资源名称:Source.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 11
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 12
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 13
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 14
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 15
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(-110, 111, -110) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (23.000000, 136.000000, 73.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (-12.000000, 126.000000, -97.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (101.000000, 159.000000, 38.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(1.111111, 148.037033, -72.962967), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(1.111111, 148.037033, 75.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(75.185181, 148.037033, 1.111111), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 16
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 17
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 18
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 11
- cell pos=(111, -110, -333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (234.000000, 111.000000, -295.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (332.000000, 47.000000, -208.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (286.000000, -4.000000, -318.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (176.000000, 18.000000, -200.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 4 located at (316.000000, 81.000000, -131.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 5 located at (181.000000, -89.000000, -235.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 6 located at (278.000000, 7.000000, -326.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 7 located at (332.000000, 16.000000, -312.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 8 located at (257.000000, -46.000000, -274.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 9 located at (146.000000, 51.000000, -286.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 10 located at (145.000000, -11.000000, -278.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(148.037033, -72.962967, -221.888885), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(148.037033, 1.111111, -295.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(148.037033, 1.111111, -221.888885), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(148.037033, 75.185181, -295.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, -72.962967, -295.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, 75.185181, -295.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 1.111111, -295.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 75.185181, -221.888885), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 75.185181, -147.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 9 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 6
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(259, -35, -332) size=(24.691359, 24.691359, 24.691359)
- inserting object 0 located at (286.000000, -4.000000, -318.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (278.000000, 7.000000, -326.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (332.000000, 16.000000, -312.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(271.345673, 2.037038, -319.654327), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.037048, 2.037038, -319.654327), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(320.728394, 26.728397, -319.654327), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 4, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 4
- for Level 3, creating child 7
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 8
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 19
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 20
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 6
- cell pos=(111, -110, 111) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (224.000000, -13.000000, 272.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (244.000000, 60.000000, 129.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (312.000000, -20.000000, 181.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (127.000000, -107.000000, 288.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 4 located at (286.000000, -62.000000, 268.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 5 located at (265.000000, -105.000000, 123.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(148.037033, -72.962967, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, 1.111111, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, 75.185181, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, -72.962967, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, -72.962967, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 1.111111, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 6 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 21
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 22
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 2
- for Level 1, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 2 > 0 block, number of objects = 58
- cell pos=(-333, -333, 333) size=(222.222229, 222.222229, 222.222229)
- inserting object 0 located at (-101.000000, -138.000000, 412.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (241.000000, 139.000000, 969.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (23.000000, -25.000000, 862.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 3 located at (-117.000000, -127.000000, 992.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 4 located at (307.000000, -95.000000, 812.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 5 located at (-174.000000, -178.000000, 964.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 6 located at (145.000000, -184.000000, 378.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 7 located at (187.000000, -180.000000, 522.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 8 located at (-201.000000, -191.000000, 739.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 9 located at (-138.000000, 172.000000, 348.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 10 located at (140.000000, 196.000000, 925.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 11 located at (-150.000000, 133.000000, 942.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 12 located at (-289.000000, 106.000000, 591.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 13 located at (-146.000000, -126.000000, 988.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 14 located at (171.000000, -44.000000, 614.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 15 located at (-245.000000, 88.000000, 461.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 16 located at (266.000000, 100.000000, 548.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 17 located at (319.000000, -101.000000, 336.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 18 located at (-255.000000, -29.000000, 444.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 19 located at (38.000000, 43.000000, 418.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 20 located at (-171.000000, -124.000000, 638.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 21 located at (215.000000, -65.000000, 838.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 22 located at (15.000000, 146.000000, 870.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 23 located at (94.000000, -16.000000, 861.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 24 located at (99.000000, -101.000000, 752.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 25 located at (-276.000000, 57.000000, 377.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 26 located at (207.000000, 130.000000, 651.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 27 located at (-15.000000, -194.000000, 916.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 28 located at (-252.000000, 58.000000, 618.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 29 located at (-146.000000, -122.000000, 410.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 30 located at (215.000000, 143.000000, 753.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 31 located at (36.000000, -35.000000, 822.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 32 located at (-66.000000, 106.000000, 494.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 33 located at (249.000000, -93.000000, 394.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 34 located at (324.000000, 130.000000, 656.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 35 located at (245.000000, -151.000000, 629.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 36 located at (186.000000, 72.000000, 737.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 37 located at (317.000000, 30.000000, 410.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 38 located at (-54.000000, -124.000000, 987.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 39 located at (-49.000000, -28.000000, 619.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 40 located at (-289.000000, -131.000000, 912.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 41 located at (104.000000, 61.000000, 805.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 42 located at (-138.000000, 175.000000, 348.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 43 located at (190.000000, -141.000000, 890.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 44 located at (275.000000, 116.000000, 578.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 45 located at (-176.000000, 12.000000, 557.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 46 located at (56.000000, 118.000000, 598.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 47 located at (-72.000000, 25.000000, 857.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 48 located at (-317.000000, -109.000000, 418.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 49 located at (13.000000, -120.000000, 617.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- inserting object 50 located at (-261.000000, -174.000000, 738.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 51 located at (152.000000, 131.000000, 399.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 52 located at (145.000000, 90.000000, 467.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 53 located at (-125.000000, -11.000000, 741.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 54 located at (317.000000, 74.000000, 458.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 55 located at (317.000000, 47.000000, 870.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 56 located at (-34.000000, -85.000000, 470.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 57 located at (202.000000, -82.000000, 926.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, -221.888885, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, -221.888885, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 0, 2 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, -221.888885, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 0.333344, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 0.333344, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 222.555573, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 222.555573, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, -221.888885, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, -221.888885, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, -221.888885, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, 0.333344, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, 0.333344, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 5 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, 0.333344, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, 222.555573, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(0.333344, 222.555573, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, -221.888885, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, -221.888885, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, -221.888885, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 6 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, 0.333344, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, 0.333344, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, 0.333344, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, 222.555573, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, 222.555573, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.555573, 222.555573, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Parent has 24 children..
- for Level 2, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(-333, -333, 555) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (-201.000000, -191.000000, 739.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (-171.000000, -124.000000, 638.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (-261.000000, -174.000000, 738.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-295.962952, -147.814819, 740.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, -221.888885, 740.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-147.814819, -147.814819, 666.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(-333, -333, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (-117.000000, -127.000000, 992.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (-174.000000, -178.000000, 964.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (-146.000000, -126.000000, 988.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 3 located at (-289.000000, -131.000000, 912.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-295.962952, -147.814819, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-147.814819, -147.814819, 962.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 2 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(-184, -184, 925) size=(24.691359, 24.691359, 24.691359)
- inserting object 0 located at (-117.000000, -127.000000, 992.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (-174.000000, -178.000000, 964.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (-146.000000, -126.000000, 988.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-171.654327, -171.654327, 962.037048), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 1, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-146.962967, -122.271606, 986.728394), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-122.271606, -122.271606, 986.728394), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 4, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 4
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(-333, -110, 333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (-245.000000, 88.000000, 461.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (-255.000000, -29.000000, 444.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (-276.000000, 57.000000, 377.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (-317.000000, -109.000000, 418.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-295.962952, -72.962967, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-295.962952, 75.185181, 370.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 1.111111, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 75.185181, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(-333, -110, 555) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (-289.000000, 106.000000, 591.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (-252.000000, 58.000000, 618.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (-176.000000, 12.000000, 557.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (-125.000000, -11.000000, 741.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-295.962952, 75.185181, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-221.888885, 75.185181, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-147.814819, 1.111111, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-147.814819, 1.111111, 740.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 6
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 7
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 8
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 9
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 10
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(-110, -110, 333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (38.000000, 43.000000, 418.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (-66.000000, 106.000000, 494.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (-34.000000, -85.000000, 470.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-72.962967, 75.185181, 518.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(1.111111, -72.962967, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(1.111111, 75.185181, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 11
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 12
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 5
- cell pos=(-110, -110, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (23.000000, -25.000000, 862.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (94.000000, -16.000000, 861.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (36.000000, -35.000000, 822.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (104.000000, 61.000000, 805.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 4 located at (-72.000000, 25.000000, 857.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(-72.962967, 1.111111, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(1.111111, 1.111111, 814.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(1.111111, 1.111111, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(75.185181, 1.111111, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(75.185181, 75.185181, 814.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 5 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 13
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 14
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 15
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 16
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 17
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 18
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 6
- cell pos=(111, -110, 333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (266.000000, 100.000000, 548.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (319.000000, -101.000000, 336.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (249.000000, -93.000000, 394.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (317.000000, 30.000000, 410.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 4 located at (145.000000, 90.000000, 467.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- inserting object 5 located at (317.000000, 74.000000, 458.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(148.037033, 75.185181, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, -72.962967, 370.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, -72.962967, 370.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 1.111111, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 75.185181, 444.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 75.185181, 518.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 6 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 19
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 20
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(111, -110, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (307.000000, -95.000000, 812.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (215.000000, -65.000000, 838.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (317.000000, 47.000000, 870.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (202.000000, -82.000000, 926.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, -72.962967, 814.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, -72.962967, 962.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, -72.962967, 814.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 75.185181, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 21
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 22
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(111, 111, 555) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (207.000000, 130.000000, 651.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (215.000000, 143.000000, 753.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (324.000000, 130.000000, 656.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (275.000000, 116.000000, 578.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, 148.037033, 666.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(222.111115, 148.037033, 740.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 148.037033, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(296.185181, 148.037033, 666.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 23
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 2
- for Level 1, creating child 6
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 2 > 0 block, number of objects = 62
- cell pos=(333, -333, -999) size=(222.222229, 222.222229, 222.222229)
- inserting object 0 located at (756.000000, -142.000000, -484.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (850.000000, -140.000000, -497.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (781.000000, 91.000000, -849.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (596.000000, -188.000000, -906.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 4 located at (429.000000, -109.000000, -728.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 5 located at (486.000000, -147.000000, -915.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 6 located at (465.000000, -71.000000, -579.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 7 located at (529.000000, 76.000000, -783.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 8 located at (743.000000, -96.000000, -882.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 9 located at (561.000000, -14.000000, -994.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 10 located at (730.000000, -153.000000, -482.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 11 located at (994.000000, -180.000000, -990.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 12 located at (533.000000, -6.000000, -481.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 13 located at (479.000000, -76.000000, -374.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 14 located at (835.000000, -193.000000, -599.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 15 located at (991.000000, -184.000000, -690.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 16 located at (954.000000, -171.000000, -977.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 17 located at (700.000000, -90.000000, -616.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 18 located at (834.000000, -22.000000, -432.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 19 located at (982.000000, 189.000000, -694.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 20 located at (456.000000, 138.000000, -784.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 21 located at (634.000000, -121.000000, -419.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 22 located at (967.000000, 198.000000, -881.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 23 located at (992.000000, -99.000000, -837.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 24 located at (458.000000, 169.000000, -907.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 25 located at (812.000000, -131.000000, -758.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 26 located at (954.000000, 182.000000, -916.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 27 located at (646.000000, 83.000000, -694.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 28 located at (868.000000, 74.000000, -648.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 29 located at (686.000000, -196.000000, -941.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 30 located at (513.000000, 41.000000, -454.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 31 located at (402.000000, -123.000000, -409.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 32 located at (819.000000, -125.000000, -647.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 33 located at (678.000000, 72.000000, -907.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 34 located at (396.000000, 21.000000, -912.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 35 located at (493.000000, -143.000000, -594.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 36 located at (775.000000, -183.000000, -501.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 37 located at (646.000000, 81.000000, -695.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 38 located at (916.000000, -99.000000, -908.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 39 located at (775.000000, -170.000000, -488.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 40 located at (435.000000, 10.000000, -561.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 41 located at (905.000000, -31.000000, -632.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 42 located at (369.000000, 40.000000, -907.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 43 located at (757.000000, -113.000000, -350.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 44 located at (741.000000, -108.000000, -502.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 45 located at (515.000000, -29.000000, -349.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 46 located at (517.000000, 71.000000, -485.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 47 located at (809.000000, 31.000000, -626.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 48 located at (638.000000, -110.000000, -443.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 49 located at (946.000000, 60.000000, -500.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 50 located at (530.000000, -143.000000, -883.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 51 located at (576.000000, -131.000000, -834.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 52 located at (919.000000, -194.000000, -758.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 53 located at (356.000000, -152.000000, -837.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 54 located at (661.000000, -179.000000, -547.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 55 located at (640.000000, -84.000000, -759.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 56 located at (976.000000, -157.000000, -933.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 57 located at (573.000000, -43.000000, -804.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 58 located at (344.000000, -24.000000, -637.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 59 located at (508.000000, -51.000000, -646.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 60 located at (572.000000, 12.000000, -909.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 61 located at (543.000000, 0.000000, -835.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, -665.666626), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, -443.444427), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 5 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, -665.666626), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 5 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, -443.444427), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 222.555573, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, -221.888885, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 7 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, -221.888885, -443.444427), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 5 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, -665.666626), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, -443.444427), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 5 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, -665.666626), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, -443.444427), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, -665.666626), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, -443.444427), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, -887.888916), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, -665.666626), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Parent has 20 children..
- for Level 2, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(333, -333, -999) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (486.000000, -147.000000, -915.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (530.000000, -143.000000, -883.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (356.000000, -152.000000, -837.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, -147.814819, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, -147.814819, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 2 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(333, -110, -999) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (529.000000, 76.000000, -783.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (396.000000, 21.000000, -912.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (369.000000, 40.000000, -907.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (543.000000, 0.000000, -835.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 1.111111, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 75.185181, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 1.111111, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 75.185181, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 5
- cell pos=(333, -110, -776) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (429.000000, -109.000000, -728.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (465.000000, -71.000000, -579.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (435.000000, 10.000000, -561.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 3 located at (344.000000, -24.000000, -637.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 4 located at (508.000000, -51.000000, -646.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 1.111111, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -72.962967, -738.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -72.962967, -590.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 1.111111, -590.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, -72.962967, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 5 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 5
- cell pos=(333, -110, -554) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (533.000000, -6.000000, -481.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (479.000000, -76.000000, -374.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (513.000000, 41.000000, -454.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (515.000000, -29.000000, -349.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 4 located at (517.000000, 71.000000, -485.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -72.962967, -368.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 1.111111, -516.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 1.111111, -368.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 75.185181, -516.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 75.185181, -442.888885), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 5 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 6
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 7
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(555, -333, -999) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (596.000000, -188.000000, -906.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (686.000000, -196.000000, -941.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (576.000000, -131.000000, -834.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, -221.888885, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, -147.814819, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -221.888885, -961.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 8
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 7
- cell pos=(555, -333, -554) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (756.000000, -142.000000, -484.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (730.000000, -153.000000, -482.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (634.000000, -121.000000, -419.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (775.000000, -183.000000, -501.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 4 located at (775.000000, -170.000000, -488.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 5 located at (757.000000, -113.000000, -350.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 6 located at (661.000000, -179.000000, -547.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -147.814819, -516.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -147.814819, -442.888885), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, -147.814819, -516.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, -147.814819, -368.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(703, -184, -553) size=(24.691359, 24.691359, 24.691359)
- inserting object 0 located at (756.000000, -142.000000, -484.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (730.000000, -153.000000, -482.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (775.000000, -183.000000, -501.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 3 located at (775.000000, -170.000000, -488.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.037048, -146.962967, -491.271606), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(764.728394, -171.654327, -491.271606), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(764.728394, -146.962967, -491.271606), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 4, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 4, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 4
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 9
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 5
- cell pos=(555, -110, -999) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (743.000000, -96.000000, -882.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (561.000000, -14.000000, -994.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (678.000000, 72.000000, -907.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (573.000000, -43.000000, -804.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 4 located at (572.000000, 12.000000, -909.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, -72.962967, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, 1.111111, -961.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, 1.111111, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, 75.185181, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, -72.962967, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 5 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 10
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(555, -110, -776) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (700.000000, -90.000000, -616.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (646.000000, 83.000000, -694.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (646.000000, 81.000000, -695.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (640.000000, -84.000000, -759.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -72.962967, -738.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -72.962967, -590.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, 75.185181, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 11
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 12
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -333, -999) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (994.000000, -180.000000, -990.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (954.000000, -171.000000, -977.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (976.000000, -157.000000, -933.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, -147.814819, -961.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 1 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(925, -184, -998) size=(24.691359, 24.691359, 24.691359)
- inserting object 0 located at (994.000000, -180.000000, -990.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (954.000000, -171.000000, -977.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (976.000000, -157.000000, -933.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.037048, -171.654327, -985.654297), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(986.728394, -171.654327, -985.654297), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(986.728394, -146.962967, -936.271606), r=(12.345679, 12.345679, 12.345679)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 4, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 4, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 5 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 4
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 13
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 5
- cell pos=(777, -333, -776) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (835.000000, -193.000000, -599.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (991.000000, -184.000000, -690.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (812.000000, -131.000000, -758.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (819.000000, -125.000000, -647.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- inserting object 4 located at (919.000000, -194.000000, -758.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, -221.888885, -590.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, -147.814819, -738.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, -147.814819, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, -221.888885, -738.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, -147.814819, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 5 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 14
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 15
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -110, -999) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (781.000000, 91.000000, -849.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (992.000000, -99.000000, -837.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (916.000000, -99.000000, -908.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 75.185181, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, -72.962967, -887.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, -72.962967, -813.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 16
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -110, -776) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (868.000000, 74.000000, -648.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (905.000000, -31.000000, -632.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (809.000000, 31.000000, -626.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 1.111111, -590.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 1.111111, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 75.185181, -664.888916), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 17
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 18
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 19
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 2
- for Level 1, creating child 7
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 2 > 0 block, number of objects = 45
- cell pos=(333, -333, -333) size=(222.222229, 222.222229, 222.222229)
- inserting object 0 located at (996.000000, -164.000000, 32.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (953.000000, -71.000000, 270.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (375.000000, 185.000000, -63.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (896.000000, 11.000000, -156.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 4 located at (367.000000, -140.000000, 7.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 5 located at (703.000000, -188.000000, -298.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 6 located at (368.000000, 122.000000, 174.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 7 located at (875.000000, 185.000000, -4.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 8 located at (715.000000, -155.000000, 325.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 9 located at (724.000000, -80.000000, 237.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 10 located at (928.000000, 111.000000, 329.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 11 located at (486.000000, -1.000000, -308.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 12 located at (381.000000, 83.000000, 120.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 13 located at (790.000000, -7.000000, -117.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 14 located at (392.000000, -24.000000, 330.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 15 located at (687.000000, 35.000000, -174.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 16 located at (998.000000, 77.000000, -172.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 17 located at (574.000000, -67.000000, 115.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 18 located at (431.000000, -38.000000, 205.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 19 located at (434.000000, -144.000000, 31.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 20 located at (566.000000, -55.000000, 124.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 21 located at (559.000000, -49.000000, 311.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 22 located at (454.000000, -70.000000, -139.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 23 located at (926.000000, -20.000000, 211.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 24 located at (718.000000, -120.000000, -266.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 25 located at (956.000000, -131.000000, 162.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 26 located at (847.000000, 156.000000, 145.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 27 located at (939.000000, 171.000000, 43.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 28 located at (796.000000, 102.000000, 300.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 29 located at (731.000000, -102.000000, 292.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 30 located at (644.000000, -49.000000, 280.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 31 located at (743.000000, 97.000000, 280.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 32 located at (697.000000, 150.000000, 234.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 33 located at (398.000000, 149.000000, 304.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 34 located at (982.000000, -15.000000, -110.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 35 located at (402.000000, 17.000000, -211.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 36 located at (676.000000, -14.000000, -47.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 37 located at (367.000000, 87.000000, 247.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 38 located at (853.000000, -130.000000, -294.000000) into cell (2, 0, 0)
- inserting object 39 located at (828.000000, 183.000000, -20.000000) into cell (2, 2, 1)
- inserting object 40 located at (855.000000, 196.000000, -258.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 41 located at (997.000000, -162.000000, 123.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 42 located at (912.000000, -137.000000, 145.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 43 located at (568.000000, -185.000000, 180.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 44 located at (791.000000, 25.000000, 321.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, 0.333344), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, -221.888885), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 222.555573, 0.333344), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 222.555573, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, -221.888885, -221.888885), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, -221.888885, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, -221.888885), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, 0.333344), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 7 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 222.555573, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, -221.888885), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, 0.333344), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, -221.888885), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, 0.333344), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 5 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, -221.888885), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 1 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, 0.333344), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, 222.555573), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Parent has 20 children..
- for Level 2, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(333, -110, -333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (486.000000, -1.000000, -308.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (454.000000, -70.000000, -139.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (402.000000, 17.000000, -211.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 1.111111, -221.888885), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -72.962967, -147.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(518.185181, 1.111111, -295.962952), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(333, -110, 111) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (381.000000, 83.000000, 120.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (392.000000, -24.000000, 330.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (431.000000, -38.000000, 205.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (367.000000, 87.000000, 247.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 1.111111, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 75.185181, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(370.037048, 75.185181, 222.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -72.962967, 222.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 6
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 7
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 8
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 9
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 7
- cell pos=(555, -110, 111) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (724.000000, -80.000000, 237.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (574.000000, -67.000000, 115.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (566.000000, -55.000000, 124.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (559.000000, -49.000000, 311.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 4 located at (731.000000, -102.000000, 292.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 5 located at (644.000000, -49.000000, 280.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 6 located at (743.000000, 97.000000, 280.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, -72.962967, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, -72.962967, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -72.962967, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, -72.962967, 222.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, -72.962967, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, 75.185181, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 6 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 10
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 11
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 12
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 13
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -333, 111) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (956.000000, -131.000000, 162.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (997.000000, -162.000000, 123.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (912.000000, -137.000000, 145.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, -147.814819, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, -147.814819, 148.037033), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 2 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 14
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -110, -333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (896.000000, 11.000000, -156.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (790.000000, -7.000000, -117.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (998.000000, 77.000000, -172.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 1.111111, -147.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 1.111111, -147.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, 75.185181, -147.814819), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 15
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 16
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 5
- cell pos=(777, -110, 111) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (953.000000, -71.000000, 270.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (928.000000, 111.000000, 329.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (926.000000, -20.000000, 211.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (796.000000, 102.000000, 300.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 4 located at (791.000000, 25.000000, 321.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 1.111111, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 75.185181, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, -72.962967, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, 1.111111, 222.111115), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, 75.185181, 296.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 5 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 17
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 18
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, 111, -110) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (875.000000, 185.000000, -4.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (939.000000, 171.000000, 43.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (828.000000, 183.000000, -20.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 148.037033, 1.111111), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 148.037033, 1.111111), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, 148.037033, 75.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 19
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 2
- for Level 1, creating child 8
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 2 > 0 block, number of objects = 48
- cell pos=(333, -333, 333) size=(222.222229, 222.222229, 222.222229)
- inserting object 0 located at (363.000000, -173.000000, 677.000000) into cell (0, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (885.000000, 85.000000, 974.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 2 located at (637.000000, -75.000000, 635.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (911.000000, -137.000000, 629.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 4 located at (591.000000, 187.000000, 368.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- inserting object 5 located at (691.000000, 86.000000, 965.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 6 located at (878.000000, -25.000000, 633.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 7 located at (864.000000, -180.000000, 831.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 8 located at (845.000000, -161.000000, 850.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 9 located at (814.000000, 144.000000, 868.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 10 located at (774.000000, -151.000000, 842.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 11 located at (910.000000, -109.000000, 889.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 12 located at (676.000000, 114.000000, 709.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 13 located at (621.000000, 32.000000, 911.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 14 located at (563.000000, 89.000000, 427.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 15 located at (793.000000, 120.000000, 975.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- inserting object 16 located at (890.000000, -13.000000, 570.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 17 located at (939.000000, -109.000000, 549.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 18 located at (731.000000, 186.000000, 949.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 19 located at (607.000000, -185.000000, 532.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 20 located at (801.000000, 123.000000, 543.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 21 located at (719.000000, 144.000000, 875.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 22 located at (406.000000, -6.000000, 582.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 23 located at (842.000000, 174.000000, 526.000000) into cell (2, 2, 0)
- inserting object 24 located at (443.000000, -141.000000, 881.000000) into cell (0, 0, 2)
- inserting object 25 located at (451.000000, 176.000000, 685.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- inserting object 26 located at (658.000000, -169.000000, 355.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 27 located at (649.000000, 176.000000, 765.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- inserting object 28 located at (662.000000, -37.000000, 622.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 29 located at (404.000000, 200.000000, 898.000000) into cell (0, 2, 2)
- inserting object 30 located at (614.000000, 91.000000, 883.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 31 located at (638.000000, -88.000000, 372.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 32 located at (371.000000, 50.000000, 376.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 33 located at (819.000000, 14.000000, 403.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 34 located at (369.000000, -144.000000, 482.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- inserting object 35 located at (979.000000, 97.000000, 553.000000) into cell (2, 1, 0)
- inserting object 36 located at (918.000000, 76.000000, 629.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 37 located at (915.000000, -194.000000, 679.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 38 located at (602.000000, -164.000000, 909.000000) into cell (1, 0, 2)
- inserting object 39 located at (899.000000, -11.000000, 648.000000) into cell (2, 1, 1)
- inserting object 40 located at (652.000000, -78.000000, 873.000000) into cell (1, 1, 2)
- inserting object 41 located at (618.000000, -102.000000, 628.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 42 located at (987.000000, -8.000000, 980.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 43 located at (427.000000, -30.000000, 872.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 44 located at (754.000000, 128.000000, 910.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 45 located at (871.000000, -165.000000, 875.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 46 located at (474.000000, -110.000000, 788.000000) into cell (0, 1, 2)
- inserting object 47 located at (378.000000, 30.000000, 590.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, -221.888885, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 1, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 0.333344, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 222.555573, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 0, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(444.111115, 222.555573, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, -221.888885, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 0, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, -221.888885, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 1, 2 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 0.333344, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 222.555573, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 222.555573, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 1, 2, 2 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.333374, 222.555573, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, -221.888885, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 0 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 1 contains 4 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, 666.333374), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 3 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 0.333344, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 0 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, 444.111115), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.555542, 222.555573, 888.555542), r=(111.111115, 111.111115, 111.111115)
- Parent has 23 children..
- for Level 2, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 4
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 5
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 6
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 7
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 8
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 9
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 10
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 11
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(555, -110, 555) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (637.000000, -75.000000, 635.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (662.000000, -37.000000, 622.000000) into cell (1, 0, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (618.000000, -102.000000, 628.000000) into cell (0, 0, 0)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, -72.962967, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -72.962967, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -72.962967, 666.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 12
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(555, -110, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (691.000000, 86.000000, 965.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (621.000000, 32.000000, 911.000000) into cell (0, 1, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (614.000000, 91.000000, 883.000000) into cell (0, 2, 1)
- inserting object 3 located at (652.000000, -78.000000, 873.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, 1.111111, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 0, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(592.037048, 75.185181, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, -72.962967, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(666.111084, 75.185181, 962.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 4 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 3
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 13
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 2, creating child 14
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 15
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(555, 111, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (731.000000, 186.000000, 949.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (719.000000, 144.000000, 875.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (754.000000, 128.000000, 910.000000) into cell (2, 0, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 2, 0, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, 148.037033, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(740.185181, 222.111115, 962.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 2 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 16
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 17
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -333, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (864.000000, -180.000000, 831.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- inserting object 1 located at (845.000000, -161.000000, 850.000000) into cell (0, 2, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (871.000000, -165.000000, 875.000000) into cell (1, 2, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, -147.814819, 814.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, -147.814819, 814.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, -147.814819, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 18
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -110, 333) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (939.000000, -109.000000, 549.000000) into cell (2, 0, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (819.000000, 14.000000, 403.000000) into cell (0, 1, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (979.000000, 97.000000, 553.000000) into cell (2, 2, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 0, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(814.037048, 1.111111, 370.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 0, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, -72.962967, 518.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, 75.185181, 518.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 19
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 4
- cell pos=(777, -110, 555) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (878.000000, -25.000000, 633.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- inserting object 1 located at (890.000000, -13.000000, 570.000000) into cell (1, 1, 0)
- inserting object 2 located at (918.000000, 76.000000, 629.000000) into cell (1, 2, 0)
- inserting object 3 located at (899.000000, -11.000000, 648.000000) into cell (1, 1, 1)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 1, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 1.111111, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 1, 1 contains 2 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 1.111111, 666.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 0 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 75.185181, 592.037048), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 20
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 3
- cell pos=(777, -110, 777) size=(74.074074, 74.074074, 74.074074)
- inserting object 0 located at (885.000000, 85.000000, 974.000000) into cell (1, 2, 2)
- inserting object 1 located at (910.000000, -109.000000, 889.000000) into cell (1, 0, 1)
- inserting object 2 located at (987.000000, -8.000000, 980.000000) into cell (2, 1, 2)
- Entering sorting section...
- Cell 1, 0, 1 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, -72.962967, 888.111084), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 1, 2, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(888.111084, 75.185181, 962.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Cell 2, 1, 2 contains 1 objects
- Creating child node...
- Child node pos=(962.185181, 1.111111, 962.185181), r=(37.037037, 37.037037, 37.037037)
- Parent has 3 children..
- for Level 3, creating child 0
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 1
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- for Level 3, creating child 2
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 4 > 0 block, number of objects = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 3
- for Level 2, creating child 21
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- for Level 2, creating child 22
- Entering BHV function...
- Entering Level = 3 > 0 block, number of objects = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 2
- Exiting BHV...level = 1
- Exiting BHV...level = 0
- Closing Error Output File.