- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: terrainmesh.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #define RVALUE(rgb) ((BYTE)((rgb)>>16))
- #define GVALUE(rgb) ((BYTE)(((WORD)(rgb)) >> 8))
- #define BVALUE(rgb) ((BYTE)(rgb))
- extern CProfile g_Profile;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CTerrainMesh::CTerrainMesh( CTerrainEngine* pTerrainEngine )
- {
- g_pTerrainEngine = pTerrainEngine;
- m_pMesh = NULL;
- m_pMap = NULL;
- m_pTexture = NULL;
- m_dwNumFaces = 0;
- m_dwNumVerties = 0;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CTerrainMesh::~CTerrainMesh()
- {
- FinalCleanup();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::OneTimeSceneInit( CZoneStyleParameter* pLandStyle, const float fWorldOffsetX, const float fWorldOffsetZ, CTerrainMesh* pNorth, CTerrainMesh* pEast, CTerrainMesh* pNorthEast )
- {
- m_pLandStyle = pLandStyle;
- m_pMap = new CHeightMap( g_pTerrainEngine, fWorldOffsetX, fWorldOffsetZ );
- if( m_pMap == NULL )
- m_pNorth = pNorth;
- m_pEast = pEast;
- m_pNorthEast = pNorthEast;
- m_fWorldOffsetX = fWorldOffsetX;
- m_fWorldOffsetZ = fWorldOffsetZ;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::InitDeviceObjects( D3DFORMAT fmtTexture )
- {
- m_fmtTexture = fmtTexture;
- // Create height map using one of the following methods
- if( m_pLandStyle->HeightCreationType == HCT_FromFile )
- {
- TCHAR strFile[MAX_PATH];
- CMyApplication::FindMediaFileCch( strFile, MAX_PATH, m_pLandStyle->szHeightMap );
- if( FAILED( hr = m_pMap->CreateFromFile( strFile ) ) )
- {
- g_pApp->CleanupAndDisplayError( DONUTSERR_ARTLOADFAILED, m_pLandStyle->szHeightMap, strFile );
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateFromFile"), hr );;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_pMap->Create( ZONE_WIDTH, ZONE_HEIGHT );
- if( m_pLandStyle->HeightCreationType == HCT_CreateTest )
- {
- // m_pMap->CreateTestMap( 0.0f );
- // m_pMap->CreateSmallHills();
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FLOAT CTerrainMesh::TextureColorFactor( DWORD iTexture, float fValue )
- {
- float fHigh, fMid, fLow;
- fMid = m_pLandStyle->aLayerHeight[iTexture];
- if( iTexture==0 )
- fLow = -0.25f;
- else
- fLow = m_pLandStyle->aLayerHeight[iTexture-1];
- if( iTexture==m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers-1 )
- fHigh = 1.25f;
- else
- fHigh = m_pLandStyle->aLayerHeight[iTexture+1];
- if( fValue > fHigh || fValue < fLow )
- return 0.0f;
- float fPercent;
- if( fValue > fMid )
- fPercent = (fHigh - fValue) / (fHigh - fMid);
- else
- fPercent = (fValue - fLow) / (fMid - fLow);
- return fPercent;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BYTE CTerrainMesh::TextureAlpha( float fHeight, int nIndex )
- {
- int nTotalAlpha = 0;
- int nTotalAlpha2 = 0;
- float aFactor[MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES];
- float aFactor2[MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES];
- float fTotalFactor = 0.0f;
- DWORD i;
- ZeroMemory( aAlpha, sizeof(BYTE)*MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES );
- ZeroMemory( aAlpha2, sizeof(BYTE)*MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES );
- ZeroMemory( aFactor, sizeof(float)*MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES );
- ZeroMemory( aFactor2, sizeof(float)*MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES );
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- {
- aFactor[i] = TextureColorFactor( i, fHeight );
- fTotalFactor += aFactor[i];
- }
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- aFactor[i] /= fTotalFactor;
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- {
- aAlpha[i] = (BYTE) (aFactor[i] * (float)0xFF);
- nTotalAlpha += (int) aAlpha[i];
- }
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- {
- aFactor2[i] = (float)aAlpha[i] / (float)nTotalAlpha;
- aAlpha2[i] = (BYTE) ( aFactor2[i] * 0xFF + 0.5f );
- nTotalAlpha2 += aAlpha2[i];
- }
- int nReturn = (int) (aAlpha[nIndex] * m_pLandStyle->fLayerBlendFactor[nIndex] );
- if( nReturn > 0xFF )
- nReturn = 0xFF;
- return (BYTE) nReturn;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::RestoreDeviceObjects( HWND hWndMain )
- {
- int nWidth = ZONE_WIDTH+1;
- int nHeight = ZONE_HEIGHT+1;
- // Create texture using one of the following methods
- if( m_pLandStyle->TextureCreationType == TCT_FromFile )
- {
- // Read the texture from a file
- if( FAILED( hr = ReadTextureFromFile( nWidth, nHeight ) ) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("ReadTextureFromFile"), hr );
- }
- else if( m_pLandStyle->TextureCreationType == TCT_CreateTest )
- {
- if( FAILED( hr = CreateTestTexture( nWidth, nHeight ) ) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateTestTexture"), hr );
- }
- else if( m_pLandStyle->TextureCreationType == TCT_CreateFromHeight )
- {
- // Create the texture based on the height map
- if( FAILED( hr = CreateTextureFromHeight( nWidth, nHeight ) ) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateTextureFromHeight"), hr );
- }
- else if( m_pLandStyle->TextureCreationType == TCT_FromLayers )
- {
- if( g_Profile.bLoadFast )
- {
- if( FAILED( hr = CreateTestTexture( nWidth, nHeight ) ) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateTestTexture"), hr );
- }
- else
- {
- // Create the texture by layering a number of detail textures
- if( FAILED( hr = CreateTextureFromLayers( nWidth, nHeight ) ) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateTextureFromLayers"), hr );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MessageBox( hWndMain, "Unknown texture creation type", "Donuts 4", MB_OK );
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Create mesh from the height map
- CreateMeshFromHeightMap( nWidth, nHeight );
- if( m_pLandStyle->bSaveMedia )
- {
- SaveMeshToXFile();
- SaveTextureToFile();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateMeshFromHeightMap
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::CreateMeshFromHeightMap( int nWidth, int nHeight )
- {
- int nNumStrips = (nWidth-1);
- int nQuadsPerStrip = (nHeight-1);
- m_dwNumFaces = nNumStrips * nQuadsPerStrip * 2;
- m_dwNumVerties = nWidth * nHeight;
- hr = D3DXCreateMeshFVF( m_dwNumFaces, m_dwNumVerties, D3DXMESH_MANAGED, TERRIAN_FVF, g_pd3dDevice, &m_pMesh );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateMeshFVF"), hr );
- WORD* pIndexBuffer = NULL;
- hr = m_pMesh->LockIndexBuffer( 0, (void**) &pIndexBuffer );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockIndexBuffer"), hr );
- int iStrip, iQuad;
- int iRow, iCol;
- float iX, iZ;
- for( iStrip = 0; iStrip<nNumStrips; iStrip++ )
- {
- WORD nCurRow1 = (iStrip+0)*nHeight;
- WORD nCurRow2 = (iStrip+1)*nHeight;
- for( iQuad = 0; iQuad<nQuadsPerStrip; iQuad++ )
- {
- // first tri
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow1 + 1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow2;
- // second tri
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow1 + 1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow2 + 1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow2;
- nCurRow1++;
- nCurRow2++;
- }
- }
- hr = m_pMesh->UnlockIndexBuffer();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockIndexBuffer"), hr );
- TERRIANVERTEX* pVertexBuffer = NULL;
- hr = m_pMesh->LockVertexBuffer( 0, (void**) &pVertexBuffer );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockVertexBuffer"), hr );
- float fSizeQuadX = 1.0f;
- float fSizeQuadZ = 1.0f;
- FLOAT fTexelSizeU;
- FLOAT fTexelSizeV;
- if( m_pTexture )
- {
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- fTexelSizeU = 1.0f/surfDesc.Width;
- fTexelSizeV = 1.0f/surfDesc.Height;
- }
- else
- {
- fTexelSizeU = 1.0f/256.0f;
- fTexelSizeV = 1.0f/256.0f;
- }
- iX = m_fWorldOffsetX;
- for( iCol = 0; iCol<nWidth; iCol++ )
- {
- iZ = m_fWorldOffsetZ;
- for( iRow = 0; iRow<nHeight; iRow++ )
- {
- // Add a nudge factor if we're along the edges to
- // cover any minuate cracks in between the meshs
- FLOAT fNudgeX = 0.0f;
- FLOAT fNudgeZ = 0.0f;
- if( iRow==0 )
- fNudgeZ = -0.01f;
- if( iRow==nHeight-1 )
- fNudgeZ = 0.01f;
- if( iCol==0 )
- fNudgeX = -0.01f;
- if( iCol==nWidth-1 )
- fNudgeX = 0.01f;
- // Ask the terrain engine what the height is at this point
- pVertexBuffer->p = D3DXVECTOR3( fNudgeX+iX-m_fWorldOffsetX,
- g_pTerrainEngine->GetHeight( iX, iZ ),
- fNudgeZ+iZ-m_fWorldOffsetZ );
- // Compute the normal by hand
- D3DXVECTOR3 vPt = D3DXVECTOR3( iX, g_pTerrain->GetHeight( iX, iZ ), iZ );
- D3DXVECTOR3 vN = D3DXVECTOR3( iX, g_pTerrain->GetHeight( iX+0.0f, iZ+1.0f ), iZ+1.0f );
- D3DXVECTOR3 vE = D3DXVECTOR3( iX+1.0f, g_pTerrain->GetHeight( iX+1.0f, iZ+0.0f ), iZ );
- D3DXVECTOR3 v1 = vN - vPt;
- D3DXVECTOR3 v2 = vE - vPt;
- D3DXVec3Cross( &vecN, &v1, &v2 );
- D3DXVec3Normalize(&vecN, &vecN);
- pVertexBuffer->n = vecN;
- // Set the texture coords from (0.0f + 0.5*texel) to (1.0f - 0.5*texel)
- // to get perfect texel mapping on the mesh
- pVertexBuffer->tu = ( (float) iCol / (float) (nWidth-1) ) * (1.0f-fTexelSizeU) + 0.5f*fTexelSizeU;
- pVertexBuffer->tv = ( (float) iRow / (float) (nHeight-1) ) * (1.0f-fTexelSizeV) + 0.5f*fTexelSizeV;
- pVertexBuffer++;
- iZ += fSizeQuadZ;
- }
- iX += fSizeQuadX;
- }
- hr = m_pMesh->UnlockVertexBuffer();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockVertexBuffer"), hr );
- BOOL bGenAdj = g_Profile.bOptimizeMesh || g_Profile.bCompactMesh || g_Profile.bSimplifyMesh;
- BOOL bOptimize = g_Profile.bOptimizeMesh && bGenAdj;
- BOOL bCompact = g_Profile.bCompactMesh && bOptimize;
- BOOL bSimplifyMesh = g_Profile.bSimplifyMesh && bGenAdj;
- DWORD* pdwAdjaceny = NULL;
- if( bGenAdj )
- {
- pdwAdjaceny = new DWORD[ 3 * m_pMesh->GetNumFaces() ];
- if( pdwAdjaceny == NULL )
- hr = m_pMesh->GenerateAdjacency( 0.01f, pdwAdjaceny );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("GenerateAdjacency"), hr );
- }
- if( bOptimize )
- {
- DWORD* pdwAdjacenyOut = NULL;
- if( bGenAdj )
- {
- pdwAdjacenyOut = new DWORD[ 3 * m_pMesh->GetNumFaces() ];
- if( pdwAdjacenyOut == NULL )
- }
- if( bCompact )
- hr = m_pMesh->OptimizeInplace( dwFlags, pdwAdjaceny, pdwAdjacenyOut, NULL, NULL );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXSimplifyMesh"), hr );
- if( bGenAdj )
- {
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pdwAdjaceny );
- pdwAdjaceny = pdwAdjacenyOut;
- }
- }
- if( bGenAdj )
- {
- if( bSimplifyMesh )
- {
- ID3DXMesh* pMesh;
- ZeroMemory( &d3daw, sizeof(D3DXATTRIBUTEWEIGHTS) );
- d3daw.Position = 1.0f;
- d3daw.Boundary = 10000.0f;
- d3daw.Normal = 1.0f;
- hr = D3DXSimplifyMesh( m_pMesh, pdwAdjaceny, &d3daw, NULL, (DWORD)(m_dwNumFaces*g_Profile.fSimplifyMeshFactor), D3DXMESHSIMP_FACE, &pMesh );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXSimplifyMesh"), hr );
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMesh );
- m_pMesh = pMesh;
- }
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pdwAdjaceny );
- }
- assert( m_pMesh != NULL );
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::CorrectTextureEdge()
- {
- if( NULL == m_pTexture )
- return S_OK;
- DWORD dwLevelCount = m_pTexture->GetLevelCount();
- for( DWORD iLevel=0; iLevel<dwLevelCount; iLevel++ )
- {
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( iLevel, &surfDesc );
- D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect;
- hr = m_pTexture->LockRect( iLevel, &LockedRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return S_OK; // can't lock texture if its a rendertarget
- // return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockRect"), hr );
- switch( surfDesc.Format )
- {
- case D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8:
- case D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8:
- {
- DWORD* pBits;
- for( DWORD iTexelZ=0; iTexelZ<surfDesc.Height; iTexelZ++ )
- {
- FLOAT fMapZ = (float) iTexelZ / ( (float)surfDesc.Height / (float)m_pMap->m_nZSize );
- pBits = (DWORD*) ((BYTE*)LockedRect.pBits + LockedRect.Pitch*iTexelZ);
- pBits += (surfDesc.Width-1);
- *pBits = g_pTerrainEngine->GetTexelColor( iLevel,
- m_fWorldOffsetX + m_pMap->m_fXSize,
- m_fWorldOffsetZ + fMapZ );
- }
- pBits = (DWORD*) ((BYTE*)LockedRect.pBits + LockedRect.Pitch*(surfDesc.Height-1));
- for( DWORD iTexelX=0; iTexelX<surfDesc.Width; iTexelX++ )
- {
- FLOAT fMapX = (float) iTexelX / ( (float)surfDesc.Width / (float)m_pMap->m_nXSize );
- *pBits = g_pTerrainEngine->GetTexelColor( iLevel,
- m_fWorldOffsetX + fMapX,
- m_fWorldOffsetZ + m_pMap->m_fZSize );
- pBits++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- hr = m_pTexture->UnlockRect( iLevel );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockRect"), hr );
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::GenerateMipMaps()
- {
- if( g_Profile.bGenerateMipMaps )
- {
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0,
- m_fmtTexture, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceSrc = NULL;
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceDest = NULL;
- pTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurfaceDest );
- m_pTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurfaceSrc );
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface( pSurfaceDest, NULL, NULL,
- pSurfaceSrc, NULL, NULL,
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface"), hr );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurfaceDest );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurfaceSrc );
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pTexture );
- m_pTexture = pTexture;
- pTexture = NULL;
- hr = D3DXFilterTexture( m_pTexture, NULL, 0, D3DX_FILTER_BOX );
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::CreateTestTexture( int nWidth, int nHeight )
- {
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, nWidth, nHeight, 1, 0,
- D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &m_pTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect;
- hr = m_pTexture->LockRect( 0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockRect"), hr );
- DWORD* pBits;
- for( DWORD iTexelZ=0; iTexelZ<surfDesc.Height; iTexelZ++ )
- {
- pBits = (DWORD*) ((BYTE*)LockedRect.pBits + LockedRect.Pitch*iTexelZ);
- for( DWORD iTexelX=0; iTexelX<surfDesc.Width; iTexelX++ )
- {
- *pBits = 0xFF00FF00;
- pBits++;
- }
- }
- hr = m_pTexture->UnlockRect( 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockRect"), hr );
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::ReadTextureFromFile( int nWidth, int nHeight )
- {
- D3DXIMAGE_INFO d3dxImageInfo;
- D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile( m_pLandStyle->szTextureMap, &d3dxImageInfo );
- // Create a texture w/ a format supported by the video card
- TCHAR strFile[MAX_PATH];
- CMyApplication::FindMediaFileCch( strFile, MAX_PATH, m_pLandStyle->szTextureMap );
- hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx( g_pd3dDevice, strFile,
- m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, 1, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR,
- D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR, 0, NULL, NULL, &m_pTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- g_pApp->CleanupAndDisplayError( DONUTSERR_ARTLOADFAILED, m_pLandStyle->szTextureMap, strFile );
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateTextureFromLayers()
- // Desc: This function takes a list of texture files and tiles them. It does a
- // multipass alpha blend into a final m_pTexture. The alpha layers are
- // created for each texture based on the height of the mesh.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::CreateTextureFromLayers( int nWidth, int nHeight )
- {
- DWORD iTexture;
- ZeroMemory( pAlphaTex, sizeof(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9)*MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURES );
- DWORD i;
- // For each src texture, read the texture from a file and create an alpha mask for it
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- {
- // Read source texture from file.
- TCHAR strFile[MAX_PATH];
- CMyApplication::FindMediaFileCch( strFile, MAX_PATH, m_pLandStyle->aLayerTexture[i] );
- hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx( g_pd3dDevice, strFile,
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- g_pApp->CleanupAndDisplayError( DONUTSERR_ARTLOADFAILED, m_pLandStyle->aLayerTexture[i], strFile );
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx"), hr );
- }
- // Create alpha mask for each source texture.
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, nWidth, nHeight,
- &pAlphaTex[i] );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- }
- // Get the backbuffer format
- D3DSURFACE_DESC d3dsdBackBuffer; // Surface desc of the backbuffer
- g_pd3dDevice->GetBackBuffer( 0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &pBackBuffer );
- pBackBuffer->GetDesc( &d3dsdBackBuffer );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pBackBuffer );
- // Create a render target texture if possible
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize,
- D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &m_pTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- // Fallback to a normal texture with the same format as the backbuffer
- // normally a RENDERTARGET surface can be created using the backbuffer format
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, m_pLandStyle->dwTextureSize, 1, 0,
- D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &m_pTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- }
- // Create a ID3DXRenderToSurface using the same height/width/format as the
- // texture that we're are going to use with this ID3DXRenderToSurface
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- ID3DXRenderToSurface* pRenderToSurface = NULL;
- hr = D3DXCreateRenderToSurface( g_pd3dDevice, surfDesc.Width, surfDesc.Height, surfDesc.Format,
- FALSE, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, &pRenderToSurface );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateRenderToSurface"), hr );
- // Compute the alpha mask for each layer
- for( iTexture=0; iTexture<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; iTexture++ )
- {
- hr = pAlphaTex[iTexture]->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("GetLevelDesc"), hr );
- assert( surfDesc.Format == D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 );
- D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect;
- hr = pAlphaTex[iTexture]->LockRect( 0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockRect"), hr );
- DWORD* pBits;
- for( DWORD iTexelZ=0; iTexelZ<surfDesc.Height; iTexelZ++ )
- {
- pBits = (DWORD*) ((BYTE*)LockedRect.pBits + LockedRect.Pitch*iTexelZ);
- for( DWORD iTexelX=0; iTexelX<surfDesc.Width; iTexelX++ )
- {
- FLOAT fHeight;
- BYTE nAlpha;
- // The final mesh texture
- float iMapX = ( (float) iTexelX / (float) surfDesc.Width ) * m_pMap->m_fXSize;
- float iMapZ = ( (float) iTexelZ / (float) surfDesc.Height ) * m_pMap->m_fZSize;
- // Get the height of the mesh at this point
- fHeight = g_pTerrainEngine->GetHeight( iMapX + m_fWorldOffsetX, iMapZ + m_fWorldOffsetZ );
- fHeight /= MAX_HEIGHT_OF_MAP;
- // The TextureAlpha() function will return the alpha for this
- // mask. It also assures that the sum of the alpha mask at each point
- // adds up to 0xFF.
- nAlpha = TextureAlpha( fHeight, iTexture );
- *pBits = (nAlpha << 24);
- pBits++;
- }
- }
- hr = pAlphaTex[iTexture]->UnlockRect( 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockRect"), hr );
- }
- // Create a RHW quad to render all the layers into. The render target
- // will be the final texture, m_pTexture.
- int nMeshWidth = 16;
- int nMeshHeight = 16;
- int nNumStrips = (nMeshWidth-1);
- int nQuadsPerStrip = (nMeshHeight-1);
- DWORD dwNumFaces = nNumStrips * nQuadsPerStrip * 2;
- DWORD dwNumVerties = nMeshWidth * nMeshHeight;
- hr = g_pd3dDevice->CreateIndexBuffer( dwNumFaces * 3 * sizeof(WORD),
- &pIB, NULL );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateIndexBuffer"), hr );
- hr = g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( dwNumVerties * sizeof(RHW_VERTEX),
- &pVB, NULL );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("CreateVertexBuffer"), hr );
- WORD* pIndexBuffer = NULL;
- hr = pIB->Lock( 0, 0, (void**) &pIndexBuffer, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockIndexBuffer"), hr );
- int iStrip, iQuad;
- int iRow, iCol;
- float iX, iY;
- for( iStrip = 0; iStrip<nNumStrips; iStrip++ )
- {
- WORD nCurRow1 = (iStrip+0)*nMeshHeight;
- WORD nCurRow2 = (iStrip+1)*nMeshHeight;
- for( iQuad = 0; iQuad<nQuadsPerStrip; iQuad++ )
- {
- // first tri
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow1 + 1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow2;
- // second tri
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow1 + 1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow2 + 1;
- *pIndexBuffer++ = nCurRow2;
- nCurRow1++;
- nCurRow2++;
- }
- }
- hr = pIB->Unlock();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockIndexBuffer"), hr );
- // Setup the viewport for the ID3DXRenderToSurface. Make the viewport the
- // same size as the surface that will be the target.
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- vp.Width = surfDesc.Width;
- vp.Height = surfDesc.Height;
- vp.MinZ = 0;
- vp.MaxZ = 1.0f;
- vp.X = 0;
- vp.Y = 0;
- // Render to the surface of m_pTexture. Use the ID3DXRenderToSurface
- // to render surface, even if the surface isn't a render target. Some
- // video cards don't support textures as render targets.
- IDirect3DSurface9* pRenderSurface = NULL;
- m_pTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pRenderSurface );
- pRenderToSurface->BeginScene( pRenderSurface, &vp );
- g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0xFF000000, 1.0f, 0L );
- D3DMATERIAL9 mtrl;
- ZeroMemory( &mtrl, sizeof(D3DMATERIAL9) );
- mtrl.Diffuse.r = mtrl.Ambient.r = 1.0f;
- mtrl.Diffuse.g = mtrl.Ambient.g = 1.0f;
- mtrl.Diffuse.b = mtrl.Ambient.b = 1.0f;
- mtrl.Diffuse.a = mtrl.Ambient.a = 1.0f;
- hr = g_pd3dDevice->SetMaterial( &mtrl );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR );
- hr = g_pd3dDevice->SetFVF( RHW_FVF );
- hr = g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, pVB, 0, sizeof(RHW_VERTEX) );
- hr = g_pd3dDevice->SetIndices( pIB );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ONE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR, 0 );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_BLENDCURRENTALPHA );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_TFACTOR );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_CURRENT );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 2, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE );
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- {
- RHW_VERTEX* pVertexBuffer = NULL;
- hr = pVB->Lock( 0, 0, (void**) &pVertexBuffer, D3DLOCK_DISCARD );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockVertexBuffer"), hr );
- float fSizeQuadX = 1.0f;
- float fSizeQuadY = 1.0f;
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- iX = 0.0f;
- for( iCol = 0; iCol<nMeshWidth; iCol++ )
- {
- iY = 0.0f;
- for( iRow = 0; iRow<nMeshHeight; iRow++ )
- {
- // The first texture is the alpha mask.
- float tu1 = (float) iRow / (float) (nMeshWidth-1);
- float tv1 = (float) iCol / (float) (nMeshHeight-1);
- // The second texture is the source texture, and it's tiled.
- // Also add a small amount of random variation to the tiling.
- float tu2 = (float) iRow / (float) (nMeshWidth-1) * m_pLandStyle->aLayerTile[i] + ((float)(rand() % 100)/100.0f-0.50f)*m_pLandStyle->aLayerRandomness[i];
- float tv2 = (float) iCol / (float) (nMeshHeight-1) * m_pLandStyle->aLayerTile[i] + ((float)(rand() % 100)/100.0f-0.50f)*m_pLandStyle->aLayerRandomness[i];
- pVertexBuffer->p = D3DXVECTOR4( tu1*surfDesc.Width, tv1*surfDesc.Height, 0.0f, 1.0f );
- pVertexBuffer->tu1 = tu1;
- pVertexBuffer->tv1 = tv1;
- pVertexBuffer->tu2 = tu2;
- pVertexBuffer->tv2 = tv2;
- pVertexBuffer++;
- iY += fSizeQuadY;
- }
- iX += fSizeQuadX;
- }
- hr = pVB->Unlock();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockVertexBuffer"), hr );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetStreamSource( 0, pVB, 0, sizeof(RHW_VERTEX) );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 0, pAlphaTex[i] );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 1, pSrcTex[i] );
- g_pd3dDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, dwNumVerties, 0, dwNumFaces );
- }
- hr = pRenderToSurface->EndScene( D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pRenderSurface );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pRenderToSurface );
- for( i=0; i<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; i++ )
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSrcTex[i] );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pAlphaTex[i] );
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::CreateTextureFromHeight( int nWidth, int nHeight )
- {
- // Create a D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 texture. use D3DPOOL_SCRATCH to create this texture
- // even if the video card doesn't support it.
- LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pScratchTexture = NULL;
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, nWidth*2, nHeight*2, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SCRATCH, &pScratchTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- hr = pScratchTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &surfDesc );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("GetLevelDesc"), hr );
- assert( surfDesc.Format == D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 );
- D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect;
- hr = pScratchTexture->LockRect( 0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockRect"), hr );
- DWORD* pBits;
- for( DWORD iTexelZ=0; iTexelZ<surfDesc.Height; iTexelZ++ )
- {
- pBits = (DWORD*) ((BYTE*)LockedRect.pBits + LockedRect.Pitch*iTexelZ);
- for( DWORD iTexelX=0; iTexelX<surfDesc.Width; iTexelX++ )
- {
- FLOAT fHeight;
- fHeight = g_pTerrainEngine->GetHeight( iTexelX/2.0f + m_fWorldOffsetX, iTexelZ/2.0f + m_fWorldOffsetZ );
- fHeight /= MAX_HEIGHT_OF_MAP;
- float aClrFactor[10];
- DWORD iColor;
- for( iColor=0; iColor<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; iColor++ )
- {
- float fHigh, fLow;
- if( iColor==0 )
- fLow = -0.25f;
- else
- fLow = m_pLandStyle->aLayerHeight[iColor-1];
- if( iColor==m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers-1 )
- fHigh = 1.25f;
- else
- fHigh = m_pLandStyle->aLayerHeight[iColor+1];
- aClrFactor[iColor] = TextureColorFactor( iColor, fHeight );
- }
- FLOAT fRed = 0.0f;
- FLOAT fGreen = 0.0f;
- FLOAT fBlue = 0.0f;
- for( iColor=0; iColor<m_pLandStyle->dwNumLayers; iColor++ )
- {
- fRed += aClrFactor[iColor]*(float)RVALUE(m_pLandStyle->aLayerColor[iColor]);
- fGreen += aClrFactor[iColor]*(float)GVALUE(m_pLandStyle->aLayerColor[iColor]);
- fBlue += aClrFactor[iColor]*(float)BVALUE(m_pLandStyle->aLayerColor[iColor]);
- }
- DWORD nRed = (DWORD) fRed;
- DWORD nGreen = (DWORD) fGreen;
- DWORD nBlue = (DWORD) fBlue;
- if( nRed > 0xFF )
- nRed = 0xFF;
- if( nGreen > 0xFF )
- nGreen = 0xFF;
- if( nBlue > 0xFF )
- nBlue = 0xFF;
- *pBits = (0xFF << 24) + (nRed << 16) + (nGreen << 8) + (nBlue << 0);
- pBits++;
- }
- }
- hr = pScratchTexture->UnlockRect( 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockRect"), hr );
- // Create a texture w/ a format supported by the video card
- hr = D3DXCreateTexture( g_pd3dDevice, nWidth*2, nHeight*2, 1, 0, m_fmtTexture, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &m_pTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXCreateTexture"), hr );
- // Use d3dx to convert from the scratch texture to a card supported texture format
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceSrc = NULL;
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceDest = NULL;
- m_pTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurfaceDest );
- pScratchTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurfaceSrc );
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface( pSurfaceDest, NULL, NULL, pSurfaceSrc, NULL, NULL, D3DX_FILTER_POINT, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface"), hr );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurfaceDest );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurfaceSrc );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pScratchTexture );
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::FrameMove( const float fElapsedTime )
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::RenderFrame( float fWrapOffsetX, float fWrapOffsetZ, DWORD* pdwNumVerts )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- assert( m_pMesh != NULL );
- // Setup a material
- D3DMATERIAL9 mtrl;
- ZeroMemory( &mtrl, sizeof(D3DMATERIAL9) );
- mtrl.Diffuse.r = mtrl.Ambient.r = 1.0f;
- mtrl.Diffuse.g = mtrl.Ambient.g = 1.0f;
- mtrl.Diffuse.b = mtrl.Ambient.b = 1.0f;
- mtrl.Diffuse.a = mtrl.Ambient.a = 1.0f;
- g_pd3dDevice->SetMaterial( &mtrl );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( 0, m_pTexture );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetSamplerState( 0, D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER, D3DTEXF_POINT);
- D3DXMatrixTranslation( &m_matWorld, fWrapOffsetX + m_fWorldOffsetX, 0.0f, fWrapOffsetZ + m_fWorldOffsetZ );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_WORLD, &m_matWorld );
- if( pdwNumVerts )
- *pdwNumVerts = m_pMesh->GetNumFaces();
- if( g_Profile.bRenderGround )
- {
- hr = m_pMesh->DrawSubset( 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("DrawSubset"), hr );
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::InvalidateDeviceObjects()
- {
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMesh );
- SAFE_RELEASE( m_pTexture );
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::DeleteDeviceObjects()
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CTerrainMesh::FinalCleanup()
- {
- SAFE_DELETE( m_pMap );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD CTerrainMesh::GetTexelColor( DWORD iLevel, float x, float z )
- {
- DWORD dwResult = 0;
- hr = m_pTexture->GetLevelDesc( iLevel, &surfDesc );
- x -= m_fWorldOffsetX;
- z -= m_fWorldOffsetZ;
- DWORD dwTexelX = (DWORD) ( x * (surfDesc.Width / m_pMap->m_fXSize) );
- DWORD dwTexelZ = (DWORD) ( z * (surfDesc.Height / m_pMap->m_fZSize) );
- D3DLOCKED_RECT LockedRect;
- hr = m_pTexture->LockRect( iLevel, &LockedRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("LockRect"), hr );
- switch( surfDesc.Format )
- {
- case D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8:
- case D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8:
- {
- DWORD* pBits = (DWORD*) ((BYTE*)LockedRect.pBits + LockedRect.Pitch*dwTexelZ);
- pBits += dwTexelX;
- dwResult = *pBits;
- break;
- }
- }
- hr = m_pTexture->UnlockRect( iLevel );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("UnlockRect"), hr );
- return dwResult;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::SaveMeshToXFile()
- {
- /*
- TCHAR strFileName[MAX_PATH];
- lstrcpy( strFileName, m_pLandStyle->szHeightMap );
- strFileName[lstrlen(strFileName)-4] = 0;
- lstrcat( strFileName, TEXT("-save.x") );
- DWORD* pdwAdjaceny = NULL;
- pdwAdjaceny = new DWORD[ 3 * m_pMesh->GetNumFaces() ];
- if( pdwAdjaceny == NULL )
- hr = m_pMesh->GenerateAdjacency( 0.01f, pdwAdjaceny );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("GenerateAdjacency"), hr );
- hr = D3DXSaveMeshToX( strFileName, m_pMesh, pdwAdjaceny, NULL, 0, DXFILEFORMAT_TEXT );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXSaveMeshToX"), hr );
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pdwAdjaceny );
- */
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name:
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainMesh::SaveTextureToFile()
- {
- TCHAR strFileName[MAX_PATH];
- lstrcpy( strFileName, m_pLandStyle->szHeightMap );
- strFileName[lstrlen(strFileName)-4] = 0;
- lstrcat( strFileName, TEXT("-save.bmp") );
- hr = D3DXSaveTextureToFile( strFileName, D3DXIFF_BMP, m_pTexture, NULL );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("D3DXSaveTextureToFile"), hr );
- return S_OK;
- }