- /*
- Copyright (c) 2006 Henry Strickland & Ryan Seto
- 2007-2008 Tobias Weyand (modifications and extensions)
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
- the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
- and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- (* *)
- */
- #ifndef _FIXED_H_
- #define _FIXED_H_
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef TARGET_IS_NDS
- #include "nds.h"
- #endif
- #define FIXED_BP 16
- #define FIXED_MAX ((1<<(32-FIXED_BP-1))-1)
- #define FIXED_MIN (-(1<<(32-FIXED_BP-1)))
- #define FIXED_EPSILON (Fixed(0.00007f))
- #define G_1_DIV_PI 20861
- class Fixed {
- private:
- int g; // the guts
- const static int BP= FIXED_BP; // how many low bits are right of Binary Point
- const static int BP2= BP*2; // how many low bits are right of Binary Point
- const static int BPhalf= BP/2; // how many low bits are right of Binary Point
- double STEP(); // smallest step we can represent
- // for private construction via guts
- enum FixedRaw { RAW };
- Fixed(FixedRaw, int guts);
- public:
- Fixed();
- Fixed(const Fixed &a);
- Fixed(float a);
- Fixed(double a);
- Fixed(int a);
- Fixed(long a);
- Fixed& operator =(const Fixed a);
- Fixed& operator =(float a);
- Fixed& operator =(double a);
- Fixed& operator =(int a);
- Fixed& operator =(long a);
- operator float();
- operator double();
- operator int();
- operator long();
- operator unsigned short();
- operator float() const;
- Fixed operator +() const;
- Fixed operator -() const;
- Fixed operator +(const Fixed a) const;
- Fixed operator -(const Fixed a) const;
- #if 1
- // more acurate, using long long
- Fixed operator *(const Fixed a) const;
- #else
- // faster, but with only half as many bits right of binary point
- Fixed operator *(const Fixed a) const;
- #endif
- Fixed operator /(const Fixed a) const;
- Fixed operator *(unsigned short a) const;
- Fixed operator *(int a) const;
- Fixed operator +(float a) const;
- Fixed operator -(float a) const;
- Fixed operator *(float a) const;
- Fixed operator /(float a) const;
- Fixed operator +(double a) const;
- Fixed operator -(double a) const;
- Fixed operator *(double a) const;
- Fixed operator /(double a) const;
- Fixed operator >>(int a) const;
- Fixed operator <<(int a) const;
- Fixed& operator +=(Fixed a);
- Fixed& operator -=(Fixed a);
- Fixed& operator *=(Fixed a);
- Fixed& operator /=(Fixed a);
- Fixed& operator +=(int a);
- Fixed& operator -=(int a);
- Fixed& operator *=(int a);
- Fixed& operator /=(int a);
- Fixed& operator +=(long a);
- Fixed& operator -=(long a);
- Fixed& operator *=(long a);
- Fixed& operator /=(long a);
- Fixed& operator +=(float a);
- Fixed& operator -=(float a);
- Fixed& operator *=(float a);
- Fixed& operator /=(float a);
- Fixed& operator +=(double a);
- Fixed& operator -=(double a);
- Fixed& operator *=(double a);
- Fixed& operator /=(double a);
- bool operator ==(const Fixed a) const;
- bool operator !=(const Fixed a) const;
- bool operator <=(const Fixed a) const;
- bool operator >=(const Fixed a) const;
- bool operator <(const Fixed a) const;
- bool operator >(const Fixed a) const;
- bool operator ==(float a) const;
- bool operator !=(float a) const;
- bool operator <=(float a) const;
- bool operator >=(float a) const;
- bool operator <(float a) const;
- bool operator >(float a) const;
- bool operator ==(double a) const;
- bool operator !=(double a) const;
- bool operator <=(double a) const;
- bool operator >=(double a) const;
- bool operator <(double a) const;
- bool operator >(double a) const;
- bool operator >(int a) const;
- bool operator <(int a) const;
- bool operator >=(int a) const;
- bool operator <=(int a) const;
- Fixed abs();
- Fixed sqrt();
- #ifdef TARGET_IS_NDS
- Fixed cosf();
- Fixed sinf();
- Fixed tanf();
- #endif
- };
- //
- // Implementation
- //
- inline double Fixed::STEP() { return 1.0 / (1<<BP); } // smallest step we can represent
- // for private construction via guts
- inline Fixed::Fixed(FixedRaw, int guts) : g(guts) {}
- inline Fixed::Fixed() : g(0) {}
- inline Fixed::Fixed(const Fixed &a) : g( a.g ) {}
- inline Fixed::Fixed(float a) : g( int(a * (float)(1<<BP)) ) {}
- inline Fixed::Fixed(double a) : g( int(a * (double)(1<<BP) ) ) {}
- inline Fixed::Fixed(int a) : g( a << BP ) {}
- inline Fixed::Fixed(long a) : g( a << BP ) {}
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator =(const Fixed a) { g= a.g; return *this; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator =(float a) { g= Fixed(a).g; return *this; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator =(double a) { g= Fixed(a).g; return *this; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator =(int a) { g= Fixed(a).g; return *this; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator =(long a) { g= Fixed(a).g; return *this; }
- inline Fixed::operator float() { return g * (float)STEP(); }
- inline Fixed::operator double() { return g * (double)STEP(); }
- inline Fixed::operator int() { return g>>BP; }
- inline Fixed::operator long() { return g>>BP; }
- #pragma warning(disable: 4244) //HARDWIRE added pragma to prevent VS2005 compilation error
- inline Fixed::operator unsigned short() { return g>>BP; }
- inline Fixed::operator float() const { return g / (float)(1<<BP); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator +() const { return Fixed(RAW,g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator -() const { return Fixed(RAW,-g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator +(const Fixed a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g + a.g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator -(const Fixed a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g - a.g); }
- #if 1
- // more acurate, using long long
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(const Fixed a) const { return Fixed(RAW, (int)( ((long long)g * (long long)a.g ) >> BP)); }
- #elif 0
- // check for overflow and figure out where. Must specify -rdynamic in linker
- #include <execinfo.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <exception>
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(const Fixed a) const {
- long long x = ((long long)g * (long long)a.g );
- if(x > 0x7fffffffffffLL || x < -0x7fffffffffffLL) {
- printf("overflow");
- void *array[2];
- int nSize = backtrace(array, 2);
- char **symbols = backtrace_symbols(array, nSize);
- for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++) {
- printf(" %s", symbols[i]);
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- return Fixed(RAW, (int)(x>>BP));
- }
- #else
- // faster, but with only half as many bits right of binary point
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(const Fixed a) const { return Fixed(RAW, (g>>BPhalf) * (a.g>>BPhalf) ); }
- #endif
- #ifdef TARGET_IS_NDS
- // Division using the DS's maths coprocessor
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator /(const Fixed a) const
- {
- //printf("%d %dn", (long long)g << BP, a.g);
- return Fixed(RAW, int( div64((long long)g << BP, a.g) ) );
- }
- #else
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator /(const Fixed a) const
- {
- return Fixed(RAW, int( (((long long)g << BP2) / (long long)(a.g)) >> BP) );
- //return Fixed(RAW, int( (((long long)g << BP) / (long long)(a.g)) ) );
- }
- #endif
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(unsigned short a) const { return operator*(Fixed(a)); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(int a) const { return operator*(Fixed(a)); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator +(float a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g + Fixed(a).g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator -(float a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g - Fixed(a).g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(float a) const { return Fixed(RAW, (g>>BPhalf) * (Fixed(a).g>>BPhalf) ); }
- //inline Fixed Fixed::operator /(float a) const { return Fixed(RAW, int( (((long long)g << BP2) / (long long)(Fixed(a).g)) >> BP) ); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator /(float a) const { return operator/(Fixed(a)); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator +(double a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g + Fixed(a).g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator -(double a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g - Fixed(a).g); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator *(double a) const { return Fixed(RAW, (g>>BPhalf) * (Fixed(a).g>>BPhalf) ); }
- //inline Fixed Fixed::operator /(double a) const { return Fixed(RAW, int( (((long long)g << BP2) / (long long)(Fixed(a).g)) >> BP) ); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator /(double a) const { return operator/(Fixed(a)); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator >>(int a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g >> a); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::operator <<(int a) const { return Fixed(RAW, g << a); }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator +=(Fixed a) { return *this = *this + a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator -=(Fixed a) { return *this = *this - a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator *=(Fixed a) { return *this = *this * a; }
- //inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(Fixed a) { return *this = *this / a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(Fixed a) { return *this = operator/(a); }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator +=(int a) { return *this = *this + (Fixed)a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator -=(int a) { return *this = *this - (Fixed)a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator *=(int a) { return *this = *this * (Fixed)a; }
- //inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(int a) { return *this = *this / (Fixed)a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(int a) { return *this = operator/((Fixed)a); }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator +=(long a) { return *this = *this + (Fixed)a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator -=(long a) { return *this = *this - (Fixed)a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator *=(long a) { return *this = *this * (Fixed)a; }
- //inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(long a) { return *this = *this / (Fixed)a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(long a) { return *this = operator/((Fixed)a); }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator +=(float a) { return *this = *this + a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator -=(float a) { return *this = *this - a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator *=(float a) { return *this = *this * a; }
- //inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(float a) { return *this = *this / a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(float a) { return *this = operator/(a); }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator +=(double a) { return *this = *this + a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator -=(double a) { return *this = *this - a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator *=(double a) { return *this = *this * a; }
- //inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(double a) { return *this = *this / a; }
- inline Fixed& Fixed::operator /=(double a) { return *this = operator/(a); }
- inline Fixed operator +(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)+b; }
- inline Fixed operator -(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)-b; }
- inline Fixed operator *(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)*b; }
- inline Fixed operator /(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)/b; };
- inline Fixed operator +(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)+b; }
- inline Fixed operator -(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)-b; }
- inline Fixed operator *(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)*b; }
- inline Fixed operator /(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)/b; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator ==(const Fixed a) const { return g == a.g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator !=(const Fixed a) const { return g != a.g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <=(const Fixed a) const { return g <= a.g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >=(const Fixed a) const { return g >= a.g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <(const Fixed a) const { return g < a.g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >(const Fixed a) const { return g > a.g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator ==(float a) const { return g == Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator !=(float a) const { return g != Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <=(float a) const { return g <= Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >=(float a) const { return g >= Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <(float a) const { return g < Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >(float a) const { return g > Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator ==(double a) const { return g == Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator !=(double a) const { return g != Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <=(double a) const { return g <= Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >=(double a) const { return g >= Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <(double a) const { return g < Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >(double a) const { return g > Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >(int a) const { return g > Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator <(int a) const { return g < Fixed(a).g; }
- inline bool Fixed::operator >=(int a) const{ return g >= Fixed(a).g; };
- inline bool Fixed::operator <=(int a) const{ return g <= Fixed(a).g; };
- inline bool operator ==(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) == b; }
- inline bool operator !=(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) != b; }
- inline bool operator <=(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) <= b; }
- inline bool operator >=(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) >= b; }
- inline bool operator <(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) < b; }
- inline bool operator >(float a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) > b; }
- inline Fixed operator +(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)+b; }
- inline Fixed operator -(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)-b; }
- inline Fixed operator *(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)*b; }
- inline Fixed operator /(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a)/b; }
- inline bool operator ==(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) == b; }
- inline bool operator !=(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) != b; }
- inline bool operator <=(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) <= b; }
- inline bool operator >=(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) >= b; }
- inline bool operator <(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) < b; }
- inline bool operator >(double a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) > b; }
- inline bool operator ==(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) == b; }
- inline bool operator !=(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) != b; }
- inline bool operator <=(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) <= b; }
- inline bool operator >=(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) >= b; }
- inline bool operator <(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) < b; }
- inline bool operator >(int a, const Fixed b) { return Fixed(a) > b; }
- inline int& operator +=(int& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a + b; return a; }
- inline int& operator -=(int& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a - b; return a; }
- inline int& operator *=(int& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a * b; return a; }
- inline int& operator /=(int& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a / b; return a; }
- inline long& operator +=(long& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a + b; return a; }
- inline long& operator -=(long& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a - b; return a; }
- inline long& operator *=(long& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a * b; return a; }
- inline long& operator /=(long& a, const Fixed b) { a = (Fixed)a / b; return a; }
- inline float& operator +=(float& a, const Fixed b) { a = a + b; return a; }
- inline float& operator -=(float& a, const Fixed b) { a = a - b; return a; }
- inline float& operator *=(float& a, const Fixed b) { a = a * b; return a; }
- inline float& operator /=(float& a, const Fixed b) { a = a / b; return a; }
- inline double& operator +=(double& a, const Fixed b) { a = a + b; return a; }
- inline double& operator -=(double& a, const Fixed b) { a = a - b; return a; }
- inline double& operator *=(double& a, const Fixed b) { a = a * b; return a; }
- inline double& operator /=(double& a, const Fixed b) { a = a / b; return a; }
- inline Fixed Fixed::abs() { return (g>0) ? Fixed(RAW, g) : Fixed(RAW, -g); }
- inline Fixed abs(Fixed f) { return f.abs(); }
- //inline Fixed atan2(Fixed a, Fixed b) { return atan2f((float) a, (float) b); }
- inline Fixed atan2(Fixed y, Fixed x)
- {
- Fixed abs_y = y.abs() + FIXED_EPSILON; // avoid 0/0
- Fixed r, angle;
- if(x >= 0.0f) {
- r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
- angle = 3.1415926/4.0;
- } else {
- r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
- angle = 3.0*3.1415926/4.0;
- }
- angle += Fixed(0.1963) * (r * r * r) - Fixed(0.9817) * r;
- return (y < 0) ? -angle : angle;
- }
- static inline long nds_sqrt64(long long a)
- {
- SQRT_CR = SQRT_64;
- while(SQRT_CR & SQRT_BUSY);
- SQRT_PARAM64 = a;
- while(SQRT_CR & SQRT_BUSY);
- return SQRT_RESULT32;
- }
- static inline int32 div6464(int64 num, int64 den)
- {
- DIV_CR = DIV_64_64;
- while(DIV_CR & DIV_BUSY);
- DIV_NUMERATOR64 = num;
- while(DIV_CR & DIV_BUSY);
- return (DIV_RESULT32);
- }
- inline Fixed Fixed::sqrt()
- {
- return Fixed(RAW, nds_sqrt64(((long long)(g))<<BP));
- }
- #else
- inline Fixed Fixed::sqrt()
- {
- long long m, root = 0, left = (long long)g<<FIXED_BP;
- for ( m = (long long)1<<( (sizeof(long long)<<3) - 2); m; m >>= 2 )
- {
- if ( ( left & -m ) > root )
- left -= ( root += m ), root += m;
- root >>= 1;
- }
- return Fixed(RAW, root);
- }
- #endif
- inline Fixed sqrt(Fixed a) { return a.sqrt(); }
- inline Fixed sqrtf(Fixed a) { return a.sqrt(); }
- #endif
- #ifdef TARGET_IS_NDS
- // Use the libnds lookup tables for trigonometry functions
- inline Fixed Fixed::cosf() {
- int idx = (((long long)g*(long long)G_1_DIV_PI)>>24)%512;
- if(idx < 0)
- idx += 512;
- return Fixed(RAW, COS_bin[idx] << 4);
- }
- inline Fixed cosf(Fixed x) { return x.cosf(); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::sinf() {
- int idx = (((long long)g*(long long)G_1_DIV_PI)>>24)%512;
- if(idx < 0)
- idx += 512;
- return Fixed(RAW, SIN_bin[idx] << 4);
- }
- inline Fixed sinf(Fixed x) { return x.sinf(); }
- inline Fixed Fixed::tanf() {
- int idx = (((long long)g*(long long)G_1_DIV_PI)>>24)%512;
- if(idx < 0)
- idx += 512;
- return Fixed(RAW, TAN_bin[idx] << 4);
- }
- inline Fixed tanf(Fixed x) { return x.tanf(); }
- #endif