- History of Space Donuts
- "Donut"
- - A sample showing a single spinning donut.
- - Shipped in the Game SDK (9/95) until DXSDK v6.1 (10/98)
- "Space Donuts" (aka "donuts")
- - Using the graphics from "Donut", this was a 2D game feature multiple spinning donuts.
- - Shipped in DXSDK v2.0 (7/96) until DXSDK v7.0 (9/99)
- "ffdonuts"
- - Similar to "donuts" this version featured force feedback joystick support.
- - Shipped in DXSDK v5.0 (7/96) until DXSDK v7.0 (9/99)
- "DMDonuts"
- - Similar to "donuts" this version featured enchanced DirectMusic support.
- - Shipped in DXSDK v6.0 (6/98) until DXSDK v7.0 (9/99)
- "MultiNut"
- - Similar to "donuts" this version featured multimon support.
- - Shipped in DXSDK v6.0 (6/98) until DXSDK v6.1 (10/98)
- "Donuts3D"
- - A fully 3D game but the enemies were still the original graphics from "Donut"
- - Shipped in DXSDK v8.0 (9/00) until DXSDK v8.1 (10/01)
- "GDC Donuts3D"
- - A version prepared for GDC, similar to Donuts 3D that featured a rich musical score
- - Shipped on GDC demo CDs.
- "Donuts 4"
- - A 3D game featuring all new artwork
- - Shipped in DXSDK v9.0