAlpha - vTally(tColumn)
- ' count the next column of alphas
- vTally(tColumn) = 0&
- For initY = initYstart To initYstop
- vTally(tColumn) = vTally(tColumn) + srcBytes(X + 4, initY)
- Next
- ' add the new column's sum to the overall sum
- tAlpha = tAlpha + vTally(tColumn)
- ' set the next column to be recalculated
- tColumn = (tColumn + 1) Mod (t2xBlur + 1)
- Next
- ' now to finish blurring from right edge of source
- For X = X To (m_Width + t2xBlur - 1) * 4 - 1 Step 4
- dBytes(X, Y) = tAlpha tAvg
- Select Case dBytes(X, Y)
- Case 255
- dBytes(X - 1, Y) = R
- dBytes(X - 2, Y) = G
- dBytes(X - 3, Y) = B
- Case 0
- Case Else
- dBytes(X - 1, Y) = R * dBytes(X, Y) 255
- dBytes(X - 2, Y) = G * dBytes(X, Y) 255
- dBytes(X - 3, Y) = B * dBytes(X, Y) 255
- End Select
- ' remove this column's alpha sum
- tAlpha = tAlpha - vTally(tColumn)
- ' set next column to be removed
- tColumn = (tColumn + 1) Mod (t2xBlur + 1)
- Next
- Next
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(srcBytes), 0&, 4&
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(dBytes), 0&, 4&
- shadowDIB.Alpha = True
- shadowDIB.ImageType = imgBmpPARGB
- shadowDIB.gdiToken = m_GDItoken
- Set CreateDropShadow = shadowDIB
- End Function
- Public Function RenderDropShadow_JIT(ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, _
- Optional ByVal blurDepth As Long = 4, _
- Optional ByVal Color As Long = 12632256, _
- Optional ByVal Opacity As Long = 50) As Boolean
- ' Purpose: A simple version of the CreateShadow routine.
- ' Useful should the rendered image not be rotated, mirrored, or stretched and you
- ' simply want to draw a shadow on demand.
- ' FYI: JIT is an acronym meaning Just In Time
- Dim dibShadow As c32bppDIB
- Set dibShadow = CreateDropShadow(blurDepth, Color)
- If Not dibShadow Is Nothing Then
- RenderDropShadow_JIT = dibShadow.Render(hDC, X, Y, , , , , , , Opacity)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Property Let gdiToken(Token As Long)
- ' Everytime a GDI+ API function is called, the class calls GDI+ apis to
- ' create a GDI+ token first then destroys the token after the function is called.
- ' This occurs quite often. However, you can create your own token by calling
- ' GdiplusStartup and then passing the token to each class for the class to use.
- ' You would call GdiplusShutdown during your main form's Terminate event to
- ' release the Token.
- ' When Token is zero, the classes will revert to creating a token on demand.
- ' When the Token is not zero, any other DIB class created by this class will
- ' pass the token. The only routine that creates a new instance is the
- ' CreateDropShadow method. However, CopyImageTo, Resize and others may create
- ' a temporary DIB class and will also pass the token to that class as needed
- m_GDItoken = Token
- End Property
- Public Property Get gdiToken() As Long
- ' returns the GDI+ token if one was created
- gdiToken = m_GDItoken
- End Property
- Public Function GetDroppedFileNames(OLEDragDrop_DataObject As DataObject) As Boolean
- ' This function is only included to make things a little easier for those that want
- ' to fully support unicode filenames whereas VB only provides ANSI filenames.
- ' It is designed to be called from your OLEDragDrop event, passing that event's Data
- ' parameter's object like so:
- ' If cImage.GetDroppedFileNames(Data) = True Then
- ' [add code here]. The Data object will contain unicode filenames as necessary
- ' Else
- ' [add code here]. No file names were dropped, something else was
- ' End If
- ' The function will return True if any files were dropped and the passed data
- ' object will contain valid unicode filenames as necessary.
- ' Caution: Editing this routine after it has been called may crash the IDE
- ' I believe I have fixed that issue but am not 100% positive
- ' See posting by John Kleinen for more information regarding this method of calling GetData
- ' http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=49268&lngWId=1
- If OLEDragDrop_DataObject Is Nothing Then Exit Function
- If OLEDragDrop_DataObject.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) = False Then Exit Function
- Dim fmtEtc As FORMATETC, pMedium As STGMEDIUM
- Dim dFiles As DROPFILES
- Dim Vars(0 To 1) As Variant, pVars(0 To 1) As Long, pVartypes(0 To 1) As Integer
- Dim varRtn As Variant
- Dim iFiles As Long, iCount As Long, hDrop As Long
- Dim lLen As Long, sFiles() As String
- Dim IID_IDataObject As Long ' IDataObject Interface ID
- Const IDataObjVTable_GetData As Long = 12 ' 4th vtable entry
- Const CC_STDCALL As Long = 4&
- With fmtEtc
- .cfFormat = vbCFFiles ' same as CF_DROP
- .lIndex = -1 ' want all data
- .TYMED = TYMED_HGLOBAL ' want global ptr to files
- .dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT ' no rendering
- End With
- ' The IDataObject pointer is 16 bytes after VBs DataObject
- CopyMemory IID_IDataObject, ByVal ObjPtr(OLEDragDrop_DataObject) + 16, 4&
- ' Here we are going to do something very new to me and kinda cool
- ' Since we know the objPtr of the IDataObject interface, we therefore know
- ' the beginning of the interface's VTable
- ' So, if we know the VTable address and we know which function index we want
- ' to call, we can call it directly using the following OLE API. Otherwise we
- ' would need to use a TLB to define the IDataObject interface since VB doesn't
- ' 't expose it. This has some really neat implications if you think about it.
- ' The IDataObject function we want is GetData which is the 4th function in
- ' the VTable... http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms688421.aspx
- pVartypes(0) = vbLong: Vars(0) = VarPtr(fmtEtc): pVars(0) = VarPtr(Vars(0))
- pVartypes(1) = vbLong: Vars(1) = VarPtr(pMedium): pVars(1) = VarPtr(Vars(1))
- ' The variants are required by the OLE API: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms221473.aspx
- If DispCallFunc(IID_IDataObject, IDataObjVTable_GetData, CC_STDCALL, _
- vbLong, 2, pVartypes(0), pVars(0), varRtn) = 0 Then
- If pMedium.Data = 0 Then
- Exit Function ' nothing to do
- Else
- ' we have a pointer to the files, kinda sorta
- CopyMemory hDrop, ByVal pMedium.Data, 4&
- If Not hDrop = 0 Then
- ' the hDrop is a pointer to a DROPFILES structure
- ' copy the 20-byte structure for our use
- CopyMemory dFiles, ByVal hDrop, 20&
- End If
- End If
- If dFiles.fWide = 0 Then ' ansi
- GlobalFree pMedium.Data
- Else
- ' use the pFiles member to track offsets for file names
- dFiles.pFiles = dFiles.pFiles + hDrop
- ReDim sFiles(1 To OLEDragDrop_DataObject.Files.Count)
- For iCount = 1 To UBound(sFiles)
- ' get the length of the current file & multiply by 2 because it is unicode
- ' lstrLenW is supported in Win9x
- lLen = lstrlenW(ByVal dFiles.pFiles) * 2
- sFiles(iCount) = String$(lLen 2, 0) ' build a buffer to hold the file name
- CopyMemory ByVal StrPtr(sFiles(iCount)), ByVal dFiles.pFiles, lLen ' populate the buffer
- ' move the pointer to location for next file, adding 2 because of a double null separator/delimiter btwn file names
- dFiles.pFiles = dFiles.pFiles + lLen + 2
- Next
- GlobalFree pMedium.Data
- OLEDragDrop_DataObject.Files.Clear
- For iCount = 1 To iCount - 1
- OLEDragDrop_DataObject.Files.Add sFiles(iCount), iCount
- Next
- End If
- GetDroppedFileNames = True
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function GetPastedFileNames(ListOfFiles() As String) As Long
- ' Another support function for unicode filenames. The filenames returned by
- ' VB's Clipboard object only contains ANSI.
- ' This function will return the number of file names in the clipboard, if any.
- ' The returned string array will contain the unicode/ansi filenames as needed.
- ' If the function returns zero, then the string array is not valid
- Dim hDrop As Long
- Dim sFile As String
- Dim lLen As Long
- Dim iCount As Long
- Dim dFiles As DROPFILES
- ' Get handle to CF_HDROP if any:
- If OpenClipboard(0&) = 0 Then Exit Function
- hDrop = GetClipboardData(vbCFFiles)
- If Not hDrop = 0 Then ' then copied/cut files exist in memory
- iCount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, -1&, vbNullString, 0)
- ' the hDrop is a pointer to a DROPFILES structure
- ' copy the 20-byte structure for our use
- CopyMemory dFiles, ByVal hDrop, 20&
- ' use the pFiles member to track offsets for file names
- dFiles.pFiles = dFiles.pFiles + hDrop
- ReDim ListOfFiles(1 To iCount)
- For iCount = 1 To iCount
- If dFiles.fWide = 0 Then ' ANSI text, use API to get file name
- lLen = DragQueryFile(hDrop, iCount - 1, vbNullString, 0&) ' query length
- ListOfFiles(iCount) = String$(lLen, 0) ' set up buffer
- DragQueryFile hDrop, iCount - 1, ListOfFiles(iCount), lLen + 1 ' populate buffer
- Else
- ' get the length of the current file & multiply by 2 because it is unicode
- ' lstrLenW is supported in Win9x
- lLen = lstrlenW(ByVal dFiles.pFiles) * 2
- sFile = String$(lLen 2, 0) ' build a buffer to hold the file name
- CopyMemory ByVal StrPtr(sFile), ByVal dFiles.pFiles, lLen ' populate the buffer
- ' move the pointer to location for next file, adding 2 because of a double null separator/delimiter btwn file names
- dFiles.pFiles = dFiles.pFiles + lLen + 2
- ' add our file name to the list.
- ListOfFiles(iCount) = sFile ' this may contain unicode characters if your system supports it
- End If
- Next
- GetPastedFileNames = iCount - 1
- End If
- CloseClipboard
- End Function