- unit UPhysics2D;
- { This unit is written based on Box2D whose author is Erin Catto (http://www.gphysics.com)
- All type names follow the Delphi custom Txxx and xxx means the corresponding
- type in cpp source.
- Because versions before Delphi 2007 don't support operator overloading, so
- I write two versions of all math operations for vector and matrix, etc. But
- later I found that the version without operator overloading runs faster.
- So if you want a better performance, DEFINE BETTER_PERFORMANCE in Physics2D.inc
- which will UNDEFINE OP_OVERLOAD even if you are using Delphi 2010.
- This library supports three kinds of floats, Single(32bit), Double(64bit) and
- Extended(80bit).
- Extended ON whatever
- Double(default) OFF ON
- Single OFF OFF
- There is also a flag SINGLE_PRECISION in the include file but it doesn't affect
- Float type definition.
- All assertions are ignored.
- Translator: Qianyuan Wang(王乾元)
- Contact me: http://hi.baidu.com/wqyfavor
- wqyfavor@163.com
- QQ: 466798985
- }
- interface
- {$I Physics2D.inc}
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- {$ENDIF}
- uses
- UPhysics2DTypes,
- Math,
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- Dialogs;
- type
- RGBA = array[0..3] of Single;
- TRGBA = packed record
- red, green, blue, alpha: Single;
- end;
- Tb2ContactID = record
- /// The features that intersect to form the contact point
- case Integer of
- 0: (referenceEdge: UInt8; ///< The edge that defines the outward contact normal.
- incidentEdge: UInt8; ///< The edge most anti-parallel to the reference edge.
- incidentVertex: UInt8; ///< The vertex (0 or 1) on the incident edge that was clipped.
- flip: UInt8); ///< A value of 1 indicates that the reference edge is on shape2.
- 1: (key: UInt32); ///< Used to quickly compare contact ids.
- end;
- /// A manifold point is a contact point belonging to a contact
- /// manifold. It holds details related to the geometry and dynamics
- /// of the contact points.
- /// The point is stored in local coordinates because CCD
- /// requires sub-stepping in which the separation is stale.
- Pb2ManifoldPoint = ^Tb2ManifoldPoint;
- Tb2ManifoldPoint = record
- localPoint1: TVector2; ///< local position of the contact point in body1
- localPoint2: TVector2; ///< local position of the contact point in body2
- separation: Float; ///< the separation of the shapes along the normal vector
- normalImpulse: Float; ///< the non-penetration impulse
- tangentImpulse: Float; ///< the friction impulse
- id: Tb2ContactID; ///< uniquely identifies a contact point between two shapes
- end;
- /// A manifold for two touching convex shapes.
- Pb2Manifold = ^Tb2Manifold;
- Tb2Manifold = record
- points: array[0..b2_maxManifoldPoints - 1] of Tb2ManifoldPoint; ///< the points of contact
- normal: TVector2; ///< the shared unit normal vector
- pointCount: Int32; ///< the number of manifold points
- end;
- /// A line segment.
- Tb2Segment = record
- p1, p2: TVector2; // The starting and ending points
- /// Ray cast against this segment with another segment.
- function TestSegment(var lambda: Float; var normal: TVector2;
- const segment: Tb2Segment; maxLambda: Float): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- /// An axis aligned bounding box.
- Tb2AABB = record
- lowerBound, upperBound: TVector2; // The lower and upper vertices
- /// Verify that the bounds are sorted.
- function IsValid: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- /// An oriented bounding box.
- Tb2OBB = record
- R: TMatrix22; ///< the rotation matrix
- center: TVector2; ///< the local centroid
- extents: TVector2; ///< the half-widths
- end;
- Tb2BodyDef = class;
- Pb2Body = ^Tb2Body;
- Tb2Body = class;
- Tb2JointDef = class;
- Pb2Joint = ^Tb2Joint;
- Tb2Joint = class;
- Pb2Contact = ^Tb2Contact;
- Tb2Contact = class;
- Pb2Shape = ^Tb2Shape;
- Tb2Shape = class;
- Tb2BroadPhase = class;
- Tb2ContactFilter = class;
- Tb2ContactListener = class;
- Tb2ContactManager = class;
- Tb2PairManager = class;
- Tb2PairCallback = class;
- Tb2Island = class;
- Pb2PolyVertices = ^Tb2PolyVertices;
- Tb2PolyVertices = array[0..b2_maxPolygonVertices - 1] of TVector2;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // World
- Tb2TimeStep = record
- dt: Float; // time step
- inv_dt: Float; // inverse time step (0 if dt == 0).
- dtRatio: Float; // dt * inv_dt0
- maxIterations: Int32;
- warmStarting, positionCorrection: Boolean;
- end;
- /// Joints and shapes are destroyed when their associated
- /// body is destroyed. Implement this listener so that you
- /// may nullify references to these joints and shapes.
- Tb2DestructionListener = class
- public
- /// Called when any joint is about to be destroyed due
- /// to the destruction of one of its attached bodies.
- procedure SayGoodbye(joint: Tb2Joint); overload; virtual; abstract;
- /// Called when any shape is about to be destroyed due
- /// to the destruction of its parent body.
- procedure SayGoodbye(shape: Tb2Shape); overload; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- /// This is called when a body's shape passes outside of the world boundary.
- Tb2BoundaryListener = class
- public
- /// This is called for each body that leaves the world boundary.
- /// @warning you can't modify the world inside this callback.
- procedure Violation(body: Tb2Body); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- Tb2DebugDrawBits = (e_shapeBit, e_jointBit, e_coreShapeBit, e_aabbBit,
- e_obbBit, e_pairBit, e_centerOfMassBit);
- Tb2DebugDrawBitsSet = set of Tb2DebugDrawBits;
- Tb2DebugDraw = class
- public
- m_drawFlags: Tb2DebugDrawBitsSet;
- m_shapeColor_Static, m_shapeColor_Sleeping, m_shapeColor_Normal,
- m_pairColor, m_aabbColor, m_obbColor, m_world_aabbColor, m_coreColor,
- m_jointLineColor: RGBA;
- constructor Create;
- procedure DrawPolygon(const vertices: Tb2PolyVertices; vertexCount: Int32; const color: RGBA); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawPolygon4(const vertices: TVectorArray4; vertexCount: Int32; const color: RGBA); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawSolidPolygon(const vertices: Tb2PolyVertices; vertexCount: Int32; const color: RGBA); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawCircle(const center: TVector2; radius: Float; const color: RGBA); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawSolidCircle(const center, axis: TVector2; radius: Float; const color: RGBA); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawSegment(const p1, p2: TVector2; const color: RGBA); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DrawXForm(const xf: Tb2XForm); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- /// The world class manages all physics entities, dynamic simulation,
- /// and asynchronous queries. The world also contains efficient memory
- /// management facilities.
- Tb2World = class
- private
- procedure Solve(const step: Tb2TimeStep);
- procedure SolveTOI(const step: Tb2TimeStep);
- procedure DrawShape(shape: Tb2Shape; const xf: Tb2XForm; const color: RGBA; core: Boolean);
- procedure DrawJoint(joint: Tb2Joint);
- public
- m_lock: Boolean;
- m_broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase;
- m_contactManager: Tb2ContactManager;
- m_bodyList: Tb2Body;
- m_groundBody: Tb2Body;
- m_jointList: Tb2Joint;
- // Do not access
- m_contactList: Tb2Contact;
- m_bodyCount,
- m_contactCount,
- m_jointCount: Int32;
- m_gravity: TVector2;
- m_allowSleep: Boolean;
- m_destructionListener: Tb2DestructionListener;
- m_boundaryListener: Tb2BoundaryListener;
- m_contactFilter: Tb2ContactFilter;
- m_contactListener: Tb2ContactListener;
- m_debugDraw: Tb2DebugDraw;
- m_inv_dt0: Float;
- m_positionIterationCount: Int32;
- m_positionCorrection: Boolean; // This is for debugging the solver.
- m_warmStarting: Boolean; // This is for debugging the solver.
- m_continuousPhysics: Boolean; // This is for debugging the solver.
- /// Construct a world object.
- /// @param worldAABB a bounding box that completely encompasses all your shapes.
- /// @param gravity the world gravity vector.
- /// @param doSleep improve performance by not simulating inactive bodies.
- constructor Create(const worldAABB: Tb2AABB; const gravity: TVector2; doSleep: Boolean);
- /// Destruct the world. All physics entities are destroyed and all heap memory is released.
- destructor Destroy; override;
- /// Create a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the definition is retained.
- /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
- function CreateBody(def: Tb2BodyDef; AutoFreeBodyDef: Boolean = True): Tb2Body;
- /// Destroy a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the definition
- /// is retained. This function is locked during callbacks.
- /// @warning This automatically deletes all associated shapes and joints.
- /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
- procedure DestroyBody(body: Tb2Body; DoFree: Boolean = True);
- /// Create a joint to constrain bodies together. No reference to the definition
- /// is retained. This may cause the connected bodies to cease colliding.
- /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
- function CreateJoint(def: Tb2JointDef; AutoFreeJointDef: Boolean = True): Tb2Joint;
- /// Destroy a joint. This may cause the connected bodies to begin colliding.
- /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
- procedure DestroyJoint(j: Tb2Joint);
- /// Take a time step. This performs collision detection, integration,
- /// and constraint solution.
- /// @param timeStep the amount of time to simulate, this should not vary.
- /// @param iterations the number of iterations to be used by the constraint solver.
- procedure Step(timeStep: Float; iterations: Int32; drawThisStep: Boolean = True);
- procedure DrawDebugData;
- /// Query the world for all shapes that potentially overlap the
- /// provided AABB. You provide a shape pointer buffer of specified
- /// size. The number of shapes found is returned.
- /// @param aabb the query box.
- /// @param shapes a user allocated shape pointer array of size maxCount (or greater).
- /// @param maxCount the capacity of the shapes array.
- /// @return the number of shapes found in aabb.
- function Query(const aabb: Tb2AABB; shapes: TList; maxCount: Int32): Int32; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Re-filter a shape. This re-runs contact filtering on a shape.
- procedure Refilter(shape: Tb2Shape); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Perform validation of internal data structures.
- procedure Validate; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- function GetProxyCount: Int32; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}/// Get the number of broad-phase proxies.
- function GetPairCount: Int32; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}/// Get the number of broad-phase pairs.
- /// Change the global gravity vector.
- procedure SetGravity(const gravity: TVector2); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure WakeAllSleepingBodies;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- property DestructionListener: Tb2DestructionListener read m_destructionListener write m_destructionListener;
- property BoundaryListener: Tb2BoundaryListener read m_boundaryListener write m_boundaryListener;
- property ContactFilter: Tb2ContactFilter read m_contactFilter write m_contactFilter;
- property ContactListener: Tb2ContactListener read m_contactListener write m_contactListener;
- property DebugDraw: Tb2DebugDraw read m_debugDraw write m_debugDraw;
- property GetGroundBody: Tb2Body read m_groundBody;
- property GetBodyList: Tb2Body read m_bodyList;
- property GetJointList: Tb2Joint read m_jointList;
- property GetBodyCount: Int32 read m_bodyCount;
- property GetJointCount: Int32 read m_jointCount;
- property GetContactCount: Int32 read m_contactCount;
- property WarmStarting: Boolean read m_warmStarting write m_warmStarting;
- property PositionCorrection: Boolean read m_positionCorrection write m_warmStarting;
- property ContinuousPhysics: Boolean read m_continuousPhysics write m_continuousPhysics;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Contact
- /// A contact edge is used to connect bodies and contacts together
- /// in a contact graph where each body is a node and each contact
- /// is an edge. A contact edge belongs to a doubly linked list
- /// maintained in each attached body. Each contact has two contact
- /// nodes, one for each attached body.
- Pb2ContactEdge = ^Tb2ContactEdge;
- Tb2ContactEdge = record
- other: Tb2Body; ///< provides quick access to the other body attached.
- contact: Tb2Contact; ///< the contact
- prev, next: Pb2ContactEdge;
- end;
- /// This structure is used to report contact points.
- Tb2ContactPoint = record
- shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape;
- position: TVector2; ///< position in world coordinates
- velocity: TVector2; ///< velocity of point on body2 relative to point on body1 (pre-solver)
- normal: TVector2; ///< points from shape1 to shape2
- separation: Float; ///< the separation is negative when shapes are touching
- friction: Float ; ///< the combined friction coefficient
- restitution: Float ; ///< the combined restitution coefficient
- id: Tb2ContactID; ///< the contact id identifies the features in contact
- end;
- /// This structure is used to report contact point results.
- Tb2ContactResult = record
- shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape;
- position: TVector2; ///< position in world coordinates
- normal: TVector2; ///< points from shape1 to shape2
- normalImpulse: Float; ///< the normal impulse applied to body2
- tangentImpulse: Float; ///< the tangent impulse applied to body2
- id: Tb2ContactID; ///< the contact id identifies the features in contact
- end;
- Pb2ContactConstraintPoint = ^Tb2ContactConstraintPoint;
- Tb2ContactConstraintPoint = record
- localAnchor1, localAnchor2: TVector2;
- r1, r2: TVector2;
- normalImpulse, tangentImpulse, positionImpulse: Float;
- normalMass, tangentMass, equalizedMass: Float;
- separation, velocityBias: Float;
- end;
- Pb2ContactConstraint = ^Tb2ContactConstraint;
- Tb2ContactConstraint = record
- points: array[0..b2_maxManifoldPoints - 1] of Tb2ContactConstraintPoint;
- normal: TVector2;
- manifold: Pb2Manifold;
- body1, body2: Tb2Body;
- friction, restitution: Float;
- pointCount: Int32;
- end;
- /// Implement this class to provide collision filtering. In other words,
- /// you can implement this class if you want finer control over contact creation.
- Tb2ContactFilter = class
- public
- /// Return True if contact calculations should be performed between
- /// these two shapes. @warning for performance reasons this is only
- /// called when the AABBs begin to overlap.
- function ShouldCollide(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape): Boolean; virtual;
- end;
- /// Implement this class to get collision results. You can use these results for
- /// things like sounds and game logic. You can also get contact results by
- /// traversing the contact lists after the time step. However, you might miss
- /// some contacts because continuous physics leads to sub-stepping.
- /// Additionally you may receive multiple callbacks for the same contact in a
- /// single time step.
- /// You should strive to make your callbacks efficient because there may be
- /// many callbacks per time step.
- /// @warning The contact separation is the last computed value.
- /// @warning You cannot create/destroy Box2D entities inside these callbacks.
- Tb2ContactListener = class
- public
- /// Called when a contact point is added. This includes the geometry and the forces.
- procedure Add(var point: Tb2ContactPoint); virtual;
- /// Called when a contact point persists. This includes the geometry and the forces.
- procedure Persist(var point: Tb2ContactPoint); virtual;
- /// Called when a contact point is removed. This includes the last
- /// computed geometry and forces.
- procedure Remove(var point: Tb2ContactPoint); virtual;
- /// Called after a contact point is solved.
- procedure Result(var point: Tb2ContactResult); virtual;
- end;
- /// The class manages contact between two shapes. A contact exists for each overlapping
- /// AABB in the broad-phase (except if filtered). Therefore a contact object may exist
- /// that has no contact points.
- Tb2ContactClass = class of Tb2Contact;
- Tb2Contact = class
- public
- m_flags: UInt32;
- /// The number of manifolds. This is 0 or 1 between convex shapes.
- /// This may be greater than 1 for convex-vs-concave shapes. Each
- /// manifold holds up to two contact points with a shared contact normal.
- m_manifoldCount: Int32;
- m_prev, m_next: Tb2Contact; // World pool and list pointers.
- m_node1, m_node2: Tb2ContactEdge; // Nodes for connecting bodies.
- m_shape1, m_shape2: Tb2Shape;
- // Combined friction
- m_friction: Float;
- m_restitution: Float;
- m_toi: Float;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape); overload; virtual;
- class function CreateContact(Shape1, Shape2: Tb2Shape): Tb2Contact;
- procedure Update(listener: Tb2ContactListener);
- procedure Evaluate(listener: Tb2ContactListener); virtual; abstract;
- /// Get the manifold array.
- function GetManifolds: Pb2Manifold; virtual; abstract;
- /// @return True if this contact should generate a response.
- function IsSolid: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- property GetManifoldCount: Int32 read m_manifoldCount;
- property GetShape1: Tb2Shape read m_shape1;
- property GetShape2: Tb2Shape read m_shape2;
- property GetNext: Tb2Contact read m_next;
- end;
- Tb2ContactSolver = class
- public
- m_step: Tb2TimeStep;
- m_constraints: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- m_constraintCount: Int32;
- constructor Create(const step: Tb2TimeStep; contacts: TList; contactCount: Int32);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep);
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints;
- procedure FinalizeVelocityConstraints;
- function SolvePositionConstraints(baumgarte: Float): Boolean;
- end;
- Tb2NullContact = class(Tb2Contact)
- public
- procedure Evaluate(listener: Tb2ContactListener); override;
- function GetManifolds(): Pb2Manifold; override;
- end;
- Tb2PairCallback = class
- public
- // This should return the new pair user data. It is ok if the user data is null.
- function PairAdded(proxyUserData1, proxyUserData2: Pointer): Pointer; virtual; abstract;
- // This should free the pair's user data. In extreme circumstances, it is possible
- // this will be called with null pairUserData because the pair never existed.
- procedure PairRemoved(proxyUserData1, proxyUserData2, pairUserData: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // Delegate of b2World.
- Tb2ContactManager = class(Tb2PairCallback)
- public
- m_world: Tb2World;
- // This lets us provide broadphase proxy pair user data for
- // contacts that shouldn't exist.
- m_nullContact: Tb2NullContact;
- m_destroyImmediate: Boolean;
- constructor Create(world: Tb2World);
- // Implements PairCallback
- function PairAdded(proxyUserData1, proxyUserData2: Pointer): Pointer; override;
- // Implements PairCallback
- procedure PairRemoved(proxyUserData1, proxyUserData2, pairUserData: Pointer); override;
- procedure Destroy(c: Tb2Contact);
- procedure Collide;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Island
- Tb2Island = class
- public
- m_listener: Tb2ContactListener;
- m_bodies: TList;
- m_contacts: TList;
- m_joints: TList;
- m_bodyCount: Int32;
- m_jointCount: Int32;
- m_contactCount: Int32;
- m_bodyCapacity, m_contactCapacity, m_jointCapacity: Int32;
- m_positionIterationCount: Int32;
- constructor Create(bodyCapacity, contactCapacity, jointCapacity: Int32;
- listener: Tb2ContactListener);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Solve(const step: Tb2TimeStep; const gravity: TVector2;
- correctPositions, allowSleep: Boolean);
- procedure SolveTOI(const subStep: Tb2TimeStep);
- procedure Add(body: Tb2Body); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure Add(contact: Tb2Contact); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure Add(joint: Tb2Joint); overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure Report(constraints: Pb2ContactConstraint);
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- Pb2Bound = ^Tb2Bound;
- Tb2Bound = record
- value, proxyId, stabbingCount: UInt16;
- function IsLower: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- function IsUpper: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Pb2Proxy = ^Tb2Proxy;
- Tb2Proxy = record
- lowerBounds, upperBounds: array[0..1] of UInt16;
- overlapCount: UInt16;
- timeStamp: UInt16;
- userData: Pointer;
- function GetNext: UInt16; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure SetNext(Next: UInt16); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- function IsValid: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Tb2BoundValuesArray = array[0..1] of UInt16;
- Tb2BoundValues = record
- lowerValues, upperValues: Tb2BoundValuesArray;
- end;
- Pb2AxialBoundsArray = ^Tb2AxialBoundsArray;
- Tb2AxialBoundsArray = array[0..2 * b2_maxProxies - 1] of Tb2Bound;
- Tb2BroadPhase = class
- private
- procedure ComputeBounds(var lowerValues, upperValues: Tb2BoundValuesArray; const aabb: Tb2AABB);
- function TestOverlap(var p1, p2: Tb2Proxy): Boolean; overload;
- function TestOverlap(const b: Tb2BoundValues; var p: Tb2Proxy): Boolean; overload;
- procedure Query(var lowerIndex, upperIndex: Int32; lowerValue,
- upperValue: UInt16; var bounds: Tb2AxialBoundsArray; boundCount, axis: Int32); overload;
- procedure IncrementOverlapCount(proxyId: Int32);
- procedure IncrementTimeStamp;
- public
- m_pairManager: Tb2PairManager;
- m_proxyPool: array[0..b2_maxProxies - 1] of Tb2Proxy;
- m_freeProxy: UInt16;
- m_bounds: array[0..1] of Tb2AxialBoundsArray;
- m_queryResults: array[0..b2_maxProxies - 1] of UInt16;
- m_queryResultCount: Int32;
- m_worldAABB: Tb2AABB;
- m_quantizationFactor: TVector2;
- m_proxyCount: Int32;
- m_timeStamp: UInt16;
- constructor Create(const worldAABB: Tb2AABB; callback: Tb2PairCallback);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Use this to see if your proxy is in range. If it is not in range,
- // it should be destroyed. Otherwise you may get O(m^2) pairs, where m
- // is the number of proxies that are out of range.
- function InRange(const aabb: Tb2AABB): Boolean;
- // Create and destroy proxies. These call Flush first.
- function CreateProxy(const aabb: Tb2AABB; userData: Pointer): UInt16;
- procedure DestroyProxy(proxyId: Int32);
- // Call MoveProxy as many times as you like, then when you are done
- // call Commit to finalized the proxy pairs (for your time step).
- procedure MoveProxy(proxyId: Int32; const aabb: Tb2AABB);
- procedure Commit; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- // Get a single proxy. Returns NULL if the id is invalid.
- function GetProxy(proxyId: Int32): Pb2Proxy;
- // Query an AABB for overlapping proxies, returns the user data and
- // the count, up to the supplied maximum count.
- function Query(const aabb: Tb2AABB; userData: TList;
- maxCount: Int32): Int32; overload;
- procedure Validate;
- procedure ValidatePairs;
- class var
- s_validate: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Pair
- Pb2Pair = ^Tb2Pair;
- Tb2Pair = record
- userData: Pointer;
- proxyId1: UInt16;
- proxyId2: UInt16;
- next: UInt16;
- status: UInt16;
- procedure SetBuffered; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { status |= e_pairBuffered; }
- procedure ClearBuffered; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { status &= ~e_pairBuffered; }
- function IsBuffered: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { return (status & e_pairBuffered) == e_pairBuffered; }
- procedure SetRemoved; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { status |= e_pairRemoved; }
- procedure ClearRemoved; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { status &= ~e_pairRemoved; }
- function IsRemoved: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { return (status & e_pairRemoved) == e_pairRemoved; }
- procedure SetFinal; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { status |= e_pairFinal; }
- function IsFinal: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} { return (status & e_pairFinal) == e_pairFinal; }
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Tb2BufferedPair = record
- proxyId1: UInt16;
- proxyId2: UInt16;
- end;
- Tb2PairManager = class
- private
- function Find(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32): Pb2Pair; overload;
- function Find(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32; hashValue: UInt32): Pb2Pair; overload;
- function AddPair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32): Pb2Pair; // Returns existing pair or creates a new one.
- function RemovePair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32): Pointer;
- procedure ValidateBuffer;
- procedure ValidateTable;
- public
- m_broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase;
- m_callback: Tb2PairCallback;
- m_pairs: array[0..b2_maxPairs - 1] of Tb2Pair;
- m_freePair: UInt16;
- m_pairCount: Int32;
- m_pairBuffer: array[0..b2_maxPairs - 1] of Tb2BufferedPair;
- m_pairBufferCount: Int32;
- m_hashTable: array[0..b2_tableCapacity - 1] of UInt16;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Initialize(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; callback: Tb2PairCallback);
- procedure AddBufferedPair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32);
- procedure RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32);
- procedure Commit;
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Shapes
- /// This holds the mass data computed for a shape.
- Tb2MassData = record
- mass: Float; /// The mass of the shape, usually in kilograms.
- I: Float; /// The rotational inertia of the shape.
- center: TVector2; /// The position of the shape's centroid relative to the shape's origin.
- end;
- /// This holds contact filtering data.
- Pb2FilterData = ^Tb2FilterData;
- Tb2FilterData = record
- categoryBits: UInt16; /// The collision category bits. Normally you would just set one bit.
- /// The collision mask bits. This states the categories that this
- /// shape would accept for collision.
- maskBits: UInt16;
- /// Collision groups allow a certain group of objects to never collide (negative)
- /// or always collide (positive). Zero means no collision group. Non-zero group
- /// filtering always wins against the mask bits.
- groupIndex: Int16;
- end;
- /// The various collision shape types supported by Box2D.
- Tb2ShapeType = (e_unknownShape = -1, e_circleShape, e_polygonShape);
- /// A shape definition is used to construct a shape. This class defines an
- /// abstract shape definition. You can reuse shape definitions safely.
- Tb2ShapeDef = class
- public
- ShapeType: Tb2ShapeType; /// Holds the shape type for down-casting.
- userData: Pointer; /// Use this to store application specify shape data.
- friction: Float; /// The shape's friction coefficient, usually in the range [0,1].
- restitution: Float; /// The shape's restitution (elasticity) usually in the range [0,1].
- density: Float; /// The shape's density, usually in kg/m^2.
- isSensor: Boolean; /// A sensor shape collects contact information but never generates a collision response.
- filter: Tb2FilterData; /// Contact filtering data.
- constructor Create;
- end;
- /// A shape is used for collision detection. Shapes are created in b2World.
- /// You can use shape for collision detection before they are attached to the world.
- /// @warning you cannot reuse shapes.
- Tb2Shape = class
- private
- destructor Destroy2;
- protected
- procedure CreateProxy(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; const xf: Tb2XForm);
- procedure DestroyProxy(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase);
- function Synchronize(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Boolean;
- procedure RefilterProxy(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; const xf: Tb2XForm);
- procedure UpdateSweepRadius(const center: TVector2); virtual; abstract;
- public
- m_type: Tb2ShapeType;
- m_next: Tb2Shape;
- m_body: Tb2Body;
- // Sweep radius relative to the parent body's center of mass.
- m_sweepRadius: Float;
- m_density: Float;
- m_friction: Float;
- m_restitution: Float;
- m_proxyId: UInt16;
- m_filter: Tb2FilterData;
- m_isSensor: Boolean;
- m_userData: Pointer;
- constructor Create(def: Tb2ShapeDef);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- /// Test a point for containment in this shape. This only works for convex shapes.
- /// @param xf the shape world transform.
- /// @param p a point in world coordinates.
- function TestPoint(const xf: Tb2XForm; const p: TVector2): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- /// Perform a ray cast against this shape.
- /// @param xf the shape world transform.
- /// @param lambda returns the hit fraction. You can use this to compute
- /// the contact point p = (1 - lambda) * segment.p1 + lambda * segment.p2.
- /// @param normal returns the normal at the contact point. If there is no
- /// intersection, the normal is not set.
- /// @param segment defines the begin and end point of the ray cast.
- /// @param maxLambda a number typically in the range [0,1].
- /// @return True if there was an intersection.
- function TestSegment(const xf: Tb2XForm; var lambda: Float; var normal: TVector2;
- const segment: Tb2Segment; maxLambda: Float): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- /// Given a transform, compute the associated axis aligned bounding box for this shape.
- /// @param aabb returns the axis aligned box.
- /// @param xf the world transform of the shape.
- procedure ComputeAABB(var aabb: Tb2AABB; const xf: Tb2XForm); virtual; abstract;
- /// Given two transforms, compute the associated swept axis aligned bounding box for this shape.
- /// @param aabb returns the axis aligned box.
- /// @param xf1 the starting shape world transform.
- /// @param xf2 the ending shape world transform.
- procedure ComputeSweptAABB(var aabb: Tb2AABB; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm); virtual; abstract;
- /// Compute the mass properties of this shape using its dimensions and density.
- /// The inertia tensor is computed about the local origin, not the centroid.
- /// @param massData returns the mass data for this shape.
- procedure ComputeMass(var massData: Tb2MassData); virtual; abstract;
- property GetType: Tb2ShapeType read m_type;
- property GetBody: Tb2Body read m_body;
- property GetFriction: Float read m_friction;
- property GetRestitution: Float read m_restitution;
- property GetSweepRadius: Float read m_sweepRadius;
- property IsSensor: Boolean read m_isSensor write m_isSensor;
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Joints
- Tb2JointType = (e_unknownJoint, e_revoluteJoint, e_prismaticJoint,
- e_distanceJoint, e_pulleyJoint, e_mouseJoint, e_gearJoint, e_fixedJoint);
- Tb2LimitState = (e_inactiveLimit, e_atLowerLimit, e_atUpperLimit, e_equalLimits);
- Tb2Jacobian = record
- linear1, linear2: TVector2;
- angular1, angular2: Float;
- procedure SetZero;
- procedure SetValue(const x1, x2: TVector2; a1, a2: Float);
- function Compute(const x1, x2: TVector2; a1, a2: Float): Float; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- /// A joint edge is used to connect bodies and joints together
- /// in a joint graph where each body is a node and each joint
- /// is an edge. A joint edge belongs to a doubly linked list
- /// maintained in each attached body. Each joint has two joint
- /// nodes, one for each attached body.
- Pb2JointEdge = ^Tb2JointEdge;
- Tb2JointEdge = record
- other: Tb2Body; ///< provides quick access to the other body attached.
- joint: Tb2Joint; ///< the joint
- prev, next: Pb2JointEdge;
- end;
- /// Joint definitions are used to construct joints.
- Tb2JointDef = class
- public
- JointType: Tb2JointType; /// The joint type is set automatically for concrete joint types.
- userData: Pointer; /// Use this to attach application specific data to your joints.
- body1, body2: Tb2Body ; /// The attached bodies.
- collideConnected: Boolean; /// Set this flag to True if the attached bodies should collide.
- constructor Create;
- end;
- /// The base joint class. Joints are used to constraint two bodies together in
- /// various fashions. Some joints also feature limits and motors.
- Tb2Joint = class
- protected
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); virtual; abstract;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); virtual; abstract;
- // This returns True if the position errors are within tolerance.
- procedure InitPositionConstraints; virtual;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- public
- m_type: Tb2JointType;
- m_prev, m_next: Tb2Joint;
- m_node1, m_node2: Tb2JointEdge;
- m_body1, m_body2: Tb2Body;
- m_inv_dt: Float;
- m_islandFlag, m_collideConnected: Boolean;
- m_userData: Pointer;
- constructor Create(def: Tb2JointDef);
- /// Get the anchor point on body1 in world coordinates.
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; virtual; abstract;
- /// Get the anchor point on body2 in world coordinates.
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; virtual; abstract;
- /// Get the reaction force on body2 at the joint anchor.
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; virtual; abstract;
- /// Get the reaction torque on body2.
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; virtual; abstract;
- property GetType: Tb2JointType read m_type;
- property GetBody1: Tb2Body read m_body1;
- property GetBody2: Tb2Body read m_body2;
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Body
- /// A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a rigid body.
- /// You can safely re-use body definitions.
- Tb2BodyDef = class
- public
- /// You can use this to initialized the mass properties of the body.
- /// If you prefer, you can set the mass properties after the shapes
- /// have been added using b2Body::SetMassFromShapes.
- massData: Tb2MassData;
- userData: Pointer; /// Use this to store application specific body data.
- /// The world position of the body. Avoid creating bodies at the origin
- /// since this can lead to many overlapping shapes.
- position: TVector2;
- angle: Float; // The world angle of the body in radians.
- /// Linear damping is use to reduce the linear velocity. The damping parameter
- /// can be larger than 1.0f but the damping effect becomes sensitive to the
- /// time step when the damping parameter is large.
- linearDamping: Float;
- /// Angular damping is use to reduce the angular velocity. The damping parameter
- /// can be larger than 1.0f but the damping effect becomes sensitive to the
- /// time step when the damping parameter is large.
- angularDamping: Float;
- /// Set this flag to false if this body should never fall asleep. Note that
- /// this increases CPU usage.
- allowSleep: Boolean;
- isSleeping: Boolean; /// Is this body initially sleeping?
- fixedRotation: Boolean; /// Should this body be prevented from rotating? Useful for characters.
- /// Is this a fast moving body that should be prevented from tunneling through
- /// other moving bodies? Note that all bodies are prevented from tunneling through
- /// static bodies.
- /// @warning You should use this flag sparingly since it increases processing time.
- isBullet: Boolean;
- constructor Create;
- end;
- /// A rigid body.
- Tb2BodyType = (e_staticType, e_dynamicType, e_maxTypes);
- Tb2Body = class
- private
- destructor Destroy2; // Only free heap
- function SynchronizeShapes: Boolean;
- procedure SynchronizeTransform;
- // This is used to prevent connected bodies from colliding.
- // It may lie, depending on the collideConnected flag.
- function IsConnected(other: Tb2Body): Boolean;
- procedure Advance(t: Float);
- public
- m_flags: UInt16;
- m_type: Tb2BodyType;
- m_xf: Tb2XForm; // the body origin transform
- m_sweep: Tb2Sweep; // the swept motion for CCD
- m_linearVelocity: TVector2;
- m_angularVelocity: Float;
- m_force: TVector2;
- m_torque: Float;
- m_world: Tb2World;
- m_prev, m_next: Tb2Body;
- m_shapeList: Tb2Shape;
- m_shapeCount: Int32;
- m_jointList: Pb2JointEdge;
- m_contactList: Pb2ContactEdge;
- m_mass, m_invMass: Float;
- m_I, m_invI: Float;
- m_linearDamping: Float;
- m_angularDamping: Float;
- m_sleepTime: Float;
- m_userData: Pointer;
- constructor Create(bd: Tb2BodyDef; world: Tb2World);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- /// Creates a shape and attach it to this body.
- /// @param shapeDef the shape definition.
- /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
- function CreateShape(shapeDef: Tb2ShapeDef; AutoFreeShapeDef: Boolean = True): Tb2Shape;
- /// Destroy a shape. This removes the shape from the broad-phase and
- /// therefore destroys any contacts associated with this shape. All shapes
- /// attached to a body are implicitly destroyed when the body is destroyed.
- /// @param shape the shape to be removed.
- /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
- procedure DestroyShape(s: Tb2Shape; DoFree: Boolean = True);
- /// Set the mass properties. Note that this changes the center of mass position.
- /// If you are not sure how to compute mass properties, use SetMassFromShapes.
- /// The inertia tensor is assumed to be relative to the center of mass.
- /// @param massData the mass properties.
- procedure SetMass(const massData: Tb2MassData);
- /// Compute the mass properties from the attached shapes. You typically call this
- /// after adding all the shapes. If you add or remove shapes later, you may want
- /// to call this again. Note that this changes the center of mass position.
- procedure SetMassFromShapes;
- /// Set the position of the body's origin and rotation (radians).
- /// This breaks any contacts and wakes the other bodies.
- /// @param position the new world position of the body's origin (not necessarily
- /// the center of mass).
- /// @param angle the new world rotation angle of the body in radians.
- /// @return false if the movement put a shape outside the world. In this case the
- /// body is automatically frozen.
- function SetXForm(const position: TVector2; angle: Float): Boolean;
- /// Set the linear velocity of the center of mass.
- /// @param v the new linear velocity of the center of mass.
- procedure SetLinearVelocity(const v: TVector2); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Set the angular velocity.
- /// @param omega the new angular velocity in radians/second.
- procedure SetAngularVelocity(omega: Float); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Apply a force at a world point. If the force is not
- /// applied at the center of mass, it will generate a torque and
- /// affect the angular velocity. This wakes up the body.
- /// @param force the world force vector, usually in Newtons (N).
- /// @param point the world position of the point of application.
- procedure ApplyForce(const force, point: TVector2);
- /// Apply a torque. This affects the angular velocity
- /// without affecting the linear velocity of the center of mass.
- /// This wakes up the body.
- /// @param torque about the z-axis (out of the screen), usually in N-m.
- procedure ApplyTorque(torque: Float);
- /// Apply an impulse at a point. This immediately modifies the velocity.
- /// It also modifies the angular velocity if the point of application
- /// is not at the center of mass. This wakes up the body.
- /// @param impulse the world impulse vector, usually in N-seconds or kg-m/s.
- /// @param point the world position of the point of application.
- procedure ApplyImpulse(const impulse, point: TVector2);
- /// Get the world coordinates of a point given the local coordinates.
- /// @param localPoint a point on the body measured relative the the body's origin.
- /// @return the same point expressed in world coordinates.
- function GetWorldPoint(const localPoint: TVector2): TVector2; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Get the world coordinates of a vector given the local coordinates.
- /// @param localVector a vector fixed in the body.
- /// @return the same vector expressed in world coordinates.
- function GetWorldVector(const localVector: TVector2): TVector2; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Gets a local point relative to the body's origin given a world point.
- /// @param a point in world coordinates.
- /// @return the corresponding local point relative to the body's origin.
- function GetLocalPoint(const worldPoint: TVector2): TVector2; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Gets a local vector given a world vector.
- /// @param a vector in world coordinates.
- /// @return the corresponding local vector.
- function GetLocalVector(const worldVector: TVector2): TVector2; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Get the world linear velocity of a world point attached to this body.
- /// @param a point in world coordinates.
- /// @return the world velocity of a point.
- function GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(const worldPoint: TVector2): TVector2; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Get the world velocity of a local point.
- /// @param a point in local coordinates.
- /// @return the world velocity of a point.
- function GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(const localPoint: TVector2): TVector2; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Is this body treated like a bullet for continuous collision detection?
- function IsBullet: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Should this body be treated like a bullet for continuous collision detection?
- procedure SetBullet(flag: Boolean);
- /// Is this body static (immovable)?
- function IsStatic: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Is this body dynamic (movable)?
- function IsDynamic: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Is this body frozen?
- function IsFrozen: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// Is this body sleeping (not simulating).
- function IsSleeping: Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- /// You can disable sleeping on this body.
- procedure AllowSleeping(flag: Boolean);
- /// Wake up this body so it will begin simulating.
- procedure WakeUp;
- /// Put this body to sleep so it will stop simulating.
- /// This also sets the velocity to zero.
- procedure PutToSleep;
- ////////////////////////////////////
- property GetAngle: Float read m_sweep.a;
- property GetPosition: TVector2 read m_xf.position;
- property GetWorldCenter: TVector2 read m_sweep.c;
- property GetLocalCenter: TVector2 read m_sweep.localCenter;
- property GetLinearVelocity: TVector2 read m_linearVelocity;
- property GetAngularVelocity: Float read m_angularVelocity;
- property GetMass: Float read m_mass;
- property GetInertia: Float read m_I;
- property GetShapeList: Tb2Shape read m_shapeList;
- property GetJointList: Pb2JointEdge read m_jointList;
- property GetNext: Tb2Body read m_next;
- property UserData: Pointer read m_userData write m_userData;
- property GetWorld: Tb2World read m_world;
- end;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Specific implementations
- Tb2CircleDef = class(Tb2ShapeDef)
- public
- localPosition: TVector2;
- radius: Float;
- constructor Create;
- end;
- Tb2CircleShape = class(Tb2Shape)
- public
- m_radius: Float;
- m_localPosition: TVector2; // Local position in parent body
- constructor Create(def: Tb2ShapeDef);
- procedure UpdateSweepRadius(const center: TVector2); override;
- function TestPoint(const transform: Tb2XForm; const p: TVector2): Boolean; override;
- function TestSegment(const xf: Tb2XForm; var lambda: Float; var normal: TVector2;
- const segment: Tb2Segment; maxLambda: Float): Boolean; override;
- procedure ComputeAABB(var aabb: Tb2AABB; const xf: Tb2XForm); override;
- procedure ComputeSweptAABB(var aabb: Tb2AABB; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm); override;
- procedure ComputeMass(var massData: Tb2MassData); override;
- /// Get the radius of this circle.
- property GetRadius: Float read m_radius;
- end;
- /// Convex polygon. The vertices must be in CCW order for a right-handed
- /// coordinate system with the z-axis coming out of the screen.
- Tb2PolygonDef = class(Tb2ShapeDef)
- public
- /// The polygon vertices in local coordinates.
- vertices: Tb2PolyVertices;
- vertexCount: Int32;
- constructor Create;
- /// Build vertices to represent an axis-aligned box.
- /// @param hx the half-width.
- /// @param hy the half-height.
- procedure SetAsBox(hx, hy: Float); overload;
- /// Build vertices to represent an oriented box.
- /// @param hx the half-width.
- /// @param hy the half-height.
- /// @param center the center of the box in local coordinates.
- /// @param angle the rotation of the box in local coordinates.
- procedure SetAsBox(hx, hy: Float; const center: TVector2; angle: Float); overload;
- end;
- /// A convex polygon.
- Tb2PolygonShape = class(Tb2Shape)
- private
- pm_vertices, pm_normals, pm_coreVertices: PVector2;
- public
- m_centroid: TVector2; // Local position of the polygon centroid.
- m_obb: Tb2OBB; // The oriented bounding box relative to the parent body.
- m_vertices: Tb2PolyVertices;
- m_normals: Tb2PolyVertices;
- m_coreVertices: Tb2PolyVertices;
- m_vertexCount: Int32;
- constructor Create(const def: Tb2ShapeDef);
- procedure UpdateSweepRadius(const center: TVector2); override;
- function TestPoint(const transform: Tb2XForm; const p: TVector2): Boolean; override;
- function TestSegment(const xf: Tb2XForm; var lambda: Float; var normal: TVector2;
- const segment: Tb2Segment; maxLambda: Float): Boolean; override;
- procedure ComputeAABB(var aabb: Tb2AABB; const xf: Tb2XForm); override;
- procedure ComputeSweptAABB(var aabb: Tb2AABB; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm); override;
- procedure ComputeMass(var massData: Tb2MassData); override;
- /// Get the first vertex and apply the supplied transform.
- function GetFirstVertex(const xf: Tb2XForm): TVector2;
- /// Get the centroid and apply the supplied transform.
- function Centroid(const xf: Tb2XForm): TVector2;
- /// Get the support point in the given world direction.
- /// Use the supplied transform.
- function Support(const xf: Tb2XForm; const d: TVector2): TVector2;
- property GetVertices: PVector2 read pm_vertices;
- /// Get the core vertices in local coordinates. These vertices
- /// represent a smaller polygon that is used for time of impact computations.
- property GetCoreVertices: PVector2 read pm_coreVertices;
- /// Get the edge normal vectors. There is one for each vertex.
- property GetNormals: PVector2 read pm_normals;
- property GetVertexCount: Integer read m_vertexCount;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Tb2CircleContact = class(Tb2Contact)
- public
- m_manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- constructor Create(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape); override;
- procedure Evaluate(listener: Tb2ContactListener); override;
- function GetManifolds: Pb2Manifold; override;
- end;
- Tb2PolyAndCircleContact = class(Tb2Contact)
- public
- m_manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- constructor Create(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape); override;
- procedure Evaluate(listener: Tb2ContactListener); override;
- function GetManifolds: Pb2Manifold; override;
- end;
- Tb2PolygonContact = class(Tb2Contact)
- public
- m_manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- constructor Create(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape); override;
- procedure Evaluate(listener: Tb2ContactListener); override;
- function GetManifolds: Pb2Manifold; override;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Distance joint definition. This requires defining an
- /// anchor point on both bodies and the non-zero length of the
- /// distance joint. The definition uses local anchor points
- /// so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint
- /// slightly. This helps when saving and loading a game.
- /// @warning Do not use a zero or short length.
- Tb2DistanceJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- localAnchor1: TVector2; /// The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.
- localAnchor2: TVector2; /// The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.
- length : Float; /// The equilibrium length between the anchor points.
- frequencyHz: Float; /// The response speed.
- dampingRatio: Float; /// The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping.
- constructor Create;
- procedure Initialize(body1, body2: Tb2Body; const anchor1, anchor2: TVector2);
- end;
- /// A distance joint constrains two points on two bodies
- /// to remain at a fixed distance from each other. You can view
- /// this as a massless, rigid rod.
- Tb2DistanceJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- public
- m_localAnchor1, m_localAnchor2, m_u: TVector2;
- m_frequencyHz, m_dampingRatio: Float;
- m_gamma, m_bias, m_impulse,
- m_mass, // effective mass for the constraint.
- m_length: Float;
- constructor Create(def: Tb2DistanceJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- end;
- /// Prismatic joint definition. This requires defining a line of
- /// motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local
- /// anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration
- /// can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero
- /// when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local
- /// anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game.
- Tb2PrismaticJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- localAnchor1: TVector2;
- localAnchor2: TVector2;
- localAxis1: TVector2; /// The local translation axis in body1.
- referenceAngle: Float; /// The constrained angle between the bodies: body2_angle - body1_angle.
- enableLimit: Boolean; /// Enable/disable the joint limit.
- lowerTranslation: Float; /// The lower translation limit, usually in meters.
- upperTranslation: Float; /// The upper translation limit, usually in meters.
- enableMotor: Boolean; /// Enable/disable the joint motor.
- maxMotorForce: Float; /// The maximum motor torque, usually in N-m.
- motorSpeed: Float; /// The desired motor speed in radians per second.
- constructor Create;
- procedure Initialize(body1, body2: Tb2Body; const anchor, axis: TVector2); // world anchor and world axis
- end;
- /// A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation
- /// along an axis fixed in body1. Relative rotation is prevented. You can
- /// use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to
- /// drive the motion or to model joint friction.
- Tb2PrismaticJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- public
- m_localAnchor1, m_localAnchor2, m_localXAxis1, m_localYAxis1: TVector2;
- m_refAngle: Float;
- m_linearJacobian: Tb2Jacobian;
- m_linearMass: Float; // effective mass for point-to-line constraint.
- m_force: Float;
- m_angularMass: Float; // effective mass for angular constraint.
- m_torque: Float;
- m_motorJacobian: Tb2Jacobian;
- m_motorMass, // effective mass for motor/limit translational constraint.
- m_motorForce,
- m_limitForce,
- m_limitPositionImpulse: Float;
- m_lowerTranslation, m_upperTranslation: Float;
- m_maxMotorForce, m_motorSpeed: Float;
- m_enableLimit: Boolean;
- m_enableMotor: Boolean;
- m_limitState: Tb2LimitState;
- constructor Create(def: Tb2PrismaticJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- /// Get the current joint translation, usually in meters.
- function GetJointTranslation: Float;
- /// Get the current joint translation speed, usually in meters per second.
- function GetJointSpeed: Float;
- /// Set the joint limits, usually in meters.
- procedure SetLimits(lower, upper: Float);
- property GetMotorSpeed: Float read m_motorSpeed; // usually in meters per second.
- property GetMotorForce: Float read m_motorForce; // usually in N.
- property LimitEnabled: Boolean read m_enableLimit write m_enableLimit;
- property GetLowerLimit: Float read m_lowerTranslation;
- property GetUpperLimit: Float read m_upperTranslation;
- property MotorEnabled: Boolean read m_enableMotor write m_enableMotor;
- property MotorSpeed: Float read m_motorSpeed write m_motorSpeed;
- property MaxMotorForce: Float read m_maxMotorForce write m_maxMotorForce;
- end;
- /// Mouse joint definition. This requires a world target point, tuning parameters, and the time step.
- Tb2MouseJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- /// The initial world target point. This is assumed to coincide with the body anchor initially.
- target: TVector2;
- /// The maximum constraint force that can be exerted
- /// to move the candidate body. Usually you will express
- /// as some multiple of the weight (multiplier * mass * gravity).
- maxForce: Float;
- frequencyHz: Float; /// The response speed.
- dampingRatio: Float; /// The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping.
- timeStep: Float; /// The time step used in the simulation.
- constructor Create;
- end;
- /// A mouse joint is used to make a point on a body track a
- /// specified world point. This a soft constraint with a maximum
- /// force. This allows the constraint to stretch and without
- /// applying huge forces.
- Tb2MouseJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- public
- m_localAnchor, m_target, m_impulse: TVector2;
- m_mass: TMatrix22; // effective mass for point-to-point constraint.
- m_C: TVector2; // position error
- m_maxForce: Float;
- m_beta: Float; // bias factor
- m_gamma: Float; // softness
- constructor Create(def: Tb2MouseJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- procedure SetTarget(const target: TVector2); /// Use this to update the target point.
- end;
- /// Pulley joint definition. This requires two ground anchors,
- /// two dynamic body anchor points, max lengths for each side,
- /// and a pulley ratio.
- Tb2PulleyJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- groundAnchor1: TVector2; /// The first ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves.
- groundAnchor2: TVector2; /// The second ground anchor in world coordinates. This point never moves.
- localAnchor1: TVector2; /// The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.
- localAnchor2: TVector2; /// The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.
- length1: Float; /// The a reference length for the segment attached to body1.
- maxLength1: Float; /// The maximum length of the segment attached to body1.
- length2: Float; /// The a reference length for the segment attached to body2.
- maxLength2: Float; /// The maximum length of the segment attached to body2.
- ratio: Float; /// The pulley ratio, used to simulate a block-and-tackle.
- constructor Create;
- /// Initialize the bodies, anchors, lengths, max lengths, and ratio using the world anchors.
- procedure Initialize(body1, body2: Tb2Body; const groundAnchor1, groundAnchor2,
- anchor1, anchor2: TVector2; ratio: Float);
- end;
- /// The pulley joint is connected to two bodies and two fixed ground points.
- /// The pulley supports a ratio such that:
- /// length1 + ratio * length2 <= constant
- /// Yes, the force transmitted is scaled by the ratio.
- /// The pulley also enforces a maximum length limit on both sides. This is
- /// useful to prevent one side of the pulley hitting the top.
- Tb2PulleyJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- public
- m_ground: Tb2Body;
- m_groundAnchor1, m_groundAnchor2, m_localAnchor1, m_localAnchor2: TVector2;
- m_u1, m_u2: TVector2;
- m_constant, m_ratio: Float;
- m_maxLength1, m_maxLength2: Float;
- m_pulleyMass, m_limitMass1, m_limitMass2: Float; // Effective masses
- m_force, m_limitForce1, m_limitForce2: Float; // Impulses for accumulation/warm starting.
- // Position impulses for accumulation.
- m_positionImpulse, m_limitPositionImpulse1, m_limitPositionImpulse2: Float;
- m_state, m_limitState1, m_limitState2: Tb2LimitState;
- constructor Create(def: Tb2PulleyJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- function GetLength1: Float;
- function GetLength2: Float;
- function GetGroundAnchor1: TVector2;
- function GetGroundAnchor2: TVector2;
- property GetRatio: Float read m_ratio;
- end;
- /// Revolute joint definition. This requires defining an
- /// anchor point where the bodies are joined. The definition
- /// uses local anchor points so that the initial configuration
- /// can violate the constraint slightly. You also need to
- /// specify the initial relative angle for joint limits. This
- /// helps when saving and loading a game.
- /// The local anchor points are measured from the body's origin
- /// rather than the center of mass because:
- /// 1. you might not know where the center of mass will be.
- /// 2. if you add/remove shapes from a body and recompute the mass,
- /// the joints will be broken.
- Tb2RevoluteJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- localAnchor1: TVector2; /// The local anchor point relative to body1's origin.
- localAnchor2: TVector2; /// The local anchor point relative to body2's origin.
- referenceAngle: Float; /// The body2 angle minus body1 angle in the reference state (radians).
- enableLimit: Boolean; /// A flag to enable joint limits.
- lowerAngle, upperAngle: Float; /// The lower(upper) angle for the joint limit (radians).
- enableMotor: Boolean; /// A flag to enable the joint motor.
- motorSpeed: Float; /// The desired motor speed. Usually in radians per second.
- maxMotorTorque: Float; /// The maximum motor torque used to achieve the desired motor speed. Usually in N-m.
- constructor Create;
- /// Initialize the bodies, anchors, and reference angle using the world anchor.
- procedure Initialize( body1, body2: Tb2Body; const anchor: TVector2);
- end;
- /// A revolute joint constrains to bodies to share a common point while they
- /// are free to rotate about the point. The relative rotation about the shared
- /// point is the joint angle. You can limit the relative rotation with
- /// a joint limit that specifies a lower and upper angle. You can use a motor
- /// to drive the relative rotation about the shared point. A maximum motor torque
- /// is provided so that infinite forces are not generated.
- Tb2RevoluteJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- public
- m_localAnchor1, m_localAnchor2: TVector2; // relative
- m_pivotForce: TVector2;
- m_motorForce, m_limitForce, m_limitPositionImpulse: Float;
- m_pivotMass: TMatrix22; // effective mass for point-to-point constraint.
- m_motorMass: Float; // effective mass for motor/limit angular constraint.
- m_enableMotor: Boolean;
- m_maxMotorTorque, m_motorSpeed: Float;
- m_enableLimit: Boolean;
- m_referenceAngle, m_lowerAngle, m_upperAngle: Float;
- m_limitState: Tb2LimitState;
- constructor Create(def: Tb2RevoluteJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- function GetJointAngle: Float;
- function GetJointSpeed: Float; /// Get the current joint angle speed in radians per second.
- property LimitEnabled: Boolean read m_enableLimit write m_enableLimit;
- property LowerLimit: Float read m_lowerAngle write m_lowerAngle;
- property UpperLimit: Float read m_upperAngle write m_upperAngle;
- property MotorEnabled: Boolean read m_enableMotor write m_enableMotor;
- property MotorSpeed: Float read m_motorSpeed write m_motorSpeed; /// Get the motor speed in radians per second.
- property MaxMotorTorque: Float read m_maxMotorTorque write m_maxMotorTorque;
- property MotorTorque: Float read m_motorForce write m_motorForce;
- end;
- /// Gear joint definition. This definition requires two existing
- /// revolute or prismatic joints (any combination will work).
- /// The provided joints must attach a dynamic body to a static body.
- Tb2GearJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- joint1: Tb2Joint; /// The first revolute/prismatic joint attached to the gear joint.
- joint2: Tb2Joint; /// The second revolute/prismatic joint attached to the gear joint.
- ratio: Float; /// The gear ratio.
- constructor Create;
- end;
- /// A gear joint is used to connect two joints together. Either joint
- /// can be a revolute or prismatic joint. You specify a gear ratio
- /// to bind the motions together:
- /// coordinate1 + ratio * coordinate2 = constant
- /// The ratio can be negative or positive. If one joint is a revolute joint
- /// and the other joint is a prismatic joint, then the ratio will have units
- /// of length or units of 1/length.
- /// @warning The revolute and prismatic joints must be attached to
- /// fixed bodies (which must be body1 on those joints).
- Tb2GearJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- public
- m_ground1, m_ground2: Tb2Body;
- // One of these is nil.
- m_revolute1: Tb2RevoluteJoint;
- m_prismatic1: Tb2PrismaticJoint;
- // One of these is nil.
- m_revolute2: Tb2RevoluteJoint;
- m_prismatic2: Tb2PrismaticJoint;
- m_groundAnchor1, m_groundAnchor2 :TVector2;
- m_localAnchor1, m_localAnchor2: TVector2;
- m_J: Tb2Jacobian;
- m_constant, m_ratio: Float;
- m_mass: Float; // Effective mass
- m_force: Float; // Impulse for accumulation/warm starting.
- constructor Create(def: Tb2GearJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- property GetRatio: Float read m_ratio;
- end;
- /// FixedJoint: Attaches two bodies rigidly together
- Tb2FixedJointDef = class(Tb2JointDef)
- public
- constructor Create;
- procedure Initialize(body1, body2: Tb2Body); /// Initialize the bodies.
- end;
- /// A fixed joint constrains all degrees of freedom between two bodies
- /// Author: Jorrit Rouwe
- /// See: www.jrouwe.nl/fixedjoint/ for more info
- Tb2FixedJoint = class(Tb2Joint)
- private
- procedure CalculateMC; // Get effective constraint mass
- public
- // Configured state for bodies
- m_dp: TVector2; //< Distance between body->GetXForm().position between the two bodies at rest in the reference frame of body1
- m_a: Float; //< Angle between the bodies at rest
- m_R0: TMatrix22; //< Rotation matrix of m_a
- // State for solving
- m_inv_dt: Float; //< Stored 1/dt
- m_d: TVector2; //< Distance between center of masses for this time step (when the shapes of the bodies change, their local centers can change so we derive this from m_dp every frame)
- m_a1: Float; //< Stored angle of body 1 (a1) to determine if it changed
- m_c, m_s: Float; //< cos(a1) and sin(a1)
- m_Ax, m_Ay: Float; //< A = d/dt (R(a1) d)
- m_mc: array[0..2, 0..2] of Float; //< Effective constraint mass
- // State after solving
- m_lambda: array[0..2] of Float; //< Accumulated lambdas for warm starting and returning constraint force
- constructor Create(def: Tb2FixedJointDef);
- function GetAnchor1: TVector2; override;
- function GetAnchor2: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionForce: TVector2; override;
- function GetReactionTorque: Float; override;
- procedure InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- procedure SolveVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep); override;
- function SolvePositionConstraints: Boolean; override;
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////
- procedure b2CollideCircles(var manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- circle1, circle2: Tb2CircleShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm);
- procedure b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(var manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- polygon: Tb2PolygonShape; circle: Tb2CircleShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm);
- procedure b2CollidePolygons(var manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- polyA, polyB: Tb2PolygonShape; xfA, xfB: Tb2XForm);
- function b2TimeOfImpact(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape; const sweep1, sweep2: Tb2Sweep): Float;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; circle1, circle2: Tb2CircleShape;
- const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; poly: Tb2PolygonShape;
- circle: Tb2CircleShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; circle: Tb2CircleShape;
- poly: Tb2PolygonShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; poly1, poly2: Tb2PolygonShape;
- const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape;
- const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- /////////////////// Color functions //////
- function MakeColor(r, g, b: Single; a: Single = 1.0): RGBA;
- var
- g_GJK_Iterations: Int32;
- implementation
- var
- b2_defaultFilter: Tb2ContactFilter;
- b2BroadPhase_s_validate: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- // Tb2Pair.status
- e_pairBuffered = 1;
- e_pairRemoved = 2;
- e_pairFinal = 4;
- // Tb2Contact.m_flags
- e_nonSolidFlag = 1;
- e_slowFlag = 2;
- e_contact_islandFlag = 4;
- e_toiFlag = 8;
- // Tb2Body.m_flags
- e_frozenFlag = $0002;
- e_body_islandFlag = $0004;
- e_sleepFlag = $0008;
- e_allowSleepFlag = $0010;
- e_bulletFlag = $0020;
- e_fixedRotationFlag = $0040;
- function MakeColor(r, g, b: Single; a: Single = 1.0): RGBA;
- begin
- Result[0] := r;
- Result[1] := g;
- Result[2] := b;
- Result[3] := a;
- end;
- //////////// Implements <b2Contact.cpp> InitializeRegisters and AddType
- type
- TContactCreateRecord = record
- ClassType: Tb2ContactClass;
- Primary: Boolean;
- end;
- const
- ContactCreateRecords: array[e_circleShape..e_polygonShape,
- e_circleShape..e_polygonShape] of TContactCreateRecord = (
- ((ClassType: Tb2CircleContact; Primary: True),
- (ClassType: Tb2PolyAndCircleContact; Primary: False)),
- ((ClassType: Tb2PolyAndCircleContact; Primary: True),
- (ClassType: Tb2PolygonContact; Primary: True)));
- // Record methods
- function TestSegment(const Self: Tb2Segment; var lambda: Float;
- var normal: TVector2; const segment: Tb2Segment; maxLambda: Float): Boolean;
- const
- k_slop = 100.0 * FLT_EPSILON;
- var
- s, r, d, n, b: TVector2;
- denom, a, mu2: Float;
- begin
- with Self do
- begin
- s := segment.p1;
- r := Subtract(segment.p2, s);
- d := Subtract(p2, p1);
- n := b2Cross(d, 1.0);
- denom := -b2Dot(r, n);
- // Cull back facing collision and ignore parallel segments.
- if denom > k_slop then
- begin
- // Does the segment intersect the infinite line associated with this segment?
- b := Subtract(s, p1);
- a := b2Dot(b, n);
- if (0.0 <= a) and (a <= maxLambda * denom) then
- begin
- mu2 := r.y * b.x - r.x * b.y;
- // Does the segment intersect this segment?
- if (-k_slop * denom <= mu2) and (mu2 <= denom * (1.0 + k_slop)) then
- begin
- Normalize(n);
- lambda := a / denom;
- normal := n;
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- function IsValid(const AABB: Tb2AABB): Boolean; overload;
- var
- d: TVector2;
- begin
- with AABB do
- begin
- d := Subtract(upperBound, lowerBound);
- Result := (d.x >= 0.0) and (d.y >= 0.0) and
- UPhysics2DTypes.IsValid(upperBound) and UPhysics2DTypes.IsValid(lowerBound);
- end;
- end;
- function IsLower(const bound: Tb2Bound): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with bound do
- Result := (value and 1) = 0;
- end;
- function IsUpper(const bound: Tb2Bound): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with bound do
- Result := (value and 1) = 1;
- end;
- function GetNext(const proxy: Tb2Proxy): UInt16; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := proxy.lowerBounds[0];
- end;
- procedure SetNext(var proxy: Tb2Proxy; Next: UInt16); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- proxy.lowerBounds[0] := Next;
- end;
- function IsValid(const proxy: Tb2Proxy): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} overload;
- begin
- Result := proxy.overlapCount <> b2_invalid;
- end;
- procedure SetBuffered(var pair: Tb2Pair); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- status := status or e_pairBuffered;
- end;
- procedure ClearBuffered(var pair: Tb2Pair); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- status := status and (not e_pairBuffered);
- end;
- function IsBuffered(const pair: Tb2Pair): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- Result := (status and e_pairBuffered) = e_pairBuffered;
- end;
- procedure SetRemoved(var pair: Tb2Pair); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- status := status or e_pairRemoved;
- end;
- procedure ClearRemoved(var pair: Tb2Pair); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- status := status and (not e_pairRemoved);
- end;
- function IsRemoved(const pair: Tb2Pair): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- Result := (status and e_pairRemoved) = e_pairRemoved;
- end;
- procedure SetFinal(var pair: Tb2Pair); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- status := status or e_pairFinal;
- end;
- function IsFinal(const pair: Tb2Pair): Boolean; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with pair do
- Result := (status and e_pairFinal) = e_pairFinal;
- end;
- procedure SetZero(var jb: Tb2Jacobian); overload;
- begin
- with jb do
- begin
- SetZero(linear1);
- SetZero(linear2);
- angular1 := 0.0;
- angular2 := 0.0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure SetValue(var jb: Tb2Jacobian; const x1, x2: TVector2; a1, a2: Float); overload;
- begin
- with jb do
- begin
- linear1 := x1;
- linear2 := x2;
- angular1 := a1;
- angular2 := a2;
- end;
- end;
- function Compute(var jb: Tb2Jacobian; const x1, x2: TVector2; a1, a2: Float): Float; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- with jb do
- Result := b2Dot(linear1, x1) + angular1 * a1 + b2Dot(linear2, x2) + angular2 * a2;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure b2Swap(var a, b: Tb2Bound); {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF} overload;
- var
- tmp: Tb2Bound;
- begin
- tmp := a;
- a := b;
- b := tmp;
- end;
- { b2BroadPhase.cpp }
- function BroadPhase_BinarySearch(var bounds: Tb2AxialBoundsArray; count: Int32; value: UInt16): Int32;
- var
- low, high, mid: Int32;
- pbm: Pb2Bound;
- begin
- low := 0;
- high := count - 1;
- while (low <= high) do
- begin
- mid := (low + high) shr 1;
- pbm := @bounds[mid];
- if pbm^.value > value then
- high := mid - 1
- else if pbm^.value < value then
- low := mid + 1
- else
- begin
- Result := mid;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := low;
- end;
- { b2PolygonShape. cpp}
- function ComputeCentroid(const vs: Tb2PolyVertices; count: Int32): TVector2;
- const
- inv3 = 1 / 3;
- var
- i: Integer;
- pRef, p1, p2, p3, e1, e2: TVector2;
- area, triangleArea: Float;
- begin
- //b2Assert(count >= 3);
- area := 0.0;
- // pRef is the reference point for forming triangles.
- // It's location doesn't change the result (except for rounding error).
- SetZero(Result);
- SetZero(pRef);
- (* // This code would put the reference point inside the polygon.
- for (int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- pRef += vs[i];
- }
- pRef *= 1.0f / count; *)
- for i := 0 to count - 1 do
- begin
- // Triangle vertices.
- p1 := pRef;
- p2 := vs[i];
- if i + 1 < count then
- p3 := vs[i + 1]
- else
- p3 := vs[0];
- e1 := p2 - p1;
- e2 := p3 - p1;
- {$ELSE}
- e1 := Subtract(p2, p1);
- e2 := Subtract(p3, p1);
- {$ENDIF}
- triangleArea := 0.5 * b2Cross(e1, e2);
- area := area + triangleArea;
- // Area weighted centroid
- Result := Result + triangleArea * inv3 * (p1 + p2 + p3);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(p1, p2);
- AddBy(p1, p3);
- MultiplyBy(p1, triangleArea * inv3);
- AddBy(Result, p1);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // Centroid
- //b2Assert(area > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- Result := Result / area;
- {$ELSE}
- DivideBy(Result, area);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- // http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/MinimumAreaRectangle.pdf
- procedure ComputeOBB(var obb: Tb2OBB; const vs: Tb2PolyVertices; count: Int32);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- p: array[0..b2_maxPolygonVertices] of TVector2;
- minArea, length, area: Float;
- root, ux, uy, lower, upper, d, r, center: TVector2;
- begin
- //b2Assert(count <= b2_maxPolygonVertices);
- Move(vs, p, SizeOf(vs));
- p[count] := p[0];
- minArea := FLT_MAX;
- for i := 1 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- root := p[i - 1];
- ux := p[i] - root;
- length := ux.Normalize;
- //b2Assert(length > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- uy.SetValue(-ux.y, ux.x);
- lower.SetValue(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
- upper.SetValue(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
- {$ELSE}
- ux := Subtract(p[i], root);
- length := Normalize(ux);
- //b2Assert(length > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- SetValue(uy, -ux.y, ux.x);
- SetValue(lower, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
- SetValue(upper, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
- {$ENDIF}
- for j := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- d := p[j] - root;
- {$ELSE}
- d := Subtract(p[j], root);
- {$ENDIF}
- r.x := b2Dot(ux, d);
- r.y := b2Dot(uy, d);
- lower := b2Min(lower, r);
- upper := b2Max(upper, r);
- end;
- area := (upper.x - lower.x) * (upper.y - lower.y);
- if area < 0.95 * minArea then
- begin
- minArea := area;
- obb.R.col1 := ux;
- obb.R.col2 := uy;
- center := 0.5 * (lower + upper);
- obb.center := root + b2Mul(obb.R, center);
- obb.extents := 0.5 * (upper - lower);
- {$ELSE}
- center := Add(lower, upper);
- MultiplyBy(center, 0.5);
- obb.center := Add(root, b2Mul(obb.R, center));
- obb.extents := Subtract(upper, lower);
- MultiplyBy(obb.extents, 0.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- //b2Assert(minArea < B2_FLT_MAX);
- end;
- { b2Distance.cpp }
- // GJK using Voronoi regions (Christer Ericson) and region selection
- // optimizations (Casey Muratori).
- // The origin is either in the region of points[1] or in the edge region. The origin is
- // not in region of points[0] because that is the old point.
- type
- TCalcDistanceVectors = array[0..2] of TVector2;
- function Distance_ProcessTwo(var x1, x2: TVector2; var p1s, p2s,
- points: TCalcDistanceVectors): Int32;
- var
- r, d: TVector2;
- length, lambda: Float;
- begin
- r := -points[1];
- d := points[0] - points[1];
- length := d.Normalize;
- {$ELSE}
- r := Negative(points[1]);
- d := Subtract(points[0], points[1]);
- length := Normalize(d);
- {$ENDIF}
- lambda := b2Dot(r, d);
- if (lambda <= 0.0) or (length < FLT_EPSILON) then
- begin
- // The simplex is reduced to a point.
- x1 := p1s[1];
- x2 := p2s[1];
- p1s[0] := p1s[1];
- p2s[0] := p2s[1];
- points[0] := points[1];
- Result := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Else in edge region
- lambda := lambda / length;
- x1 := p1s[1] + lambda * (p1s[0] - p1s[1]);
- x2 := p2s[1] + lambda * (p2s[0] - p2s[1]);
- {$ELSE}
- x1 := Subtract(p1s[0], p1s[1]);
- MultiplyBy(x1, lambda);
- AddBy(x1, p1s[1]);
- x2 := Subtract(p2s[0], p2s[1]);
- MultiplyBy(x2, lambda);
- AddBy(x2, p2s[1]);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := 2;
- end;
- // Possible regions:
- // - points[2]
- // - edge points[0]-points[2]
- // - edge points[1]-points[2]
- // - inside the triangle
- function Distance_ProcessThree(var x1, x2: TVector2; var p1s, p2s,
- points: TCalcDistanceVectors): Int32;
- var
- a, b, c, ab, ac, bc: TVector2;
- tn, td, un, ud, n, vc, va, lambda, vb, denom: Float;
- begin
- a := points[0];
- b := points[1];
- c := points[2];
- ab := b - a;
- ac := c - a;
- bc := c - b;
- {$ELSE}
- ab := Subtract(b, a);
- ac := Subtract(c, a);
- bc := Subtract(c, b);
- {$ENDIF}
- //float32 sn := -b2Dot(a, ab), sd := b2Dot(b, ab);
- tn := -b2Dot(a, ac);
- td := b2Dot(c, ac);
- un := -b2Dot(b, bc);
- ud := b2Dot(c, bc);
- // In vertex c region?
- if (td <= 0.0) and (ud <= 0.0) then
- begin
- // Single point
- x1 := p1s[2];
- x2 := p2s[2];
- p1s[0] := p1s[2];
- p2s[0] := p2s[2];
- points[0] := points[2];
- Result := 1;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Should not be in vertex a or b region.
- //B2_NOT_USED(sd);
- //B2_NOT_USED(sn);
- //b2Assert(sn > 0.0 || tn > 0.0);
- //b2Assert(sd > 0.0 || un > 0.0);
- n := b2Cross(ab, ac);
- // Should not be in edge ab region.
- vc := n * b2Cross(a, b);
- //b2Assert(vc > 0.0 || sn > 0.0 || sd > 0.0);
- // In edge bc region?
- va := n * b2Cross(b, c);
- if (va <= 0.0) and (un >= 0.0) and (ud >= 0.0) and (un + ud > 0.0) then
- begin
- //b2Assert(un + ud > 0.0);
- lambda := un / (un + ud);
- x1 := p1s[1] + lambda * (p1s[2] - p1s[1]);
- x2 := p2s[1] + lambda * (p2s[2] - p2s[1]);
- {$ELSE}
- x1 := Subtract(p1s[2], p1s[1]);
- MultiplyBy(x1, lambda);
- AddBy(x1, p1s[1]);
- x2 := Subtract(p2s[2], p2s[1]);
- MultiplyBy(x2, lambda);
- AddBy(x2, p2s[1]);
- {$ENDIF}
- p1s[0] := p1s[2];
- p2s[0] := p2s[2];
- points[0] := points[2];
- Result := 2;
- Exit;
- end;
- // In edge ac region?
- vb := n * b2Cross(c, a);
- if (vb <= 0.0) and (tn >= 0.0) and (td >= 0.0) and (tn + td > 0.0) then
- begin
- //b2Assert(tn + td > 0.0);
- lambda := tn / (tn + td);
- x1 := p1s[0] + lambda * (p1s[2] - p1s[0]);
- x2 := p2s[0] + lambda * (p2s[2] - p2s[0]);
- {$ELSE}
- x1 := Subtract(p1s[2], p1s[0]);
- MultiplyBy(x1, lambda);
- AddBy(x1, p1s[0]);
- x2 := Subtract(p2s[2], p2s[0]);
- MultiplyBy(x2, lambda);
- AddBy(x2, p2s[0]);
- {$ENDIF}
- p1s[1] := p1s[2];
- p2s[1] := p2s[2];
- points[1] := points[2];
- Result := 2;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Inside the triangle, compute barycentric coordinates
- denom := va + vb + vc;
- //b2Assert(denom > 0.0);
- denom := 1.0 / denom;
- tn := va * denom;
- td := vb * denom;
- un := 1.0 - tn - td;
- x1 := tn * p1s[0] + td * p1s[1] + un * p1s[2];
- x2 := tn * p2s[0] + td * p2s[1] + un * p2s[2];
- {$ELSE}
- MultiplyBy(p1s[0], tn);
- MultiplyBy(p1s[1], td);
- MultiplyBy(p1s[2], un);
- x1 := Add(p1s[0], p1s[1], p1s[2]);
- MultiplyBy(p2s[0], tn);
- MultiplyBy(p2s[1], td);
- MultiplyBy(p2s[2], un);
- x2 := Add(p2s[0], p2s[1], p2s[2]);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := 3;
- end;
- function Distance_InPoints(const w: TVector2; var points: TCalcDistanceVectors;
- pointCount: Int32): Boolean;
- const
- k_tolerance = 100.0 * FLT_EPSILON;
- var
- i: Integer;
- d, m: TVector2;
- begin
- for i := 0 to pointCount - 1 do
- begin
- d := b2Abs(w - points[i]);
- {$ELSE}
- d := b2Abs(Subtract(w, points[i]));
- {$ENDIF}
- m := b2Max(b2Abs(w), b2Abs(points[i]));
- if (d.x < k_tolerance * (m.x + 1.0)) and (d.y < k_tolerance * (m.y + 1.0)) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- { b2TimeOfImpact.cpp }
- // This algorithm uses conservative advancement to compute the time of
- // impact (TOI) of two shapes.
- // Refs: Bullet, Young Kim
- function b2TimeOfImpact(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape; const sweep1, sweep2: Tb2Sweep): Float;
- var
- t0: Float;
- omega1, omega2, alpha: Float;
- v1, v2, p1, p2, normal: TVector2;
- k_maxIterations, iter: Int32;
- distance, targetDistance, t, approachVelocityBound, newAlpha: Float;
- xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm;
- begin
- //b2Assert(sweep1.t0 == sweep2.t0);
- //b2Assert(1.0 - sweep1.t0 > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- t0 := sweep1.t0;
- v1 := sweep1.c - sweep1.c0;
- v2 := sweep2.c - sweep2.c0;
- {$ELSE}
- v1 := Subtract(sweep1.c, sweep1.c0);
- v2 := Subtract(sweep2.c, sweep2.c0);
- {$ENDIF}
- omega1 := sweep1.a - sweep1.a0;
- omega2 := sweep2.a - sweep2.a0;
- alpha := 0.0;
- k_maxIterations := 20; // TODO_ERIN b2Settings
- iter := 0;
- normal := b2Vec2_zero;
- distance := 0.0;
- targetDistance := 0.0;
- while True do
- begin
- t := (1.0 - alpha) * t0 + alpha;
- sweep1.GetXForm(xf1, t);
- sweep2.GetXForm(xf2, t);
- {$ELSE}
- GetXForm(sweep1, xf1, t);
- GetXForm(sweep2, xf2, t);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Get the distance between shapes.
- distance := b2Distance(p1, p2, shape1, shape2, xf1, xf2);
- if iter = 0 then
- begin
- // Compute a reasonable target distance to give some breathing room
- // for conservative advancement.
- if distance > 2.0 * b2_toiSlop then
- targetDistance := 1.5 * b2_toiSlop
- else
- targetDistance := b2Max(0.05 * b2_toiSlop, distance - 0.5 * b2_toiSlop);
- end;
- if (distance - targetDistance < 0.05 * b2_toiSlop) or (iter = k_maxIterations) then
- Break;
- normal := p2 - p1;
- normal.Normalize;
- {$ELSE}
- normal := Subtract(p2, p1);
- Normalize(normal);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Compute upper bound on remaining movement.
- approachVelocityBound := b2Dot(normal, v1 - v2) + Abs(omega1) *
- shape1.GetSweepRadius + Abs(omega2) * shape2.GetSweepRadius;
- {$ELSE}
- approachVelocityBound := b2Dot(normal, Subtract(v1, v2)) + Abs(omega1) *
- shape1.GetSweepRadius + Abs(omega2) * shape2.GetSweepRadius;
- {$ENDIF}
- if Abs(approachVelocityBound) < FLT_EPSILON then
- begin
- alpha := 1.0;
- Break;
- end;
- // Get the conservative time increment. Don't advance all the way.
- newAlpha := alpha + (distance - targetDistance) / approachVelocityBound;
- // The shapes may be moving apart or a safe distance apart.
- if (newAlpha < 0.0) or (1.0 < newAlpha) then
- begin
- alpha := 1.0;
- Break;
- end;
- // Ensure significant advancement.
- if newAlpha < (1.0 + 100.0 * FLT_EPSILON) * alpha then
- Break;
- alpha := newAlpha;
- Inc(iter);
- end;
- Result := alpha;
- end;
- { b2Distance.cpp }
- // Circle to circle
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; circle1, circle2: Tb2CircleShape;
- const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- var
- p1, p2, d: TVector2;
- dsqr, r1, r2, r, dLen: Float;
- begin
- p1 := b2Mul(xf1, circle1.m_localPosition);
- p2 := b2Mul(xf2, circle2.m_localPosition);
- d := p2 - p1;
- {$ELSE}
- d := Subtract(p2, p1);
- {$ENDIF}
- dSqr := b2Dot(d, d);
- r1 := circle1.GetRadius - b2_toiSlop;
- r2 := circle2.GetRadius - b2_toiSlop;
- r := r1 + r2;
- if dSqr > r * r then
- begin
- dLen := d.Normalize;
- x1 := p1 + r1 * d;
- x2 := p2 - r2 * d;
- {$ELSE}
- dLen := Normalize(d);
- x1 := Multiply(d, r1);
- AddBy(x1, p1);
- x2 := Multiply(d, -r2);
- AddBy(x2, p2);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := dLen - r;
- Exit;
- end
- else if (dSqr > FLT_EPSILON * FLT_EPSILON) then
- begin
- d.Normalize;
- x1 := p1 + r1 * d;
- {$ELSE}
- Normalize(d);
- x1 := Multiply(d, r1);
- AddBy(x1, p1);
- {$ENDIF}
- x2 := x1;
- Result := 0.0;
- Exit;
- end;
- x1 := p1;
- x2 := x1;
- Result := 0.0;
- end;
- // Polygon to circle
- const
- maxIterations = 20;
- function Distance_Generic_Simulate(var x1, x2: TVector2;
- poly1: Tb2PolygonShape; poly2: Pointer; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm;
- poly2AsVector: Boolean): Float;
- var
- i, iter: Integer;
- p1s, p2s, points: TCalcDistanceVectors;
- pointCount: Int32;
- vSqr, vw, maxSqr: Float;
- v, w1, w2, w: TVector2;
- begin
- pointCount := 0;
- x1 := poly1.GetFirstVertex(xf1);
- if poly2AsVector then
- x2 := PVector2(poly2)^
- else
- x2 := Tb2PolygonShape(poly2).GetFirstVertex(xf2);
- vSqr := 0.0;
- for iter := 0 to maxIterations - 1 do
- begin
- v := x2 - x1;
- {$ELSE}
- v := Subtract(x2, x1);
- {$ENDIF}
- w1 := poly1.Support(xf1, v);
- if poly2AsVector then
- w2 := PVector2(poly2)^ // Ths same
- else
- w2 := Tb2PolygonShape(poly2).Support(xf2, -v);
- {$ELSE}
- w2 := Tb2PolygonShape(poly2).Support(xf2, Negative(v));
- {$ENDIF}
- vSqr := b2Dot(v, v);
- w := w2 - w1;
- {$ELSE}
- w := Subtract(w2, w1);
- {$ENDIF}
- vw := b2Dot(v, w);
- if (vSqr - vw <= 0.01 * vSqr) or Distance_InPoints(w, points, pointCount) then // or w in points
- begin
- if pointCount = 0 then
- begin
- x1 := w1;
- x2 := w2;
- end;
- g_GJK_Iterations := iter;
- Result := Sqrt(vSqr);
- Exit;
- end;
- case pointCount of
- 0: begin
- p1s[0] := w1;
- p2s[0] := w2;
- points[0] := w;
- x1 := p1s[0];
- x2 := p2s[0];
- Inc(pointCount);
- end;
- 1: begin
- p1s[1] := w1;
- p2s[1] := w2;
- points[1] := w;
- pointCount := Distance_ProcessTwo(x1, x2, p1s, p2s, points);
- end;
- 2: begin
- p1s[2] := w1;
- p2s[2] := w2;
- points[2] := w;
- pointCount := Distance_ProcessThree(x1, x2, p1s, p2s, points);
- end;
- end;
- // If we have three points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
- if pointCount = 3 then
- begin
- g_GJK_Iterations := iter;
- Result := 0.0;
- Exit;
- end;
- maxSqr := -FLT_MAX;
- for i := 0 to pointCount - 1 do
- maxSqr := b2Max(maxSqr, b2Dot(points[i], points[i]));
- if (pointCount = 3) or (vSqr <= 100.0 * FLT_EPSILON * maxSqr) then
- begin
- g_GJK_Iterations := iter;
- v := x2 - x1;
- {$ELSE}
- v := Subtract(x2, x1);
- {$ENDIF}
- vSqr := b2Dot(v, v);
- Result := Sqrt(vSqr);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- g_GJK_Iterations := maxIterations;
- Result := Sqrt(vSqr);
- end;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; poly: Tb2PolygonShape;
- circle: Tb2CircleShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- var
- p: TVector2;
- r: Float;
- d: TVector2;
- begin
- p := b2Mul(xf2, circle.m_localPosition);
- Result := Distance_Generic_Simulate(x1, x2, poly, Pointer(@p),
- xf1, b2XForm_identity, True);
- r := circle.GetRadius - b2_toiSlop;
- if Result > r then
- begin
- Result := Result - r;
- d := x2 - x1;
- d.Normalize;
- x2 := x2 - r * d;
- {$ELSE}
- d := Subtract(x2, x1);
- Normalize(d);
- SubtractBy(x2, Multiply(d, r));
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := 0.0;
- x2 := x1;
- end;
- end;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; circle: Tb2CircleShape;
- poly: Tb2PolygonShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := b2Distance(x2, x1, poly, circle, xf2, xf1);
- end;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; poly1, poly2: Tb2PolygonShape;
- const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- begin
- Result := Distance_Generic_Simulate(x1, x2, poly1, poly2, xf1, xf2, False);
- end;
- function b2Distance(var x1, x2: TVector2; shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape;
- const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Float; overload;
- begin
- case shape1.m_type of
- e_circleShape:
- case shape2.m_type of
- e_circleShape: Result := b2Distance(x1, x2, Tb2CircleShape(shape1),
- Tb2CircleShape(shape2), xf1, xf2);
- e_polygonShape: Result := b2Distance(x2, x1, Tb2PolygonShape(shape2),
- Tb2CircleShape(shape1), xf2, xf1);
- else
- Result := 0.0;
- end;
- e_polygonShape:
- case shape2.m_type of
- e_circleShape: Result := b2Distance(x1, x2, Tb2PolygonShape(shape1),
- Tb2CircleShape(shape2), xf1, xf2);
- e_polygonShape: Result := Distance_Generic_Simulate(x1, x2,
- Tb2PolygonShape(shape1), shape2, xf1, xf2, False);
- else
- Result := 0.0;
- end;
- else
- Result := 0.0;
- end;
- end;
- { b2PairManager.cpp }
- // Thomas Wang's hash, see: http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm
- // This assumes proxyId1 and proxyId2 are 16-bit.
- function PairManager_Hash(proxyId1, proxyId2: UInt32): UInt32;
- begin
- Result := (proxyId2 shl 16) or proxyId1;
- Result := (not Result) + (Result shl 15);
- Result := Result xor (Result shr 12);
- Result := Result + (Result shl 2);
- Result := Result xor (Result shr 4);
- Result := Result * 2057;
- Result := Result xor (Result shr 16);
- end;
- function PairManager_Equals(const pair: Tb2Pair; proxyId1,
- proxyId2: Int32): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := (pair.proxyId1 = proxyId1) and (pair.proxyId2 = proxyId2);
- end;
- function PairManager_Equals(const pair1, pair2: Tb2BufferedPair): Boolean; overload; {$IFDEF INLINE_AVAIL}inline;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := (pair1.proxyId1 = pair2.proxyId1) and (pair1.proxyId2 = pair2.proxyId2);
- end;
- { Tb2Segment }
- // Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen
- // From Section 3.4.1
- // x = mu1 * p1 + mu2 * p2
- // mu1 + mu2 = 1 && mu1 >= 0 && mu2 >= 0
- // mu1 = 1 - mu2;
- // x = (1 - mu2) * p1 + mu2 * p2
- // = p1 + mu2 * (p2 - p1)
- // x = s + a * r (s := start, r := end - start)
- // s + a * r = p1 + mu2 * d (d := p2 - p1)
- // -a * r + mu2 * d = b (b := s - p1)
- // [-r d] * [a; mu2] = b
- // Cramer's rule:
- // denom = det[-r d]
- // a = det[b d] / denom
- // mu2 = det[-r b] / denom
- function Tb2Segment.TestSegment(var lambda: Float; var normal: TVector2;
- const segment: Tb2Segment; maxLambda: Float): Boolean;
- const
- k_slop = 100.0 * FLT_EPSILON;
- var
- s, r, d, n, b: TVector2;
- denom, a, mu2: Float;
- begin
- s := segment.p1;
- r := segment.p2 - s;
- d := p2 - p1;
- n := b2Cross(d, 1.0);
- denom := -b2Dot(r, n);
- // Cull back facing collision and ignore parallel segments.
- if denom > k_slop then
- begin
- // Does the segment intersect the infinite line associated with this segment?
- b := s - p1;
- a := b2Dot(b, n);
- if (0.0 <= a) and (a <= maxLambda * denom) then
- begin
- mu2 := r.y * b.x - r.x * b.y;
- // Does the segment intersect this segment?
- if (-k_slop * denom <= mu2) and (mu2 <= denom * (1.0 + k_slop)) then
- begin
- n.Normalize;
- lambda := a / denom;
- normal := n;
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Tb2AABB }
- function Tb2AABB.IsValid: Boolean;
- var
- d: TVector2;
- begin
- d := upperBound - lowerBound;
- Result := (d.x >= 0.0) and (d.y >= 0.0) and upperBound.IsValid and lowerBound.IsValid;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Tb2DebugDraw }
- constructor Tb2DebugDraw.Create;
- begin
- m_drawFlags := [];
- m_shapeColor_Static := MakeColor(0.5, 0.9, 0.5);
- m_shapeColor_Sleeping := MakeColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.9);
- m_shapeColor_Normal := MakeColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
- m_pairColor := MakeColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.3);
- m_aabbColor := MakeColor(0.9, 0.3, 0.9);
- m_obbColor := MakeColor(0.5, 0.3, 0.5);
- m_world_aabbColor := MakeColor(0.3, 0.9, 0.9);
- m_coreColor := MakeColor(0.9, 0.6, 0.6);
- m_jointLineColor := MakeColor(0.5, 0.8, 0.8);
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // World
- constructor Tb2World.Create(const worldAABB: Tb2AABB;
- const gravity: TVector2; doSleep: Boolean);
- var
- bd: Tb2BodyDef;
- begin
- m_destructionListener := nil;
- m_boundaryListener := nil;
- m_contactFilter := b2_defaultFilter;
- m_contactListener := nil;
- m_debugDraw := nil;
- m_bodyList := nil;
- m_contactList := nil;
- m_jointList := nil;
- m_bodyCount := 0;
- m_contactCount := 0;
- m_jointCount := 0;
- m_positionCorrection := True;
- m_warmStarting := True;
- m_continuousPhysics := True;
- m_allowSleep := doSleep;
- m_gravity := gravity;
- m_lock := False;
- m_inv_dt0 := 0.0;
- m_contactManager := Tb2ContactManager.Create(Self);
- m_broadPhase := Tb2BroadPhase.Create(worldAABB, m_contactManager);
- bd := Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- m_groundBody := CreateBody(bd);
- end;
- destructor Tb2World.Destroy;
- var
- p: Tb2Body;
- begin
- // Free all shapes
- while Assigned(m_bodyList) do
- begin
- p := m_bodyList.m_next;
- DestroyBody(m_bodyList);
- m_bodyList := p;
- end;
- m_contactManager.Free;
- m_broadPhase.Free;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.Solve(const step: Tb2TimeStep);
- var
- i: Integer;
- island: Tb2Island;
- b, seed, other: Tb2Body;
- c: Tb2Contact;
- j: Tb2Joint;
- stackCount: Int32;
- stack: TList;
- cn: Pb2ContactEdge;
- jn: Pb2JointEdge;
- begin
- m_positionIterationCount := 0;
- // Size the island for the worst case.
- island := Tb2Island.Create(m_bodyCount, m_contactCount, m_jointCount, m_contactListener);
- // Clear all the island flags.
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- b.m_flags := b.m_flags and (not e_body_islandFlag);
- b := b.m_next;
- end;
- c := m_contactList;
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- c.m_flags := c.m_flags and (not e_contact_islandFlag);
- c := c.m_next;
- end;
- j := m_jointList;
- while Assigned(j) do
- begin
- j.m_islandFlag := False;
- j := j.m_next;
- end;
- // Build and simulate all awake islands.
- stack := TList.Create;
- stack.Count := m_bodyCount;
- seed := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(seed) do
- begin
- if (seed.m_flags and (e_body_islandFlag or e_sleepFlag or e_frozenFlag)) <> 0 then
- begin
- seed := seed.m_next;
- Continue;
- end;
- if seed.IsStatic() then
- begin
- seed := seed.m_next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // Reset island and stack.
- island.Clear;
- stackCount := 0;
- stack[stackCount] := seed;
- Inc(stackCount);
- seed.m_flags := seed.m_flags or e_body_islandFlag;
- // Perform a depth first search (DFS) on the constraint graph.
- while (stackCount > 0) do
- begin
- // Grab the next body off the stack and add it to the island.
- Dec(stackCount);
- b := Tb2Body(stack[stackCount]);
- island.Add(b);
- // Make sure the body is awake.
- b.m_flags := b.m_flags and (not e_sleepFlag);
- // To keep islands as small as possible, we don't
- // propagate islands across static bodies.
- if b.IsStatic() then
- Continue;
- // Search all contacts connected to this body.
- cn := b.m_contactList;
- while Assigned(cn) do
- begin
- // Has this contact already been added to an island?
- if (cn^.contact.m_flags and (e_contact_islandFlag or e_nonSolidFlag)) <> 0 then
- begin
- cn := cn^.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // Is this contact touching?
- if cn.contact.GetManifoldCount = 0 then
- begin
- cn := cn^.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- island.Add(cn.contact);
- cn.contact.m_flags := cn.contact.m_flags or e_contact_islandFlag;
- other := cn.other;
- // Was the other body already added to this island?
- if (other.m_flags and e_body_islandFlag) <> 0 then
- begin
- cn := cn^.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- //b2Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
- stack[stackCount] := other;
- Inc(stackCount);
- other.m_flags := other.m_flags or e_body_islandFlag;
- cn := cn^.next;
- end;
- // Search all joints connect to this body.
- jn := b.m_jointList;
- while Assigned(jn) do
- begin
- if jn^.joint.m_islandFlag then
- begin
- jn := jn^.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- island.Add(jn^.joint);
- jn^.joint.m_islandFlag := True;
- other := jn^.other;
- if (other.m_flags and e_body_islandFlag) <> 0 then
- begin
- jn := jn^.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- //b2Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
- stack[stackCount] := other;
- Inc(stackCount);
- other.m_flags := other.m_flags or e_body_islandFlag;
- jn := jn^.next;
- end;
- end;
- island.Solve(step, m_gravity, m_positionCorrection, m_allowSleep);
- m_positionIterationCount := b2Max(m_positionIterationCount, island.m_positionIterationCount);
- // Post solve cleanup.
- for i := 0 to island.m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- // Allow static bodies to participate in other islands.
- b := Tb2Body(island.m_bodies[i]);
- if b.IsStatic() then
- b.m_flags := b.m_flags and (not e_body_islandFlag);
- end;
- seed := seed.m_next;
- end;
- stack.Free;
- // Synchronize shapes, check for out of range bodies.
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- if (b.m_flags and (e_sleepFlag or e_frozenFlag)) <> 0 then
- begin
- b := b.GetNext;
- Continue;
- end;
- if b.IsStatic() then
- begin
- b := b.GetNext;
- Continue;
- end;
- // Update shapes (for broad-phase). If the shapes go out of
- // the world AABB then shapes and contacts may be destroyed,
- // including contacts that are
- // Did the body's shapes leave the world?
- if (not b.SynchronizeShapes()) and Assigned(m_boundaryListener) then
- m_boundaryListener.Violation(b);
- b := b.GetNext;
- end;
- // Commit shape proxy movements to the broad-phase so that new contacts are created.
- // Also, some contacts can be destroyed.
- m_broadPhase.Commit;
- island.Free;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.SolveTOI(const step: Tb2TimeStep);
- var
- i: Integer;
- island: Tb2Island;
- stackCount: Int32;
- stack: TList;
- b, b1, b2, seed, other: Tb2Body;
- c: Tb2Contact;
- minContact: Tb2Contact;
- cn: Pb2ContactEdge;
- minTOI, toi, t0: Float;
- subStep: Tb2TimeStep;
- inRange: Boolean;
- begin
- // Reserve an island and a stack for TOI island solution.
- island := Tb2Island.Create(m_bodyCount, b2_maxTOIContactsPerIsland, 0, m_contactListener);
- stack := TList.Create;
- stack.Count := m_bodyCount;
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- b.m_flags := b.m_flags and (not e_body_islandFlag);
- b.m_sweep.t0 := 0.0;
- b := b.m_next;
- end;
- c := m_contactList;
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- // Invalidate TOI
- c.m_flags := c.m_flags and (not (e_toiFlag or e_contact_islandFlag));
- c := c.m_next;
- end;
- // Find TOI events and solve them.
- while True do
- begin
- // Find the first TOI.
- minContact := nil;
- minTOI := 1.0;
- c := m_contactList;
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- if (c.m_flags and (e_slowFlag or e_nonSolidFlag)) <> 0 then
- begin
- c := c.m_next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // TODO_ERIN keep a counter on the contact, only respond to M TOIs per contact.
- toi := 1.0;
- if (c.m_flags and e_toiFlag) <> 0 then
- toi := c.m_toi // This contact has a valid cached TOI.
- else
- begin
- // Compute the TOI for this contact.
- b1 := c.GetShape1.GetBody;
- b2 := c.GetShape2.GetBody;
- if (b1.IsStatic() or b1.IsSleeping()) and (b2.IsStatic() or b2.IsSleeping()) then
- begin
- c := c.m_next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // Put the sweeps onto the same time interval.
- t0 := b1.m_sweep.t0;
- if b1.m_sweep.t0 < b2.m_sweep.t0 then
- begin
- t0 := b2.m_sweep.t0;
- b1.m_sweep.Advance(t0);
- {$ELSE}
- Advance(b1.m_sweep, t0);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else if b2.m_sweep.t0 < b1.m_sweep.t0 then
- begin
- t0 := b1.m_sweep.t0;
- b2.m_sweep.Advance(t0);
- {$ELSE}
- Advance(b2.m_sweep, t0);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //b2Assert(t0 < 1.0);
- // Compute the time of impact.
- toi := b2TimeOfImpact(c.m_shape1, c.m_shape2, b1.m_sweep, b2.m_sweep);
- //b2Assert(0.0 <= toi && toi <= 1.0);
- if (toi > 0.0) and (toi < 1.0) then
- toi := b2Min((1.0 - toi) * t0 + toi, 1.0);
- c.m_toi := toi;
- c.m_flags := c.m_flags or e_toiFlag;
- end;
- if (FLT_EPSILON < toi) and (toi < minTOI) then
- begin
- // This is the minimum TOI found so far.
- minContact := c;
- minTOI := toi;
- end;
- c := c.m_next;
- end;
- if (not Assigned(minContact)) or (1.0 - 100.0 * FLT_EPSILON < minTOI) then // No more TOI events. Done!
- Break;
- // Advance the bodies to the TOI.
- b1 := minContact.GetShape1.GetBody;
- b2 := minContact.GetShape2.GetBody;
- b1.Advance(minTOI);
- b2.Advance(minTOI);
- // The TOI contact likely has some new contact points.
- minContact.Update(m_contactListener);
- minContact.m_flags := minContact.m_flags and (not e_toiFlag);
- if minContact.GetManifoldCount = 0 then // This shouldn't happen. Numerical error?
- Continue;
- // Build the TOI island. We need a dynamic seed.
- seed := b1;
- if seed.IsStatic() then
- seed := b2;
- // Reset island and stack.
- island.Clear;
- stackCount := 0;
- stack[stackCount] := seed;
- Inc(stackCount);
- seed.m_flags := seed.m_flags or e_body_islandFlag;
- // Perform a depth first search (DFS) on the contact graph.
- while (stackCount > 0) do
- begin
- // Grab the next body off the stack and add it to the island.
- Dec(stackCount);
- b := Tb2Body(stack[stackCount]);
- island.Add(b);
- // Make sure the body is awake.
- b.m_flags := b.m_flags and (not e_sleepFlag);
- // To keep islands as small as possible, we don't
- // propagate islands across static bodies.
- if b.IsStatic() then
- Continue;
- // Search all contacts connected to this body.
- cn := b.m_contactList;
- while Assigned(cn) do
- begin
- // Does the TOI island still have space for contacts?
- if island.m_contactCount = island.m_contactCapacity then
- begin
- cn := cn.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // Has this contact already been added to an island? Skip slow or non-solid contacts.
- if (cn.contact.m_flags and (e_contact_islandFlag or
- e_slowFlag or e_nonSolidFlag)) <> 0 then
- begin
- cn := cn.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // Is this contact touching? For performance we are not updating this contact.
- if cn.contact.GetManifoldCount = 0 then
- begin
- cn := cn.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- island.Add(cn.contact);
- cn.contact.m_flags := cn.contact.m_flags or e_contact_islandFlag;
- // Update other body.
- other := cn.other;
- // Was the other body already added to this island?
- if (other.m_flags and e_body_islandFlag) <> 0 then
- begin
- cn := cn.next;
- Continue;
- end;
- // March forward, this can do no harm since this is the min TOI.
- if not other.IsStatic() then
- begin
- other.Advance(minTOI);
- other.WakeUp;
- end;
- //b2Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
- stack[stackCount] := other;
- Inc(stackCount);
- other.m_flags := other.m_flags or e_body_islandFlag;
- cn := cn.next;
- end;
- end;
- subStep.dt := (1.0 - minTOI) * step.dt;
- //b2Assert(subStep.dt > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- subStep.inv_dt := 1.0 / subStep.dt;
- subStep.maxIterations := step.maxIterations;
- island.SolveTOI(subStep);
- // Post solve cleanup.
- for i := 0 to island.m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- // Allow bodies to participate in future TOI islands.
- b := Tb2Body(island.m_bodies[i]);
- b.m_flags := b.m_flags and (not e_body_islandFlag);
- if (b.m_flags and (e_sleepFlag or e_frozenFlag)) <> 0 then
- Continue;
- if b.IsStatic() then
- Continue;
- // Update shapes (for broad-phase). If the shapes go out of
- // the world AABB then shapes and contacts may be destroyed,
- // including contacts that are
- inRange := b.SynchronizeShapes;
- // Did the body's shapes leave the world?
- if (not inRange) and Assigned(m_boundaryListener) then
- m_boundaryListener.Violation(b);
- // Invalidate all contact TOIs associated with this body. Some of these
- // may not be in the island because they were not touching.
- cn := b.m_contactList;
- while Assigned(cn) do
- begin
- cn.contact.m_flags := cn.contact.m_flags and (not e_toiFlag);
- cn := cn.next;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to island.m_contactCount - 1 do
- with Tb2Contact(island.m_contacts[i]) do
- begin
- // Allow contacts to participate in future TOI islands.
- m_flags := m_flags and (not (e_toiFlag or e_contact_islandFlag));
- end;
- // Commit shape proxy movements to the broad-phase so that new contacts are created.
- // Also, some contacts can be destroyed.
- m_broadPhase.Commit;
- end;
- stack.Free;
- island.Free;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.DrawDebugData;
- var
- core: Boolean;
- xf: Tb2XForm;
- b: Tb2Body;
- s: Tb2Shape;
- j: Tb2Joint;
- invQ, h: TVector2;
- i: Integer;
- b1, b2: Tb2AABB;
- index: UInt16;
- vs: TVectorArray4;
- begin
- if not Assigned(m_debugDraw) then
- Exit;
- with m_debugDraw do
- begin
- if e_shapeBit in m_drawFlags then
- begin
- core := e_coreShapeBit in m_drawFlags;
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- xf := b.m_xf;
- s := b.GetShapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- if b.IsStatic then
- DrawShape(s, xf, m_shapeColor_Static, core)
- else if b.IsSleeping then
- DrawShape(s, xf, m_shapeColor_Sleeping, core)
- else
- DrawShape(s, xf, m_shapeColor_Normal, core);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- b := b.GetNext;
- end;
- end;
- if e_jointBit in m_drawFlags then
- begin
- j := m_jointList;
- while Assigned(j) do
- begin
- if j.m_type <> e_mouseJoint then
- DrawJoint(j);
- j := j.m_next;
- end;
- end;
- with m_broadPhase do
- begin
- if e_pairBit in m_drawFlags then
- begin
- invQ.SetValue(1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.x, 1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.y);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(invQ, 1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.x, 1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.y);
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to b2_tableCapacity - 1 do
- begin
- index := m_pairManager.m_hashTable[i];
- while (index <> b2_nullPair) do
- with m_pairManager.m_pairs[index] do
- begin
- with m_proxyPool[proxyId1] do
- begin
- b1.lowerBound.x := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + invQ.x * m_bounds[0][lowerBounds[0]].value;
- b1.lowerBound.y := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + invQ.y * m_bounds[1][lowerBounds[1]].value;
- b1.upperBound.x := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + invQ.x * m_bounds[0][upperBounds[0]].value;
- b1.upperBound.y := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + invQ.y * m_bounds[1][upperBounds[1]].value;
- end;
- with m_proxyPool[proxyId2] do
- begin
- b2.lowerBound.x := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + invQ.x * m_bounds[0][lowerBounds[0]].value;
- b2.lowerBound.y := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + invQ.y * m_bounds[1][lowerBounds[1]].value;
- b2.upperBound.x := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + invQ.x * m_bounds[0][upperBounds[0]].value;
- b2.upperBound.y := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + invQ.y * m_bounds[1][upperBounds[1]].value;
- end;
- DrawSegment(0.5 * (b1.lowerBound + b1.upperBound),
- 0.5 * (b2.lowerBound + b2.upperBound), m_pairColor);
- {$ELSE}
- DrawSegment(Multiply(Add(b1.lowerBound, b1.upperBound), 0.5),
- Multiply(Add(b2.lowerBound, b2.upperBound), 0.5), m_pairColor);
- {$ENDIF}
- index := next;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if e_aabbBit in m_drawFlags then
- begin
- invQ.SetValue(1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.x, 1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.y);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(invQ, 1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.x, 1.0 / m_quantizationFactor.y);
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to b2_maxProxies - 1 do
- begin
- with m_proxyPool[i] do
- begin
- if not IsValid then
- {$ELSE}
- if not IsValid(m_proxyPool[i]) then
- {$ENDIF}
- Continue;
- b1.lowerBound.x := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + invQ.x * m_bounds[0][lowerBounds[0]].value;
- b1.lowerBound.y := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + invQ.y * m_bounds[1][lowerBounds[1]].value;
- b1.upperBound.x := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + invQ.x * m_bounds[0][upperBounds[0]].value;
- b1.upperBound.y := m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + invQ.y * m_bounds[1][upperBounds[1]].value;
- end;
- vs[0] := b1.lowerBound;
- vs[2] := b1.upperBound;
- vs[1].SetValue(b1.upperBound.x, b1.lowerBound.y);
- vs[3].SetValue(b1.lowerBound.x, b1.upperBound.y);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(vs[1], b1.upperBound.x, b1.lowerBound.y);
- SetValue(vs[3], b1.lowerBound.x, b1.upperBound.y);
- {$ENDIF}
- DrawPolygon4(vs, 4, m_aabbColor);
- end;
- vs[0] := m_worldAABB.lowerBound;
- vs[2] := m_worldAABB.upperBound;
- vs[1].SetValue(m_worldAABB.upperBound.x, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y);
- vs[3].SetValue(m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x, m_worldAABB.upperBound.y);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(vs[1], m_worldAABB.upperBound.x, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y);
- SetValue(vs[3], m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x, m_worldAABB.upperBound.y);
- {$ENDIF}
- DrawPolygon4(vs, 4, m_world_aabbColor);
- end;
- end;
- if e_obbBit in m_drawFlags then
- begin
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- xf := b.m_xf;
- s := b.GetShapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- if s.GetType <> e_polygonShape then
- begin
- s := s.m_next;
- Continue;
- end;
- h := Tb2PolygonShape(s).m_obb.extents;
- vs[0].SetValue(-h.x, -h.y);
- vs[1].SetValue(h.x, -h.y);
- vs[3].SetValue(-h.x, h.y);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(vs[0], -h.x, -h.y);
- SetValue(vs[1], h.x, -h.y);
- SetValue(vs[3], -h.x, h.y);
- {$ENDIF}
- vs[2] := h;
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- with Tb2PolygonShape(s).m_obb do
- begin
- vs[i] := center + b2Mul(R, vs[i]);
- {$ELSE}
- vs[i] := Add(center, b2Mul(R, vs[i]));
- {$ENDIF}
- vs[i] := b2Mul(xf, vs[i]);
- end;
- DrawPolygon4(vs, 4, m_obbColor);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- b := b.GetNext;
- end;
- end;
- if e_centerOfMassBit in m_drawFlags then
- begin
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- xf := b.m_xf;
- xf.position := b.GetWorldCenter;
- DrawXForm(xf);
- b := b.GetNext;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.DrawShape(shape: Tb2Shape; const xf: Tb2XForm;
- const color: RGBA; core: Boolean);
- var
- i: Integer;
- center: TVector2;
- vertices: Tb2PolyVertices;
- begin
- with m_debugDraw do
- case shape.GetType of
- e_circleShape:
- with Tb2CircleShape(shape) do
- begin
- center := b2Mul(xf, m_localPosition);
- DrawSolidCircle(center, xf.R.col1, GetRadius, color);
- if core then
- DrawCircle(center, GetRadius - b2_toiSlop, m_coreColor);
- end;
- e_polygonShape:
- with Tb2PolygonShape(shape) do
- begin
- //b2Assert(vertexCount <= b2_maxPolygonVertices);
- for i := 0 to GetVertexCount - 1 do
- vertices[i] := b2Mul(xf, m_vertices[i]);
- DrawSolidPolygon(vertices, GetVertexCount, color);
- if core then
- begin
- for i := 0 to GetVertexCount - 1 do
- vertices[i] := b2Mul(xf, m_coreVertices[i]);
- DrawPolygon(vertices, GetVertexCount, m_coreColor);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.DrawJoint(joint: Tb2Joint);
- var
- p1, p2, s1, s2: TVector2;
- begin
- p1 := joint.GetAnchor1;
- p2 := joint.GetAnchor2;
- with m_debugDraw do
- begin
- case joint.GetType of
- e_distanceJoint: DrawSegment(p1, p2, m_jointLineColor);
- e_pulleyJoint:
- with Tb2PulleyJoint(joint) do
- begin
- s1 := GetGroundAnchor1;
- s2 := GetGroundAnchor2;
- DrawSegment(s1, p1, m_jointLineColor);
- DrawSegment(s2, p2, m_jointLineColor);
- DrawSegment(s1, s2, m_jointLineColor);
- end;
- e_mouseJoint: ;
- e_fixedJoint: DrawSegment(p1, p2, m_jointLineColor);
- else
- DrawSegment(joint.GetBody1.m_xf.position, p1, m_jointLineColor);
- DrawSegment(p1, p2, m_jointLineColor);
- DrawSegment(joint.GetBody2.m_xf.position, p2, m_jointLineColor);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function Tb2World.CreateBody(def: Tb2BodyDef; AutoFreeBodyDef: Boolean = True): Tb2Body;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_lock == False);
- if m_lock then
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := Tb2Body.Create(def, Self);
- // Add to world doubly linked list.
- Result.m_prev := nil;
- Result.m_next := m_bodyList;
- if Assigned(m_bodyList) then
- m_bodyList.m_prev := Result;
- m_bodyList := Result;
- Inc(m_bodyCount);
- if AutoFreeBodyDef then
- def.Free;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.DestroyBody(body: Tb2Body; DoFree: Boolean = True);
- var
- jn, jn0: Pb2JointEdge;
- s, s0: Tb2Shape;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_bodyCount > 0);
- //b2Assert(m_lock == False);
- if m_lock then
- Exit;
- // Delete the attached joints.
- jn := body.m_jointList;
- if Assigned(m_destructionListener) then
- begin
- while Assigned(jn) do
- begin
- jn0 := jn;
- jn := jn^.next;
- m_destructionListener.SayGoodbye(jn0^.joint);
- DestroyJoint(jn0^.joint);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- while Assigned(jn) do
- begin
- jn0 := jn;
- jn := jn^.next;
- DestroyJoint(jn0^.joint);
- end;
- end;
- // Delete the attached shapes. This destroys broad-phase
- // proxies and pairs, leading to the destruction of contacts.
- s := body.m_shapeList;
- if Assigned(m_destructionListener) then
- begin
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s0 := s;
- s := s.m_next;
- m_destructionListener.SayGoodbye(s0);
- s0.DestroyProxy(m_broadPhase);
- s0.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s0 := s;
- s := s.m_next;
- s0.DestroyProxy(m_broadPhase);
- s0.Free;
- end;
- end;
- // Remove world body list.
- if Assigned(body.m_prev) then
- body.m_prev.m_next := body.m_next;
- if Assigned(body.m_next) then
- body.m_next.m_prev := body.m_prev;
- if body = m_bodyList then
- m_bodyList := body.m_next;
- Dec(m_bodyCount);
- if DoFree then
- body.Destroy2;
- end;
- function Tb2World.CreateJoint(def: Tb2JointDef; AutoFreeJointDef: Boolean = True): Tb2Joint;
- var
- j: Tb2Joint;
- b: Tb2Body;
- s: Tb2Shape;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_lock == False);
- Result := nil;
- case def.JointType of
- e_unknownJoint: Exit;
- e_revoluteJoint: j := Tb2RevoluteJoint.Create(Tb2RevoluteJointDef(def));
- e_prismaticJoint: j := Tb2PrismaticJoint.Create(Tb2PrismaticJointDef(def));
- e_distanceJoint: j := Tb2DistanceJoint.Create(Tb2DistanceJointDef(def));
- e_pulleyJoint: j := Tb2PulleyJoint.Create(Tb2PulleyJointDef(def));
- e_mouseJoint: j := Tb2MouseJoint.Create(Tb2MouseJointDef(def));
- e_gearJoint: j := Tb2GearJoint.Create(Tb2GearJointDef(def));
- e_fixedJoint: j := Tb2FixedJoint.Create(Tb2FixedJointDef(def));
- end;
- // Connect to the world list.
- j.m_prev := nil;
- j.m_next := m_jointList;
- if Assigned(m_jointList) then
- m_jointList.m_prev := j;
- m_jointList := j;
- Inc(m_jointCount);
- // Connect to the bodies' doubly linked lists.
- j.m_node1.joint := j;
- j.m_node1.other := j.m_body2;
- j.m_node1.prev := nil;
- j.m_node1.next := j.m_body1.m_jointList;
- if Assigned(j.m_body1.m_jointList) then
- j.m_body1.m_jointList.prev := @j.m_node1;
- j.m_body1.m_jointList := @j.m_node1;
- j.m_node2.joint := j;
- j.m_node2.other := j.m_body1;
- j.m_node2.prev := nil;
- j.m_node2.next := j.m_body2.m_jointList;
- if Assigned(j.m_body2.m_jointList) then
- j.m_body2.m_jointList.prev := @j.m_node2;
- j.m_body2.m_jointList := @j.m_node2;
- // If the joint prevents collisions, then reset collision filtering.
- if not def.collideConnected then
- begin
- // Reset the proxies on the body with the minimum number of shapes.
- if def.body1.m_shapeCount < def.body2.m_shapeCount then
- b := def.body1
- else