- else
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- end
- else if RV_GetLuminance(RV_GetPrnColor(BackColor))>RV_GetLuminance(RV_GetPrnColor(Color)) then begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
- end
- else begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
- Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
- end;
- end;
- rvcmBlackOnWhite:
- begin
- Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clNone;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Canvas.Brush.Color=clNone then
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear
- else
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- const IniProtectMask = $3FF;
- { Loads properties from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for keys, it is like 'Font%s1', 'Font%s2', etc.
- DefName is a default style name.
- JumpByDefault - for backward compatibility, defines if this style should be
- hypertext if this is not explicitly specified in the ini-file.
- DefJumpCursor - hypertext cursor assigned to this style if, if another
- cursor is not specified in the ini-file explicitly.
- }
- procedure TCustomRVFontInfo.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String; JumpByDefault: Boolean; DefJumpCursor: TCursor);
- var s: String;
- pr: Word;
- begin
- inherited LoadFromINI(ini, Section, fs, RVDEFAULTTEXTSTYLENAME);
- FontName := ini.ReadString (Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FONTNAME]), RVDEFAULTSTYLEFONT);
- s := UpperCase(ini.ReadString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_JUMP]), RVINIUNKNOWN));
- if (s=RVINIUNKNOWN) then begin // for compatibility with old saving format
- Jump := JumpByDefault;
- JumpCursor := DefJumpCursor;
- end
- else begin
- Jump := (s=RVINIFILEYESU);
- JumpCursor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_JUMPCURSOR]), crJump);
- end;
- Size := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SIZE]), 10);
- Color := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_COLOR]), clWindowText);
- BackColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BACKCOLOR]), clNone);
- HoverBackColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_HOVERBACKCOLOR]), clNone);
- HoverColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_HOVERCOLOR]), clNone);
- Charset := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_CHARSET]), DEFAULT_CHARSET);
- {$ENDIF}
- Language := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LANGUAGE]), 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- CharScale := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_CHARSCALE]), 100);
- CharSpacing := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_CHARSPACING]), 0);
- BiDiMode := TRVBiDiMode(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BIDIMODE]), 0));
- Style := [];
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOLD]), False) then
- Include(FStyle, fsBold);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_UNDERLINE]), False) then
- Include(FStyle, fsUnderline);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_STRIKEOUT]), False) then
- Include(FStyle, fsStrikeOut);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_ITALIC]), False) then
- Include(FStyle, fsItalic);
- StyleEx := [];
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_OVERLINE]), False) then
- Include(FStyleEx, rvfsOverline);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_ALLCAPS]), False) then
- Include(FStyleEx, rvfsAllCaps);
- FOptions := [];
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RTFCODE]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvteoRTFCode);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_HTMLCODE]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvteoHTMLCode);
- pr := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_PROTECTION]), 0) and IniProtectMask;
- Protection := TRVProtectOptions(pr);
- if iniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SINGLESYMBOLS]), False) then begin
- Include(FProtection, rvprStyleProtect);
- Include(FProtection, rvprDoNotAutoSwitch);
- end;
- VShift := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_VSHIFT]), 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves properties to the ini-file, to the section Section.
- fs is a format string for keys, it is like 'Font%s1', 'Font%s2', etc. }
- procedure TCustomRVFontInfo.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- inherited SaveToINI(ini, Section, fs);
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FONTNAME]), FontName);
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_JUMP]), arrNoYes[Jump]);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SIZE]), Size, 10);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_COLOR]), Color, clWindowText);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BACKCOLOR]), BackColor, clNone);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_HOVERBACKCOLOR]), HoverBackColor, clNone);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_HOVERCOLOR]), HoverColor, clNone);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_JUMPCURSOR]), JumpCursor, crJump);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_CHARSET]), Charset, DEFAULT_CHARSET);
- {$ENDIF}
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_CHARSCALE]), CharScale, 100);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_CHARSPACING]), CharSpacing, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BiDiMode]), ord(BiDiMode), 0);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOLD]), fsBold in Style, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_UNDERLINE]), fsUnderline in Style, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_STRIKEOUT]), fsStrikeOut in Style, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_ITALIC]), fsItalic in Style, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_OVERLINE]), rvfsOverline in StyleEx, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_ALLCAPS]), rvfsAllCaps in StyleEx, False);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_PROTECTION]), Word(Protection) and IniProtectMask, 0);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RTFCODE]), rvteoRTFCode in Options, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_HTMLCODE]), rvteoHTMLCode in Options, False);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_VSHIFT]), VShift, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LANGUAGE]),Language,0);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves this text style as a part of CSS to the Stream.
- if BaseStyle<>nil, only a difference between this style and BaseStyle is
- saved.
- If Multiline=False, all text will be written on a single line. }
- procedure TCustomRVFontInfo.SaveCSSToStream(Stream: TStream; BaseStyle: TCustomRVFontInfo;
- Multiline, UTF8: Boolean);
- const
- cssFontStyle : array[Boolean] of String = ('normal','italic');
- cssFontWeight : array[Boolean] of String = ('normal','bold');
- {..................................................}
- function GetTextDecoration(Style: TFontStyles; StyleEx: TRVFontStyles;
- Jump: Boolean): String;
- {.................................}
- procedure AddVal(Condition: Boolean; var s: String; const Value: String);
- begin
- if Condition then begin
- if s<>'' then
- s := s+' ';
- s := s+Value;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................}
- begin
- Result := '';
- AddVal(fsUnderline in Style, Result, 'underline');
- AddVal(fsStrikeOut in Style, Result, 'line-through');
- AddVal(rvfsOverline in StyleEx, Result, 'overline');
- if Result='' then
- Result := 'none'
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetTextVAlign(VShift: Integer): String;
- begin
- if VShift>0 then
- Result := 'super'
- else if VShift<0 then
- Result := 'sub'
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetHoverColor(Color: TColor): TColor;
- begin
- if Color=clNone then
- Result := HoverColor
- else
- Result := Color;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- var s: String;
- begin
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or (BaseStyle.Size<>Size) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' font-size: %dpt;',[Size]), Multiline);
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or (AnsiCompareText(BaseStyle.FontName, FontName)<>0) then begin
- s := ''''+FontName+'''';
- if UTF8 then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(CP_ACP, s);
- if AnsiCompareText(FontName, RVFONT_SYMBOL)=0 then
- s := '''Arial Unicode MS'', ''Lucida Sans Unicode'', ''Arial''';
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' font-family: %s;',[s]), Multiline);
- end;
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or ((fsItalic in BaseStyle.Style)<>(fsItalic in Style)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' font-style: %s;',[cssFontStyle[fsItalic in Style]]),
- Multiline);
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or ((fsBold in BaseStyle.Style)<>(fsBold in Style)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' font-weight: %s;',[cssFontWeight[fsBold in Style]]),
- Multiline);
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or (BaseStyle.Color<>Color) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' color: %s;',[RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Color, False)]), Multiline);
- if ((BaseStyle=nil) and (CharSpacing<>0)) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (BaseStyle.CharSpacing<>CharSpacing)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' letter-spacing: %dpx;',[CharSpacing]), Multiline);
- if (rvfsAllCaps in StyleEx) then begin
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or not (rvfsAllCaps in BaseStyle.StyleEx) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' text-transform: uppercase;', Multiline);
- end
- else if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (rvfsAllCaps in BaseStyle.StyleEx) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' text-transform: none;', Multiline);
- if ((BaseStyle=nil) and ((BackColor<>clNone) or not Multiline)) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (BaseStyle.BackColor<>BackColor)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' background-color: %s;',[RV_GetCSSBkColor(BackColor)]),
- Multiline);
- s := GetTextVAlign(VShift);
- if ((BaseStyle=nil) and (s<>'')) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (s<>GetTextVAlign(BaseStyle.VShift))) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' vertical-align: %s;',[s]), Multiline);
- s := GetTextDecoration(Style,StyleEx,Jump);
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or
- (s<>GetTextDecoration(BaseStyle.Style,BaseStyle.StyleEx,BaseStyle.Jump))
- or (Jump and (s='none')) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' text-decoration: %s;',[s]), Multiline);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Method for backward compatibility:
- allows loading the deleted SingleSymbols property. }
- procedure TCustomRVFontInfo.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- Filer.DefineProperty(RVINI_SINGLESYMBOLS, SingleSymbolsReader, nil, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Method for backward compatibility:
- loads the deleted SingleSymbols property as [rvprStyleProtect, rvprDoNotAutoSwitch]
- Protection options. }
- procedure TCustomRVFontInfo.SingleSymbolsReader(reader: TReader);
- var ss: Boolean;
- begin
- ss := reader.ReadBoolean;
- if ss then begin
- Include(FProtection, rvprStyleProtect);
- Include(FProtection, rvprDoNotAutoSwitch);
- end;
- end;
- {================================= TFontInfo ==================================}
- { Constructor }
- constructor TFontInfo.Create(Collection: TCollection);
- begin
- inherited Create(Collection);
- FNextStyleNo := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TFontInfo.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TFontInfo then begin
- FNextStyleNo:= TFontInfo(Source).FNextStyleNo;
- FUnicode := TFontInfo(Source).FUnicode;
- {$ENDIF}
- FModifiedProperties := TFontInfo(Source).FModifiedProperties;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this item equal to Value (all properties are equal)?
- NextStyleNo property (adjusted using Mapping) is taken into account.
- Mapping is from the Value's collection to this collection, see
- TCustomRVInfos.MergeWith.
- }
- function TFontInfo.IsSimpleEqualEx(Value: TCustomRVInfo; Mapping: TRVIntegerList): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := IsSimpleEqual(Value, True, False);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if Value is TFontInfo then begin
- Result := False;
- if (TFontInfo(Value).NextStyleNo>=0) then begin
- if (TFontInfo(Value).NextStyleNo>=Mapping.Count) then
- TFontInfo(Value).NextStyleNo := -1 // fix up
- else if (Mapping[TFontInfo(Value).NextStyleNo]<>NextStyleNo) then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this item equal to Value (all properties are equal)?
- if IgnoreReferences=True, NextStyleNo property is ignored, otherwise they
- must be equal.
- IgnoreID is not used (used only in TRVListInfo). }
- function TFontInfo.IsSimpleEqual(Value: TCustomRVInfo; IgnoreReferences: Boolean;
- IgnoreID: Boolean{$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4}=True{$ENDIF}): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited IsSimpleEqual(Value, IgnoreReferences, IgnoreID);
- if Result and (Value is TFontInfo) then begin
- Result :=
- (Unicode = TFontInfo(Value).Unicode) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (ModifiedProperties = TFontInfo(Value).ModifiedProperties) and
- (StyleTemplateID = TFontInfo(Value).StyleTemplateID) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (IgnoreReferences or (NextStyleNo = TFontInfo(Value).NextStyleNo));
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Checks all properties listed in PossibleProps. If they are equal in Self and
- Source, exclude them in Self.ModifiedProperties }
- procedure TFontInfo.ExcludeUnmodifiedProperties(
- Source: TCustomRVFontInfo; PossibleProps: TRVFontInfoProperties);
- {.............................................................}
- procedure ChangeFontStyle(FontStyle: TFontStyle; TextPropId: TRVFontInfoProperty);
- begin
- if (TextPropId in PossibleProps) and
- ((FontStyle in Style)=(FontStyle in Source.Style)) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, TextPropId);
- end;
- {.............................................................}
- procedure ChangeFontStyleEx(FontStyle: TRVFontStyle; TextPropId: TRVFontInfoProperty);
- begin
- if (TextPropId in PossibleProps) and
- ((FontStyle in StyleEx)=(FontStyle in Source.StyleEx)) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, TextPropId);
- end;
- {.............................................................}
- procedure ChangeTextOption(TextOption: TRVTextOption; TextOptionId: TRVFontInfoProperty);
- begin
- if (TextOptionId in PossibleProps) and
- ((TextOption in Options)=(TextOption in Source.Options)) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, TextOptionId);
- end;
- {.............................................................}
- begin
- if (rvfiFontName in PossibleProps) and not (rvfiFontName in ModifiedProperties) and
- (CompareText(FontName , Source.FontName)=0) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiFontName);
- if (rvfiSize in PossibleProps) and (Size=Source.Size) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiSize);
- if (rvfiCharset in PossibleProps) and (Charset=Source.Charset) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiCharset);
- {$ENDIF}
- ChangeFontStyle(fsBold, rvfiBold);
- ChangeFontStyle(fsItalic, rvfiItalic);
- ChangeFontStyle(fsUnderline, rvfiUnderline);
- ChangeFontStyle(fsStrikeOut, rvfiStrikeOut);
- ChangeFontStyleEx(rvfsOverline, rvfiOverline);
- ChangeFontStyleEx(rvfsAllCaps, rvfiAllCaps);
- if (rvfiVShift in PossibleProps) and (VShift = Source.VShift) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiVShift);
- if (rvfiColor in PossibleProps) and (Color = Source.Color) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiColor);
- if (rvfiBackColor in PossibleProps) and (BackColor = Source.BackColor) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiBackColor);
- if (rvfiHoverColor in PossibleProps) and (HoverColor = Source.HoverColor) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiHoverColor);
- if (rvfiHoverBackColor in PossibleProps) and (HoverBackColor = Source.HoverBackColor) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiHoverBackColor);
- if (rvfiJump in PossibleProps) and (Jump = Source.Jump) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiJump);
- if (rvfiJumpCursor in PossibleProps) and (JumpCursor = Source.JumpCursor) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiJumpCursor);
- if (rvfiProtection in PossibleProps) and (Protection = Source.Protection) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiProtection);
- if (rvfiCharScale in PossibleProps) and (CharScale = Source.CharScale) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiCharScale);
- if (rvfiBiDiMode in PossibleProps) and (BiDiMode = Source.BiDiMode) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiBiDiMode);
- if (rvfiCharSpacing in PossibleProps) and (CharSpacing = Source.CharSpacing) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiCharSpacing);
- ChangeTextOption(rvteoHTMLCode, rvfiHTMLCode);
- ChangeTextOption(rvteoRTFCode, rvfiRTFCode);
- if (rvfiLanguage in PossibleProps) and (Language=Source.Language) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties, rvfiLanguage);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this item equal to Value?
- Equality is determined by comparing all properties NOT included in IgnoreList. }
- function TFontInfo.IsEqual(Value: TCustomRVFontInfo;
- IgnoreList: TRVFontInfoProperties): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited IsEqual(Value, IgnoreList);
- if Result and (Value is TFontInfo) then begin
- Result :=
- ((rvfiUnicode in IgnoreList) or (Unicode = TFontInfo(Value).Unicode )) and
- {$ENDIF}
- ((rvfiNextStyleNo in IgnoreList) or (NextStyleNo = TFontInfo(Value).NextStyleNo))
- and
- (StyleTemplateId=Value.StyleTemplateId) and
- (ModifiedProperties=TFontInfo(Value).ModifiedProperties)
- {$ENDIF}
- ;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Workaround for incorrect headers in D2-D6 }
- type
- TGetCharacterPlacementVal = LongBool;
- {$ELSE}
- TGetCharacterPlacementVal = Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ELSE}
- TGetCharacterPlacementVal = LongBool;
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- { Draws the string s onto the Canvas.
- For Unicode text, s contains "raw Unicode".
- Item occupies the rectangle Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height), text is started
- at the position (Left+SpaceBefore, Top). SpaceBefore can be positive in
- justify-aligned paragraphs.
- This item is RVStyle.TextStyles[ThisStyleNo].
- DefBiDiMode is a bi-di mode of the paragraph containing this item.
- Printing is True if this is printing/print preview.
- PreviewCorrection is True if this is a print preview requiring correction.
- ColorMode is used to adjust colors.
- Notes:
- - if (BiDiMode is unspecified) and Printing and PreviewCorrection, a special
- procedure is used: it adjusts character positions to fit the required text
- width (Width-SpaceBefore), see PrintText(..., True);
- - if (BiDiMode is unspecified) and Printing and not PreviewCorrection and
- (CharExtra<>0) a special procedure is used to apply CharExtra (because
- some printers ignore direct setting), see PrintText(..., False)
- - this procedure draws dots (#$B7/#$B0) in place of spaces/nonbreaking spaces,
- if rvtsSpecialCharacters is in DrawState, see DrawDots.
- }
- procedure TFontInfo.Draw(const s: String; Canvas: TCanvas; ThisStyleNo: Integer;
- SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- DrawState: TRVTextDrawStates; Printing, PreviewCorrection: Boolean;
- ColorMode: TRVColorMode; DefBiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode);
- {......................................................}
- function PrintText(Spacing: Integer; AutoCalcSpacing: Boolean): Boolean;
- var PDx: PRVIntegerArray;
- Dummy: Integer;
- ItemOptions: TRVItemOptions;
- i, Len, w,w2,l: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Unicode then begin
- ItemOptions := [rvioUnicode];
- Len := Length(s) div 2;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- ItemOptions := [];
- Len := Length(s);
- end;
- if Len<2 then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- GetMem(PDx, (Len+1)*sizeof(Integer));
- try
- RVU_GetTextExtentExPoint(Canvas, s, Width*2, Dummy, PDx, ItemOptions);
- for i := Len-1 downto 1 do
- dec(PDx[i], PDx[i-1]);
- if not AutoCalcSpacing then begin
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- inc(PDx[i], Spacing);
- end
- else begin
- w := RVU_TextWidth(s, Canvas, ItemOptions);
- if w=Width-SpaceBefore then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- w := Width-SpaceBefore-w;
- l := Len;
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do begin
- if w=0 then
- break;
- if l=0 then
- w2 := w
- else
- w2 := w div l;
- inc(PDx[i], w2);
- dec(w,w2);
- dec(l);
- end;
- end;
- ExtTextOutA(Canvas.Handle, Left+SpaceBefore, Top, 0, nil, Pointer(s), Len, Pointer(PDx));
- {$ELSE}
- if not Unicode then
- ExtTextOutA(Canvas.Handle, Left+SpaceBefore, Top, 0, nil, Pointer(s), Len, Pointer(PDx))
- else
- ExtTextOutW(Canvas.Handle, Left+SpaceBefore, Top, 0, nil, Pointer(s), Len, Pointer(PDx));
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- FreeMem(PDx);
- end;
- end;
- {......................................................}
- procedure DrawDots;
- var res: TGCPResults;
- i, Len, Spacing, X: Integer;
- POrder,POrderRev: PRVUnsignedArray;
- PDX: PRVIntegerArray;
- ok: Boolean;
- ItemOptions: TRVItemOptions;
- wb7,wb0, spshift, nbspshift: Integer;
- {. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .}
- procedure DrawDot(var w, shift: Integer; sp, dot: Char);
- var BrushColor: TColor;
- BrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
- begin
- if w=0 then begin
- w := Canvas.TextWidth(dot);
- shift := Round((Canvas.TextWidth(sp)-w)/2);
- end;
- BrushColor := Canvas.Brush.Color;
- BrushStyle := Canvas.Brush.Style;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Canvas.TextOut(Left+shift, Top, dot);
- Canvas.Brush.Style := BrushStyle;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := BrushColor;
- end;
- {. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .}
- begin
- if Printing then
- exit;
- Len := Length(s);
- if Len=0 then
- exit;
- wb7 := 0;
- wb0 := 0;
- spshift := 0;
- nbspshift := 0;
- if Unicode then
- Len := Len div 2;
- if Unicode and not RVNT then
- ok := False
- else {$ENDIF} begin
- Spacing := GetTextCharacterExtra(Canvas.Handle);
- FillChar(res, sizeof(TGCPResults), 0);
- res.lStructSize := sizeof(TGCPResults);
- GetMem(POrder, Len*sizeof(Cardinal));
- GetMem(POrderRev, Len*sizeof(Cardinal));
- GetMem(PDX, Len*sizeof(Integer));
- try
- FillChar(POrder^, Len*sizeof(Cardinal), 0);
- res.lpOrder := @(POrder[0]);
- res.lpDx := @(PDX[0]);
- res.nGlyphs := Len;
- if Unicode then
- ok := GetCharacterPlacementW(Canvas.Handle, Pointer(s),
- TGetCharacterPlacementVal(Len), TGetCharacterPlacementVal(0), res,
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- ok := GetCharacterPlacementA(Canvas.Handle, PChar(s),
- TGetCharacterPlacementVal(Len), TGetCharacterPlacementVal(0), res,
- if ok then begin
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do
- POrderRev[POrder[i]] := i;
- inc(Left, SpaceBefore);
- if not Unicode then
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do begin
- case s[POrderRev[i]+1] of
- ' ':
- if rvscSpace in RVVisibleSpecialCharacters then
- DrawDot(wb7, spshift, ' ', #$B7);
- #$A0:
- if rvscNBSP in RVVisibleSpecialCharacters then
- DrawDot(wb0, nbspshift, #$A0, #$B0);
- end;
- inc(Left, PDX[i]+Spacing);
- end
- else
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do begin
- case PRVWordArray(PChar(s))[POrderRev[i]] of
- ord(' '):
- if rvscSpace in RVVisibleSpecialCharacters then
- DrawDot(wb7, spshift, ' ', #$B7);
- $A0:
- if rvscNBSP in RVVisibleSpecialCharacters then
- DrawDot(wb0, nbspshift, #$A0, #$B0);
- end;
- inc(Left, PDX[i]+Spacing);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(POrder);
- FreeMem(POrderRev);
- FreeMem(PDX);
- end;
- end;
- if ok then
- exit;
- GetMem(PDX, (Len+2)*sizeof(Integer));
- try
- if Unicode then
- ItemOptions := [rvioUnicode]
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- ItemOptions := [];
- RVU_GetTextExtentExPoint(Canvas, s, Width*2, X, PDX, ItemOptions);
- inc(Left, SpaceBefore);
- if not Unicode then
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do begin
- if s[i+1]=' ' then begin
- X := Left;
- if i>0 then
- inc(X, PDX[i-1]);
- Canvas.TextOut(X, Top, chr($b7));
- end;
- end
- else
- for i := 0 to Len-1 do begin
- if PRVWordArray(PChar(s))[i]=ord(' ') then begin
- X := Left;
- if i>0 then
- inc(X, PDX[i-1]);
- Canvas.TextOut(X, Top, chr($b7));
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- FreeMem(PDX);
- end;
- end;
- {......................................................}
- var
- potm: POutlineTextMetric;
- sz: Integer;
- CharExtra: Integer;
- TextDone: Boolean;
- begin
- TextDone := False;
- if BiDiMode<>rvbdUnspecified then
- DefBiDiMode := BiDiMode;
- if Printing and (DefBiDiMode=rvbdUnspecified) then begin
- if (Canvas.Brush.Style<>bsClear) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
- Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(Left,Top,Width,Height));
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- if not PreviewCorrection then begin
- CharExtra := GetTextCharacterExtra(Canvas.Handle);
- if CharExtra<>0 then begin
- SetTextCharacterExtra(Canvas.Handle, 0);
- TextDone := PrintText(CharExtra, False);
- SetTextCharacterExtra(Canvas.Handle, CharExtra);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- TextDone := PrintText(0, True);
- end;
- end;
- if not TextDone then begin
- Canvas.TextOut(Left+SpaceBefore, Top, s);
- {$ELSE}
- if not Unicode then
- TextOutA(Canvas.Handle, Left+SpaceBefore, Top, PChar(s), Length(s))
- else
- TextOutW(Canvas.Handle, Left+SpaceBefore, Top, Pointer(s), Length(s) div 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- if (rvtsSpecialCharacters in DrawState) and
- (RVVisibleSpecialCharacters * [rvscSpace, rvscNBSP]<>[]) then
- DrawDots;
- end;
- if (SpaceBefore<>0) and not Printing then begin
- if (rvtsSelected in DrawState) and (Length(s)=0) then
- RVStyle.ApplyStyleColor(Canvas, ThisStyleNo, DrawState-[rvtsSelected], Printing, ColorMode);
- if Canvas.Brush.Style<>bsClear then
- Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(Left,Top,SpaceBefore,Height));
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if not TextDone then begin
- Canvas.TextOut(Left, Top, s);
- {$ELSE}
- if not Unicode then
- TextOutA(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, PChar(s), Length(s))
- else
- TextOutW(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, Pointer(s), Length(s) div 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- potm := nil;
- try
- if (SpaceBefore<>0) and (fsUnderline in Canvas.Font.Style) then begin
- sz := GetOutlineTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle,0,nil);
- if sz>0 then begin
- GetMem(potm, sz);
- FillChar(potm^, sz, 0);
- sz := GetOutlineTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle,sz,potm);
- if sz>0 then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Canvas.Font.Color;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := potm.otmsUnderscoreSize;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Top-potm.otmsUnderscorePosition+potm.otmTextMetrics.tmAscent+potm.otmsUnderscoreSize div 2);
- Canvas.LineTo(Left+SpaceBefore+1,Top-potm.otmsUnderscorePosition+potm.otmTextMetrics.tmAscent+potm.otmsUnderscoreSize div 2);
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if rvfsOverline in StyleEx then begin
- if potm=nil then begin
- sz := GetOutlineTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle,0,nil);
- if sz>0 then begin
- GetMem(potm, sz);
- FillChar(potm^, sz, 0);
- sz := GetOutlineTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle,sz,potm);
- if sz>0 then
- Canvas.Pen.Width := potm.otmsUnderscoreSize
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- end
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Canvas.Font.Color;
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left, Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Left+Width, Top);
- end;
- finally
- if potm<>nil then
- FreeMem(potm);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { You do not see this :) }
- procedure TFontInfo.DrawVertical(const s: String; Canvas: TCanvas;
- ThisStyleNo, SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle; DrawState: TRVTextDrawStates);
- begin
- Canvas.TextOut(Left, Top+SpaceBefore, s);
- {$ELSE}
- if not Unicode then
- TextOutA(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top+SpaceBefore, PChar(s), Length(s))
- else
- TextOutW(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top+SpaceBefore, Pointer(s), Length(s) div 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- if (SpaceBefore<>0) then begin
- if (rvtsSelected in DrawState) and (Length(s)=0) then
- RVStyle.ApplyStyleColor(Canvas, ThisStyleNo, DrawState-[rvtsSelected], False, rvcmColor);
- if Canvas.Brush.Style<>bsClear then
- Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(Left, Top, Height,SpaceBefore));
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- Canvas.TextOut(Left, Top, s);
- {$ELSE}
- if not Unicode then
- TextOutA(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, PChar(s), Length(s))
- else
- TextOutW(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, Pointer(s), Length(s) div 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if rvfsOverline in StyleEx then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := Canvas.Font.Color;
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left, Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Left, Top+Width);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads properties from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for keys, it is like 'Font%s1', 'Font%s2', etc. }
- procedure TFontInfo.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String;
- JumpByDefault: Boolean; DefJumpCursor: TCursor);
- begin
- inherited;
- NextStyleNo := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_NEXTSTYLENO]), -1);
- Unicode := iniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_UNICODE]), False);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves properties to the ini-file, to the section Section.
- fs is a format string for keys, it is like 'Font%s1', 'Font%s2', etc. }
- procedure TFontInfo.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- inherited;
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_NEXTSTYLENO]),NextStyleNo,-1);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_UNICODE]), Unicode, False);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {================================== TFontInfos ================================}
- { Destructor }
- destructor TFontInfos.Destroy;
- begin
- FInvalidItem.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds new item to the end (perfotms typecasting) }
- function TFontInfos.Add: TFontInfo;
- begin
- Result := TFontInfo(inherited Add);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Deprecated method }
- function TFontInfos.AddFont(Name: TFontName; Size: Integer;
- Color,BackColor: TColor; Style:TFontStyles): TFontInfo;
- begin
- Result := Add;
- Result.FontName := Name;
- Result.Size := Size;
- Result.Color := Color;
- Result.BackColor := BackColor;
- Result.Style := Style;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Deprecated method }
- function TFontInfos.AddFontEx(Name: TFontName; Size: Integer;
- Color, BackColor: TColor; Style:TFontStyles;
- Charset: TFontCharset): TFontInfo;
- begin
- Result := AddFont(Name, Size, Color, BackColor, Style);
- Result.Charset := Charset;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for the property Items[].
- Returns the Index-th item. If the index is out of range (0..Count-1), returns
- InvalidItem instead. This method never generates exceptions. }
- function TFontInfos.GetItem(Index: Integer): TFontInfo;
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>=Count) then
- Result := InvalidItem
- else
- Result := TFontInfo(inherited GetItem(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for the property Items[]. }
- procedure TFontInfos.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TFontInfo);
- begin
- inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for the property InvalidItem.
- It's returned when accessing Items[] with invalid index.
- By default it has all properties of Items[0], but white on red. }
- function TFontInfos.GetInvalidItem: TFontInfo;
- begin
- if FInvalidItem=nil then begin
- FInvalidItem := (FOwner as TRVStyle).GetTextStyleClass.Create(nil);
- if Count>0 then
- FInvalidItem.Assign(Items[0]);
- FInvalidItem.BackColor := clRed;
- FInvalidItem.Color := clWhite;
- end;
- Result := FInvalidItem;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for the property InvalidItem. }
- procedure TFontInfos.SetInvalidItem(const Value: TFontInfo);
- begin
- if InvalidItem<>Value then
- InvalidItem.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section. }
- procedure TFontInfos.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section: String;
- DefJumpCursor: TCursor);
- var i, cnt: Integer;
- begin
- // for compatibility with old versions, default count of styles is
- cnt := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_TEXTSTYLECOUNT, LAST_DEFAULT_STYLE_NO+1);
- Clear;
- for i := 0 to cnt-1 do begin
- Add;
- Items[i].LoadFromINI(ini, Section, RVINI_TEXTSTYLEPREFIX+IntToStr(i),
- i in [rvsJump1, rvsJump2], DefJumpCursor);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves itself to the ini-file, to the section Section. }
- procedure TFontInfos.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section: String);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- ini.WriteInteger(Section, RVINI_TEXTSTYLECOUNT, Count);
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].SaveToINI(ini, Section, RVINI_TEXTSTYLEPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having all properties of Font.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindStyleWithFont(BaseStyle: Integer; Font: TFont): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- {........................................}
- function Matched(fi: TFontInfo): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (fi.Size=Font.Size) and
- (fi.Style=Font.Style) and
- (fi.FontName=Font.Name) and
- (fi.Charset=Font.Charset) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (fi.Color=Font.Color);
- end;
- {........................................}
- begin
- if Matched(Items[BaseStyle]) then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and Matched(Items[i]) and
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], [rvfiFontName, rvfiSize, rvfiCharset,
- rvfiBold, rvfiItalic, rvfiUnderline,
- rvfiStrikeout, rvfiColor]) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having the specified font Size.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindStyleWithFontSize(BaseStyle, Size: Integer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Items[BaseStyle].Size = Size then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and (Items[i].Size=Size) and
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], [rvfiSize]) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having the specified values of Color and BackColor.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindStyleWithColor(BaseStyle: Integer; Color,
- BackColor: TColor): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if (Items[BaseStyle].Color = Color) and
- (Items[BaseStyle].BackColor = BackColor) then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and
- (Items[i].Color = Color) and
- (Items[i].BackColor = BackColor) and
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], [rvfiColor, rvfiBackColor]) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having the specified value of FontName.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindStyleWithFontName(BaseStyle: Integer;
- const FontName: TFontName): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Items[BaseStyle].FontName = FontName then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and (Items[i].FontName=FontName) and
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], [rvfiFontName]) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { The most universal method for text style searching.
- Returns the index of the style having all properties of Style listed in Mask.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindSuchStyle(BaseStyle: Integer; Style: TFontInfo;
- Mask: TRVFontInfoProperties): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Mask := RVAllFontInfoProperties - Mask;
- if Style.IsEqual(Items[BaseStyle], Mask) then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and Style.IsEqual(Items[i], Mask) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having the specified value of Charset.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindStyleWithCharset(BaseStyle: Integer; Charset: TFontCharset): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if (Items[BaseStyle].Charset=Charset)
- and not Items[BaseStyle].Unicode
- {$ENDIF}
- then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and (Items[i].Charset=Charset) and
- not Items[i].Unicode and
- {$ENDIF}
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], [rvfiCharset, rvfiUnicode]) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having the specified font styles.
- Mask defines which font styles to check. Value defines the required values
- of them.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TFontInfos.FindStyleWithFontStyle(BaseStyle: Integer; Value,
- Mask: TFontStyles): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- IgnoreList: TRVFontInfoProperties;
- {........................................}
- function Matched(fi: TFontInfo): Boolean;
- var i: TFontStyle;
- begin
- for i := Low(TFontStyle) to High(TFontStyle) do
- if (i in Mask) and ((i in fi.Style)<>(i in Value)) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {........................................}
- begin
- if Matched(Items[BaseStyle]) then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- IgnoreList := [];
- if fsBold in Mask then
- Include(IgnoreList, rvfiBold);
- if fsItalic in Mask then
- Include(IgnoreList, rvfiItalic);
- if fsUnderline in Mask then
- Include(IgnoreList, rvfiUnderline);
- if fsStrikeout in Mask then
- Include(IgnoreList, rvfiStrikeout);
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and Matched(Items[i]) and
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], IgnoreList) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {================================== TRVRect ===================================}
- { Assigns TRVRect (Source) to TRVRect (Self). }
- procedure TRVRect.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVRect then begin
- Left := TRVRect(Source).Left;
- Right := TRVRect(Source).Right;
- Top := TRVRect(Source).Top;
- Bottom := TRVRect(Source).Bottom;
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns properties from value. Val* specify properties to assign. }
- procedure TRVRect.AssignValidProperties(Source: TRVRect;
- ValL, ValT, ValR, ValB: Boolean);
- begin
- if ValL then
- Left := Source.Left;
- if ValT then
- Top := Source.Top;
- if ValR then
- Right := Source.Right;
- if ValB then
- Bottom := Source.Bottom;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Value to all sides. }
- procedure TRVRect.SetAll(Value: Integer);
- begin
- Left := Value;
- Top := Value;
- Right := Value;
- Bottom := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns itself to TRect. }
- procedure TRVRect.AssignToRect(var Rect: TRect);
- begin
- Rect.Left := Left;
- Rect.Top := Top;
- Rect.Right := Right;
- Rect.Bottom := Bottom;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns itself to TRect. Only sides having greater values are assigned. }
- procedure TRVRect.AssignToRectIfGreater(var Rect: TRect);
- begin
- if Left>Rect.Left then
- Rect.Left := Left;
- if Top>Rect.Top then
- Rect.Top := Top;
- if Right>Rect.Right then
- Rect.Right := Right;
- if Bottom>Rect.Bottom then
- Rect.Bottom := Bottom;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Grows TRect by adding/subtracting sides. }
- procedure TRVRect.InflateRect(var Rect: TRect);
- begin
- dec(Rect.Left, Left);
- dec(Rect.Top, Top);
- inc(Rect.Right, Right);
- inc(Rect.Bottom, Bottom);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Grows TRect by adding/subtracting sides adjusted to the resolution specified
- in sad. }
- procedure TRVRect.InflateRectSaD(var Rect: TRect;
- const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice);
- begin
- dec(Rect.Left, RV_XToDevice(Left, sad));
- dec(Rect.Top, RV_YToDevice(Top, sad));
- inc(Rect.Right, RV_XToDevice(Right, sad));
- inc(Rect.Bottom, RV_YToDevice(Bottom, sad));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this rectangle equal to Value? }
- function TRVRect.IsEqual(Value: TRVRect): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Left=Value.Left) and (Right=Value.Right) and
- (Top =Value.Top) and (Bottom=Value.Bottom);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the specified sides equal to the sides of Value?
- Ign* specify sides to ignore when comparing. }
- function TRVRect.IsEqualEx(Value: TRVRect; IgnL, IgnT, IgnR,
- IgnB: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (IgnL or (Left=Value.Left)) and
- (IgnR or (Right=Value.Right)) and
- (IgnT or (Top =Value.Top)) and
- (ignB or (Bottom=Value.Bottom));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the value of similarity between this rectangle and Value.
- The larger return value - the larger similarity.
- Result is proportional to Weight. }
- function TRVRect.SimilarityValue(Value: TRVRect; Weight: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := RV_CompareInts(Left, Value.Left, Weight)+
- RV_CompareInts(Top, Value.Top, Weight)+
- RV_CompareInts(Right, Value.Right, Weight)+
- RV_CompareInts(Bottom, Value.Bottom, Weight);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVRect.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- Left := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFT]), 0);
- Right := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RIGHT]), 0);
- Top := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TOP]), 0);
- Bottom := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOTTOM]), 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVRect.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFT]), Left, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RIGHT]), Right, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TOP]), Top, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOTTOM]), Bottom, 0);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {================================ TRVBooleanRect ==============================}
- { Constructor, assigns DefValue to all sides. }
- constructor TRVBooleanRect.Create(DefValue: Boolean);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- SetAll(DefValue);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Value to all sides. }
- procedure TRVBooleanRect.SetAll(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- Left := Value;
- Top := Value;
- Right := Value;
- Bottom := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns parameters to sides. }
- procedure TRVBooleanRect.SetValues(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Boolean);
- begin
- Left := ALeft;
- Top := ATop;
- Right := ARight;
- Bottom := ABottom;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns TRVBooleanRect (Source) to TRVBooleanRect (Self). }
- procedure TRVBooleanRect.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVBooleanRect then begin
- Left := TRVBooleanRect(Source).Left;
- Right := TRVBooleanRect(Source).Right;
- Top := TRVBooleanRect(Source).Top;
- Bottom := TRVBooleanRect(Source).Bottom;
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns values from Source. Val* specify properties to assign. }
- procedure TRVBooleanRect.AssignValidProperties(Source: TRVBooleanRect;
- ValL, ValT, ValR, ValB: Boolean);
- begin
- if ValL then
- Left := Source.Left;
- if ValT then
- Top := Source.Top;
- if ValR then
- Right := Source.Right;
- if ValB then
- Bottom := Source.Bottom;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this boolean rectangle equal to Value? }
- function TRVBooleanRect.IsEqual(Value: TRVBooleanRect): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Left=Value.Left) and (Right=Value.Right) and
- (Top =Value.Top) and (Bottom=Value.Bottom);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the sides equal to the parameters? }
- function TRVBooleanRect.IsEqual2(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Left=ALeft) and (Right=ARight) and
- (Top =ATop) and (Bottom=ABottom);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { All all the sides equal to the Value? }
- function TRVBooleanRect.IsAllEqual(Value: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Left=Value) and (Right=Value) and
- (Top =Value) and (Bottom=Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the specified sides equal to the sides of Value?
- Ign* specify sides to ignore when comparing. }
- function TRVBooleanRect.IsEqualEx(Value: TRVBooleanRect; IgnL, IgnT, IgnR,
- IgnB: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (IgnL or (Left=Value.Left)) and
- (IgnR or (Right=Value.Right)) and
- (IgnT or (Top =Value.Top)) and
- (ignB or (Bottom=Value.Bottom));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVBooleanRect.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- begin
- Left := IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFT]), True);
- Right := IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RIGHT]), True);
- Top := IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TOP]), True);
- Bottom := IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOTTOM]), True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVBooleanRect.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- begin
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFT]), Left, True);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RIGHT]), Right, True);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TOP]), Top, True);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOTTOM]), Bottom, True);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================= TRVBorder ======================================}
- { Constructor. Sets border style to "none", color to clWindowText, width to 1. }
- constructor TRVBorder.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FBorderOffsets := TRVRect.Create;
- FVisibleBorders := TRVBooleanRect.Create(True);
- Style := rvbNone;
- Color := clWindowText;
- Width := 1;
- InternalWidth := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor }
- destructor TRVBorder.Destroy;
- begin
- FBorderOffsets.Free;
- FVisibleBorders.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns TRVBorder (Source) to TRVBorder (Self). }
- procedure TRVBorder.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVBorder then begin
- Width := TRVBorder(Source).Width;
- Style := TRVBorder(Source).Style;
- Color := TRVBorder(Source).Color;
- InternalWidth := TRVBorder(Source).InternalWidth;
- VisibleBorders.Assign(TRVBorder(Source).VisibleBorders);
- BorderOffsets.Assign(TRVBorder(Source).BorderOffsets);
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for BorderOffsets property. }
- procedure TRVBorder.SetBorderOffsets(const Value: TRVRect);
- begin
- FBorderOffsets.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for VisibleBorders property. }
- procedure TRVBorder.SetVisibleBorders(const Value: TRVBooleanRect);
- begin
- FVisibleBorders.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws border on Canvas at the rectangle Rect. Widths and offsets are adjusted
- according to the device resolution specified in sad.
- Colors are corrected according to ColorMode. }
- procedure TRVBorder.DrawSaD(Rect: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas;
- const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- begin
- if Style = rvbNone then exit;
- ScaleRect(Rect, sad); // does nothing
- BorderOffsets.InflateRectSaD(Rect,sad);
- DoDraw(Rect, Canvas, RV_YToDevice(Width, sad),
- RV_YToDevice(InternalWidth, sad), RV_YToDevice(1, sad), ColorMode);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws border on Canvas at the rectangle Rect. }
- procedure TRVBorder.Draw(Rect: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas);
- begin
- if Style = rvbNone then exit;
- BorderOffsets.InflateRect(Rect);
- DoDraw(Rect, Canvas, Width, InternalWidth, 1, rvcmColor);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws border on Canvas at the rectangle Rect. This method is called by Draw
- and DrawSaD.
- Colors are corrected according to ColorMode. }
- procedure TRVBorder.DoDraw(Rect: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas;
- Width, InternalWidth, OnePixelWidth: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- var Count: Integer;
- begin
- with Canvas.Pen do begin
- Width := Self.Width;
- Style := psInsideFrame;
- case ColorMode of
- rvcmColor:
- Color := Self.Color;
- rvcmPrinterColor:
- Color := RV_GetPrnColor(Self.Color);
- rvcmGrayScale:
- Color := RV_GetGray(RV_GetPrnColor(Self.Color));
- rvcmBlackAndWhite, rvcmBlackOnWhite:
- Color := clBlack;
- end;
- end;
- case Style of
- rvbSingle:
- Count := 1;
- rvbDouble, rvbThickInside, rvbThickOutside:
- Count := 2;
- rvbTriple:
- Count := 3;
- else
- Count := 1;
- end;
- while Count>0 do begin
- if ((Count=1) and (Style=rvbThickOutside)) or
- ((Count=2) and (Style=rvbThickInside)) then
- Canvas.Pen.Width := Width*2
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Width := Width;
- if VisibleBorders.Top then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Top);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Top);
- end;
- if VisibleBorders.Right then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Top);
- end;
- if VisibleBorders.Bottom then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Bottom);
- end;
- if VisibleBorders.Left then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Top);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom);
- end;
- InflateRect(Rect, InternalWidth+OnePixelWidth, InternalWidth+OnePixelWidth);
- if (Width=1) and (Style=rvbThickOutside) then begin
- inc(Rect.Bottom,OnePixelWidth);
- inc(Rect.Right,OnePixelWidth);
- end;
- if (Width=1) and (Style = rvbThickInside) then begin
- dec(Rect.Top,OnePixelWidth);
- dec(Rect.Left,OnePixelWidth);
- end;
- dec(Count);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this border equal to Value? }
- function TRVBorder.IsEqual(Value: TRVBorder): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Style = Value.Style) and
- (Color = Value.Color) and
- (Width = Value.Width) and
- (InternalWidth = Value.InternalWidth) and
- BorderOffsets.IsEqual(Value.BorderOffsets) and
- VisibleBorders.IsEqual(Value.VisibleBorders);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the specified properties of this border equal to the properties of Value?
- IgnoreList specifies properties that must be ignored when comparing. }
- function TRVBorder.IsEqual_Para(Value: TRVBorder; IgnoreList: TRVParaInfoProperties): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ((rvpiBorder_Style in IgnoreList) or (Style = Value.Style)) and
- ((rvpiBorder_Color in IgnoreList) or (Color = Value.Color)) and
- ((rvpiBorder_Width in IgnoreList) or (Width = Value.Width)) and
- ((rvpiBorder_InternalWidth in IgnoreList) or (InternalWidth = Value.InternalWidth)) and
- BorderOffsets.IsEqualEx(Value.BorderOffsets,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Left in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Top in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Right in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Bottom in IgnoreList) and
- VisibleBorders.IsEqualEx(Value.VisibleBorders,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Left in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Top in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Right in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Bottom in IgnoreList);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assign properties from Source, listed in ValidProperties. }
- procedure TRVBorder.AssignValidProperties(Source: TRVBorder;
- ValidProperties: TRVParaInfoProperties1);
- begin
- if (rvpiBorder_Style in ValidProperties) then
- Style := Source.Style;
- if (rvpiBorder_Color in ValidProperties) then
- Color := Source.Color;
- if (rvpiBorder_Width in ValidProperties) then
- Width := Source.Width;
- if (rvpiBorder_InternalWidth in ValidProperties) then
- InternalWidth := Source.InternalWidth;
- BorderOffsets.AssignValidProperties(Source.BorderOffsets,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Left in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Top in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Right in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBorder_BO_Bottom in ValidProperties);
- VisibleBorders.AssignValidProperties(Source.VisibleBorders,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Left in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Top in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Right in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBorder_Vis_Bottom in ValidProperties);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a value of similarity between this border and Value.
- The larger value - the higher similarity. }
- function TRVBorder.SimilarityValue(Value: TRVBorder): Integer;
- var vis1,vis2: array[0..3] of Boolean;
- sum,i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- vis1[0] := ((Style<>rvbNone) and VisibleBorders.Left);
- vis2[0] := ((Value.Style<>rvbNone) and Value.VisibleBorders.Left);
- vis1[1] := ((Style<>rvbNone) and VisibleBorders.Top);
- vis2[1] := ((Value.Style<>rvbNone) and Value.VisibleBorders.Top);
- vis1[2] := ((Style<>rvbNone) and VisibleBorders.Right);
- vis2[2] := ((Value.Style<>rvbNone) and Value.VisibleBorders.Right);
- vis1[3] := ((Style<>rvbNone) and VisibleBorders.Bottom);
- vis2[3] := ((Value.Style<>rvbNone) and Value.VisibleBorders.Bottom);
- sum := 0;
- for i := 0 to 3 do begin
- inc(sum, ord(vis1[i] and vis2[i]));
- end;
- if sum>0 then begin
- Result := RV_CompareColors(Color, Value.Color, RVSMW_EACHRGBCOLOR, RVSMW_COLORSET)+
- RV_CompareInts(Width, Value.Width, RVSMW_WIDTH)+
- RV_CompareInts(InternalWidth, Value.InternalWidth, RVSMW_WIDTH);
- if Style = Value.Style then
- Result := Result * sum;
- end;
- for i := 0 to 3 do begin
- if not vis1[i] and not vis2[i] then
- if vis1[i] <> vis2[i] then
- end;
- if vis1[0] and vis2[0] then
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(BorderOffsets.Left, Value.BorderOffsets.Left, RVSMW_PADDING));
- if vis1[1] and vis2[1] then
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(BorderOffsets.Top, Value.BorderOffsets.Top, RVSMW_PADDING));
- if vis1[2] and vis2[2] then
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(BorderOffsets.Right, Value.BorderOffsets.Right, RVSMW_PADDING));
- if vis1[3] and vis2[3] then
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(BorderOffsets.Bottom, Value.BorderOffsets.Bottom, RVSMW_PADDING));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the total width of border, including all line widths and gaps. }
- function TRVBorder.GetTotalWidth: Integer;
- begin
- case Style of
- rvbSingle:
- Result := Width;
- rvbDouble:
- Result := 2*Width+InternalWidth;
- rvbTriple:
- Result := 3*Width+2*InternalWidth;
- rvbThickInside, rvbThickOutside:
- Result := 3*Width+InternalWidth;
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVBorder.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- Width := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_WIDTH]), 1);
- Style := TRVBorderStyle(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_STYLE]), ord(rvbNone)));
- Color := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_COLOR]), clWindowText);
- InternalWidth := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_INTERNALWIDTH]), 1);
- BorderOffsets.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOFFSPREFIX]));
- VisibleBorders.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_VISBPREFIX]));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVBorder.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_WIDTH]), Width, 1);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_STYLE]), ord(Style), ord(rvbNone));
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_COLOR]), Color, clWindowText);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_INTERNALWIDTH]), InternalWidth, 1);
- BorderOffsets.SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOFFSPREFIX]));
- VisibleBorders.SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_VISBPREFIX]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================== TRVBackgroundRect =============================}
- { Constructor, creates a transparent border with zero padding. }
- constructor TRVBackgroundRect.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FBorderOffsets := TRVRect.Create;
- Color := clNone
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor. }
- destructor TRVBackgroundRect.Destroy;
- begin
- FBorderOffsets.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns TRVBackgroundRect (Source) to TRVBackgroundRect (Self). }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVBackgroundRect then begin
- Color := TRVBackgroundRect(Source).Color;
- BorderOffsets := TRVBackgroundRect(Source).BorderOffsets;
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds padding (BorderOffs) to Rect. }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.PrepareDraw(var Rect: TRect);
- begin
- BorderOffsets.InflateRect(Rect);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds corrected padding (BorderOffs) to Rect.
- Corrections is made according to the device resolution specified in sad. }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.PrepareDrawSaD(var Rect: TRect;
- const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice);
- begin
- BorderOffsets.InflateRectSaD(Rect,sad);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws background on the Canvas at the rectangle Rect.
- If Printing, this is a printing or print preview.
- Colors are corrected according to the ColorMode. }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.Draw(Rect: TRect; Canvas: TCanvas;
- Printing: Boolean; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- begin
- if (Color=clNone) or (ColorMode in [rvcmBlackAndWhite, rvcmBlackOnWhite]) then
- exit;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- case ColorMode of
- rvcmColor:
- Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
- rvcmPrinterColor:
- Canvas.Brush.Color := RV_GetPrnColor(Color);
- rvcmGrayScale:
- Canvas.Brush.Color := RV_GetGray(RV_GetPrnColor(Color));
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
- inc(Rect.Right);
- inc(Rect.Bottom);
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for BorderOffsets property. }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.SetBorderOffsets(const Value: TRVRect);
- begin
- FBorderOffsets.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- begin
- Color := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_COLOR]), clNone);
- BorderOffsets.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOFFSPREFIX]));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- begin
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_COLOR]), Color, clNone);
- BorderOffsets.SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BOFFSPREFIX]));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this background equal to Value? }
- function TRVBackgroundRect.IsEqual(Value: TRVBackgroundRect): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Color = Value.Color) and
- BorderOffsets.IsEqual(Value.BorderOffsets);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a value of similarity between this background and Value.
- The larger value - the higher similarity. }
- function TRVBackgroundRect.SimilarityValue(
- Value: TRVBackgroundRect): Integer;
- begin
- Result := RV_CompareColors(Color, Value.Color, RVSMW_EACHRGBBCOLOR, RVSMW_BCOLORSET)+
- BorderOffsets.SimilarityValue(Value.BorderOffsets, RVSMW_PADDING);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the specified properties of this background equal to the properties of Value?
- IgnoreList specifies properties that must be ignored when comparing. }
- function TRVBackgroundRect.IsEqual_Para(Value: TRVBackgroundRect;
- IgnoreList: TRVParaInfoProperties): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ((rvpiBackground_Color in IgnoreList) or (Color = Value.Color)) and
- BorderOffsets.IsEqualEx(Value.BorderOffsets,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Left in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Top in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Right in IgnoreList,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Bottom in IgnoreList);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns properties from Source, listed in ValidProperties }
- procedure TRVBackgroundRect.AssignValidProperties(Source: TRVBackgroundRect;
- ValidProperties: TRVParaInfoProperties1);
- begin
- if (rvpiBackground_Color in ValidProperties) then
- Color := Source.Color;
- BorderOffsets.AssignValidProperties(Source.BorderOffsets,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Left in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Top in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Right in ValidProperties,
- rvpiBackground_BO_Bottom in ValidProperties);
- end;
- {=========================== TRVTabInfo =======================================}
- { Designtime support. Returns a string to display for the tab in the collection
- editor.
- This string has format "<align> at <position>".
- If Leader is not empty, it's added to the end of the string. }
- function TRVTabInfo.GetDisplayName: String;
- begin
- Result := RVAlignStr[ord(Align)]+' at '+IntToStr(Position);
- if Leader<>'' then
- Result := Result+' ('+Leader+Leader+Leader+Leader+Leader+Leader+')';
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this tabstop equal to Value? }
- function TRVTabInfo.IsEqual(Value: TRVTabInfo): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Position=Value.Position) and
- (Align=Value.Align) and
- (Leader=Value.Leader);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a value of similarity between this tabstop and Value.
- The larger value - the higher similarity. }
- function TRVTabInfo.SimilarityValue(Value: TRVTabInfo): Integer;
- begin
- Result := RV_CompareInts(Position, Value.Position, RVSMW_TABPOS);
- if Align=Value.Align then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_TABALIGN);
- if Leader=Value.Leader then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_LEADER);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Position property.
- Assigns the property value and resort the collection of tabstops. }
- procedure TRVTabInfo.SetPosition(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FPosition then begin
- FPosition := Value;
- if Collection<>nil then
- with TRVTabInfos(Collection) do begin
- BeginUpdate;
- try
- SortTabs;
- finally
- EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORED method for Leader property.
- Should Leader value be stored? }
- function TRVTabInfo.StoreLeader: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Leader<>'';
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns the tabstop Source to Self. }
- procedure TRVTabInfo.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVTabInfo then begin
- Position := TRVTabInfo(Source).Position;
- Align := TRVTabInfo(Source).Align;
- Leader := TRVTabInfo(Source).Leader;
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Function for comparing position of tabstops. Used to sort the collection. }
- function CompareTabs(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := TRVTabInfo(Item1).Position-TRVTabInfo(Item2).Position;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVTabInfo.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- begin
- Position := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABPOSITION]), 0);
- Align := TRVTabAlign(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABALIGN]), 0));
- Leader := ini.ReadString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABLEADER]), '');
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVTabInfo.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABPOSITION]), Position, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABALIGN]), ord(Align), 0);
- if Leader<>'' then
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABLEADER]), Leader);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {=============================== TRVTabInfos ==================================}
- { Constructor. Creates empty collection of TRVTabInfo. }
- constructor TRVTabInfos.Create(Owner: TPersistent);
- begin
- inherited Create(TRVTabInfo);
- FOwner := Owner;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Designtime support. Required for the collection editor. }
- function TRVTabInfos.GetOwner: TPersistent;
- begin
- Result := FOwner;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Sorts tabs by Position in ascending order.
- This method is called automatically when Items[].Position is changed }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.SortTabs;
- var
- i: Integer;
- List: TList;
- begin
- List := TList.Create;
- try
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- List.Add(Items[i]);
- List.Sort(CompareTabs);
- for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
- TRVTabInfo(List.Items[i]).Index := i
- finally
- List.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- var i,c: Integer;
- begin
- Clear;
- c := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABCOUNT]), 0);
- for i := 0 to c-1 do
- Add.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[''])+RVINI_TABPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_TABCOUNT]), Count, 0);
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[''])+RVINI_TABPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds a new item (added because of typecasting). }
- function TRVTabInfos.Add: TRVTabInfo;
- begin
- Result := TRVTabInfo(inherited Add);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for Items[] property. }
- function TRVTabInfos.GetItem(Index: Integer): TRVTabInfo;
- begin
- Result := TRVTabInfo(inherited GetItem(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Items[] property. }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TRVTabInfo);
- begin
- inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this collection of tabstops equal to Value? }
- function TRVTabInfos.IsEqual(Value: TRVTabInfos): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Count=Value.Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if not Items[i].IsEqual(Value[i]) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns index of tab with the given Position (or -1 if not found).
- Collection must be sorted. }
- function TRVTabInfos.Find(Position: Integer): Integer;
- var a,b,c: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if Count=0 then
- exit;
- a := 0;
- b := Count-1;
- while (b-a)>1 do begin
- c := (a+b) div 2;
- if Items[c].Position<Position then
- a := c
- else
- b := c;
- end;
- if Items[a].Position=Position then
- Result := a
- else if Items[b].Position=Position then
- Result := b;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Deletes all tabs that not present in Value. Only tabs with all
- common properties are not deleted. }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.Intersect(Value: TRVTabInfos);
- var i, Index: Integer;
- begin
- for i := Count-1 downto 0 do begin
- Index := Value.Find(Items[i].Position);
- if (Index<0) or not Items[i].IsEqual(Value[Index]) then
- Items[i].Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds tabs from sources. New tabs are inserted, existing tabs are updated. }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.AddFrom(Source: TRVTabInfos);
- var i, Index: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Source.Count-1 do begin
- Index := Find(Source[i].Position);
- if Index<0 then begin
- Add;
- Index := Count-1;
- end;
- Items[Index].Assign(Source[i]);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Deletes tabs with the specified positions }
- procedure TRVTabInfos.DeleteList(Positions: TRVIntegerList);
- var i, Index: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Positions.Count-1 do begin
- Index := Find(Positions[i]);
- if Index>=0 then
- Items[Index].Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a value of similarity between this collection of tabstops and Value.
- The greater value - the higher similarity. }
- function TRVTabInfos.SimilarityValue(Value: TRVTabInfos): Integer;
- var i, MinCount: Integer;
- begin
- if Count<Value.Count then
- MinCount := Count
- else
- MinCount := Value.Count;
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to MinCount-1 do
- inc(Result, Items[i].SimilarityValue(Value[i]));
- dec(Result, (Count-MinCount)*RVSMW_NOTAB);
- dec(Result, (Value.Count-MinCount)*RVSMW_NOTAB);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================= TCustomRVParaInfo ==============================}
- { Constructor. Creates left-aligned parameters with zero indents and spacing,
- without background, border and tabs.
- Default style name is 'Paragraph Style'. }
- constructor TCustomRVParaInfo.Create(Collection: TCollection);
- begin
- inherited Create(Collection);
- FirstIndent := 0;
- LeftIndent := 0;
- RightIndent := 0;
- Alignment := rvaLeft;
- FBorder := TRVBorder.Create;
- FBackground := TRVBackgroundRect.Create;
- FTabs := TRVTabInfos.Create(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- LineSpacingType := rvlsPercent;
- LineSpacing := 100;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor. }
- destructor TCustomRVParaInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- FBorder.Free;
- FBackground.Free;
- FTabs.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Border property. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.SetBorder(const Value: TRVBorder);
- begin
- FBorder.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Tabs property. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.SetTabs(const Value: TRVTabInfos);
- begin
- FTabs.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Background property. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.SetBackground(const Value: TRVBackgroundRect);
- begin
- FBackground.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is there nondefault line spacing? }
- function TCustomRVParaInfo.ExtraLineSpacing: Boolean;
- begin
- case LineSpacingType of
- rvlsPercent:
- Result := LineSpacing<>100;
- rvlsSpaceBetween:
- Result := LineSpacing>0;
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self, if Source is TCustomRVParaInfo. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TCustomRVParaInfo then begin
- FirstIndent := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).FirstIndent;
- LeftIndent := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).LeftIndent;
- RightIndent := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).RightIndent;
- Alignment := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).Alignment;
- SpaceBefore := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).SpaceBefore;
- SpaceAfter := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).SpaceAfter;
- LineSpacing := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).LineSpacing;
- LineSpacingType := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).LineSpacingType;
- Background := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).Background;
- Border := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).Border;
- Tabs := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).Tabs;
- {$ENDIF}
- Options := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).Options;
- BiDiMode := TCustomRVParaInfo(Source).BiDiMode;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns properties listed in Props1 and Props2 from Source to Self. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.AssignSelectedProperties(
- Source: TCustomRVParaInfo; Props: TRVParaInfoProperties);
- {.............................................................}
- procedure ChangeOption(Option: TRVParaOption; OptionId: TRVParaInfoProperty2);
- begin
- if OptionId in Props then
- if Option in Source.Options then
- Options := Options+[Option]
- else
- Options := Options-[Option];
- end;
- {.............................................................}
- begin
- if (rvpiFirstIndent in Props) then
- FirstIndent := Source.FirstIndent;
- if (rvpiLeftIndent in Props) then
- LeftIndent := Source.LeftIndent;
- if (rvpiRightIndent in Props) then
- RightIndent := Source.RightIndent;
- if (rvpiSpaceBefore in Props) then
- SpaceBefore := Source.SpaceBefore;
- if (rvpiSpaceAfter in Props) then
- SpaceAfter := Source.SpaceAfter;
- if (rvpiAlignment in Props) then
- Alignment := Source.Alignment;
- if (rvpiLineSpacing in Props) then
- LineSpacing := Source.LineSpacing;
- if (rvpiLineSpacingType in Props) then
- LineSpacingType := Source.LineSpacingType;
- Background.AssignValidProperties(Source.Background, Props);
- Border.AssignValidProperties(Source.Border, Props);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoNoWrap, rvpiNoWrap);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoReadOnly, rvpiReadOnly);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoStyleProtect, rvpiStyleProtect);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoDoNotWantReturns, rvpiDoNotWantReturns);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoKeepLinesTogether, rvpiKeepLinesTogether);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoKeepWithNext, rvpiKeepWithNext);
- if (rvpiTabs in Props) then
- Tabs := Source.Tabs;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (rvpiBiDiMode in Props) then
- BiDiMode := Source.BiDiMode;
- { rvpiNextParaNo, rvpiDefStyleNo - not assigned }
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this paragraph style equal to Value?
- IgnoreID parameter is not used.
- BaseStyleNo is ignored. }
- function TCustomRVParaInfo.IsSimpleEqual(Value: TCustomRVInfo;
- IgnoreReferences, IgnoreID: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result :=
- (Alignment = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).Alignment ) and
- (FirstIndent = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).FirstIndent) and
- (LeftIndent = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).LeftIndent ) and
- (RightIndent = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).RightIndent) and
- (SpaceBefore = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).SpaceBefore) and
- (SpaceAfter = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).SpaceAfter) and
- (LineSpacing = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).LineSpacing) and
- (LineSpacingType = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).LineSpacingType) and
- (Options = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).Options) and
- (BiDiMode = TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).BiDiMode) and
- Background.IsEqual(TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).Background) and
- Tabs.IsEqual(TParaInfo(Value).Tabs) and
- {$ENDIF}
- Border.IsEqual(TParaInfo(Value).Border) and
- (not RichViewCompareStyleNames or (StyleName=TCustomRVParaInfo(Value).StyleName));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a value of similarity between this paragraph style and Value.
- The greater value - the higher similarity.
- BaseStyleNo, NextParaNo, DefStyleNo are ignored. }
- function TCustomRVParaInfo.SimilarityValue(Value: TCustomRVInfo): Integer;
- begin
- Result :=
- RV_CompareInts(FirstIndent, TParaInfo(Value).FirstIndent, RVSMW_INDENT)+
- RV_CompareInts(LeftIndent, TParaInfo(Value).LeftIndent, RVSMW_INDENT)+
- RV_CompareInts(RightIndent, TParaInfo(Value).RightIndent, RVSMW_INDENT)+
- RV_CompareInts(SpaceBefore, TParaInfo(Value).SpaceBefore, RVSMW_INDENT)+
- RV_CompareInts(SpaceAfter, TParaInfo(Value).SpaceAfter, RVSMW_INDENT)+
- Background.SimilarityValue(TParaInfo(Value).Background)+
- Tabs.SimilarityValue(TParaInfo(Value).Tabs)+
- {$ENDIF}
- Border.SimilarityValue(TParaInfo(Value).Border);
- if (Alignment = TParaInfo(Value).Alignment) then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_ALIGNMENT);
- if (BiDiMode = TParaInfo(Value).BiDiMode) then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_BIDIMODE);
- if ((rvpaoNoWrap in Options) = (rvpaoNoWrap in TParaInfo(Value).Options)) then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_NOWRAP);
- if ((rvpaoReadOnly in Options) = (rvpaoReadOnly in TParaInfo(Value).Options)) then
- inc(Result, RVSMW_READONLY);
- if ((rvpaoStyleProtect in Options) = (rvpaoStyleProtect in TParaInfo(Value).Options)) then
- if ((rvpaoDoNotWantReturns in Options) = (rvpaoDoNotWantReturns in TParaInfo(Value).Options)) then
- if ((rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Options) = (rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in TParaInfo(Value).Options)) then
- if ((rvpaoKeepWithNext in Options) = (rvpaoKeepWithNext in TParaInfo(Value).Options)) then
- if (LineSpacingType=TParaInfo(Value).LineSpacingType) then
- inc(Result, RV_CompareInts(LineSpacing, TParaInfo(Value).LineSpacing, RVSMW_LINESPACING))
- else if ExtraLineSpacing<>TParaInfo(Value).ExtraLineSpacing then
- dec(Result, RVSMW_LINESPACING*4);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is the specified properties of this paragraph style equal to the properties of
- Value. IgnoreList lists properties which will be ignored when comparing.
- BaseStyleNo is always ignored. }
- function TCustomRVParaInfo.IsEqual(Value: TCustomRVParaInfo;
- IgnoreList: TRVParaInfoProperties): Boolean;
- begin
- Result :=
- ((rvpiAlignment in IgnoreList) or (Alignment = Value.Alignment)) and
- ((rvpiFirstIndent in IgnoreList) or (FirstIndent = Value.FirstIndent)) and
- ((rvpiLeftIndent in IgnoreList) or (LeftIndent = Value.LeftIndent)) and
- ((rvpiRightIndent in IgnoreList) or (RightIndent = Value.RightIndent)) and
- ((rvpiSpaceBefore in IgnoreList) or (SpaceBefore = Value.SpaceBefore)) and
- ((rvpiSpaceAfter in IgnoreList) or (SpaceAfter = Value.SpaceAfter)) and
- ((rvpiLineSpacing in IgnoreList) or (LineSpacing = Value.LineSpacing)) and
- ((rvpiLineSpacingType in IgnoreList) or (LineSpacingType = Value.LineSpacingType)) and
- ((rvpiNoWrap in IgnoreList) or ((rvpaoNoWrap in Options) = (rvpaoNoWrap in TParaInfo(Value).Options))) and
- ((rvpiReadOnly in IgnoreList) or ((rvpaoReadOnly in Options) = (rvpaoReadOnly in TParaInfo(Value).Options))) and
- ((rvpiStyleProtect in IgnoreList) or ((rvpaoStyleProtect in Options) = (rvpaoStyleProtect in TParaInfo(Value).Options))) and
- ((rvpiDoNotWantReturns in IgnoreList) or ((rvpaoDoNotWantReturns in Options) = (rvpaoDoNotWantReturns in TParaInfo(Value).Options))) and
- ((rvpiKeepLinesTogether in IgnoreList) or ((rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Options) = (rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in TParaInfo(Value).Options))) and
- ((rvpiKeepWithNext in IgnoreList) or ((rvpaoKeepWithNext in Options) = (rvpaoKeepWithNext in TParaInfo(Value).Options))) and
- ((rvpiBiDiMode in IgnoreList) or (BiDiMode = Value.BiDiMode)) and
- ((rvpiTabs in IgnoreList) or Tabs.IsEqual(Value.Tabs)) and
- {$ENDIF}
- Background.IsEqual_Para(Value.Background, IgnoreList) and
- Border.IsEqual_Para(Value.Border, IgnoreList);
- if Result and RichViewCompareStyleNames then
- Result := StyleName=Value.StyleName;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- inherited LoadFromINI(ini, Section, fs, RVDEFAULTPARASTYLENAME);
- SpaceBefore := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SPACEBEFORE]), 0);
- SpaceAfter := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SPACEAFTER]), 0);
- LeftIndent := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFTINDENT]), 0);
- RightIndent := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RIGHTIDENT]), 0);
- FirstIndent := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FIRSTINDENT]), 0);
- LineSpacing := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LINESPACING]), 100);
- LineSpacingType := TRVLineSpacingType(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LINESPACINGTYPE]), ord(rvlsPercent)));
- Alignment := TRVAlignment(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_ALIGNMENT]), ord(rvaLeft)));
- BiDiMode := TRVBiDiMode(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BIDIMODE]), 0));
- Options := [];
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_NOWRAP]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvpaoNoWrap);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_READONLY]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvpaoReadOnly);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_STYLEPROTECT]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvpaoStyleProtect);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_DONOTWANTRETURNS]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvpaoDoNotWantReturns);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_KEEPLINESTOGETHER]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvpaoKeepLinesTogether);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_KEEPWITHNEXT]), False) then
- Include(FOptions, rvpaoKeepWithNext);
- Border.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BORDERPREFIX]));
- Background.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BACKGROUNDPREFIX]));
- Tabs.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs, [RVINI_TABPREFIX]));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- inherited SaveToINI(ini, Section, fs);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SPACEBEFORE]), SpaceBefore, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_SPACEAFTER]), SpaceAfter, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFTINDENT]), LeftIndent, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_RIGHTIDENT]), RightIndent, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FIRSTINDENT]), FirstIndent, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LINESPACING]), LineSpacing, 100);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LINESPACINGTYPE]), ord(LineSpacingType), ord(rvlsPercent));
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_ALIGNMENT]), ord(Alignment), ord(rvaLeft));
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BIDIMODE]), ord(BiDiMode), 0);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_NOWRAP]), rvpaoNoWrap in Options, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_READONLY]), rvpaoReadOnly in Options, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_STYLEPROTECT]), rvpaoStyleProtect in Options, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_DONOTWANTRETURNS]), rvpaoDoNotWantReturns in Options, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_KEEPLINESTOGETHER]), rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Options, False);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_KEEPWITHNEXT]), rvpaoKeepWithNext in Options, False);
- Border.SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BORDERPREFIX]));
- Background.SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_BACKGROUNDPREFIX]));
- Tabs.SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs, [RVINI_TABPREFIX]));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves this paragraph style as a part of CSS to the Stream.
- if BaseStyle<>nil, only a difference between this style and BaseStyle is
- saved.
- If Multiline=False, all text will be written on a single line.
- If IgnoreLeftAlignment, left value of alignment is not saved.
- If IgnoreLeftIndents, left and first line indents are not saved. }
- procedure TCustomRVParaInfo.SaveCSSToStream(Stream: TStream; BaseStyle: TParaInfo;
- Multiline, IgnoreLeftAlignment, IgnoreLeftIndents: Boolean);
- const cssTextAlign : array[TRVAlignment] of String =
- ('left', 'right', 'center', 'justify');
- {..................................................}
- function GetBorderStyle(bs: TRVBorderStyle): String;
- begin
- Result := '';
- case bs of
- rvbNone:
- Result := 'none';
- rvbSingle:
- Result := 'solid';
- rvbDouble, rvbTriple, rvbThickInside, rvbThickOutside:
- Result := 'double';
- end;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetBorderWidth(Border: TRVBorder): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- case Border.Style of
- rvbSingle:
- Result := Border.Width;
- rvbDouble:
- Result := Border.Width+Border.InternalWidth;
- rvbThickInside, rvbThickOutside:
- Result := Border.Width*3 div 2+Border.InternalWidth;
- rvbTriple:
- Result := Border.Width+Border.InternalWidth*2;
- end;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- var r, baser: TRect;
- begin
- if ((BaseStyle=nil) and (not IgnoreLeftAlignment or (Alignment<>rvaLeft))) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (BaseStyle.Alignment<>Alignment)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' text-align: '+cssTextAlign[Alignment]+';', Multiline);
- if not IgnoreLeftIndents and ((BaseStyle=nil) or (BaseStyle.FirstIndent<>FirstIndent)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' text-indent: %dpx;', [FirstIndent]), Multiline);
- if ((BaseStyle=nil) and (LineSpacingType=rvlsPercent) and (LineSpacing<>100)) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (LineSpacingType=rvlsPercent) and
- (BaseStyle.LineSpacingType=rvlsPercent) and
- (LineSpacing<>BaseStyle.LineSpacing)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' line-height: %d.%d;',[LineSpacing div 100, LineSpacing mod 100]), Multiline)
- else if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (BaseStyle.LineSpacingType=rvlsPercent) and
- (BaseStyle.LineSpacing<>100) and (LineSpacingType<>rvlsPercent) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' line-height: normal;', Multiline);
- if rvpaoNoWrap in Options then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' white-space: nowrap;', Multiline)
- else if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (rvpaoNoWrap in BaseStyle.Options) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' white-space: normal;', Multiline);
- if rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Options then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' page-break-inside: avoid;', Multiline)
- else if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in BaseStyle.Options) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' page-break-inside: auto;', Multiline);
- if rvpaoKeepWithNext in Options then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' page-break-after: avoid;', Multiline)
- else if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (rvpaoKeepWithNext in BaseStyle.Options) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' page-break-after: auto;', Multiline);
- if (Border.Style <> rvbNone) and (Border.Color<>clNone) then begin
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' border-color: %s;', [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Border.Color, False)]),
- Multiline);
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' border-style: %s;', [GetBorderStyle(Border.Style)]),
- Multiline);
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' border-width: %dpx;', [GetBorderWidth(Border)]),
- Multiline);
- if not Border.VisibleBorders.Top then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' border-top: none;', Multiline);
- if not Border.VisibleBorders.Right then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' border-right: none;', Multiline);
- if not Border.VisibleBorders.Bottom then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' border-bottom: none;', Multiline);
- if not Border.VisibleBorders.Left then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' border-left: none;', Multiline);
- Border.BorderOffsets.AssignToRect(r);
- end
- else begin
- if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (BaseStyle.Border.Style <> rvbNone) and
- (BaseStyle.Border.Color<>clNone) then
- RVWriteX(Stream, ' border: none;', Multiline);
- r := Rect(0,0,0,0);
- //RVWriteX(Stream, ' border: none;', Multiline);
- end;
- if (BaseStyle<>nil) and (BaseStyle.Border.Style <> rvbNone) and
- (BaseStyle.Border.Color<>clNone) then
- BaseStyle.Border.BorderOffsets.AssignToRect(baser)
- else
- baser := Rect(0,0,0,0);
- if ((BaseStyle=nil) and (Background.Color<>clNone)) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (Background.Color<>BaseStyle.Background.Color)) then
- RVWriteX(Stream,
- Format(' background: %s;', [RV_GetCSSBkColor(Background.Color)]), Multiline);
- if Background.Color<>clNone then
- Background.BorderOffsets.AssignToRectIfGreater(r);
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or not AreRectsEqual(baser,r) then
- with r do
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' padding: %dpx %dpx %dpx %dpx;',
- [Top, Right, Bottom, Left]), Multiline);
- if (BaseStyle<>nil) then begin
- baser.Left := BaseStyle.LeftIndent-baser.Left;
- baser.Right := BaseStyle.RightIndent-baser.Right;
- baser.Top := BaseStyle.SpaceBefore-baser.Top;
- baser.Bottom := BaseStyle.SpaceAfter-baser.Bottom;
- end;
- r.Left := LeftIndent-r.Left;
- r.Right := RightIndent-r.Right;
- r.Top := SpaceBefore-r.Top;
- r.Bottom := SpaceAfter-r.Bottom;
- if (BaseStyle=nil) or not AreRectsEqual(baser,r) then
- with r do
- if not IgnoreLeftIndents then
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' margin: %dpx %dpx %dpx %dpx;',
- [Top, Right, Bottom, Left]), Multiline)
- else begin
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' margin-top: %dpx;', [Top]), Multiline);
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' margin-right: %dpx;', [Right]), Multiline);
- RVWriteX(Stream, Format(' margin-bottom: %dpx;', [Bottom]), Multiline);
- end;
- end;
- {=================================== TParaInfo ================================}
- { Constructor }
- constructor TParaInfo.Create(Collection: TCollection);
- begin
- inherited Create(Collection);
- NextParaNo := -1;
- DefStyleNo := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self, if Source is TCustomRVParaInfo }
- procedure TParaInfo.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TParaInfo then begin
- NextParaNo := TParaInfo(Source).NextParaNo;
- DefStyleNo := TParaInfo(Source).DefStyleNo;
- ModifiedProperties1 := TParaInfo(Source).ModifiedProperties1;
- ModifiedProperties2 := TParaInfo(Source).ModifiedProperties2;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TParaInfo.ExcludeUnmodifiedProperties(Source: TCustomRVParaInfo;
- PossibleProps: TRVParaInfoProperties);
- {.............................................................}
- procedure ChangeOption(Option: TRVParaOption; OptionId: TRVParaInfoProperty2);
- begin
- if (OptionId in PossibleProps) and
- ((Option in Options)=(Option in Source.Options)) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties2, OptionId);
- end;
- {.............................................................}
- begin
- if (rvpiFirstIndent in PossibleProps) and (FirstIndent=Source.FirstIndent) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiFirstIndent);
- if (rvpiLeftIndent in PossibleProps) and (LeftIndent=Source.LeftIndent) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiLeftIndent);
- if (rvpiRightIndent in PossibleProps) and (RightIndent=Source.RightIndent) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiRightIndent);
- if (rvpiSpaceBefore in PossibleProps) and (SpaceBefore=Source.SpaceBefore) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiSpaceBefore);
- if (rvpiSpaceAfter in PossibleProps) and (SpaceAfter=Source.SpaceAfter) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiSpaceAfter);
- if (rvpiAlignment in PossibleProps) and (Alignment=Source.Alignment) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiAlignment);
- if (rvpiLineSpacing in PossibleProps) and (LineSpacing=Source.LineSpacing) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiLineSpacing);
- if (rvpiLineSpacingType in PossibleProps) and (LineSpacingType=Source.LineSpacingType) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiLineSpacingType);
- if (rvpiBackground_Color in PossibleProps) and (Background.Color=Source.Background.Color) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBackground_Color);
- if (rvpiBackground_BO_Left in PossibleProps) and
- (Background.BorderOffsets.Left=Source.Background.BorderOffsets.Left) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBackground_BO_Left);
- if (rvpiBackground_BO_Top in PossibleProps) and
- (Background.BorderOffsets.Top=Source.Background.BorderOffsets.Top) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBackground_BO_Top);
- if (rvpiBackground_BO_Right in PossibleProps) and
- (Background.BorderOffsets.Right=Source.Background.BorderOffsets.Right) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBackground_BO_Right);
- if (rvpiBackground_BO_Bottom in PossibleProps) and
- (Background.BorderOffsets.Bottom=Source.Background.BorderOffsets.Bottom) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBackground_BO_Bottom);
- if (rvpiBorder_Style in PossibleProps) and (Border.Style=Source.Border.Style) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Style);
- if (rvpiBorder_Color in PossibleProps) and (Border.Color=Source.Border.Color) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Color);
- if (rvpiBorder_Width in PossibleProps) and (Border.Width=Source.Border.Width) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Width);
- if (rvpiBorder_InternalWidth in PossibleProps) and (Border.Width=Source.Border.InternalWidth) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_InternalWidth);
- if (rvpiBorder_BO_Left in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.BorderOffsets.Left=Source.Border.BorderOffsets.Left) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_BO_Left);
- if (rvpiBorder_BO_Top in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.BorderOffsets.Top=Source.Border.BorderOffsets.Top) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_BO_Top);
- if (rvpiBorder_BO_Right in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.BorderOffsets.Right=Source.Border.BorderOffsets.Right) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_BO_Right);
- if (rvpiBorder_BO_Bottom in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.BorderOffsets.Bottom=Source.Border.BorderOffsets.Bottom) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_BO_Bottom);
- if (rvpiBorder_Vis_Left in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.VisibleBorders.Left=Source.Border.VisibleBorders.Left) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Vis_Left);
- if (rvpiBorder_Vis_Top in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.VisibleBorders.Top=Source.Border.VisibleBorders.Top) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Vis_Top);
- if (rvpiBorder_Vis_Right in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.VisibleBorders.Right=Source.Border.VisibleBorders.Right) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Vis_Right);
- if (rvpiBorder_Vis_Bottom in PossibleProps) and
- (Border.VisibleBorders.Bottom=Source.Border.VisibleBorders.Bottom) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties1, rvpiBorder_Vis_Bottom);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoNoWrap, rvpiNoWrap);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoReadOnly, rvpiReadOnly);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoStyleProtect, rvpiStyleProtect);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoDoNotWantReturns, rvpiDoNotWantReturns);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoKeepLinesTogether, rvpiKeepLinesTogether);
- ChangeOption(rvpaoKeepWithNext, rvpiKeepWithNext);
- if (rvpiTabs in PossibleProps) and Tabs.IsEqual(Source.Tabs) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties2, rvpiTabs);
- if (rvpiBiDiMode in PossibleProps) and (BiDiMode=Source.BiDiMode) then
- Exclude(FModifiedProperties2, rvpiBiDiMode);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TParaInfo.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section,
- fs: String);
- begin
- inherited LoadFromINI(ini, Section, fs);
- NextParaNo := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_NEXTPARANO]), -1);
- DefStyleNo := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_DEFSTYLENO]), -1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TParaInfo.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- begin
- inherited SaveToINI(ini, Section, fs);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_NEXTPARANO]), NextParaNo, -1);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_DEFSTYLENO]), DefStyleNo, -1);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this paragraph style equal to Value?
- Mapping is used to compare NextParaNo.
- Mapping is from the Value's collection to this collection, see
- TCustomRVInfos.MergeWith.
- }
- function TParaInfo.IsSimpleEqualEx(Value: TCustomRVInfo;
- Mapping: TRVIntegerList): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := IsSimpleEqual(Value, True, False);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if Value is TParaInfo then begin
- Result := False;
- {
- if (Value.BaseStyleNo>=0) then begin
- if (Value.BaseStyleNo>=Mapping.Count) then
- Value.BaseStyleNo := -1 // fix up
- else if (Mapping[Value.BaseStyleNo]<>BaseStyleNo) then
- exit;
- end;
- }
- if (TParaInfo(Value).NextParaNo>=0) then begin
- if (TParaInfo(Value).NextParaNo>=Mapping.Count) then
- TParaInfo(Value).NextParaNo := -1 // fix up
- else if (Mapping[TParaInfo(Value).NextParaNo]<>NextParaNo) then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this paragraph style equal to Value?
- If IgnoreReferences, NextParaNo and DefStyleNo are ignored.
- IgnoreID parameter is not used.
- BaseStyleNo is ignored. }
- function TParaInfo.IsSimpleEqual(Value: TCustomRVInfo; IgnoreReferences,
- IgnoreID: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited IsSimpleEqual(Value, IgnoreReferences, IgnoreID);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if Value is TParaInfo then
- Result :=
- (ModifiedProperties1 = TParaInfo(Value).ModifiedProperties1) and
- (ModifiedProperties2 = TParaInfo(Value).ModifiedProperties2) and
- (StyleTemplateID = TParaInfo(Value).StyleTemplateID) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (IgnoreReferences or (NextParaNo = TParaInfo(Value).NextParaNo)) and
- (IgnoreReferences or (DefStyleNo = TParaInfo(Value).DefStyleNo));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is the specified properties of this paragraph style equal to the properties of
- Value. IgnoreList lists properties which will be ignored when comparing.
- BaseStyleNo is always ignored. }
- function TParaInfo.IsEqual(Value: TCustomRVParaInfo;
- IgnoreList: TRVParaInfoProperties): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited IsEqual(Value, IgnoreList);
- if Result and (Value is TParaInfo) then begin
- Result := ((rvpiNextParaNo in IgnoreList) or (NextParaNo = TParaInfo(Value).NextParaNo)) and
- ((rvpiDefStyleNo in IgnoreList) or (DefStyleNo = TParaInfo(Value).DefStyleNo))
- and
- (StyleTemplateId=Value.StyleTemplateId) and
- (ModifiedProperties1=TParaInfo(Value).ModifiedProperties1) and
- (ModifiedProperties2=TParaInfo(Value).ModifiedProperties2)
- {$ENDIF}
- ;
- end
- end;
- {============================== TParaInfos ====================================}
- destructor TParaInfos.Destroy;
- begin
- FInvalidItem.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns style names to TStrings. Called from TStrings.Assign. }
- procedure TParaInfos.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Dest is TStrings then begin
- TStrings(Dest).Clear;
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- TStrings(Dest).Add(Items[i].FName);
- end