- /****************************************************************************
- GLUI User Interface Toolkit
- ---------------------------
- glui_bitmaps.cpp
- Draws the hardcoded images listed in glui_bitmap_img_data with OpenGL.
- FIXME: upload the images to a texture. This will allow them to be:
- - Drawn with alpha blending
- - Drawn at random sizes and angles onscreen
- - Drawn much faster than with glDrawPixels
- --------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c) 1998 Paul Rademacher
- WWW:
- Forums:
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "GL/glui.h"
- #include "glui_internal.h"
- #include <cassert>
- /************ Image Bitmap arrays **********/
- extern unsigned char glui_img_checkbox_0[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_checkbox_1[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_radiobutton_0[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_radiobutton_1[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_uparrow[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_downarrow[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_leftarrow[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_rightarrow[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_spinup_0[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_spinup_1[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_spindown_0[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_spindown_1[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_checkbox_0_dis[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_checkbox_1_dis[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_radiobutton_0_dis[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_radiobutton_1_dis[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_spinup_dis[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_spindown_dis[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_listbox_up[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_listbox_down[];
- extern unsigned char glui_img_listbox_up_dis[];
- // These must be in the same order as the GLUI_STDBITMAP enums from glui.h!
- unsigned char *bitmap_arrays[] = {
- glui_img_checkbox_0,
- glui_img_checkbox_1,
- glui_img_radiobutton_0,
- glui_img_radiobutton_1,
- glui_img_uparrow,
- glui_img_downarrow,
- glui_img_leftarrow,
- glui_img_rightarrow,
- glui_img_spinup_0,
- glui_img_spinup_1,
- glui_img_spindown_0,
- glui_img_spindown_1,
- glui_img_checkbox_0_dis,
- glui_img_checkbox_1_dis,
- glui_img_radiobutton_0_dis,
- glui_img_radiobutton_1_dis,
- glui_img_spinup_dis,
- glui_img_spindown_dis,
- glui_img_listbox_up,
- glui_img_listbox_down,
- glui_img_listbox_up_dis,
- };
- /************************************ GLUI_Bitmap::load_from_array() ********/
- GLUI_Bitmap::GLUI_Bitmap()
- : pixels(NULL),
- w(0),
- h(0)
- {
- }
- GLUI_Bitmap::~GLUI_Bitmap()
- {
- if (pixels)
- {
- free(pixels);
- pixels = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Create bitmap from greyscale byte array */
- void GLUI_Bitmap::init_grey(unsigned char *array)
- {
- w = array[0]; h = array[1];
- pixels = (unsigned char *) malloc(w*h*3);
- assert(pixels);
- for(int i = 0; i<w*h; i++ )
- for (int j = 0; j<3; j++) /* copy grey to r,g,b channels */
- pixels[i*3+j] = (unsigned char) array[i+2];
- }
- /* Create bitmap from color int array.
- (OSL) This used to be how all GLUI bitmaps were stored, which was horribly
- inefficient--three ints per pixel, or 12 bytes per pixel!
- */
- void GLUI_Bitmap::init(int *array)
- {
- w = array[0]; h = array[1];
- pixels = (unsigned char *) malloc(w*h*3);
- assert(pixels);
- for (int i = 0; i<w*h*3; i++)
- pixels[i] = (unsigned char) array[i+2];
- }
- /*********************************** GLUI_StdBitmaps::draw() *****************/
- GLUI_StdBitmaps::GLUI_StdBitmaps()
- {
- for (int i=0; i<GLUI_STDBITMAP_NUM_ITEMS; i++)
- bitmaps[i].init_grey(bitmap_arrays[i]);
- }
- GLUI_StdBitmaps::~GLUI_StdBitmaps()
- {
- }
- int GLUI_StdBitmaps::width(int i) const
- {
- assert(i>=0 && i<GLUI_STDBITMAP_NUM_ITEMS);
- return bitmaps[i].w;
- }
- int GLUI_StdBitmaps::height(int i) const
- {
- assert(i>=0 && i<GLUI_STDBITMAP_NUM_ITEMS);
- return bitmaps[i].h;
- }
- void GLUI_StdBitmaps::draw(int i, int x, int y) const
- {
- assert(i>=0 && i<GLUI_STDBITMAP_NUM_ITEMS);
- if (bitmaps[i].pixels != NULL )
- {
- glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1);
- glRasterPos2f(0.5f+x, 0.5f+y+bitmaps[i].h);
- glDrawPixels(
- bitmaps[i].w, bitmaps[i].h,
- GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmaps[i].pixels);
- }
- }