- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Erin Catto http://www.gphysics.com
- *
- * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
- * arising from the use of this software.
- * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
- * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- * appreciated but is not required.
- * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- * misrepresented as being the original software.
- * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
- */
- #include "b2BuoyancyController.h"
- #include "../b2Fixture.h"
- b2BuoyancyController::b2BuoyancyController(const b2BuoyancyControllerDef* def) : b2Controller(def)
- {
- normal = def->normal;
- offset = def->offset;
- density = def->density;
- velocity = def->velocity;
- linearDrag = def->linearDrag;
- angularDrag = def->angularDrag;
- useDensity = def->useDensity;
- useWorldGravity = def->useWorldGravity;
- gravity = def->gravity;
- }
- void b2BuoyancyController::Step(const b2TimeStep& step)
- {
- B2_NOT_USED(step);
- if(!m_bodyList)
- return;
- if(useWorldGravity)
- {
- gravity = m_world->GetGravity();
- }
- for(b2ControllerEdge *i=m_bodyList;i;i=i->nextBody)
- {
- b2Body* body = i->body;
- if(body->IsSleeping())
- {
- //Buoyancy force is just a function of position,
- //so unlike most forces, it is safe to ignore sleeping bodes
- continue;
- }
- b2Vec2 areac(0,0);
- b2Vec2 massc(0,0);
- float32 area = 0;
- float32 mass = 0;
- for(b2Fixture* shape=body->GetFixtureList();shape;shape=shape->GetNext())
- {
- b2Vec2 sc(0,0);
- float32 sarea = shape->ComputeSubmergedArea(normal, offset, &sc);
- area += sarea;
- areac.x += sarea * sc.x;
- areac.y += sarea * sc.y;
- float shapeDensity = 0;
- if(useDensity)
- {
- //TODO: Expose density publicly
- shapeDensity=shape->GetDensity();
- }
- else
- {
- shapeDensity = 1;
- }
- mass += sarea*shapeDensity;
- massc.x += sarea * sc.x * shapeDensity;
- massc.y += sarea * sc.y * shapeDensity;
- }
- areac.x/=area;
- areac.y/=area;
- b2Vec2 localCentroid = b2MulT(body->GetXForm(),areac);
- massc.x/=mass;
- massc.y/=mass;
- if(area<B2_FLT_EPSILON)
- continue;
- //Buoyancy
- b2Vec2 buoyancyForce = -density*area*gravity;
- body->ApplyForce(buoyancyForce,massc);
- //Linear drag
- b2Vec2 dragForce = body->GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(areac) - velocity;
- dragForce *= -linearDrag*area;
- body->ApplyForce(dragForce,areac);
- //Angular drag
- //TODO: Something that makes more physical sense?
- body->ApplyTorque(-body->GetInertia()/body->GetMass()*area*body->GetAngularVelocity()*angularDrag);
- }
- }
- void b2BuoyancyController::Draw(b2DebugDraw *debugDraw)
- {
- float32 r = 1000;
- b2Vec2 p1 = offset * normal + b2Cross(normal, r);
- b2Vec2 p2 = offset * normal - b2Cross(normal, r);
- b2Color color(0,0,0.8f);
- debugDraw->DrawSegment(p1, p2, color);
- }
- void b2BuoyancyController::Destroy(b2BlockAllocator* allocator)
- {
- allocator->Free(this, sizeof(b2BuoyancyController));
- }
- b2BuoyancyController* b2BuoyancyControllerDef::Create(b2BlockAllocator* allocator) const
- {
- void* mem = allocator->Allocate(sizeof(b2BuoyancyController));
- return new (mem) b2BuoyancyController(this);
- }