- else
- inherited AssignTo(Dest);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds a new item. }
- function TParaInfos.Add: TParaInfo;
- begin
- Result := TParaInfo(inherited Add);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for the property Items[].
- Returns the Index-th item. If the index is out of range (0..Count-1), returns
- InvalidItem instead. This method never generates exceptions. }
- function TParaInfos.GetItem(Index: Integer): TParaInfo;
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>=Count) then
- Result := InvalidItem
- else
- Result := TParaInfo(inherited GetItem(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for the property Items[]. }
- procedure TParaInfos.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TParaInfo);
- begin
- inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for the property InvalidItem.
- It's returned when accessing Items[] with invalid index.
- By default it has all properties of Items[0] and red border. }
- function TParaInfos.GetInvalidItem: TParaInfo;
- begin
- if FInvalidItem=nil then begin
- FInvalidItem := (FOwner as TRVStyle).GetParaStyleClass.Create(nil);
- if Count>0 then
- FInvalidItem.Assign(Items[0]);
- FInvalidItem.SpaceBefore :=1;
- FInvalidItem.SpaceAfter :=1;
- FInvalidItem.LeftIndent :=1;
- FInvalidItem.RightIndent :=1;
- FInvalidItem.Border.Color := clRed;
- FInvalidItem.Border.Style := rvbSingle;
- FInvalidItem.Border.Width := 2;
- FInvalidItem.Border.BorderOffsets.SetAll(1);
- end;
- Result := FInvalidItem;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for the property InvalidItem. }
- procedure TParaInfos.SetInvalidItem(const Value: TParaInfo);
- begin
- if InvalidItem<>Value then
- InvalidItem.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TParaInfos.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section: String);
- var i, cnt: Integer;
- begin
- cnt := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_PARASTYLECOUNT, 2);
- Clear;
- for i:=0 to cnt-1 do begin
- Add;
- Items[i].LoadFromINI(ini, Section, RVINI_PARASTYLEPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TParaInfos.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section: String);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- ini.WriteInteger(Section,RVINI_PARASTYLECOUNT, Count);
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].SaveToINI(ini, Section, RVINI_PARASTYLEPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the style having the specified Alignment.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TParaInfos.FindStyleWithAlignment(BaseStyle: Integer;
- Alignment: TRVAlignment): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Items[BaseStyle].Alignment = Alignment then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and (Items[i].Alignment=Alignment) and
- Items[BaseStyle].IsEqual(Items[i], [rvpiAlignment]) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { The most universal method for paragraph style searching.
- Returns the index of the style having all properties of Style listed in Mask.
- Starts searching from Items[BaseStyle], then searches in other Items.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TParaInfos.FindSuchStyle(BaseStyle: Integer; Style: TParaInfo;
- Mask: TRVParaInfoProperties): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Mask := RVAllParaInfoProperties - Mask;
- if Style.IsEqual(Items[BaseStyle], Mask) then begin
- Result := BaseStyle;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (i<>BaseStyle) and Style.IsEqual(Items[i], Mask) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {============================== TRVMarkerFont =================================}
- { Constructor. Sets values default for ListLevel.Font. }
- constructor TRVMarkerFont.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Size := 8;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this font equal to Font? }
- function TRVMarkerFont.IsEqual(Font: TFont): Boolean;
- begin
- Result :=
- (Height=Font.Height) and
- (Style=Font.Style) and
- (Color=Font.Color) and
- (Charset=Font.Charset) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (AnsiCompareText(Name, Font.Name)=0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Do all properties of this font have default values? }
- function TRVMarkerFont.IsDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- Result :=
- (Size=8) and
- (Color=clWindowText) and
- (Charset=DEFAULT_CHARSET) and
- {$ENDIF}
- (Style=[]) and
- (AnsiCompareText(Name,RVDEFAULTSTYLEFONT)=0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORED method for Name property. }
- function TRVMarkerFont.StoreName: Boolean;
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORED method for Height property. }
- function TRVMarkerFont.StoreHeight: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Size<>8;
- end;
- {============================== TRVListLevel ==================================}
- { Constructor. Creates a dot bullet with FirstIndent=10. }
- constructor TRVListLevel.Create(Collection: TCollection);
- begin
- inherited Create(Collection);
- FFirstIndent := 10;
- FStartFrom := 1;
- FFormatString := #$B7;
- FOptions := [rvloContinuous, rvloLevelReset];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor. }
- destructor TRVListLevel.Destroy;
- begin
- FPicture.Free;
- FFont.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self, if Source is TRVListLevel. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVListLevel then begin
- ListType := TRVListLevel(Source).ListType;
- StartFrom := TRVListLevel(Source).StartFrom;
- ImageList := TRVListLevel(Source).ImageList;
- ImageIndex := TRVListLevel(Source).ImageIndex;
- FormatString := TRVListLevel(Source).FormatString;
- FormatStringW := TRVListLevel(Source).FormatStringW;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- LeftIndent := TRVListLevel(Source).LeftIndent;
- FirstIndent := TRVListLevel(Source).FirstIndent;
- MarkerIndent := TRVListLevel(Source).MarkerIndent;
- MarkerAlignment := TRVListLevel(Source).MarkerAlignment;
- Picture := TRVListLevel(Source).FPicture;
- Font := TRVListLevel(Source).FFont;
- Options := TRVListLevel(Source).Options;
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the Length bytes referenced by P1 and P2 the same? }
- function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; assembler;
- asm
- JNE @@2
- JNE @@2
- @@2: POP EDI
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Do Picture1 and Picture2 contain the same picture? }
- function ArePicturesEqual(FPicture1, FPicture2: TPicture): Boolean;
- var Stream1, Stream2: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- Result := ((FPicture1=nil) or (FPicture1.Graphic=nil)) =
- ((FPicture2=nil) or (FPicture2.Graphic=nil));
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if (FPicture1=nil) or (FPicture2.Graphic=nil) then
- exit;
- Result := FPicture1.ClassType=FPicture2.ClassType;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- Result := (FPicture1.Width=FPicture2.Width) and
- (FPicture1.Height=FPicture2.Height);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- Stream1 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Stream2 := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- FPicture1.Graphic.SaveToStream(Stream1);
- FPicture2.Graphic.SaveToStream(Stream2);
- Result := (Stream1.Size=Stream2.Size) and
- CompareMem(Stream1.Memory,Stream2.Memory,Stream1.Size);
- finally
- Stream1.Free;
- Stream2.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this list level equal to Value? }
- function TRVListLevel.IsSimpleEqual(Value: TRVListLevel): Boolean;
- begin
- Result :=
- (ListType = Value.ListType) and
- (StartFrom = Value.StartFrom) and
- (ImageList = Value.ImageList) and
- (ImageIndex = Value.ImageIndex) and
- (FormatString = Value.FormatString) and
- (FormatStringW = Value.FormatStringW) and
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- (LeftIndent = Value.LeftIndent) and
- (FirstIndent = Value.FirstIndent) and
- (MarkerIndent = Value.MarkerIndent) and
- (MarkerAlignment = Value.MarkerAlignment) and
- (
- ((FFont=nil) or (FFont.IsDefault)) and ((Value.FFont=nil) or (Value.FFont.IsDefault)) or
- ((FFont<>nil) and (Value.FFont<>nil) and FFont.IsEqual(Value.FFont))
- ) and
- (Options = Value.Options) and
- ArePicturesEqual(FPicture, Value.FPicture);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a value of similarity between this list level and Value.
- The greater value - the higher similarity. }
- function TRVListLevel.SimilarityValue(Value: TRVListLevel): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if ListType=Value.ListType then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTTYPE);
- if StartFrom=Value.StartFrom then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if ImageList=Value.ImageList then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if ImageIndex=Value.ImageIndex then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if FormatString=Value.FormatString then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if FormatStringW=Value.FormatStringW then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- if LeftIndent=Value.LeftIndent then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if FirstIndent=Value.FirstIndent then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if FirstIndent=Value.FirstIndent then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if MarkerIndent=Value.MarkerIndent then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if MarkerAlignment=Value.MarkerAlignment then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if Options=Value.Options then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if ((FFont=nil) or (FFont.IsDefault)) and ((Value.FFont=nil) or (Value.FFont.IsDefault)) or
- ((FFont<>nil) and (Value.FFont<>nil) and FFont.IsEqual(Value.FFont)) then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if ArePicturesEqual(FPicture, Value.FPicture) then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Designtime support. Returns a string which will be displayed for this item
- in the collection editor.
- It has a format
- "<list type> <left indent>/<marker indent>/<first line indent>". }
- function TRVListLevel.GetDisplayName: String;
- begin
- Result := Format(RVLISTLEVELDISPLAYNAME, [RVListTypeStr[ord(ListType)],
- LeftIndent, MarkerIndent, FirstIndent]);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for Picture property. }
- function TRVListLevel.GetPicture: TPicture;
- begin
- if FPicture=nil then
- FPicture := TPicture.Create;
- Result := FPicture;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Picture property. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.SetPicture(const Value: TPicture);
- begin
- if Value<>FPicture then begin
- if (Value=nil) or (Value.Graphic=nil) then begin
- FPicture.Free;
- FPicture := nil;
- end
- else begin
- GetPicture.Assign(Value);
- FPicture.Graphic.Transparent := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORED method for Picture property. }
- function TRVListLevel.StorePicture: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FPicture<>nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is value of Picture property nonempty? }
- function TRVListLevel.HasPicture: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FPicture<>nil) and (FPicture.Graphic<>nil);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Does this list level uses Font? (it depends on ListType). }
- function TRVListLevel.UsesFont: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ListType in [rvlstBullet,
- rvlstDecimal, rvlstLowerAlpha, rvlstUpperAlpha,
- rvlstLowerRoman, rvlstUpperRoman
- {$IFNDEF RVDONOTUSEUNICODE}, rvlstUnicodeBullet{$ENDIF} ];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Does this list level uses numbering? (it depends on ListType). }
- function TRVListLevel.HasNumbering: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ListType in [rvlstDecimal, rvlstLowerAlpha, rvlstUpperAlpha,
- rvlstLowerRoman, rvlstUpperRoman, rvlstImageListCounter];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is width of marker of this list level variable? (it depends on ListType). }
- function TRVListLevel.HasVariableWidth: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ListType in [rvlstDecimal, rvlstLowerAlpha, rvlstUpperAlpha,
- rvlstLowerRoman, rvlstUpperRoman];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { (reserved) }
- function TRVListLevel.GetHTMLOpenTagForCSS: String;
- begin
- if HasNumbering then
- Result := 'ol'
- else
- Result := 'ul';
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns CSS to insert in <P> tag when SaveHTMLEx is called with
- rvsoMarkersAsText option. }
- function TRVListLevel.GetIndentCSSForTextVersion: String;
- begin
- if MarkerIndent-LeftIndent>=0 then
- Result := Format('text-indent: %dpx; margin-left: %dpx;',
- [MarkerIndent-LeftIndent, LeftIndent])
- else
- Result := Format('text-indent: %dpx; padding-left: %dpx; margin-left: %dpx;',
- [MarkerIndent-LeftIndent, LeftIndent-MarkerIndent, MarkerIndent]);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Writes opening HTML tag for this list level in Stream.
- Used TRVMarkerItemInfo.HTMLOpenOrCloseTags. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.HTMLOpenTag(Stream: TStream; UseCSS: Boolean);
- {..............................................}
- function GetListType: String;
- begin
- case ListType of
- rvlstLowerAlpha:
- Result := 'a';
- rvlstUpperAlpha:
- Result := 'A';
- rvlstLowerRoman:
- Result := 'i';
- rvlstUpperRoman:
- Result := 'I';
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- if Result<>'' then
- Result := ' type='+Result;
- end;
- {..............................................}
- var CSS: String;
- PrevIndent: Integer;
- begin
- if UseCSS then begin
- PrevIndent := 0;
- if Index>0 then
- PrevIndent := TRVListLevelCollection(Collection).Items[Index-1].LeftIndent;
- if MarkerIndent>=LeftIndent then
- CSS := Format('text-indent: %dpx; margin-left: %dpx; list-style-position: inside;',
- [MarkerIndent-LeftIndent, LeftIndent-PrevIndent])
- else
- CSS := Format('text-indent: %dpx; margin-left: %dpx; list-style-position: outside;',
- [FirstIndent, LeftIndent-PrevIndent]);
- CSS := ' style="'+CSS+'"';
- end
- else
- CSS := '';
- if HasNumbering then
- RVWrite(Stream,Format('<ol%s%s>',[GetListType,CSS]))
- else
- RVWrite(Stream,Format('<ul%s>',[CSS]));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Writes closing HTML tag for this list level in Stream.
- Used TRVMarkerItemInfo.HTMLOpenOrCloseTags. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.HTMLCloseTag(Stream: TStream; UseCSS: Boolean);
- begin
- if HasNumbering then
- RVWrite(Stream,'</ol>')
- else
- RVWrite(Stream,'</ul>');
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for Font property. }
- function TRVListLevel.GetFont: TRVMarkerFont;
- begin
- if FFont=nil then
- FFont := TRVMarkerFont.Create;
- Result := FFont;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Font property. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.SetFont(const Value: TRVMarkerFont);
- begin
- if Value<>FFont then begin
- if (Value=nil) then begin
- FFont.Free;
- FFont := nil;
- end
- else
- GetFont.Assign(Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORED method for Font property. }
- function TRVListLevel.StoreFont: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FFont<>nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys.
- ImageList is not loaded (to-do) }
- procedure TRVListLevel.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- var Stream: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LISTTYPE]), ord(ListType), ord(rvlstBullet));
- // ImageList ?
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_IMAGEINDEX]), ImageIndex, 0);
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FORMATSTRING]), FormatString);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFTINDENT]), LeftIndent, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FIRSTINDENT]), FirstIndent, 10);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_MARKERINDENT]), MarkerIndent, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_MARKERALIGNMENT]), ord(FMarkerAlignment), ord(rvmaLeft));
- if (FPicture<>nil) and (FPicture.Graphic<>nil) then begin
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_GRAPHICCLASS]), FPicture.Graphic.ClassName);
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- FPicture.Graphic.SaveToStream(Stream);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- WriteLongStringToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_PICTURE]), RVFStream2TextString(Stream));
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- if FFont<>nil then
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FONT]), FontToString(FFont));
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LOCONTINUOUS]), rvloContinuous in Options, True);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LOLEVELRESET]), rvloLevelReset in Options, True);
- if FFormatStringW<>'' then begin
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(FFormatStringW)^, Length(FFormatStringW)*2);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- ini.WriteString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FORMATSTRINGW]), RVFStream2TextString(Stream));
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file, in the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys.
- ImageList is not stored (to-do). }
- procedure TRVListLevel.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- var s: String;
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- GraphicClass: TGraphicClass;
- Graphic: TGraphic;
- begin
- ListType := TRVListType(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LISTTYPE]), ord(rvlstBullet)));
- // ImageList ?
- ImageIndex := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_IMAGEINDEX]), 0);
- FormatString := ini.ReadString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FORMATSTRING]), '');
- LeftIndent := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEFTINDENT]), 0);
- FirstIndent := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FIRSTINDENT]), 10);
- MarkerIndent := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_MARKERINDENT]), 0);
- FMarkerAlignment := TRVMarkerAlignment(ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_MARKERALIGNMENT]), ord(rvmaLeft)));
- s := ini.ReadString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_GRAPHICCLASS]), '');
- GraphicClass := nil;
- if s<>'' then
- GraphicClass := TGraphicClass(GetClass(s));
- if GraphicClass=nil then
- Picture := nil
- else begin
- Graphic := RV_CreateGraphics(GraphicClass);
- Picture.Graphic := Graphic;
- Graphic.Free;
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- s := ReadLongStringFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_PICTURE]));
- RVFTextString2Stream(s, Stream);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- try
- Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(Stream);
- except
- Picture := nil;
- end;
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- s := ini.ReadString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FONT]), '');
- if s='' then
- Font := nil
- else
- StringToFont(s, Font);
- FOptions := [];
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LOCONTINUOUS]), True) then
- Include(FOptions,rvloContinuous);
- if IniReadBool(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LOLEVELRESET]), True) then
- Include(FOptions,rvloLevelReset);
- s := ini.ReadString(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_FORMATSTRINGW]), '');
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- RVFTextString2Stream(s, Stream);
- SetLength(FFormatStringW, Stream.Size div 2);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Pointer(FFormatStringW)^, Stream.Size);
- Stream.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Writes ImageList.Tag as ILTag pseudo-property. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.ImageListTagWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- begin
- Writer.WriteInteger(FImageList.Tag);
- end;
- { Returns RVData used to store this list level.
- There are two possibilities
- - storing in DFM: no RVData (nil)
- - storing in RVF: returns RVData assigned to RVStyle.ListStyles.FRVData. }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVListLevel.GetRVFRVData: TPersistent;
- begin
- if (Collection<>nil) and (TRVListLevelCollection(Collection).FOwner<>nil) and
- (TRVListInfo(TRVListLevelCollection(Collection).FOwner).Collection<>nil) then
- Result := TRVListInfos(TRVListInfo(TRVListLevelCollection(Collection).FOwner).Collection).FRVData
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Reads ILTag pseudo-property. When loading from RVF file, it contains a Tag
- property of ImageList. It's used to call RVData.RVFImageListNeeded, which
- calls RichView.OnRVFImageListNeeded event.
- There must be no this property when loading from DFM. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.ImageListTagReader(Reader: TReader);
- var RVData: TCustomRVData;
- Tag: Integer;
- begin
- RVData := TCustomRVData(GetRVFRVData);
- Tag := Reader.ReadInteger;
- if RVData<>nil then
- FImageList := RVData.RVFImageListNeeded(Tag)
- else
- FImageList := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORED method for ILTag pseudo-property. It should be stored only if RVData is
- assigned, i.e. when saving to RVF file. }
- function TRVListLevel.StoreImageList: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := GetRVFRVData=nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for FormatStringWCode pseudo-property. This pseudo-property is
- used for storing FormatStringW property.
- This trick is used because new and old version of Delphi save strings
- differently. If we will use standard Delphi streaming method for these
- properties, programs compiled with older version of Delphi will not be able to
- open RVF files saved with newer versions of Delphi. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.FormatStringWCodeReader(Reader: TReader);
- begin
- FFormatStringW := RVDecodeWideString(Reader.ReadString);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for FormatStringWCode pseudo-property }
- procedure TRVListLevel.FormatStringWCodeWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- begin
- Writer.WriteString(RVEncodeWideString(FFormatStringW));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for FormatStringCode pseudo-property. This pseudo-property is
- used for storing FormatString property. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.FormatStringCodeReader(Reader: TReader);
- begin
- FFormatString := RVDecodeString(Reader.ReadString);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for FormatStringCode pseudo-property. This pseudo-property is
- used for storing FormatString property. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.FormatStringCodeWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- begin
- Writer.WriteString(RVEncodeString(FFormatString));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Defines additional properties (pseudo-properties): ILTag, FormatStringWCode,
- FormatStringCode. }
- procedure TRVListLevel.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- inherited;
- if GetRVFRVData<>nil then
- Filer.DefineProperty('ILTag', ImageListTagReader, ImageListTagWriter, FImageList<>nil);
- Filer.DefineProperty('FormatStringWCode', FormatStringWCodeReader, FormatStringWCodeWriter, FFormatStringW<>'');
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- Filer.DefineProperty('FormatStringCode', FormatStringCodeReader, FormatStringCodeWriter, FFormatString<>#$B7);
- end;
- {========================= TRVListLevelCollection =============================}
- { Constructor. Creates empty collection of list levels. }
- constructor TRVListLevelCollection.Create(Owner: TPersistent);
- begin
- inherited Create(TRVListLevel);
- FOwner := Owner;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Designtime support, for the IDE collection editor. }
- function TRVListLevelCollection.GetOwner: TPersistent;
- begin
- Result := FOwner;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for Items[] property. }
- function TRVListLevelCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TRVListLevel;
- begin
- Result := TRVListLevel(inherited GetItem(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Items[] property. }
- procedure TRVListLevelCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TRVListLevel);
- begin
- inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Inserts a new list level in the collection. This method is added for typecasting. }
- function TRVListLevelCollection.Insert(Index: Integer): TRVListLevel;
- begin
- Result := TRVListLevel(inherited Insert(Index));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this collection of list levels equal to Value? }
- function TRVListLevelCollection.IsSimpleEqual(Value: TRVListLevelCollection): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Count<>Value.Count then
- exit;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if not Items[i].IsSimpleEqual(Value[i]) then
- exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds new list level to the end of the collection. This method is added for
- typecasting. }
- function TRVListLevelCollection.Add: TRVListLevel;
- begin
- Result := TRVListLevel(inherited Add);
- end;
- {=========================== TRVListInfo ======================================}
- { Constructor. Creates a list style with 0 levels. }
- constructor TRVListInfo.Create(Collection: TCollection);
- begin
- inherited Create(Collection);
- FLevels := TRVListLevelCollection.Create(Self);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor. }
- destructor TRVListInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- FLevels.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self, if Source is TRVListInfo. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVListInfo then begin
- Levels := TRVListInfo(Source).Levels;
- OneLevelPreview := TRVListInfo(Source).OneLevelPreview;
- end;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this list style equal to Value?
- Mapping is not used. }
- function TRVListInfo.IsSimpleEqualEx(Value: TCustomRVInfo;
- Mapping: TRVIntegerList): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := IsSimpleEqual(Value, True, False);
- {
- if not Result then
- exit;
- Result := False;
- if (Value.BaseStyleNo>=0) then begin
- if (Value.BaseStyleNo>=Mapping.Count) then
- Value.BaseStyleNo := -1 // fix up
- else if (Mapping[Value.BaseStyleNo]<>BaseStyleNo) then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- }
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this list style equal to Value?
- If IgnoreID, ListID properties are ignored. }
- function TRVListInfo.IsSimpleEqual(Value: TCustomRVInfo;
- IgnoreReferences, IgnoreID: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (OneLevelPreview=TRVListInfo(Value).OneLevelPreview) and
- (Levels.Count = TRVListInfo(Value).Levels.Count) and
- (IgnoreID or (ListID = TRVListInfo(Value).ListID));
- if not Result then
- exit;
- Result := Levels.IsSimpleEqual(TRVListInfo(Value).Levels);
- if Result and RichViewCompareStyleNames then
- Result := StyleName=Value.StyleName;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the value of similarity between this paragraph list and Value.
- The larger return value - the larger similarity. }
- function TRVListInfo.SimilarityValue(Value: TCustomRVInfo): Integer;
- var i,min,max: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if OneLevelPreview=TRVListInfo(Value).OneLevelPreview then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC);
- if ListID=TRVListInfo(Value).ListID then
- inc(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC div 2);
- min := Levels.Count;
- max := min;
- if TRVListInfo(Value).Levels.Count<min then
- min := TRVListInfo(Value).Levels.Count;
- if TRVListInfo(Value).Levels.Count>max then
- max := TRVListInfo(Value).Levels.Count;
- for i := 0 to min-1 do
- inc(Result, Levels[i].SimilarityValue(TRVListInfo(Value).Levels[i]));
- dec(Result, RVMW_LISTMISC*(max-min));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for LstID pseudo-property.
- This pseudo-property is used to store ListID property (which cannot be stored
- by itself, because it's readonly. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.ReadListID(Reader: TReader);
- begin
- FListID := Reader.ReadInteger;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for LstID pseudo-property. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.WriteListID(Writer: TWriter);
- begin
- Writer.WriteInteger(ListID);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Defines additional property: LstID.
- See also comments to RVNoLstIDProperty. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not RVNoLstIDProperty then
- Filer.DefineProperty('LstID', ReadListID, WriteListID, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Levels[] property. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.SetLevels(const Value: TRVListLevelCollection);
- begin
- if FLevels<>Value then
- FLevels.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for ListID property. }
- function TRVListInfo.GetListID: Integer;
- begin
- while FListID=0 do
- FListID := Random(MaxInt);
- Result := FListID;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself to the ini-file, to the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited SaveToINI(ini, Section, fs);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEVELSCOUNT]),Levels.Count,0);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini,Section, RVINI_ONELEVELPREVIEW, OneLevelPreview, False);
- for i := 0 to Levels.Count-1 do
- Levels[i].SaveToINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[''])+RVINI_LEVELPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section.
- fs is a format string for ini keys. }
- procedure TRVListInfo.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section, fs: String);
- var cnt,i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited LoadFromINI(ini, Section, fs, RVDEFAULTLISTSTYLENAME);
- OneLevelPreview := IniReadBool(ini, Section, RVINI_ONELEVELPREVIEW, False);
- cnt := ini.ReadInteger(Section, Format(fs,[RVINI_LEVELSCOUNT]), 0);
- for i := 0 to cnt-1 do
- Levels.Add.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, Format(fs,[''])+RVINI_LEVELPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is at least one of list levels a numbered list? }
- function TRVListInfo.HasNumbering: Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to Levels.Count-1 do
- if Levels[i].HasNumbering then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are all list levels numbered lists? }
- function TRVListInfo.AllNumbered: Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for i := 0 to Levels.Count-1 do
- if not Levels[i].HasNumbering then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Does at least one of list levels have markers of variable width? }
- function TRVListInfo.HasVariableWidth: Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to Levels.Count-1 do
- if Levels[i].HasVariableWidth then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {============================== TRVListInfos ==================================}
- { READ method for Items[] property.
- TODO: to implement InvalidItem, like for other styles. }
- function TRVListInfos.GetItem(Index: Integer): TRVListInfo;
- begin
- Result := TRVListInfo(inherited GetItem(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Items[] property. }
- procedure TRVListInfos.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVListInfo);
- begin
- inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Inserts a new list style in the collection. This method is added for typecasting. }
- function TRVListInfos.Insert(Index: Integer): TRVListInfo;
- begin
- Result := TRVListInfo(inherited Insert(Index));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds a new list style to the collection. This method is added for typecasting. }
- function TRVListInfos.Add: TRVListInfo;
- begin
- Result := TRVListInfo(inherited Add);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Removes all references from list levels to ImageList.
- Called from TRVStyle.Notification, when removing ImageList. }
- procedure TRVListInfos.RemoveImageList(ImageList: TCustomImageList);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- for j := 0 to Items[i].Levels.Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Levels[j].FImageList=ImageList then
- Items[i].Levels[j].FImageList := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section. }
- procedure TRVListInfos.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section: String);
- var i, cnt: Integer;
- begin
- cnt := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_LISTSTYLECOUNT, 0);
- Clear;
- for i:=0 to cnt-1 do
- Add.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, RVINI_LISTSTYLEPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself to the ini-file, to the section Section. }
- procedure TRVListInfos.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; const Section: String);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- ini.WriteInteger(Section,RVINI_LISTSTYLECOUNT, Count);
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].SaveToINI(ini, Section, RVINI_LISTSTYLEPREFIX+IntToStr(i));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Searches for the list style equal to Style.
- If AddIfNotFound, adds such style (with Standard property = False) to the end
- of collection.
- ListID properties of list styles are ignored when comparing.
- Returns index of the found style (or -1 if not found and not added). }
- function TRVListInfos.FindSuchStyle(Style: TRVListInfo; AddIfNotFound: Boolean): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].IsSimpleEqual(Style, False, True) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- if AddIfNotFound then begin
- Add.Assign(Style);
- Result := Count-1;
- if RichViewResetStandardFlag then
- Items[Result].Standard := False;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Searches for the list style having levels equal to Levels.
- If AddIfNotFound, adds such style (with properties Standard=False;
- OneLevelPreview=True; StyleNo=StyleNameForAdding) to the end
- of collection.
- Returns index of the found style (or -1 if not found and not added). }
- function TRVListInfos.FindStyleWithLevels(Levels: TRVListLevelCollection;
- const StyleNameForAdding: String; AddIfNotFound: Boolean): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Levels.IsSimpleEqual(Levels) then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- if AddIfNotFound then begin
- Add;
- Result := Count-1;
- if RichViewResetStandardFlag then
- Items[Result].Standard := False;
- Items[Result].StyleName := StyleNameForAdding;
- Items[Result].OneLevelPreview := True;
- Items[Result].Levels := Levels;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {=============== TRVSTFontInfo, TRVSTParaInfo, TRVSTListInfo ==================}
- { Hiding properties }
- procedure TRVSTFontInfo.SetNoProp(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVInvProp);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVSTParaInfo.SetNoProp(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVInvProp);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVSTListInfo.SetNoProp(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVInvProp);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Allowing designtime editing of subcollections }
- function TRVSTFontInfo.GetOwner: TPersistent;
- begin
- Result := FOwner;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVSTParaInfo.GetOwner: TPersistent;
- begin
- Result := FOwner;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVSTListInfo.GetOwner: TPersistent;
- begin
- Result := FOwner;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================= TRVStyleTemplate ===============================}
- { Constructor }
- constructor TRVStyleTemplate.Create(Collection: TCollection);
- begin
- inherited Create(Collection);
- FTextStyle := TRVSTFontInfo.Create(nil);
- FParaStyle := TRVSTParaInfo.Create(nil);
- FListStyle := TRVSTListInfo.Create(nil);
- FParaStyle.FOwner := Self;
- FTextStyle.FOwner := Self;
- FListStyle.FOwner := Self;
- {$ENDIF}
- FParentId := -1;
- if (Collection<>nil) and
- not ((TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner<>nil) and
- (csLoading in TRVStyle(TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner).ComponentState)) then
- TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).AssignUniqueNameTo(Self);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor }
- destructor TRVStyleTemplate.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if FParent<>nil then
- FParent.RemoveChild(Self);
- if FChildren<>nil then
- for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
- TRVStyleTemplate(FChildren.Items[i]).ParentId := -1;
- if (Collection<>nil) and
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate=Self) then
- TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate := nil;
- FChildren.Free;
- FTextStyle.Free;
- FParaStyle.Free;
- FListStyle.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self, if Source is TRVStyleTemplate }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVStyleTemplate then begin
- TextStyle := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).TextStyle;
- ParaStyle := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).ParaStyle;
- // ListStyle := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).ListStyle;
- if (Collection<>nil) and (Collection=TRVStyleTemplate(Source).Collection) then
- FParentId := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).ParentId;
- Name := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).Name;
- ValidTextProperties := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).ValidTextProperties;
- ValidParaProperties1 := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).ValidParaProperties1;
- ValidParaProperties2 := TRVStyleTemplate(Source).ValidParaProperties2;
- end
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Allows applying style template to text and paragraph styles using their
- Assign method. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Dest is TCustomRVFontInfo then
- ApplyToTextStyle(TCustomRVFontInfo(Dest), nil, True)
- else if Dest is TCustomRVParaInfo then
- ApplyToParaStyle(TCustomRVParaInfo(Dest), True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns valid properties of this style template (and its parents) to ATextStyle.
- Only propeties listed in AllowedProps can be changed.
- Return value: list of assigned properties. }
- function TRVStyleTemplate.AssignToTextStyle(ATextStyle: TCustomRVFontInfo;
- AllowedProps: TRVFontInfoProperties): TRVFontInfoProperties;
- var Props: TRVFontInfoProperties;
- Template: TRVStyleTemplate;
- begin
- Props := ValidTextProperties;
- Result := [];
- Template := Self;
- while True do begin
- Props := Props * AllowedProps;
- if Props<>[] then begin
- ATextStyle.AssignSelectedProperties(Template.TextStyle, Props);
- Result := Result+Props;
- end;
- Template := Template.FParent;
- if Template=nil then
- break;
- Props := Template.ValidTextProperties-Result;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Applies this style template (and its parents) to ATextStyle.
- 1) Assigns properties listed in ValidTextProperies of this style template
- (and its parents).
- if ATextStyle is TFontInfo, then properties listed in
- ATextStyle.ModifiedProperties are assigned only if
- OverrideModifiedProperties = True.
- 2) If AParaStyle<>nil and has StyleTemplate, does the
- same with the paragraph's style template (but without overriding properties
- assigned on the step 1.)
- 3) If ATextStyle is TFontInfo then
- 4) If OverrideModifiedProperties = True, excludes the applied properties from
- ATextStyle.ModifiedProperties.
- 5) Reverts other (not applied and not listed in ModifiedProperties)
- properties to their default values.
- Default values are taken from the style template having name 'Normal'.
- If this style template does not exist, RVStyle.TextStyles[0] is used instead.
- }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.ApplyToTextStyle(ATextStyle: TCustomRVFontInfo;
- AParaStyle: TCustomRVParaInfo; OverrideModifiedProperties: Boolean);
- var AppliedProps, AppliedProps2, DefProps: TRVFontInfoProperties;
- Template: TRVStyleTemplate;
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- AppliedProps := RVAllFontInfoProperties;
- if not OverrideModifiedProperties and (ATextStyle is TFontInfo) then
- AppliedProps := AppliedProps-TFontInfo(ATextStyle).ModifiedProperties;
- AppliedProps := AssignToTextStyle(ATextStyle, AppliedProps);
- if (AParaStyle<>nil) and (AParaStyle.StyleTemplateId>0) and (Collection<>nil) then begin
- Index := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FindById(AParaStyle.StyleTemplateId);
- if Index>=0 then begin
- Template := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).Items[Index];
- AppliedProps2 := RVAllFontInfoProperties-AppliedProps;
- if (ATextStyle is TFontInfo) and (TFontInfo(ATextStyle).StyleTemplateId<>Template.Id) then
- AppliedProps2 := AppliedProps2-TFontInfo(ATextStyle).ModifiedProperties;
- AppliedProps := AppliedProps+Template.AssignToTextStyle(ATextStyle, AppliedProps2);
- end;
- end;
- if ATextStyle is TFontInfo then begin
- if OverrideModifiedProperties then begin
- TFontInfo(ATextStyle).ModifiedProperties := TFontInfo(ATextStyle).ModifiedProperties-AppliedProps;
- TFontInfo(ATextStyle).StyleTemplateId := Id;
- end;
- DefProps := RVAllFontInfoProperties - AppliedProps - TFontInfo(ATextStyle).ModifiedProperties;
- if DefProps=[] then
- exit;
- if Collection<>nil then
- Template := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate
- else
- Template := nil;
- if Template<>nil then
- Template.AssignToTextStyle(ATextStyle, DefProps)
- else if (Collection<>nil) and
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner<>nil) then
- ATextStyle.AssignSelectedProperties(
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner as TRVStyle).TextStyles[0],
- DefProps);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns valid properties of this style template (and its parents) to AParaStyle.
- Only propeties listed in AllowedProps can be changed.
- Return value: list of assigned properties. }
- function TRVStyleTemplate.AssignToParaStyle(AParaStyle: TCustomRVParaInfo;
- AllowedProps: TRVParaInfoProperties): TRVParaInfoProperties;
- var Props: TRVParaInfoProperties;
- Template: TRVStyleTemplate;
- begin
- Props := ValidParaProperties1+ValidParaProperties2;
- Result := [];
- Template := Self;
- while True do begin
- Props := Props * AllowedProps;
- if (Props<>[]) then begin
- AParaStyle.AssignSelectedProperties(Template.ParaStyle, Props);
- Result := Result+Props;
- end;
- Template := Template.FParent;
- if Template=nil then
- break;
- Props := Template.ValidParaProperties1+Template.ValidParaProperties2-Result;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Applies this style template (and its parents) to AParaStyle.
- 1) Assigns properties listed in ValidParaProperies (1 and 2) of this style template
- (and its parents). if AParaStyle is TParaInfo, then properties listed in
- AParaStyle.ModifiedProperties (1 and 2) are assigned only if
- OverrideModifiedProperties = True.
- 2) If AParaStyle is TParaInfo then
- 3) If OverrideModifiedProperties = True, excludes the applied properties from
- AParaStyle.ModifiedProperties (1 and 2).
- 4) Reverts other (not applied and not listed in ModifiedProperties (1 and 2))
- properties to their default values.
- Default values are taken from the style template having name 'Normal'.
- If this style template does not exist, RVStyle.ParaStyles[0] is used instead.
- }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.ApplyToParaStyle(AParaStyle: TCustomRVParaInfo;
- OverrideModifiedProperties: Boolean);
- var AppliedProps, DefProps: TRVParaInfoProperties;
- Template: TRVStyleTemplate;
- begin
- AppliedProps := RVAllParaInfoProperties;
- if not OverrideModifiedProperties and (AParaStyle is TParaInfo) then
- AppliedProps := AppliedProps - TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties1 -
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties2;
- AppliedProps := AssignToParaStyle(AParaStyle, AppliedProps);
- if AParaStyle is TParaInfo then begin
- if OverrideModifiedProperties then begin
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties1 :=
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties1 - (AppliedProps * RVAllParaInfoProperties1);
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties2 :=
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties2 - (AppliedProps * RVAllParaInfoProperties2);
- AParaStyle.StyleTemplateId := Id;
- end;
- DefProps := RVAllParaInfoProperties - AppliedProps
- - TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties1
- - TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties1;
- if DefProps=[] then
- exit;
- if Collection<>nil then
- Template := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate
- else
- Template := nil;
- if Template<>nil then
- Template.AssignToParaStyle(AParaStyle, DefProps)
- else if (Collection<>nil) and
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner<>nil) then
- AParaStyle.AssignSelectedProperties(
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner as TRVStyle).ParaStyles[0],
- DefProps);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Checks properties listed in PossibleProps.
- If they are in ValidTextProperties of this style template (or its parents),
- and their values are equal in ATextStyle and TextStyle property, they are excluded
- from ATextStyle.ModifiedProperties. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.ExcludeUnmodifiedTextStyleProperties(ATextStyle: TFontInfo;
- PossibleProps: TRVFontInfoProperties);
- var Template: TRVStyleTemplate;
- Props: TRVFontInfoProperties;
- begin
- Template := Self;
- while (PossibleProps<>[]) and (Template<>nil) do begin
- Props := PossibleProps * Template.ValidTextProperties;
- ATextStyle.ExcludeUnmodifiedProperties(TextStyle, Props);
- PossibleProps := PossibleProps - Props;
- Template := Template.FParent;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Checks properties listed in PossibleProps.
- If they are in ValidParaProperties (-1 or -2) of this style
- template (or its parents), and their values are equal in AParaStyle and
- ParaStyle property, they are excluded from AParaStyle.ModifiedProperties
- (-1 or -2). }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.ExcludeUnmodifiedParaStyleProperties(AParaStyle: TParaInfo;
- PossibleProps: TRVParaInfoProperties);
- var Template: TRVStyleTemplate;
- Props: TRVParaInfoProperties;
- begin
- Template := Self;
- while (PossibleProps<>[]) and (Template<>nil) do begin
- Props := PossibleProps * (Template.ValidParaProperties1+Template.ValidParaProperties2);
- AParaStyle.ExcludeUnmodifiedProperties(ParaStyle, Props);
- PossibleProps := PossibleProps - Props;
- Template := Template.FParent;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a name of the collection item, for design-time collection editor. }
- function TRVStyleTemplate.GetDisplayName: String;
- begin
- Result := Name;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for Id property. Value of this property is stored in FId field.
- If it's <= 0, it's undefined, and this method generates random value for it.
- If this item is inserted in the collection, the generated value is unique. }
- function TRVStyleTemplate.GetId: TRVStyleTemplateId;
- var i: Integer;
- found: Boolean;
- begin
- if FId<=0 then
- repeat
- FId := Random(MaxInt);
- found := False;
- if Collection<>nil then
- for i := 0 to Collection.Count-1 do
- if (Collection.Items[i]<>Self) and
- (FId = TRVStyleTemplate(Collection.Items[i]).Id) then begin
- found := True;
- break;
- end;
- until not found;
- Result := FId;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for ListStyle property }
- {
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.SetListStyle(const Value: TRVSTListInfo);
- begin
- FListStyle.Assign(Value);
- end;
- }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for ParaStyle property }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.SetParaStyle(const Value: TRVSTParaInfo);
- begin
- FParaStyle.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for TextStyle property }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.SetTextStyle(const Value: TRVSTFontInfo);
- begin
- FTextStyle.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Overriden to add IDProp pseudo-property }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- inherited;
- Filer.DefineProperty('IDProp', ReadID, WriteID, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for IDProp pseudo-property.
- This pseudo-property is used to store Id property (which cannot be stored
- by itself, because it's readonly. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.ReadID(Reader: TReader);
- begin
- FId := Reader.ReadInteger;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for IDProp pseudo-property. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.WriteID(Writer: TWriter);
- begin
- Writer.WriteInteger(Id);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds Child to the FChildren collection. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.AddChild(Child: TRVStyleTemplate);
- begin
- if FChildren=nil then
- FChildren := TList.Create;
- FChildren.Add(Child);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Removes Child from the FChildren collection. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.RemoveChild(Child: TRVStyleTemplate);
- begin
- if FChildren<>nil then begin
- FChildren.Remove(Child);
- if FChildren.Count=0 then begin
- FChildren.Free;
- FChildren := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for ParentId property.
- If possible, references to parent and children are updated. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.SetParentId(const Value: TRVStyleTemplateId);
- var CanUpdateReferences: Boolean;
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- if Value=FParentId then
- exit;
- CanUpdateReferences := (Collection<>nil) and
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner<>nil) and
- not (csLoading in (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FOwner as TComponent).ComponentState);
- if CanUpdateReferences and (ParentId>0) then begin
- Index := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FindById(ParentId);
- if Index>=0 then
- TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).Items[Index].RemoveChild(Self);
- end;
- FParentId := Value;
- FParent := nil;
- if CanUpdateReferences and (ParentId>0) then begin
- Index := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FindById(ParentId);
- if Index>=0 then begin
- FParent := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).Items[Index];
- if IsAncestorFor(FParent) then begin
- FParentId := -1;
- FParent := nil;
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVBadStyleTemplateParent);
- end;
- FParent.AddChild(Self);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for Name property.
- Maintains TRVStyle.StyleTemplates.FNormalStyleTemplate property. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.SetName(const Value: TRVStyleTemplateName);
- begin
- if Value<>FName then begin
- if (Collection<>nil) and
- (TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate=Self) then
- TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate := nil;
- FName := Value;
- if (Collection<>nil) then
- TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FNormalStyleTemplate := Self;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Updates references to parent and children. Called from
- TRVStyleTemplateCollection.UpdateParentReferences. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplate.UpdateParentReference;
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- FParent := nil;
- if ParentId>0 then begin
- Index := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).FindById(ParentId);
- if Index>=0 then begin
- FParent := TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Collection).Items[Index];
- FParent.AddChild(Self);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is Self an ancestor for StyleTemplate?
- I.e., of Self=StyleTemplate, or Self=StyleTemplate.FParent, or
- Self=StyleTemplate.FParent.FParent, etc. }
- function TRVStyleTemplate.IsAncestorFor(StyleTemplate: TRVStyleTemplate): Boolean;
- var Ancestors: TList;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Ancestors := TList.Create;
- try
- while StyleTemplate<>nil do begin
- if StyleTemplate=Self then begin
- Result := True;
- break;
- end;
- Ancestors.Add(StyleTemplate);
- StyleTemplate := StyleTemplate.FParent;
- if (StyleTemplate<>nil) and (Ancestors.IndexOf(StyleTemplate)>=0) then
- StyleTemplate := nil; // exiting circular reference (bad)
- end;
- finally
- Ancestors.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {========================== TRVStyleTemplateCollection ========================}
- { Constructor }
- constructor TRVStyleTemplateCollection.Create(Owner: TPersistent);
- begin
- inherited Create(TRVStyleTemplate);
- FOwner := Owner;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Resets counter used to generate unique item names }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.ResetNameCounter;
- begin
- FNameCounter := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Function for comparing names of style templates. Used to sort the collection.
- Case sensitive.}
- function CompareStyleTemplateNames(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := AnsiCompareStr(TRVStyleTemplate(Item1).Name,TRVStyleTemplate(Item2).Name);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Sorts items by Name in ascending order, case sensitive }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.Sort;
- var
- i: Integer;
- List: TList;
- begin
- List := TList.Create;
- try
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- List.Add(Items[i]);
- List.Sort(CompareStyleTemplateNames);
- for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
- TRVStyleTemplate(List.Items[i]).Index := i
- finally
- List.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the item having the given Id.
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TRVStyleTemplateCollection.FindById(Id: TRVStyleTemplateId): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Id=Id then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the index of the item having the given Name (case sensitive)
- If not found, returns -1. }
- function TRVStyleTemplateCollection.FindByName(const Name: TRVStyleTemplateName): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[i].Name=Name then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { The the style template named 'Normal'), or nil if not found. Fast. }
- function TRVStyleTemplateCollection.GetNormalStyleTemplate: TRVStyleTemplate;
- begin
- Result := FNormalStyleTemplate;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns item names to Strings. If AssignObjects=True, then items are assigned
- to Strings.Objects. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.AssignToStrings(Strings: TStrings;
- AssignObjects: Boolean);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Strings.BeginUpdate;
- try
- Strings.Clear;
- Strings.Capacity := Count;
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if AssignObjects then
- Strings.AddObject(Items[i].Name, Items[i])
- else
- Strings.Add(Items[i].Name);
- finally
- Strings.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self, if Source is a TRVStyleTemplateCollection. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Source is TRVStyleTemplateCollection then
- AssignStyleTemplates(TRVStyleTemplateCollection(Source), False)
- else
- inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Assigns Source to Self. Two possible modes are possible:
- 1. CopyIds=True : Id and ParentId properties are copied. Self becomes
- the exact copy of Source.
- 2. CopyIds=False: Id properties are not copied, but ParentId properties
- point to items with the same indices as in the Source. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.AssignStyleTemplates(
- Source: TRVStyleTemplateCollection; CopyIds: Boolean);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Source=Self then
- exit;
- inherited Assign(Source);
- if CopyIDs then begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].FId := Source.Items[i].Id;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].ParentId := Source.Items[i].ParentId;
- end
- else begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Source.Items[i].FParent<>nil then
- Items[i].ParentId := Items[Source.Items[i].FParent.Index].Id;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Clears format from ATextStyle:
- - if 'Normal' StyleTemplate exists, applies it;
- - otherwise assigns the ParaStyle[0] and clears references.
- AParaStyle is a style of paragraph where this text is located }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.ClearTextFormat(ATextStyle: TCustomRVFontInfo;
- AParaStyle: TCustomRVParaInfo);
- begin
- if FNormalStyleTemplate<>nil then
- FNormalStyleTemplate.ApplyToTextStyle(ATextStyle, AParaStyle, True)
- else if (FOwner<>nil) then begin
- ATextStyle.Assign((FOwner as TRVStyle).TextStyles[0]);
- if ATextStyle is TFontInfo then begin
- TFontInfo(ATextStyle).ModifiedProperties := [];
- TFontInfo(ATextStyle).StyleTemplateId := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Clears format from AParaStyle:
- - if 'Normal' StyleTemplate exists, applies it;
- - otherwise assigns the ParaStyle[0] and clears references. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.ClearParaFormat(AParaStyle: TCustomRVParaInfo);
- begin
- if FNormalStyleTemplate<>nil then
- FNormalStyleTemplate.ApplyToParaStyle(AParaStyle, True)
- else if (FOwner<>nil) then begin
- AParaStyle.Assign((FOwner as TRVStyle).ParaStyles[0]);
- if AParaStyle is TParaInfo then begin
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties1 := [];
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).ModifiedProperties2 := [];
- TParaInfo(AParaStyle).StyleTemplateId := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Designtime support. Required for the collection editor. }
- function TRVStyleTemplateCollection.GetOwner: TPersistent;
- begin
- Result := FOwner;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for the property Items[]. }
- function TRVStyleTemplateCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): TRVStyleTemplate;
- begin
- Result := TRVStyleTemplate(inherited GetItem(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for the property Items[]. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer;
- const Value: TRVStyleTemplate);
- begin
- inherited SetItem(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { STORE method for DefStyleName property }
- function TRVStyleTemplateCollection.StoreDefStyleName: Boolean;
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Generates unique style name }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.AssignUniqueNameTo(Item: TRVStyleTemplate);
- var i: Integer;
- found: Boolean;
- Name: String;
- begin
- if (Count=1) and (Items[0]=Item) then
- FNameCounter := 0;
- if FNameCounter=MaxInt then
- FNameCounter := 0;
- repeat
- inc(FNameCounter);
- Name := Format(FDefStyleName, [FNameCounter]);
- found := False;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i]<>Item) and (Items[i].Name=Name) then begin
- found := True;
- break;
- end;
- until not found;
- Item.Name := Name;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Updates references to parent and children of each item.
- Normally, references are updated automatically. Updates are deferred only
- when loading the collection from stream. }
- procedure TRVStyleTemplateCollection.UpdateParentReferences;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- Items[i].UpdateParentReference;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {============================== TRVStyle ======================================}
- { Constructor. Assigns default values to properties. Adds some default items
- to TextStyles and ParaStyles.
- Loads crJump and crRVFlipArrow cursors. }
- constructor TRVStyle.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- var jumpcur : HCURSOR;
- const IDC_HAND = MakeIntResource(32649);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- jumpcur := LoadCursor(0, IDC_HAND);
- if jumpcur=0 then
- jumpcur := LoadCursor(hInstance,RVRC_JUMP_CURSOR);
- Screen.Cursors[crJump] := jumpcur;
- Screen.Cursors[crRVFlipArrow] := LoadCursor(hInstance,RVRC_FLIPARROW_CURSOR);
- FSpacesInTab := 0;
- FDefTabWidth := 48;
- FFullRedraw := False;
- FJumpCursor := crJump;
- FLineSelectCursor := crRVFlipArrow;
- FColor := clWindow;
- FHoverColor := clNone;
- FCurrentItemColor := clNone;
- FSelColor := clHighlight;
- FSelTextColor := clHighlightText;
- FInactiveSelColor := clHighlight;
- FInactiveSelTextColor := clHighlightText;
- FCheckpointColor := clGreen;
- FCheckpointEvColor := clLime;
- FPageBreakColor := clBtnShadow;
- FSoftPageBreakColor := clBtnFace;
- FLiveSpellingColor := clRed;
- FUseSound := True;
- FSelectionMode := rvsmWord;
- FSelectionStyle := rvssItems;
- FDefUnicodeStyle := -1;
- FDefCodePage := CP_ACP;
- {$ENDIF}
- FTextStyles := TFontInfos.Create(GetTextStyleClass, Self);
- FParaStyles := TParaInfos.Create(GetParaStyleClass, Self);
- FListStyles := TRVListInfos.Create(GetListStyleClass, Self);
- FStyleTemplates := TRVStyleTemplateCollection.Create(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- ResetParaStyles;
- ResetTextStyles;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns class of item of ParaStyles collection. You can override this method
- to add new properties to paragraph style. }
- function TRVStyle.GetParaStyleClass: TRVParaInfoClass;
- begin
- Result := TParaInfo;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns class of item of TextStyles collection. You can override this method
- to add new properties to text style. }
- function TRVStyle.GetTextStyleClass: TRVFontInfoClass;
- begin
- Result := TFontInfo;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns class of item of ListStyles collection. You can override this method
- to add new properties to list style. }
- function TRVStyle.GetListStyleClass: TRVListInfoClass;
- begin
- Result := TRVListInfo;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Delphi streaming support (required for D2) }
- procedure TRVStyle.ReadState(Reader: TReader);
- begin
- ParaStyles.Clear;
- TextStyles.Clear;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited ReadState(Reader);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Destructor. }
- destructor TRVStyle.Destroy;
- begin
- FTextStyles.Free;
- FParaStyles.Free;
- FListStyles.Free;
- FInvalidPicture.Free;
- FStyleTemplates.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Applies TextStyle[StyleNo] to the Canvas (all properties except for colors).
- DefBiDiMode - bi-di mode of paragraph.
- CanUseCustomPPI allows using TextStyles.PixelsPerInch property.
- This method calls OnApplyStyle event, then (if allowed) TextStyles[StyleNo].Apply
- method. }
- procedure TRVStyle.ApplyStyle(Canvas: TCanvas; StyleNo: Integer;
- DefBiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode; CanUseCustomPPI: Boolean);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnApplyStyle) then begin
- DoDefault := True;
- FOnApplyStyle(Self, Canvas, StyleNo, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then
- FTextStyles[StyleNo].Apply(Canvas, DefBiDiMode, CanUseCustomPPI);
- end
- else
- FTextStyles[StyleNo].Apply(Canvas, DefBiDiMode, CanUseCustomPPI);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Applies colors of TextStyle[StyleNo] to the Canvas.
- DrawState defines a state of text (selected, hot, etc.).
- This method calls OnApplyStyleColor event, then (if allowed)
- TextStyles[StyleNo].ApplyColor method.
- Colors are corrected according to the ColorMode.
- If Printing, this is a printing or print preview. }
- procedure TRVStyle.ApplyStyleColor(Canvas: TCanvas; StyleNo: Integer;
- DrawState: TRVTextDrawStates; Printing: Boolean; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnApplyStyleColor) then begin
- DoDefault := True;
- FOnApplyStyleColor(Self, Canvas, StyleNo, DrawState, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then
- FTextStyles[StyleNo].ApplyColor(Canvas, Self, DrawState, Printing, ColorMode);
- end
- else
- FTextStyles[StyleNo].ApplyColor(Canvas, Self, DrawState, Printing, ColorMode);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws string s on Canvas using TextStyles[StyleNo].
- It's assumed that ApplyStyleColor and ApplyStyle were already called.
- (RVData, ItemNo, OffsetInItem) specify a location of this string in document.
- These properties will be assigned to the corresponding fields of Self (for using
- in events).
- If TextStyles[StyleNo].Unicode, s must contain a "raw unicode".
- Drawing item rectangle is Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height).
- Text position is (Left+SpaceBefore, Top).
- DrawState defines a state of text (selected, hot, etc.).
- Colors are corrected according to the ColorMode.
- If Printing, this is a printing or print preview.
- If PreviewCorrection and Printing, this is a print preview that allows correction.
- DefBiDiMode - bi-di mode of paragraph.
- }
- procedure TRVStyle.DrawStyleText(const s: String; Canvas: TCanvas;
- ItemNo, OffsetInItem, StyleNo: Integer; RVData: TPersistent;
- SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; DrawState: TRVTextDrawStates;
- Printing, PreviewCorrection: Boolean; ColorMode: TRVColorMode;
- DefBiDiMode: TRVBidiMode);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnDrawStyleText) then begin
- DoDefault := True;
- Self.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- Self.RVData := RVData;
- Self.OffsetInItem := OffsetInItem;
- FOnDrawStyleText(Self, s, Canvas, StyleNo,
- SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height, DrawState, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then
- FTextStyles[StyleNo].Draw(s, Canvas, StyleNo, SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height,
- Self, DrawState, Printing, PreviewCorrection, ColorMode, DefBiDiMode);
- end
- else
- FTextStyles[StyleNo].Draw(s, Canvas, StyleNo, SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height,
- Self, DrawState, Printing, PreviewCorrection, ColorMode, DefBiDiMode);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Does text of TextStyles[StyleNo] require redrawing when mouse moves in/out?
- This function checks HoverColors (fore- and background) and calls
- OnStyleHoverSensitive event. }
- function TRVStyle.StyleHoverSensitive(StyleNo: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (GetHoverColor(StyleNo)<>clNone) or
- (FTextStyles[StyleNo].HoverBackColor<>FTextStyles[StyleNo].BackColor);
- if Assigned(FOnStyleHoverSensitive) then
- FOnStyleHoverSensitive(Self, StyleNo, Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws text background at Bounds(Left,Top,Width,Height) on Canvas.
- This method calls OnDrawTextBackground event. If this event is not processed,
- it does nothing (because background is drawn in DrawStyleText).
- (RVData, ItemNo) specify position of text item in document.
- These properties will be assigned to the corresponding fields of Self
- (for using in event).
- DrawState defines a state of text (selected, hot, etc.) }
- procedure TRVStyle.DrawTextBack(Canvas: TCanvas; ItemNo, StyleNo: Integer;
- RVData: TPersistent; Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
- DrawState: TRVTextDrawStates);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnDrawTextBack) then begin
- DoDefault := True;
- Self.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- Self.RVData := RVData;
- FOnDrawTextBack(Self, Canvas, StyleNo, Left, Top, Width, Height, DrawState, DoDefault);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draw checkpoint on Canvas.
- (X,Y) - top left corner of item owning the checkpoint.
- XShift specifies a horizontal scrolling position (useful if you want to draw
- something on margin rather than relative to the item's X coordinate).
- RaiseEvent - property of checkpoint.
- Control - TRichView where to draw.
- ItemNo - index of item owning this checkpoint.
- NOTE: this is old method. When it was created, it was possible to get additional
- checkpoint info using Control and ItemNo. TODO: to add RVData parameter.
- This method calls OnDrawCheckpoint event. Then (if allowed) draws checkpoint
- as a horizontal dotted line with a small circle at (X,Y).
- If RaiseEvent, CheckpointEvColor color is used, otherwise CheckpointColor.
- }
- procedure TRVStyle.DrawCheckpoint(Canvas: TCanvas; X,Y, AreaLeft, Width: Integer;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo, XShift: Integer;
- RaiseEvent: Boolean; Control: TControl);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- DoDefault := True;
- if Assigned(FOnDrawCheckpoint) then begin
- Self.RVData := RVData;
- Self.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- FOnDrawCheckpoint(Self, Canvas, X, Y, ItemNo, XShift, RaiseEvent, Control,
- DoDefault);
- end;
- if DoDefault then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- if RaiseEvent then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := CheckpointEvColor
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := CheckpointColor;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Ellipse(X-2,Y-2, X+2, Y+2);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psDot;
- Canvas.MoveTo(AreaLeft-XShift, Y);
- Canvas.LineTo(AreaLeft+Width-XShift, Y);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws page break on Canvas. Y - vertical coordinate. XShift specifies
- a horizontal scrolling. Control is TRichView where to draw.
- PageBreakType - type of pagebreak (hard (explicit) or soft (automatic)).
- This method calls OnDrawPageBreak event. Then (if allowed) - draws a line
- with "dog ear" effect, using PageBreakColor or SoftPageBreakColor. }
- procedure TRVStyle.DrawPageBreak(Canvas: TCanvas; Y, XShift: Integer;
- PageBreakType: TRVPageBreakType; Control: TControl);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- x: Integer;
- const CORNERSIZE=8;
- begin
- DoDefault := True;
- if Assigned(FOnDrawPageBreak) then
- FOnDrawPageBreak(Self, Canvas, Y, XShift, PageBreakType, Control, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then begin
- if PageBreakType = rvpbPageBreak then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := PageBreakColor
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := SoftPageBreakColor;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- x := Control.ClientWidth-XShift-CORNERSIZE;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- Canvas.MoveTo(-XShift,Y);
- Canvas.LineTo(X,Y);
- Canvas.Polygon([Point(X,Y), Point(X+CORNERSIZE,Y+CORNERSIZE),
- Point(X,Y+CORNERSIZE)]);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draw background of ParaStyles[ParaNo] on Canvas at Rect.
- If Printing, this is printing or print preview.
- Colors are corrected according to ColorMode.
- This method calls OnDrawParaBack event, then (if allowed)
- ParaStyles[ParaNo].Background.Draw method.
- Note: when calling this method, Self.RVData and Self.ItemNo
- (index of the last item of the paragraph) are assigned. }
- procedure TRVStyle.DrawParaBack(Canvas: TCanvas; ParaNo: Integer; const Rect: TRect;
- Printing: Boolean; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- DoDefault := True;
- if Assigned(FOnDrawParaBack) then
- FOnDrawParaBack(Self, Canvas, ParaNo, Rect, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then
- FParaStyles[ParaNo].Background.Draw(Rect, Canvas, Printing, ColorMode);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Clears TextStyles and fills it with default items. }
- procedure TRVStyle.ResetTextStyles;
- var fi: TFontInfo;
- i : Integer;
- begin
- FTextStyles.Clear;
- for i := 0 to LAST_DEFAULT_STYLE_NO do begin
- fi := FTextStyles.Add;
- case i of
- rvsNormal:
- begin
- fi.StyleName := RVDEFSTYLENAME0;
- end;
- rvsHeading:
- begin
- fi.Style := fi.Style + [fsBold];
- fi.Color := clBlue;
- fi.StyleName := RVDEFSTYLENAME1;
- end;
- rvsSubheading:
- begin
- fi.Style := fi.Style + [fsBold];
- fi.Color := clNavy;
- fi.StyleName := RVDEFSTYLENAME2;
- end;
- rvsKeyword:
- begin
- fi.Style := fi.Style + [fsItalic];
- fi.Color := clMaroon;
- fi.StyleName := RVDEFSTYLENAME3;
- end;
- rvsJump1, rvsJump2:
- begin
- fi.Style := fi.Style + [fsUnderline];
- fi.Color := clGreen;
- fi.Jump := True;
- fi.JumpCursor := JumpCursor;
- if i=rvsJump1 then
- fi.StyleName := RVDEFSTYLENAME4
- else
- fi.StyleName := RVDEFSTYLENAME5;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Clears ParaStyles and fills it with default items. }
- procedure TRVStyle.ResetParaStyles;
- begin
- FParaStyles.Clear;
- FParaStyles.Add;
- with FParaStyles.Add as TParaInfo do begin
- Alignment := rvaCenter;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for TextStyles property. }
- procedure TRVStyle.SetTextStyles(Value: TFontInfos);
- begin
- if FTextStyles<>Value then
- FTextStyles.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for ParaStyles property. }
- procedure TRVStyle.SetParaStyles(Value: TParaInfos);
- begin
- if FParaStyles<>Value then
- FParaStyles.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for ListStyles property. }
- procedure TRVStyle.SetListStyles(Value: TRVListInfos);
- begin
- if FListStyles<>Value then
- FListStyles.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { WRITE method for StyleTemplates property }
- procedure TRVStyle.SetStyleTemplates(const Value: TRVStyleTemplateCollection);
- begin
- if FStyleTemplates<>Value then
- FStyleTemplates.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns "hot" (under mouse) color for the specified Color. }
- function TRVStyle.GetHoverColorByColor(Color: TColor): TColor;
- begin
- if Color<>clNone then
- Result := Color
- else
- Result := HoverColor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns "hot" (under mouse) text color for TextStyle[StyleNo]. }
- function TRVStyle.GetHoverColor(StyleNo: Integer): TColor;
- begin
- if FTextStyles[StyleNo].HoverColor<>clNone then
- Result := FTextStyles[StyleNo].HoverColor
- else
- Result := HoverColor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { (Deprecated) }
- function TRVStyle.AddTextStyle: Integer;
- begin
- FTextStyles.Add;
- AddTextStyle := FTextStyles.Count-1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { (Deprecated) }
- procedure TRVStyle.DeleteTextStyle(Index: Integer);
- begin
- FTextStyles[Index].Free;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file, from the section Section. }
- procedure TRVStyle.LoadFromINI(ini: TRVIniFile; Section: String);
- begin
- Color := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_COLOR, clWindow);
- HoverColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_HOVERCOLOR, clNone);
- CurrentItemColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_CURRENTITEMCOLOR, clNone);
- SelColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_SELCOLOR, clHighlight);
- SelTextColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_SELTEXTCOLOR, clHighlightText);
- InactiveSelColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_ISELCOLOR, clHighlight);
- InactiveSelTextColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_ISELTEXTCOLOR, clHighlightText);
- CheckpointColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_CPCOLOR, clGreen);
- CheckpointEvColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_CPEVCOLOR, clLime);
- PageBreakColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_PAGEBREAKCOLOR, clBtnShadow);
- SoftPageBreakColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_SOFTPAGEBREAKCOLOR, clBtnFace);
- LiveSpellingColor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_LIVESPELLINGCOLOR, clRed);
- JumpCursor := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_JUMPCURSOR, crJump);
- UseSound := Boolean(ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_USESOUND, Integer(True)));
- SelectionMode := TRVSelectionMode(ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_SELECTIONMODE, ord(rvsmWord)));
- SelectionStyle := TRVSelectionStyle(ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_SELECTIONSTYLE, ord(rvssItems)));
- SpacesInTab := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_SPACESINTAB, 0);
- DefTabWidth := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_DEFTABWIDTH, 48);
- DefUnicodeStyle := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_DEFUNICODESTYLE, -1);
- DefCodePage := ini.ReadInteger(Section, RVINI_DEFCODEPAGE, CP_ACP);
- {$ENDIF}
- ParaStyles.LoadFromINI(ini, Section);
- TextStyles.LoadFromINI(ini, Section, JumpCursor);
- ListStyles.LoadFromINI(ini, Section);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself to the ini-file, to the section Section.
- WARNING: this Section is erased before writing! }
- procedure TRVStyle.SaveToINI(ini: TRVIniFile; Section: String);
- begin
- ini.EraseSection(Section);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_COLOR, Color, clWindow);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_HOVERCOLOR, HoverColor, clNone);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_CURRENTITEMCOLOR, CurrentItemColor, clNone);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SELCOLOR, SelColor, clHighlight);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SELTEXTCOLOR, SelTextColor, clHighlightText);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_ISELCOLOR, InactiveSelColor, clHighlight);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_ISELTEXTCOLOR, InactiveSelTextColor, clHighlightText);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_CPCOLOR, CheckpointColor, clGreen);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_CPEVCOLOR, CheckpointEvColor, clLime);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_PAGEBREAKCOLOR, PageBreakColor, clBtnShadow);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SOFTPAGEBREAKCOLOR, SoftPageBreakColor, clBtnFace);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_LIVESPELLINGCOLOR, LiveSpellingColor, clRed);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_JUMPCURSOR, JumpCursor, crJump);
- WriteBoolToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_USESOUND, UseSound, True);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SELECTIONMODE, ord(SelectionMode), ord(rvsmWord));
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SELECTIONSTYLE, ord(SelectionStyle), ord(rvssItems));
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SPACESINTAB, SpacesInTab, 0);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_DEFTABWIDTH, DefTabWidth, 48);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_SELECTIONSTYLE, ord(SelectionStyle), ord(rvssItems));
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_DEFUNICODESTYLE, DefUnicodeStyle, -1);
- WriteIntToIniIfNE(ini, Section, RVINI_DEFCODEPAGE, DefCodePage, CP_ACP);
- {$ENDIF}
- ParaStyles.SaveToINI(ini, Section);
- TextStyles.SaveToINI(ini, Section);
- ListStyles.SaveToINI(ini, Section);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself in the ini-file FileName, in the section Section. }
- procedure TRVStyle.SaveINI(const FileName, Section: String);
- var ini: TIniFile;
- begin
- ini := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- try
- SaveToINI(ini, Section);
- finally
- ini.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the ini-file FileName, from the section Section. }
- procedure TRVStyle.LoadINI(const FileName, Section: String);
- var ini: TIniFile;
- begin
- ini := TIniFile.Create(filename);
- try
- LoadFromINI(ini, Section);
- finally
- ini.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the Registry, from the key BaseKey"RVStyle". }
- procedure TRVStyle.LoadReg(const BaseKey: String);
- var ini: TRegistryIniFile;
- begin
- ini := TRegistryIniFile.Create(BaseKey);
- try
- LoadFromINI(ini, RVSTYLE_REG);
- finally
- ini.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Stores itself to the Registry, to the key BaseKey"RVStyle". }
- procedure TRVStyle.SaveReg(const BaseKey: String);
- var ini: TRegistryIniFile;
- begin
- ini := TRegistryIniFile.Create(BaseKey);
- try
- SaveToINI(ini, RVSTYLE_REG);
- finally
- ini.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Exports as CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file. }
- function TRVStyle.SaveCSS(const FileName: String;
- AOptions: TRVSaveCSSOptions): Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- Result := True;
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- try
- SaveCSSToStream(Stream, AOptions);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Exports as CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to the Stream. }
- procedure TRVStyle.SaveCSSToStream(Stream: TStream; AOptions: TRVSaveCSSOptions);
- var i: Integer;
- comments: String;
- BaseStyle: TFontInfo;
- BaseParaStyle: TParaInfo;
- {..................................................}
- (* Reserved for future - when browser will be CSS2 compatible
- function GetListTagSequence(ListNo, Level: Integer): String;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Format('%s.RVLS%d',
- [ListStyles[ListNo].Levels[0].GetHTMLOpenTagForCSS, ListNo]);
- with ListStyles[ListNo] do
- for i := 1 to Level do
- Result := Result+' '+Levels[i].GetHTMLOpenTagForCSS;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetListTypeStr(ListType: TRVListType; Legal: Boolean): String;
- begin
- case ListType of
- rvlstBullet, rvlstPicture, rvlstUnicodeBullet, rvlstImageList:
- Result := '';
- rvlstLowerAlpha:
- Result := 'lower-alpha';
- rvlstUpperAlpha:
- Result := 'upper-alpha';
- rvlstLowerRoman:
- Result := 'lower-roman';
- rvlstUpperRoman:
- Result := 'upper-roman';
- else
- Result := 'decimal';
- end;
- if Legal and (Result<>'') then
- Result := 'decimal';
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetListContentStr(ListNo, Level: Integer): String;
- var CountersVal: array [0..255] of TVarRec;
- CountersStr: array [0..255] of String;
- s: String;
- i: Integer;
- Legal: Boolean;
- begin
- for i := 0 to 255 do begin
- CountersVal[i].VAnsiString := nil;
- CountersVal[i].VType := vtAnsiString;
- end;
- Legal := rvloLegalStyleNumbering in ListStyles[ListNo].Levels[Level].Options;
- for i := 0 to Level do begin
- s := GetListTypeStr(ListStyles[ListNo].Levels[i].ListType, Legal and (i<>Level));
- if s<>'' then begin
- CountersStr[i] := Format(#1' counter(c%dl%d,%s) '#1,[ListNo,i,s]);
- CountersVal[i].VAnsiString := PChar(CountersStr[i]);
- end
- end;
- s := Format(ListStyles[ListNo].Levels[Level].FormatString, CountersVal);
- repeat
- i := Pos(#1#1, s);
- if i>0 then
- Delete(s, i, 2);
- until i = 0;
- if Length(s)>0 then begin
- if s[1]=#1 then
- Delete(s,1,1)
- else
- s := '"'+s;
- if s[Length(s)]=#1 then
- Delete(s,Length(s),1)
- else
- s := s+'"';
- end;
- for i := 1 to Length(s) do
- if s[i]=#1 then
- s[i] := '"';
- Result := s;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetListContent(ListNo, Level: Integer): String;
- var LevelInfo: TRVListLevel;
- begin
- LevelInfo := ListStyles[ListNo].Levels[Level];
- case LevelInfo.ListType of
- rvlstUnicodeBullet:
- Result := RVU_GetHTMLEncodedUnicode(RVU_GetRawUnicode(LevelInfo.FFormatStringW), False,False);
- {$ELSE}
- Result := LevelInfo.FFormatStringW;
- {$ENDIF}
- rvlstBullet:
- Result := LevelInfo.FFormatString;
- else
- Result := GetListContentStr(ListNo,Level);
- end;
- end;
- *)
- {$ENDIF}
- {..................................................}
- begin
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '/* ========== Text Styles ========== */');
- RVWriteLn(Stream, 'hr { color: '+RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(FTextStyles[0].Color, False)+'}');
- for i:=0 to FTextStyles.Count-1 do
- with FTextStyles[i] do begin
- if Standard then begin
- Comments := Format(' /* %s */', [StyleName]);
- if rvcssUTF8 in AOptions then
- Comments := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(DefCodePage, Comments);
- end
- else
- Comments := '';
- if (i=0) and not Jump and (BackColor=clNone) and
- not (rvcssNoDefCSSStyle in AOptions) then
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('body, table%s', [Comments]))
- else if Jump then
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('a.rvts%d, span.rvts%d%s',[i,i, Comments]))
- else
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('span.rvts%d%s', [i, Comments]));
- if (rvcssOnlyDifference in AOptions) and
- (BaseStyleNo>=0) and (BaseStyleNo<TextStyles.Count) then
- BaseStyle := TextStyles[BaseStyleNo]
- else begin
- BaseStyle := nil;
- if (i>0) and not TextStyles[0].Jump and
- (TextStyles[0].BackColor=clNone) and
- not (rvcssNoDefCSSStyle in AOptions) then
- BaseStyle := TextStyles[0];
- end;
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '{');
- SaveCSSToStream(Stream, BaseStyle, True, rvcssUTF8 in AOptions);
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '}');
- if Jump and ((GetHoverColorByColor(HoverColor)<>clNone) or (HoverBackColor<>clNone)) then begin
- RVWrite(Stream, Format('a.rvts%d:hover {', [i]));
- if (((BaseStyle=nil) or not BaseStyle.Jump) and (GetHoverColorByColor(HoverColor)<>clNone)) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (GetHoverColorByColor(HoverColor)<>GetHoverColorByColor(BaseStyle.HoverColor))) then
- RVWrite(Stream, Format(' color: %s;', [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(GetHoverColorByColor(HoverColor), False)]));
- if (((BaseStyle=nil) or not BaseStyle.Jump) and (HoverBackColor<>clNone)) or
- ((BaseStyle<>nil) and (HoverBackColor<>BaseStyle.HoverBackColor)) then
- RVWrite(Stream, Format(' background-color: %s;', [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(HoverBackColor, False)]));
- RVWriteLn(Stream, ' }');
- end;
- end;
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '/* ========== Para Styles ========== */');
- for i:=0 to FParaStyles.Count-1 do
- with FParaStyles[i] do begin
- if Standard then begin
- Comments := Format(' /* %s */', [StyleName]);
- if rvcssUTF8 in AOptions then
- Comments := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(DefCodePage, Comments);
- end
- else
- Comments := '';
- if (i=0) and not (rvcssNoDefCSSStyle in AOptions) then
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('p,ul,ol%s',[Comments]))
- else
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('.rvps%d%s',[i,Comments]));
- if (rvcssOnlyDifference in AOptions) and
- (BaseStyleNo>=0) and (BaseStyleNo<ParaStyles.Count) then
- BaseParaStyle := ParaStyles[BaseStyleNo]
- else begin
- if (i>0) and not (rvcssNoDefCSSStyle in AOptions) then
- BaseParaStyle := ParaStyles[0]
- else
- BaseParaStyle := nil;
- end;
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '{');
- SaveCSSToStream(Stream, BaseParaStyle, True,
- rvcssIgnoreLeftAlignment in AOptions, False);
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '}');
- end;
- (*
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '/*----------List Styles----------*/');
- for i:=0 to FListStyles.Count-1 do
- for j:=0 to FListStyles[i].Levels.Count-1 do
- with FListStyles[i].Levels[j] do begin
- s := GetListTagSequence(i,j);
- if j=0 then
- descr := Format('/* %s */ ',[FListStyles[i].StyleName])
- else
- descr := '';
- if MarkerIndent>=LeftIndent then
- s2 := Format('text-indent: %dpx !important; margin-left !important: %d; list-style:inside;',
- [MarkerIndent-LeftIndent, LeftIndent])
- else
- s2 := Format('text-indent: %dpx !important; margin-left: %d !important; list-style:outside;',
- [FirstIndent, LeftIndent]);
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('%s %s{ %s }', [s, descr, s2]));
- end;
- *)
- (*
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '/*----------List Styles----------*/');
- for i:=0 to FListStyles.Count-1 do
- for j:=0 to FListStyles[i].Levels.Count-1 do
- with FListStyles[i].Levels[j] do begin
- s := GetListTagSequence(i,j);
- if j=0 then
- descr := Format('/* %s */ ',[FListStyles[i].StyleName])
- else
- descr := '';
- if HasNumbering then begin
- if (rvloLevelReset in Options) then begin
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('%s %s{ counter-reset: c%dl%d; }', [s, descr, i,j]));
- descr := '';
- end;
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('%s > LI %s{ counter-increment: c%dl%d; }', [s, descr, i,j]));
- descr := '';
- end;
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format('%s > LI:before %s{ content:%s }', [s, descr, GetListContent(i,j)]));
- end;
- *)
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adjusting link when removing linked components. }
- procedure TRVStyle.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
- Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation=opRemove) and (AComponent is TCustomImageList) then
- FListStyles.RemoveImageList(TCustomImageList(AComponent));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVStyle.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- StyleTemplates.UpdateParentReferences;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { READ method for InvalidPicture property. }
- function TRVStyle.GetInvalidPicture: TPicture;
- begin
- if FInvalidPicture=nil then begin
- FInvalidPicture := TPicture.Create;
- FInvalidPicture.Bitmap.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'RV_BAD_PICTURE');
- end;
- Result := FInvalidPicture;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Write method for InvalidPicture property. }
- procedure TRVStyle.SetInvalidPicture(const Value: TPicture);
- begin
- if Value=nil then begin
- FInvalidPicture.Free;
- FInvalidPicture := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- if FInvalidPicture=Value then
- exit;
- if FInvalidPicture=nil then
- FInvalidPicture := TPicture.Create;
- FInvalidPicture.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the next tabstop after X. X is measured from the very left
- of document, including the left margin.
- The following values are returned: Position (from the very left), Align, Leader.
- LeftIndent and RightIndent are values of LeftIndent and RightIndent. They are
- in the target device resolution. sad specifies the resolution of target device.
- DefBiDiMode - bi-di mode of document (some corrections are done for RTL paragraphs).
- How it works:
- - first it searches in ParaStyles[ParaNo].Tabs[].Positions; LeftIndent is also
- treated as a tabstop (RightIndent for RTL paragraphs).
- - if not found, it calculates position using DefTabWidth property.
- }
- procedure TRVStyle.GetNextTab(ParaNo, X: Integer; sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- var Position: Integer; var Leader: String; var Align: TRVTabAlign;
- DefBiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode; LeftIndent, RightIndent: Integer);
- var
- Tabs: TRVTabInfos;
- Pos, Indent, i: Integer;
- Found: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- dtw: Integer;
- begin
- if DefBiDiMode=rvbdUnspecified then
- DefBiDiMode := ParaStyles[ParaNo].BiDiMode;
- dec(X, sad.LeftMargin);
- if (DefBiDiMode=rvbdRightToLeft) then begin
- inc(X,RightIndent);
- dec(X,LeftIndent);
- Indent := RightIndent;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- Indent := LeftIndent
- {$ENDIF};
- Tabs := ParaStyles[ParaNo].Tabs;
- for i := 0 to Tabs.Count-1 do begin
- Found := False;
- Pos := RV_XToDevice(Tabs[i].Position, sad);
- if (Indent>X) and (Indent<Pos) then begin
- Found := True;
- Position := Indent+sad.LeftMargin;
- Leader := '';
- Align := rvtaLeft;
- end
- else if Pos>X then begin
- Found := True;
- Position := Pos+sad.LeftMargin;
- Leader := Tabs[i].Leader;
- Align := Tabs[i].Align;
- end;
- if Found then begin
- if DefBiDiMode=rvbdRightToLeft then begin
- dec(Position,RightIndent);
- inc(Position,LeftIndent);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Indent>X) and
- ((Tabs.Count=0) or (Indent>RV_XToDevice(Tabs[Tabs.Count-1].Position, sad))) then begin
- Position := Indent+sad.LeftMargin;
- Leader := '';
- Align := rvtaLeft;
- if (DefBiDiMode=rvbdRightToLeft) then begin
- dec(Position,RightIndent);
- inc(Position,LeftIndent);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- dtw := DefTabWidth;
- if dtw<=0 then
- dtw := 1;
- dtw := RV_XToDevice(dtw, sad);
- Position := ((X+dtw) div dtw)*dtw+sad.LeftMargin;
- if (DefBiDiMode=rvbdRightToLeft) then begin
- dec(Position,RightIndent);
- inc(Position,LeftIndent);
- end;
- Align := rvtaLeft;
- Leader := '';
- end;
- {==============================================================================}
- { Writes s to Stream. }
- procedure RVWrite(Stream: TStream; const s: String);
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
- end;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Writes s+line break to Stream }
- procedure RVWriteLn(Stream: TStream; const s: String);
- var crlf: String;
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
- crlf := #13#10;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(crlf)^, 2);
- end;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Writes s to Stream. If Multiline, writes line break after it. }
- procedure RVWriteX(Stream: TStream; const s: String; Multiline: Boolean);
- var crlf: String;
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
- if Multiline then begin
- crlf := #13#10;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(crlf)^, 2);
- end;
- end;
- end.