- b := def.body2;
- s := b.m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, b.m_xf);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- end;
- if AutoFreeJointDef then
- def.Free;
- Result := j;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.DestroyJoint(j: Tb2Joint);
- var
- collideConnected: Boolean;
- body1, body2, b: Tb2Body;
- s: Tb2Shape;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_lock == False);
- collideConnected := j.m_collideConnected;
- // Remove from the doubly linked list.
- if Assigned(j.m_prev) then
- j.m_prev.m_next := j.m_next;
- if Assigned(j.m_next) then
- j.m_next.m_prev := j.m_prev;
- if j = m_jointList then
- m_jointList := j.m_next;
- // Disconnect from island graph.
- body1 := j.m_body1;
- body2 := j.m_body2;
- // Wake up connected bodies.
- body1.WakeUp;
- body2.WakeUp;
- // Remove from body 1.
- if Assigned(j.m_node1.prev) then
- j.m_node1.prev^.next := j.m_node1.next;
- if Assigned(j.m_node1.next) then
- j.m_node1.next^.prev := j.m_node1.prev;
- if (@j.m_node1) = body1.m_jointList then
- body1.m_jointList := j.m_node1.next;
- j.m_node1.prev := nil;
- j.m_node1.next := nil;
- // Remove from body 2
- if Assigned(j.m_node2.prev) then
- j.m_node2.prev^.next := j.m_node2.next;
- if Assigned(j.m_node2.next) then
- j.m_node2.next^.prev := j.m_node2.prev;
- if (@j.m_node2) = body2.m_jointList then
- body2.m_jointList := j.m_node2.next;
- j.m_node2.prev := nil;
- j.m_node2.next := nil;
- j.Free;
- //b2Assert(m_jointCount > 0);
- Dec(m_jointCount);
- // If the joint prevents collisions, then reset collision filtering.
- if not collideConnected then
- begin
- // Reset the proxies on the body with the minimum number of shapes.
- if body1.m_shapeCount < body2.m_shapeCount then
- b := body1
- else
- b := body2;
- s := b.m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, b.m_xf);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.Step(timeStep: Float; iterations: Int32; drawThisStep: Boolean = True);
- var
- step: Tb2TimeStep;
- begin
- m_lock := True;
- step.dt := timeStep;
- step.maxIterations := iterations;
- if timeStep > 0.0 then
- step.inv_dt := 1.0 / timeStep
- else
- step.inv_dt := 0.0;
- step.dtRatio := m_inv_dt0 * timeStep;
- step.positionCorrection := m_positionCorrection;
- step.warmStarting := m_warmStarting;
- // Update contacts.
- m_contactManager.Collide;
- if step.dt > 0.0 then
- begin
- Solve(step); // Integrate velocities, solve velocity constraints, and integrate positions.
- if m_continuousPhysics then
- SolveTOI(step); // Handle TOI events.
- end;
- if drawThisStep then
- DrawDebugData;
- m_inv_dt0 := step.inv_dt;
- m_lock := False;
- end;
- function Tb2World.Query(const aabb: Tb2AABB; shapes: TList; maxCount: Int32): Int32;
- begin
- Result := m_broadPhase.Query(aabb, shapes, maxCount);
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.Refilter(shape: Tb2Shape);
- begin
- shape.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, shape.GetBody.m_xf);
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.Validate;
- begin
- m_broadPhase.Validate;
- end;
- function Tb2World.GetProxyCount: Int32;
- begin
- Result := m_broadPhase.m_proxyCount;
- end;
- function Tb2World.GetPairCount: Int32;
- begin
- Result := m_broadPhase.m_pairManager.m_pairCount;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.SetGravity(const gravity: TVector2);
- begin
- m_gravity := gravity;
- end;
- procedure Tb2World.WakeAllSleepingBodies;
- var
- b: Tb2Body;
- begin
- b := m_bodyList;
- while Assigned(b) do
- begin
- if b.IsDynamic and b.IsSleeping then
- b.WakeUp;
- b := b.GetNext;
- end;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Contact
- { Tb2ContactFilter }
- function Tb2ContactFilter.ShouldCollide(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape): Boolean;
- begin
- with shape1.m_filter do
- if (groupIndex = shape2.m_filter.groupIndex) and (groupIndex <> 0) then
- Result := groupIndex > 0
- else
- Result := ((maskBits and shape2.m_filter.categoryBits) <> 0) and
- ((categoryBits and shape2.m_filter.maskBits) <> 0);
- end;
- { Tb2ContactListener }
- procedure Tb2ContactListener.Add(var point: Tb2ContactPoint);
- begin
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactListener.Persist(var point: Tb2ContactPoint);
- begin
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactListener.Remove(var point: Tb2ContactPoint);
- begin
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactListener.Result(var point: Tb2ContactResult);
- begin
- end;
- { Tb2Contact }
- constructor Tb2Contact.Create;
- begin
- m_flags := 0;
- m_shape1 := nil;
- m_shape2 := nil;
- end;
- constructor Tb2Contact.Create(shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape);
- begin
- Create;
- if shape1.IsSensor or shape2.IsSensor then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_nonSolidFlag;
- m_shape1 := shape1;
- m_shape2 := shape2;
- m_manifoldCount := 0;
- m_friction := b2MixFriction(m_shape1.GetFriction, m_shape2.GetFriction);
- m_restitution := b2MixRestitution(m_shape1.GetRestitution, m_shape2.GetRestitution);
- m_prev := nil;
- m_next := nil;
- m_node1.contact := nil;
- m_node1.prev := nil;
- m_node1.next := nil;
- m_node1.other := nil;
- m_node2.contact := nil;
- m_node2.prev := nil;
- m_node2.next := nil;
- m_node2.other := nil;
- end;
- class function Tb2Contact.CreateContact(Shape1, Shape2: Tb2Shape): Tb2Contact;
- var
- i: Integer;
- p: Pb2Manifold;
- begin
- with ContactCreateRecords[Shape1.GetType][Shape2.GetType] do
- begin
- if Primary then
- Result := ClassType.Create(Shape1, Shape2)
- else
- begin
- Result := ClassType.Create(Shape2, Shape1);
- p := Result.GetManifolds;
- for i := 0 to Result.GetManifoldCount - 1 do
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- (p + i)^.normal.SetNegative;
- {$ELSE}
- SetNegative((p + i)^.normal);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- Pb2Manifold(Integer(p) + i * SizeOf(Tb2Manifold))^.normal.SetNegative;
- {$ELSE}
- SetNegative(Pb2Manifold(Integer(p) + i * SizeOf(Tb2Manifold))^.normal);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function Tb2Contact.IsSolid: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (m_flags and e_nonSolidFlag) = 0;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Contact.Update(listener: Tb2ContactListener);
- var
- oldCount, newCount: Int32;
- body1, body2: Tb2Body;
- begin
- oldCount := m_manifoldCount;
- Evaluate(listener);
- newCount := m_manifoldCount;
- body1 := m_shape1.GetBody;
- body2 := m_shape2.GetBody;
- if (newCount = 0) and (oldCount > 0) then
- begin
- body1.WakeUp;
- body2.WakeUp;
- end;
- // Slow contacts don't generate TOI events.
- if body1.IsStatic or body1.IsBullet or body2.IsStatic or body2.IsBullet then
- m_flags := m_flags and (not e_slowFlag)
- else
- m_flags := m_flags or e_slowFlag;
- end;
- { Tb2ContactSolver }
- constructor Tb2ContactSolver.Create(const step: Tb2TimeStep;
- contacts: TList; contactCount: Int32);
- var
- i, j, k: Integer;
- contact: Tb2Contact;
- b1, b2: Tb2Body;
- manifolds, manifold: Pb2Manifold;
- count: Int32;
- friction, restitution: Float;
- w1, w2: Float;
- v1, v2: TVector2;
- normal, tangent: TVector2;
- c: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- cp: Pb2ManifoldPoint;
- ccp: Pb2ContactConstraintPoint;
- r1Sqr, r2Sqr, rn1, rn2: Float;
- kNormal, kEqualized: Float;
- rt1, rt2, kTangent: Float;
- vRel: Float;
- begin
- //m_step := step;
- m_constraintCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to contactCount - 1 do
- begin
- //b2Assert(contacts[i]->IsSolid());
- m_constraintCount := m_constraintCount + Tb2Contact(contacts[i]).GetManifoldCount;
- end;
- m_constraints := Pb2ContactConstraint(GetMemory(m_constraintCount * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint)));
- count := 0;
- for i := 0 to contactCount - 1 do
- begin
- contact := Tb2Contact(contacts[i]);
- b1 := contact.m_shape1.GetBody;
- b2 := contact.m_shape2.GetBody;
- manifolds := contact.GetManifolds;
- friction := contact.m_friction;
- restitution := contact.m_restitution;
- v1 := b1.m_linearVelocity;
- v2 := b2.m_linearVelocity;
- w1 := b1.m_angularVelocity;
- w2 := b2.m_angularVelocity;
- for j := 0 to contact.GetManifoldCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- manifold := manifolds + j;
- {$ELSE}
- manifold := Pb2Manifold(Integer(manifolds) + j * SizeOf(Tb2Manifold));
- {$ENDIF}
- //b2Assert(manifold->pointCount > 0);
- normal := manifold^.normal;
- //b2Assert(count < m_constraintCount);
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- c := m_constraints + count;
- {$ELSE}
- c := Pb2ContactConstraint(Integer(m_constraints) + count * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint));
- {$ENDIF}
- c.body1 := b1;
- c.body2 := b2;
- c.manifold := manifold;
- c.normal := normal;
- c.pointCount := manifold^.pointCount;
- c.friction := friction;
- c.restitution := restitution;
- for k := 0 to c.pointCount - 1 do
- begin
- cp := @manifold^.points[k];
- ccp := @c^.points[k];
- with ccp^ do
- begin
- normalImpulse := cp^.normalImpulse;
- tangentImpulse := cp^.tangentImpulse;
- separation := cp^.separation;
- positionImpulse := 0.0;
- localAnchor1 := cp^.localPoint1;
- localAnchor2 := cp^.localPoint2;
- r1 := b2Mul(b1.m_xf.R, cp^.localPoint1 - b1.GetLocalCenter);
- r2 := b2Mul(b2.m_xf.R, cp^.localPoint2 - b2.GetLocalCenter);
- {$ELSE}
- r1 := b2Mul(b1.m_xf.R, Subtract(cp^.localPoint1, b1.GetLocalCenter));
- r2 := b2Mul(b2.m_xf.R, Subtract(cp^.localPoint2, b2.GetLocalCenter));
- {$ENDIF}
- r1Sqr := b2Dot(r1, r1);
- r2Sqr := b2Dot(r2, r2);
- rn1 := b2Dot(r1, normal);
- rn2 := b2Dot(r2, normal);
- kNormal := b1.m_invMass + b2.m_invMass + b1.m_invI * (r1Sqr -
- rn1 * rn1) + b2.m_invI * (r2Sqr - rn2 * rn2);
- //b2Assert(kNormal > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- normalMass := 1.0 / kNormal;
- kEqualized := b1.m_mass * b1.m_invMass + b2.m_mass * b2.m_invMass +
- b1.m_mass * b1.m_invI * (r1Sqr - rn1 * rn1) + b2.m_mass *
- b2.m_invI * (r2Sqr - rn2 * rn2);
- //b2Assert(kEqualized > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- equalizedMass := 1.0 / kEqualized;
- tangent := b2Cross(normal, 1.0);
- rt1 := b2Dot(r1, tangent);
- rt2 := b2Dot(r2, tangent);
- kTangent := b1.m_invMass + b2.m_invMass + b1.m_invI * (r1Sqr -
- rt1 * rt1) + b2.m_invI * (r2Sqr - rt2 * rt2);
- //b2Assert(kTangent > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- tangentMass := 1.0 / kTangent;
- // Setup a velocity bias for restitution.
- velocityBias := 0.0;
- if separation > 0.0 then
- velocityBias := -60.0 * separation; // TODO_ERIN b2TimeStep
- vRel := b2Dot(c.normal, v2 + b2Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - b2Cross(w1, ccp.r1));
- {$ELSE}
- tmpV := Subtract(v2, v1);
- AddBy(tmpV, b2Cross(w2, r2));
- SubtractBy(tmpV, b2Cross(w1, ccp.r1));
- vRel := b2Dot(c.normal, tmpV);
- {$ENDIF}
- if vRel < -b2_velocityThreshold then
- velocityBias := velocityBias - c.restitution * vRel;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(count);
- end;
- end;
- //b2Assert(count == m_constraintCount);
- end;
- destructor Tb2ContactSolver.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeMemory(m_constraints);
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactSolver.InitVelocityConstraints(const step: Tb2TimeStep);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- b1, b2: Tb2Body;
- c: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- invMass1, invI1, invMass2, invI2: Float;
- normal, tangent: TVector2;
- P: TVector2;
- begin
- // Warm start.
- for i := 0 to m_constraintCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- c := m_constraints + i;
- {$ELSE}
- c := Pb2ContactConstraint(Integer(m_constraints) + i * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint));
- {$ENDIF}
- b1 := c.body1;
- b2 := c.body2;
- invMass1 := b1.m_invMass;
- invI1 := b1.m_invI;
- invMass2 := b2.m_invMass;
- invI2 := b2.m_invI;
- normal := c.normal;
- tangent := b2Cross(normal, 1.0);
- if step.warmStarting then
- begin
- for j := 0 to c.pointCount - 1 do
- with c^.points[j] do
- begin
- normalImpulse := normalImpulse * step.dtRatio;
- tangentImpulse := tangentImpulse * step.dtRatio;
- P := normalImpulse * normal + tangentImpulse * tangent;
- b1.m_linearVelocity.SubtractBy(invMass1 * P);
- b2.m_linearVelocity.AddBy(invMass2 * P);
- {$ELSE}
- P := Multiply(normal, normalImpulse);
- AddBy(P, Multiply(tangent, tangentImpulse));
- SubtractBy(b1.m_linearVelocity, Multiply(P, invMass1));
- AddBy(b2.m_linearVelocity, Multiply(P, invMass2));
- {$ENDIF}
- b1.m_angularVelocity := b1.m_angularVelocity - invI1 * b2Cross(r1, P);
- b2.m_angularVelocity := b2.m_angularVelocity + invI2 * b2Cross(r2, P);
- end;
- end
- else
- for j := 0 to c.pointCount - 1 do
- with c^.points[j] do
- begin
- normalImpulse := 0.0;
- tangentImpulse := 0.0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- b1, b2: Tb2Body;
- w1, w2: Float;
- v1, v2: TVector2;
- invMass1, invI1, invMass2, invI2: Float;
- normal, tangent: TVector2;
- friction: Float;
- c: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- dv, P: TVector2;
- vn, vt, lambda, newImpulse, maxFriction: Float;
- begin
- for i := 0 to m_constraintCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- c := m_constraints + i;
- {$ELSE}
- c := Pb2ContactConstraint(Integer(m_constraints) + i * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint));
- {$ENDIF}
- b1 := c^.body1;
- b2 := c^.body2;
- w1 := b1.m_angularVelocity;
- w2 := b2.m_angularVelocity;
- v1 := b1.m_linearVelocity;
- v2 := b2.m_linearVelocity;
- invMass1 := b1.m_invMass;
- invI1 := b1.m_invI;
- invMass2 := b2.m_invMass;
- invI2 := b2.m_invI;
- normal := c^.normal;
- tangent := b2Cross(normal, 1.0);
- friction := c^.friction;
- // Solve normal constraints
- for j := 0 to c^.pointCount - 1 do
- with c^.points[j] do
- begin
- // Relative velocity at contact
- dv := v2 + b2Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - b2Cross(w1, r1);
- {$ELSE}
- dv := Subtract(v2, v1);
- AddBy(dv, b2Cross(w2, r2));
- SubtractBy(dv, b2Cross(w1, r1));
- {$ENDIF}
- // Compute normal impulse
- vn := b2Dot(dv, normal);
- lambda := normalMass * (velocityBias - vn);
- // b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
- newImpulse := b2Max(normalImpulse + lambda, 0.0);
- lambda := newImpulse - normalImpulse;
- // Apply contact impulse
- P := lambda * normal;
- v1 := v1 - invMass1 * P;
- v2 := v2 + invMass2 * P;
- {$ELSE}
- P := Multiply(normal, lambda);
- SubtractBy(v1, Multiply(P, invMass1));
- AddBy(v2, Multiply(P, invMass2));
- {$ENDIF}
- w1 := w1 - invI1 * b2Cross(r1, P);
- w2 := w2 + invI2 * b2Cross(r2, P);
- normalImpulse := newImpulse;
- end;
- // Solve tangent constraints
- for j := 0 to c^.pointCount - 1 do
- with c^.points[j] do
- begin
- // Relative velocity at contact
- dv := v2 + b2Cross(w2, r2) - v1 - b2Cross(w1, r1);
- {$ELSE}
- dv := Subtract(v2, v1);
- AddBy(dv, b2Cross(w2, r2));
- SubtractBy(dv, b2Cross(w1, r1));
- {$ENDIF}
- // Compute tangent force
- vt := b2Dot(dv, tangent);
- lambda := tangentMass * (-vt);
- // b2Clamp the accumulated force
- maxFriction := friction * normalImpulse;
- newImpulse := b2Clamp(tangentImpulse + lambda, -maxFriction, maxFriction);
- lambda := newImpulse - tangentImpulse;
- // Apply contact impulse
- P := lambda * tangent;
- v1 := v1 - invMass1 * P;
- v2 := v2 + invMass2 * P;
- {$ELSE}
- P := Multiply(tangent, lambda);
- SubtractBy(v1, Multiply(P, invMass1));
- AddBy(v2, Multiply(P, invMass2));
- {$ENDIF}
- w1 := w1 - invI1 * b2Cross(r1, P);
- w2 := w2 + invI2 * b2Cross(r2, P);
- tangentImpulse := newImpulse;
- end;
- b1.m_linearVelocity := v1;
- b1.m_angularVelocity := w1;
- b2.m_linearVelocity := v2;
- b2.m_angularVelocity := w2;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactSolver.FinalizeVelocityConstraints;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- m: Pb2Manifold;
- c: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- begin
- for i := 0 to m_constraintCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- c := m_constraints + i;
- {$ELSE}
- c := Pb2ContactConstraint(Integer(m_constraints) + i * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint));
- {$ENDIF}
- m := c^.manifold;
- for j := 0 to c^.pointCount - 1 do
- begin
- m^.points[j].normalImpulse := c^.points[j].normalImpulse;
- m^.points[j].tangentImpulse := c^.points[j].tangentImpulse;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function Tb2ContactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(baumgarte: Float): Boolean;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- b1, b2: Tb2Body;
- c: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- minSeparation: Float;
- invMass1, invI1, invMass2, invI2: Float;
- normal: TVector2;
- _r1, _r2: TVector2;
- p1, p2, dp: TVector2;
- _separation: Float;
- dImpulse, impulse0: Float;
- impulse: TVector2;
- begin
- minSeparation := 0.0;
- for i := 0 to m_constraintCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- c := m_constraints + i;
- {$ELSE}
- c := Pb2ContactConstraint(Integer(m_constraints) + i * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint));
- {$ENDIF}
- b1 := c.body1;
- b2 := c.body2;
- invMass1 := b1.m_mass * b1.m_invMass;
- invI1 := b1.m_mass * b1.m_invI;
- invMass2 := b2.m_mass * b2.m_invMass;
- invI2 := b2.m_mass * b2.m_invI;
- normal := c^.normal;
- // Solver normal constraints
- for j := 0 to c^.pointCount - 1 do
- with c^.points[j] do
- begin
- _r1 := b2Mul(b1.m_xf.R, localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter);
- _r2 := b2Mul(b2.m_xf.R, localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter);
- p1 := b1.m_sweep.c + _r1;
- p2 := b2.m_sweep.c + _r2;
- dp := p2 - p1;
- {$ELSE}
- _r1 := b2Mul(b1.m_xf.R, Subtract(localAnchor1, b1.GetLocalCenter));
- _r2 := b2Mul(b2.m_xf.R, Subtract(localAnchor2, b2.GetLocalCenter));
- p1 := Add(b1.m_sweep.c, _r1);
- p2 := Add(b2.m_sweep.c, _r2);
- dp := Subtract(p2, p1);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Approximate the current separation.
- _separation := b2Dot(dp, normal) + separation;
- // Track max constraint error.
- minSeparation := b2Min(minSeparation, _separation);
- // Compute normal impulse
- dImpulse := -equalizedMass * baumgarte * b2Clamp(_separation +
- b2_linearSlop, -b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0);
- // b2Clamp the accumulated impulse
- impulse0 := positionImpulse;
- positionImpulse := b2Max(impulse0 + dImpulse, 0.0);
- dImpulse := positionImpulse - impulse0;
- impulse := dImpulse * normal;
- b1.m_sweep.c.SubtractBy(invMass1 * impulse);
- {$ELSE}
- impulse := Multiply(normal, dImpulse);
- SubtractBy(b1.m_sweep.c, Multiply(impulse, invMass1));
- {$ENDIF}
- b1.m_sweep.a := b1.m_sweep.a - invI1 * b2Cross(_r1, impulse);
- b1.SynchronizeTransform;
- b2.m_sweep.c.AddBy(invMass2 * impulse);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(b2.m_sweep.c, Multiply(impulse, invMass2));
- {$ENDIF}
- b2.m_sweep.a := b2.m_sweep.a + invI2 * b2Cross(_r2, impulse);
- b2.SynchronizeTransform;
- end;
- end;
- // We can't expect minSpeparation >= -b2_linearSlop because we don't
- // push the separation above -b2_linearSlop.
- Result := minSeparation >= -1.5 * b2_linearSlop;
- end;
- { Tb2NullContact }
- procedure Tb2NullContact.Evaluate(listener: Tb2ContactListener);
- begin
- end;
- function Tb2NullContact.GetManifolds: Pb2Manifold;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- end;
- { Tb2ContactManager }
- constructor Tb2ContactManager.Create(world: Tb2World);
- begin
- m_world := world;
- m_destroyImmediate := False;
- end;
- function Tb2ContactManager.PairAdded(proxyUserData1,
- proxyUserData2: Pointer): Pointer;
- var
- shape1, shape2: Tb2Shape;
- body1, body2: Tb2Body;
- c: Tb2Contact;
- begin
- shape1 := Tb2Shape(proxyUserData1);
- shape2 := Tb2Shape(proxyUserData2);
- body1 := shape1.GetBody;
- body2 := shape2.GetBody;
- if body1.IsStatic() and body2.IsStatic() then
- begin
- Result := @m_nullContact;
- Exit;
- end;
- if shape1.GetBody = shape2.GetBody then
- begin
- Result := @m_nullContact;
- Exit;
- end;
- if body2.IsConnected(body1) then
- begin
- Result := @m_nullContact;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(m_world.m_contactFilter) and
- (not m_world.m_contactFilter.ShouldCollide(shape1, shape2)) then
- begin
- Result := @m_nullContact;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Call the factory.
- c := Tb2Contact.CreateContact(shape1, shape2);
- // Contact creation may swap shapes.
- shape1 := c.GetShape1;
- shape2 := c.GetShape2;
- body1 := shape1.GetBody;
- body2 := shape2.GetBody;
- // Insert into the world.
- c.m_prev := nil;
- c.m_next := m_world.m_contactList;
- if Assigned(m_world.m_contactList) then
- m_world.m_contactList.m_prev := c;
- m_world.m_contactList := c;
- // Connect to island graph.
- // Connect to body 1
- c.m_node1.contact := c;
- c.m_node1.other := body2;
- c.m_node1.prev := nil;
- c.m_node1.next := body1.m_contactList;
- if Assigned(body1.m_contactList) then
- body1.m_contactList.prev := @c.m_node1;
- body1.m_contactList := @c.m_node1;
- // Connect to body 2
- c.m_node2.contact := c;
- c.m_node2.other := body1;
- c.m_node2.prev := nil;
- c.m_node2.next := body2.m_contactList;
- if Assigned(body2.m_contactList) then
- body2.m_contactList.prev := @c.m_node2;
- body2.m_contactList := @c.m_node2;
- Inc(m_world.m_contactCount);
- Result := c;
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactManager.PairRemoved(proxyUserData1, proxyUserData2,
- pairUserData: Pointer);
- var
- c: Tb2Contact;
- begin
- //B2_NOT_USED(proxyUserData1);
- //B2_NOT_USED(proxyUserData2);
- if not Assigned(pairUserData) then
- Exit;
- c := Tb2Contact(pairUserData);
- if c = @m_nullContact then
- Exit;
- // An attached body is being destroyed, we must destroy this contact
- // immediately to avoid orphaned shape pointers.
- Destroy(c);
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactManager.Destroy(c: Tb2Contact);
- var
- manifoldCount: Int32;
- manifolds, manifold: Pb2Manifold;
- cp: Tb2ContactPoint;
- b1, b2: Tb2Body;
- i, j: Integer;
- v1, v2: TVector2;
- begin
- b1 := c.GetShape1.GetBody;
- b2 := c.GetShape2.GetBody;
- // Inform the user that this contact is ending.
- manifoldCount := c.GetManifoldCount;
- if (manifoldCount > 0) and Assigned(m_world.m_contactListener) then
- begin
- manifolds := c.GetManifolds;
- cp.shape1 := c.GetShape1;
- cp.shape2 := c.GetShape2;
- cp.friction := c.m_friction;
- cp.restitution := c.m_restitution;
- for i := 0 to manifoldCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- manifold := @manifolds[i];
- {$ELSE}
- manifold := Pb2Manifold(Integer(manifolds) + i * SizeOf(Tb2Manifold));
- {$ENDIF}
- cp.normal := manifold^.normal;
- for j := 0 to manifold^.pointCount - 1 do
- with manifold^.points[j] do
- begin
- cp.position := b1.GetWorldPoint(localPoint1);
- v1 := b1.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(localPoint1);
- v2 := b2.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(localPoint2);
- cp.velocity := v2 - v1;
- {$ELSE}
- cp.velocity := Subtract(v2, v1);
- {$ENDIF}
- cp.separation := separation;
- cp.id := id;
- m_world.m_contactListener.Remove(cp);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // Remove from the world.
- if Assigned(c.m_prev) then
- c.m_prev.m_next := c.m_next;
- if Assigned(c.m_next) then
- c.m_next.m_prev := c.m_prev;
- if (c = m_world.m_contactList) then
- m_world.m_contactList := c.m_next;
- // Remove from body 1
- if Assigned(c.m_node1.prev) then
- c.m_node1.prev.next := c.m_node1.next;
- if Assigned(c.m_node1.next) then
- c.m_node1.next.prev := c.m_node1.prev;
- if @c.m_node1 = b1.m_contactList then
- b1.m_contactList := c.m_node1.next;
- // Remove from body 2
- if Assigned(c.m_node2.prev) then
- c.m_node2.prev.next := c.m_node2.next;
- if Assigned(c.m_node2.next) then
- c.m_node2.next.prev := c.m_node2.prev;
- if @c.m_node2 = b2.m_contactList then
- b2.m_contactList := c.m_node2.next;
- c.Free;
- Dec(m_world.m_contactCount);
- end;
- procedure Tb2ContactManager.Collide;
- var
- c: Tb2Contact;
- begin
- // Update awake contacts.
- c := m_world.m_contactList;
- while Assigned(c) do
- begin
- if c.GetShape1.GetBody.IsSleeping and
- c.GetShape2.GetBody.IsSleeping then
- begin
- c := c.GetNext;
- Continue;
- end;
- c.Update(m_world.m_contactListener);
- c := c.GetNext;
- end;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Island
- { Tb2Island }
- (*
- Position Correction Notes
- =========================
- I tried the several algorithms for position correction of the 2D revolute joint.
- I looked at these systems:
- - simple pendulum (1m diameter sphere on massless 5m stick) with initial angular velocity of 100 rad/s.
- - suspension bridge with 30 1m long planks of length 1m.
- - multi-link chain with 30 1m long links.
- Here are the algorithms:
- Baumgarte - A fraction of the position error is added to the velocity error. There is no
- separate position solver.
- Pseudo Velocities - After the velocity solver and position integration,
- the position error, Jacobian, and effective mass are recomputed. Then
- the velocity constraints are solved with pseudo velocities and a fraction
- of the position error is added to the pseudo velocity error. The pseudo
- velocities are initialized to zero and there is no warm-starting. After
- the position solver, the pseudo velocities are added to the positions.
- This is also called the First Order World method or the Position LCP method.
- Modified Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel (NGS) - Like Pseudo Velocities except the
- position error is re-computed for each constraint and the positions are updated
- after the constraint is solved. The radius vectors (aka Jacobians) are
- re-computed too (otherwise the algorithm has horrible instability). The pseudo
- velocity states are not needed because they are effectively zero at the beginning
- of each iteration. Since we have the current position error, we allow the
- iterations to terminate early if the error becomes smaller than b2_linearSlop.
- Full NGS or just NGS - Like Modified NGS except the effective mass are re-computed
- each time a constraint is solved.
- Here are the results:
- Baumgarte - this is the cheapest algorithm but it has some stability problems,
- especially with the bridge. The chain links separate easily close to the root
- and they jitter as they struggle to pull together. This is one of the most common
- methods in the field. The big drawback is that the position correction artificially
- affects the momentum, thus leading to instabilities and False bounce. I used a
- bias factor of 0.2. A larger bias factor makes the bridge less stable, a smaller
- factor makes joints and contacts more spongy.
- Pseudo Velocities - the is more stable than the Baumgarte method. The bridge is
- stable. However, joints still separate with large angular velocities. Drag the
- simple pendulum in a circle quickly and the joint will separate. The chain separates
- easily and does not recover. I used a bias factor of 0.2. A larger value lead to
- the bridge collapsing when a heavy cube drops on it.
- Modified NGS - this algorithm is better in some ways than Baumgarte and Pseudo
- Velocities, but in other ways it is worse. The bridge and chain are much more
- stable, but the simple pendulum goes unstable at high angular velocities.
- Full NGS - stable in all tests. The joints display good stiffness. The bridge
- still sags, but this is better than infinite forces.
- Recommendations
- Pseudo Velocities are not really worthwhile because the bridge and chain cannot
- recover from joint separation. In other cases the benefit over Baumgarte is small.
- Modified NGS is not a robust method for the revolute joint due to the violent
- instability seen in the simple pendulum. Perhaps it is viable with other constraint
- types, especially scalar constraints where the effectivprocedure Tb2Island.Solve(const step: Tb2TimeStep; const gravity: TVector2;
- correctPositions, allowSleep: Boolean);
- begin
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.SolveTOI(const subStep: Tb2TimeStep);
- begin
- end;
- e mass is a scalar.
- This leaves Baumgarte and Full NGS. Baumgarte has small, but manageable instabilities
- and is very fast. I don't think we can escape Baumgarte, especially in highly
- demanding cases where high constraint fidelity is not needed.
- Full NGS is robust and easy on the eyes. I recommend this as an option for
- higher fidelity simulation and certainly for suspension bridges and long chains.
- Full NGS might be a good choice for ragdolls, especially motorized ragdolls where
- joint separation can be problematic. The number of NGS iterations can be reduced
- for better performance without harming robustness much.
- Each joint in a can be handled differently in the position solver. So I recommend
- a system where the user can select the algorithm on a per joint basis. I would
- probably default to the slower Full NGS and let the user select the faster
- Baumgarte method in performance critical scenarios.
- *)
- constructor Tb2Island.Create(bodyCapacity, contactCapacity, jointCapacity: Int32;
- listener: Tb2ContactListener);
- begin
- m_bodyCapacity := bodyCapacity;
- m_contactCapacity := contactCapacity;
- m_jointCapacity := jointCapacity;
- m_bodyCount := 0;
- m_contactCount := 0;
- m_jointCount := 0;
- m_listener := listener;
- m_bodies := TList.Create;
- m_bodies.Count := bodyCapacity;
- m_contacts := TList.Create;
- m_contacts.Count := contactCapacity;
- m_joints := TList.Create;
- m_joints.Count := jointCapacity;
- m_positionIterationCount := 0;
- end;
- destructor Tb2Island.Destroy;
- begin
- // Warning: the order should reverse the constructor order.
- m_joints.Free;
- m_contacts.Free;
- m_bodies.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.Clear;
- begin
- m_bodyCount := 0;
- m_contactCount := 0;
- m_jointCount := 0;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.Solve(const step: Tb2TimeStep; const gravity: TVector2;
- correctPositions, allowSleep: Boolean);
- const
- linTolSqr = b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2_linearSleepTolerance;
- angTolSqr = b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2_angularSleepTolerance;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- b: Tb2Body;
- contactSolver: Tb2ContactSolver;
- contactsOkay, jointsOkay: Boolean;
- minSleepTime: Float;
- begin
- // Integrate velocities and apply damping.
- for i := 0 to m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- b := Tb2Body(m_bodies[i]);
- with b do
- begin
- if IsStatic() then
- Continue;
- // Integrate velocities.
- m_linearVelocity.AddBy(step.dt * (gravity + m_invMass * m_force));
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(m_linearVelocity, Multiply(UPhysics2DTypes.Add(gravity,
- Multiply(m_force, m_invMass)), step.dt));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_angularVelocity := m_angularVelocity + step.dt * m_invI * m_torque;
- // Reset forces.
- SetZero(m_force);
- m_torque := 0.0;
- // Apply damping.
- // ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
- // Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
- // Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
- // v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
- // Taylor expansion:
- // v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
- m_linearVelocity.MultiplyBy(b2Clamp(1.0 - step.dt * m_linearDamping, 0.0, 1.0));
- {$ELSE}
- MultiplyBy(m_linearVelocity, b2Clamp(1.0 - step.dt * m_linearDamping, 0.0, 1.0));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_angularVelocity := m_angularVelocity * b2Clamp(1.0 - step.dt *
- b.m_angularDamping, 0.0, 1.0);
- // Check for large velocities.
- if (b2Dot(m_linearVelocity, m_linearVelocity) > b2_maxLinearVelocitySquared) then
- begin
- m_linearVelocity.Normalize;
- m_linearVelocity.MultiplyBy(b2_maxLinearVelocity);
- {$ELSE}
- Normalize(m_linearVelocity);
- MultiplyBy(m_linearVelocity, b2_maxLinearVelocity);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if m_angularVelocity * m_angularVelocity > b2_maxAngularVelocitySquared then
- if m_angularVelocity < 0.0 then
- m_angularVelocity := -b2_maxAngularVelocity
- else
- m_angularVelocity := b2_maxAngularVelocity;
- end;
- end;
- contactSolver := Tb2ContactSolver.Create(step, m_contacts, m_contactCount);
- try
- // Initialize velocity constraints.
- contactSolver.InitVelocityConstraints(step);
- for i := 0 to m_jointCount - 1 do
- Tb2Joint(m_joints[i]).InitVelocityConstraints(step);
- // Solve velocity constraints.
- if (contactSolver.m_constraintCount > 0) or (m_jointCount > 0) then
- for i := 0 to step.maxIterations - 1 do
- begin
- contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints;
- for j := 0 to m_jointCount - 1 do
- Tb2Joint(m_joints[j]).SolveVelocityConstraints(step);
- end;
- // Post-solve (store impulses for warm starting).
- contactSolver.FinalizeVelocityConstraints;
- // Integrate positions.
- for i := 0 to m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- b := Tb2Body(m_bodies[i]);
- with b do
- begin
- if IsStatic() then
- Continue;
- // Store positions for continuous collision.
- m_sweep.c0 := m_sweep.c;
- m_sweep.a0 := m_sweep.a;
- // Integrate
- m_sweep.c.AddBy(step.dt * m_linearVelocity);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(m_sweep.c, Multiply(m_linearVelocity, step.dt));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_sweep.a := m_sweep.a + step.dt * m_angularVelocity;
- // Compute new transform
- SynchronizeTransform;
- // Note: shapes are synchronized later.
- end;
- end;
- if correctPositions then
- begin
- // Initialize position constraints.
- // Contacts don't need initialization.
- for i := 0 to m_jointCount - 1 do
- Tb2Joint(m_joints[i]).InitPositionConstraints;
- // Iterate over constraints.
- m_positionIterationCount := 0;
- while (m_positionIterationCount < step.maxIterations) do
- begin
- contactsOkay := contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);
- jointsOkay := True;
- for i := 0 to m_jointCount - 1 do
- jointsOkay := Tb2Joint(m_joints[i]).SolvePositionConstraints and jointsOkay;
- if contactsOkay and jointsOkay then
- Break;
- Inc(m_positionIterationCount);
- end;
- end;
- Report(contactSolver.m_constraints);
- if allowSleep then
- begin
- minSleepTime := FLT_MAX;
- for i := 0 to m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- b := Tb2Body(m_bodies[i]);
- with b do
- begin
- if m_invMass = 0.0 then
- Continue;
- if (m_flags and e_allowSleepFlag) = 0 then
- begin
- m_sleepTime := 0.0;
- minSleepTime := 0.0;
- end;
- if ((m_flags and e_allowSleepFlag) = 0) or
- (m_angularVelocity * m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr) or
- (b2Dot(m_linearVelocity, m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr) then
- begin
- m_sleepTime := 0.0;
- minSleepTime := 0.0;
- end
- else
- begin
- m_sleepTime := m_sleepTime + step.dt;
- minSleepTime := b2Min(minSleepTime, m_sleepTime);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if minSleepTime >= b2_timeToSleep then
- for i := 0 to m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- b := Tb2Body(m_bodies[i]);
- with b do
- begin
- m_flags := m_flags or e_sleepFlag;
- m_linearVelocity := b2Vec2_zero;
- m_angularVelocity := 0.0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- contactSolver.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.SolveTOI(const subStep: Tb2TimeStep);
- var
- b: Tb2Body;
- i: Integer;
- contactSolver: Tb2ContactSolver;
- begin
- contactSolver := Tb2ContactSolver.Create(subStep, m_contacts, m_contactCount);
- try
- // No warm starting needed for TOI events.
- // Solve velocity constraints.
- for i := 0 to subStep.maxIterations - 1 do
- contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints;
- // Don't store the TOI contact forces for warm starting
- // because they can be quite large.
- // Integrate positions.
- for i := 0 to m_bodyCount - 1 do
- begin
- b := Tb2Body(m_bodies[i]);
- with b do
- begin
- if IsStatic() then
- Continue;
- // Store positions for continuous collision.
- m_sweep.c0 := m_sweep.c;
- m_sweep.a0 := m_sweep.a;
- // Integrate
- m_sweep.c.AddBy(subStep.dt * m_linearVelocity);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(m_sweep.c, Multiply(m_linearVelocity, subStep.dt));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_sweep.a := m_sweep.a + subStep.dt * m_angularVelocity;
- // Compute new transform
- SynchronizeTransform;
- // Note: shapes are synchronized later.
- end;
- end;
- // Solve position constraints.
- for i := 0 to subStep.maxIterations - 1 do
- if contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(0.75) then
- Break;
- Report(contactSolver.m_constraints);
- finally
- contactSolver.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.Add(body: Tb2Body);
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_bodyCount < m_bodyCapacity);
- m_bodies[m_bodyCount] := body;
- Inc(m_bodyCount);
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.Add(contact: Tb2Contact);
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_contactCount < m_contactCapacity);
- m_contacts[m_contactCount] := contact;
- Inc(m_contactCount);
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.Add(joint: Tb2Joint);
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_jointCount < m_jointCapacity);
- m_joints[m_jointCount] := joint;
- Inc(m_jointCount);
- end;
- procedure Tb2Island.Report(constraints: Pb2ContactConstraint);
- var
- i, j, k: Integer;
- c: Tb2Contact;
- cc: Pb2ContactConstraint;
- cr: Tb2ContactResult;
- b1: Tb2Body;
- manifoldCount: Int32;
- manifolds, manifold: Pb2Manifold;
- point: Pb2ManifoldPoint;
- begin
- if not Assigned(m_listener) then
- Exit;
- for i := 0 to m_contactCount - 1 do
- begin
- c := Tb2Contact(m_contacts[i]);
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- cc := constraints + i;
- {$ELSE}
- cc := Pb2ContactConstraint(Integer(constraints) + i * SizeOf(Tb2ContactConstraint));
- {$ENDIF}
- cr.shape1 := c.GetShape1;
- cr.shape2 := c.GetShape2;
- b1 := cr.shape1.GetBody;
- manifoldCount := c.GetManifoldCount;
- manifolds := c.GetManifolds;
- for j := 0 to manifoldCount - 1 do
- begin
- {$IFDEF D2009UP}
- manifold := manifolds + j;
- {$ELSE}
- manifold := Pb2Manifold(Integer(manifolds) + j * SizeOf(Tb2Manifold));
- {$ENDIF}
- cr.normal := manifold.normal;
- for k := 0 to manifold^.pointCount - 1 do
- begin
- point := @manifold.points[k];
- with cc.points[k] do
- begin
- cr.position := b1.GetWorldPoint(point^.localPoint1);
- // TOI constraint results are not stored, so get
- // the result from the constraint.
- cr.normalImpulse := normalImpulse;
- cr.tangentImpulse := tangentImpulse;
- cr.id := point^.id;
- m_listener.Result(cr);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- function Tb2Bound.IsLower: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (value and 1) = 0;
- end;
- function Tb2Bound.IsUpper: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (value and 1) = 1;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function Tb2Proxy.GetNext: UInt16;
- begin
- Result := lowerBounds[0];
- end;
- procedure Tb2Proxy.SetNext(Next: UInt16);
- begin
- lowerBounds[0] := Next;
- end;
- function Tb2Proxy.IsValid: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := overlapCount <> b2_invalid;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Tb2BroadPhase }
- constructor Tb2BroadPhase.Create(const worldAABB: Tb2AABB; callback: Tb2PairCallback);
- var
- d: TVector2;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- m_pairManager := Tb2PairManager.Create;
- m_pairManager.Initialize(Self, callback);
- //b2Assert(worldAABB.IsValid());
- m_worldAABB := worldAABB;
- m_proxyCount := 0;
- d := worldAABB.upperBound - worldAABB.lowerBound;
- {$ELSE}
- d := Subtract(worldAABB.upperBound, worldAABB.lowerBound);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_quantizationFactor.x := B2BROADPHASE_MAX / d.x;
- m_quantizationFactor.y := B2BROADPHASE_MAX / d.y;
- for i := 0 to b2_maxProxies - 2 do
- with m_proxyPool[i] do
- begin
- SetNext(i + 1);
- {$ELSE}
- //SetNext(m_proxyPool[i], i + 1);
- lowerBounds[0] := i + 1;
- {$ENDIF}
- timeStamp := 0;
- overlapCount := b2_invalid;
- userData := nil;
- end;
- with m_proxyPool[b2_maxProxies - 1] do
- begin
- SetNext(b2_nullProxy);
- {$ELSE}
- //SetNext(m_proxyPool[b2_maxProxies - 1], b2_nullProxy);
- lowerBounds[0] := b2_nullProxy;
- {$ENDIF}
- timeStamp := 0;
- overlapCount := b2_invalid;
- userData := nil;
- end;
- m_freeProxy := 0;
- m_timeStamp := 1;
- m_queryResultCount := 0;
- end;
- destructor Tb2BroadPhase.Destroy;
- begin
- m_pairManager.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.ComputeBounds(var lowerValues, upperValues: Tb2BoundValuesArray;
- const aabb: Tb2AABB);
- var
- minVertex, maxVertex: TVector2;
- begin
- //b2Assert(aabb.upperBound.x > aabb.lowerBound.x);
- //b2Assert(aabb.upperBound.y > aabb.lowerBound.y);
- minVertex := b2Clamp(aabb.lowerBound, m_worldAABB.lowerBound, m_worldAABB.upperBound);
- maxVertex := b2Clamp(aabb.upperBound, m_worldAABB.lowerBound, m_worldAABB.upperBound);
- // Bump lower bounds downs and upper bounds up. This ensures correct sorting of
- // lower/upper bounds that would have equal values.
- // TODO_ERIN implement fast float to uint16 conversion.
- lowerValues[0] := UInt16(Trunc((m_quantizationFactor.x * (minVertex.x -
- m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x)))) and (B2BROADPHASE_MAX - 1);
- upperValues[0] := UInt16(Trunc((m_quantizationFactor.x * (maxVertex.x -
- m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x)))) or 1;
- lowerValues[1] := UInt16(Trunc((m_quantizationFactor.y * (minVertex.y -
- m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y)))) and (B2BROADPHASE_MAX - 1);
- upperValues[1] := UInt16(Trunc((m_quantizationFactor.y * (maxVertex.y -
- m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y)))) or 1;
- end;
- function Tb2BroadPhase.TestOverlap(var p1, p2: Tb2Proxy): Boolean;
- var
- axis: Integer;
- bounds: Pb2AxialBoundsArray;
- begin
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- bounds := @m_bounds[axis];
- //b2Assert(p1->lowerBounds[axis] < 2 * m_proxyCount);
- //b2Assert(p1->upperBounds[axis] < 2 * m_proxyCount);
- //b2Assert(p2->lowerBounds[axis] < 2 * m_proxyCount);
- //b2Assert(p2->upperBounds[axis] < 2 * m_proxyCount);
- if bounds^[p1.lowerBounds[axis]].value > bounds^[p2.upperBounds[axis]].value then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if bounds^[p1.upperBounds[axis]].value < bounds^[p2.lowerBounds[axis]].value then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function Tb2BroadPhase.TestOverlap(const b: Tb2BoundValues; var p: Tb2Proxy): Boolean;
- var
- axis: Integer;
- bounds: Pb2AxialBoundsArray;
- begin
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- bounds := @m_bounds[axis];
- //b2Assert(p->lowerBounds[axis] < 2 * m_proxyCount);
- //b2Assert(p->upperBounds[axis] < 2 * m_proxyCount);
- if b.lowerValues[axis] > bounds^[p.upperBounds[axis]].value then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if b.upperValues[axis] < bounds^[p.lowerBounds[axis]].value then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.Query(var lowerIndex, upperIndex: Int32; lowerValue,
- upperValue: UInt16; var bounds: Tb2AxialBoundsArray; boundCount, axis: Int32);
- var
- i, s: Integer;
- lowerQuery, upperQuery: Int32;
- begin
- lowerQuery := BroadPhase_BinarySearch(bounds, boundCount, lowerValue);
- upperQuery := BroadPhase_BinarySearch(bounds, boundCount, upperValue);
- // Easy case: lowerQuery <= lowerIndex(i) < upperQuery
- // Solution: search query range for min bounds.
- for i := lowerQuery to upperQuery - 1 do
- begin
- if bounds[i].IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(bounds[i]) then
- {$ENDIF}
- IncrementOverlapCount(bounds[i].proxyId);
- end;
- // Hard case: lowerIndex(i) < lowerQuery < upperIndex(i)
- // Solution: use the stabbing count to search down the bound array.
- if lowerQuery > 0 then
- begin
- i := lowerQuery - 1;
- s := bounds[i].stabbingCount;
- // Find the s overlaps.
- while (s > 0) do //b2Assert(i >= 0);
- with bounds[i] do
- begin
- if IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(bounds[i]) then
- {$ENDIF}
- if lowerQuery <= m_proxyPool[proxyId].upperBounds[axis] then
- begin
- IncrementOverlapCount(proxyId);
- Dec(s);
- end;
- Dec(i);
- end;
- end;
- lowerIndex := lowerQuery;
- upperIndex := upperQuery;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.IncrementOverlapCount(proxyId: Int32);
- begin
- with m_proxyPool[proxyId] do
- if timeStamp < m_timeStamp then
- begin
- timeStamp := m_timeStamp;
- overlapCount := 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- overlapCount := 2;
- //b2Assert(m_queryResultCount < b2_maxProxies);
- m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] := proxyId;
- Inc(m_queryResultCount);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.IncrementTimeStamp;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if m_timeStamp = B2BROADPHASE_MAX then
- begin
- for i := 0 to b2_maxProxies - 1 do
- m_proxyPool[i].timeStamp := 0;
- m_timeStamp := 1;
- end
- else
- Inc(m_timeStamp);
- end;
- function Tb2BroadPhase.InRange(const aabb: Tb2AABB): Boolean;
- var
- d: TVector2;
- begin
- d := b2Max(aabb.lowerBound - m_worldAABB.upperBound,
- m_worldAABB.lowerBound - aabb.upperBound);
- {$ELSE}
- d := b2Max(Subtract(aabb.lowerBound, m_worldAABB.upperBound),
- Subtract(m_worldAABB.lowerBound, aabb.upperBound));
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := b2Max(d.x, d.y) < 0.0;
- end;
- function Tb2BroadPhase.CreateProxy(const aabb: Tb2AABB; userData: Pointer): UInt16;
- var
- AproxyId: UInt16;
- proxy: Pb2Proxy;
- index, boundCount, axis, lowerIndex, upperIndex: Int32;
- lowerValues, upperValues: Tb2BoundValuesArray;
- bounds: Pb2AxialBoundsArray;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_proxyCount < b2_maxProxies);
- //b2Assert(m_freeProxy != b2_nullProxy);
- AproxyId := m_freeProxy;
- proxy := @(m_proxyPool[AproxyId]);
- m_freeProxy := proxy^.GetNext;
- {$ELSE}
- m_freeProxy := GetNext(proxy^);
- {$ENDIF}
- proxy^.overlapCount := 0;
- proxy^.userData := userData;
- boundCount := 2 * m_proxyCount;
- ComputeBounds(lowerValues, upperValues, aabb);
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- bounds := @m_bounds[axis];
- Query(lowerIndex, upperIndex, lowerValues[axis], upperValues[axis],
- bounds^, boundCount, axis);
- Move(bounds^[upperIndex], bounds^[upperIndex + 2],
- (boundCount - upperIndex) * SizeOf(Tb2Bound));
- Move(bounds^[lowerIndex], bounds^[lowerIndex + 1],
- (upperIndex - lowerIndex) * SizeOf(Tb2Bound));
- // The upper index has increased because of the lower bound insertion.
- Inc(upperIndex);
- // Copy in the new bounds.
- with bounds^[lowerIndex] do
- begin
- value := lowerValues[axis];
- proxyId := AproxyId;
- if lowerIndex = 0 then
- stabbingCount := 0
- else
- stabbingCount := bounds^[lowerIndex - 1].stabbingCount;
- end;
- with bounds^[upperIndex] do
- begin
- value := upperValues[axis];
- proxyId := AproxyId;
- stabbingCount := bounds^[upperIndex - 1].stabbingCount;
- end;
- // Adjust the stabbing count between the new bounds.
- for index := lowerIndex to upperIndex - 1 do
- Inc(bounds^[index].stabbingCount);
- // Adjust the all the affected bound indices.
- for index := lowerIndex to boundCount + 1 do
- begin
- proxy := @m_proxyPool[bounds^[index].proxyId];
- if bounds^[index].IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(bounds^[index]) then
- {$ENDIF}
- proxy^.lowerBounds[axis] := index
- else
- proxy^.upperBounds[axis] := index;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(m_proxyCount);
- //b2Assert(m_queryResultCount < b2_maxProxies);
- // Create pairs if the AABB is in range.
- for index := 0 to m_queryResultCount - 1 do
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_queryResults[i] < b2_maxProxies);
- //b2Assert(m_proxyPool[m_queryResults[i]].IsValid());
- m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(AproxyId, m_queryResults[index]);
- end;
- m_pairManager.Commit;
- if s_validate then
- {$ELSE}
- if b2BroadPhase_s_validate then
- {$ENDIF}
- Validate;
- // Prepare for next query.
- m_queryResultCount := 0;
- IncrementTimeStamp;
- Result := AproxyId;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.DestroyProxy(proxyId: Int32);
- var
- proxy, proxy2: Pb2Proxy;
- i, boundCount: Int32;
- axis: Integer;
- bounds: Pb2AxialBoundsArray;
- lowerIndex, upperIndex: Int32;
- lowerValue, upperValue: UInt16;
- begin
- //b2Assert(0 < m_proxyCount && m_proxyCount <= b2_maxProxies);
- proxy := @m_proxyPool[proxyId];
- //b2Assert(proxy->IsValid());
- boundCount := 2 * m_proxyCount;
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- bounds := @m_bounds[axis];
- lowerIndex := proxy^.lowerBounds[axis];
- upperIndex := proxy^.upperBounds[axis];
- lowerValue := bounds^[lowerIndex].value;
- upperValue := bounds^[upperIndex].value;
- Move(bounds^[lowerIndex + 1], bounds^[lowerIndex],
- (upperIndex - lowerIndex - 1) * SizeOf(Tb2Bound));
- Move(bounds^[upperIndex + 1], bounds^[upperIndex - 1],
- (boundCount - upperIndex - 1) * SizeOf(Tb2Bound));
- // Fix bound indices.
- for i := lowerIndex to boundCount - 3 do
- begin
- proxy2 := @m_proxyPool[bounds^[i].proxyId];
- if bounds^[i].IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(bounds^[i]) then
- {$ENDIF}
- proxy2^.lowerBounds[axis] := i
- else
- proxy2^.upperBounds[axis] := i;
- end;
- // Fix stabbing count.
- for i := lowerIndex to upperIndex - 2 do
- Dec(bounds^[i].stabbingCount);
- // Query for pairs to be removed. lowerIndex and upperIndex are not needed.
- Query(lowerIndex, upperIndex, lowerValue, upperValue,
- bounds^, boundCount - 2, axis);
- end;
- //b2Assert(m_queryResultCount < b2_maxProxies);
- for i := 0 to m_queryResultCount - 1 do
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_proxyPool[m_queryResults[i]].IsValid());
- m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId, m_queryResults[i]);
- end;
- m_pairManager.Commit;
- // Prepare for next query.
- m_queryResultCount := 0;
- IncrementTimeStamp;
- // Return the proxy to the pool.
- with proxy^ do
- begin
- userData := nil;
- overlapCount := b2_invalid;
- lowerBounds[0] := b2_invalid;
- lowerBounds[1] := b2_invalid;
- upperBounds[0] := b2_invalid;
- upperBounds[1] := b2_invalid;
- end;
- proxy^.SetNext(m_freeProxy);
- {$ELSE}
- SetNext(proxy^, m_freeProxy);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_freeProxy := proxyId;
- Dec(m_proxyCount);
- if s_validate then
- {$ELSE}
- if b2BroadPhase_s_validate then
- {$ENDIF}
- Validate;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.MoveProxy(proxyId: Int32; const aabb: Tb2AABB);
- var
- axis: Integer;
- index, boundCount, prevProxyId, nextProxyId: Int32;
- lowerIndex, upperIndex, deltaLower, deltaUpper: Int32;
- lowerValue, upperValue: UInt16;
- proxy, prevProxy, nextProxy: Pb2Proxy;
- newValues, oldValues: Tb2BoundValues;
- bounds: Pb2AxialBoundsArray;
- bound, prevBound, nextBound: Pb2Bound;
- begin
- if (proxyId = b2_nullProxy) or (b2_maxProxies <= proxyId) then
- begin
- //b2Assert(False);
- Exit;
- end;
- if not aabb.IsValid() then
- {$ELSE}
- if not IsValid(aabb) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- //b2Assert(False);
- Exit;;
- end;
- boundCount := 2 * m_proxyCount;
- proxy := @m_proxyPool[proxyId];
- // Get new bound values
- ComputeBounds(newValues.lowerValues, newValues.upperValues, aabb);
- // Get old bound values
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- oldValues.lowerValues[axis] := m_bounds[axis][proxy^.lowerBounds[axis]].value;
- oldValues.upperValues[axis] := m_bounds[axis][proxy^.upperBounds[axis]].value;
- end;
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- bounds := @m_bounds[axis];
- lowerIndex := proxy^.lowerBounds[axis];
- upperIndex := proxy^.upperBounds[axis];
- lowerValue := newValues.lowerValues[axis];
- upperValue := newValues.upperValues[axis];
- deltaLower := lowerValue - bounds^[lowerIndex].value;
- deltaUpper := upperValue - bounds^[upperIndex].value;
- bounds^[lowerIndex].value := lowerValue;
- bounds^[upperIndex].value := upperValue;
- // Expanding adds overlaps
- // Should we move the lower bound down?
- if deltaLower < 0 then
- begin
- index := lowerIndex;
- while ((index > 0) and (lowerValue < bounds^[index - 1].value)) do
- begin
- bound := @bounds^[index];
- prevBound := @bounds^[index - 1];
- prevProxyId := prevBound^.proxyId;
- prevProxy := @m_proxyPool[prevProxyId];
- Inc(prevBound^.stabbingCount);
- if prevBound^.IsUpper() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsUpper(prevBound^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if TestOverlap(newValues, prevProxy^) then
- m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);
- Inc(prevProxy^.upperBounds[axis]);
- Inc(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- Inc(prevProxy^.lowerBounds[axis]);
- Dec(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end;
- Dec(proxy^.lowerBounds[axis]);
- b2Swap(bound^, prevBound^);
- Dec(index);
- end;
- end;
- // Should we move the upper bound up?
- if deltaUpper > 0 then
- begin
- index := upperIndex;
- while ((index < boundCount - 1) and (bounds^[index + 1].value <= upperValue)) do
- begin
- bound := @bounds^[index];
- nextBound := @bounds^[index + 1];
- nextProxyId := nextBound^.proxyId;
- nextProxy := @m_proxyPool[nextProxyId];
- Inc(nextBound^.stabbingCount);
- if nextBound^.IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(nextBound^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if TestOverlap(newValues, nextProxy^) then
- m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);
- Dec(nextProxy^.lowerBounds[axis]);
- Inc(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- Dec(nextProxy^.upperBounds[axis]);
- Dec(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end;
- Inc(proxy^.upperBounds[axis]);
- b2Swap(bound^, nextBound^);
- Inc(index);
- end;
- end;
- // Shrinking removes overlaps
- // Should we move the lower bound up?
- if deltaLower > 0 then
- begin
- index := lowerIndex;
- while (index < boundCount - 1) and (bounds^[index + 1].value <= lowerValue) do
- begin
- bound := @bounds^[index];
- nextBound := @bounds^[index + 1];
- nextProxyId := nextBound^.proxyId;
- nextProxy := @m_proxyPool[nextProxyId];
- Dec(nextBound^.stabbingCount);
- if nextBound^.IsUpper() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsUpper(nextBound^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if TestOverlap(oldValues, nextProxy^) then
- m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);
- Dec(nextProxy^.upperBounds[axis]);
- Dec(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- Dec(nextProxy^.lowerBounds[axis]);
- Inc(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end;
- Inc(proxy^.lowerBounds[axis]);
- b2Swap(bound^, nextBound^);
- Inc(index);
- end;
- end;
- // Should we move the upper bound down?
- if deltaUpper < 0 then
- begin
- index := upperIndex;
- while (index > 0) and (upperValue < bounds^[index - 1].value) do
- begin
- bound := @bounds^[index];
- prevBound := @bounds^[index - 1];
- prevProxyId := prevBound^.proxyId;
- prevProxy := @m_proxyPool[prevProxyId];
- Dec(prevBound^.stabbingCount);
- if prevBound^.IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(prevBound^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if TestOverlap(oldValues, prevProxy^) then
- m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);
- Inc(prevProxy^.lowerBounds[axis]);
- Dec(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- Inc(prevProxy^.upperBounds[axis]);
- Inc(bound^.stabbingCount);
- end;
- Dec(proxy^.upperBounds[axis]);
- b2Swap(bound^, prevBound^);
- Dec(index);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if s_validate then
- {$ELSE}
- if b2BroadPhase_s_validate then
- {$ENDIF}
- Validate;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.Commit;
- begin
- m_pairManager.Commit;
- end;
- function Tb2BroadPhase.GetProxy(proxyId: Int32): Pb2Proxy;
- begin
- if (proxyId = b2_nullProxy) or (not m_proxyPool[proxyId].IsValid) then
- {$ELSE}
- if (proxyId = b2_nullProxy) or (not IsValid(m_proxyPool[proxyId])) then
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := nil
- else
- Result := @(m_proxyPool[proxyId]);
- end;
- function Tb2BroadPhase.Query(const aabb: Tb2AABB; userData: TList;
- maxCount: Int32): Int32;
- var
- lowerValues, upperValues: Tb2BoundValuesArray;
- lowerIndex, upperIndex: Int32;
- count: Int32;
- i: Integer;
- proxy: Pb2Proxy;
- begin
- ComputeBounds(lowerValues, upperValues, aabb);
- Query(lowerIndex, upperIndex, lowerValues[0], upperValues[0],
- m_bounds[0], 2 * m_proxyCount, 0);
- Query(lowerIndex, upperIndex, lowerValues[1], upperValues[1],
- m_bounds[1], 2 * m_proxyCount, 1);
- //b2Assert(m_queryResultCount < b2_maxProxies);
- count := 0;
- i := 0;
- while (i < m_queryResultCount) and (count < maxCount) do
- begin
- {//b2Assert(m_queryResults[i] < b2_maxProxies);
- proxy := @m_proxyPool[m_queryResults[i]];
- //b2Assert(proxy->IsValid());
- userData[i] := proxy^.userData; }
- userData.Add(m_proxyPool[m_queryResults[i]].userData);
- Inc(i);
- Inc(count);
- end;
- // Prepare for next query.
- m_queryResultCount := 0;
- IncrementTimeStamp;
- Result := count;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.Validate;
- var
- axis: Integer;
- bounds: Pb2AxialBoundsArray;
- bound: Pb2Bound;
- boundCount: Int32;
- stabbingCount: UInt16;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for axis := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- bounds := @m_bounds[axis];
- boundCount := 2 * m_proxyCount;
- stabbingCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to boundCount - 1 do
- begin
- bound := @bounds^[i];
- //b2Assert(i == 0 || bounds[i-1].value <= bound->value);
- //b2Assert(bound->proxyId != b2_nullProxy);
- //b2Assert(m_proxyPool[bound->proxyId].IsValid());
- if bound^.IsLower() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsLower(bound^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_proxyPool[bound^.proxyId].lowerBounds[axis] == i);
- Inc(stabbingCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_proxyPool[bound^.proxyId].upperBounds[axis] == i);
- Dec(stabbingCount);
- end;
- //b2Assert(bound->stabbingCount == stabbingCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2BroadPhase.ValidatePairs;
- begin
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Pair
- procedure Tb2Pair.SetBuffered;
- begin
- status := status or e_pairBuffered;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Pair.ClearBuffered;
- begin
- status := status and (not e_pairBuffered);
- end;
- function Tb2Pair.IsBuffered: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (status and e_pairBuffered) = e_pairBuffered;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Pair.SetRemoved;
- begin
- status := status or e_pairRemoved;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Pair.ClearRemoved;
- begin
- status := status and (not e_pairRemoved);
- end;
- function Tb2Pair.IsRemoved: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (status and e_pairRemoved) = e_pairRemoved;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Pair.SetFinal;
- begin
- status := status or e_pairFinal;
- end;
- function Tb2Pair.IsFinal: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (status and e_pairFinal) = e_pairFinal;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Tb2PairManager }
- constructor Tb2PairManager.Create;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to b2_tableCapacity - 1 do
- m_hashTable[i] := b2_nullPair;
- m_freePair := 0;
- for i := 0 to b2_maxPairs - 1 do
- begin
- m_pairs[i].proxyId1 := b2_nullProxy;
- m_pairs[i].proxyId2 := b2_nullProxy;
- m_pairs[i].userData := nil;
- m_pairs[i].status := 0;
- m_pairs[i].next := i + 1;
- end;
- m_pairs[b2_maxPairs - 1].next := b2_nullPair;
- m_pairCount := 0;
- m_pairBufferCount := 0;
- end;
- function Tb2PairManager.Find(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32): Pb2Pair;
- var
- hash: Int32;
- begin
- if proxyId1 > proxyId2 then
- b2Swap(proxyId1, proxyId2);
- hash := PairManager_Hash(proxyId1, proxyId2) and b2_tableMask;
- Result := Find(proxyId1, proxyId2, hash);
- end;
- function Tb2PairManager.Find(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32; hashValue: UInt32): Pb2Pair;
- var
- index: Int32;
- begin
- index := m_hashTable[hashValue];
- while (index <> b2_nullPair) and (not PairManager_Equals(m_pairs[index], proxyId1, proxyId2)) do
- index := m_pairs[index].next;
- if index = b2_nullPair then
- Result := nil
- else
- begin
- //b2Assert(index < b2_maxPairs);
- Result := Pb2Pair(@m_pairs[index]);
- end;
- end;
- function Tb2PairManager.AddPair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32): Pb2Pair;
- var
- hash: Int32;
- pairIndex: Int16;
- begin
- if proxyId1 > proxyId2 then
- b2Swap(proxyId1, proxyId2);
- hash := PairManager_Hash(proxyId1, proxyId2) and b2_tableMask;
- Result := Find(proxyId1, proxyId2, hash);
- if Assigned(Result) then
- Exit;
- //b2Assert(m_pairCount < b2_maxPairs && m_freePair != b2_nullPair);
- pairIndex := m_freePair;
- Result := @m_pairs[pairIndex];
- m_freePair := Result^.next;
- Result^.proxyId1 := proxyId1;
- Result^.proxyId2 := proxyId2;
- Result^.status := 0;
- Result^.userData := nil;
- Result^.next := m_hashTable[hash];
- m_hashTable[hash] := pairIndex;
- Inc(m_pairCount);
- end;
- function Tb2PairManager.RemovePair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32): Pointer;
- var
- hash: Int32;
- index: UInt16;
- pair: Pb2Pair;
- node: ^UInt16;
- userData: Pointer;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_pairCount > 0);
- if proxyId1 > proxyId2 then
- b2Swap(proxyId1, proxyId2);
- hash := PairManager_Hash(proxyId1, proxyId2) and b2_tableMask;
- node := @m_hashTable[hash];
- while (node^ <> b2_nullPair) do
- begin
- if PairManager_Equals(m_pairs[node^], proxyId1, proxyId2) then
- begin
- index := node^;
- node^ := m_pairs[node^].next;
- pair := @(m_pairs[index]);
- userData := pair^.userData;
- // Scrub
- pair^.next := m_freePair;
- pair^.proxyId1 := b2_nullProxy;
- pair^.proxyId2 := b2_nullProxy;
- pair^.userData := nil;
- pair^.status := 0;
- m_freePair := index;
- Dec(m_pairCount);
- Result := userData;
- Exit;
- end
- else
- node := @m_pairs[node^].next;
- end;
- //b2Assert(False);
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure Tb2PairManager.ValidateBuffer;
- begin
- (*
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- b2Assert(m_pairBufferCount <= m_pairCount);
- std::sort(m_pairBuffer, m_pairBuffer + m_pairBufferCount);
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_pairBufferCount; ++i)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- {
- b2Assert(Equals(m_pairBuffer[i], m_pairBuffer[i-1]) == False);
- }
- b2Pair* pair = Find(m_pairBuffer[i].proxyId1, m_pairBuffer[i].proxyId2);
- b2Assert(pair^.IsBuffered());
- b2Assert(pair^.proxyId1 != pair^.proxyId2);
- b2Assert(pair^.proxyId1 < b2_maxProxies);
- b2Assert(pair^.proxyId2 < b2_maxProxies);
- b2Proxy* proxy1 = m_broadPhase^.m_proxyPool + pair^.proxyId1;
- b2Proxy* proxy2 = m_broadPhase^.m_proxyPool + pair^.proxyId2;
- b2Assert(proxy1^.IsValid() == True);
- b2Assert(proxy2^.IsValid() == True);
- }
- #endif
- *)
- end;
- procedure Tb2PairManager.ValidateTable;
- begin
- (*
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- for (int32 i = 0; i < b2_tableCapacity; ++i)
- {
- uint16 index = m_hashTable[i];
- while (index != b2_nullPair)
- {
- b2Pair* pair = m_pairs + index;
- b2Assert(pair^.IsBuffered() == False);
- b2Assert(pair^.IsFinal() == True);
- b2Assert(pair^.IsRemoved() == False);
- b2Assert(pair^.proxyId1 != pair^.proxyId2);
- b2Assert(pair^.proxyId1 < b2_maxProxies);
- b2Assert(pair^.proxyId2 < b2_maxProxies);
- b2Proxy* proxy1 = m_broadPhase^.m_proxyPool + pair^.proxyId1;
- b2Proxy* proxy2 = m_broadPhase^.m_proxyPool + pair^.proxyId2;
- b2Assert(proxy1^.IsValid() == True);
- b2Assert(proxy2^.IsValid() == True);
- b2Assert(m_broadPhase^.TestOverlap(proxy1, proxy2) == True);
- index = pair^.next;
- }
- }
- #endif
- *)
- end;
- procedure Tb2PairManager.Initialize(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase;
- callback: Tb2PairCallback);
- begin
- m_broadPhase := broadPhase;
- m_callback := callback;
- end;
- {
- As proxies are created and moved, many pairs are created and destroyed. Even worse, the same
- pair may be added and removed multiple times in a single time step of the physics engine. To reduce
- traffic in the pair manager, we try to avoid destroying pairs in the pair manager until the
- end of the physics step. This is done by buffering all the RemovePair requests. AddPair
- requests are processed immediately because we need the hash table entry for quick lookup.
- All user user callbacks are delayed until the buffered pairs are confirmed in Commit.
- This is very important because the user callbacks may be very expensive and client logic
- may be harmed if pairs are added and removed within the same time step.
- Buffer a pair for addition.
- We may add a pair that is not in the pair manager or pair buffer.
- We may add a pair that is already in the pair manager and pair buffer.
- If the added pair is not a new pair, then it must be in the pair buffer (because RemovePair was called).
- }
- procedure Tb2PairManager.AddBufferedPair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32);
- var
- pair: Pb2Pair;
- begin
- //b2Assert(id1 != b2_nullProxy && id2 != b2_nullProxy);
- //b2Assert(m_pairBufferCount < b2_maxPairs);
- pair := AddPair(proxyId1, proxyId2);
- // If this pair is not in the pair buffer ...
- if not pair^.IsBuffered() then
- {$ELSE}
- if not IsBuffered(pair^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- // This must be a newly added pair.
- //b2Assert(pair^.IsFinal() == False);
- // Add it to the pair buffer.
- pair^.SetBuffered;
- {$ELSE}
- SetBuffered(pair^);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount].proxyId1 := pair^.proxyId1;
- m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount].proxyId2 := pair^.proxyId2;
- Inc(m_pairBufferCount);
- //b2Assert(m_pairBufferCount <= m_pairCount);
- end;
- // Confirm this pair for the subsequent call to Commit.
- pair^.ClearRemoved;
- {$ELSE}
- ClearRemoved(pair^);
- {$ENDIF}
- if Tb2BroadPhase.s_validate then
- {$ELSE}
- if b2BroadPhase_s_validate then
- {$ENDIF}
- ValidateBuffer;
- end;
- procedure Tb2PairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId1, proxyId2: Int32);
- var
- pair: Pb2Pair;
- begin
- //b2Assert(id1 != b2_nullProxy && id2 != b2_nullProxy);
- //b2Assert(m_pairBufferCount < b2_maxPairs);
- pair := Find(proxyId1, proxyId2);
- if not Assigned(pair) then
- // The pair never existed. This is legal (due to collision filtering).
- Exit;
- // If this pair is not in the pair buffer ...
- if (not pair^.IsBuffered()) then
- {$ELSE}
- if (not IsBuffered(pair^)) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- // This must be an old pair.
- //b2Assert(pair^.IsFinal() == True);
- pair^.SetBuffered;
- {$ELSE}
- SetBuffered(pair^);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount].proxyId1 := pair^.proxyId1;
- m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount].proxyId2 := pair^.proxyId2;
- Inc(m_pairBufferCount)
- //Assert(m_pairBufferCount <= m_pairCount);
- end;
- pair^.SetRemoved;
- {$ELSE}
- SetRemoved(pair^);
- {$ENDIF}
- if Tb2BroadPhase.s_validate then
- {$ELSE}
- if b2BroadPhase_s_validate then
- {$ENDIF}
- ValidateBuffer;
- end;
- procedure Tb2PairManager.Commit;
- var
- i: Integer;
- removeCount: Int32;
- proxy1, proxy2: Pb2Proxy;
- pair: Pb2Pair;
- begin
- removeCount := 0;
- for i := 0 to m_pairBufferCount - 1 do
- begin
- pair := Find(m_pairBuffer[i].proxyId1, m_pairBuffer[i].proxyId2);
- //b2Assert(pair^.IsBuffered());
- pair^.ClearBuffered;
- {$ELSE}
- ClearBuffered(pair^);
- {$ENDIF}
- //b2Assert(pair^.proxyId1 < b2_maxProxies && pair^.proxyId2 < b2_maxProxies);
- proxy1 := @m_broadPhase.m_proxyPool[pair^.proxyId1];
- proxy2 := @m_broadPhase.m_proxyPool[pair^.proxyId2];
- //b2Assert(proxy1^.IsValid());
- //b2Assert(proxy2^.IsValid());
- if pair^.IsRemoved() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsRemoved(pair^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- // It is possible a pair was added then removed before a commit. Therefore,
- // we should be careful not to tell the user the pair was removed when the
- // the user didn't receive a matching add.
- if pair^.IsFinal() then
- {$ELSE}
- if IsFinal(pair^) then
- {$ENDIF}
- m_callback.PairRemoved(proxy1^.userData, proxy2^.userData, pair^.userData);
- // Store the ids so we can actually remove the pair below.
- m_pairBuffer[removeCount].proxyId1 := pair^.proxyId1;
- m_pairBuffer[removeCount].proxyId2 := pair^.proxyId2;
- Inc(removeCount);
- end
- else
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_broadPhase^.TestOverlap(proxy1, proxy2) == True);
- if (not pair^.IsFinal()) then
- {$ELSE}
- if (not IsFinal(pair^)) then
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- pair^.userData := m_callback.PairAdded(proxy1^.userData, proxy2^.userData);
- pair^.SetFinal;
- {$ELSE}
- SetFinal(pair^);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to removeCount - 1 do
- RemovePair(m_pairBuffer[i].proxyId1, m_pairBuffer[i].proxyId2);
- m_pairBufferCount := 0;
- if Tb2BroadPhase.s_validate then
- {$ELSE}
- if b2BroadPhase_s_validate then
- {$ENDIF}
- ValidateBuffer;
- end;
- { Tb2ShapeDef }
- constructor Tb2ShapeDef.Create;
- begin
- ShapeType := e_unknownShape;
- userData := nil;
- friction := 0.2;
- restitution := 0.0;
- density := 0.0;
- filter.categoryBits := $0001;
- filter.maskBits := $FFFF;
- filter.groupIndex := 0;
- isSensor := False;
- end;
- { Tb2Shape }
- constructor Tb2Shape.Create(def: Tb2ShapeDef);
- begin
- m_userData := def.userData;
- m_friction := def.friction;
- m_restitution := def.restitution;
- m_density := def.density;
- m_body := nil;
- m_sweepRadius := 0.0;
- m_next := nil;
- m_proxyId := b2_nullProxy;
- m_filter := def.filter;
- m_isSensor := def.isSensor;
- end;
- destructor Tb2Shape.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(m_body) then
- m_body.DestroyShape(Self, False);
- end;
- destructor Tb2Shape.Destroy2;
- begin
- end;
- procedure Tb2Shape.CreateProxy(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; const xf: Tb2XForm);
- var
- aabb: Tb2AABB;
- inRange: Boolean;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_proxyId == b2_nullProxy);
- ComputeAABB(aabb, xf);
- inRange := broadPhase.InRange(aabb);
- // You are creating a shape outside the world box.
- //b2Assert(inRange);
- if inRange then
- m_proxyId := broadPhase.CreateProxy(aabb, Self)
- else
- m_proxyId := b2_nullProxy;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Shape.DestroyProxy(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase);
- begin
- if m_proxyId <> b2_nullProxy then
- begin
- broadPhase.DestroyProxy(m_proxyId);
- m_proxyId := b2_nullProxy;
- end;
- end;
- function Tb2Shape.Synchronize(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm): Boolean;
- var
- aabb: Tb2AABB;
- begin
- if m_proxyId = b2_nullProxy then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Compute an AABB that covers the swept shape (may miss some rotation effect).
- ComputeSweptAABB(aabb, xf1, xf2);
- if broadPhase.InRange(aabb) then
- begin
- broadPhase.MoveProxy(m_proxyId, aabb);
- Result := True;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Shape.RefilterProxy(broadPhase: Tb2BroadPhase; const xf: Tb2XForm);
- var
- aabb: Tb2AABB;
- begin
- if m_proxyId = b2_nullProxy then
- Exit;
- broadPhase.DestroyProxy(m_proxyId);
- ComputeAABB(aabb, xf);
- if broadPhase.InRange(aabb) then
- m_proxyId := broadPhase.CreateProxy(aabb, Self)
- else
- m_proxyId := b2_nullProxy;
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Joints
- { Tb2Jacobian }
- procedure Tb2Jacobian.SetZero;
- begin
- linear1.SetZero;
- linear2.SetZero;
- angular1 := 0.0;
- angular2 := 0.0;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Jacobian.SetValue(const x1, x2: TVector2; a1, a2: Float);
- begin
- linear1 := x1;
- linear2 := x2;
- angular1 := a1;
- angular2 := a2;
- end;
- function Tb2Jacobian.Compute(const x1, x2: TVector2; a1, a2: Float): Float;
- begin
- Result := b2Dot(linear1, x1) + angular1 * a1 + b2Dot(linear2, x2) + angular2 * a2;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- // unfinished
- {$ENDIF}
- { Tb2JointDef }
- constructor Tb2JointDef.Create;
- begin
- JointType := e_unknownJoint;
- userData := nil;
- body1 := nil;
- body2 := nil;
- collideConnected := False;
- end;
- { Tb2Joint }
- constructor Tb2Joint.Create(def: Tb2JointDef);
- begin
- m_type := def.JointType;
- m_prev := nil;
- m_next := nil;
- m_body1 := def.body1;
- m_body2 := def.body2;
- m_collideConnected := def.collideConnected;
- m_islandFlag := False;
- m_userData := def.userData;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Joint.InitPositionConstraints;
- begin
- end;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Body
- { Tb2BodyDef }
- constructor Tb2BodyDef.Create;
- begin
- SetZero(massData.center);
- massData.mass := 0.0;
- massData.I := 0.0;
- userData := nil;
- SetZero(position);
- angle := 0.0;
- linearDamping := 0.0;
- angularDamping := 0.0;
- allowSleep := True;
- isSleeping := False;
- fixedRotation := False;
- isBullet := False;
- end;
- { Tb2Body }
- constructor Tb2Body.Create(bd: Tb2BodyDef; world: Tb2World);
- begin
- //b2Assert(world->m_lock == False);
- m_flags := 0;
- if bd.isBullet then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_bulletFlag;
- if bd.fixedRotation then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_fixedRotationFlag;
- if bd.allowSleep then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_allowSleepFlag;
- if bd.isSleeping then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_sleepFlag;
- m_world := world;
- m_xf.position := bd.position;
- m_xf.R.SetValue(bd.angle);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(m_xf.R, bd.angle);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_sweep.localCenter := bd.massData.center;
- m_sweep.t0 := 1.0;
- m_sweep.a := bd.angle;
- m_sweep.a0 := bd.angle;
- m_sweep.c0 := b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);
- m_sweep.c := m_sweep.c0;
- m_jointList := nil;
- m_contactList := nil;
- m_prev := nil;
- m_next := nil;
- m_linearDamping := bd.linearDamping;
- m_angularDamping := bd.angularDamping;
- SetZero(m_force);
- m_torque := 0.0;
- SetZero(m_linearVelocity);
- m_angularVelocity := 0.0;
- m_sleepTime := 0.0;
- m_invMass := 0.0;
- m_I := 0.0;
- m_invI := 0.0;
- m_mass := bd.massData.mass;
- if m_mass > 0.0 then
- m_invMass := 1.0 / m_mass;
- if (m_flags and e_fixedRotationFlag) = 0 then
- m_I := bd.massData.I;
- if m_I > 0.0 then
- m_invI := 1.0 / m_I;
- if (m_invMass = 0.0) and (m_invI = 0.0) then
- m_type := e_staticType
- else
- m_type := e_dynamicType;
- m_userData := bd.userData;
- m_shapeList := nil;
- m_shapeCount := 0;
- end;
- destructor Tb2Body.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(m_world) then
- m_world.DestroyBody(Self, False);
- end;
- destructor Tb2Body.Destroy2;
- begin
- end;
- function Tb2Body.SynchronizeShapes: Boolean;
- var
- s: Tb2Shape;
- xf1: Tb2XForm;
- inRange: Boolean;
- begin
- xf1.R.SetValue(m_sweep.a0);
- xf1.position := m_sweep.c0 - b2Mul(xf1.R, m_sweep.localCenter);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(xf1.R, m_sweep.a0);
- xf1.position := Subtract(m_sweep.c0, b2Mul(xf1.R, m_sweep.localCenter));
- {$ENDIF}
- inRange := True;
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- inRange := s.Synchronize(m_world.m_broadPhase, xf1, m_xf);
- if not inRange then
- Break;
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- if not inRange then
- begin
- m_flags := m_flags or e_frozenFlag;
- SetZero(m_linearVelocity);
- m_angularVelocity := 0.0;
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- // Failure
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Success
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.SynchronizeTransform;
- begin
- m_xf.R.SetValue(m_sweep.a);
- m_xf.position := m_sweep.c - b2Mul(m_xf.R, m_sweep.localCenter);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(m_xf.R, m_sweep.a);
- m_xf.position := Subtract(m_sweep.c, b2Mul(m_xf.R, m_sweep.localCenter));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function Tb2Body.IsConnected(other: Tb2Body): Boolean;
- var
- jn: Pb2JointEdge;
- begin
- jn := m_jointList;
- while Assigned(jn) do
- begin
- if jn^.other = other then
- begin
- Result := jn^.joint.m_collideConnected = False;
- Exit;
- end;
- jn := jn^.next;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.Advance(t: Float);
- begin
- // Advance to the new safe time.
- m_sweep.Advance(t);
- {$ELSE}
- UPhysics2DTypes.Advance(m_sweep, t);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_sweep.c := m_sweep.c0;
- m_sweep.a := m_sweep.a0;
- SynchronizeTransform;
- end;
- function Tb2Body.CreateShape(shapeDef: Tb2ShapeDef; AutoFreeShapeDef: Boolean = True): Tb2Shape;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_world->m_lock == False);
- if m_world.m_lock then
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Exit;
- end;
- case shapeDef.ShapeType of
- e_circleShape: Result := Tb2CircleShape.Create(shapeDef);
- e_polygonShape: Result := Tb2PolygonShape.Create(shapeDef);
- end;
- Result.m_next := m_shapeList;
- m_shapeList := Result;
- Inc(m_shapeCount);
- Result.m_body := Self;
- // Add the shape to the world's broad-phase.
- Result.CreateProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf);
- // Compute the sweep radius for CCD.
- Result.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter);
- if AutoFreeShapeDef then
- shapeDef.Free;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.DestroyShape(s: Tb2Shape; DoFree: Boolean = True);
- var
- node: Pb2Shape;
- found: Boolean;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_world->m_lock == False);
- if m_world.m_lock then
- Exit;
- //b2Assert(s->GetBody() == this);
- s.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase);
- //b2Assert(m_shapeCount > 0);
- node := @m_shapeList;
- found := False;
- while (node^ <> nil) do
- begin
- if node^ = s then
- begin
- node^ := s.m_next;
- found := True;
- Break;
- end;
- node := @node^.m_next;
- end;
- // You tried to remove a shape that is not attached to this body.
- //b2Assert(found);
- Dec(m_shapeCount);
- if DoFree then
- s.Destroy2; // Call a destructor without side effects.
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.SetMass(const massData: Tb2MassData);
- var
- s: Tb2Shape;
- oldType: Tb2BodyType;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_world->m_lock == False);
- if m_world.m_lock then
- Exit;
- m_invMass := 0.0;
- m_I := 0.0;
- m_invI := 0.0;
- m_mass := massData.mass;
- if m_mass > 0.0 then
- m_invMass := 1.0 / m_mass;
- if (m_flags and e_fixedRotationFlag) = 0 then
- m_I := massData.I;
- if m_I > 0.0 then
- m_invI := 1.0 / m_I;
- // Move center of mass.
- m_sweep.localCenter := massData.center;
- m_sweep.c0 := b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);
- m_sweep.c := m_sweep.c0;
- // Update the sweep radii of all child shapes.
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- oldType := m_type;
- if (m_invMass = 0.0) and (m_invI = 0.0) then
- m_type := e_staticType
- else
- m_type := e_dynamicType;
- // If the body type changed, we need to refilter the broad-phase proxies.
- if oldType <> m_type then
- begin
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.RefilterProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.SetMassFromShapes;
- var
- s: Tb2Shape;
- center: TVector2;
- massData: Tb2MassData;
- oldType: Tb2BodyType;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_world->m_lock == False);
- if m_world.m_lock then
- Exit;
- // Compute mass data from shapes. Each shape has its own density.
- m_mass := 0.0;
- m_invMass := 0.0;
- m_I := 0.0;
- m_invI := 0.0;
- center := b2Vec2_zero;
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.ComputeMass(massData);
- m_mass := m_mass + massData.mass;
- center.AddBy(massData.mass * massData.center);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(center, Multiply(massData.center, massData.mass));
- {$ENDIF}
- m_I := m_I + massData.I;
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- // Compute center of mass, and shift the origin to the COM.
- if m_mass > 0.0 then
- begin
- m_invMass := 1.0 / m_mass;
- center.MultiplyBy(m_invMass);
- {$ELSE}
- MultiplyBy(center, m_invMass);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if (m_I > 0.0) and ((m_flags and e_fixedRotationFlag) = 0) then
- begin
- // Center the inertia about the center of mass.
- m_I := m_I - m_mass * b2Dot(center, center);
- //b2Assert(m_I > 0.0f);
- m_invI := 1.0 / m_I;
- end
- else
- begin
- m_I := 0.0;
- m_invI := 0.0;
- end;
- // Move center of mass.
- m_sweep.localCenter := center;
- m_sweep.c := b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);
- m_sweep.c0 := m_sweep.c;
- // Update the sweep radii of all child shapes.
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- oldType := m_type;
- if (m_invMass = 0.0) and (m_invI = 0.0) then
- m_type := e_staticType
- else
- m_type := e_dynamicType;
- // If the body type changed, we need to refilter the broad-phase proxies.
- if oldType <> m_type then
- begin
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.RefilterProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function Tb2Body.SetXForm(const position: TVector2; angle: Float): Boolean;
- var
- s: Tb2Shape;
- freeze: Boolean;
- begin
- //b2Assert(m_world->m_lock == False);
- if m_world.m_lock then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- if IsFrozen() then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- m_xf.R.SetValue(angle);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(m_xf.R, angle);
- {$ENDIF}
- m_xf.position := position;
- m_sweep.c0 := b2Mul(m_xf, m_sweep.localCenter);
- m_sweep.c := m_sweep.c0;
- m_sweep.a0 := angle;
- m_sweep.a := angle;
- freeze := False;
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- if not s.Synchronize(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf, m_xf) then
- begin
- freeze := True;
- Break;
- end;
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- if freeze then
- begin
- m_flags := m_flags or e_frozenFlag;
- SetZero(m_linearVelocity);
- m_angularVelocity := 0.0;
- s := m_shapeList;
- while Assigned(s) do
- begin
- s.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase);
- s := s.m_next;
- end;
- // Failure
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Success
- m_world.m_broadPhase.Commit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.SetLinearVelocity(const v: TVector2);
- begin
- m_linearVelocity := v;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.SetAngularVelocity(omega: Float);
- begin
- m_angularVelocity := omega;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.ApplyForce(const force, point: TVector2);
- begin
- if IsSleeping() then
- WakeUp;
- m_force.AddBy(force);
- m_torque := m_torque + b2Cross(point - m_sweep.c, force);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(m_force, force);
- m_torque := m_torque + b2Cross(Subtract(point, m_sweep.c), force);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.ApplyTorque(torque: Float);
- begin
- if IsSleeping() then
- WakeUp;
- m_torque := m_torque + torque;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.ApplyImpulse(const impulse, point: TVector2);
- begin
- if IsSleeping() then
- WakeUp;
- m_linearVelocity.AddBy(m_invMass * impulse);
- m_angularVelocity := m_angularVelocity + m_invI * b2Cross(point -
- m_sweep.c, impulse);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(m_linearVelocity, Multiply(impulse, m_invMass));
- m_angularVelocity := m_angularVelocity + m_invI * b2Cross(Subtract(point,
- m_sweep.c), impulse);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function Tb2Body.GetWorldPoint(const localPoint: TVector2): TVector2;
- begin
- Result := b2Mul(m_xf, localPoint);
- end;
- function Tb2Body.GetWorldVector(const localVector: TVector2): TVector2;
- begin
- Result := b2Mul(m_xf.R, localVector);
- end;
- function Tb2Body.GetLocalPoint(const worldPoint: TVector2): TVector2;
- begin
- Result := b2MulT(m_xf, worldPoint);
- end;
- function Tb2Body.GetLocalVector(const worldVector: TVector2): TVector2;
- begin
- Result := b2MulT(m_xf.R, worldVector);
- end;
- function Tb2Body.GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(
- const worldPoint: TVector2): TVector2;
- begin
- Result := m_linearVelocity + b2Cross(m_angularVelocity, worldPoint - m_sweep.c);
- {$ELSE}
- Result := Add(m_linearVelocity, b2Cross(m_angularVelocity,
- Subtract(worldPoint, m_sweep.c)));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function Tb2Body.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(
- const localPoint: TVector2): TVector2;
- begin
- Result := GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(GetWorldPoint(localPoint));
- end;
- function Tb2Body.IsBullet: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (m_flags and e_bulletFlag) = e_bulletFlag;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.SetBullet(flag: Boolean);
- begin
- if flag then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_bulletFlag
- else
- m_flags := m_flags and (not e_bulletFlag);
- end;
- function Tb2Body.IsStatic: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := m_type = e_staticType;
- end;
- function Tb2Body.IsDynamic: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := m_type = e_dynamicType;
- end;
- function Tb2Body.IsFrozen: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (m_flags and e_frozenFlag) = e_frozenFlag;
- end;
- function Tb2Body.IsSleeping: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (m_flags and e_sleepFlag) = e_sleepFlag;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.AllowSleeping(flag: Boolean);
- begin
- if flag then
- m_flags := m_flags or e_allowSleepFlag
- else
- begin
- m_flags := m_flags and (not e_allowSleepFlag);
- WakeUp;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.WakeUp;
- begin
- m_flags := m_flags and (not e_sleepFlag);
- m_sleepTime := 0.0;
- end;
- procedure Tb2Body.PutToSleep;
- begin
- m_flags := m_flags or e_sleepFlag;
- m_sleepTime := 0.0;
- SetZero(m_linearVelocity);
- m_angularVelocity := 0.0;
- SetZero(m_force);
- m_torque := 0.0;
- end;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Specific implementations
- procedure b2CollideCircles(var manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- circle1, circle2: Tb2CircleShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm);
- var
- p1, p2, d: TVector2;
- distSqr, r1, r2, radiusSum, separation, dist, a: Float;
- begin
- manifold.pointCount := 0;
- p1 := b2Mul(xf1, circle1.m_localPosition);
- p2 := b2Mul(xf2, circle2.m_localPosition);
- d := p2 - p1;
- {$ELSE}
- d := Subtract(p2, p1);
- {$ENDIF}
- distSqr := b2Dot(d, d);
- r1 := circle1.GetRadius;
- r2 := circle2.GetRadius;
- radiusSum := r1 + r2;
- if distSqr > radiusSum * radiusSum then
- Exit;
- if (distSqr < FLT_EPSILON) then
- begin
- separation := -radiusSum;
- manifold.normal.SetValue(0.0, 1.0);
- {$ELSE}
- SetValue(manifold.normal, 0.0, 1.0);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- begin
- dist := Sqrt(distSqr);
- separation := dist - radiusSum;
- a := 1.0 / dist;
- manifold.normal.x := a * d.x;
- manifold.normal.y := a * d.y;
- end;
- manifold.pointCount := 1;
- manifold.points[0].id.key := 0;
- manifold.points[0].separation := separation;
- p1.AddBy(r1 * manifold.normal);
- p2.SubtractBy(r2 * manifold.normal);
- d := 0.5 * (p1 + p2);
- {$ELSE}
- AddBy(p1, Multiply(manifold.normal, r1));
- SubtractBy(p2, Multiply(manifold.normal, r2));
- d := Add(p1, p2);
- MultiplyBy(d, 0.5);
- {$ENDIF}
- manifold.points[0].localPoint1 := b2MulT(xf1, d);
- manifold.points[0].localPoint2 := b2MulT(xf2, d);
- end;
- procedure b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(var manifold: Tb2Manifold;
- polygon: Tb2PolygonShape; circle: Tb2CircleShape; const xf1, xf2: Tb2XForm);
- var
- i: Integer;
- c, cLocal, position, e, p, d: TVector2;
- normalIndex: Int32;
- _separation, radius, length, dist: Float;
- s, u: Float;
- vertIndex1, vertIndex2: Int32;
- begin
- manifold.pointCount := 0;
- // Compute circle position in the frame of the polygon.
- c := b2Mul(xf2, circle.m_localPosition);
- cLocal := b2MulT(xf1, c);
- // Find the min separating edge.
- normalIndex := 0;
- _separation := -FLT_MAX;
- radius := circle.GetRadius;
- for i := 0 to polygon.GetVertexCount - 1 do
- begin
- s := b2Dot(polygon.m_normals[i], cLocal - polygon.m_vertices[i]);
- {$ELSE}
- s := b2Dot(polygon.m_normals[i], Subtract(cLocal, polygon.m_vertices[i]));
- {$ENDIF}
- if s > radius then
- Exit;
- if s > _separation then
- begin
- _separation := s;
- normalIndex := i;
- end;
- end;
- // If the center is inside the polygon ...
- if _separation < FLT_EPSILON then
- with manifold do
- begin
- pointCount := 1;
- normal := b2Mul(xf1.R, polygon.m_normals[normalIndex]);
- with points[0], id do
- begin
- incidentEdge := normalIndex;
- incidentVertex := b2_nullFeature;
- referenceEdge := 0;
- flip := 0;
- position := c - radius * manifold.normal;
- {$ELSE}
- position := Subtract(c, Multiply(manifold.normal, radius));
- {$ENDIF}
- localPoint1 := b2MulT(xf1, position);
- localPoint2 := b2MulT(xf2, position);
- separation := _separation - radius;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- // Project the circle center onto the edge segment.
- vertIndex1 := normalIndex;
- if vertIndex1 + 1 < polygon.GetVertexCount then
- vertIndex2 := vertIndex1 + 1
- else
- vertIndex2 := 0;
- e := polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex2] - polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1];
- length := e.Normalize;
- //b2Assert(length > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- // Project the center onto the edge.
- u := b2Dot(cLocal - polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1], e);
- {$ELSE}
- e := Subtract(polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex2], polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1]);
- length := Normalize(e);
- //b2Assert(length > B2_FLT_EPSILON);
- // Project the center onto the edge.
- u := b2Dot(Subtract(cLocal, polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1]), e);
- {$ENDIF}
- if u <= 0.0 then
- begin
- p := polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1];
- manifold.points[0].id.incidentEdge := b2_nullFeature;
- manifold.points[0].id.incidentVertex := vertIndex1;
- end
- else if u >= length then
- begin
- p := polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex2];
- manifold.points[0].id.incidentEdge := b2_nullFeature;
- manifold.points[0].id.incidentVertex := vertIndex2;
- end
- else
- begin
- p := polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1] + u * e;
- {$ELSE}
- p := Add(polygon.m_vertices[vertIndex1], Multiply(e, u));
- {$ENDIF}
- manifold.points[0].id.incidentEdge := normalIndex;
- manifold.points[0].id.incidentVertex := 0;
- end;
- d := cLocal - p;
- dist := d.Normalize;
- {$ELSE}
- d := Subtract(cLocal, p);
- dist := Normalize(d);
- {$ENDIF}
- if dist > radius then
- Exit;
- manifold.pointCount := 1;
- manifold.normal := b2Mul(xf1.R, d);
- position := c - radius * manifold.normal;
- {$ELSE}
- position := Subtract(c, Multiply(manifold.normal, radius));
- {$ENDIF}
- with manifold.points[0] do
- begin
- localPoint1 := b2MulT(xf1, position);
- localPoint2 := b2MulT(xf2, position);
- separation := dist - radius;
- id.referenceEdge := 0;
- id.flip := 0;
- end;
- end;
- type
- PClipVertex = ^TClipVertex;
- TClipVertex = record
- v: TVector2;
- id: Tb2ContactID;
- end;
- PClipVertices = ^TClipVertices;
- TClipVertices = array[0..1] of TClipVertex;
- function ClipSegmentToLine(vOut, vIn: PClipVertices; const normal: TVector2;
- offset: Float): Int32;
- var
- distance0, distance1, interp: Float;
- begin
- Result := 0; // Start with no output points
- // Calculate the distance of end points to the line
- distance0 := b2Dot(normal, vIn^[0].v) - offset;
- distance1 := b2Dot(normal, vIn^[1].v) - offset;
- // If the points are behind the plane
- if distance0 <= 0.0 then
- begin
- vOut^[Result] := vIn^[0];
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- if distance1 <= 0.0 then
- begin
- vOut^[Result] := vIn^[1];
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- // If the points are on different sides of the plane
- if distance0 * distance1 < 0.0 then
- begin
- // Find intersection point of edge and plane
- interp := distance0 / (distance0 - distance1);
- vOut^[Result].v := vIn^[0].v + interp * (vIn^[1].v - vIn^[0].v);
- {$ELSE}
- vOut^[Result].v := Add(vIn^[0].v, Multiply(Subtract(vIn^[1].v, vIn^[0].v), interp));
- {$ENDIF}
- if distance0 > 0.0 then
- vOut^[Result].id := vIn^[0].id
- else
- vOut^[Result].id := vIn^[1].id;
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- end;
- // Find the separation between poly1 and poly2 for a give edge normal on poly1.
- function EdgeSeparation(poly1, poly2: Tb2PolygonShape; const xf1,
- xf2: Tb2XForm; edge1: Int32): Float;
- var
- i: Integer;
- index: Int32;
- minDot, dot: Float;
- normal1World, normal1: TVector2;
- v1, v2: TVector2;
- begin
- //b2Assert(0 <= edge1 && edge1 < count1);
- // Convert normal from poly1's frame into poly2's frame.
- normal1World := b2Mul(xf1.R, poly1.m_normals[edge1]);
- normal1 := b2MulT(xf2.R, normal1World);