- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Erin Catto http://www.gphysics.com
- *
- * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
- * arising from the use of this software.
- * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
- * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- * appreciated but is not required.
- * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- * misrepresented as being the original software.
- * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
- */
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/b2Island.h>
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/b2Body.h>
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/b2Fixture.h>
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/b2World.h>
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2Contact.h>
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/Contacts/b2ContactSolver.h>
- #include <Box2D/Dynamics/Joints/b2Joint.h>
- #include <Box2D/Common/b2StackAllocator.h>
- /*
- Position Correction Notes
- =========================
- I tried the several algorithms for position correction of the 2D revolute joint.
- I looked at these systems:
- - simple pendulum (1m diameter sphere on massless 5m stick) with initial angular velocity of 100 rad/s.
- - suspension bridge with 30 1m long planks of length 1m.
- - multi-link chain with 30 1m long links.
- Here are the algorithms:
- Baumgarte - A fraction of the position error is added to the velocity error. There is no
- separate position solver.
- Pseudo Velocities - After the velocity solver and position integration,
- the position error, Jacobian, and effective mass are recomputed. Then
- the velocity constraints are solved with pseudo velocities and a fraction
- of the position error is added to the pseudo velocity error. The pseudo
- velocities are initialized to zero and there is no warm-starting. After
- the position solver, the pseudo velocities are added to the positions.
- This is also called the First Order World method or the Position LCP method.
- Modified Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel (NGS) - Like Pseudo Velocities except the
- position error is re-computed for each constraint and the positions are updated
- after the constraint is solved. The radius vectors (aka Jacobians) are
- re-computed too (otherwise the algorithm has horrible instability). The pseudo
- velocity states are not needed because they are effectively zero at the beginning
- of each iteration. Since we have the current position error, we allow the
- iterations to terminate early if the error becomes smaller than b2_linearSlop.
- Full NGS or just NGS - Like Modified NGS except the effective mass are re-computed
- each time a constraint is solved.
- Here are the results:
- Baumgarte - this is the cheapest algorithm but it has some stability problems,
- especially with the bridge. The chain links separate easily close to the root
- and they jitter as they struggle to pull together. This is one of the most common
- methods in the field. The big drawback is that the position correction artificially
- affects the momentum, thus leading to instabilities and false bounce. I used a
- bias factor of 0.2. A larger bias factor makes the bridge less stable, a smaller
- factor makes joints and contacts more spongy.
- Pseudo Velocities - the is more stable than the Baumgarte method. The bridge is
- stable. However, joints still separate with large angular velocities. Drag the
- simple pendulum in a circle quickly and the joint will separate. The chain separates
- easily and does not recover. I used a bias factor of 0.2. A larger value lead to
- the bridge collapsing when a heavy cube drops on it.
- Modified NGS - this algorithm is better in some ways than Baumgarte and Pseudo
- Velocities, but in other ways it is worse. The bridge and chain are much more
- stable, but the simple pendulum goes unstable at high angular velocities.
- Full NGS - stable in all tests. The joints display good stiffness. The bridge
- still sags, but this is better than infinite forces.
- Recommendations
- Pseudo Velocities are not really worthwhile because the bridge and chain cannot
- recover from joint separation. In other cases the benefit over Baumgarte is small.
- Modified NGS is not a robust method for the revolute joint due to the violent
- instability seen in the simple pendulum. Perhaps it is viable with other constraint
- types, especially scalar constraints where the effective mass is a scalar.
- This leaves Baumgarte and Full NGS. Baumgarte has small, but manageable instabilities
- and is very fast. I don't think we can escape Baumgarte, especially in highly
- demanding cases where high constraint fidelity is not needed.
- Full NGS is robust and easy on the eyes. I recommend this as an option for
- higher fidelity simulation and certainly for suspension bridges and long chains.
- Full NGS might be a good choice for ragdolls, especially motorized ragdolls where
- joint separation can be problematic. The number of NGS iterations can be reduced
- for better performance without harming robustness much.
- Each joint in a can be handled differently in the position solver. So I recommend
- a system where the user can select the algorithm on a per joint basis. I would
- probably default to the slower Full NGS and let the user select the faster
- Baumgarte method in performance critical scenarios.
- */
- /*
- Cache Performance
- The Box2D solvers are dominated by cache misses. Data structures are designed
- to increase the number of cache hits. Much of misses are due to random access
- to body data. The constraint structures are iterated over linearly, which leads
- to few cache misses.
- The bodies are not accessed during iteration. Instead read only data, such as
- the mass values are stored with the constraints. The mutable data are the constraint
- impulses and the bodies velocities/positions. The impulses are held inside the
- constraint structures. The body velocities/positions are held in compact, temporary
- arrays to increase the number of cache hits. Linear and angular velocity are
- stored in a single array since multiple arrays lead to multiple misses.
- */
- /*
- 2D Rotation
- R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta)]
- [sin(theta) cos(theta) ]
- thetaDot = omega
- Let q1 = cos(theta), q2 = sin(theta).
- R = [q1 -q2]
- [q2 q1]
- q1Dot = -thetaDot * q2
- q2Dot = thetaDot * q1
- q1_new = q1_old - dt * w * q2
- q2_new = q2_old + dt * w * q1
- then normalize.
- This might be faster than computing sin+cos.
- However, we can compute sin+cos of the same angle fast.
- */
- b2Island::b2Island(
- int32 bodyCapacity,
- int32 contactCapacity,
- int32 jointCapacity,
- b2StackAllocator* allocator,
- b2ContactListener* listener)
- {
- m_bodyCapacity = bodyCapacity;
- m_contactCapacity = contactCapacity;
- m_jointCapacity = jointCapacity;
- m_bodyCount = 0;
- m_contactCount = 0;
- m_jointCount = 0;
- m_allocator = allocator;
- m_listener = listener;
- m_bodies = (b2Body**)m_allocator->Allocate(bodyCapacity * sizeof(b2Body*));
- m_contacts = (b2Contact**)m_allocator->Allocate(contactCapacity * sizeof(b2Contact*));
- m_joints = (b2Joint**)m_allocator->Allocate(jointCapacity * sizeof(b2Joint*));
- m_velocities = (b2Velocity*)m_allocator->Allocate(m_bodyCapacity * sizeof(b2Velocity));
- m_positions = (b2Position*)m_allocator->Allocate(m_bodyCapacity * sizeof(b2Position));
- }
- b2Island::~b2Island()
- {
- // Warning: the order should reverse the constructor order.
- m_allocator->Free(m_positions);
- m_allocator->Free(m_velocities);
- m_allocator->Free(m_joints);
- m_allocator->Free(m_contacts);
- m_allocator->Free(m_bodies);
- }
- void b2Island::Solve(const b2TimeStep& step, const b2Vec2& gravity, bool allowSleep)
- {
- // Integrate velocities and apply damping.
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
- {
- b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
- if (b->GetType() != b2_dynamicBody)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Integrate velocities.
- b->m_linearVelocity += step.dt * (gravity + b->m_invMass * b->m_force);
- b->m_angularVelocity += step.dt * b->m_invI * b->m_torque;
- // Apply damping.
- // ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
- // Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
- // Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
- // v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
- // Taylor expansion:
- // v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
- b->m_linearVelocity *= b2Clamp(1.0f - step.dt * b->m_linearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
- b->m_angularVelocity *= b2Clamp(1.0f - step.dt * b->m_angularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f);
- }
- // Partition contacts so that contacts with static bodies are solved last.
- int32 i1 = -1;
- for (int32 i2 = 0; i2 < m_contactCount; ++i2)
- {
- b2Fixture* fixtureA = m_contacts[i2]->GetFixtureA();
- b2Fixture* fixtureB = m_contacts[i2]->GetFixtureB();
- b2Body* bodyA = fixtureA->GetBody();
- b2Body* bodyB = fixtureB->GetBody();
- bool nonStatic = bodyA->GetType() != b2_staticBody && bodyB->GetType() != b2_staticBody;
- if (nonStatic)
- {
- ++i1;
- b2Swap(m_contacts[i1], m_contacts[i2]);
- }
- }
- // Initialize velocity constraints.
- b2ContactSolver contactSolver(m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator, step.dtRatio);
- contactSolver.WarmStart();
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)
- {
- m_joints[i]->InitVelocityConstraints(step);
- }
- // Solve velocity constraints.
- for (int32 i = 0; i < step.velocityIterations; ++i)
- {
- for (int32 j = 0; j < m_jointCount; ++j)
- {
- m_joints[j]->SolveVelocityConstraints(step);
- }
- contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints();
- }
- // Post-solve (store impulses for warm starting).
- contactSolver.StoreImpulses();
- // Integrate positions.
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
- {
- b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
- if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Check for large velocities.
- b2Vec2 translation = step.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
- if (b2Dot(translation, translation) > b2_maxTranslationSquared)
- {
- float32 ratio = b2_maxTranslation / translation.Length();
- b->m_linearVelocity *= ratio;
- }
- float32 rotation = step.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;
- if (rotation * rotation > b2_maxRotationSquared)
- {
- float32 ratio = b2_maxRotation / b2Abs(rotation);
- b->m_angularVelocity *= ratio;
- }
- // Store positions for continuous collision.
- b->m_sweep.c0 = b->m_sweep.c;
- b->m_sweep.a0 = b->m_sweep.a;
- // Integrate
- b->m_sweep.c += step.dt * b->m_linearVelocity;
- b->m_sweep.a += step.dt * b->m_angularVelocity;
- // Compute new transform
- b->SynchronizeTransform();
- // Note: shapes are synchronized later.
- }
- // Iterate over constraints.
- for (int32 i = 0; i < step.positionIterations; ++i)
- {
- bool contactsOkay = contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);
- bool jointsOkay = true;
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_jointCount; ++i)
- {
- bool jointOkay = m_joints[i]->SolvePositionConstraints(b2_contactBaumgarte);
- jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay;
- }
- if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay)
- {
- // Exit early if the position errors are small.
- break;
- }
- }
- Report(contactSolver.m_constraints);
- if (allowSleep)
- {
- float32 minSleepTime = b2_maxFloat;
- const float32 linTolSqr = b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2_linearSleepTolerance;
- const float32 angTolSqr = b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2_angularSleepTolerance;
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
- {
- b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
- if (b->GetType() == b2_staticBody)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0)
- {
- b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
- minSleepTime = 0.0f;
- }
- if ((b->m_flags & b2Body::e_autoSleepFlag) == 0 ||
- b->m_angularVelocity * b->m_angularVelocity > angTolSqr ||
- b2Dot(b->m_linearVelocity, b->m_linearVelocity) > linTolSqr)
- {
- b->m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
- minSleepTime = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- b->m_sleepTime += step.dt;
- minSleepTime = b2Min(minSleepTime, b->m_sleepTime);
- }
- }
- if (minSleepTime >= b2_timeToSleep)
- {
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_bodyCount; ++i)
- {
- b2Body* b = m_bodies[i];
- b->SetAwake(false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void b2Island::Report(const b2ContactConstraint* constraints)
- {
- if (m_listener == NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- for (int32 i = 0; i < m_contactCount; ++i)
- {
- b2Contact* c = m_contacts[i];
- const b2ContactConstraint* cc = constraints + i;
- b2ContactImpulse impulse;
- for (int32 j = 0; j < cc->pointCount; ++j)
- {
- impulse.normalImpulses[j] = cc->points[j].normalImpulse;
- impulse.tangentImpulses[j] = cc->points[j].tangentImpulse;
- }
- m_listener->PostSolve(c, &impulse);
- }
- }