- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: Bullet.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "stdafx.h"
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CBullet()
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CBullet::CBullet()
- : C3DDisplayObject(OBJ_BULLET)
- {
- m_fExpireCountdown = 0.0f;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ~CBullet()
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CBullet::~CBullet(void)
- {
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: OneTimeSceneInit()
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CBullet::OneTimeSceneInit( CBulletParameter* pBulletParam, const D3DXVECTOR3& vStartPos,
- const D3DXMATRIX* pmOrientation, const D3DXVECTOR3& vVel )
- {
- m_pBulletParam = pBulletParam;
- m_pSource->m_vCMVel = vVel;
- m_fMass = pBulletParam->fMass;
- m_fLinearDragFactor = 0.1f;
- m_fExpireCountdown = pBulletParam->fExpireCountdown;
- m_bAutoLevel = false;
- m_bHover = false;
- m_bReallyGoodHover = false;
- m_bAffectByGravity = false;
- ZeroMemory( &m_mtrl, sizeof(D3DMATERIAL9) );
- m_mtrl.Diffuse.r = m_mtrl.Ambient.r = rnd(0);
- m_mtrl.Diffuse.g = m_mtrl.Ambient.g = rnd(0);
- m_mtrl.Diffuse.b = m_mtrl.Ambient.b = rnd(0);
- m_mtrl.Diffuse.a = m_mtrl.Ambient.a = 1.0f;
- return C3DDisplayObject::OneTimeSceneInit( 0, vStartPos, pmOrientation, pBulletParam->pModel );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: FrameMove()
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CBullet::FrameMove( const float fElapsedTime )
- {
- m_fExpireCountdown -= fElapsedTime;
- if( m_fExpireCountdown < 0.0f )
- m_bActive = false;
- return C3DDisplayObject::FrameMove( fElapsedTime );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetArtificialForces()
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CBullet::GetArtificialForces( const float fElapsedTime )
- {
- /*
- // Move the bullets
- CBullet2* pBullet = (CBullet2*)pObject;
- if( pBullet->bActive )
- {
- // Update the position and animation frame
- pBullet->vPos += pBullet->vVel * m_fElapsedTime;
- if( g_pTerrain )
- g_pTerrain->GetWorldFromUniversal( pBullet->vPos.x, pBullet->vPos.z, &pBullet->vPos.x, &pBullet->vPos.z );
- pBullet->fExpireCountdown -= m_fElapsedTime;
- }
- // TODO: kill bullet if it hits mountain (optional)
- if( g_pTerrain )
- {
- FLOAT fTerrianHeight = g_pTerrain->GetHeight( pObject->vPos.x, pObject->vPos.z );
- if( fTerrianHeight > pBullet->pBulletStyle->fFollowTerrianStartHeight )
- pBullet->vPos.y = fTerrianHeight + pBullet->pBulletStyle->fFollowTerrianOffset;
- else
- pBullet->vPos.y = pBullet->pBulletStyle->fMinHeight;
- }
- if( pBullet->pParticleSystem && g_Profile.bRenderParticles )
- {
- D3DXVECTOR3 vEmitterPostion = pBullet->vPos;
- // Update particle system
- pBullet->pParticleSystem->Update( m_fElapsedTime,
- pBullet->pBulletStyle->dwNumParticlesToEmit,
- pBullet->pBulletStyle->dwParticleColor,
- pBullet->pBulletStyle->dwParticleColorFade,
- pBullet->pBulletStyle->fEmitVel,
- vEmitterPostion, pBullet->bActive );
- }
- // Remove bullets when the expire countdown is done && particles gone
- if( pBullet->fExpireCountdown < 0.0 )
- pBullet->bActive = FALSE;
- if( !pBullet->bActive )
- {
- if( (pBullet->pParticleSystem && pBullet->pParticleSystem->GetNumActiveParticles() == 0) ||
- (pBullet->pParticleSystem == NULL) )
- {
- CDisplayObject2* pVictim = pObject;
- pObject = pObject->pPrev;
- DeleteFromList( pVictim );
- }
- }
- */
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: Render()
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CBullet::Render( const float fWrapOffsetX, const float fWrapOffsetZ, DWORD* pdwNumVerts )
- {
- float fX = m_pResult->m_vCMPos.x;
- float fY = m_pResult->m_vCMPos.y;
- float fZ = m_pResult->m_vCMPos.z;
- D3DXMATRIX matWorld;
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_AMBIENT, m_pBulletParam->dwAmbientLight );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 0, NULL );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetMaterial( &m_mtrl );
- D3DXMatrixTranslation( &matWorld, fX + fWrapOffsetX, fY, fZ + fWrapOffsetZ );
- D3DXMatrixMultiply( &matWorld, &m_pResult->m_mOrientation, &matWorld );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &matWorld );
- if( m_pBulletParam->pModel )
- m_pBulletParam->pModel->Render( pdwNumVerts );
- return S_OK;
- }